HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 6i T1twWWAT, TfilliVisT 111, lel MORE PffiAM CURES Added is Ike Loos UM it b 1O Frew Rem. Hianfprd Station, Oat -"1 has* taken Lydia E. Ptokham's Vegetable C for ��.eeaam- rs sated never faoad y seitri L I had � � Storm,!addeeltlee did me nevoid I differed Until be y 1 our medloine. t has ado helped women to whom I have to nennd� d it." -Mrs. Hier Cadiz, Glanford Station, Ontario. AaNbsr Cure Harvey Bank N. B.- i can recom en Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound to any saffe.tte ig woman. I have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cared ase. - Has. DzVsaa BARBOtla. Because you ease is a difficult Dere, doctors having done you no good. do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound • trial. It aired many cases of female ilia. such as jo- fiammatiom, ulceration, displaeeeneeta. fibroid tumors irregularities, periodic pains, backache, teat bearing-aown feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and nervous prostration, It costa but a trifle to try it, and the remit is worth millions to many mattering ellen. U los me=clad. M od�e =r wets M p at b Yrs. _ be pilal,r r / // / / I // Y C.A. HUG, LUN_ 11. BiIS1NE:$ and AND ND SCTB,1lC}S. Registered heat assess upwards of 300 students and plecai IVO/ t�aate. Seven specially q renew tsat`m. One hundred and fifty Leaksalae. oapb� our trained help. ` aasblam year Sept. 5 to June XLlaser clay thee. Cst•l•es. Free Imenes gkettlasa .1. N. WirSIEat'F T, At. J. W. W ritVF T t. Len et.A Acceumeat. rru,rlsat vice PrbeinaL V Forest City NO AMBI1ION ALL TIRES OUT. Mornscy's Oreat Blood Remedy rive New Lik and Energy. Qtil'BEC. P. Q., June 17. 1611. "For about a year or or. my health ,was poor•-tny &realties gone --•.envy unstrung --and 1t was perfect to work. and I was quite alarmed about myself. t happened to gat bold of see of your pamphlets, wbSch I read very carefully. sad was Imprelleee with the tial to try your No 14 shed itemedy. As Peon es 1 started taker year la I began to Impress, and kept t.adlly Improving with the nos of the medlcln. I used several bosom and sew em perfectly well. sad la fad, saver felt bettor In my uta Previous te taking your remedy I bad been trying a lot of others. but they did me so good. For the saki of otter sufferer, who may be In the same condition I was rot: may publish this /otter. sad I hop. 1t will lallmaees time to gore this wonde-tui prescription a Mal" L tbarbonnaau. Th• above prasertptfoa 1. not a 'Curs - All' or .o -cones eisteat meetcdse. Dr. derriere prescribed It for 44 years, aad It cured thousands after ether doctors fulled. Price. cel ) es a� fir rather �� r� Limited. Mestfeel M's Sold and •tiwranret-tt in Oudrtich by F. J. Rutland. COWAN'S PER FEE= N COCO4 G rich in toold value and easy to digest. It is jot Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa buns. Norma and Dorton cecamlmeed l Ise m laches, or In health. ut De Yea use Cowan's Cocoa. Ry s LOUIS TRACY Mel ebattnaed no as weed 'dim was s strong curtest settles Ilea the eoathea'st and the dying gale htft its attensatk in a loot swell. but ,'the Andromeda rolled cm with ever '>leertasing comfort Oven Iris was -temp ed forth by the stuanit oe. Coke was not on the bridge at tura ttaeme0L Mr. Watts was taking lbs watch. Hasler was on deck forward. laaddaly the captain appeared. He Fileted Iris with a genial nod. "Ah, than you argil" he cried. Not 'tales you stare this time yesterday. Sorry, bat there'll be no gain' ashore today. Well on the wrong side of line Wand. ad' tt 'ud toes you a bit it !pee was to try an' land In *ether of tOa Matt. Tabs 'sr In eamr now. dr. Watts. That's our aneppysgw.over there.' Aad be pointed to the mouth of a Darrow channel between South point lad the Isle des /Negates, the lat- ter abtar a tiny islet that almost blocks the entrance to a ahatlow bay into which res a rivulet of good but slightly brackish water. The ship slowed perCeptibly. and Hosier busied blamed! with the lead which a sailor was swinging on the etarboatd side from the small Plitt- form latform et the accommodation ladder. his did not know what was said, bit the queer