HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-22, Page 1aaJtvAM71i- FOR SAL L
. 4401 et cries to
Anent, titileleft wttk
N. 4.
i4wire. ot(A. will
t f
in Tilt Stost.&L is the
very hest way of resell
Mg the people of Dode-
rieh and West Zr.Rates quoted on e
Were you ever inroavenieseed when shopping by in.utflici-
ent cash to nuke your patched's? A savings account entitles
you to withdraw money front the nearest branch of our
bank. Clients have shown their appreciatiuu of this privilege.
Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto
Goderich Branch-Axngiw PORTER, Manager
A. G. L V /1 S E IL
Insurance and Real Instate
Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada.
Tbe Western Assurance Company.
'lbs Royal Bich/mice Aesutaoe. of London, Englatad.
The London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Co.
The American Surety Company of New York.
All kinds of Insurances.
Office next to C'auadian Bank of Commerce
1 Meabo of a wieute 7 ssamste beIM4ag
re 91 test, at the Ra&. Mr h.wies seal. eta
time mad eped/ea____ Bari be fawn at obs
clear er w Camay ('irk. Teodoro reeelved
up te March lath neat. and Beet be ..deemed
to Dr. N'. Y. r-aart, Ooereteb. c.14mao of
the arrest er nay tender est oeoeessrlly
W. LONll, Die- W. F. CLARK.
Douai ase tors tut, nus
tt � A tt x �
1'11� DOLIC
1' seen
TetnrwAT, Feb. 16th.
PyW tees_ 1 tri , s It
• tab
&tzL'e`i.. • de to eo
Peas. Mer peek 0 966 tMI wo
075 to
per Poe NR I1 se to
1 63 W
�e.� fit, pier o�wt 1.1 W W
per tea Y7 06 to
'. pw teat stew IV lU a 18 W
w ...... ... . . ....... .. 000 to 8 00
per lend ansa 150
0 21 a ((Sr
!tela 0 17 ter n 2.
Am des t•aIte ofd
Mer SN . :Soto 35.
per boatel. .... ,. 6i to a art
edam.). m 7 to rw4 par cwt. 4 w a s Ne
.(�10Wtirr, export per cwt S an to S 7.;
e 10 to s 10
1�10w1. 4Wto 4as
�Ikrns Ib 25 to tel to It
... n•w i30
tt, Tari SIONAI. and
get.one of the pretty
1912 Calendars,
TBI SIGNAL MIN 'NO CO.. Ltd-, PueLiem$
THE TOWN COUNCIL. °"e that the members of the count% A BLACK EYE
desired to keep Mr. Elliott out of th
Ithem. Mr. Muunings invited Mr.l
Elliott to admit that he had no founde-
COUNCILLOR- ELLIOTT GETS A tion for much •statement and that it
1 WARM RECEPTION. I scar wade to catch votes.
1 ,� Mr. Elliott w-asu't exactly prepared
38 (.I u eo - - to make each an admission, sod
ooabril en that he could not expo •s
Y 7.1
eon straeL It
AApply MRS. R. J.
1111, 91arsb• Mineral ISrTaa
A a Its... AlRkUMALL,
WANVKteDr . le-dMer(8Tet
RIgs]aairt Betty street. dOreBidE.-
roues is Moeda 011ell that w co-partner
• hop beeelerem Mbverg'm1 between tae under -
reined am mrdeneliers ata furniture dealers
utast the Mee mite et Matra H.ardrr at
t.odsnek, U.L, bee We dmeorved this day by
mesal' W account* owing w Arm
.C47 Mite wildie p by Hpaw-
,.t hie ewe se the Jaguars.
00.,. ROHM E1ER
Uodsrlob. Feb 1st. Mas
e1 tt e
mod etc. Yuan -clean work.
Yrlore your work dobefore the
rusk. A. *NAM haat dteel, Ooderloh. !$7-tf
I r ran NATTIER Or Tim rwRAT= Or monk'. sit
1% La, LATS or TQ WWII Or GUtwit.1414, 1.4
T1a,0001rrr eM MOWN. NAarfka.
