HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 8THUS •k IS fit THE SIGNAL GODBRICH ONTARIO AINSLEY ENO L1SII CIIINA line -and - a - halt Ainley English inn Cup sod Saucers, about 1l) very pretty • +•I rR t the � titan. mirett. me price - 111114 each. A Jere. direct 000aign- meot of the genuine E►ite Limoges (Red Stamp) Cigna. Complete Dinner Seta, .old in .eta or in separate pieces. Cups and Saucers com- mencing as low as SOo. The Celonisl Beek Stere GEO. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 1011 Goderich Increase your Farming Power tot outmoding the popular Toronto, tint- items place in ('.0 -oda for hlirh-, edebu.lussedtreatien- Entertow Open all year. Catalogue free. There's just as much difference in talking machines as there is in pianos. The COLUMBIA Graphophone is the original `talking ma - chino" made a-chine"made under the orig- inal basic patents. A11 other machines came later and no other has caught up. Disc and Cylinder Grapho- phones-snit your own preferences -and suit your own pocketbook. Tents are .eine -coerce Ls artLo k Walter 8. narrisoa On the Squat.• (,,derich 1 LYRIC THEATRE SPECIAL A'rf"Ra(7rioN Friday and Saturday. February 16 and 17. The IJeIhi Ilurbar. 0g of his Majesty King V. is India. Alia, outer good pictures. Admission el - way. 5c. THE CANNED DRAMA W ben .tehee�weerrle. of ttwh�e day all my And l MI trill sdb need • change of mew It is Mnn 1 Io1 ve Io go to the awHaa pistare show ♦ed view the sprightly deluge oq the 1 delhrbt10 w wee runts delft WW1' bamep .tante nod wbl.sleg mesa who matt, neem oetweifra: And 1 h4 the rampant •beds and the make belieee haltheoege Which 1 sae wises I attend the photo play. Many retracts. ate doss. many bogeism are wen la the eras that moron Wert the AL the •yualds aro passim' fair. all the mem are det>oealr. And the villains all are of the deepest dye. we reeiew the daily lives of princea and their wive.. How they drew ar.d what they eat acid where they go; And we where crime and strife so the shady walks of 11'. When we go to we the moving Pict rte show. In the picture- of the West the cow- at hie Wet : The treble red man has an innings. too; They stupendous hazards take. and 1 ttantc struggles false In the dramas wench antoid before the view'. H»w I tremble and 1 thrill when the e .vage tries to kill The captive maiden who had .aid him nay : And 1 leash with childish glee when the hero set.. her free At the climax of the moving picture play' When of vaudeville 1 Lire and for sp,rt I've no desire. When 1 think that comb opera 5. slow, - When I setiety and I milt variety. in Ia .hen I call to mind the picture show. And it water, nota mite if the plot's a trifle trite. Or the idea has been wad before today For my blues it 1, a cure end I revel in the lore Of the realistic taming pioture play. CANADIAN IFS A C I FIC To WININIPEG AND VANCOUVER 'Daily T*continent l Service via t /AV! median Route. Stenditd and rouriet Sleepers. fo CHICAGO Three trains (Iaily, excellent service, wakh,g connection. at Detroit for FLORI 1 'A and et Chicago for - CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST POINTS For teeth; vatinns and informa- tion apply to JOS. KIDD. Agent, G der•. -h STOCKTAKING SALE Big savings for you in many lines of Herdevarc. 1t will cepa) you to look ahead and see what your needs will he. Ideal Fencing We final we have a few rolls of the tame•=. Ideal Fencing left over. What we have you can have (strictly cash with order) as follows : N. 0 hard steel wire, all evenly galvanized. 6 -line .vires :111 inches high, uptight 22 inrhea apart, 7 -line wire 411 inches high, upright '22 inches apart, 7 line wire Ori inches high, rrfwight 22 inche. apart. 8 -litre wire 41 inche. high. upright E2 inches apart. 