figures repeated to Ooke seemed to be satisfactory. Headlands lad had crept nearer. The rocky ams of the Wand closed in on theta A hunt scent as of sweet grsaaes reached them from the "bore. Iris coed see several people, nearly all of them men In uniform, hurrying about with an air of excitement that betok- send the unusual Perhaps a steamer's advent on the south side of the ell end was a novelty. Now tbey were In a fairly smooth roadstead Tbe remnants of the gale were shouldered away from the ship by the towering cliff that jutted out en the lett of the tray The crew were meetly occupied in clearing blocks aid teethe and swinging two lifeboats out- ward on their davits. Ari ready forrardr roared Oaks. Hosier ran to the forecastle. He fiend tbe carpenter there. standlag by the Madras brake. "AA reedy. iirr be cried. Ooh itoddid to him e 'Give bar thirty -ave," he sald, Mew big thereby tbat the mncbor should be allowed thirty -live fathoms of theft. The turbulent current was mesa mom the bows with the speed eft a dill mos. so Coke bnwgbt tis,,_rztm�� mead Mtn .he fay broadside -w11at ma had and beaded straigbt &gahmut the est of the stream. It was his latest to drop amebae while in that peseta and mar am undue again en the cable by r odea ooal tare of the propenes. "Keep her Morel" he maid, half turn- ing to the man at the wbeeL He changed the indicator from "full sped" to "slow .bead.", In a few see- m& tbe anchor cba4n would bays rat- tled through the hawses bole when something bappeoed that was Incom- prehensible. stnpetying-.otnethIng ut- terly remote and strange from the ways of civilized men. The Andromeda quivered, under a tremendous buffet There came a crash of rending iron and an Instant stop- page of the engines. Almeet merging Into the noise of the blow came a load report from the, land, but that to ib tarn was drowned by the bra of steam from the e*ha twit. Coke appeared to be dumfounded for an instant Recovering himself. he ran to the starboard side. leaned over. looked down 01 a torn plate that showed its jngutd edges Just above the water !the and then lifted a blaz- ing face toward a point halfway up the nelgbbortug cHff. wbere a haze lay !lice a yeti of game *0 the weather scarred rocks "loll blasted pirates r he yelled, rar- ing both cU&cbed Acta at the hidden THE SIGNAL 14()DERICH ONTARIO I'Ise gor bellowed Cede. with fres- said said pptomina of action to Holler. It was too late. Before the lover coo - trolling the steam windlass that re- leased the •achor could be Moved over another shell plunged t the thin iron plates In the bowbing • m pipe and Jamming thel hawser by Its impact Tbe WW1* buret with a terrific report A abhor was knocked overboard. the carpsater was killed outright. two other men were seriously wounded, and Hosier recede - ed a blow on the torebeed from a Sy - lag scrap of metal that `tretched him on the dock, The gvanie on shore had not allow- ed for the drlftleg of the ship. That second shell was meant to demolish the ehnrthouse and clear the bridge of ib occupants. Striking high and for- ward. It bad robbed the Andromeda et lier last chance. CHAPTER V. .aow1N0 wwsr BBQArr or Tits. AIF DBOIeZDA. HE Island artillery did Dot em- ceed In hitting the crippled ship again. Three more "bells were Dred, but each projectje screamed harmlessly far out at sett. A trained gunner. noting tbess facts, would reason fiat the shore battery made good practice In tate rut Le - stance solely because Ire ordnance was trained at a known range. indeed, be might even hazard a guess that the Andromeda's warm reception was ar- ranged long before her masts and fun- nel rose orer the horizon. That the islenders intended nothing Ie*s than her complete destruction was self evi- dent Without the slightest warning they had tried to sink bee, arta oow .that she was escaping the further at- tentions of the fleidpieces a number of troops stationed on South point and the Isle del Fregates began to pelt ber with bullets. t iris. when the first paralysis of fear bad passed, when her 'stricken senses resumed their sway and her Iimbe lost their palsy, flinched from this new danger and sank sobbing to ber knees behind the