HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 3TIE
bweee or repaired.
All order. proaspW wooded to 0o leaving
them at THE SIGNAL. thiskinak.
A. E. TAYLOR. rrr*Arso
AbuliAN M. E IBI RTIS, 01V1L
V end Hydraulic Raglarror. Ostaato 'Land
!mor-McLrw Hock. Gorlovka. comer
ymtreel scram Tdephcae 1t7.
11 Peyd.iinis and u�er�ep.a.ss,, ores -sesta
.reit next dtsaat Grim
dads Terraria. ALS.X. TAY Wit ]L a
DR. W. F. HALLOW, M. 8.
o.os and rosidamo. Naethreihn 4tederiah.
.meth et teams IlaRbtrs eras. warmer 12.
PR. F. J. R. FORBTasgl�8-8Y$ EAR
YeaOpbwart wed threat li:wls ani AUM 11
:o tiam. tiers
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Lmdas. loaned. Ossa N
etratJme, oppadte Inez
to 12 a. m.. Y tae a re. T to $ am. 1' ------
1 AN. barnwes, weemee.. aetaA4.
Wim. eel the M.flU * eK tartmlm
• Sest aide
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WILMK C., Y.'C. HAY 1. 1W.
if 0. CAMERON. L0.., BARRIE-
der term
niA.RYaees to Itereertsod at S 4110'' tiers
a00c*lor. essaminiee.e. ,staff pubi1c
ms',. Hamutoa etr*et OS40.'I ra Pat.
wet 8 U R A N C s C O.-ts harand /witted
propeors-.11B !!clove. Prim. eeolo th P.O.:
1J�,m� 17,, hays.V ilareP ea, Ooderlb
Bisect . - W m �-Ti a.. 6eaterth P. Q
O. ire Winthrop nsdoet ; Jahn
WWroesRion. CO21 s�
John be,.neweLt analogy. • James 1•vo.s,
Neeobwood ; Joke Wan, Hasler* ; Malcolm
Mc teen. entosasid.
Agate : J. W. Yeo, iiele.esv111s : R. Smith.
Radom ; Jr. Cagiade's. l bd•dvW. ;
l•r, tieatatn. IwsiefibebOars PIhr
••,.00.001. Mea dot Omit earns t'.eetpted at
t J. kernels'' ClothinJ tatao. or at
H. tote Ow,try, sweeten .rem. oesettek.
$20.000 ATE FUND* TO
Y iso . t-redo.Hamilton street Ooderesb.
Fiat ten Laos arena : British, Canadian sad
rebore setesim AND * WY0hs' Wane
ger : 1 b. por.. £ 40* sed fes
i'coeu H Lts&WT 11 A•seism}T1 U.D.
toMoe et L � jy sfeelFidelity end o'Phea. Ie-
JseeOHN W. awe's, LIFR, FIRE
nova& mil stem
Isease,* w lair ..i at lowest ren
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.. "amuse" swim eat &mare
rete •brae as' CAAfOIL Osisrtoh Oat.
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mum W *ASSUME 1JC=A'8>til.
117 L•xs. we. Boom. het 0/1,;RABBI-
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Assrsl Caress Held II�M at Mile s4
istTsui ninth manual :ronienn,tttoo oA,hti
y sobook of Nile cirtAlit wasbeld
int Mia Methodist chervil on Monday
Let. Tierce were two• sesatoda, atter-
and evening. The attendance
was se large es it wjtht have been
with favorable wwtber, but troth
bete. aid ibere .000v ery Interesting
w oho.
of tb beer ever held there. Outs of the
outstanding haters. of the cunvee-
ties was the pesseace of Rev. J. K.
Curtis. the Held secretary from the
Maritime Pr ovint.e. HI. addresses
were forceful and inspiring.
Arrgg,00ri Snasiort.
The opening exercises were oee-
Jueted by the provident, R. Mellwaln.
An address to the boys and !�tios�lles
was given by Rev.J. L Curt js, of Neer.
Br'ueewick. The speaker endeavored
by stories ot atitul bravery rod cour-
age of men and wOMNI to ,bow the
result of sacritce. The story of
Zii cbaeas was told is each a manner
that the boys and girls were led to see
the necessity for reparation to be made
before turglveuers cars be secured. A
Mory was Loki of a k e
in an elevated postilion beard the fol-
lowing remarks fano three groups of
1. We have been brave.
A. We are brave.
S. )We will be brave.
This was applied to the past resent
and future of U. tlunday school. The
boys and girls roust snake the super-
intendents, officers abd teachers of
the future timidity school. and this
question was impressed in such manner
as to leave its Imprint on the memor-
ies of the buys and girls.
