HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 1An
in Telt: Stul!A1, iib the
very best way of reach-
ing the people of Gode-
rich and West Rum.
hates quoted on applies -
tilt Frit RTU YILlt- N..»
With the exception of. small cash trnsetiuns, payment by
cheque e is to be preferred in every ease. Ladies will appreciate
the attendant advantages -security, oonreoience, a written re -
cord of the transaction, and interest on the b•laoce of their see-.
Ings account.
Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto
C,oderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager
A. `lil o till o,.J I:) tL4 IL
InsurafCe and Real Estt=7tite
Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada.
The Western Assurance Company.
The Royal Iszcbange Assurance of London, Englaud.
The London and Laocashire'()uarwtee and Accident C.,.
The American Surety Company of New York.
All kinds of Insurances.
t tftire next to Canadian Bank of Oommetce OonKRli lt, O,r.
yalat and satiable ter tadls to drive.
oho. &TE W ART. /leret. brew street. 0u
TauVaaolr. Feb. *the
wheat. Ver blah l e o too i 0 s9I
I. per ►ush.. • 0r e to 080
we inn O $J to 056
OMto 041
•as to 165
0 75 to ti
ton 1sw.5w STs
9 90 to 71 00
111, le to 2500
..,°«Pee tea n w to r7 00
. pe tee. new 12 70 to 13 00
600 to aW
Md. per load 6 W to 550
p30to 0T(
' alb 017 to w
dos ohito 0
fresh.tarx60 to 350
Potatoes, per bushel. 0 80 is 1 nu
t;af�t s. aroln/ to moil. per owt 4 UI to 5 00
(4 1s. export. per cwt S 60 W 5 76
t 50 to 660
4Wto 459
06 to 36
7 0e. to 700
Yaw 30
ILYof Ne Ire Ms. W m. esdreles desire
00 t nKiteell s Mak bad hearty Meeks tor the missy
ei aster 1b dur-
ing ria Macer of ikeir mother bad their mfrs,-
Buie. . par owt
Tallow. pm r lb
for • Ilse to �e leer
set C. a Jfily\ M��sa 1krM.
ta ser eist •can -alar s test nsMlert. it�a hes bed j ,OElT. - A GOLD LOCKET ON
ell vales to see. - is-lt L which ars Whale 'R. 0.- and "fL 13..." se
_ -- %,aarear West meet, ss meleerasa.. fes
ejtitlsa Mcifz a� mew
Readari, - lie 1L Wigle
Canadian Pacific Empresses.
Hydro C. R. Jeare. Tmento
Spring finita- Bros..... 1)
The Gatlin merit u Toronto...... ..... 6
Card of Thanks- Mr.. W. Asdtewa' Family I
Fitter!' Hata McLean Bros. 7
crane. limo Lawn-OtOr'ge Porter - 8
deader 1'. R 4
Collie Pops for Sale Horace Horten. Duelop
The Standard., Montreal .......... .. _..i
Lades! Pay by Choose -The Starling Beak1
Derby Shoe- Ww. Sherman 2
Lowest Rats to Pacific Coast- 0. T. R 6
Colons" Ratan -C. P. R ........
Now Spring mowing- W. Acbs.oa t Boa2
Sere Fltuoag tor Sale --John Mead 1
Sprtngward-J. H. .:olborne. ...: 4
Hoosebo4d Goody tor Bale John Stead1
ASale Worth Whue--Hodgen. Bre 6
Locket Loot -TM sig. .... ,
Furniture and Hous Furnishings -tab
tae °' 9Llt
Viers�+� UII `
Conditions of Soil and Climate
Are Especially Favoraole and Or-
chard -owners Are Beginning to
nee Big Profits from More Care-
ful Attention to Ther Trees.
\brie Y vs tbec tae ostertair
SOS btwsn the
.treed s W tar,�ere Ma1ea
mdwtM -d 1drodob der at
�is�bs lved this d,f by
� esassat' •R owtast too Oras
,a� o� al ser
. biv demon h Quid lir, lisp Hobmeler
et i, demon the sables. .li
(iadexeh. Feb. 1st, 1911
sod katsendeim. etc. �st,�r work.