canvas shield of the bridge. Somehow this flimsy shelter, which sailor calf the "dodger," gave some sense of safety. Her throbbing brain was incapable of lucid thought, but it was borne in on her mistily that the world and lis occnpaats had suddenly gone mad., The omen or the blood red water bad justified itself most boat - DO. The dead carpenter was sprawl- tng over the forecastle windlass. HO band still clutched the brake. The sailor at the whets had been shot throagb the throat and bad fallen limply through the open doorway of the chart room. Hs lay there, cough- ing up blood and froth and gaping his life out. The two men wounded by the second shell were creeping down the forward companion in the effort to avoid the hall of lead that was beating ea the ship. Holier was raising him- self can hands and knees, his attitude that of a man wbo te dazed, almost fro- 'sensible. Watts had gone from the bridge. He might have been whirled to death over Ohs aide like the unfeeaats to foremast Mud she had seen barba (rola oR' the forecastle. But Coke, whose charmed life apparently entitled him to act like a lunatic, was actually balancing him- self on top of the starboard tags of the bridge by dingbog to a stay, hav- ing climbed to. that exposed pastillas In order to hurl oaths at the soldiers OS shote. He bad gone frantic with rage. His cap had either fallen off of been tote from his bead by a .bullet HL squat powerful Ague was shak- ing with frenzy. He emphasized each cure with a passionate gesture of the tree hand and arm. He said, among other things and with no lack of term- ini adjectives, that tt be could only come to close quarters wltb awe of the Portygee assassins on the bland he would tear their sanguinary livers Out The Andromeda. uncontrollable as destiny and quite as heedless of her human freight, "'rung around with the current until her bows pointed to the .islet occupied by the marksmen. All at once Coke wspeoded his flow of in• vectives and rushed Into the chart room. wbere iris beard him teachil lockers open and throwing their coo tents on the deck To enter he was obliged to leap over the body of the dytag man. The ectlon was gro moque, callous, almost inhman. U jarred the girl's &goateed transports back into a specter of aptrHhal clam, s mental state akin to the fatallem often exhibited by Asiatics when death is imminent and net to be daelod. The apparent madams of the captain was stew mon distressing fie her dem els certain toes of the slip or the favism Me Ramifies that eiaags.j tate wblte patches os the hoe plates. eat sedan Mase and mars te •the woodwork es "Adored thro.gb tee dr with a fully Thiene ato afaid o&fsi e'alnt g She began on the bridge. Rer tear was set dee le the really vital feet that it was is tasaesed, it arose from the purely dtast*1ne ses*lderatiss that she wale sere Coke had becomes a raving sae sire. and she dreaded mestieg hla wine. tf ase,, he mappeasad. A bullet street the treat trate of the chart mem. sad several pease of • ea wen shattered wits a fearful Oa. That decided bee. Oaks. if be Wen trot killed. emelt surety be &tr- ee eat: His apraag be bar test and Mesfay ran dews the steep ladder to the same Threes% the epee deer s[ the of rr saes sloe vitamin" leader Warm set--sn set gees r anteessalleary is Its way as lamp ever the elneremisfe bell:11112 the sada K tide dews se death sad daalretiee wage wee etsal4lg these. Web heed einewe test sat 101111lsa Nese pipes st we a �s� dews set M tale eitie be hili` lieftS •Ugh* 'hail dire !!ilei "Tow mamma starts I" as maim Menu whish W Seed a twelve Fess* slid taw the deemed eat t. e4.. Atbeweuda ksleeit sealed to mswrebe teat she wee a lied a vele Woe the OM *r w�rilri.�e`aet*r* 1111 Time from somewhere bee ben* a' gruff mem: 'Her' ye abut or. steam, Nectar - lam? 