The Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 5THIS: SIGNAL : GUUE TMVttauAT, VICBKUANY lilt! S LOCAL TOPICS Horse Nprket Next Tuesday. Next T' •Y. rebruse y 27, is the ,Lite'* tneinrli ged sihob eTbowewho lists .hoes to are ere urged to brill% t hone* l thheineminn..In additoo to the oppose 'wooer for private webs, them will be Ali taction eels for tho.rrwhe wish to .•rare their horses. e , worship Entertains. Mayor head ebtertalned the mew - setter and light oommlastoa. the elviie town eouucll ead c edictal* and newspaper IMO on Wed. ueedey evenlne at hie comfortable hums oil St. David's street. A sump- tuousw dinner was sawed. and atter- wards a most eojoylWis social time was spent. High Tea. tea under awe pier of e r the Lual adies' Aid Soc the of Knox church will he bold in the even- ih ng, rbiiuuntynt ors Jitb. Tea Thursday he vet-vrd frond to t; o'clock p. tn. anti a(terwsids a firveciars program will h• given. for which excellent zcell n iesicn1 tient has been ng ge Death of John Burley. The death of JohoBurley, n8un- hie ,ixty-sec nd y d on Joy evening at his bouleepn Cambria road. Mr. Burley had n In poor bealth for two or three Liars. but the end ,'amt suddenly and unexpectedly. lio n survived by his wife and one ,,.n, William. of Detroit. Deceased ova- etuployed for many years at the North Ateericar. ('bemieal work.. The funeral took plate on Wednesday afternoon to Colborne cemetery. Tor• o Man to Open GWage. A. M. Glover, of To cute, has leotard tbe Bou -Ton livery itdio* on East sunset for three years d will open a gor'* a on the 1st of April. Tlie auto- mobile trade will to well looked after In Godesicb this year. Storm Ties Up Traffic. Hallway traffic has been complete) suspended by the stoma which awuopsd down upon us on Wednes- day ..venlug. There has not been a treen in or out on either railway to, day. The evening train on the O. P. R. got 1n last evening about en !tour late, The midnight train on the G. T. R. r*eched town at 4 o'clock this; morning. The G. T. R. soowplow Is stalk in. the drifts neat' golieee- vIlle and the U. P It: gpgimpiow in repotted to be et Aura. The storm hos abated, and it ie likely the tracks will be cleared tonight and traffic will he resumed tomorrow. None ol! the stages hes reached town today ; the country roads are doubtless practic- ally lu,prr sable. Quite a number of Goderich sten were going down to lorouto today, soave to attend the meeting of the Associated Boaris of 'Trade, others to sue the automobile show ; bot they have had to stay at home. The wish is gepeunl that tills may be the last "kick" of the winter. On Public Schools Promotions. The annual petite school promotion examinations will begin March :Nth, 1012. Paper's will be prepared for the junior and senior second and third and the junior fourth classes and a ccpy sent for each pupil. Thr teachers must notify their inspector before March 9th, giving the her of papers required for each close. The parcel of papers will he sent to the teacher hy toad about March 22 : else hill Inetructiona' fur conducting the exanrivatitm. Trees Killed in Essex County. The Leamington Poet and News of Lot week says : L•tst Saturday morning at 6110 Mr. 1V. W. Hilhorn, who bee charge of weather statistics in this section for the Government. stated that the mer- cury stood at eij degrees below sere, the lowest rued tewsOerature ever given in the county. In his opinion the peach, plum and Tweet cherry hada are killed. It is impossible to say yet wb%t effect the intense cold had on tbe body of tbe trees. An Industrial Prospect. Arepreoentotiveofe Iergethreshing- machine rnenufactery hat been in town looking over tbe ground with a vie* 1 .enuring • suitable site here in ease it is decided to remove from the city in which the factogp is now legated. Thi. codeem Is weltknown through - 011 (heark as manufacturers of a .pkndid line of threshing macbinery. Their goods are in large demand In the Canadian Northwest, and Gods rich, with its r Jlwsy and water co.- uections, is looked upon as a favorable point for catering to this trade. LOCAL TOPIOS iN BRIEF. Don forget that 'Smith, Art Deers. E .t street. always b•l a large assortment of picture peels, with Oodertob views. birthday greet- niti etn.te.