8-111o. site 47 inches high, uptight Z inches apart We. charge 2fir per day or part of a dap stretchers. sever.1 of our stretcher,' have not h acv peroon having them will be subject to the a F rilary 10. at per rod, 22 o at per rod, 24 o at per nod, 25 0 at per rod, 2d4o at per rod, 2710 for the use of ••en returned and hove charge after No. 9 Coiled Wire What tee have goes It $2.20 per i00 lbs. mitts have a gond assortment left. Herr is . chant.. to eaves 1...y' ti0r. floc and fKie Ilnse at per pates, -See. Hockey Stjcks AT OUT MOM All 75e linee at eldo All age Sticks at All 60e Sticks at Ne A11 Ste Sticks at • Slack Food 120 Per.. }-net shoelald'he 4aedine 1111., tined national Steck and Poultry Fond, Sleigh Balt'. Sold in Mlle. Sea asd `tom j lvsrwme, all will M.MMM a Nekaa.....d in patty 1It.-a per sent. dimmest. The Howell tiardware`tt&441r1 The Snot Place to Buy Hardware msnua. NEws.. e A$HFIELD. COAL Any quantify of the Best Chestnut and Stove Coal oe band at Kingsbtidge. Fsroaars wanting cowl had better get In a.upel at neon, as there is a li ora omit strike arra moot dealers is the ettrrnundiug towns are out. 0 Rurnrr HUM Kiogebeidge, WEDNESDAY, kreb. 14111. Foos At-aaai.-After an absence of 1 wei.ty-thtere years. Simon Styled le visiting old friends mid old scenes at Hinton and vicinity. Mr. Styles tuts been a large opera tor in the gold mines of Alaska and the Yukon and has bees egc.'es.fltl in gathering a considerable aionotort of wealth. We understand IL is hie Intention to settle ht the Prov- ince of Altars it. ST. HULLERS. TUESDAY, Feb. 13th. Ngwe Norse. -Mrs. W. J. Todd is dog this week io Wingghsw E.1".°V Rohl. of Brownlee, Sask.. form- erly lest Wiest Wawantsh, visited his .amt, Mrs. C. Durnin.... .. D. Todd hes engaged WiII Hlrtnpbrey for tbe owwrr...... We are phased to know that little Rios McPherson is recover- ing nkely .The Literary Society held its fleet meeting on Friday. but owing to the inclemency of the westbrr rhrr. more only ahout twenty out. Ti.- next westing will be held on Feb- ruary 23. whim a debars will he on -,-: Too. Fsrmsra' Institute meeting wits held on Mooday. There were two sesames', to which the people turned out. well .... _Miss Etta WeilwooJ, t.f AVinggbam, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. Webb ... Witt. Taylor di -posed of one of his drivers for i► hatrdsuure pale• W. hicQuillin is getting ois'ptone in this week. It will be of great service to hint in his duties as Government immigrant agent. Excellent Connections for the Sunny South. To meet the demand of Southern travel w hich generally takes place this 'lesson of the year. the O. P. R. i. pleased W inform the public of the ex- cellent connection made at Detroit with the Pere Marquette fur Jackson- ville and other Southern points. Passengers can leave Toronto on the C. P. Jt. last train at 4:30 p. m., arrive Detroit 10:Z p, m., and connect with the Pere Marquette train leaving'sare depot at 10:45 p- m., and arrive at Jacksonville recons morning after leaving Detroit. The parlor and dining car eervice between Toronto and Detroit is par excellence, and from Detroit south through sleeping and dining ear ser - i, ice is also operated. This route takes you through the beautiful cities of Detroit, Mich.: Toledo, 0.: Dayton. 0- ; Cincinnati, 0-. end Atlanta. Georgia. 1f intending passengers will call at the ticket other, 16 East King street, full information will be furnished and literature covering the route supplied. Excellent connections cion also be made to Florida. via Buffalo- DUNGANNON. 11111 NEWTON, -DENTIST. OF 1! Luoknow. has cea.ed visiting onteide pointe and will henceforth give 1114 entire attention to the home office. Luotnow. woere he will be found every day- All modern meth- ods. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY In Dungannon for The Signal is at the Post - Mice Book and Stationery Store, whore orders will he received for subecrtpttonn, ad- verualefr and job work. and receipts will be given for amount. paid for the same. