HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 8S TNVitsDAT, FRptvA$T lq 1911
ade well Sy viaol-Letters
from a Grateful Mother
':ew Haien, Cons.-" My little girl,
er sin( a her birth, was frail and
i e•kly an 1 nothing seemed CO do her
i ay good until we tried your cod liv-
er and iron tonic, Vital As soon as
the commenced to take tt, I noticed
an improvement in ber health and ap-
pearance. Sb• has now taken three
bottles of Vtnol, and from the good It
has done ber I can say it p111 do all
you claim for it In banding up and
atrengthenlbg trail and delicate chil-
dren." (Name furnished on request.)
Another mother of Cbicago,
writes: "I can not say too much In
praise of Vino! for delicate, ailing
Ws ask every mother of a frill,
sickly or ailing child In this vicinity
to try Vino' on our agreement to re-
turn their money If It does not do all
•ve claim.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist.Goderich, Ont.
One -and - a - half gross
Ainsley English Chita
Cups and Saucers. about
;iii eery pretty pattetns
to select from, including
the Rose Bud, Shamrock,
Thistle, Willow. Panay,
How Knot, &c., kc. All
tone price - Zap each.
A I..rge direct cousitrn-
meot of the genuine
Elite Limoges (Red
Staopl China. Complete
Dinner Sets, sold in seta
or in separate pieces.
Cups and $suers com-
mencing as low as BOo.
The Colonial 1st Store
(3E0. PORTER, Prop.
'Phone IOU tioderich
There's just as much
difference in talking
machines as there is
in pianos. The
is the original "talking ma-
chine"made undcrthe orig-
inal basic patents. Al?
other machines came later
and no other has caught un.
Disc and Cylinder Grapho-
phores-suit your own
preferences -and suit your
own pocketbook.
Tarim, era cosy -c-_. 8s
Walter H. Partisan
On the Square Godericb
A Square
and we ate endeavoring ei keep
hr the past reputation of the
Osiers Rome Grooery, which
cannot ly excelled. Our goods
are teeth and eeasosabie. Come
and elle ua • rail and bare •
trial order sent down. Prompt -
mos and aatislartlon guaranteed,
NO. 1S 1 •4
Totts av, Feb. 81t1s.
blies Ethel Taylor t the guest of her.
,ibter, Mrs. Neil Mac Id.
Mies Tend Carrick is the guest of
Mies Annie Meel.euuan this week.
Mies Ella MacDonald, of Amberley,
is awarding a few days at Richard
The Misses lily and Gracie Mac-
Lean and Isabel MacL.ehnau spent
Sunday at their respective homes.
Mo.. A. Beckett successfully enter-
tained a number of young people from
the bouedary one evening lest week.
Uwlog to her mother's accident MIs.
Margaret Hardie baa returned from
Chiosgo, wbere she entered a hospital
as nurse in training last weed.
We aro sorry to learn that Alex
aader MacGregor is nut enjoying the
best of health at present, but we trust
the tine weather will restore him to
hi amen again.
Rev. J. 8. Hardie called on friend.
on the lake shorebird week and availed
himself of the uprrirtunity of sitting
down to a bacbelor tea which be
heartily enjoyed.
The monthly meeting of the Wom-
en's Missionary Society was held at
the home of A. Beckett on Wednes-
day tit last week. Quite a number
were present and very interesting
papers were read.
It is with deep regret we learn that
Mrs. Hardie bad the misfortune to
fall and breek be; leg in three places
bt t wenn the ankle and" the knee. the
large bone bring broken in two places
and the small one in woe place,
A leap year bail given by the young
ladies was held in the MacDonald Hall
here on Friday night. The ladies as-
eumed all the respunribility and cer-
tainly deserve credit for the success
achieved. A targe crowd assembled
and weee loth to leaves even when
the wee sma' hours of morning ap-
tl•4r Hiitpett c.rh prior. said- Anburn
Milt, &'rATk JAMItM YtiUrr 8i.it
IWNKSOAT. Feb. 21st.
John Taman is busy moving to his
Ltrm neer Seaforth this week.
Shim Clara Sclater, of Seaforth, Is
vi.itiret old friends to the village for a
couple of weeks.
Miss May Denstedt returned home
last sleek alter a lengthy visit with
hie de at Sebringvilie.