Penes rlgbt. Have weer week alas before the
,4 A. BNAEEJ., easstreet. 0eder1CA. Sett
V :waive laaietIl sad regetwed Clydes-
dale martyr, ave Makes" wee, four hackney
-rsllbnw e& the Arm of It. a y. uadp t.
wo runes hem ibe sad et dtsetear lies. or
Tuesday, telh MYi •a�y� of this have
iris - wtaae . (MWoges with full
tedittes• o sed team will be sent se.
•ppliwUos to 0.
uAbo wye0Msasey trestles engine, and a
Nide$, Y sled me sow ; have never
• r «,hed
to gives y tappsesaA Jars seem No
bRTOII Duaarve sofa MU Mos -at=
Readers - Bleokrto•e'i
The fialt•Prtoe Sale -N. C. Cameron
safe eat view at. reidesoe. astray 111k7-
a.M meed, =so ti p. . mem isenelteg
rape all lafwlt, hall.. bbs im=bed Mona he-
•�I red oar m tem. w Auto-
co ■..wed
F Ind wk eseetes. mess.
MM. lain ea* »Mrrana wn-'
big. Mow tow
t(6guemirs. aghiMeds, eta
g. tIlarc swse.
JOHN S': LAD. HamBtm Mtsa- U.
11.40 barns. 1 sot Wge dray harness, 2
1 leases eiefgh, geed bargain. lre se -
Mlas red
tore at THE OFFICL
•paper.sepk boob at band trom Tor-
onto Wall Papor ne. ash= and ►aveyour
U dereseed b the roll. the w BNAZE •t3
Fist street. Osdeetch.
(,'TION 8AL> �
art 0. MaaksS wW sen 1• Win auction
1 bad 1. o-aeeei-a 4. F 1►. Colborne
a' McGee etNioy, ea
n: nannies 541 ei me; Grp:
•gelding, twemaars cid. by Rake-
Sattler. 8 years ell. be W.
zn.on s horse • 1 dales 1 old.
1, Fergaaoe.' : 1 we, testy.' lean
d. i❑ foal to H. 1 hence; 1 row. re -
ns live years ML ; 1 caw, telex
our years old. dM 0o salve Jose; 1 cow.
eight ,.srsoy lemyeeelve le Abed: loam, nine
pax,. old, dm to ellen Is May ; 1 cow. nine
psi. old, vias to sad; 1 bolter. So-
ma crus ryase�ga�rs W dee to valva in Mraaf�y•
o peft3 ell Letwo n'.'; 1 'OW bees; Misr
,dee lttest tet;
spaAF Plast.
lett sew: 1 hay rake;
t bsNesrter. letmewt vo
• re 1 1 1 set
et et
v ealOR wae1sa et }! _ 1eMa : 1
t °els - `Mg08b141 `ef +osa•
. cel eat.
a woad
I hay reek •
woos; 1 km
raft/ Me;
Sew ;1
"Tatt=r art:
pie belles
.. 6
Renew Your
to Tug NiosAL and
get one of the pretty
1912 Calendars.
Do It Now
TRH SION♦L MIMING Co., Ltd.. Pneumonia,
Ontario. In the one cane winter
apples ripen too early, and are some-
what poor keepers; in the other case,
the trees of the winter varieties are
winter -killed.
In Huron county winter -tilling is
extremely rare, and yet the apples
ripen just before the first serious
frosts, so that they go practically into
a nsRrral cold storage, and can be
kept at a temperature near 8'4 degrees,
without artificial cold storage, until
the following spring if neoeps•ary.
These combinations, trivial se tbey
may seem, make all the difference
betweerea profit end & loss where the
price of apples approactee that of the
cost of production.