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 14th. Dungannon noticed the cold spell last week along with other places nn this section of rhe map. Saturday morning it was 25 degrees Leto* zero. This is St. Valentine'. Day and the lade and hisses are waiting with pal- pitnting hearts for the strived of vupid'e missives. What it is to be yousg The congregation of Dungannon Methodist chureb is taking a vote on church union. All ballots are ex- pected to be h laded in by Sunday. February- 25, Jo.. A. Malluugh is to have a sale of purebred cattle at his term on the 2nd concession. West Vawenosh, on Feb- ruary 28 Mr. Mallough ham some good stock to be dirpoeed of. Miss Noma Craig. who was on the operating staff at the Dungannon office of the Godes ich Rural Telephone Co., hem . returned to her home ,et Goderich. Miss Elva Johnston has taken a place in tbe office. Commencing the Rest Seturday in March the local ,>moe of the Sterling Blink is to remain open o n 8Ltlttd.y afternoons until 4 o'clock, instead of 1 o'clock as formerly. h. will not be open on Saturday evenings, however. ST. AUt7USTINE. WEDNgNLAY. Feb. 14th. Ngwe Nurse. -Mr.. James Plough - map viaited Morrie friends last week. -Isaac Cranston was In this viein- Ily last week rotting wood with his sawing machine The boiler and engine ate tieing met a in the mill in Me. M.C.be's bush. The miU It ex- pected to he running in a few day*. Mies Josephine McAllister re - tweed bone this week after a three weeees' visit wire friend. in James- town and Brussels.... A number of young poop& in this vicinity eauayv. t spiel FatitOs' isrsrrrcra Ysfir ese.- tAsi west Mere. Ppetsrw' l.aat.te hbors es eld bre vary 1 slim rtees useeting was a& ea tersomi : no.le lord betntedlc a e t he altemseen "the hems el 11, A_ MeAllhast. There Wei a good eased: snot of ladles. 41_, the eWreeing aio4M herby x Posh*a w7 d tie. Wilst anted an ehalrnsec. I OAT A1,$ltlT. WiDlssrp&:. Feb. 14tb. Bau �G�a� fila 'floor rem > .sae has ea - Cursed lamb aftersear Blyth Y ie� home from fioderieb for a w.eltekoli. day.. John McGee is the his sisters ha Ssalorth and villa this week Johnny N 1s hack ai fab uncles, Nab Pearson' 'deities in St. Oath. is.. and lor atis rete rtreer t ttaio. owitealee• among relatives hese. Vr.. . and Mrs. Geo. Laos visited the 1 latter'. father F. Cunningham, on Tee.day MMr, Alexander, of Hgron College, Lssdoe, has takes the lase viols in Christ aburob tbe last two litu.days Mies Rose Scboenbale is visiting relative. In Ood.rich. Qany of ¶l3usiness I have c=bas e NOM nese tut Hawiltoli Sheet run fanyy by Mr.or Dusan. lilt. sad late pre - to attend to all wants of ►b ens- • taws and many DOW Mak I soibit your patron- age. - fittfdaediAr ptatan- George Pang Secomeor to D. H. Rosa. Steam Laundry Hamiltoo St. CARLOW. TeunanaY, Feb. kith. Miss Jean Malloy of Saskatoon, is visiting Miss Lily Ferguson. bite will I return shortly to her home in the r West - A large ..saber of our people at- tended the demonstration at W. F. Young's Last week and some of them have hardly recovered yet from the all-night session. The at -borne held reoentiy under the Iwaptoto..ft Morning Stat Ledge , A.. F. end .4. M-, was well attended sod was it v.. y eu joyahle affair. An intertwine program was given. ANNUAL MxatIN(i.-The annual meeting of Smith's Hill rtesbytrrian church was held on Wedoeday after- noon. The reports pteeented showed a satisfactory condition of the obhleh work and Banners. During the year the interior of tbe church was renov- ated aid the sheds were re -shingled, entailing considerable expense, r nice h,uall been met lint ot the fonds. Alex. Young, who had been treasurer of the congregation for twenty-two yearn, rexiineu 1 he point ion out amount of bie h.vingan mowed to Goderlch. and James Green was appointed in his place. It is worthy ot note that since the or- ganization of the congregation up to the present time there have been only two treasurers, the late Gordon Young having held the office for about twenty, years, and Alex. Young having im- mediately succeeded hint. A. W. Young and Wm. Mcllwain were re- elected to thsboard of managers. The question of beating the church in some irnproved manner was discussed and was left with the hoard of man- agers. A vote on church union will be taken on -the next two Sebbatbs. 