HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 7• THE S16NAL : Gt►11)ERIeH ONTAEI 1) THcritnuAT. 1$$u uiY Ill, itis! 7 • gie Viotti*** ***city*, *tett itiot ic 40+ lini9 it sittittitiokiti41, 101. The News -Q f the District - ,,„..4 44 44 4,4,4444 4 4 , 4444.444' ASNFIEL.D. LAURIER. ' LUCKNOW. Mottrme, Feb. leth. Ttturrn.Y. Feb. 13th Mormav, Feb. 19th. �,i tcc a Nems*• --Ata reoeet treat- YERWNALttn Mrlotr.—Mies Arum The an oust winter meeting of t1 s ."....,/tee qquarte11Y oi'Beisl board of MUG .ger ba@ returned *en • Iden`- Women's inadttaate war WW at the AehieId circuit (Methodist), W. T. an t v 1. t in Blyth lair town hall on theta day afternoon. wbo loaves sbort1 _tor _New Tema Cowgp of (loderleh, epeot tits • The tltaull!m Ooutta Bafn a escort ire, week -end 1 iaru.... .CharMe i3tew- io, madame bis last week. under the auspices of the In aeMlti asst firmed tram a week's Y. M. C. A., was not attended amt. s bawd peseta vide rb' Detroit and neuro having had the readpta tailed to pay •z- it., Jeep *ppm/laden Of Mr. a pleaaapt visit. pease... Ties program given was im- ices continued over twiny Mserrtso —A very sucewsful meet- tetwting and well reodeted. Al tbe same meeting Bev. hag of the Home &eta Foreign Mission Pxwt,.—Harv` M ui It u is Jefferson was Invited to remain cd cry Boer held at the home of awayon a trip to Winuipsg so other r year Pastor. Mrs. Albert was rt Beckett. Ezoelleot Western points W. L MacKenzie paper* were read by MLN. D. Mc- attended the Dominion Alliance con - CARLOW. Legman end Mee Annie Cowan. A solo vection at Toronto last week WsDNeseav, Feb. '21st by Miss Lexy McLean wive much ap Miss Nina Macintosh, daughter of .Il.al.`i. 1ggwrittu,—Th. Women's th•eofated. ..The Met•wi meeting of Peter Macintosh, of Lucknow, has e Nisyiun Suaisty of IfltaUh'. tui the Wosnen'. institute will to held at graduated from the Walkerton hoi- hwet at the hates of lin. W. Mrs. Duna. Mclntyrei s home tal as a trained nurse with first-class sews of Thursday, Behrwry 16th. Jorr1Noe.—The hunters are num- honors. was a full etteod•nos, and six emus, also the foxes ; but es usual the members were added to the toll. wily fox is elusive and therefore Ken er the devotional and bueiosis Ral•t and Bill are sitting on tbe bank, the reting, while the other ladies guns ready. petienile waiting tot the liiut•U . Mus• Jarvis McBride bear and mouse, which are expected 1e ;t paper on the wort at Siston, to erode the late since itis entirely ver The sh scribe ire ti swill be hae �ow�t Wedneada t boastofrozen uof StiVeo leap yeahrelproposals ting h l3, at the holo. of Mn. J. over the 'phone. Were they from alter. The motto of a Society is, married weuueo Someone whispers Um da for Christ.”that such was the case—and they were supposed to come from the isir- est of the young girls. What a delusion ! The result "remains. to be seen." Trs.os , Feb. YOth. Drinking to Excess ruin. Therefore investigate nitrite of the Gatlin Treatment the liquor bib re only three days n hack to busters wlt.ha w� te )n and sady phone for copies of contract and telt. Institute located at 128 Jar - is street, Toronto. 'Phone North 4538. COLBORNE. TusnAT. Feb. 811th. M,ITLAND 00 (101K1O1t NOT*.. — i1* Sylvia Hallman wee a guest at tome of Wm. Durst last week...... Bailie spent Sunday at his - (diy on Mini Rosy Durst under the parental root. •Sunday Holtzman. of Onditoo, a *bort visit with acquaintances tbe line last weekMr. end � S. Sheatdown, of we and n at tbe borne of Mr. Mrs. Stevens on Wteday Her` Mandel had the JRildortuns to kis foot badly twisted while at at HiH's sawmill A goodly of young people trout this line the Sunday erasing service Zion on the lath inst. It was a epe- e/Tyke for young pets& and was en l,y the pastor, Wray. A. W. town. in his usual aides* manner. . W w. Stevens delivered some sz- iy large logs to HW's *await- week. some of theta being over fret in diameter. H. Young a telephone *etvioe installed in house a few day" sr'. Mr. Young ITMS that then is nothing like be - up to -date. TOW xstt1PCut:NOL.