Reports of superintendents went
then called for. • Only one being pres-
ent. the following report of Nile dun -
day school waft given :
Number of teachers in school, 10;
officers, S ; .chelars, 147 ; cradle roll,
19; adult Bible class members, 79;
members ot home department, K,
The Sunday echos) l is working for
missions, from the youngest to the
oldest. The -rniseionary committee
provides a monthly program. An
offering is taken for missiona once a
quarter. The peimary ,lames 'also
give a birthday contribution for 01W-
N00o. Tbe acbaol has a missionary
library, whish is both interesting sod
A temperance committee provid
temperlo ce program.a. Every teach,
exerts a strung influence for temper
raised oalreceipts for tbe year
entirely by offering•. $186.21
the expenses. $142.9ti.
A Round Table Conference was con
ducted by Mr. Curtis.
Lista or questions were distributed
among the audience and as the num
ben were given out they were -die-
Pissed by Rev. Mr. Curtis and those
1 What are common mistakes in
teaching? Too much talking. U.e
of qussttots teas lemon helps. Talk
ing over the beads of boys and gids.
Lack of class attention.
2. It what is the• organised cleats 0
benefit to the school ? Attendance is
itr increased- Finanld a workers.ial D ov
on committee sbgµld be a soul
institution by petsooal work
the inmost wall, the will -..M
through which the ohlld may D.
Bummed. This is a difficult teak. H
is it to bs aeauprpliebed ?
W. must dletinguieh between Ri
faets and Bible truths. Facts repse
swot the body sad truths the we
The te*cber mutt put fertb meet
energy to discover these truths.
Power is lost by resorting to le.so
helps. Facts tee temp..rary a
particular. Truths are eternal a
general. The teacher must try to fl
a point of contact in the mind of tb
pupils. There should be something
/smelter in the message to he deli.
Christ's teaehiup show this as a strop
eharacterimic. The teacher thou
use the law of association by referri
to other Bible facts. By relating
Bible facts we arouse the imaginatie
This Ise great instrument to treats
Non. Francis Parker says, •' We ten
to tie- k in images." Stanley Ha
says, ' The imagination is one of
most powerful of all mental feculUee.
Our 'Saviour in His teaching appesi
through the imegieattole fo
example, His teaching through t
parables'. The great secret of Christ'
teaching was Ws ability to bold before
the trental vision the conrrete fact.
An ruldress was given by 0. M
Elliott, of_ (joderich, on • A O
Army." 1'4i6i army is going to tisk
possession t ell the sellers in t b
world -this is the army of children
These must be trained. The speak
referred to the training In the
and in this connection referred to bi
work io the Children. Aid; Society.
Children must have a good example,
They are great imitators. Seek w
train the cb.racter of the child.• The
world has many children who -are.
neglected in this regard. The law
authorizes the Children's Aid Society
to look after these. It will allow the
Society to take complete charge of
oegtected children, sod the Society
will endeavor to find a home for such
children. The aim ie to try to secure a
home where the desire is to train the
ebild to make a good citizen. The
Society will also endeavor to protect.
the boner of these children under false
Rees Mr. Curtis then gave an addres.-
on "Leadership in the Sunday School."
In all rrligtous education we most
begin with pod. Hod does His work
in,the child. The soul of every child
is a religious impulse. and if the child
dues not reach his right destination- it
is the fault of the leadervbip. Sunday
school workers are helping God build
es a life ; helping God's plans to
r materialize in the child. The young
life takes the impress of its leader.
This brings a great responsibility to
ase those who come in contact with young,
Ills. Sunday acboal teachers bring
the greata.t power to the child,
namely, the Bible ; and use thegreateet
weapon, prayer. The we hare
consecrated perauoality, wbich is nett
to God. The young primary pupils
must be won by the kindly influence.
The young men and women will be
won by strong character. and
high ideals. The most wonderful
woe* is the salvation of souls in the
- Sabbath school The speaker urged
the pledging of workers to do better
work tbau ever before.
f The session closed with a few
reetarks of appreciation. by Rev. W.
Conway for the services rendered by
Mr. Curtis.
Kincardine Harbor.
The Kincardine Review last week
said : "The intention of the Govern-
ment with respect to the Kincardine
harbor is not yet known and will not
be until Engineer Lamb makes his re -
post. The proposal to build a new
harbor north of the north pier is a new
one and is the proposal made by the
deputation which went to Ottawa re-
cently. It coincide@ with the view of
the member for North Brucae, but it
may not be feasible. That is for the
engineer to determine. Even if feas-
ible, the Hoverbment may not feel die -
poised to go on with it if it involve. too
much expenditure. Wehare always felt e
that a flood harbor could not be main-
tained in its present position with the
river draining into it and carrying
vast• quantities of refuse. making
dredging an annual necessity. if e,
new harbor can be made north of the
north pier it will not, cost much more
than the capitalitation of the cost of
the annual dredging and upkeep of the
present harbor. 11 would therefore
be a good idvestment to spend the
amount required and have a har-
bor that would be available for pool-
ing steamers and also for the winter-
ing of vessels."
and definite prayer.
