HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 3rH E SIGN • GODERICH ON'I.A RIO
TIE I f District News. os I home towns.ILr. Ll t gigots The 8ig-
net and keeps ponied on le solog
on in this porter( the world. His uld
friends Ip Ashfleid will be pleased to
know tbp1 be It pr.irperio* so well.
R. S. Hays hat heet re -appointed d.y recently suet with au accident 1,4 O. T. P. Motels.
town solicitor of Seal I that, will lay him un for semi, time. ( The Gland Trunk plans for 1i S in
William Adel", 1 •enrols of Clinton, A knife flew from the machine with ,a,tiin with their hotels wfi111 be
I died last week at Midland. whicb he was workin,t slid bit hits m patshel ..r fa.t es pee-ibl•'. Wolk on*
OENOINi WinTrend►, one of the pioneers of I the back of the wrest of bis right ares, : P,,,.t Gan y 1t•..el to Wiuoipeg will Le
boiind or reoalred.
Atjord0" promPUY sdtaeded to oa teartae
them at TS 8IG L t:oder4c .
A. K. TAYLOR. Srmerenaa
V♦sad Reiman° RaRbssr, Omani* tam
8111=litelean dicot. asierise. wiser
ymtree street. Telephone MI.
i►RS. TAYLOR AND �TaeotaceeL O It.
Kuala,Terry t AYLUtt, U. S.
doeie Terre. •
y1. .ROL1► TAYLOR, R. A. M. ft•
DR. W. F. G♦LLOW, M. B. •
0Aos sad madams. North sfrwet, A...ri
„ort► d Comm 11etdory sera WispkaM
Howick, died on the 71.11 inst.cuttingit to the twos. Bushed end h Is 1 he intention of the
Ait 4 Is the date of the Huron Mire listen Smith died at the hoot • company to eteopl• le a whole chide of
tion stork at Clinton.of her brother John, at Brussels. e• 1 Mattis riabt 1.u; o•.. the oozeineut.
nose slay. Rouse inbassa
\leew York sot
llfaloal - riedtba�
Oo?en ba - R -gest
ittt,sIZLondodk. Wissolt'.a linos Char:h n e
t.12 a m.. Sims p. at-• 7 toe o. M. Telephone
Will Palle of Hullett. has Thursday evening, gib init. Phe bad Timer magi.ifl..-nt structures will be
ge00 beets in declioing health for soma ..n models cite 1 .r to the Chateau
been appointed an immigration agent,
A. W tlkin, of Clinton. it away on u
tads W his former home in the Old
IiRis planning Ib build an -
eke Wows. blsesk at Hemel' during
Ike sewing -stator.
Henry Ziooe rmas, one of the.mr'ly
settlers ot Hay • township. died last
week at a rips mid age.
Hoc of Foedwich pub -
!lo heel.l0t in his resigna-
tion. to take elM7Gril ba-
ns. Durbwood brooch of Motions
Bask bag hem closed rod tbe ac-
counts transferred to the Exeter
The ameba 100 seas 1. Grey
tame* has bees sold to !rook Col-
lies for 05,700. Mr. Oaliss now has
WO was.
Tfee aeaaal geed tear seder the
ampiw d the Rask Hasa Agri... -
tuna emelety will he bald as lrsesaY
on Friday, Marsh 1.
Jars Ceskey her sire hie bass orf
100 ares. sea the Mb ems estgts of
isys eherstasal lame.
.t . pries i. 1.r
Jobs Mese. a well -tares rad re-
opened emiiest s1 Me Romotheld
aei�Mee�e.4. tided es w.diesery.
Ttl. isw., as its tlg• at filly yeses
Wakes PeasteMsYtme 1.r erg
for modes her the bsiNng of a fisc
modems brisk simpl t to east hem
$14L e0 to IMO gime alma latsA
AN, �j
orae de Meet r
oam of
side iC .,tat..
K. ('•. !4 C. IiAY13, J. L.
j�Irt G.
tiassllt a west.pewit ea. af7•
�rt�ars. aotaiNs Dili
orogen V :ye Mancuso omit, eta van
rttara.ls. e�tor. Jte•. I,e✓te
nob. Massy to Wel .t lowewt rots.
edeas iLaillaa fits', Ood.rpublic
llbseLemo0my nisi 11.rtmset Fawcett
have pumbased the prsprty d Mr.