Miss Erma Symington left on Mon-
day to resume ber work as milliner et
Delhi_ She bad been home since
Welt Fingland, of Knox College, will
give an illustrated missionary- lecture
in Knox church on Fiiday evening of
, this week. '!'here is no admission tee,
but a silver collection will be taken.
i The Bible a udy contest, held by the
Epwurtb League last uignt proved to
be very intereetsn1. The pastor gave
the questions and, altnough a huger
numbered tee uteer side werepresent.
LottieJacktain's side made the most
points end won the mutest. •
New denote, PRINCIPAL. -A. V.
Sheceletun lee been engaged as
teacher of the public school here to
succeed A. A. easy -tor. who resigned
recently to accept the principalship of
the Seaortb public scoot,/ at an ini-
tial salary of $630 per annum. Mr.
Shackletou gra.tuated from the Strat-
ford Normal School at midsummer,
1l)10, and since then be has been teach-
iug near Fordyce. His salary here is
g?.im per &nous.
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 21st.
J. Linfield, the Colborne assessor,
struck our village this week, or rather
the western suburb.
Tbe dog. ate not to be seen running
at large at peewee Tbe assieesors are
expected on their annual rounds
shortly -a certain indication of spring.
The date of the annual Sunday
school convention here batt been fixed
foi March tl' h ' A Targe program has
been ptepared and a good time is ex-
James Ja•l...A has been purchasing
horses and intends to take out witb
him a carload of settler's effects when
he returns to Alberta in about a
couple of weeks -
THY. lcti HARV EST. --Leet week was
spent by r lu,gr nutnht-r iu this local-
ity in ptovid.ug for the future, when
the icy winds of winter will be die -
pieced by the sultry mummer breezes.
the ice is not of a very good quality,
as a good deal of snow had been
frozen iu atm.ng•t its
A LONG TRIP. --The '+ienal arrived
in due time hast week. on Friday.
During most of the wester it has been
Sao day before it reached here.
Some euujec,ured ti at it had gone up
tbe lake whore raile ay and round by
Kincardine in searc!. of those silk hate
which were het over the completion
of the mad.
(htulwu REPORTS. --The reports
pre.ented in u. nnt' tion with the an-
nual ounitreaational meeting of the
Presbyterian cburcb, held last week,
are •umnierized as f,diows : Total re-
oeipte (Auhu. n and S.oito'. Hilly. 9'l,-
iflfl ; total for all missionary purposes,
*404. Smith's Hillcons regetion renov-
ated the chu'eh. putting in a new in-
terior. They also put a new roof on
the abed*. the greatest part of the
ovist t as been wet. Knox church,
Aetwro. closed with a hal ince no hand
of •44. Communicants added during
the year, at ; dilates and dismissals, 111.
TThe present numbs. of communicants
i F ossmerttw+ Hnvg RocIAc 6vE iso.
-Last ?relay everting the members
of the Canadian Otdsr a Forests.s
met le by
lodge room hese at-
jr use CAM. d �i
the yo
members who are not no foe -
Miami. as to eases,, partneri, ae-
emnpanisi by those who to mii se-
e peskiest. are The slimseatmed
1 all that
marls( a gtosrd poi tame. �•j,
est he
I�wafted carpet
the /resin` w
ag el tie armee
egim wee provided ihe fair ease.
let rand= et eh, advent at esether
• Tt#E StO A�, r GD1)ERYcff 0N'L%JUO
for Febitaty
SATURDAY, Febris 124t
airy h
MONDAY, February 26th . TUESDAY, February 27th
This is the list for the February Month-end Sale Days. Every item is a bargain and a money -saver.
It is practically the last call for Winter stocks, and on Saturday, Monday and Thesday there will be many
and many a bargain such as you seldom get. We would rathertake very little prices for Winter goods now
than carry. them -over. Newmerchandise is crowding in every day, .and Spring stock must have first
place from now on. Read the list over very carefully. It is full of good things for people who want to
make their dollars coo extra duty.
New Embroideries 25c
One case new Swiss Embroid-
eries, 15 laches to Is inches wide,
real good designs on bigb-grade
cloth. suitable for children's
wear, underskirt trills, etc.