3. Wbat is essential to good teach-
ing ? thorough preparation. Must
teach to the extent ot our knowledge.
Love of the work will show the neces-
sity lot adaptation of teaching.
Patience. We must wait for the
development of Christian life au the
unfolding of the flower. Expect re-
4. What is the aim of the home de-
partroeot? To help those who are
not able to attend Sabbath school,
To create systematic study of Bible.
To start the family altar.
6. (a) Are grraded lessons desirable
They are essential to primary classes.
They are necessary in, Sunday reboot
as well as in public school.
(b► Are they practical? Where we
have teachers to teach them. Sup.
plemental lesson solves the problem.
rbey prove to he an impetus to
6. What is the true purpose of les-
son helps ?• Assistance in preparation.
This preparation should be made not
in the Sabbath school bet in the
home; hence the place of lesson
helps is in the home.
7. What is the true aim of the Sun-
day school as A missionary agency ?
To instill a rsissienary spirit : by re-
alizing the need from knowledge
praying; giving.
- A business committee was appointed,
consisting of Rev. W. Conway, Mr.
l etherington and John Ihutow,
Rvserro ttgssrox.
After the opening exercise', con-
ducted by Wm. Bailie, the following
officers were reported foe next year :
President. Geo. Currey ; vice-presi-
dent, J. B. Graham : secretary -treas-
urer, Clarence Drtos; committee,
the Sunday school superintendents,
C. Hirvin, W. bailie. A. P. Sbepperd,
tieo. Freeman and A. Kirke.
The chair was then taken by the
An address was given by Rev. J.
R. Mann, of Auburn, on Teraohiag
rued Training of the Child." A teacher
must have a well,deflned aim. Mesh
of the work of today is bap aressel.
Tbe desired purpose mast be kept he -
fore parents and teacher,. The child
grows from personal choice but these
chokes easy he directed. it is the
parrots and teacher's. duty to plant
the seed in the child's beset. Too
m.iy teachers believe that tellirpt le
teaching. We should aim to drive a
lesson bogie to the wi11. An ideal
moult will be Immediate settee ; foe
example the treastormatioo of Raul
W Tarsus. Too often the impale,
Hovered during taw teaching of a Moor
Fe crowded out by thins ot the world
immediately atter. To arced this. the
teethes, might seedy the mind of the
child aid by asandation impress the
is,soeeto he learned. Dreaus. cher.
N Iso hewa.diate sector we need tact
eniridsr the lesson lost There ie a
eeselnmmns gerneth el knowledge
which will have in it the seed of future
sed action. l.w too, tbem is
the weisteace of the !beat Teacher of
an, het by lack of preparation tbe
worth Inas be robbed of the influence
of the Holy Spirit. Reftw ee. was
made to the Agee, ofeehe Walled Oky
prwneteet by lemiyale So the soul ot
Istat! : riledt oval!-weassetaa. Itang6aa
tion, mstiiry, emotiocs. reams : aid
banitetvieLe, N.S.
"Poe y year!,, 1 have been
troubled with Kidney and bladder
Trouble, and have bees treated by torny
doctors but found little relief. I had
gleam all hope of getting cared when
I i*�tn PUIa. Now, I can saywith
a ha, r heart, that I am atter
ttsaag Par boxes of GIN PILLS".
jest think of it 1 Pear boxes of Gin
Pills cared Mr. !hoer --and he had
sateeed for twenty years and be had
beta treated by doctors, too. It is just
sock rams as his, which prove the
power et Gia Pills to curs Kidney
axe Waddler' Trouble, Aiming Urine,
or incontinence of the
and Lumbago.
Rheumatism, Sciatica
Try Gin Pith on our
�� guarantee of a cure or your
toe. a box. 6 for $2.5o.
Sass free if you write National Drug
lk Co. of Canada, Limited,
Dept. 4 Tomato. 93
The following bots- on the Hower
just adopted as the ewbleus of the
town of (iuterich may prove of some
interest to our, readers.
"The pansy lreakt with jet .
Ana clawing reset,.
Milton singe.
The tints of this variable newer are
scarce less u..werousi than the nausea
that have been beetuweta 00 it. The
nose pansy is iteelt a curtuptton of
the French mime pensee, thought.