- cep and make aselecUon. That storm Wase corker while 1t luted. De ptepared ter the owning spring w.,atba, b ordoring t�ipl4tYber4s1geb1 overcoat at P. J. Prid Nene liY�eMterait"tsriale in stook to °elect from. !! Inverness Camp, Sone of Scotland, tweets Feeley evening of this week. Blackstiie'a aremakingspecial ar- rangements for ftv'ah oysters during the Lenten lemon. 'Phone 210. Rev. Dr. Vac[iitirvray will wive sn address in Knox church on Mondky evening, Mareb 181b. The date sbould be kept free from ether engage- ments. Cbas. M. Robertson. of tbe Opera House Grocery, bee taken w pace in the advertising columns of The Signal and will let the public know what he is oRsting in fresh and dependable groceries. Give him a call. elessre. Jenny do Fewer have moved their repair shop from Kisguwn street to the building at the corner of West and Waterloo Streets. They have added a lathe to their equipment and are prepared to execute orders for wood turning. Thele is a nuovemeat among the great manufacturing concerns of New York City to confine their advertising almost entirely re the newspaper., batting Lound them to be the best medium. This seems to he a wise de- cision. The man who. does not read the newspapers in these days is not likely to be a very good customer. Presentation to Mita Nettie Cowan. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn entertained tate members ,1 Knox church cbolr and a few friends in honor of Mize Nettie Cowan, who• was leaving the neat mtirrting fee "New Westminster. B. C. During the evening w gold bt'aaa1rt woe presented om to Mist (en, =stir of the choir, as a token of appreciation of her ser- vice* and a mark of esteem andgpcx1• will. The choir ootdsstsfr, J. B. Hunter, made an appropriate eneech and Jan. F. Thomson presented the rift- Rev. Geo. E. Rosa pastor of Knox church, oleo spoke in terms of warm praie. of Miss Dowel). and her good qualities were farther set forth to some verses composed be the poet laureate of tin; hoar. Mire Cowan has given uoat faithful sod willing.ervice and has been one of the leaders In the work of the ebnir. and her place will indeed be diffingllt to ele from the sentimrnu openly ezpeepeed I ,CULTURE OP THE GRAPE, It is expected teat Knox church will — -- vote largely against unites. Address Given by Woe Warnock Before tei Some Thought' for Lent. Goderich Horticultural Society. • •Be muse God is love, and Goaie a 4t the last uwoetin Rd( the Gudenc living God. and God has made His Horticultural Societ sea ewer on children that He may have rumeone cultivation sod pruning or the goner that H+ way love. and because God wee readrby Mr. Wm. Warnock, wbto has manifested and i evealed Himself is au enthusiastic and paocuwlul peew- ee rrp ee love, to other beartrt of love, there- grower, Mr. Warnock would liketi furs religion tonet.ts in loving, in yes more people in Goderich go int. serving, en doing throe, not in wedi- the culture of {raps. fhe oondiUon. In lig. lteligioes doer not consist in here are aspt�elaUy favorable for the meditating about God, but it courhee growth of chis delicious fruit, and the in living the kind of lite God liver reward of a suwreee's care of the vines Hlaiaelf. To be r ligwu. to to go into is s crop of fruit that will keep all the world. end to carry in the world through the winter. Mr. Warnock'. the spirit of activity and service andpemfaut as fellows:love. is a wide difference in the This extract from a sermon by Dr. multi •tion of fruit ts'ere and situelb Abbott I. by no mean' to be token ea and pumpkin vines, but when we cour decryinie meaitation, but only the pare the intense culture, pi uniug and meditation which is unproductive of thinniug wbich expert ezbibitore action. The engine which is never have to practise to get the best requite fur overhauliug or for testing. possible. especially to *rape culture. ls sly t0 prove, at some thefts, a there cell be seen • fear amount of ,source of dtssater. The roan who similarity, and a. I have had good wolfs always without stopping to eu6CW8 in making the grape respond think .eriously