No doubt the presence of so large a
body of water as Lake Huron exer- ^�` •�-t -___._
cares a verymarked effect in equslia nsmage about town. The wont dis-
The most striking .111. pmeot of in the tearaWre�urin Ltlp grow- as et war that which befell the Wheel
g P fadesry when the roof of the
the last few years in this lake shore ing mono s It is also noucea le teat RiKe
district u the increased attention the elevation is not great until you get whole building. with the exception of
given to apple -growing- It has long out of the boundary of the county of blown loll and the welt west et the n the south
. wall
been known that this district produced Huron.
It has been an/Tiara, vel to me why or -
fruit of • superior quality, but for one chording was followt•d mow 1re-
reason and another no special atlen- quently in the Lake Hurun district.
fico was paid to the possibilities of and when I examined into this quer'.
orchard cultivation and the business -t(o8, wpm twelve or fifteen years ago, employees of the factory made blare
side of the orchard was almost wholly 1 was inclined to think that there was to repair the breek. 1Vhile they were
some reason, unknown to 11 that thug engaged the groat upheaval came
neglected. A change has come, bow- prevented the economic development which filled the air with flying timbre
ever, and now every owner of a few of orchards there. 1 was, however, and mend sheeting, with
the four
acres of orchard is ably to command a unable to find any good rebesine n• What men to the Sore' of the second army
i• more, th6Fe are now man' examples below. Mr. Brandt crawled out of the
much better price for his farm of large orchards.that areproducing debris, bruised and with the
Orchards that for y rs wen. neglect- . good fruit as can be produced. and debris,
of his badly head cut, but not seho bee
ed are now receival' the attention producing it in **large quantities per busk. This others, withbthe exception
b�st pay g spa acre as 10 any of the more commonly
that is due to the io d rt acre a lin apple districts. of T. Pritchard, escaped without
mens of the farm, and many new 1 I am convinced, after careful con- injury. Pritchard received a body
._ _ a� sideration _ e .i, -.,,►„a. r- that the lack blow so severe that it made necessary
the attendance of • physician. Dr.
Emmerson was called and had the in-
jured man removed to tis home. and
the latest reports indicate that he will
be back to work very shortly.
It is remarkable that ttere were
not more casualties. The factory ens
orchards aro being .�...... •. ` - ....-.._ --- subject,
Hao. F. F. Lawrence, W. L. Eliot,
Alex. Saunders and R. J. Megaw'.
The announcement et the sudden
WHEEL RIGS FACTORY DAMAGED death of Mrs. Wm. Kilpatrick at her
BY MONDAY'S GALE. borne on Bruce street last Saturday
night came as a shock to the commun-
ity. Mrs. Kilpatrick bad been calling
-- at • neighbor's bone ear ty in the
Roof Taken Off and Part ot Second evening and within( an hour after
Story Walls Blown In -Employees return she had peened
G. T. R. Althuugh she had not Leen enjoying
Have Miraculous Escape- the best of health for some time. her
Roundhouse Also Suffers. death was not expected. The de-
ceased was in her sixty-sixth year.
Irbc funeral takes pinup L.•WOR•OW
which • - - • (Fr idly) morning and interment will
The tetrific gale be made at the cemetery at Dungan-
non. The ot
the community the
hearty sympathy
their sudden 10ss.
On Tuesday of chis week the spirit
of Ada N. V., yriungr-st daughter of
the late Nicholas Morrish, winged its
side and the east end of the second flight atter Tan ilio. ss extending over
story were demolished. Shortly t after I than months. Although Mies Morrish
11 o'clock it was noticed that the roof had �n in tailing hearth for ay long
on the southeast corner was lotxaened, sbe was able to tie about continually,
eo Manager Brandt with three but since the death of ber norther just
s few weeks ago she failed rapidly..
The deceased young tads was of a
quiet but particularly minable diepos-
iti.•n, sod her death a, sob her
be greatly regretted y
and acquaintances. The funeral took
place this (Tbursday) afterteion. from
her late residence. Angl•eaea street, to
Oolborue cemetery. Rev. Dr. Medd
conducted the services at the house
and graveside. The pallbearers were
Melvin and William Jewell, C. and
Ricbsrd Mitchell. Wallace Morrish
and N. Allan.