Not We la 0.e alas p5sseest to statute 1,
Gemini v.. Milliner ewdine 91, that 10 Per
- Ie lauds canoe serest Was wow of rhe
11 Daniel NMTati eooemed, who died ea er
aoset Metall dad e'[ 11- • A. L. 1911. are
l'-quertea weed for pelt. prow& et deliver to
the ends�.a.r rersater tar an McIver.
the samtltr�eabr ea the •M estate. st his 08 -
lice, harsh I dorme& uete..0. en or beton
the 44•4 14 ear er 0 serovar. A. D. 1914 . bear
lame, sorrow ata emMnpflee, sad a full
,•tetereest el the peIMralare et their claims
and the st iM . if 7. 0.n by
.1.m, eon a mall SeaMO Misr w ...w
uats the wW ----- A dMItbe
ate Me eM4e■M MOMann mean flee
he�Mage g a*WAl r tthm have nottice.
and stat he hid eel be barb hiMs Maas el
wMr el
tea. gay part ibeli t�
wtw Ir. Oda M 53044 • 0 TAW bays had no
listed thin r{h d1ayWOf Fe A. D. 1141-.
U Nay, M.
etch tlotimser for Adtdntatrtor
p515504 statute
g` f�11. e.etts. se, to t
1ieAeimi mmm��t91bs�M5tmeatirettttlhpemsiMsatsoft Jannis
M dna Mt .e seen ate ho est ,t�����paaartf.
e e. Mt tr5ad tea VMS OAF tp geti w
eatIi•„ mQge mf ~1s
e er
beiethhe whamihe s Medi o,
ms premed le
oame bars YYsad
(44 tistta55e diem flea w Mweme mf
wise sYlm55 odl ss . have 0. M 0.
t'eI , tits
uft�tY� elitatw: foe
1' 1N0 tare.., 11st Ands dray harness, 2
rotes, 1 dry, t alelgh, 1 matter, 1 ru00er-tired
baggy, ora A ceases fora good bargain. Ea-
ohmrt THI80yFK:R
attm9tm hanks at band from Tor -
est* gritwark bwm �the� and hem your
Yrio.. right.
kliordaes aid by W ret A. $KAZEL• agent.
Emanatet.0ebeieb. s K=tt
A Good Wa.hing Machina and Wringer -
Howell Hardware Co,. Limited .... 4
A Square Ileal --(Shat M. Rob. taco... .... 8
Don't Wase Interest-IJnion Beak 6
Shaw's School -W. H. Shaw, Toronto .... 4,
Piano Tuning -A. 811.0 er .... . 6
On the Monroe the New itearme-.1. H. Col-
borne ... ......... i
New Uingbams and t:mbioiderl.s--W. Ache-
son a Boa .... ....... .......... .... 2
IAMBI.. &Whe 1 Accounts - The starting
Bunk 1
Meethead dale Dora -Hodgson Bros e
Now Spring Drew Goods- 0. Millar & Boo3
Roodors-Gutta Institute .. ... _3
Mg Half -prig. gala -N. C'. Cameron 4
Clearing Motion Bale -0. Borby, Uuolph1
Uodertoh Horse Market 4
1' trots Lookoow; Mheen norm busk balance
oteaeud. good running water. Wee farce
house ; brat barn. sheep pec and chicken
haw: line bears °rco.td. Price Mao.
Amer to MATTHS W Wooled. Retort. tot.
1` li mite. north of the town of 8eatorth.
trood clay loan.. ell under cultivation; bank
Mira. a tui cement soon ; Mtge frame home.
newly painted. W in goad repair; trill at both
barn and hou.e. An meet home. Apply to
WM1tkA nUblt; Our aN LOC K. 8eatorfh. tit
Am hour and lot 0664_ w.t. Patrick's street.
ethe ta
owd by tte Maid M-'1701. 11 M a
awry meda-trut frame khitwete. rii,cor realms down-
air. sed a wooer kMieri, hf s0sdtvoms
modal- !r. i town w HOM it d
Catarrh Cannot be Cured •'
with local as they cannot reach
w seat dlswes. (Marr► 4. a blood or
eaasfJR .[cors, rad in osier to cure it
yea seat I.Oererl rededrs. Hall's
canna Coro M takes laararlly. and rots
dye ea W blood earl mesons wpets.
tletl'a (rete le nos a ewe
It was ley gee el w beet
4a p54 eooerryy dean aridd a •
It 0. ���9atan'ae�r
kSewe . 'ombrde wOk the base blood 1144 L
setbur edroed7 ea ria asrias wawa The
W het danhlwarlen of the ter fli ali Mste le
*mal 95040.n snob wedutel 4sehts le
eerier catarrh. Seed tar testimoeirM tees.
