HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 44 TIe rftu6,alf, Fv,uiuway 22, 1912
District News.
MONDAY. Feb. lith.
Bathos. - Thomas Shackleton is
visiting friends in Wingham and l
Te•sweter 1.{rwellvn and .lances
Culbert, of Ooderieh, were visiting
relatives brew yesterday John I
I Johnston, of Lanes, was dehorniag t
tattle here last Friday Misr I
Barbara l'ulhert was a DlafekingI T
a Iteanhful day and the loud cawing of'o
MuNDav, Feb. liith.
l'tft',N II Merges -A bu:)dev erhool
institute inserting will he hold le Wept-
UUNLOP. Held on Monday, February 2W,b, atter
non sed evening. A good
• Tvxenay, Feb. 2Oth. to being prepared fur both ieonne.
Dement, DGING1r.-Misr Mary Link- Rey. E. A. Friar. ut Blyth, will give
tater has returned from a week's emit en addre•r in the evening. Rev. T. 11,
t H.bringville The Women,. Oete.hcu-. will give illustrated Sunday
Auxiliary is to meet Wednesday school Weems. Collection to defray
herv000 at the homer of MIN. Obit- ctzpeneet
on . A small end select social BRIEN*. -Mrs. Clements, of
Party was beki at Le•eburn Lodge on I. onotinuing her visit at Har
ueeday met/iris. under the astepk•es, Dowell's Jainism Henry.
f the Y. P. W. (f B. The evening' Thom■v, en old Westlh.0 boy, hes
era street in social chat and gamer. been in the neighborhood buying
A hounteoua lunch was served about horse.s for the Toronto market .. A.
midnight, Before separating a few W. (r. Herdisty has been laid aside
flashlights were taken by Harry with la grippe ...The fleet harhinger
Marker, to immortalize then
vey Mc -
of St.
Visitor yesterday . Yesterday was
the Most crow made it appear quite
spring-like.... Mies Melinda Black
wee the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Williams
Hasty yesterday .... H. Hasty, of
Dungannon, was visiting relatives 1
here last week. f
TrxsnAy, Feb..etth. I th
iter which rho r ' e'f poring trade bis appeartroe in the
brutew all agreeing eein party
had community lest week. in the form of
wet a up, aly nl reein ethain they the tnwuship a.er,snr, W. Wigbtmen.
inkleter meld a valuable young ..homee ( n S. H. Taylor has then in Wing -
y K harm for some days vatting on his
his week to Hebert McLean, for ship -1 father, Thies Taylor, who Is veru ill...
ant to the Wret. it pays to raise ..On Sunday morning death re -
good horses, moved from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Iinhn Kill. their nine -months -old baby,
LOTHIAN. ' j Bessie. The eineerr sympathy of the
Feb. 3)th, community is extended to the sorrow-
TUESDAY,Locwe Norse, ---John McNay, of Westfield ine tc ngeetd ur'y on the lt;theot in
Seefnrth, wee the guest of his brother, Mr,. Jaw. Hnrnev and Sire. Thos.
P. R. McNee. fnr a few days last Randerwnn. of the Circular town, paid
i week ... Mtsa Lana Couk, of Belfast, a visit te H. Horney's on Monday.
end Miss Millie Kumar. of Grey town-
ship, were the guests ,of Miss Mary, WEDNESDAY, February21st.
clean PA. a ronnle of days htat week. McDOWJt L-SNEtd..-•On Tuesday,
Mies Nellie Gilmore is at present Fehrnary 13. the home of Mr. and Mee
visiting friends *emend Walkerton
and Chobley,,. Iles. R. B. Gilmore
*pent a few d•yys lest week at t'►e
hpine of her mother. Mrs. P. KPiley,
oI Teeewater...... •Mise Belisle Barn-
by was un ecetifnl In her musical ex-
amination held in Clinton 1 t week.
She obtained ninety-nine per cent. of
the total .. P. R McNay was in St.
Helene and other plates last week lec-
turing at Farmers' institute meetings.
T. F. Henderson was in Luck -
now haat week doing snore carpenter-
ing work at D. R. Mclntosh's reei-
Nene NtYr•EN.--Mr. McDonald. from
Manitoba, ie here 'irking his cousins,
Jae. 1feDonald and Mr.. Jarrott •
Sir. and MIs. John Ilalfour, of Regina,
Sask.. ars visiting friends here, in
Hensel!, London nod Toronto. They
are on their way to the Bermuda.] .-
Little Fred Parsons bed quite an ex-
perience this week when Dr. Aiken -
bead, of Hensel!. extreeted a broken
piece 01 a sewing needle about (hrt.e-
fourths of an inch long from the paint
of his hand. He is now doing well..