Shaaespeare's Opheha says :
-Aad then. are parsee that.. fur thoambrr,"
and Oberon in tbe Midsummer Night's
Dream is wade to compliment Queen 1
Khzabetb as' quenching the deny
'baits of young Cupid mud passing on
m 1naweo u.eAitxtiva, fancy free "
"Yet marked 1 where the bolt of Cupid tell. I
It hell twat) • Utile wstsrh 8,wer.
Heto.e milk -white -taw ',water/11h love'.
And mammae pall it 'love In Idlenee..' "
Spenser talie it "the pretty patency.'
!weigh Itluut adwits it into bus verse
under toe name of
'•Haat t'. mace Wye a gallant bold.
la hr. cloth of pur.u„ .0d gold,'
In addition It Ilaa borne at various
times the names' of Herb Tribity,
Three ir'ace@ under a Hood, Tr_
Flower, J uwp Up and Klee Me, Flower
of Jove, Pink of Jobn and others
equally whimsical but perbapt not au
appruptint ,
16e brilliabt putples of the artist
appear dull when cowpsred with those
tit the pansy, and our richest satins
and velvets stew coarse end unsightly
by a compares& of texture, and as for
delicacy tit abeding tt is scarcely sure
passed by ole bow of Iris itself.
Panetrs do not make much figure in
a garden union planted in large
clumps. The seeds rosy be *own at
ahoost toy swoon Warm tbe grodnd
can he wormed. It eown In autumn
they will bluesom early. The plant is
easily transplanted and If the blos-
soms are culled off when their bemuy
ie passed fresh baaocbee will be sent
out and c ntiuue to flower throughput
the year. It Buffeted to ripen its se.d
the ulatlt dicta. The plWu have been
kept for many %aeons by this Oast -
meet mei transplanting only adds to
the beauty and sure ot the Hower.
The pansy is a native of most parts
of Europe as wen as of Englana. It
is also found growing naturally- in
Siberia and Japan, and the banks and
braes of bootie bcotihnd are resplen-
dent with its many -heed flowers. In
the materia medics ofeed writer s the
pansy holds an imp): Cant situation.
but in modern practice it is out of
aft ion.
Old Ur. Parkinson. author of a valu-
able treatise on botany of the time of
Charles I. of England, mauled 'The
Barden. of Pleasant Flowers, " de-
te'ibes the virtues of the plant, being
taken either fresh or dried and made
into powder, to have very cowling and
moistening qualities. He mentions
also a double variety which seems now
to be unknown.
Next York Loan Dividend.
Termite. Feb. 21. -The next York
Loan'dPeidend, which will be a final
ividend, will probably not be trade
for several veers to come, according
o C. E. } .-I ington. the liquidator.
he fins, a 35 per cent. dividend, was
nsyahle in November, 1909, and the
error, d. ale° 26 per :ent., in December,
To Enlarge Fort William Elevator.
An encouragingly large increaer in t
business ham decided the Grand Trunk 1 T
Pacific Railway to enlarge its Wort ,
W illiant elevators at *cost of *300,000.
C, ,,struction in to be started at noel,
anti, according to present estimates.
the work should to finished by August
Leib. There will be built altogetber
116 hint, giving an extra capacity of
Lelt2,h) bushels of grain, and Osla,
bringing the total up to 6,000,000
bushels, will make them the largest
elevators in the world.
An Interesting Insurance Casa.
Exeter Advocate The :wee of
Ryder vs. The U.borne k Hibbert
'tutees/ lire Insu: ante On., wbicb was
tried by Judge Holt at the Division
sittings in the town ball on
etlseday of last week. proved a
very Interesting one, and a large ems -
her of people assembled to hate the
ev1wos. Jame. Ryder, of the town-
ship of i iddulph. had a horse tilled in
a fleets wine time during the niabt of
Angiest 13th. 1911. Me wheal was
found dead *bout the middle of the
following afternoon. A direetcr of
tbe above-named insurance eosapany
ha which the hover was iosere4
against ligbtaing wee railed in to ay-!
amine the borer. hat * veterinary was
not reflect. James Ryder and bra awe
Patrick Hyder gave evidence. that the.
divestor. Mr. 'Work. had .std that it'
wee not neesasery M ren a vet roar`
and that ..vrvyeeng pointed to death
o beaming. Tone. etstemisti. were
•reputed by Mr. Rerv'k le els evld.see.
Rev.ra1 wkw..aee said that there was
ligbtwirryy en tin night M
wane main* eialmwe the• see est.1
Thaw v.tsainarier, Dr. Sweet amd Dr.
