HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 7• r•' `, itlt��ttr:rr i::+ idEnt,tg„ THC gilGNAL: 6 PLIZTUCH OI11%111 * * *fi**•+*+O 4 +#$44++4 * y ++#*44+4 SAM= REPORT the News of the District 4.4.46,,,„.•••••••••*•••••••••••••• • * 4144544 414545V NILE. BMW. OORNERS. TurtsDAY. Feb. 111tb. Rev. J. K. Curtis, Bu y school QUoreetor The Y.' P. H. field secretary for the Ma�ri Coo to hold • q too easiest ton the fertoce cte tee Methodist ah a, will evening of the • in the Hall. The ptwach ua Nile circuit on Sunday. quotations are to be taken from tb! February 26ah EAtiT WAWANOSH. Wietneseinee, Feb. 7th. Town stoneB.gesv�s February 6 l met ab Members all present Minutes of last marling read and adopted, on "notion .no clerk!ors thou. presented as dstatement. Stooehousof account with the township of boundary line, drainage end te • orris. ot Morris otshowing favor Ordered toberpuld. Tb. *editors' report and treasurers ab - street for 1911 received and rend. Atter complimenting the auditors go .Jls neat and efficient report as pre- sented it was tuoved by lir. Scott, 1eootided by Mr. Campbell. that the same as now reed be adopted. and that tyre auditors ba polo as astral 98.00 each for their seeds's. Carded. Tne following accounts were ordered to be paid : A. Foeyrfteld. fees ens division 1011, 111.2.90 ; A. Porter6•1 1, roe +tear, seas leuwnt of a000unt with township t;unday azbool work. of Morrie, $2.50; treasurer of Morris, settlement of boundary lioe, dr'alsags and telepave lciutatnt. 10thh line ; gr ridge. Irwin, 77 1l ;Gen• T. Robertson, refund of dog tax. S2.00; 04'o. T. Roberton, re- fund of taxes w. h. lot 39. concession S. ,pl *t ; ileo. T. Robertson. balance of salary ;u collector, S90.00; D. Billies, tort payment widening road at 10th tine bridge, $).w; J. 8. Scott and J. W. Boor, auditing. $800 each ; F. Anderson, eatery so treasurer, $1110.00. rlie couuetI then adjourned W [sent mato ou o'clock a Monday. A.yP grave LD, Clerk. WIDNssDAY, lab. 14th. *SUNDAY knout. OONVKNTioN.-Tbe ninth annual convention of the Nile circuit Sunday schools will be held in Nile Methodist church on Moeday. February 99th. At the afternoon s•nioo, Bev. J. R. Mann. of Auburn. wily, speak on 'Machine and Training of the Child ;" Rev. J. K. Curtis'. Sun - Jay school Held seaman, of the Mari- time Ouoference, will address the boys and atria. and the local superinten- dents will give their reports. In the evening Rev. Dr. Medd, of Goderich. will deliver an address, and Rev. J. K. Curti.' will sneak on "Leadership in the Sunday School." A 'medial invi- tation is extended to all interested in CJLSORNE. WitDNmmDAY, Feb. 11th. School. RLro pupils In B. B t hNo. owl is a an of t be pups Col - berm. for the month of January, tossed no regnituity, puoeWality and anent proficiency V. - Heber Permit Militia Gien. IV. -Ruby Young, Alice Clark. nervy; Fisher, Jean Sallow,. Violet l cUonegb, Millie Young', Liman Potter, David Baan. III. - Vests Plater, C$ta &inky. hyaline Brims". Wilde Me. Cab.. 9r. IL -Hazel Young. Char- lotte Potter, Tbawiaa Gliders. Jr. II. - ?hazy Gilder', Verne McCabe, Veen& Geek. Part L -Lain Horsey. Jean McCain. Isabel Clark. CR1111entoe M. Joit''ttfruN. Teacher. ol.11O1LNK MUNICIPAL Tzternows. -The annual meeting of the Onlbotae telephone system was held on the 11th ult. et Ibe township halL though the weather was very diaageeeable a majority of the subscribers ware pres- ent. Owing to the fact that the banal year does two end until July 1st the auditors• stateateot will not be pre- sented until then. though the feeling wps expressed that the end of tits ofll- cial year should correspond witb the end (rethe decal year sada change 4q the eunstituUon to make oils anodal faction to the users, they would lose meeting