The Methodist* are going to have
a hoz seeial in the h,u,ement of the
church on the :etch inst. .111 ars- wee
MONDAY. Feb. 10th.
A New FLAG. -The Varna Orange
Lodge, which includes Brrcefleld
members, has decided to purchase a
new flag, and an nrder has been sent
to a large and reliable boilers la Bel.
Atter, Ireland. The flag is to be made
of twisted silk, with blue centre and
orange trimmings, the emblem of
Kiog William crowing the Boyne on
the front and the retreat of K ing James
on the heck. It wilt emit shout =1011.
general satistaetion manifest in this ar
community when it was announced
this week that the Government at l of M
Ottawa had appointed a Judge to 1e -I eoth
medicate be affairs of the Farmers wi
Bank. 4'h.te are a few men in this.
village wbo with the general cram- _
mittee, are working hard for some
measure of relief to the depositors.
The latest move is ter pseenee the ser-
vices of one of the hest lawyers in
Ontario to appear before the invest-
igating judge, as representative of the
depositors, and follow him around tbe
country. Of course this will require
funds, hut a very small1..��c.trlbution
from all those interested"ttoultl he
Geo. Snell was the scene of a hapny
g.thering, the occasion being the
marriage of their eldest daaehter,
I?Itzahet h, to John McDowell, jr.
The ceremony took "lace at 4 o'clock
p. m., the bride and rr•nnrn etanding
under an arch of vergreens, from
which wee suspend. 1 a large white
Christmas bell. The bride way given
aw• s, by her father an -1 looked lovely
in t•er deem of white eilkoline with
held +1 veil, and Harrying a beautiful
hon -,net of white carnation's The
little Howe• -girl. Mi** Alberta Snell,
was dressed 1n pink silk. Rev. R. 4.
ST. HELENS. Miller WNW the officiating clergymanand wedding march
TeEMDAY, Feb. 20th. Missthe Minniie Snell. sist r of the bide
WokKN'S INtenvorL--Tb. Febru- At the nonolosion of the ceremony
m ti f
tw nq n th. Women's Institute the party, numbering 1055, sat down
L Helens will he held at the home to w sumptuous repast, Gu.ate were
re. R. K. Miller. on Thursday, the nr•es.nt from Onderich. Lucknow,
at 2.90. Suhjeets, "Spending Holyrnod, 8eaferth, Dungannon sod
nter Ysveninge," "Methods of Lonreshnro'. Abarge array of w.dd-I
paring Fish." All the ladies are ing gifts lore l'atimony o, the esteem
Idially invited. in whieh the ynnng couple are held. 1
BRtgye,- ia*, Brown, nt Bluth, Both bride end groom are members1
spent a few days this week visiting of Weetfleld chur•h choir, 'The
friends here.... .John McGuire via- proem's gift to the bride was a gold
ited Wingbam this week. Will necklace and locket, and to the -Hewer -
McDonald, of Jamestown, epeht a giel a gold hr•aeelet. After spending a
week visiting friends, around here few day* visicinv it•ienda Mr. and Mrs,
/ties Elizabeth Rutherford spent the M 4)owell tom take up residence on the
eek -end at home Miss Chrissie farm on flee 8th enr.res.inn reeently
Miller, of Wingbete Collegiate, wag pilrehas.d hy Mr. Mri)owell The best
home over Sunday Mr. Acheson wiehet of the community attend them
delivered a valnahle horse to Wm as they� 1n��ommen' their wedded life.