is likely to tau many to cultivation, ferdliaibg and pruning Wingham Man Badly Frozen. harmful thiogs. But neither would 1 find there is this great d,tfereuce in Witigham, Feb. 14. -Jrwaw Lock- eso utterly valueless in the world as growing grapes and squash or pump- ridge, a young mon who resides k e machine or a man that never as kine : groper never need watering Wioghawms in every des iu campl➢shed or even attempted any- like vegetables to get the beet results oo Loweri�n at a house ase result of w. thing. There u a danger (.bat in med- and they thrive better With a system- being badly is ho Ltoc a res was eating on God rill Hie relations to atic cultivation after coming into found 1 d in the band house near man the soul may twoolne like Peter's bearing than if carter be applied to the daft work*, barn inhouse nor when be wisbed to remain on the the surface of the ground. If they it war t wcoverel and ut legs were Mount of Trauefigurrtiou. have been pI eLted in good rod suitable frozen to the knees. bothFor a time it Lent is a period of rest. of with- ground, aqd tbere are ample elements feared that reputation would be feare Attending physicians drawee front the round of pleas•tvu re, of of fertility in moat of the lands that wasnecbut the attend frivolity which dibsipates too much of are now nearly exhausted of plant now have buyer of ending both t.e our strength and wastes our time, and food, to produce Asir crops, if only s and legs unless complications develop in resting and withdrawing we are to good cultivation is adopted eo liberate take time to meditate on sacred the plant food it contains and also thing.. Well fur bs it this meditation to conserve the moisture, .which is of results in renewed activities, renewed greet iwporlaenoe in time of drought. aspirations, renewed consecration tor The fact that a sufficient supply of the service for others, and the contin- moisture can be kept in soil through nal denial of the selfish and the bare very long dry spells by a constant in ourselves. culti eat Wee so ea to teducc to a perfect HOtYKEY NOTES• �' dust the whole en -feces at least three iocbee deep, has been proved to the a perfectly sere protection against The second snatch between teams drought of the loogeet duration. In rept esentiire The Signet and The fact, I have had much better crops of Star, respectively, was played on the grapes in such seasons. A tees years West -street rink on Saturday after- ego we had a very dry summer here noon. The Star team won this time. and my neighbors that cultivated only the score being 5 to 4. Juit wait tilt enough to keep bee ground free from the next time ! weeds bad very poor crops of grapes, A hockey notch between the Ceti- but wx grapes never were better. I teal school and thee Separate school had single bunched .of Eaton and was played no Saeurday afternoon, re- Wil4er that wetgbed thirty-two suiting 7 to 1 in favor of the Centra,. ounces each and several other varieties Tbe referee was Harvey Elliott add well up to that size. My land is of a the teams were as tollows : light gravelly formation, about ten CHNTRAL SEPARATg inches of clay loam on the surface W. Hebei boat J. Rally and all below le limestone gravel, and P. Jenkins Point C. Hood when dry weather sets in I work the R. Brown C. Point J. Webb ground every four stays and at the end W. Sturdy Royer J. Dean of three weeks of de bot weather the W. Babb Goitre Jerry Farr lend around and under my grapes for A. Hebei Right J. Dalton about three inches deep is reduued to J. Telford Lett Johnny Farr duet and forms the moet-perfect mulch, G. C. 1. Champions of Town League. which prevents evaporation of moire The G. C. I. teamagaihowed fere from the soil. sea once in this their superiority when they won from scondition he don't, f ghhogdrought the Dreadnou its in a fastgame of Through the stimu effecteet this hockey last g intense working of the soil my grapes Friday evening.This ripen Mier and produce much larger gave makes the (1. C. 1. seven tat bunches. holders of the silver cup presented by O! course 1 prune and thir� with due Walter having fouro the town league, care to produce quality ratber