- Coiborwoonn- 1 held Its regular nteattbg February 3th ; all the members present. Minutes previous meeting read and adopted. mounts paid as follows: W. W. ober, 24 loads gravel. R2.40 ; Mrs. Data 811 loads Pavel. IPS; Thos Mo- btyrer 14 loads gravel. $1.40; Oode- Lumber Co., poets, $8.eu; Wfl- Mclntosh. building ieooe. $4.00 beer Morris, drawing two bads vel, gi.al; Municipal World. ne- t rolls, etc.. $3.45 : C. C. wire etc.. Mall ; C. C. lee, le. Di feet, 12 in., $5.410. Reeve Ker- islets eriso moved that statute labor in hb township be commuted at 50c. per . Councillor Bisset moved in ment, seconded by Councillor olm, that the question of aholbh- statute labor be submitted to the at the next January election. ed The auditors' report was and un motion of Meagre. 01i1.- snd Hetherington was received Ned. Each auditor was paid $7.01 or his services. Oarried. Alexadsr patrick applied for .os.penesdon loss of a bores that died while the rind on dib eonitrnssfon. council paid Mr. lisigantrick $50 account of his Ileerge J. collector's 1i 1, post- e oved by Dor Chi.- eireaded by Chassellisit lot o. 6easese sllta 10. Bisset. from school .ratio. No. 5 anion school No. 1, Carried. The citionlil will meet the second ? ssdsy in Match. W. McDterAnR, Clerk. LAURIER LOCAL&—Mia Tena Car- rick returned to Lllcknow on Setae - day atter spending 'some time with friends at Matadi and Strathvran.... Jobe- Kuntz, of Port Albert, visited in the neighborhood this week Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay, of Saskatoon, Bask.. spent last week the guest of the forn,er's sister, Mrs. John Jamieson. Mr. &e-3 Mrs Jaruio+on enter- tained a number of their friends on Thursday evening last Suther- land MacDonald, of Point Clark', was a visitor at K. D. MacLennen's a couple of days this week ..Fred Ross drove up from Dungannon. whew be is engaged as teacher. on Saturday and spent the week -end at James MacNein's 'dhow Isabel Maclennan and Tabitba Kempton. of the G. C. 1.. spent Saturday and Sun- day sndsr the parental roofs....... Rise Agnes Wiley returned berme last week from Kincardine, where Abe had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Har- die Miss Tena Kempton returned on Thursday last after a week's visit with friends in Huron Wm- BtteNeghtmt who hos been suffering from an intimated eye for several weeks, caused by the lodging of a small particle of stone in the& delicate organ, has almost recovered and is again at his post in the mill., ... Oc- easenally of late mar be seen travers- ing our public highway one who for the laat eight or nine months bed not been a frequent wayfarer. We are pleased to see hist spout !gala and trust that be may soon be .Me to per- form erform his customary round of duties. Reference is made to Frank Muhroe, wbo in June bad his leg broken. Mrs. James Bradley Is at prey eon suffering from a severe attack of 1a grippe We desire to congratu- late }ferry W&Iker on his succeed at the W i ngham Business College. he basing obtained his diploma in com- mercial subjects at that institute of learning—. _John Bradley having been recently engaged as book agent for L .e west divisi m of Ashfield regis- tered for duty Monday morning. A large and varied number of books ate offered for sale, among which is a spa - cis! volume "Stepping Stones to Sue - meg." . We wish John every success SLY Ty Ent) .tY. Feb. 811th. Ourrt Aay. -- The std news was received here last week tbat D. Sel- lers, who has been on a homestead id the West for the pest three years, had passed away quite suddenly. At the time of his death be was alone on the. homestead. the word came as a shock to his mother, as she had not heard of his illness. The remains arrived here on Monday, accompanied by his two brothers. Wesley and Rus- sel, who are &leo in the West. Albert, of Chicago, and Whitfield, of Toronto, are also here. The funeral took place trom`he Methodist church on Tues- day and wad under the auspices a the Masonic Order, and was largely at- tended. The loos is very severe on his mother, as it is ooly'a short time since her husband died Miss Annie Armour, who had been a resident of Blyth for thirty years, passed away on Sunday after a lingering illness Those lett to mourn her are one brother and two sisters MrtDAL CONTKeT.