Mrs. Fred Ssbrooke a spending a few weeks
in Toronto.
Mrs. Craig eft today to visit relatives at
Port Huron
line Hawkins lart on Monday to joie he
tattier at Moneetsn
Mie taobd_ia. of London, is visiting
Moa R. W.
�� BaBawe Loyal. it the guest of
Tirane tlts am ate) were in
like Chaise Me triseila Hwrea skeet. is caw
littm trier* la lsatortb. ermelleld and Ike
re abroaok arerogaseeu of Rev. and lint.
A. S. Gledhill has reterned to town from St_
()lama• where plc had been for the )a.t two
Row. C. L and Mrs. Joshing and son, of Ciin-
Ma, wets snows of Mr. bad Moa tt altar H.
Harekon oe Moeda)'.
Mr. sad Mrs. H. Hodder. of Adam. Jefrereco
ny N. Y., are visiting Mr. Hodder's uncle.
0.o Hunt. BrItannla-road
.V. T. Marney. W L Kelly, J. B. Kell bed
W. Marlton "took in' rtes ante show at-
totats week.
true Leekoow; fifteen acre boat. balance
cleated. good running water. Write trams
home ; bank barnne .y.t sheep pan and ch,eken
Apply to )LLATTN*W OODe. Bd. aran. Moen.ice
to -he
li sines sone of tee town a< Seafortb.
uoo6 clay loam, e11 anent cultivation bens
tarn.. .11 cement noes; large frame locae.
olljy pawed, sit In good repair; well at note
bard and huuae. Au ideal hist. Apply to
tM18* aUSlit t+Ur 1CFItAIt:K• Reslorta,
se rte pre -
Meter 1e mTi�-tflisw tsZiMstwid the tea
ALRP R f O. >RAR�,i. ?MStMA tit
ibe house owne�d by �aBserst let .11t. WWII*street.
ales • isllaeer
Appb re. alga.
°A tae premises O. can
lelleho' for Neiman McIver. AdalaUteole.
frame Noes w .riled et, emt
Y ria beef sees
Mr. sod Mrs. J. J. Wilson have removed
trees town and taken ea their rteldesce at
PlatnvUe. Jlartamiberlu.d county.
Ds= J. fatwwla, et London , was in town to-
. e Tme �l5fpw�o o�alL In Ashfield.
Modal to ms of the Clerk
Prciaal3o d
Rands Tomato tae week.
Mrs F. J. Stets mod baby, of Deeriodge, Mon-
PPott 8b° hes b05is here ow * yew to
etoirree pleb
to report the pettem s tmer'ovIng.
Maas d et Nowell Hardware
Latta�re�web- Cwejn ata last week as a dele-
gateHa+erbh w Me Preneetal craven- t
M Sps� bald le Meths. et City on containing thirty -live trees, mostly
• �F ee4 R of last weer. $pies, had given as high as 1118 00 a
• tree even et the low price of 81.50 a
Catarrh Cannot be Cured barrel, or *630.00 for tee acre.
with loaf 6110111•WOR. as they oaaset reach The market for Fipples is unlimited.
the seat of W dueler• Cat.rrb e • blood or
coestkatiseal}Mw• ane in eider sse���� tt Great Britain, Western Canada, the
Too m■te tsaekse Isterpat rstaeiiea Ha8's United Stately and other countries
taunts ewe le takna lnee'as11F. eel emo tate 111 the good apples that cap he
directly on the blebs sat rumens ase_e•r and ask for more. Indeed, all
H.P.'Catarrh Gere Is dei • 'meek grown.
it „s pr,roribat b snsd W tit signs indicate that apple -growing will
u nits country ter years sed e �•a pre be more and more profitable, and that
ecrtpuos. It a st b .ilosipns!•irs. Our lake shore district will in a few
known. eoeMeed _ 3T'th»e
awns oinelTw 1M massa aee0sssa years be one of the leading centres of
perfect comblestioeet wW�woal � o orchard industry cn this continent.
what prodree sesh One of the most-nleasing features of
curing oatarrA. deed ter 6eWeeaee hes.