F.J. CRICNEY a CO.. Preps.. Toledo, 0.
Invited to Withdraw or Prove His State-
ments Regarding Other Members
of the Council -A Proposition
rrom the 0. P. R. for New Busi-
ness at the Harbor.
Tbe tow council wart again com-
plete on friday evening, when RobL
Elliott took bias neat at the board. bay-
ing filed his qualification paper and
taken the oath of office. All the other
members were present and Mayor
Reid was ib the choir
A communication from Wm. Camp-
bell, seeses'r and collector, contained
request for an increase of salary.
Mr. Ca ephell pointed oat that the
t a few collected had increased from
980.106 in 1906 to $46,141 In 1911. The
request was rent to the finsoce com-
A letter trom Mayor Geary, of Tor-
onto, asked that this town be repre-
aent(d at a sleeting to be held at Tor-
onto on February ?2nd in connection
with hydro -electric pow .r natters.
On motion of jtecve Mbnnings and
Councillor Lait1wuits, Mayor Reid
was named as tb repreaetitative from
the council. '
Another lett r from Heatoo'v
Agency, Torofi inyiting the town W
take space in the Illustrated booklet,
"Opportunities in Ontario," which the
Agency is preparing for the Ontario
Government, wee sent to the special
Sold b all 750.
Take l • Vaauy Pais for constipation.
MONDAY. Feb. lth-Auotioo mit d bones,
commad owl tattle, at the Nesbitt farm.
eonmmin 16. 0uderich township. oommeocMg
tit 1. o�CIlo.d�4 sharp. W. H. Lose. proprietor.
Taos GUNDO?, andielbeer.
TussDAT. Fee. nth. -Laotian sale of horses,
▪ Oodeebh monthly [arse fair, onmmeno-
leg eF 1 **monk .imp. Taos. Or*DaY..to-
Wttrats6D.v Fqb. 9110. - Auction sale or
mire -bred. retgstes%d Aberdeen AnRf4 and
shorthorn caWa. Clyde m.rs and driving
borses,.Ln/erns Cottage.0000sesluf2• Wa i
w.na.h, oommesdng at 1'30 �drarp• J. A. MAL'
Woos, promoter. rias. GUNDRT, auction-
Tnch$DAT. February 29th. -Auction sale et
bum atom and implements. In East Waw4
nosh townehtpp Ivies Westfield). Jong Dow,
proprietor. THOS. I.UNDRY. .00ti0055r.
F7IDAT, March 1st- Adotioo nab of live
stook and implements, at lot 6. oousesa/oo 9,
Abbasid. 1ROI1Aa 8. R[LI.. proprietor.
THoe. (;t'IDRY. auctioneer.
MONDAY. Mardi 4th-Auotioo .tie of farm
stook, tmp.ement• and household f.relture. at
w Albert Allto farm. Maitland 0000srrbn.
Colborne, commencing at 1 o'clock. Max..
Joax FORDER. prOprlet 5. 1005. (31:4DRT,
TumnmAT, March 51h.- Clearing auction sale
or farm d implements sod household fur -
edam. at lilt iL .5.1.55. n 8, Ooderich tuwn-
eYlp. Jia kuJvn, p.pprletor. T R es.
THURSDAY, Mardi 7th. -Auction .ale of tum
stock and implu ente• at lots 1 and Y canoes -
non 4. Y., D. Comoros. oommemoiom at 1 o'etsek
sharp. Mate? 0. MAsaa1.r.. propr. aster.
1 SOL GUMMY, amtallener.
r. a.eke !ego (�
"9 4 in
w ws.t. Il ,,»4 -Ma• . C twelve Imported and registered Clyde.•
&Mater for Neiman 91.8,5[. Yedeletrator. ern mares, ave brdtney scares. tear beetney
.talltoo., at the faro of 0 Sw hyo trot.
F0 R SALE. , 00 FON:TABLE two mases tram w 5.d d sts5et-ear
teaser fano.. w � Wt. While Tummy. tee Marti
w w a55 seval t btu pries - wieners. (titaMtae wash
A number d (0555 bare
p [herr full
dem Hems ea to es taw Odnea5 woe WI erreeripthe .rid teres wilt be met CM
and eleadn u e.+, g.�e�..,.�a��.tMom L 01 !Irby.
sed beams= iv".14 3114= 5 red lUtahetl• I Mary traction engine, and a
pantry sad warratoim, alts a ped swum w r goad u new ; have never
kitchen at tie bamM. users gens rad vor'- IV t�s5. Twelve months' credit
entail arid. Na 1 cella5r�teegnader heron. Yorke *i be 01v' =roved lulu notes. No
tam healers* Apply eri fhS amtwPerewhe` ven to creme.a5 testatekSN. AI t[.