'Oe ay. It's a' sang below tIL the water reaches the furnaces." cams the asewer. ' 8o mete out the mss win doing lima duty.' Thank God fee that! Undo. torr.! by the fact that a this shell had bane sooting the engbss, the ell stele - ed. grim looking engineers bed stet quitted their post until they bad taken such precautioaa as l*7 te their power to laser* the ship's sorely. A light broke In oo the feg 1n the gfirre mind. Even now, at the very late, ee starchy. am might try to help ethers. The thought brought a say et toothed. She woe about to look for the speakers when a bullet drilled a hole 1a a Mod close to her side. She began to run again, for a terrified glance through the forward gaagw.y elbowed that the ship was quite close to the bind. wbere men 1* blue uniform wmarteg curiously shaped bats and wbite galt- era were scattered among the eoeka. some standby. 1001. Sheeting. wine prone, but all taking steady atm. But It *bowed something more. Ho - der was oow lying sideways on the raised deck of the forecastle. He pan- ty supported himself es his right arm. 1311 left hand was permed to bra ton. head. lie was trybog to rise. With an Intuition that was pbeaomenal ander the circumstances Iris realised that hs was screened from observation for the moment by the windlass and the corpse that lay acme* it. But the ship's ever Increasing speed and the curving course of her drifting would soon brtbg him Into stgbt and tete those merciless riflemen would slto him down. "Oh, not that, not that!" she wailed aloud. An Impulse stronger than the In- stinct of self preservation caused the blood to tingle in bee veins. She bad wafted to take that one look, and now, bent double so as to avoid being seen by the soldier, she sped back through the gangway. gained the open deck, crouched close to tee bulwarks on the port side and thus reacbed unscathed the toot of the companion down which Um wounded men bad crawled. Tbe zinc plates on the steps were slippery with their blood, bet she did not }atter at the sight Cfp she went, stooped -way, over Hosier and placed her strung young arms round bis body. "Quick!" she panted. "Let me bdp you! You will be allied if you ramie Meer "I was bit," be muttered. "What is It? What a wrong?* "Oh, come, come!" she screamed. for some ttnaeen agency tore a tranaver . gash In the planking not * foot In front Of them. He yielded telth broken *npoattule- tions. She dragged biro to the top of fbe stairs. Clinging to biro, she ball walked. half fell, down the few stupe. But sloe did not gtdte fall. Hesier's weight was almost more theta she could manage, but she clung ie hit• desperately, saved him Rom a lima - long plunge to the deck and 1lla,afty carried him Into the foretsstier whets she found some of the crew who had scurried there like rabbits to their bur- row when the first shell crashed into the engine room frir them. A&, eta darted lightning at "You call.yosrselves men," am cried shrilly. 'yet you teem ore of year oaken Wag tle1Mr0 deck to be shot at by sw "We d14s't know be wee there, setas," sell erne. The Arta• now appeared to harem fa volume iked eecareci. Severs/ bul- lets claimed egatmst the fugal or broke bat# splinters se the boats. -Orme Ma maim eaten te that(' growled a voles "An' we mewed b henk blared at by a lot et rotten da- wiio gm gto oar aatser his whose bed .ad skosiders may p41 - bowed sadMt bee breast r she limit belted 4 "Orn eatblag be dem?" *be asked. "I believe ttlptale Doke has bass 4.84 - ed. hr. Sealer is badly (eisred. 1 Leer. Bring sates water, 1f pt -SL "Yee. Tem: water. oily m loesslt ea the head. Bow did It happeat Add what Is that mem of Meg?' Heidees metered wee ween dealr h4. dearb wither be nee !tie feriae beta* Met tbe Asdsessdr was cutis e less. Uelsslrd tap at Ise. tem at r h aw he amtWW p d es us ale "roam 1ft•gr be MU. writ a sire sleep erne that wee ieseeeffilli.1 thrift SW werleas atreileil INN false ea see Sat it estfillt shalkaall am She MeV Re M esu elate re to StOCkalld Poultry Raisers W. mai') wad, airelet•ly free, fart asking. ps tpi4, sae of ear 1 sixty -iced, pp ►salts N the arta Tele yea hew is fed all�a,�g af his led Ria K Nandi awe. calves &ad fetteeieg add M • 4*'..., ad t atter msod ans s0 that they *14 lay as well la whiter as la semtser. No tarsier dieuld j M h, !self Poultry NOW is the time to um Ile At • oat of oily t -tptde it win Inmate', It 1e pr - mires lots. Con, W Restores run-down win !novels* lbs eatlt day sea maks themilk richer. et k toed. Then I5 no abler weed tai e. ane tee l trom Mumps all the meat barks, N0.. aasd grlad them on oar owl premysa, oars 5 e ahem you as kala• �l. awe da pmoee w Meet ewdttt to stake a a 10*. put a etre merell est >ll a •lathe!!! •sail/ysls„�11 alae te 45. er* � y *1 11 ream eM salves set �4Plo r ear market 1a Met .tae cath i s tem Menke you esa peslbty do widow It at • eat et may MN avtad yea s wort _a . nientteed.. A pa.t- ag5 wW last * bona 70 days, A Mee pall or air. 1burlt1islwsseaeatalWt 5. • dee ata meati are win hast as asem- ha server .554 1tatry 1t es die poorest wawa you lure on your plass aim irate" mufti. 