F. J. CHCSRY t CO.. Peeps, Toledo, n. the development of the orchard busi-
Sold by all Druggists, 73a nes here is the fact that it is engaging
Take kali Faintly Pills toe' oeestipatton. the attention of young men 7f charac-
ter and ability like Mr. Andrew
AUCTION SALES. Rougvie, Mr. R. R. Sloan. Mr. D. F.
Hamlink and othere. With such open
MONDAY. March 4th. --Auction vale of farm behind it., the development of the
WIC lapiementg god household furnitnn, at
Albert Allan farm. Matuand mammon. industry on sound business principles
commenting at 1 o'clock. Matt is assured.
I,OeD[N. ernpretteee. THOS. OvwDRv. -_..
cases farms are baring dev, tee ex- of many large orchards in this county
elusively to fruit -growing, and the is due, first. to the want of enterprise
indications are that the number of on the part of the older inhabitants,
theso fruit farms willsteadily increase. who appear to constitute the larger
Doe reason tort change in the number of owners, and, eeeond, I am
attitude a the fa mer towards his bound to believe that must of the
orchard is found in the success that farmers are already profitably engaged
has attended the apple -growing buei- ' in other lines of farming, and there
nese in other parts of the country -in fore are slow to take up a new branch.
districts that cannot begin to grow This is 3 tribute, of course, to the
apples like those of the Huron lake value of your farm lands and your
shore district. In these other districts general fames condi' ione; but it is not
the growers bave found that by paying a tribute to the enterprise of the peo-
proper attention to the pruning sod ple, considering bow much more prof -
spraying of their and to the itable apple -growing is than eves the
�eting of their fruit is Reed con- I most successful lines of general farm-
dition they can sake splendid profits ; 4 ing
and with the superior conditions of 4 When your people recognize • that
climate and soil in the Huron district this comparatively email portion of
even better results can be obtained the country has the capacity pro-
bers. . I during winter apples at from 25 to 50
There are object lagoons right at cense per ban•el cheaper than all but a
bead. too, which have opened the few other favored sections on tbe con -
eyes of orchard-owiMrk Thome( the tinent of North America, they will
Huron fruit -men wh-o ons realised the torn their attention to epplellswwMR•
money -malting possibilities ut the confident that it business. ll ents not. most pro8t-
busines, quit playing with their permanent
orchaadr. and turned their attention I able one.
serioti»ty to fruit -growing for profit. I ba.'re my statement that they will
have lead such success that, as has have an advantage of from to 50
already been suggested. every fruit cents per barrel upon the feet that
tree ton a farm l now counted a they can do without cold storage for
distinct asset to its owner. When a winter apples. and still ht.ve them on
clear profit of $1(.80 an acre can be the market until the opening of
obtained from an apple orchard of ten spring. This is an advantage which
acres, ea reported by one of our Huron is not enjoyed by the State of New
grower'', sod whet. a company is York, for instance, where similar var-
willing to take old orchards on leen leties are grown in large quantities.
at $25.00 an acre, expecting to make a 1 need not, however. say 'more n
profit after spending large sums n this letter. I aro Bending you by con -
putting the orchards In fair condition current post a copy of the Dairy Com -
after years of neglect, as 0 British missioner's report for 1910-11. On
company is doing in this district, then page 123 you will find my opinion
it is realized that what one man an of tbe county set forth at somewhat
do others can do, and that orchard greater length.
cultivation is a highly profitable busi- Yours faithfully,
Dees. A case was reported in these (Signed) A. McNRILr,
columns some months ago in which an Chief, Fruit Division.
old plantation of an acre in extent,
A New Automobile and Gasoline
Engine Works for tioderich.
gaming me *kWh Hien ata erewal a
i... e... h.drae•. with kes
meta` -- -- dmiaare9e
ss wesWr•• and porters.