18th and 25t1- inst- The pastor, Rev. J. R. Mann, has been discussing the subject in recent •sermons, informing his congregation in the matter with- out urging hie own personal views. The Pafking of Apples. Dieleh Mercury. Thefact that the short course in apple -packing at the O. A. C. is over- crowded indicates tseveral things. It would seem to show that more accom- modation is needed, and that tarme, g and fruit -growers are awake to the possibilities of the development of this branch of work. The fruit -growers of Ontario have much to (earn from Brit- ish Columbia in this regard. Visitors at Toronto exhibition and elsewhere where B. C. fruit is en exhibition are apt to soy away with the idea,tbat the packing of the apples seen there is for exhibition purposes only. This is not the case. Apples bought in the open market are just as carefully wrapped abd packed. and ever v apple is as near perfection as possible. There is a great chance for that section of the Ontario fruit -growers who realise that attractive packing of good, sound apples is bound to bring their fruit in- to Immediate favor. Word cornea from Prince Albert. Sask., of the illness of Bert McEwen, brother of J. J. McEwen of town. He was taken to the hospital last Thurs- day suffering Irom a severe attack- of pneumonia. His brother, W. C., has gone to Prince Albert to look after the sick one. STOMACHTROUBLES Cured By Vinol-1-sere is Proof Seymour, Ind."I was troubled with a chronic stomach trouble, and five weeks ago it Trot so bad i had to give up work. I had tried various medl- ciaes without relief. and was lneny Indgced to try Viaol. After taking the f ret bottle 1 was greatly benefited. Amnow on the third bottle and ready to resume work. Am rapidly gaining in weight and strength." Edw. Nie- man It is the curative aediciaal mints of the Dods' ilvers. eombtasd with the strengthening properties of toile iron contained in Vino) wktcb maker It se assms.1.1 In restoring perfect dlgestlea awl at the sae., 11sts It builds w tl►. tired. cm' worked and resat,' system, Try a bottle IR Olaol with the ar dersteadtag that year moa. will 1!e retuned K it Ales tot bel), NM w D, . IR.O. O.darleh. Ont. wasawampompoimisainsimassa CENTRAL Business College t+1 TRATItORD. ONT. W Ile st Y 1h•o solider eta .lar• 1 LOOS WANTED y the acash pekes will ptorr all Ueda of good hogs, de - Reseed at sur mil l north of iaasma's Coal Yard- CUSTOM .1.slttsasostettl0 • Fug pekoe and particulars inquire at office. . Goderick Lanier 1 Milling Co. WI ARE AGIONTS P'ekt THE. Empire and Good Cheer Ranges By purchasing either of these types of stoves you secure an ideal cook- rg rang Come in and see them. W. L PINDER Plumbing. Heating. Electric FI=tnres and Metal Work Hamilton Street Ooderkh 1100 A Splendid Corset at per pair 69c A decidedly special offering in new Spring Corsets. Saturday morning we put on sale 120 pairs new Corsets in one o f the most favored styles for, Spring. This Corset is made from extra strong coutil heavily boned,' properly shaped and cut just right for the prevailing style of dress. It is neatly trimvlea and has extra strong hose supporters. The value is very much out of the ordinary and 69 �t e offer these 120 pairs commencing Saturday at per pair only.... C The Big Coat Clearance Our big February Coat Sale is in full swing. Take advantage of the