1f It dna set produce hotter remits than sayekly p�,aam11 have over ased.or pre you atut.etba, we will Pu 4 &T money. Andrew Wearies. of Watnnst def., dmy� chit he tried it on ose cow. weighed ter add se Manta 17 10 .. se the 111th she pre Xi the. Dm Menem. Camas's greatest Mess trainer, says: 1 bays fed Rent Purple to TO, Del and • an my raoekorees for four years. '}h.y hes* tower Men oft their teed. Your comb powder werita n1mm�arlc Mr. Tom Smith. trainer for tt. Hob. Adam >lsek,cWs• "We had a mare to our stables rut tall kelauapg to blies Cleu*ton. pt Montreal. We could let feed Me any bran Ott account of soouring. W. okmmemeaQ eBI•� your Royal Purple Stock Specific. Tie vaults were *054.,- tul. We found after Wing it three u•sks.wo could toed„ her bran or any other soft teed and she *Mu*lly took on :5 lbs. during that time." pacific _lbs. alta, disraham, of sd a amt payday per *alma! memdosed, to it Naim hello the winter! a� It permanently m!a1 as aver dosaa +twaae�w�-s ala Debility. it •las 5: day to sad vigor. It Mr. A L, alba. .1 us Stock le !lief atolls ?lava 1ttlee porn . gaol fs .taaeaar a trill reen� aflk. mad Iwo Dse }eves better restate lakes are! orsta s +a Poultry g wewere s" tr.day. Ja lam fila !v &aye we 1N .gage Thom* this coldest dope c wfau r• out see the results at ono. attar Fel r fr. 1* material. Whoa farmers sot m>f . Purpie bread" tae). will never wits °rel Komi Purple Cough Spsoinc During the Wt liar blurs ,then. has 41.5* sn ea. thea damtc cough gulag thesgL .very stable t• Ca *4.104. lou been a Brest mires aft *MOysnca y 6=1111144;Purner vitrial�tsly cur e Yi' *l lath e 1. ♦a u e dlatem� depR abso Royal Purple Gall Cure „bill ours au sort• of oOm aeras sD aaaa er beast. Win *hmolatesl, dry ap aid .car. costa t.. 1* s sew days Mr. Sam Owen, Coachman tela 10. Mon. Abe*~ "ay olfollowing scratches is I Medd youryourRey scabs pNPupl Cum Purism ow ll j oft per. 7 dry 1n about tour or55s dairy' pries Sec, by mail Ma Royal Purple Sweat Liniment mil, nd.... any lame..sa in a very short time. Mr. Jno. b. const�antly�l•ng oar, anin d have all Iliad' of trousays: ''We bays nine ble with them being lame at time.. I hays used your Sweet .Llnlm•ut for a year back and have never known it to tall to cure all sorts of sprained tendons, .te." Price foie t-osmoo bottles. by mall No. Royal Purple Lice Hiller This Is entirely different trout any 110e killer on the market. In order for you to understand the process of manufacture of this Ilea killer you will hays to send for one of our booklets, as *5 give you a tan history of it there. It will enUrely exterminate Ile. On fowls or animals with not more than one or two applications. It smote.,, them. Prteq MMe, by sell :sc. oyaSUN l Purple un r�unr Royal Purple Poultry Specific *ill mute your hens lay In winter as weir as in sum- mer, and yet a 50c package will last 16 hens 76 days, or a 31.8* pall or air -tight tin contains toter times as much as a Sec package. w111 last 130 dayf. It prevents poultry from losing flesh at moulting time. cures and prevents all the ordinary diseases. r.tkes their plumage bright and beeps them to prime condition. An assorted order amounting What we wish to impress Our booklet gives over 404 reeds give you above the names of a few who has ever used any Use we Seed Today For Free Booklet. is $5.00 we will prepay. g a muni a that wif mat lines from nothingpeople aot ll we ever oodolleralai Canada. WNI. �� tiara ter Nreiiferemt lines mflremeetdpseel• we who have used it. ear bat reeseu sties is fee yea to ask tally mesa aaa*federe. W. A. JENEIN8 MFG. CO., London, Ont. Royal Purple supplies and free booklets may be secured from A. J. Cooper, Flour and Feed, Goderich. infeitigiecti Thi 44044+454 ASHF 11e corn, q too quarter' gs hn `id cirblit who a fao, tandemed rd. In swept board pared al its deep spired' .