with )call eswastait'n Ruebe&
she a ee ewe
theairtretistere nate
weary r�A�ver94.1 eighteiN ewes
Ifeh• Maw
mea tie j'r a
FOR BALE. -TAB HOUSR ANDr es w. Met, at
Miss r.01't$tivnaoj teao�tksui br sl► Nr1a
�t 6S10NAL
j' DftaO est ji ass h Prot e
t 4t,Ma-
eanlw K s1yth• s��sYi1P��R
int. A
•• y 161. !.lot ief
841. LA. -THAT rn*i 11l/11 -
LIVERY, CAB1=t=1 rtossersa111 fer
Hurons Special Advantages.
TTeoar, Mar•h 5th. liesi g barren sae
et bre /trot. implements and homehold fur The following letter from the chief
Wma1Pia e. sl, renoendee 8. Gn
oderkett0 - of the fruit division of the Ottawa
kt.ra(rr.. oroprtetor. inns. Department of Agriculture is strong
teenier, seetioeeer. evidence of the advantages of this
wg5-l0' & v. Mash -Awake 810. -Awe sale d
fees end implamenu St et it, neon district in appllepe swing :
sea /y. Hallett. Mae. Jon. HaaaiTT. tare rl- Rrwnchiof.rtth. 1 sett
Mier, Timm (lu'NDay..ncttemer.
Twuwesar. Marek 7th. -Machos Esta of term J. A. Rod
stock and eap1eme+eto at lot. l sad r, oloww. Otis ors.
Naas 4. R D. *Moons commewdag at 1 *Meek TV N. I.ew1,t 1C+ei. M.P..
sharp. wi.aiRT O. MAMMA.,peyrptleter. Flame r(.'ommas,
Twos GUNear. awdlon-R. Ottawa.
trainav Mk -maroon .ate of • ear- Dear ltiir.-
e.a at leant as 0. Macon ;std ms in rappora''o to your enquiry of
LNauv, tan. eaterds i have gaster in
OITSOST. M9Merew• 7 y femur
( r 55 .- Anchor sole eying that 1 onsidee =May of
After an Mons extending ovover
nearly two years. Mrs. William
Andrews tbe final summons,
log away S a:untay at the
ploys about eighty hands at.d of a of her son -In-law, Bert llc-
these quite a number were working Whinney, in Ashfield township The
in the upper story when the accident deceased had been a resident of the
happened. blit none was injured. Bayfield road, Goderich towaship, for
A large quantity of goods nearly several years, but since tb. depth of
ready fa shipment was on the upper her husband, who was fatally injured
story and was exposed to the ele
when the roof took its sudden depart-
ure, but it was all removed before any
damage was done.
Work was commenced immediately
to replan' the roof and the work is so
lar today t�66 it is expected
the factttwill be raining fell blast
�' o t company corn o will be
considerable, as no insurance was car-
ried to cover a low of such a nature.
It is just about four years since they
SIMS factory met with a similar cal -
sanity. caused by a heavy wind during
the summer months.
The G. T. S roundhouse alio suf-
fered fast Monday. Large stria of
the roof were torn off in two different
places- The roof of the conservatory
at the residence of Geo. Williams,
manager of the Bank of Commeroe.
on St. Vincent street, was blown in
and his plants, of which be had a large
collection, were 1roseo.
The water tank on the Attrill prop-
erty on the hill at the north end of
the C. P. R. bridge was blown down
during the storm. Many trees Suf-
fered from the storm and broken
limbs were strewn about the streets.
The Huron Gasoline Engine end
Machinery Company will shortly open
up at the premises lately occupied 'by
the Bon -Ton livery. and undertake
the repair and erection of all classes 6f
gasoline engines and machinery work.
including automobiles, motor bottle,
power plants and farm maehinery.