Leases ea the Mares read ams
Mato& aid win r.1.. lvwwiea !lard
Jl a O R A N C 11 CO. -Fans and belated
town ia.nnd
Masora -.1. B. McLean, Pre'... Meaforth P.O.;
Jas. JoaBoijy V �Pt PU0.
h i yaysea. creamy.
Boo -Troia.. atatortb : P. John
W ; W Illnm
Mins. Const anon:
Ivrea ; James isms.
Mt. Harlock • Malcolm
ltriaw,vew, •carr..• os, Soltaesv:lte : R. smith.
JAedet tnesairtga t0 u
-roma ittlaes/eetgii. 1it�Mertams t�t�Q�
t. J, men e►►~Cletbitng flare v1tatw, or at R
H. owes a Grocery. apiroloa alma. OodOli b •
months. tibe was horn in tiootland
IUty-sight years ago and cause to Can-
ada in 18044, locating with other mem-
bers of the family in 'trey township.
Hand Injured.
On hionday of last week Robert
Nichol, of Morris township. ha4 his
left band severely crushed in the gear-
ing of bis windruilL Tb. second
finger had to be amputated at the
third joint, and the third finger tray
hare to go likewise.
Home from China.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weetaway bays
returned front Weal China, where Mr.
Westaway is connected with tea
Mettbudi.t publishing boors in the city
al Obengtu. They ars staying at Lon-
don at present. Mr. Westaway is a
former resident of Exeter.
Combine-ppsihimot at Waikertaa
L 0. Mel6shaea has received the
t of meioses officer at
r The appointer 1s a newa-
cD e haves
sdbeen cosdutUp.
at Walkertoe-
Waileesoa had two other papers.
tgsita s.o..k for a town of its case,
sad The Setae bee sow been amalga-
re.d with The Times. which will in
isaam be rolled ••1%. Bruce Herald
Leerier In Ottawa and the Flirt Garry
in Winnipeg. The plans for the hotel
whirb is to be reeg-d in Edmonton
hive been "mop,. p,. led and contracts
will be lasted shortly. Thi' hor.I will
have about 150 room* and well cowl
about 4750,000. A timil.r hotel will
be built in Regi•, anti plans are now
being proper -1. PI 1.no have else been
prepared and a• e '*fest examinee for
the that of Vie wouotain hotels at
Miro.* Hot Spring.. This will be a
very oomplvte h..il.l n.t end will offer
all that is u. 44. desired t • tourist. rod
mountain t•sv.11et.. Work is also
brio, prsu•erd•-d with on the plaue for
enothe large m. un sin botel in the
virinit,of Mount Nohow. the highest
mountain in .he t'sn.dian Rockies.
whi•-b bowers a, ne the Grand Fork
Vallee about 11,011 fe t a,•d in 18,700
bet above Ube t 1e' ' 1. This Inca• inn
rill he the mo tte,utifel and the
meet a•trestle uiauotain ,.-sort on 1
the �ontinert of A e ice. Plane have
also been peepen d and inspected for I
the new roan„ th hdtel at Prince
Rupert. and work on it will be prof
ceeled lib *so t•.
1t Your eusband,
brother or tittle, s .Ir eking to excise I
persuade him •, cern.. to the Gatlin
lee utile and he u1. . -d• a new man in
three deya with c..•ving and desire
'OUR FIRST 1111g4TRR " tot liquor de -tray d foo ever. 0.11.
write or 'pl'•-ne for booklet, etc.
It Trews le ilio Lege leer. Dr. Arcbilald Strictly a'wb•t u1 a1. institute, CO!
�L,aaa Jarvis.tree,, T. th.to. 'Phone North
At last tale great shepherd of his
dick has gorse to tike wider fold. How
Mead he watched. these are few heft
Ise talk but of hr love. courage and
guest cheer a great multitude have
Jared. Ano soca with his work fully
Gertie-"l ho r roses you sent me
were lovely a .1 fresh. I do believe
there is a little clew on them still."