McKenzie, of Lueknnw, on Tue.dey. VTNexNT-MCDowELL.-The borne
A good figure wee realized The of Mr. and Mtn, John McDowell, sr.,
entertainment on Friday wee )greeted wax on Rt. ValentIne's Day (February
with w fuel hanger showing how will- 14) Ailed to ovet•tlnwing by a Pleasant
ing the people ere to help in a good and joyous company, to witness the
Num. Over $2 was taken in at the trine of the nuptial knot between
door. Miss Bertha, fifth daughter of the
hoist and hoiden'', and Albert Vincent:
LOCHALSH. of Milk River, Alta Prnroptly at 4
,reamers, Feb. 2iikb,. p. m. the bride and groom took their
Aa-IDENT.-Mrs. IRev 1 J.e Hardie from which hung a whitunder an arch oe Chplttmeee
had the mi*fortune last Thursday to been. the arch being trimmed with
meet with a serious accident which white. The word.'" which made two
will probably lay her up for a c orwid. heart* heat as nne were epnken by
erahle time. It aprear+ that while Rev. R. A. Miller, The bride looked
milking a now. the animal haying charming in her no.tnmts of white
made a quick movement, Mn. Hardie *ilk. She carried a nett h rgn'e of
was startled, sprang hack and sliop.d, white carnation*. Pretty little 131a
with the result that one of her limbs Walden, nieceof the brine, filled the
wan 1rtcrared in two or three planes position of flower -Ririe tenet/Illy
cine by the ankle. The injnrie, were dressed in white silk. Mee. Wro. Mc -
attended to by Dina 1'iimnson, of Kin- Dowell played the Lohngrin wedding
tail, and M('Lennan, of Ripley, and march before the ceremony. After -
the sufferer is now doing ■s well as tendering congratulatione r
could he expected. The sympathy of wishes, guest" to the number ^1^.d -
the the 'ommnnity ie extended to Mrs. ty-flve di I justice to en ext»M3nt
Hardie in her very painful affliction. wedding hetet. The wedding prernts
were numerous and valnahle. *hewing
the esteem in which the voeng cnnnle
are held. The groom', gift to the bride
wan a gold necklaris and pendants,
anti to the flnwer-girl a gold bracelet,
After visiting friends for a few dam
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, will leeve for
their home at Milk River, Alia., where
Mr. Vincent own* a valuable farm,.
Mrs. Vineent will be sorely missed in
League and choir circles, as she vitas a
leading spirit in these organizwtions.
The heat wishes of a largo, circle of
friend. will go with the omnia venpi'
to their Western home. Th. wielding
grteate included enme from Lueknnw,
Dengenon, Gnderich, Seafnrth and
Turner, . Mich.
So Says Mrs. Stepbea Hoy of Dodd's
Kidney Pills- Suffered from Intiamma-
tory Rbeumatism. •
Rock Mills, Grey Co., Ont., Feb. 19.
-(Special)-"They worked wonders."
That 1s tbe enthusiastic compliment
Mrs. Stephen Roy of this place pays to
Dodd's Kidney Pilin. "About four..
tern years ago," Mrs. Roy continues,
"i took inflammatory rheumatism in
my right arm, I tried several medi-
cines but it kept swelling and was so
painful. My back alto ached and my
heart bothered mer -t-ant a doctor
and he helped nit but di not cure we.
Reading about Dodd's Kidney Pills
led inc to try them. 1 used six boxes
and they worked wonders,"
Dodd's Kidoe Pills cure rhena-
tism by curing tbe uikidneys. Rheuma-
tiam is caused by urie acid in the
blood. Cured kidnaps strain all the
unit acid out of the blood and there
can be no rheumatism.
The (Ellin Treatment
for the liquor banit Is an acknowledged
summit, as hundreds of men and wom.
en in Canada can testify. Call, write
or con-
tract.,Gatlin one for �instttute,kletand co428 Jarvis
street. Toronto. 'Phone North 463
_ _ y
Don't (-eget the ascend monthly
Horse Market In OfIm.RicH on
Tuesday. Fehnun 27th. You
tan bey one hors or a carload:
or sell any nuiMsr you wish.
Th. buyers are nut timing stn
them now and it will he a good
chasm to advertise what you
have to sell.
The demand ie partienlarly gond
roe nsrfnl farnr hereat around
UPI to 1.'280 p nnda. Hnrtee
will he .r'Id by anetie„e fnr them
who wish it. A another hasp
+tread�r been *Weird. They will
he hood on the usual guerantee.
PERSONAL -Pity, and MTS. Richard
Brown, 12th •'nncesainn, are at pre.-
ent vita( ing friend.. at Dnng.annnn and
Rt. Augustin., Rnd, McDonald, M
Lothian, is taking charge of the farm
during their absence , ...Mina Mar-
garet Hardie left last Tueaeday f"r Chi-
cago, where she intend. to take as
course of nursing at the Freeces Wil-
lard hospital of that city Fred
Glahn and Was Pearl Duff, of (lode -
rich, were visiting at the home nI the
forner's brother-in-law, '1'nm handy,
last Sunday...... Frank McCharlee,
of Nelson, B. C„ is at present visitin
friend. in Chi. locelity. - . Mise Mary
H. McKenzie is for the present taking
charge at the mines owing to the seri- 1
ous accident which ben befallen Mrs.