ROBOKI• F.U)IrrK. near eget mid at. D.vNtiAUOTION BALM. -AT PAIRVIKVC
rtwat. •4t ( o.u,.ge, lot IA essaoslea 1. West Wawa
Moe,lJ .rem Mssft! :snitnsdaseea-
sder of twelve �Mrotard abortsora .od Aberdeen ID. I. Nct.rod, who mss injured tn DeanM -
after some crossering the following
motion was introduced :
Moved by B. C. Munniogs,
w000uded by .1. W. Vanatter, that in
view of the fact that Mr. Elliott in his
circ,dar tatter co the electors has
stated that the council ohjects to hav-
ing certain natter, investigated, we,
the council, give Mr. Elliott every as-
sistance and encouragement to expose
any act of dishonesty on the pert of
any member of this council, and on
hie taiiure so to do he is hereby re-
quested to acenowledge the untruth-
leluees of his statements."
A vote was taken on this motion,
wbich was carried with but one dis-
senting voice, that of Mr. Elliott.
Bylaw No. 0, to limit the nupmber
of tavern licenses to six ; bylaw No. 7,
appointing Alexander G. Nisbet town
auditor, sod bylaw No. 8, .xnflrming,
the council's increase of the clerk's sal-
ary, were read three times andA certified copy of bylaw No, is wbe sent to the license co.nmissiuners
of this riding.
Rev. J. Pollock and Jae. MiI7hell ad-
dressed the council in reference to
the work of the Children's Aid Society,
asking for some financial aeeietanee
from the council. The smatter was
sent to the tluance committee.
The matter of the proposed sale ofthe summer hotel w.a, again brought
up, and was rrfeired to the special
committee with pourer to advertise if
the committee so decides. The coun-
cil then adjourned.With Druggists There Must Be N
Such things as Mistakes.
The town tbuncil of Clinton is Lak-
ing the initiative iu s movement to
hold a conference of representatives of
municipalities in this district inter-
ested In hydro -electric power. The
meeting is to be held at Clinton on or
about Llie 86th hist. Mayor Reid and
Reeve Munnings were ebo.en to at-
tend iL'l'he chairman and treasurer of the
puutic librto'wir-y� board sat a requisi-
tion for ORf6 as Cble�years grant to
the board. Tbis is the .ame amount
as for the last two Pears, th.,ug6, it
was suited. tin large increase flus the
numbers of tl .d ing the tlbbIry
will necessiWe lar'ger expenditure
on hooks. The recei ts and expendi-
tarea of the board, for 191`2 are esti-
mated se follows :
Town grant................ • •o•••.f1875.eosometime. tb•.t your druggist by gry-
County grant.... • t.:••26.0(1ing you advice as W .ome package
Governmentgrant.............140.00remedy you wish to purchase is ac -
le of cards, etc ..... of io • touted only by a desire to give you
Rents .omething interior on which be makes
Bank interest, etc 1 more money.Doe. lmss .eem ressonabie ? Is it
likely he would take such a chance of
incurring your ill -will ? Might It not
be po.riible, to say the least, that he
knows the formula sled merits of the
FORBORDE( ager nted atith from the C.P.R.t ted at Lhe last meetiryt�
Public opinion does not permit drug-
gists to make mistakes. Legal qualifi-
catiooa and examinations are insisted
uu, and mistakes are considered crim-
inal, and are treated as ouch by the
-Further, the mistake of another --
even the doctor's proscription -is no
excuse for the druggist who com-
pounds a ' tate! dose.The law in-
srete that the druggtet must know and
prevent such errors.
Tied is a point that Keta little
thought in Oauada because our drug-
gists so fully meet these requirements.
Seldom or never du we hear of Woe be-
ing unfaithful to his trust, and our
confidence in them is well placed.