than theynhavinn won straight games quantity, for in this I find the most and losing none. Tbe half-time snore q y' on Friday was 4.0 in favor of the G C pleasure. i have not 4, large number ASTHMAtr�pppCATARRH saalt 4Tiia COMMA COIN ati t lavaax,a.... ,,.,. y g ellopettwe ...1 . w dnit Used iw..Y .s aw• Y7eaildree es metal tor tew bootleg aro ALI.. DIMWITS T sa T inimard ate .it.aea Holidays for 1912 are as 'Antra : Goad Friday, April 5th; Victoria Day, Friday, Ma 24th ; Dominion Day, Monday, J let • Labor Day, Monday, t�epterri r 2nd ; Christmas, Wednesday, Deeetober 25th. In addition to these will be civic holi- day, Thaoksfreving Day and possibly King George a birthday, Monday, June 3rd. M. W. Howell was at Guelph this week attendieg the hardware conven- tion. The winter fair building at the Ro ai City wail turned into a great ex- hibition ball, in which manufacturers of hardware goods displayed their products. Hardware men were pres- ent re.ent from ell parts of Ontario and some from outside the Province, and Mr. Howell picked up some pointers which will enable him to give his cue- tomers better service than ever. Do You Remember This'? s From The Stratford Beacon, rr- nrinted from ate issue of February 14, '1873: A fire broke nut Tuesilsy morning at shout holt-past one o'clock in the rear of D. McKensie'w jewellery store. which rapidly tusk all the adjoining Miildinga. McKenzie's jewellery store, Waddell's ezehange office, Mrw. Me- Mullin's restaurant. Knight's hair dr.s,in ohne. Mn, Warnock's fancy store, John Acheson & Oo.'s general druggist 'twee, and the Montes] tete- graph nfflce. The hetsvieet loss by the err is Mr. Davie' store and dwelling, very little being saved from the Ann I nee ahnut 1115.000in bhildhtg•, ureides tremendous lose of gresthe wbbb amounts to another 1115,000. Ifs nasal there was no water or the flre ennld eerie; have been confined to the wooden buildings, and thousands of dollar* of valuehlet property saved. The rause of the fire is believed to be incendiary. Cases before Mayor Red. In the illnees of Police Maglstrate Butler. Mayne Reid bas bad a berry time thi. week *b acting rnagietrste- Three rawrt have been before him— ere Against, h:. R. Swart. for allowing liquor to he drunk on hie premises attar hour* beet Mosparday night : twee against 1'. Nihon, charged with a& whir upon J. 0. Stewart, and ogle arainpt an 'Indian teeter." (Crown Attorney getter was the prosecutor in match ease. Ta tile fl carte ease Pwt- dener was taken on Tiwoday7 morning and rnntintr.d oe Wedoeeday morn- Ing r elendIn ream tetras reserved to be erred for they' M. O. Jolhneton moult dellstitd.st. in the ow. ar. M. O. Qtellro,n14°0" for the defendant, vrail-Rd eiilsati and the rasp tb. June tis.i ffik�1 j "donee wg thaters CHURCH NOTES. The Sturm sisters will clone their work in Victoria street church next eunday. These services ere for the people. and all who attend will find a TolleI welcome. The quarterly official board of Vic- toria street Methodist church bag voted on church union. the result be- ingtwi votfes for union and twelve against. 'The vote of the c sogrega- Li,on is to be taken the first two weeks of March. At North street Methodist church next Sunday. educational anni- versary services will be hell. Rev. Dr. Wismar, pfi*cipal of Alma College:—fit. Thornes. and coresident -of Loutish Cdale.ence, will preach morning and evening. The pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will wise in the siggriceeand conduct the %dolt Bible cTiie A cordial welcome is extended to all. I., but »fter half-time the Dread- of vines—about sixty, tttt�ith thirty-four b tb fresh d varieties, planted ten jbet apart and noughts came game a ice res al gut allowed to fort: two Meng each way right intothe and an t s tors five feet long which start vile near the score stood 4- t. Ten minutes G. C.as the gtosnd or rrooppe, and run along the allowed to break the to hed the more. lower wire of/the trellis about ten gI. aulled away and notched own inches from the ground. On this ten , leaving the finals.score epi in feet of old wood or parent vine about favor of the Collegians W. Chapman refereed to the satisfaction of both twenty bearing canes' grow every teams. The line-up was as follows: Yom• Fick of these canesnaturally G. C. I.