JOTTING& -The old song "'lis WNietMONDAY, Feb, 19th,
that Makes the Arm Go 'Round" has,, "TRRARY Mfx-IETY.-The vnnnR
by our Lnchalah poet, been emhel perspiP in this vicinity have organized
Hotbed hy a catehe chorus, the Art line a Literary Roriety and will hold their
I of which is, "Ent Don't Let Yottr, meetings in the scheol-hone nn Fri -
IWrist Get Frozen." ,•. .One of the day evening of 'wish w
first sieve that the tide of winter has we.k'ameetingw rn eek' At thin
n will he given
reaehed its height attd Is on the tarn in *rldit1, in w three -aided d.t.ate,
is the eppeeranoe in thaw district of The topic under diaeds.inn 1., "Which
the prairie horned leeks, at the end of has the, most influence over Ten__
11'441 week. This amen.* almost/near-'wealth,women or wine'?' Admission
unity comes in the mnnth of 16 menta.
and their eheerfnl twitt.rirnary
happy reminder that spring is draw.
ing near and that the hard winter will
soon be over and gone, ... Gen. Me-
a valuahle rug one
eKa, whovening last)week on the 10th ccooncee-
*iMl, has received word that It has
her•(' found. George will
it. •con go for
P1'h.;HASH. AN AeromobiLZ.-Tom
Handy, the well-known content. rnn-
tractor. whose operations extend over
a wide tract of country, ending the
ordinary m.thnd of enneyane a Rome.
what alnw and realising that he wee
Ir sing eonsiderrhM time thereby, ham
thought fit to invest in a tutor ear.
The trap..• were signet) testa, and the
1' rar is 10 he delivered by the 1st of
April. It 1s a 11112 model Ford erred.
titer tw.n1y hnn'eetrnwer end fully
equipped with all the 'Reset Imre-nee-
'meta. Inelndint two • c -inch Pl.etric
bead lights, with teem,, windshield,
epeedrmretet, etc. AI.. Randy, with
his usual energy. w111 t. the Art real -
dent of this. district, *side of the
neighboring town., to ' ua the way in
saeuring op -to date mc.'.oda of speedy
transit and no doubt h.• win make the
dust Ay next summer a .
ttRtitie4,-Mr, J. Pickering hoe ea
turned to her home in Brantford After
visiting 'her Meth**, Mee. Murree.
who has been serMivaly 111 hot who,
we are plumed to bear, is now on a
leis road to recovery. . D. Murray
diets -wed of two vahtable eon. last
week. He received a hendsnnte prise
for them .. . A number of young
people from sound here attendee' the
lean y.ar hall et Kintail, and all re-
nnet an excellent time John Piek-
ering, of Brantford, Is renewing at -
tin aintanees here Joe Doyle had
the mi.fortnne to Ings la valuable
horse last week .. Asa remit of the
*were frost■ the majority of the
water -pipes in three Parts are /riven
and several of the farmer* Are suffer-
ing from lack of water fnr stock,
Winn. Y, Feb. ;Nib.
Nares. Wm. McDonald. of Jam
town, visited friend, in this visinit
That week Mr. and Mr. Henry.
of Amberley, visited at. Wm. Mylihe'
lest week ... ar Henry ienehn.tsn held
a tnoc.sehd wood hese on Monday of
nth his n.w this week . Wm. Milner hada wand
sae when .nQ.g„d in carrying nett ewl last Wsdneeday aft.rn,- ,mrd nn
nntraete. We tratters'and etsn that enelefty n (hie vnet heIjt y the yt All
^ 1. Melennen, of Ripley, formerly A prswen it telt v having had
to a party All
.I4.,, of L•e,r'balah, hes h pt„*.nt •east having tad a
-at ing with Yr. Randy in tete molter w .itr.eph Thorne m A' trrki
-►oche enure and will also with A. Jehneten at
the same design,day *actr,w neeKearney. leer home
mat illttw
1 f,.-,L
1 Is Rheumatism dtbe back.
• Tie cats is Uric Acid
i• the kiaod. If the kid -
says dM their work there
meld h• ro Uric Add sad
no L•obe10 Make the
kidneys do their wort The
sur% positive and •a,
cure for Lumbago Is
Dodd's I
Stop a C.1os6 at Oates
1 08
If you have a cough, troubled with
bronchitis, as►heea, or any lung
trouble, get a 2.'c bottle of 108 Nox e
Gold. You will never regret it. For
axle at Dua1op's drug store.