Raw. nail Word. R. ♦-, d Mt- eeo,ge-"W. 11, here is, since you
T141eesas. hes ttesetved a dog from the sir. be has Lifted hie byes from their mention it : but 1 shall pay it off
comiresmwys of Breeelled Presbyter- lama I and has goort to he with the shortly t"-Lobd,•n Ol'inion.
iaa choral to aniseed Rae. IL B. Maw- Chad
Goa Hesse has w woes d deer os me trip W lung mentioned bis name
Thus ase lite work stands out before •
An, Foam remeve seer oohed Beed. with reelren.e and bar memories of
Sr►ersl bars ausp. 4 sad ate pnaesisg kis interest wbieb are among the Wort •sup IT ERR[ R IuTAfk'{�(J You
the shore of Lke k things. And tbe writer
the eaustry abed. we the feelings of ,others in all
Hutoo. porta oe Canada who like 10 speak of I Rave 1'ou ever heard of a case of
Yes. L.rvi ttariasebsr, a former real- aunt Y ••out first minister." We have nib, tresachitis, inflammation of the
Maw, Mich., ors Tuesday ot last week.deet of Hay towsekip• died at flag" an ga+od reason, and few men have or pteuris that did not start
seen so many grow up to 'ball him aottwegoa
The rehwilne were beoVlf to ZuriMED
ch blamed."
for interment. We knew him tort as be stood in the every opt,(youu catch has in it the
�ada pp of one or other of these dia-
The famine Lb. Rib Use of Morris high pulpit of the large frame church ease* if it ca break dorm your defrnme
belonging to Joseph Bolger, of Tyner, in tielgrave. tie had two appoint- And even 11 11 does not develop into
Sask.. has hese parcbassd by George clients in those days. The minions soososirtg more daagetous, it will keep
Muldoon, of Brands. It oontaltte say- were also on high subjects. But be you t111avn wy miserable fora week or
enty-five acres. never knew bow be touched a little tweet keit
Arthur Ward, concession 17, Grey. chap's heart by the winning wanner me wise ttxearee, as soon as you feel
has sold his fifty acres to R. Waite, of in which he pronounced the word gue cum anningpoa. ismfora t
lugeraoll, for 111.500, and has bougbt Jesus. One could hardly take that of e , tin the
the Ellicott rfty acres, on the 10th Holy Name in vain, after bearing it so and Cblstodyne, and keep up
he township, f sweetly uttered Or as he prayed. cold is kaoplced out oomlpletdy•
clo•nM o. Writ FM. 0. TO
G llVeNaa Apo17 W Y. G. CAl1-
e 1.w i 6 Raiai ee street Gode�h.
cones•ion oft same cans 'p, or
splendid b s cad 1 do the trick
M' Ali Schilbe daughter of Mr. in Zino," 411410 did
that worship might be an "high day
he K h d how quickly a•y sate in taking
ire vividly few set forth the mgt o,z- ofoucan
and Mr. Conrad Schiller, of Hay Oand made one desire to enter it N.-Dr'n•Co Syrup of Lindeed. Liooride
towbehip, and Fred Dater., jr.. were and Cbbeodyne, or is giving it i your
married in 1.h Lutheran church at. tu1od. mimed that he beldam sent an chlArett. Well aladly give your
Zurich 1.w Tuesday afternoon of Isar
John L. Geddes, of Belgnve, died arrow wide of the mark. 1f be visited physicsn a listed ib ingredients if you
week. the public school sod reit a few min- hoe. Your Druggist eau snppi dtber
tires with s lad in the heck seat, be eec.orsm. botfks. The Thug&
on Sunday of utaemis, in his forty- would drops 'wotd to fire theambition.ica1 Co. of a e -ear. Limited. 117
eighth year. Deceased was the village Or atter a cuugntulation on an exam -
blacksmith of iielgrave until two [cation at the Collegiate, be would
years ago, when in -health compelled awk,"Are you tbinkubg about the nen-
him to retire. istry P' And later, in advising a
J. T. Curti*, who has resigned his young preacber, be would briskly de-
position as principal of the eteaforth elate that it "is a bad plan tb have too
public school, is going to (wawa. many irons in tbe fire.''
where he will take a position in one of Here was not only one ot thesecreta
the public schools there at an initial c hie success tut a quality which
salary of $1,100. brought him not a little of hero wor-
On Wednesday.
at inst., at Clinton, Miise ss oonnp. tbe streeerns
t,, but he could alwayssay figure Baptist patsonag
Pearl. dangbter of Mr. and Mus. Jas. t e word, along with an ouwtretcbed
Finch, of Clinton, was married to hand, which tirade hive the superior.
Wm, Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- At. a avoiding he was simply "great''
nedy will reside id Clinton. 'There was such a blending of r olew-
nity and humor. And what home did
There are n1.
,j,h now
over 710 telephones not know bin' in gt'rrow and death?