)(Cease, of Rueter. and 1)e. Teemaat, of
lama. gave evieleviec as be the prob.
abilitr that iightaing might Give
flamed the death of the sedi se. The
judge reserved his decisive.
"Before another dividend ran be
paid $260,000 must be on band," Mr.
Herington said, •'ani, although tn.
whole of the property owned by the
company, valued at about $2,000.0NI,
has been sold with the exception of
about $60,000 worth, a great deal of
the purchase money has not yet been
paid, and until itis all paid there cin
be no further dividend."
Tbere are some 114,010 people inter-
ested in tie company. but about 11.000
of them have not yet sent in their
pass -books and ewe Reath. se proof of
their claims, and so have not received
either their first or second dividend.
These will be peid as soon as the pas, -
hooks and certificate* ate recoiled try
the ligoidetor.
Serges will be amongst the most popular
materials being worn for the coming
season. We have i complete showing
of Serges in navy blue, black and white.
Our special $1.00 yard Serge, its navy and black, 64 inches
wide, is a winner.
Special value in Serge-, in black. navy and white. 44 inches
wide, beavy qu*Nty, splendid for misses suits an1 children's weer,
or separate skirts. Per yard, a0o.
Among the other popular tnat.rials being shown are Panamas,
Yelutinas, San Toys, Cishwetes, Voiles, etc.
Scotch Oin,ghams
Your 1 ub dresses. will prove a
decided nieces. illis erason if you
select tbia reliable woke of
Gittthatn, in all the newest end
inose popular designs, at
12.1c to 25c per yard
Palatine Prints
These Prints combine the best
wearing qualities with the best
washiog colors, in all the newest
colorings'. Immense variety to
select from. See the crew Quaker
Greys.- Per yard,
New Embroideries
The new Embroideries in all their beauty direct from Switzer• M�uI' PATTERNSland, frau the narrow hemstitch for joining seams to the 4oioch 4175, want 430111, Shti
width fur dresser. f Price 15 Cents Each -
Special values in Corset Cover Embroidery. A NEW DESIGN
To the dome Dressmaker
Ti. the Indies who do their own dressmaking the utmostsetiefrction will be found if they use McCales
Patterns. because with thew it is eb>Folutely impossible to make a mistake•
always used. . •
Md''U'. Patterns once used
To Out -of -Town Customers
Out-of-town Customers, kindly note that our new poe(otfice number is
+fit. Telephone Number 56.
, ,
1/4. Miller's Scotch Store � �.
Von probably know all too wall
bow it goes. Just as you doze off, the
tickling starts in your throat. Agentle
cough, still asleep. A hardercot and
then another. Pirst thing you know,
you're wide awake, coughleg yourbesa
A few nights of that and you're so
worn out and weakened that the cough
falces a tight grip on you.
But why endure it t
Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licor-
ice and Chlorodyne will soothe that
ezasperatiag tickling, loosen the phlegm
' and cure the inflammation of the mucous
membrane. It not only stops the re
quickly, allowing you to get sound, re-
freshing sleep, but it goes to the root of
the trouble and drives out the cold con-
etely. Children willingly take Ns
ru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and
Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good.
Your Druggist has it or can quickly get
it for you it 25c. and roc. bottles. The
National Drug & Chemical Co. of
Canada. Limited. Ire
Bargains in Stoves
gee; We should like to talk todgru
abmst the bargains we are
hoe in Stoves. Per the betel
thirty days, and for perhaps
longer, we will give ten per cent.
discount oo the prices of ell
Stoves-Hereters and Ranges -
which we have in the store: We
bave the Moffatt Ranges whicn
have a reputation for satisfaction
that places them in the first
rank. Art Garland, Souvenir.
and Moffatt Heaters. Any of
these you will Ind are just what
you want. We. bave them in
different sizes. suitable for any
size ot a bouee or room.
=For one week we wil/ allow a Discf.itut of Ten Per C,ent. on all
our Cross cut Saws. We have the Improved Racet. Prentier. Gold
Coin --all guaranteed -also the Kloadyke and Lancetooth.
Plumbing, Heating, Eavettroughing
and General Hardware.
Hamilton Street
Say that to
grocer -man, and
more value than
you got
61* -j
We have stocked our "helves with all good
if it a Felts you want we've got them.
if it's Rubbers or Overshoes we've got tbem.
If it's Rubber Borne we've got them.
It It's Promo -ton' Boots or Oil e'en Mocceaine
We've got them.
Yoe can't mention an article that goes to keep
year feet swum sad dry but IrP have it -
If iter Imes it's worthy
If tea worthy ite bore
Our prime are the lowest.