—The W. O. T. U. held a very eutcessful medal contest in Industry Hall last Wednesday evening. There were seven contest- aols for the medal and they made au excellent showing. Theudges, who were Rev. J. L . Small, Miss Powell and Miss Thompson, had a difficult task in awarding the prize, but even- tually gave it to Annie Mains with thirty -cine pointe. Alberta Brothers came nett with thirty-eight and a -half points The recitations were inter- spersed with selections by local tal- ent, and Miss Tennant, of Michigan. who is visiting here. gave a splendid readine which was heartily encored. Mur. (Rev.) Fear acted as cbaltman and the hall was filledwith an spew ciative audiesoe. We understand the proceeds are to be used as a campaign fund to try to carr local option at the nett municipal election. Both sides are commencing to get ready for the fight, and there is no doubt there will be & different story to tell from that of three years ago, when the measure was defeated by a straight majority of two. PERSONAL AND tiaNERAL. The Bt George Club entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening to. & euchre party. at which a splendid time was spent ....The Ride Club have arranged with the London or- chestra to have their four pieces hese an Thursday evening, February nth. The ball is to r* in the St. George Clot, rooms and it is expected it will be one of the greatest events of the season. There is to be an oyster sup- per in connection R. R. Sloan has rented his father's maple bush and is going extensively into tnaple syrup making. He received last week one in the work. of the latest patterns of evaporating FOR DYSPEPSIA, pans and is now busily engaged get- ting it set up. It is likely he will This' make & lo: of syrup this year if the You Risk no Monty if You T r7sap runs we11......Rev. E. A. Fear R1• • was in Toronto last week attending We want everyone troubled with the great temperance convention...., indigestion and dyspepsia to come to Rev. Mr. Cozens, of Clinton. occupied our store and obtain a box of Recall the pulpit of the Methodist church Dyspepsia Tablet& They contain bis- here last Sabbath, preaching two cap- muth-subnitrate and pepein carefully ital missionary sermons to large con- oombined so as todevelop their great- gregations. He is enthusiastic in the est power to overcome digestive dim- work Nest week, commencing Unbent*. on Sunday, the Methodists will hold a Resell Dyspepsia Tablets are very week of revival meetings. Rev. Mr. to take, They tend to soothe e, the evangelist, is to have the 111°ritabie, weak stomach, to charge of of the meetings Mr. and strengthen and invigorate the diger- Mrs. W. Richmond, who have been ties organs, to relieve nausea and in- - visiting with relatives here for some digestion. ttus promoting nutrition time, returned to their home in Win. and brisling about • feeling of nom- nipeg last week.. Fred Mason left tort. last week for London. where be in - FREE IP IT FAILS f1 you give Rezall Dyspepsia Tablets tends learning the barbering with hie • reasonable trial we will return your uncle Misses E. and M. Steinhoff et hooey Back if Yen ars Ilton sow money if you are not satisfied with were on a visit to friends at Under. .with the Medicine Wt osmraMd the result. Three sloes. 25 amts, 60 wood and other places last week . . We are so positive that our ant and $1.00 Remember, you can Robt. Taylor has been visiting his pertnaney relieve osestlp� obtain RezaU Remedies may at our mother bete. He disposed of his farm store—The Ramal! Store. H. C. Dun- at the east of the village to A. Ore' h- asty bow chew& it a� tat'. iuP. south aid. of 9gn•t'e. Godericb. ton and returned to his home at Por- es. or we offer to furnish the medicine tage la Prairie, Manitoba, last week. 0t expense should It tall t4 pro- Mrs Suburbs- I'm going down cel- Haney Mason, who .is afflicted satisfactory t y.rsselts with tuberculosis of the hip, left last ttlsworse than ttsdses to att.mppt Suburb—Well. ,ton voyage.