Brussels, jy
nn dhr circuit of the hee
and Gray Telephone Cuurprny. The i'bere he was a great shepherd of the
annual meetingeting wits held on the 13th sAs 13'.
a churchman we cannot but
;bet., and F. 8. Scott was re -appointed think of bine as a. 'tine bit of Presby-
pieetdebt and it vice- Procter vice -Pisan- timeworn." lie batt both the knowl-
dent. edge and the spirit of "the kirk."
The death occurred on Wednesd o And he did the aork. The splendid
7th inst., of Natter McTaggart,Tcharge at Blyth has his personal -
e( the late W. L. Wright. at her home iter upon it. Toe Presbytery of Huron
• in Exeter North. The deceased was
1100) ,ANCC AOLNT. in ber eighty -lith year. and bed been
las sum Ion ■ Nolo • British. Osn.dlaa aad i• a resident of thin county for fifty -rix
v alta • , yasr, ' : •The U.0.
as �t,,ssee. artbsae owner Vic.
1.1 ol®f��sAwM..N ce'gseweo;;R
ai st• Oat.
rel. aging I
actlaR1cH, err.
IMUIiat oir MAItf1♦011 LACILlett 8. --
W. a'ww.aaor
News has horn received et Broseela
of the death of Miss Myrtle Matheson,
emend daughter of Mr. and Mr..
Harry Matheson, of Toledo, Ohio,
formerly of Brussels vicinity. The
young woman was only eighteen
years of age.
Mr. and Hr*. John Pym, of Us -
borne. on Monday of last week cele-
brated the fiftieth anniversary of
their wedding. They were married at
dowmanville and then came to Un -
borne and started housekeeping on
the farm on which they still reside.
On Wednesday afternoon, Febru-
ary 14th, at the Cranbrook manse,
Rev. D. B. McRae tied the nuptial
knot between John Lindsay, of Neep-
awe. Man., and Miss Mabel Coates, of
Ethel lotfality. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay
will reeks their home in the West.
Frank Wood, of Exeter. nearly keit
an eye one day last week. He mei-
dentally collided with s meat hook, the
ewoa j♦II00R TROP sharp end of which penetrated under
aaa the eyelid until it reached
cadon e
above. musing a painful
tunatel7 the eyeball was not pene-
azrAs MIDST, Uri ern
ewe .• t. camp.
After an illness extendin1� over a
year, John Johnston. of
last week �d
tie lee or= morningyears. The young
sea school teacher
W Wirt
sbestly 10100 1. ;Iles. oOs.u1 fl' -
414101 wee set able to merge in
ahem °Alec.
1 last, Mrs. Comm.
Oros. OW at
1Mist 1e ilii;~ rj� I
/1Mebsli >rsiSSl s f el deft -
alt �R bower le
Zane deesto the eowtry
.eve yew illi �e was ttbe
a eleven care; ber. ., 9f
has abundant record. or his teat.
Thus he bar ruuoded out a great work,
and peeved away full of love rod
-A. L B., in The Presbyterian.
Aldermen 1.u. ng
James C. Little, Now a City n Its' coollye elements are absorbed into the congested !Issue, and from
Serges will be amongst the most popular
`materials being worn for the coming
Season. We have a complete showing
of Serges in navy blue, black and white.
Our special $1.00 yard Serge. in navy and black. 54 inches
wide, la a winner.
Special value in Sergio, in Week. navy and white, 44 inches
wide, Nervy quality, splendid for louses' suits ani childrens wear,
or separate skirts. Per yard, .0o.
Among the other popular materials being shown are Panrmas.
Velutinae, Sen Toys, Ceshweteh, Voiles, etc.
Scotch (iinghams
h Your tub dretleea will prove a
decided success t hits season if you
select this reliable wake of
Ginlrheui, in all the newest and
wort popular designs, at.
I2;tc to 25c per yard
Palatine Prints
These Prints combine the beet
wearing qualities with the best
washing colon, in all the newest
coloring.• Immense variety to
select from. See the new Quaker
Greys. Per pard.
New Embroideries
The new Embroideries in all their beauty direct from Switzer-
land, from the narrow heuutitcb for joining seams to the 45 -inch
width for dream*.
Special values in Corset Cover Embroidery.