will tie voted es sect July- faith in us and our statements. and in The retiring ofiosta were r+. -elected. consequence our business prestige as the subscribers considered their wood-suffer, workaati.fectory. The cost of opera- Therefore, when we assure you that the and maintsosnse for the past Regan ..98" Hair Tonic will promptly year was shown to be $1.86 per cub- eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair scriber end the eetibuaN foe the ane- growth and prevent premature bald - rent half-year was encash at 51.60. ,1e.., you may teat enured we know Thiol scribers decided again to be- whet we are talking about. °me members of the IDdrpsadsnt We honestly believe that Rexall Aasoelat"ro and left the alettogfog of "93" Hair Tonic will do more than any connection with the south half of other human agency toward restoring Goderich township and Clinton it the hair growth and hair health. it is hands of the eommiesioners. The not Sissy and will not gum the scalp n orth half of Goderich townuble to or hair or cause permanent stain. It sow available at Bell switching is as pleasant to use aa pure cold eberte of five seat° sad cetisfiotioo water. it comes in two sizer, prices wal seely exptroed with regard to 50 orate and $1. Remember.you an existing contracts with the Blyth and obtain it ool us' our store -The Rex - Bell rowpaoies. The pMeing of a tele' all Store. j . C. Dunlop, south side of phone in the C. P. H. office at McGaw ware, Goderieh. was kb it. the heads of Beeson Cox to report to the commissioners regard- ing rhe best, terms available, as the teeetine onosidesed t, a terms at pres- ent ..ffer.d unreasonable. Ward Gledhill and Beason Oox were elected Miss Sarah Maclntyre is renewing audita,.. Tb. eommMiowers are 0. aoqualntanose ben now. R. Forster. president,. E. H. Waken', secretary, and RYouog, ouog, treasurer. ST. HELENS. MONDAY. Feb. 5th. Be0OOL REPORT. -The following is the report of S. S. No. 3. West Wawa - n osh. for the month ot January. Tbnse marked • were absent for the greater part of the month : V. --Cliff Murray, *A nee Stewart Sr. IV.-Jarnes Wilson, Della Fitzpatrick, Laura Fitz- patrick. Jr. IV. --Bordon Cameroo. Louie Johnstoo, Aliso Domain, Gorm- ley Thompson. Morley Johnston. Sr. 111. -Tommy Webster, Johnny Crans- ton, Alice Smythe. Ruth Fowler. Johnny Errington. Jr. 111. -Willie Thompson, Harvey Webster. Mildred Fitzpatrick. Jim Durmio, JohnThomp- soo. •Annie Durnin. Sr. 1I. -Joe Thompson. Harry Durnln, *Katie Fnwler. Jr. IL -Lorne Durnin• •Harris Purdon. Pt • IL-Wilhert Durniu, John 'A. Thompson. Willie Cranston, *Mary Johnston. *Blanche Webster, "'Clayton Smythe, *Edna Fowler. Pt. I. ---,Lizzie Wilson. •Rus- .eI Johnston, *Gracie Robertson, •Elmer Put -diet. Ameagre artendanoe, 17; highest, 90; lowest, et. E. 8''MtL- LIR, Teacher. HAIR HEALTH. If Yea Haus Ser Hair Trouble, Accept The Offer. When we promise your money bark for the mere asking if Reza ••93" Haar Tonic doss not do as we claim it will, you certainly have no reason for even besitalhg to try it We do not ant you to obligate yourself in any way. We could not affnrd to so strongly endorse Rezak "43" Hair Tonic and continue to well it as we do. if it did Dot do all we claim.. Should our en- thnriaaot carry us away, and Rexall '1R3" Hair Tonic not give entire mttie- KINTAIL. FRIDAY. Feb. 91.h. Valentine greetings t 'metrical Psalms, 14th, flab sad 31st. The losing side is to furnish refresh- ments, for a nodal evening. A NOT' of SYMPATHY. -A number of the !mends of the late Mrs. Francis attended the funeral at Kincardine on Tuesday, the &h. Mrs. Francis' wee well known here and was very highly respected. in their sorrow and be- reavement the family Is assured of the sympathy of their old bloods in this