—KeUy, goal : Swarta, point:ptod're.w there or more+lunchw, i ut I Niohol.on, cover point ; Pridbam, nevi r leave mi re than two bunched le centre ; Hawkins, left wing; 8nazel, the cane to mature. Tbe two lower' right wing. bunches are always left on, and as Dreadnoughts -e Deati, goal • Mc. 1O°n ae the cane has mode four I.wvee Lean, point ; Dean, cover point ; J. (bishnlm, centre; Kuntz, left wing: A. Obisbolm, right wing. Sarnia 7, Goderich & The votes on church union from different tonereg %tions vary enneider- ably. Thames Read, a strong Presby- terian congregation in Osborne town- ehlp, votes 20' for and :iA against. f3av- Held Presbyterian church votes 98 against and 'ell for. it is mooned from the Presbyterian offices a►, Toronto that the indications are for a large majority in favor of union, though the returns so far received are so scattered that. they can hardly be taken as a sure index of the final result. Yesterday being Ash Wednesday, services were held in 8t. G.orxe's church morins and evening. For the first Sunday in Lent the earners will be ae follows : A a.m.. holy comsnn- lon ; 11 a m., morning prayer ; :f p.m.. able claM ; 7 p. m., evening prayer. The rector will preach on Monday wording. throughout Lent on 'leen.. our Example," and on Sundayy evening.. on "Around the Oross. eke Sunday's nuhjerts will he, 'Our in Temptation" and 'The Paden : the Tragedy of Indifference." tlerviO will be held every Wednesday totting at 7:$0 o'clock. The me.tirg et Knot ehurrh on Wednesday evening for tbe dlseeseion of the subject of church imine sew. wall j� In spite of the *form. Roth sfd of the q.tewtinn were fo reeflilly ernby tbe epeakees. A great et c .+fl 11 a aterasetis being taken in the rsMtsr and no fewer than torr hun- dred 'mom of the " basis ''of WOOS " MVO Ws M demand inrinm the past 1'he Sarnia teaiu played at the We •- sL rink on Wednesday evening witn the local O. H. A. seven, and gave a good exhibition of hockey. The Sar- nia boys are a gentlemanly lot of player,. and clever, too, as they man- aged to beat the locals on their own ins, a fest that in not often perfortned. There were two changes on the local team. H. Belcher and Erie Hawkins ppleying insteed of Thompson and Jas. Wiggins. Belcter is a favorite with Goderich hockey "fans," and his re- appearance in the game was hailed with pleasure. He put up a good gene at coverpoint. The game was very, late in starting, the 7$10 train on which the Sarnia toys arrived not getting into the station until 9:30, owing to the storm. The attendance, perhaps due largely to the dame cauee, was not large. raSernia started off ntroog and at half-time the score was 5 to 3, in their favor. At full-time the teams were even, 6 all, and it was decided to play five minutes extra each way. Sarnia scored the winning goal during the last five minute., making the noel score 7 to & D. McDonald was tbe referee. The 'teams lined up as follow!: Sarnia—(awl, A. Cameron; point, Dodds ; roverpoint. Wilson d rover, Finch ; centre, McCart : left. H. Came - ran ; right, McDonald. Goderich—Goal. Chapman ; point. Stanway; ouverpoint, H. Helnber: rover, McDonald ; centre, Webb left. Hawkins: right, Mciver. N. D. Isongvie, a former (hderich townsman and ,e good sport, came u,i with the Sarnia team as manager and was greeted by many old aoquaib- r gta week. It M ezpeeted that a largo vete the rho t. glrwtosla arwo, irk ��d . Mil next i. the la •dq floe rsesiving trellms. Jodgtog "I thanks all right now, to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." The same relief is ready for you. Are you sure you do not need it? If Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy helped Charles Holmes, why won't it help "you? 