4475, Waist 4509, Sidor
Price 15 Gats Each
To the home Dressmaker
To the ladies who do their own dresamakiii the utmost satisfaction will be found if they use NrcCall's
Pattern*, because wit' them it is absolutely impossible to make ta.mistake. McCall's Patterns once used
always used.
To Out -of -Town Customers
Out-of-town Customers, kindly note that our new postofflce number is 3;44, ..,' ep' one Number Sed
Millar's Scotch -Store
For Your
The Signal
The health we enjoy depends very largely upon
the blood circulates in our bodies; In other Auld -
we have perfect circulation we will have' perfect heal
There is L constant wearing out of the tissues .
every part of the body. The blood flowing through 1 �.:
veins carries off this waste or dead matter. while the
blood coming from the. heart through the arteries
brings the fresh new riving tissue, the essence of the
food we have digested, to replace what has been rat-
rled off. This constant wearing out and expelling "f
the dead matter and the replacing of It with new
matter. atom by atom. goes on day and night, until
In about 7 years a complete change has been effected.
Thus every man and woman has an entirely different
body In every particle of it from what he or she had
7 years before.
It sometimes happens, however, from a variety of
causes, that the blood becomes congested In certain
portions of the body This means that the 11....d e�-
sels In these parts become weakened, and the cl. ii.
lation In that section of the body becomes sluggish
and stagnant The consequence Is that tl,e dead mat-
ter In that part of the bodyIs only partially carried
away. and that but little of the new, vital matter is
Introduced there to build up and strengthen the thistles
and n
This condition Invarfabty exists to all cos".: ot fe-
male disorders, The dead matter retalhed In l!.e Ir•
eulation, which should have been expgged. caul- a ir-
ritation and Inflammation of the delicate memberane,
and oppresses the nerve centres- This condition is the
cause of the grievous physical and mental stir:cling
which accompanies female troubles.
To obtain relief 1t is evident that the first t; -!-c ^0
be done 1. to get rid of the dead matter which !r b•••
ing held in the circulation. If this demi matter is
sild-:ed to remain there n specie* of blood poisoning will result and nature will
endeavor to get rid of It by forming ulcers, tumors. etc.
The above ex oration will also show why ORANOR LILY is sal successful In
1 Ihb 1.•o Uen. It Is ¢local treatment, and Is applied direct to the •ffocted
at Whitefish. Mentaae,• rei very start the dead matter begone to be discharged. A feeling of Immense
relief. ,-.oto, menu) and phy.leal, accompanies it, and the improvement t. constant
The Whitetirh Pil ,t, nublished atsed 1.si lve. This feature of the expelling of the dead matter 1s always present
�'4 b,telsh. tlonuto. haw ua km Wage e1 1. a greater or less extent. and in some cases It is so marked as to be amazing.
The case described In the following letter 1s not exceptional:
February 15th a portrait .4 James U. De. e-oonley-I am thankful to Mrs. F. E. Currah, your Canadian rspresenta-
Little,afernier resident o['♦.Veld. ties.^f moot aootttad unlloridl 3 years your
wonderfulen bre adAe'ct have suffdrnaefor
where his father and two brothers r tumor. and .sold live no more than a year. 11 i went throtlxh ■n opera ll.m t
still live. Accompanying the ported, would nit Ilve trrengh It. A year later 1 sent for him again. ■nal lee gave me up
is the following paragraph : to ..i.\1y Mrehand then sent for another doctor, w -ho performed an op m(1011.,
"James C. bottle, Past Master of and it dM me macb good. i doctored with him 3 or 4 months. but bscamu so bad
Whitefish Lodge Nu. tit. A., F. and A. .Rain toot 1 144014ht t could live
no loncrr, and I began to long to alio. One day
,c husband cam. home .04 threw a slip of paper to me wltl, Ma Ctarrali w wd-
M., yesterday celebrated the eight& users and told ass a LAy had advf.td him to write to Aer for treatment incl
anniversary of his coming to Wbuer wmnd cure .nee, f said it was too late, that I would dl' anyway. 1 could net lift
h h the town • tea. up wNkmt hurting me Then t Og est doctor
dnd t he as Mworse
fish. Jim eagle rte when rit
eve. nwrvlw. my husband stet for
was in - 1..r"n1.- t •war. 7 tumors hodhren ev•.1,
fore the Kalispell.
pt that
was duo u Iso, l ones •�t� small o ger p
h d Kalispell. t that its e e town •,"'one 1.r n.'r dollars for I eria month's •treatment• instead of one donor. It i, w °Math
bed all been laid out' hist was noth- Its wNRM In geN-YRA. OEO. tJtW18, HuntnllN, (m t.