—Har- week for Toronto to undergo treat. iolow-lines with r'J . o PeT s Raw. went by a specialist them IN. i&satrves or est& rsspo do — Gunn. of Clinton, was in town last tad' T6sy ~ s �.�1yoo. WOMAN'S HAIR week in iwnwltatiop E. Watson • and make constipation lip'tee ahipped a car of cattle to Toronto on to > es. we more Renee • Preparation That Makes Hair Saturday and Jae. Oumfng shipped a that is daageaota.. Fascinating. car of bogs to Stratford and a car of patiob is OMs./ by a weak- Parisian Rage is the ideal hair oattle to Toronto John Potter at el the nerves and mossier of the tnsle and beautifier of the present the elevator received a car of bran intp.itine.oe*ores. tyros. and corn last week for sale Lux - s. , t permansnt� seat 1t is«+*pounded on the most ad- ton Hill received a oar of hemlock ore to0e up evaneed scientific principles, and noth lumb..Lor his planing mill last week. organs andrecto. these to ieegg oe the !Tweet today can compare Norman Oook. of Hensel], vie- ebier activity. wits it. iced with Meade In town last week. We watt Miss Nettie McTaggart, of Ex- 7ou to Rowell Order It aeootepllshes so much more than aur, isvisiting her brothers in town au me They aro the Indissry tonics, and does it so g ingly shame' tab*,Hest/' waist rat nears are aatoeiehed- this week Filmic McPhersor N at lite candy, and aro ideal foe 1�lMtlatt sills the dandruff p `sent on a visit to his mother at se• heater dandruff in two Woodville Mrs. J. Stewart vie- ' icate pe.�0sta sed old w etas and Red friends in Seaforth the past week. at well v for era rateed useit weeks. or a.eoe7 beck. A. Rainton was on & business dittaaly no the nerves ted sew le Mein, Rage stops falling hair. y .... . t►e bowels. Hare itcritrR d the scalp and splitting bairn trip to Wlnsbam on Thursday They fly ieztoo Hill met with what might aestt•a1 aerie. They do tss.efste or mosey lie rest• or gleed*. 'ilsyaefst>tltg., Hines its ietlroduatlon Into Amerces have been • serious accident on Sats cr me favorite with da evening. •Whsle measuring Mtge seeds. bsaM..a MP at�tf. it bassos a prime at �....►ecll one of the logs relied on htcainvseisaes 7iq woMris a e. Rage gives a fascinating his LeekUy none of the bones be )1- h at attiF i.Y .e Parisian tlyt werebroken fart it was quite p•fafa tsps �LwoMM's r and mikes it for. 1`be few d& Ir nr TUTwill U the mai: grow as`M s, h*v, made so*e d tM � it taaree ee W nrgl ±ari.Ry, d1 1 may. kisseitealy t It M the drSsdOet land m� Le &xy Loll tit oA tbellr bsir dewing hstt If Mien w s.YOe. mpei brsa Ijlnigodigr and has tot cidewalke, but bsfatr long J�1 ; �. InitioushisIt alt or atictfnees likely he covered again for Iowa ` '" h it,.... who NR here >• M ta t = V nt P•riaisn ltssisi owlets tvse�„t�ilx y.u. ago seed bas busses A Wigs -rues'& W s Md betas 0.17 coca In that flee, i. w a c*'o Near etasD►-7 V . Loa oars.1 etata. e s me girl with visit to b father, who is gettieg very).aim` Dsttiap, south `iia d !!>, jeae�'a heir M wen Sys, old. eaweevieseaeseaereeseeewesereeseeesireeeseeerseerseeeeeeie S You were never too young— You will never be too old—to enjoy the Edison Phonograph The Lases Mimeograph L net rely the meatiest maseioae of all Meagre—it isall the first musicians of the present day—playing all of the masted mimic ever written. Yen salsa year preps= to wit y os aadiwae when ou own ea love bed, P,ren �`b `t .inThe n who Wbest-yakind of mesio, w as'may Ow Edison cm render it—as true to life es the original. Th. Edison .one is pure, smooth. subdued and true. became of the rounded, buttoo-caped sapphire re- producing -point, which gives exactly the right volume of sound for the borne. And the sapphire point is per- manent-Aosta ermanent—Aosta forever. No changing needles, no szatcbutg or wearing of nes !• setreeb shahs both re Mims *Woo inurretwo. Go m Stades! yidE.gttsnseti r�— 1*..►, dear' <MedsssaItoowde .Mwlttss�atmdree niesar& Av �o a Atrn'n a play mss t.Ar.ia. ...