'I was troubled with heart disease, and after reading about Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, I got a bottle. Be - tore I got the Heart Remedy I had to sit up most of the night, and felt very had et my stomach. Whatever 1 would eat made me feel wone, and say heart beat very fast( but thanks to Dr. Males' Heart Remedy, I am -n richt now. I est good. sleep geed, and feel like, a new man, al- tnough I en almost 68 years old. I ..eve been a soldier iu the late war of the rebellion, and was bully wounded." CHARLES HO! MES, Private Co. B, ytt3 N. Y. Infantry Volunteers, Walton, Delaware Co., Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy is kept in thousands of homes as a friend always to be relied upon ist time of need. Sold by all Druggists It the first bottle fails to benefit, your mousy is rearmed. Mk any Drupelet s••t. F' seeoicAL CO.. Toronto. Can. Daeliwood Postmaster Dismissed. Jacob Kellermann has been removed from the offioe of pr»t.nester at Dash wood and i. sueeeeded by Henry Wil- ed. Mr. Kellermann had held the Moe for the past ten years and had given satisfaction, but the feet that he was a Liberal. and exercised hie s igbts as a citizen, was considered sufficient reason for depriving him of the post - mastership. Mr. Kellermann wag rd i4emher of the county council for two or three years, and was en unsuccess- ful zandidate for the Legislature in South Huron in 19031. shove the second batch d; nip off top 1 of cane and keep it nipped back and ° also all lateral* through the whole season. Some Prower• nip back to two loaves, bat this is too severe and will shorten the lite of the vine, taking with it pleasure and profit and dis- couragement to the would-be enthu- siastic grower. By all means allow four leaves to mature above the fruit. It will make the fruit the sweeter, and I alwaye leave two canes without fruit. The I train up over the bear•- ,ing canes and allow them to gro* and mecum as many Moves as they can, knowing that the more leaves that are ripened on a tree or plaot the more vitality is given or secured for the motes To secure perfect ripened wood never culcivete after the 15th of August, and I always prune illy grape vines as soon as all the leaves are off in the tall. I prune e11 the new • growth back to one hud of the parent vine, and let the vine down on the ground, which is necessary with the tenderer varieties, and they should he covered with earth or other material to keep the vine abaaed front the sun tbrough the latter part of the winter, when we bave warm sunny days alter very frosty nights. To keep up the fertility of the soil manure heavily every three yeses with good freak rich stable manure in late fell, and the next two years I give a good dressing of di solved bone and wood ashes. I make this by breaking boost up into emelt piens•, not larger then walnut.. I alp this tbrougbthe winter and early in the sprit* i place a large twz In a shady piece and put three inches of ashes evenly over the Iaottota,. thea two inches of the broken bones. {bee two inches of ashes, and odatinue the layers in this way till the box le full. The last layer is better to be lime with two of mime on the top. leaving room for watering. Thi. nada swum be well peeked as it is filled up. Water slowly until it is all wet theote, but ho more; Every few weeks add more water .o as to keep the mum well wet. and in as. fall the Mons should he dissolved. the somas well mixed and to the land around the vine,. rslae of early winter' and sprier( carry dawn a portinn of the bot.• pheepbate and pntenh ebusents of p4At food to the rants of th. yin".�Uyy ail means enmmetaoe ado a ihivste as sally as vomiter and keep it up ea described above. • A Thin Joke. Beggar—"Please, sir. ice me soene- in coven. Orders left with F. J. Bot. {ting to oat. 1 am nee starving." lend, glet, will receive p onsptat- YM --''Look bwre. this • the third tondoee Photo. 19. tltttte you have been heir's, telling ins After tbe rink call st Burdett.'• *w yto'W Starving. 1 nil able lo sed a Apt M rot chocolate or tomato theenI(b Lis.." •' . .