Think of these things «ben nett
you are faced with an attack on your
druggiat'e character. You are told
Government Threw All Its Force into
the Riding in the Attempt to Pre-
vent the Liberal ex -Minister from
Taking • Scatin Parliament.
the town council appears to open up a
most favorable opportunity for the
sub.taotial increase of Godericb's ship-
ping buainet's. It should be the en-
deavor of the council to secure this
new trade, not only because it will be
a Rood thing in itself but because it
wiU in ell probability teed to much
greater thiugs. One principle The
Signal would advise should be kept In
mind by the council in its dt sling with
this or any other proposition, and tbat
u that not a foot of army p•uperty at
the waterfront now uwued or con-
trolled by the Lown should be ahen-
ated-the town should retain with the
utmost earn every parucle of control
it now possesses at the bar-bor. Out-
side of this the town con atfuid Lo give
generous consideration w any pro-
posals looking to the develuputent obitstoer.' at the harbor. In tbe present
inatauce the council shoulu ploy
quickly, Willi the ueterunnetionsecure .be .tads that .a uflered.
•6000 Fact about Canada' for 1012.
The 1912 edition of that pcµMesad
inutrpenaaule Uu orleh • led .1 Fesus
abou. Cantata," covey yhush, the sewely known wetter and
ievoi er, anti &tailor tit ''1'h.uughli.rr. tit lambdas," le Duni tint and la
replete with new matter, ineludtug an
pnuIDO neap tit Canada, a caleuuar• and
new census figures. las Qom per, 1o1mtuutad a wealth tit 4011.1 amu figuresw.0 passe •
r.r0UA••a and.growth. Toe 4.5. ul WlvtmaNvu,
quote►ea with innni o pains, SWWUnlthe bauds of every Iuteltigent
tUanauman, and the wine rale ants pup.a-
lartty tit trse punl4o.uun ie smutty UtI-
dero.ocw. Copies way be btu fur Srieeuts mum1 ase ti.urul*D r'.cts Pue.ltsh-
ll►g Co., tl0I Spdon* Ave., '1'Oront.
Renfrew, Feb. 58. --One of the most
fiercely fought bye -elections its recent
hedory war consummated
last Dight, when the returns, iooum-
piete nn account of the stormy condi-
tion* which prevailed all through the
announced that tion. Mr. Ora-
heai had been elected M. P. fur South
ltentrew. Me. Graharu'. majority ateat present indicated u BM, a figure
which the remaining polls, five in
numb. r, wlU nut substantially affect.
'1'he majority obtsinrd by Mr. '1'. A.
Low, wtto resigned to [rake way for
him, was 615. Abe Lown of Reutrew
gave a majority of lYBfur Mr. Graben'
and Arnprior Kavas Maloney 1 1.
This was the first contested bye -
election since the return of the Boruen
Government to power its September
last, and every effort was pas forth by
the (9uveruwent to uelea1 Mr.
Graham. Tnat the Ottawa Admiuirfranca was extremely loth to see the
ex -Minister of beltways again in Parliament was clearly shown by the ex•
t.raotdinauy action that. was takes in
breaking an agreemeat entered into
by Conservatives of the riding bauow Mr. Graham turbe ?leered by ac-
clamation. It is reported that barrebs of money were spent snd the rid-
ing was covered with ridsline worker+,
and the infiuenoe of the Oovernweat
was used in every way possible
alnst Mr. Orrhaw. The result is r
black eve for the Administration.
Light, water, etc, . S150.01
Fuel ...Salaris ........ . 840.00article he tecommeods and the quality
Papers and magatinee 156.00 (at its ingredients, and is anxious to
119640 do you a good turn ? Thigk about iL100000Isn't bis advice worth while ?
Plants, etc
PostofiiFe box
The request of the board was re-
ferred to the finance committee.The following letter was received
from the local C. P. R. agent, J. 8.
Robinson, and was sent to the joint
public works and harbor cotnmittee :
Have reo0ved oommanleatton from oar gen-
eral . upeelaluadent *04 44 lead.• as follows:
'•Itever the people et Oeierieb had au oppor-
taef 5. ct30ein.ue�w tWe moo k*strnow eresaveon chswh plea ase t le eoepwatlSswtorf, and tW by the t•um-
b eet the resolution .sags ex cUUon btoemunictpallty. We ara5 wit to know it
tae awn is prepared to Mem tae flour shedss..h.�dLnnggowe . Se 755 5the7rnLL, in or er to i efeIsmg s for
fael'Itier in order to wlr ti.at .ridtenet the council willIN00..55 *at�rirri.din order to arrive ata Moo w'early as poadble, •M�aeee55ptalftea shipping intererbm[ harbor.