Decidedly special for Feb -
.nary Sale Days at 25
per yard... ...... ..
Mill Ends of
Table Damask
Twenty-tive mill lengths
Bleached Table Damask- Esch
end contains two to two avid ahalf
yards. full blenched and text-ellent
wearing quelity. On sale
aaturday. Monday and Tae. -
d a y at per end $7
$1.00 and.........
75 Ends
At About Half-price
Seventy five ends Lace and
Embroideries, lengths ranging
from one-half to r hreeyatd:.. reg-
ular prices 5^ to 50c per yard. We
have gathered them all logetht r.
measured therm up, and put them
on one of our bsrgaio tables at
pretty nearly Halt -price
There will he some exceeding-
ly good bargains fouo3'on this
table on Saturday. Monday and
Remnants of Laces
and Ribbons 2 for •5c
A basket of Lace and Ribbon
Remnants, all kinds and many
lengths that we have sold at
two, three and four times this
price. Saturday. Mon d a y
and Tuesday, very 5C
special. 2 for -„
100 Remnants ot.
Dress Goods
Saturday marks tbe end of
our Remnant S de, We will
have ready on tables all our
Drees Goods Remnants. prseti-
cally one hundred in all to select
from. Lengths running from
one te. four yards, and there is
pretty nearly everything in
Dress Goods represeoted. There
are some ends of good bIak mate-
riels that are extra good value.
The whole tableful 6atusday at
pretty nearly
Half Regular Price
50 Ends of Silk
Fifty ends black and colored
silks, lengths running from one
to three and a halt yards. A
splendid assortment of shades
suitable for trimmings. Out on
one of the bargain tables, every
one marked at a bargain price.
Panama Skirts $3..15
Fifteen oniy Dress Skirts,
made from good quality Panama,
cut in one of the hest etyles ter
the coming Hoeing season, black
or navy. Jure fifteen to sell at
this price, and when they are
gone, no more. S a t u day.
Monday and Thee- • ft. .15
day, each.....,. .. J i
A Great Clearance of
Dress Trimmings
Tw . Lundred yards Dress
Trimmings, black and colors, a
cleaning-ep of lines that sold up
to 30c per yard. Clearing Satur-
day. Monday and Tues. 5c
day, at per yard .... .....
Hundreds of Yards of
Braid at lc
Hundreds of yards of plain and
fancy Trimming Braids, black
and cotore, odds and ends and
broken lots. All to be cleared
out Saturday, Monday and 1,
Tuesday, at par yard
Fur Gauntlets $1.45
Three pairs Grey Lamb aunt -
lets, extra quality bather palm
and wnol-liaed, worth two or
three timer this peace
day, -
Monday � AK
Tuesday. per eta)
Dark Flannelette 10c
One end only Dark Grey
Ftanoelette, neat email patter*.
hoaper yard nth Special M
e'^ -.„.„.tet.'"
These Three Sale Days will be good days to buy
Coats or Furs
These will undoubtedly be your best days
to buy good Furs or a Coat. We still have
many garments that we are anxious to get
tconverted into ready cash before the month is j
out. For that reason we have cut the prices.
right and left without any regard to actual
values. The qualities are up to our usual
high standard, and every article is backed '
It with- our unqualified guarantee. There are .
still some exceptionally good Furs in stock 1
that we cannot take room to mention here,
but we will make it worth, the while of any-
1 body thinking of buying Furs to buy ahem
here and now.
Coats and Furs at $3.88
We have gathered together fifty or sixty Ladies •
Costs, Children's Coats, Fur Neck Pieces and Muffs, and
made them all at this one price for very speedy selling.
The regular pr1'ces run from $5.00 to $10.00 each. Pebruary Sale !JayC7e take your choice of the $3•Q Q
entire lot at pair
Any Cloth Coat Half-price
A number of good Cont. still to sell. Black, navy or
tweeds, many different style., serviceable, stylish garments
that have_good appeerenoa and will wear well. Regular
515.00 to Irl,i.00. Half-price takes soy one of them S ster-
day or Monday. Tule is a splendid opportunity to gat a
good coat
vRemember Cloth than Half-price
Children's Coats Going, .Too
Fifteen or twenty Children's Coats yet to sell. Reds,
browns and navies, neat, natty little garment. that look
' well an4 wear well. 8ale Days each and every one
specially pried fur quick selling.