�p ens {o stand (bet RUKRas..".My 1 1 kn.w }' wee pr'►tty OtM • good ibMga s{ 1355 Hsi- Mia,�,_t 1 nsgglr knew 1 was as (tad mond Oat*. toe. Oive ea a .sd as Jot." !doth Quick and Permanent Strength. if you are run down or tired out, if you take cold easily, have no appetite. are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality. try our MacLeod's System Renovator 'miler our guaran tee to refund tbe price paid if the rem- edy fails to give entire satisfaction. it aid. digestion, toner, up the nervous system ,and gives both quick and per- manent re uite One dollar a bottle. Menufa.tured by MacLeod Medicine Co., O°dcrleh. Ont. For sale hy R. R. Wigle, druggist. A. titrebler, expert piano tuner is Motherhood is the highest type of womanhood. Scott's Emulsion is the highest type of curative food. The nourishing and . curative elements in Scott's Emulsion are so perfectly combined that all (babies, children and adults) are equally bene- fitted and built up. Be were lie got SCOTTS— it'a the ittewdan% and alteSye the beet. arc Qtrussasere 11-17 COAL Any quentity of the hest Obestnnt and Stove (ktal cn hand at Kingebrid%e. Farmer. wan ieg ('rel heti letter gut In a .apply al once..»a there le a l i k e lee o.t of le coal strike and eine deniers in the wurrbefii lg towns are euf. • C. Summit Reis.L, . OF CANADA tr6TABLOIMMu Leon LsItwould be much safer in he Union Hant of (',uta a- ked likely to be 'pent—and, iosteadkof being idle, would Le earning iuter•e.it night and day. If you haven't it Savings Bank Aw Account already, Boe in and open Line. Paid - up Capital. Item rill Undivided Pruflts ein,181,:4I) Total Assetal•tvei t 11: ,r ,Utto DON'T WASTE INTEREST and risk the principal 1(4011 by keeping a lot of money in your house or your pockets. L Goderich Branch W. L. MORTON, Furniture Repaired POLISHED, ET('. Nilver Plating, Hilding. Etc. Mirrors made or repilvered. Picture Framing, W u o d Turning, Etc., by germy F3 Fraser West 3treer North side, corner tVat.erloo ENTER ANY TIME One of Eastern Ontario's HUM -Clam and popular Budtneas Orion!, which keels open throughout the year.'Young peo- ple may enter any Utile ane nomplet° their course without interruption of mid summerholida You mayatody all at home or partly at Home and finish at the college. Thirty Years' Experience. Largest Trainers to Canada. AllUiated with the Commended I+duoatone Assoc- iation of Canada. Write for particulars. Clinton Rosiness Collette OeO..POTTON, B. P. WARD Preald.nt. Principal. \I.inage r IS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK 1Sa TRIAL Winter Resorts Round trip tourist tickets naw on sale to all principal Winter Resorts, including The attractive route to West- ern Canada is via Chicago. Steamship tickets on sale by all lines. Changeof Business I have purchased tbe steam laundry busi- ness on Hamilton Street run for many Rosa, by Mr. D. H. Rose, and I am pre- pared to attend to all the wants of hie cute tcmere and many ,new ones. I solicit your patron- age. !Satisfaction guaran- teed. George Pong Successor to D. H. Rory, Steam Laundry Hamilton St. LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay the highest &ash prices for all kind. of good loge, de- livered at, o u r m i 1 1 north of MecEwan'e ('raj Yard. CUSTOM SAWING anti general mill work done promptly and at teseonahle tate.. The Grocers On the Square 'PHONE 91 WeekereanallareatenIseheerevenostrealetereenew The Massey - Harris Shop on HAM ILTON STRE EGET iv the place to buy all kinds of (ares machinery. WAGONS from Halo's. of Woodstock BUGGIES from Gray a' of Chatham WIRE PENCING from Standard Fence Co. CREAM SEPARATORS from Toccata BLACK BONE FERT- ILIZER from Detroit --in fact. anything a fernier needs or wants. Cutters We bave a few ('utters to sell'at cost es long as the stock lasts, at Robert Wilson's Hamilton Street, troderich eeneeenenecenoneesetaimmeemenesetewere Goderich Limber 1 Mi1Tin Got. l Join the Pioneer Club Any man or woman whose age is over sixty years bisg the privilege of sitting for e portrait, sail each one will ate presented with e Carnet - ., ged Photograph on one of f M West re,ownts 'Kt of charge Call .any tiro* after the *kb and early in the dna, end arrange for ynursitting. ief. ie very uncertain at soy time, hut the infir•,•ittee of old age may pie -vent you from mining at a '.ter date. Don't procreate ewe. twit gine your trays and girls snag. *hip( hy which to nnwvehrt yon, is 'boohoo, of a gnat lik •f yourself R. R. Sallows Perrtrgi t a d TYdsoyr Ptowgrsph e % ������� Soden. 4..r4 A., • ♦ • .•..•• 1