Wanted immediately
Start, ('arable man, on wood salary .or
coetmtwlon, to.m11 our swell -known spores/.
ties in fruit and ornamental trees N your
nonnty. We par according to ability, and
desire the beat man procutab e.
800 Acres
of fruit trees trent which to All customer:
requltements. Our.eleamen areabaolntele
sura to supply reliable. eatfefao(nry stoch•
fiigablIshed over Si years, Write :
Bakes Manager,
Polkas Nursery co.,
Totoote, Ontario,
N. B.—To catatoraers!
U -s armee net writte ofor eatiskanse
.....AND FRESH• MBRC11 '11 .
We are now ready for your inspection, knowing that any
business we can do with you will be mutually profitable.
WASHGOODS Ia►tettatrivale in Wash Goode aredp►rvinl�
GOODS Sou -neat pattrt•n,,, bright onlors, earelwt id .s earlythe
are just as they ought to he for the bra' *ad the prod.
Whit, Wash Materials tin cottons and quality let the goods oA>rod.
easeful buyer epould examine thew fabrics.ens from 13e to ads. bolt ►min soot In new ts9•sw �1
71111,1M4111,,,_11, --
No make-believe, but real Scotch .tad 13ngliab, with that floe some nt weave and
delicacy of color tbt.t on1y the Scotch sad leo
are the pewee riish coo give them 114e and 1 ate
Imported malas, Ane cloths,
-_- imperil pichanima.
tip width, al-
most egai to Zephyr make; and our pre tor them . u. .. ... ... 10e
PRINTSfMiveDty-Ave plasm or new Spring Prints here already,
thirty-one t., thirty-two inch:e wide, and
beet 124e Kagibh Print made. cue fest.
Yoe arta get agood 10e Prise at this (Roes -
dark and Relit reeiowine.,
SLimited detail. artat therm-iwief hints must serve. The
material* rare mo -sly Asir cambric and main`�►� Mad. of the
tints tn`rn*tub. Baby widths. medium widths,Myr nein the near shuttle. There sue edttngs and miser -
widths. Patterns from a /tearoom of an inch to about halttt_vaerl wideew with *nod g e/ waistdma gird ski*►ink
dens ' n hand -plied machines, steam driven, very artistic. Prices lower than to nrnon mikete are
usually sold for. m
tlw TIME TO err Tit.tT NEW
Dunlop 61s a Preparation ,
That Will ()row Halt
This is an age of new discs -nettles.
To grow hair after it has fallen out
today is a reality.
Salvia, the Great Hair Tonic and
Dressing, will positively create a new
growth of hair.
if ynu want to have a beautiful bead
of bait, free from dandruff, tee Salvia
once a day and wateb the reealta,'
Salvia is guaranteed to stop falling
tapir and restore the stair L. its natural
color. The greatest hair vigor
Salvia is compounded by expert
Wateh your hair if it is failing out
ifyou don't, you wilt sooner or later
be bald.
Salvia prevents 'wildness by fasten-
ing the hair to the roots,
Iwerlles will find Saivia ju.t the hair
dressing they are looking for. It
make* the bair eft and Softy and is
nes stinky. A large lett le, 515e.
tt10RZ SPUD -1160112
1 he canna t�, lies in anon
t•eyed is enhanced by the 11113011.
le}' comfort which has been
easot to a high standard en
the Royal Mail Steamship.
Sarni . private aims, arrange.
manta. cabin -en -,site,
loaner and Marie moan. 6 days
direr from Halifax to &Mot
For loll Jot forotat ton
apply to steamship agog.
or N.C. R(t17BLfKit. Gen-
eral Agent. Canadian
Nor. M.S..'Toronto. Ont.
of Taranto, operated by the Centrel
destines (blkse of Totowa train punt
!1•4and women for omen petitions.
Whystet your train/nor under
"iDodali+e+e"-pots of whom oro ere&
kimono makers et commercial text
books, W. have ste'dent, In atteodaamo
from Bal/fax to, vemourer. Seed fee
henTongs tGeern'dwSHtreet Sham.
o onto.
and you'll make no mistake when
70s leave your order with
Wee at. T ha tip-to.dq Tailor
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at ail hours, night to day.