ing Art a onnaturtioo tramp hefted out 1 he •hour fitter N pcbtlrhed W 4 Hrs. buw1.' permfsalon. All letters recrh 1.N
of the dense forest. The beak aid a a.. rMwtse as Igoe sacredly conAdenting but occasionally some twitcan fru feels s
ttl/M that 1.M Is wllfirtg to make Vie matter known for the bob -
en embryo .tate. the your h. h hep tumor. Other. followed, until
i veal p cad 4 ll nes I know If It had cot been for 011ANOm LILY i
few other building's., besides
a ._fear .reins, for ashhg
of saloons, were the only htfealse'w Mt. nal encoosarthNt of her refforing .Istara
0/1ANOe Lll b . positive sall�
11ouess at the time Jim struck the' neons „tardy tar all awarder" et tie
town on hit *uppers.' it might be said* femaleese functions. nDt • A iexppllaine0 above
and by chance st war given ebttrgr r11 t�uUr inset treatment. 1.t b jolt
of homes to keep for tbt.ita! erwefsl. to t4171e,aedlHww laternallr
a team
for their feed. To make the team pay Cr tetania t
for itself be did what 1itl dray work t.4a sttre�elM
there was to he dose. • ea an
the nucleus far the Ree divet�basisees Let rs"Mil
that bas &waft tip sloes liseste
tools a few of ib' test ptofesrse het M
from those days The rest
mattered t0 Other pparetty� of the
Mr. Little let ♦sdbL M la
atter wneklti(for some time In
he set OM as WWI* 1Ai. 1" h"
have in T b%ri kif'A enc two* tet silt
years.ray -
awes at Wheedle mod ~arty me
ell ntw�{d as
he milwes
issendeotaid braes
T. 11. w.tt it emd
twang. hoot
• ..1 rs tiro. aile
Merest. 1 see ee
e wsrise r
so Itvenal beto
Vernally for a bruins,
1M teeth. in all
critter is be-
• arm N 'warted
sa.Iheas far ev-
ertor*. O*ANOa
1 else to. the t herstl trate itis fellewtee
1 Ile" tr"•t 1v77ltts.4 alert's, N wary redder 4 this 'wino wife ales 1n en.
war 1 in•. wry et tee troubles pedal ar i. wwaes. R els WWI e.oi the tat address
mantttt of tks 1111111111/0•0trimmestAHrmLILY trimmest te Met tar lila is sorer cove. this
[sial t
laei t a7that at Is �r'
�!y�� s sire. .1.4 In overs
I Il rtMM'M.te *eller 7a>• ire R yon owe It to
and tee year M pp est. 1.w til; offer ted
se .car Verne. ale hod hedw•t.te' e* .gs esa e/
Y Picas e. euem14 Wt.deee, Oat
me..sat to e. mat oRA14cr i.LT w
Liege e sees se-
M else )Mr
Kamm pato
WIC I.cyst! ebbe lbe old tFl .-tine
Bargains in
Washould like to.talk to you
about the bargains we Roeoffer-
ing lb :Stoves. For'. Hla'heyt
thirty days, and for perhaps
longer. we will give ten per cent.
discount on the prices of all
Stoves -Heaters and Ranges -
which we have in the store. We
have the Moffatt Ranges whicb
have a reputation for satisfaction
that places them io the first
rank. Art Garland, Souvenir.
and Moffatt Heaters. Any of
these you will find are just what
dou want. We have them in
ifferent sizes, suitable for any
size ot • house or room.
For one week we will allow :. Discount of Ten Per Oent. on all
our Crow cut Saws. We have t he Improved Macer. Premier. Gold
Coin -all guaranteed --also the ivlondyke and Lancetooth.
Plumbing, Heating, Eaveetroughing
and General Hardware.
Hamilton Street
We have stocked our .helve* with all goo.i
things necessary to foot comfort.
1f it. Felts ycu want we've got them.
f it's Rubbers or Overshoes we've got. them.
If it's Rubber Boots we've got them.
1f it's Prospectors' Beets or Oil Tan Moccasins
we've got them.
Yr.0 can't mention an article that goes to keep
your feet warm and dry het we have it.
1f it'. here it's worthy.
if it's worthy its here. e
Our prime are the lowest.
=caning tY MacVicar