The manager. Arthur M. Glover.
of Toronto, has hada first -clap inter-
national experience. having beld res-
ponsible p'eitione with large English
and Canadian firms. He leaves the
Y.M.O.A. Auto School. where he has
had charge of the shop and technical
work, with the best wishes of the
principal and students for his incomes.
With such experience our people may
he assured of satisfactory attention
to anyorders placed in his hands.
Mr. Glover has secured agencies for
tbe leading makes of automobiles,
engines and accesecries,and, therefore,
will be In a position to satisfy every
requirement promptly. to the advan-
tage of the people of tbe district.
A strong feature of tbe business
will be quality. and this,in conjunction
with stnctly cash transaction'', should
ensure the building up of a very
eucceestul business in our midst. The
Company to open the end of
M mieb oc early in April.
sort �s Huron as suite e e fe in
"ail oaleat. R. H- inn whiter apples r abase
��,` Twos GelenRv nae- DP
Maw. Canada, and, so far as I sins acquainted,
DIED. as =VAN* as any on the osetdaest of
North America.
OALWOHeria.�a t�..ifth �pFebesars Tb. county bas two tenet valuable
Jells hob`PrWr-trw, i ban atom In tta soil and eltns•&.. and I
think ( bray add • third. its situation
eilleN0A^ en��Wle00 with Nepal to transportation
ettheless 'Award lebeeme. ailed faeilit ee.
Imes. The ttahl is that happy eombiaatiou
aslad s. Moe ea w los res' of .ad vel .o tlete:r found in
1116 It Io raise lo Flan/
>"�' Ne otechaaMal ear-d•tisa be
Om day Mil bleat.
lam swot W. Particular
itabatiss Sash le oleo tram
Mor miasmas. Wipboat
s rata Meet YeaerW, Qat
- 1FMrearl� roti for hail eYy entivv
- - �1 ire _ STM ailleo�wn1 tiro misty to as-
inured, read. bevirtc wirer rook am
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The Grim Reaper Has Been Busy in
Goderich This Week.
MOS 4 dila
in an accident last fall in Goderich,
she had been living with her daughter.
Mrs. McWhinney. Mea Andrews
was possessed of • kindly disposition
and was universally nteloved by all
with wbom she came in cootact. She
leaves a family of three sons bad two
daughters. They are Johnston
Andrews, of WAppelle. Sask. ; Hugh,
Samuel, and Ws. B. A. Lamont. all of
Winnipeg, and Mrs. McWhinney, at
Doogannos. She lien i.+ survived
one alter, Mrs. J. J. Graham. tit the
Huron road. Goderich. snd four
brothers -W. J. and C. M. Johnston,
both of Essex ; flick
Gorefield. Bask ; and David A. John -
ohm, of Bank Sias. Marie, Ont. Owiow
to the snow blockade the last named
hrotber was nobble to reach here
in time for the funeral. which took
place on Tuesday afternoon. The
interment was made in Maitland
cemetery, Rev. Jas. Hamilton conduct-
ing the services. The pallbearers
were two sone -Johnston and Hugh -
O. M. Johnston (a brother), and J. J.
Graham (a brother-in-law). Mrs. H.
M. Johnston. of Knee, was among
the relatives and friends trout a
distan a who attended the funeral.
With startling suddenness came the
announcement last Monday evening
that Frederick W. Doty hadpassed
away at his home un Brock'street.
Mr. Doty had not been well for several
days, but had been attending to busi-
ness as usual. Only fifteen minutest
before the call came he bed been in
conversation with his son Fred, but
an attack of heart failure, induced by
blood poisoning, had a sudden and
fatal result, his death taking place
•boat 9:B)) p. m. The deceased lied
been & resident of Ooderich for the
past eleven years. coming here from
Toronto in 1901 to manage the God -
rich Engine Co. and later establishing
the Doty Engine Works Co.. Limited,
t..r the manufacture of marine engines,
which business he conducted to the
time of his death. He was born At
Niagara Falls nearly sixty-one years
ago. At an early age he went with
his parents to live at Oakeille. Grow-
ing to manhood he was marri• .1 to
Mime Eleanor Williams. who passed
sway about ayear ago. They made
their home at Toron, o, where the de-
ceased's father, the late John 1 roty,
was at tbe bead of the John Doty
Engine Works. While living there
the subject ot this notioe was head of
the Doty Ferry Oompany. which ran
boats from the mainland to the Island
for severalear e. Eleven years ago
he came to Ooderich es shove stated.