A letter from Proudfoot, Hays R
EDNifsDAY. FtHRUARY sera. Mt Killoran drew attention to the case of
rad rMgotsssIreesasssdsa, leon's : aL of
le • and-
es was mgecad u
mil will mwtii.
on l A matt e(.ver lMat %YHA calf at feet Dumber last while in the employ of the
rasiMtirebM _bees_ sip =us
belle for aenle,'a1.o four Lown. 115 was working in a drain
water; well aa•05d .ed Yoet.btre row. dte5 let ;two Bal
iMakMrn. hilts Masssodrore�ered Tam r M tem; o.e [ben being dug along tannic road.
�r e.ch plraL Me t+:• armtsails. trews i • dr►T- and owing, it is alleged. to' the oegli-
ar.• rrtrTt Well:
i sr LII
ley herrn, s "11" N ` f i of the drain
rood Far i ped 9am11 ---- - genets
o Woes n charge
R rlmo iso bli a y or 5� =tit it caved in and Mr. Mcleod woe in -
p55 beahel. Ni reserve er jurcd by the earth falling on him.
to Ti O
Drees strew or w Mu Row. Dr. McLean.
rye home was wonted in Me, bid beak two
der4 S and Ode. trust sad book whew elided
=oralsew harem tame bedrosembells. bathroom.
e565r. eta Waem sed (wv1.Nat.
Vet to Y. V. CAM or do
MEAN trot•'" ".« Ai* si
rises i
the Ie.tl.i Tbl�eee�5�5, nrtlet.A W�5 Craw wMMM :
wlith wu4e.ui u tare. r
T a ta.+ root � 1St 1 r
J. A. MALL0UGH, T. OUNISY, council was asked w t it was
Sift Proprietor. AQMlsaeeprepared to do by way ot adjusting
Leodre fix '. claim damages. Re -
r. Mc
OF tiered to special dominate..
FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS TM report of the fire committee.
Albert 0. Mask1U will soil b1 putt* r.eepe•ding the= of some
at ton 1 and k ooaeer(o0 4. D. QOIMtna rabbis goods, was �
sear Mous* *atieu . se TMe blit work* easemittse neom-
THU1Vtf1LY, MARCH 7. Irelmm a payings! on the engineer's
coroseOCIrlg at 4 o'clock carp: progree. estimate No. 8 for >li2.(B
u .rd.d5t�M.gl men* MMus_ eel es ll on the T.Mithic Paving A Construe.
`e sac bp w
hors l gas see. ddag I gig; deo (7e.'maewer ooStr•ct. Giber tee-
us ; arm t providing the nmo..g ,r
Ise e e yew. .OyFen�ta5t;`emr boner
era years eY. dee le M June ; l oe feer�
debt yee».w. des sales April;1 row, merit
a•eld da. N In' ihe it; I m�}m
son di a M trite serve a
two rem • 1
Luckeow, has oea.ed visiting outside
pulets and will henceforth give hii suttee
attmt0oo a w home Mace, know. where
bwill be found every day. All modern meth-
in Panbanoon for The Signal is at w Post
1416011 'BOOK 'Hook and Stationery Store. wh.ro-
eiders will be remised for subscriptions, ad.
vertaing Lod Job work, and receipts will 0s
Mires for amounts paid for the same.
TUENDA', Feb. 20th.
James Whyatd is at present on the
sick tut. as is also Harry Ryan. is a capable nur.o and ber services are
Miss Luella Bellamy has returned much to demand.
from a few weeks' visit with relatives DI(ATH Ole 0101404 M( CULLAOH.-
in Si. Mary.. Word baa been recti t [tit 01 • the death
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roach, of Gods. of George McCullegui, watch occurred
rich, were Sunday visitors with at Detroit on the 16th Inst. Tne. de -
friends to this vicuiity, ceased wee a brother of Mrs. Jonathan
Mr. and Mrs. George Begleyhash Miller, of this place, amu spent. several
g month* bete with his muter but year.
returtted Croatian extended visit with Mrs. Miller bite been in Detroit for
ielettves in liswiltun, some time attending to bio. Mr.