remarkable saving chanes it affords. We are determined to clear every this month and are offeting the entire stock at very low prices. • TIDE STOCK AS CHILDREN'S COATS LADIES' COATS 18 DIVIDED INTO THREE LOTS. Lot No. 1 choice ° $2.88 Regular up to *1.00 $3.88 $8,00 54.88 Regular up to $10,00 This is a spllpdid chance to get a Coat for your girl very mut•h under value. THE STOCK OF Lot No, 2 choice Regular up to Lot No. 3 choice. most Coat 18 DiViDED INTO FOUR LOTS. Lot $Jo. 1 choice 54.88 Regular up to $10.0r' Lot No. 2 choice. $5.88 Regular up to :12,Irl Lot No. 3 choice $8.88 Regular up to S20.0n Lot No. 4 choice 511.88 Regular up to - . , . *25.110 7 t Three Extra Choice 1 Garments at $22.50 i) t Three only extra Choice Black Coats. These are made from very high l quality broadcloth. silk lined and S }( haodsomely trimmed. Tbey are fan- j ported direct from Germany and are t garments altogether out of the ordin- ary- Any person looking for a hand- some Goatat a moderate price,should not mists this opportunity. ��egular *45.00 and $:47.50. 'Special x•/11 j for Saturday •JV .{N\- - ..-..�....w- - -- - - J A Fur Muff or S Neck Piece at $3.88 j We here just finished taking stock of the Fors and have laid aside exactly jjj thirty-nine pieces to be cleared out at S once. This lot is made tip of muffs and )1 neck piee of various kinds of fgr.either dark or light. They are all perfect in oe every wayflend good style. Their refry- 1) tar values are from *8.110 to i0.WM To make the rolling a rertaioty we offer you your c aturdwy ntohoiceroing at only.commencing .. • �-. {r 1.,r.. J 'A Few Fur and Fur -lined Coats to Sell We have just six or seven Fur and Fur -luted Coate left. These we are wilting to take very low prices for rather than carry them over. They are all high-grade garments. The quality and style of each is beyond question. If you have any thought at all of fur Coat buying it will he worth your while to examine these Coat. carefully. %Ns offer one LadiesFor-lined Coat, a really good garment, for ..... ............. 1111111410 One loaded Black Coat, hamster - lined. west- ern sable collar, for , $118.00 One Ladies' Blue Coat, hamster - lined. west - et n sable collar, for S1111.00 One Faire Black Coat., rat lining, western sable collar, for - . - .. - .. . , 65.00 One Ladies' Green Coat, ret linin high- grade mink collar, for Eill7.110 Two long Muskrat Coate .t greatly reduced prices. Two Men's Conn Coate at decided bargains. Clearance of Children's Hats 39c A special offering on Ohiliesu'. Pelt Ratan ready to trier, in balsa, ed •t eeeb re�tolur ep te RL Seven. Fur Coats Choice $15 We have seven ladies' Astrachan and Elec- tric Beal Coats. These are 24 to 26 inches long and splendid wearing qualities. For driving Coats they cannot he excelled. We will not tell you what the original priors were but. they were tar far more than the priors we have marked' them. Rather than take a chaise* of carrying tbese over we$15.00 M offer the choice of the lot for... Nothing better for driving Coatand they will save their price in cootfbrt over and over again. Some have plain Boilers. others collars and revere of Western sable. New Wash Goods Displayed on Saturday ' A 'pedal display of handsome new Wash ZoPtlYMatedy Saturday. Vallee. is. nieneties, avast Chemises,. K p tion of the os4 gn i. tomitisb out of the cause this. week. Mese et totem dimes from the Restileh makers. Wit IWOOo yea woo' *one and see then kvs.tifa I wtlslt$amrsalsat oensapience. No need to hid under way . on to bay. We will be only too glad to them. New Dress Goods, Too With the raw Wash 1[obelaie we will show mule very attractive *Megg�,Dreeees Goode and 01ineerammit enbasties desires We two a1Dw Ten alma NS aim wrisg ewe 11 yon wbh yo.r 14141111 stiles early. Theweresere taw email Ram, tithe. ODIUM This dere met tees eel ermine .Mees Clerl.e.