About two years aro, owing to the in-
crease in the Western business of the
company, It wee found neeeessry to
open aplaot et Wionipeg. and once
then Mr. Doty had s t • good deal
of his time in the cern city. He
wales man of more than ordinary teed -
nem ability, having a reputation as
one who wee eapehle of handling large
enterprises. In bis private life he had
a great fondness for music mod be was
• vteMairt of more than ordinary
ability. on
Ms 1a survived by four es
mod daughter John. of New
York, a well-known civil engineer :
Charles and Pled, d town : Frank, of
Winnipeg. red Mime Mabel. who is at -
Maass LofettnAbees ftehoel.Ts6vruto
r}trewsl takes pians tomorrow
may) oarwiat. A servkis res to
asrfhsssed at A o'clock at the family
e nglinee by Rev. J. R. Pbtberiagbs*
WWII the body will be mama
Mo dos O. T. R. et tine for sa-
arto Oak vale. whom Interrsant
mee is 05. least esseslary.
Special Prices on Wire Fencing.
Ob•s. C. Lee's change of advertise -
meet did not arrive in time for Ines,-
Wm in his regular space this week.
He wishes to •nominee some startling
prigs in footle( for the next two
weeks. Seven -wire. forty Inebea hbigbgb
•.1 No. 9 wire, for 13e per rod; eight -
wire. forty-seven leehee high. for 26e
per rod. and No. 9 coiled spring wire
for *2.15 per 100 its.
are now bringing in their last year's
ears opportunity Wadif
or arm citiea. Great -
e n Canada for bar -
Write The Ren Sales Cora -
pony, St. Oatlai;fste. Ont.
,y arsorarishime
s - They sada Moat _Arany
tit snort to oar arses mar seal. Wo
NM WO fleas a elaM1y white all
'• Imo `'ani twiili w seam
awl We WE raffle w
�ashill lflfM
The death of Sirs. Rilen 8hannoo.
wLich gccurred at Mclweo, Tennes-
see, on Friday last, removed from life
one who for many years was a resi-
dent of this „town and who WAS held
in high respect by those who had the
privilege of her ecgosintonce. Mrs.
Shannon was born at Dundas. Ont..
March 15th. 1835, and thus was in her
seventy-seventh year. Her parents
were the late Mr. and Mn. James
Simons. in her young days she
moved with the family to Goderioh
township, ,here they sett:ed on the
Bayfield line. 1p 18(16 she was mar-
ried to Edward Shannon, of Goderich.
and they made their home in this
town. Mr. 8hadnon died in 1801.
For the Iasi seventeen years Mrs.
Shannon had spent it great part of the
time with her sun, Rev. Father :limn -
non. at McEwen. Tenn.. coming north
to Ooderich for the summer months.
Her death followed a stroke of paraly-
eis. Of & family of nine three sur-
vive : Rev. W. A. Sbannoo, of Mc-
Ewen. Tennessee : Charles E., of
Memphis. Tennessee, and Miss Carrie.
of Detroit. Mre. Wm. Brie, of Col-
lingwood. and Miss Jessie Simons. of
town. are sisters. The remains were
accompanied to town by Rev, Father
Shannon. and on Wednesday morn-
ing the funeral took place from the
residence of Mrs. Chas. Simons, St.
David's street, to St. Peter's church.
where mass was conducted by Rev.
Fathers McRae and Shannon. The
interment was made in the Catholic
cemetery In Colborne. The pallbear-
ers were Judge Dame. Jneeph Doyle.
D. Munro, Jas. Dean, Walter Shan-
non and Wm. Haley.
From The McEwen Herald.
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