Big Half -Price Sale
at Cameron's Store
For seven days only, from Saturday
to Saturday, we are going to almost
give away hundred* of dollars' worth
of Merchandise, such as Deem Goods,
Endive' Fore, Ladies', Winter Costs,
iatdies' Suite. Trimmed Hats, Men's
Suite, Overc.ate, Pan's, Mufflers,
Underwear, Mwvaters, Soz and other
article", for half-price end lens.
This treniendnur price-cut'ing sate
will *tart on Saturday at 10 o'clock
abate. If you appreciate getting
goods for next to nothing, get to thi
store as Mnon :IS you can after you reed
this. Don't ask for any reason* --wade
right in and helm promo& t
you neeolu anyttttng
Don't look forag bills
or any farther details.' Wmyy triatch the
windnwe and mine to the store. You
will he sorry if yon are too late, for
yon will never get another chance like
I tbia.
Canadian Pacific
Length,. 570feet Er .adth, (264 feet
Tonnage, 14,5iJ0
Wireless and Submarine Signets
Bold all recnrdg between Canada
and Liverpool.
and Other Steamships.
Sties Prom
LtverpeoL Mt. John. N. 11.
�F�eh�r .....,i}p�np�re.s M Ireland .....Fob. 41
Pit- 41 ..... 4k of Britain Mar. 0
Myam ..,• zt..... • a Ciamphain. . Mar. 14
a 1 .... *ptk'ew or Ireland Mar. !l
1•e tuba. .Mar. LR
Mss, rue, If Brit aln.. April a
Apoill Lake Champ/M^ Aprtt 11
lApreaa of Ireland April 19
April' II ..... .L•ke Manitoba. Arrlt i
Apeiate .. ismer of Britain_ May 3
Tickets end all Information from an
N1c AWO.int- yield. Aaaat. f`. t'1,
The Ulnar Ikeda ` tike
and a two -cent stamp is all it will cost yea
to get our big. beautiful Catalogue
thing that in good in Seeds Planta,
Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Suppl�yA
Mil mad as r much that y w„ swan.* tell
w. Mira
or it. sad for rwradL
V ie raw of ria lamsadshart
tn+astte... the Creams of the What. Wella art
ewVelsweeewy ~tow is woo worth taloa
the hese ve ark.
hnis the (twee.
Tee eesest eased te Wes
whit we levy~'yt. le alter pee far the 'Inz. �tj twss
Dareit & Baster Seed Co., LIMIlfeld,
rami. Dept. 41 tendon, Ont;
AXATIVESdoe had attrand ila Imam IONS
sea y Amis. ►rales eart�a�a
nya,y ale a caa.(rJ e...• same. tat6ter.
GETTING a fourth hand for "bridge"
is only one of a thousand social
uses of the Telephone, and Telephone
Service promotes sociability and good fellowship
because it brings neighbors closer together. Your
friends all live within talking distance.
It is the same with your out-of-town friends—
the universal service of the Bell System makes them
your neighbors, too- Your voice can reach all by
means of the Bell Long Distance Service.
Every S.1/ 1'elaybone is the Center of the Syatewt. It
rat r
and `Wringers
A gond Washing Maehine and •
No man about.' allob1 home to Wringer vi I.a.aTherenlute is a vas
improvement in Wa bine Machines the�~,frd, Thea h a gad
ra gond sweetmeat o1 the leads and
few em a eau carry
We stock the New C.'n makes sell hl -1 ., tgasr,nrtD
eotum. Snowball, Nonlight and Hssmiltnr,,, ranging
ranging to peiea front
00AO to $10-00
Our special mire sale of Ideal Prim-
ing is no.
&win 110 inches high, Yee par red
7 -wire NI inehpa bleb, We per teed
x -wire 47 inches hath, Vic per rod
No. 9 hest Cleveland Coiled Wire
at. B. 11 per net.
Th. season is ongoing to a stet, Vp I On nem, leo e y
ittave a few good Heat eve I.0t ot, whisk I At l e k a. Sleigh H e 11 e,
v►* rats email intim special prires fA igh-, Horne Blantete,
aunt -r Mitts and Winter
�tIha I .. you to select the best Range Goods of like nation we
PANDORj try yogi worth] get • rill allow Si per cent mask
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The Nowell Hardware Co., Cr'i
Stock Food
Thi• is the tint* of the
year 'bat it pars to feed
me. Stook Pito& With
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M almost ahiolote ner.-
etgei t Y. Try a Wil on pigs.
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