More Comfort for the Travelling
e d - . uf the travelling
Pacific Railway
ugh car service
W (ooeneh. leaving
No. 688. 4:811 p. w.
daily expect Sunday.
lreeti.eenere to accommodate pee -
mangers deetened to points un tba
Oottericb and Listowel branches where
there are no ref&esnmenttacilities, light
refreshments can be obtained In cute
car ata very small Dost, en route be-
tween Tomato and out** JwgdUon.
The compwy haw been oungratuloteu
on its foresight in arr•anglug this ser-
vice. 87-4L
Toronto do
MONDAY, Feb. 19th.
RIFLK Assoc'ATtos OFFtcxa*.-The
annual weeuug ut theUoderichTown-
ship Rifle Association was ,beld on
Tuesday evening, 13th inst., wben the
following officers were re-elected for
1912: Captaln, H. Montgomery;
lieutenant, 0. (Jinn • ueasuter, 1.
Salkeld;secretary, T. R. Rundle. It was
decided to re -organize the Association
and to build a new range its a more
central location. The next meeting of
the Association will lie held in the
usual place on Tuesday, February 27th,
at 8 p.m. -T. R. HONOUR, Secretary.
W$DNRBDAY, Feb. 21st.
Mise Lily Levy bee been called again
to the county town to act, in her pro-
fesslonal capacity as nurse. Miss Levy
The members of Dungannon Lodge,
A. V. U. W., were tavored with a
visit from the district deputy, H.
Morris, of Goderich, at their meeting
on Friday evening.
The Agricultural LIa11 was the
centre of attraction on Monday even-
ing, the occasion being the box social
and intertainwept under the auspices
of the Anglican Young People's
Association of NL Pauli[ church,
who presented a humorous play en -
Undid "Scenes in a ReetauranL"
CHURCH UN1o7.-By a vote of
thirteen for and only three against the
members of the quarterly official
board of. the Methodist church .n -
torsed the church union proposal at
its meeting yesterday atter noon. The
oongr•agatton.is young this week. A
�wMpaationa were : T'hat. •bylaw anaoitaoe55 oall war teodered the pas-
t,ar, R.y. 1.. Bartlett, 10 remain for
be passed for flee fourth year, but as yet he has not
accepted the invitation.
Pi nuc LtBR,ARY.-The annual
beeetlso of 10e members of the Dun.
public library was held os
re -
dew this pupas" ttutbn
M be in • flourishing emiditioo. A
Ida enrphl5 and a m55abeemLP of
sisal UM, sogetber with tie tam that
nearly EMI was expesdd la tames
books, sok a most nudes tel year
for the library sad Ma natty patsies
About Mil. TM t{�w� rere oMa
fl�gtt•1 4t°go�i9
opm. day.sd shoat -
'Mesas meet 011 trades
'MesMM•eteMtrtaes. Particular
Seta sires* , tioMs/eb. Ont.
any tree growing Dee pleated em say
public or Scum, ; that no sotto°
0s taken on Wes Hnllesd'a Tequila
fora rebate of eissey itiplesdedes a
private sower os TWn'S. rim* is
1402 2 ; lams thespeK Wipes'
all sewer enneemf, bran obs stain
sewer to the taste Une. The newt
was adopted
Tb. loan+v eommittoe passed •
umber d aorxtesie aur essesteesethed'
that we settee be teen we tie mipMea
.t the edlstiod Argy tar a
and flint iso nudes be Noe° .. tit
mead besot he
have the tMMOal lof Me ie tdoi
risk R.L..Alltoast beard. '!Y9 re.
Aa aipertije seat itseys M rrusge� e
W rinse to eau S30
based by 1leb it 1111tott*7.
I.e r Orr Nl as ow
VS= bees tbe}� the nue-
Wes t0 tie
MONDAY, Feb. 19th.
CHAMPION CtrttLtdla.-1Wue Dtua of
LucaOw curlup a&t.*.8D p
at Benoit' and alter motleys tit keen
curling tarried t � u� o4o Met p fur
In the drat competition
Juo. tilldt 4.
docb'r rink, Dump sed
0. H. 501,th, R. Jubwoon and niuteeu,
took .ase cost palze, betty, Lime on.y
rink fust was not aeleaL*.0 at the
bonaplei. ID the .et and wrupetttion,
welch was WigiDle for all arras at the
boospir 1 ezwpt the Antewinning innnn Y
primer m tbtrfteEeoute6L. o
rink. composed of tt. boots, N' . me-
liorate, D. Archer •'root loomed, won
Hist place. '1'he vis11.Ulg curiete st
the chive .t the uunapiel were banquet.
eft by the Hensen dub. The Luck -
now men tuoroughsy enjoyed the
blind "Barney," who has (1100114 Jock
Adams' wagon for many yens, war
sold Lhe Mawr day fur the sum of tee
dollars Hell of that Leu goat to pa:
fur the keep of Iitoney 1u4ough the
winter and to defray Lue expense til
hie tale, and the balance was placed in
the treasurer's bands to be used ea oc-
casion requires for Jocks benefit.