� tyros s ons sasseera aS..risss. times.. N. J. U. S. A. A emebsellmoiSibla rimeg ribs sed teowhatwat be taaarst JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSIC ,STORE 11 REDUCTION SALE of OVERCQATS We have a large assortment of Overcoats which we are putting on sale. They are in all lines and sizes, to fit the smallest boy or the biggest man. Dress Coats, Ulsters, College Ulsters, Convertibles. On any coat in the store we will give a discount of 25 PER CENT. FOR CASH rIcLLAN BROS. Men's Outfitters The Square, God rich Vassar Shoes FOR LADIES Here's a brain for boa! This sauteed 2,000 pound capacity Scale with every up-to-date improve- ment, for only :25.00. You will begin .daythe.ave money you order an YLBIERWagon & Stock Th;ee.'Whe e1 SCALE Governmentto of absolute accuracy goes FREE"with every Aylther Scale, even at the bargain price of $215. "We prepay the freight" and warrant you satisfac- tion or refund your money. v uta Jessupetool most Is ng tel bearings throughout. y as Mg wheels. roomy platform. kept In 'place by FOUR checks Ilnatead of the usual two). stout steel fender on platform tp pro- tect -the beam. and a afth lever to minimize strain on the beam. Wilt last a lifetime and weigh aceurately up to uric ton. even f it stands on uneven ground. L.Way to move from place to place. and first-class In ,very particular. Remember only 1125.00. freight paid to your nearest station and Government Certi- ficate of accufacy free. Get In your order e sly car prompt delivery. This special offer gives you the chance to own an absolutely modern scale, built of the very best material. You need this scale to weigh whatever you buy or sell. You can have it to teat in any way you like. Send it back and get your money back if it isn't all and more than we say it is. A ME P C°td., Aylmer, Ont. Our styles and lasts in ladies' "Vassar' Shoes for this season are perfect. We are confident in saying that this line surpasses any ether in style, comfort and wear. If you have not worn VASSAR Shoes, don't fail to try them this season. We carry all lines in patent, tan, gun - metal and kid. W. H ER N 'Phone 226, the Square — r 004%, "Corn Fed !" • See Kellogg "Corn Fed" boy Isn't he a big, chubby fellow? Every morn- ing he gets a big dish of the •" gnawing" food — Kellogg's Corn Flakes. He thrives like your children will thrive when you feed them the nutritious sweet hearts of the world's finest corn. Buy a pac.adc today. a r 1 the gd r oc n.ng • CCRN FLAKES 1======11 =I 1==:=I191 YOU ARE THE LOSER " IF YOU DO NOT GALL AND, SEE THE 'VALUES WE AI1E,GIVING IN STOVES TO CLEAR THEM OUT TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS We have a number of good second-hand Heaters and Ranges which we are offering at great values. McCormick Agency We wish to announce that we have taken over the complete agency of the McCormick Co. for their Mowers, Biuders, Plow . Wagons, Sleight. Dive Harrows, Cultivators, Drilla, Manure Spreaders, Gasoline Engines, Cutters, Buggies. etc., eta. You know se well as 1 can tell you that it costs a lot of money to put agents on tbe road to sell these goods, and i purpose. in place of putting men out, to give you the benefit of this he Reduced Prices THEREFORE, YOU ARE THE LOSER IF YOU DO NOT CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. We have just installed one of their gasoline engines in our work shop for nioning the skate and lawn mower sharpener and pipe -`suing macbioe, etc., so if you are considering the purchase aim engine, we can show you one in operation. Skates Sharpened Boys and girls, we can sharpen your @hetes while you wait. We have Installed an outfit equal 'to the skate manufacturers. Plumbing Heating, steam Fitting, Electric Wiring promptly attended uo and all wort fuily Ku.tanteed. Scranton Coal We handle Deiaware, l.ekawanna k Westrrn `:erant.m (kcal e:rssivaiy, esti all real wombed on market scales, and. having our own tees. we can give prompt delivery Terms -Cash CHAS. C. LEE 'Phonesii‘ store 22 Howie 1120 0 0 11 Wttpmn>,n.tgtl