Evening Coats Specially Priced
We have in stock exactly fire very handsome Evenieg
(soaks. These we wish to sell at once and on Sale Dave
1 offer them at Away -down Priced. They are all sample
Raresents. The prices we marked them are less than bait
their smut! value. Here 4 the list :-
t One dark garnet Evening Cloak, Month-end Sale
Days $8.00
' i One each fawn and Cabala Evening Cloak, Month -
end Sale Days I -.�.... $11.80
One only light grey Evening Cloak, -Month-end
Bete Days
One each fawn and rose Evening Cloaks, exception-
ally h tAdsome garments. Month-end Sale D aye
choice at each 828.00
1 Three Fur -lined Coats at $25.00 each
Three only Ladies' Fur -lined Coate. One each black. .
1 'wary and brown. Hamster or Oriental Mink lining, Dollar
jand revere tot bigh-grade Western sable. Decidedly extra
special for February 8We Day.. Your $25600
choice for
•Ladies' Fur Coats $12.50
We are going to sell every Fur Coat this season.
That's the reason for this remarkable offering. Astrachan
or Electric Seal Jackets, 21 inches to thil Inches long. plain
or with Western sable collar and revers$12•�en
' (tearing Sale Day at each
Two Black Fur -lined Coats at $34:50
Two only Ladies' Black Fur -lined Costa. Mull of
1 high-grade beaver, lining extra quaiity Muskrat,
collar and revers of American sable. $34.50
i Special for Sale Dave each....
Fur -lined Coat with ['link Collar
One only Ladies green broadcloth Fur -lined Coat.
Lining of high-grade Canadian Muskrat, collar and •
revere genuine natural Canadian mink. $52e]
An undoubted bargain Sale Days at ....... .50
fluskrat Coat 125.00 •
One only Muskrat Dost. Tbis is size 34. The skins
seeextra quality, thice and closely furred. Thi• garment
is cut military .tyle and is 20 inches to ZH inches long.
Worth double the pekoe we eek. Sale Days $Z�e/�
covey•,,, ••. Long Rat Coat 348.50 `N
. One anly 45 -inch Natural Muskrat Coat, automobile
stele. A dressy and serviceable garment.
Hale Days special .... •
A Handsome Plink Collar $55.00
One only handsome natural Canadian Mink shoulder
pile!. New style. One of the best we have shown this
a=il Bator We guystantee the qualty. Very Sa�•�
or Monde ons
Fine Persian Muff $21.00
One only extra quality Persian Lamb Muff, rich glossy
ewe square shape. Sale Day special $11 •�
aridy ..
Preslao Paw Mutt $11.00
DIM $81110w Met made of beet
iT _al i
`+ Medals and quality Persian
` Thtew•ov'er 1;e to aaerh the above WWI
Hot• WANTED. -Anise Boy wasted Is Mars the Dry Omuta Bueineee,
One ally hiss pared Me eatwes preferred, appy at osee•
Yard-wide Silk 80c
Otdis. end only heavy Frstmh
BUk, blaek only, Cult yard wide.
ever yard stamped "special."
wearing quality. , For
N.:,;.• day. unly we offer this
highs imported *fkat fea
remarkably low price of
per yard
Blankets $2.85
White Wool Blankets, i• t a
little cotton woven is tot keep
them trim shrinking., tin e
soft finish. Special $2.85
pea' pair... ... ..•.. Q
Large f
Velvet Rugs $19.75
Four large iinpoithid Velvet
Rugs, size Se x 4 yards, thick
Mose pile, a spieouid wearing
carpet. They are slightly
damaged in tine place wasch
will be pointed out to you wbstq
. you come to see them. Regular
IKIQmo quality. Because of this
imperfection, winch wilt not
interfere with the wear, you can
buy them Saturday.
souls' or Tu .- Slim 75
day, at each...... •
More of that
27c Flouncing
Another tut of Special Em
broidery Flouncing ric, fall
twsaty-two Inches wide on good.
quality muslin. Special 27c
at per yard only..