Ji,ck himself is not well ; bG ham been
confined to hie bed at the waterworks
btulding tut some owe past. In the
loneliness of Dia old age, uepennent on
the kindness of Lucknow for his sup-
port, be beam with unexpected com-
posure of the disposal of his brute
companion. Afterwards, on the ini-
t.ative of the council, arrangements
were made for the Lruuuterence of
Jock to tbe hung tit John Steel.--SeD-
tlnel. ,
are now bringing in their lost year's
car. and trading tar mew ones. Great-
est opportunity in Canada for bar-
gain.. Write 1'he trete Sales Com-
pany, St. Catharines, Out.
London Is Anxious.
McCullagh was sixty-nine years of age. London Advertiser : Mayor (1 r.-
Boatow-MtreMKLL.-A quiet wed- ham, Col. W. E. Hodgins, Col. Mac -
ding took place at the home of Mr. donald and other local military lead -
and Mts.. *boa. Mitchell, Carlow. on ere of this district went down the
Teeedw, February 110th. their daugh-
ter Ilidnte being united in matrimony
to W. W. Barlow. of Tomato. The
osee toot' was pr.stormed at :i o'clock
p.m., by Rev. W. Conway. The bride
mote her grey travelling suit. Only
immediate trends were pis -rent to
witness the oeremooy. Mr. bud Mrs.
Barlow leave today for Toronto, where
they will make their borne. They are
attended by the be sty- good wishes of
their Carlow friends.
t. °71=1`71. "14.4%"*".
tttt*1, T. lieu Blrey
WLDrtIMDAY, Feb. 21st.
News or min Wm. -Ed. arid Mies
Blanche Ower have been visiting
friend* at Statre and vicinity flee last
week Reg. McGee i. in Seaforth
toe a few weeks' holidays. Johnny
McBride underwent an operation in
Seaton h forappertdicitia, on Sunday.
and. we areglad to • be is doing
nicely. Thos. Oreen is visiting friends
at Detroit:... Bea. Draper kit toe
l.aedon on Yveeday John gusts
p in northers A.hSrld this week.
itameeal elf oar yelling folks weee
ata dame gives at W. V eooani e.
Sbepperdtos, on Friday eight. They
report a Gee time.
'(ba Desawood Iwamoto of Metsoss
Desk bee bees ebaeed ma ttaa ow
oe blas fawns r+red to tb. Nestor
Wive.. Swears and Metiers
.haaM esquire shout tie wesdeet*I
tlttlnsits ektNssi by the 01e611• Mot -
west nor abs mesa Sabi. R may be
the meas of jfry rad .bagpi-
•ee�s, is yaw t1e11
>G.1 ' Gsl11s
attest. Brenta
River Thaures this afternoon to in-
spect the proposed site for the mili-
tary camp in Juste, should London be
able to secure the camp again. Fon
some time His Worship has been en-
deavoring to have a conference on the
subject, but could not arrange the
dater. If the military men are sette-
fled it u expected that a deputation
will go to Ottawa to bring promiO-
ently to the attention cf flee Minister
of Militia the claims of London for tbe
camp. "We will doeverything in our
power to secure what we cuo.Wer is
our right," said Mayor Graham.
Mie. King. of Toronto, la vWdria her kV her.
O. d. Klee.
Kim *We McKinnon. et hr ben
virus' M..4k is Iowa tits
M W Nettie °Owaeen beta6 T � �tw_nleg
� \�Cee15a bar seen erellttmd ossa
tam ams s vNned
mea �e•aec�9mma44 1100 Oe i� o�5ery
III[: RI le()edw{5h, t.etltmv fMetaSr
>• +ala sr+.y, ha hiit.d
M, ,
ri.. tor. ( t15a5a
fIfMM M.
■A1L W -macer J.-A1Ns
aur . ev
1eoalet e`aria
r`- p�L�f-ew. ot
. -.w......