�tvices mut At the sao Jefferson wet r year as pass CARL< %V at:nu W,H,M.S. Users: s N is.ion Bible rch wet, at th. 1 .Iter ,n Thumb wags full *1 members were er the devotion the meeting, *4.1 w•wipg, Mr's pea {wiser 00 tin lrh , r•eryoue CD rug will be heft h 11, at the ha alter. Tbe motto ads fur Christ Drinking s ruin. Ther nitrite of the the liquor haloi n track to n end steady 'phone for cop let institute ie street, Toronto. Kept Him Busy. One of Lord Charles Bereeford's tenante who mnduotrd a smell under- taker's establishment in Waterford *mom dity asked how the ,buafneer was getting �'Qraad, me lord. !" he ezclsimed. ow have the luckiest little bear& o you ever saw. Glory be to goodness, it was issuer a day idle since I got it. -TW-Bits. It Certainly Does. She -"They say alcohol will clean silver." He -"By Jove. it does --takes le clean oyt of your pocket r An Acute Attack "Weren't you sby when the jud 'eked you your age in courtr Yes. i was about ten years shy, my dear.' A WOMA14's GOOD , LOOKS Depend ea goners! bah! thosemid tri~eeshem�kms flail. Maar a women 400b 8eaetiag leve cavy w.mesield. she ssha whiit are ewriag 1 that upset her womrly hsilth. if she lie. bepsty rroewss laeo that age withsstt wr'sklee sad mowing about Ibe epode, the blue circles uncle it is imvaeiebly the rule diet mesh mama sneer Y1�g� eta ret at all, from derangements which sap the health red hem 1s 10sisp the ten -tale .torr of le /reseies.tiet soof0sd nelellet lm de diseases of srwto L .. e ur to women the maeshiesery, es it w0*, d the dares�jiawe-eh%sl the wonkier to WO lhom..pietld period" .bet ses 4*ad lead ymd her bee. 111s remedy berme the wetbkaewe Dr. Ptaeee'. Favorite Preseriptio., that *s hemsdaed Joeeends ef mama 4.4 seven !hem from misery rad eedNisg et oiliest periods is Me. Ma Nay S)l pi, d ltl Itelsht ateesR sin* oat..rhea: I .m ami •sea webs aAr ee/retag Ar 4.w Mel awl agora. with sse04 eta--4,sMt , ani sea k res .aenetbieir da.. sett awl 4.10.... We* •wl4Bleee Mr • thwaagb era -4.* mid 1 0 tlagwW .got =test i 4.p, mod remit esi loose Mar. 1 test• ha melst two bean it mina, y� M drwas ay model lin 1.3 +e hot�aa� trd.t[ �y leo mak atie,a. beta Dr Plowis wedwar a NO grew mow nos bows off the Fa meas 1 len nig •dem.. -'Loam dtehlsk•«we biase=d �4w,A'�". the ar m of re. S ell .iWr lram��lm..l. the."" bribe riles Ramat chs, hose Weed me.ass all they " merle !s be. a•a bras we w feJw e •think of a name 1 00 IN PRIZES —there are two beautiful parks in New Hazelton Heights—we want names for them. —send your suggestion, we'll pay you cash for it. On May 1, 1912, two names will be chosen --the first two names received by us that are selected will each receive a $250 prize—thirty other prizes. NEW HAZ ELTO N Wrllr phib diving yaw i TODAY so STANDARD SECURITIES N.e.4 ue•eN eaten. Sadly VANCOUVER, !richt Cgilmbia Cc7t.$ Tu MAITLAND 0olvc. Sylvia Hall home of W m. 8.tlie s in Clinton... Sunday tied •.George Hd a short vi.it e line rut S. Shea,down. en at the le at ib▪ 411.4414 bed Itis foot at 8i8'. a her of young ended the Sund Tion on the 18th ser*ke for y' ill 1,y the .Wm. Steven. y large 1, week. some feet in di a telephone house a few 4* see that there up Iodate. TowestupCocz held its regular 3th ; *11 the roam f ptrvioar .., t',00nts 11514 as Fisher, It load* Kuntz, 811 loads Rt etre, 14 loads Lurcher C0., Mclntoeh, but beer Jinni', d vel, 413.011: ilia 't rolls, wire etc., k, 171 feet, 1'2 in. muted township b. l:oundllor amsdmeot, iobolm, that the ng tatote labor ore at the 05 ±mrd The and os aad He read. Each tr his services. itks*eelo,o.dhNfeo. chaedni d tlecoumunn!. !oopa� db �from ttd M.. W.MCDuxA68 PREB Ip mar limey geek . .tach the Ili Ws are so poettl msoonUy bov we offer to Mr expense isfactery Is is worm Qin nonan lAxatilae harm. and to make that BBeK patios of the norma e inlewtioe pP1.m are tomb liner piewantactivity you on nor !ugly lite . dello& as well a directly on the tela. II Or glaaiib d~ incouvem be takes