Tweed Suitings 59c
One sod only Suiting Tweed,
mixed pmttsru, very suitable for
separate skirts. Extra value,
special Saturday Monday
and Tuesdays per
Heavy Serge 55c
All -wool chr►wt barge. Weak,
blue or red, guaranteed ad wool,
regular 90c. Special �- a
for `Sale Days, per yard vs,/c
34 -inch -
Navy Serge 75c
Here le an .sndouoted special -
all -wool Neer tlerge, suitable for
skirts, suits or dresses, lull 54
inches wade -note the extra
widtb. On Sale Days, latc
ler yard
Clearing Odd Corsets
Per Palr 49c •
Our annual Spiting clead-up
of the Corset stock takes place
Satutday, Monday and Tuesday.
Every odd pair or line we are
dussiontiouing has been gatoered
together, and no matter what
its former price we offer Ack
you your choice for
e We cannotive
g you ovary
size in any oar turd, but pretty
nearly every- stzd is repreeeuted
in :MI clearing wt.
Men's Heavy Woollen
Socks 2 pairs fOr 35c
lieu's heavy ribbed woollen
Socks, aearnlees, dark-- grey,
extra value at 35c peso paw.
Fifty pairs to Kell daturday and
-dray at 2 pais.,
for only
Heavy Worsted Hose
2 pairs for 35c
Bahl about tbree dozed pales of
these all wool BIlek Worsted
Hose at this price. Just the
thing tar boys wear.
Very special *pairs for 35C
Just Five Trimmed
Hats S0c .
Just five Trimmed Hsta in
the showroom. 8attlydey, Mon-
day or Tuesday take your
choice of the five for araC
only JV
38 -inch Scrim 11c
New S vetch Curtain Scrim.
314 lashes wide, striped effects,
welts or ecru shades. - $peciul
for February lisle Days, 1 � C
per yard
Large White Quilts
Large size honeteomtr Quilts,
extra weight, soft weave, new
designsSpecial for S1
February Male Days •
Bath Towels 2 for 23c
Seventy -Ave Bath Towels,
i gond sou and weight, jt t In
this week. February Alda _
Special, 2 for - Lam(;
White Waists 78c
Twenty -Ave White Muslin
w aisM. - front of handsome
' Swap embroidery, floe quality
audio. regular $1.00 to' fyi.GO.
February Sale Days. 78c
3 Boxes Hair Pins 5c
Three buodred boxes Hair
Pins, assorted kinds and sixes in
box, made from good quality
steer Special bale Days a.11.
SS boxes for
Cashmere and
Woollen Uloves 18c
Cksbmerette and Knitted
Woollen Gloves, assorted color,
and sizes. Special lot 1 Q C
clearing bale Lays at... C7
50c Woollen Gloves
Twenty-five pairs ladies'
Knitted Woollea Gloves, two
dome fasteners, in white or
colors, standard 1100 quality.
Sale Days, clearing at 29C
per pair
Pillow Shams 19c
Fifty Lace PiUow Shams and
Stand Covers, good quality,
made of Nottingnaw.
Stele Days very special 19c
Door Curtains 19c
Twenty -Ave pales leash or Door
Curtains, made from fine madras
or scrim, assorted designs and
colorings. Sale Days,p
very sptclal per pair..... 19c
44 -inch
Black Lustre 22c
Forty -four -inch Black Sicilian
Lustre. bright &deb, will give
splendid wear, regular ;otic qual-
ity- Special for Bale �ZC
Lay., per yard only .-
Best English
Indigo Prints
Big shipment of genuine
iodigo dye English Prints just
ra•etved this week. These are a
heavy strong cloth that will
stand the wash and the wear.
imported direct from the makers
in Manchester or we could not
.sell them at anything near this
price-wotsh had as much again
as the 1910 print. Our I5c
special trios per yard....
Other Furs at
Other Furs at
Reduced Prices
We have 'mentioned only a few of the Firs we want to
clear tithe February sale Days. The prieme have tope
narked one-qtrrtee to one -ball Iso than regular. There
are some very ehoiw piers. of fax, 41•ata sable, Western
sable, Persian lamb gad other hare, both la nook please and
muffs. We would like to terra every iellur's worth d tare
into ready Bash If poseihie sad will Blake ire peal, toe
these Sala Dare the most interesting ever grasped In town
for taw et equal quality. W ars ready to game prices
(hat mean 'nary saved to every hurler.