oocmnunity. ' Bluer'.. -Miss Annie McKay. of Telemeter, after a vide Of two weeks at the mance, has returned bome. The ferment who met at Ripley to dio- cese the railway affair resolved to take their medicine like men... -John Bil.. in Ioavir,g this vicinity for Bervie will be mused by the young people. We wish John good health, good fortune and good friends. .There is one man miming here -who knows where Wm. Bradley, sr., is? TUE FAIUDIDul' INaTITCTE. - The Farmers' Institute meeting was held ill the Woodman's sail on Friday afternoon and evening, with gratify- ing emcees Mrs. Ferguson, of Btratb- 1 toy, addreesed the women in the af- ternoon, in the church, on •'Labor saving Devices." Tho.e who wei?'e present hope to discuss these practical matters favorably with tbeir bus - bands. In the evening Mrs. Fenno monspoke brilliantly on "Ideals." We ought to rim at attaining the high po sihle efficiency in a life of servo Mr. McDerntid and Mr. Johnson gave valuable end practical bints on a vari- ety of farm problems. Miss Nellie Courtneyfavored the evening audi- ence wth a humorous recitation, "Mena Oxen," and Mr. Rutherford told a story At the meeting of the Farmers' Club beld reeestiy John Reid received well -merited praise for a paper on "Ventilation of Outbulld- iogs-" To contributes paper like that means observation and study. Who in next unarm the young mal to sur- prise us ? Will RUITATE ? An Offer Tbat lw.hwo Iiia Money Risk if Yoe Aoespt It. - We are so positive oar remedy will completely relieve constipation, no matter how chronic It may be, that we offer to furnish it free of an cost if it fails. Constipation is commonly caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine. To expect a cure you must tberelore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activltyy � We want you to try Iteral! Order- lies on our guaran They ere eaten like candy, and as particularly good for children. TheyVeeui to act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on the other. organs. They do not purge or cause other in- convenience. We will refund your money if they do not overcome chronic or habitual constipation and thus acid to relieve the myriads of asso- ciate nr dependent Chronic ailment•. mo Revel •nrdelltes at our risk. Three sizes, 10c., 26e. and 50c. Sold only at our store -The Reran Store. `Ii. C. Dunlop, south side ot Square.: Goderich. Liverpool Whoa: Fc tures Close Lew. , Chicago Exchange Clewed -Live Steck-Latest Quotation•. Monde: gamins. Feb. 1: - winnow" was the only moon exchange open on this continent to -day. Chicago. Duluth. Mtmeatntls and New York mar- kets obervl.g ache holiday ILtncoln's Htrtbdar). Tte coos of the wlantpfar marks' was decidedly apathetic, the re- moval ot the Influeace of the exchanges across the line putting • decided curb on speculative trading. At the class prieee were lower than on Saturday, with wheat off %c to lac. and oats tic to 440 lower. The Liverpool market closed at a decline from last week, and It was this fact Which Nd to the easier tone In the West- ern Canadlan exchange. Winnipeg Options. Wheat 11d Op High. Low. coma Mo ' • mew1e/14 y10114 4Ii%b L2% July Y•714 To -Day D Telt May Julyey4b 1414 Toronto Grain Market Wasat. h11, bushel S0 M to 7.... Wheat. 'nose. busML.... 0 45 7t,e boshd 106 Oat.• bushel 0 50 0.41 Barbey. boast.....».a- • 15 0 0 Bartq, for toes 006 0 76 Btwkwhsstdbershoi • 4 e i Temente Dairy Market. Hutto'', store bM • 0 • 15 Butter. separator, dairy. IbOM • 0 Butter. creamery. lb. rolls0 *0 • 15 Butes, creamery. wilds -0 * Chew new, lb 01.44 0li Howyoamb,t bar f W i Hooey. astrected, 15 013 Esse, mew-la1C o tai 1.lentreal Grain and Produce. 4LONTRZAL Feb. 12.-A good trade is Daasing In butter and eggs. and, as aup em - piies anot large. prices rule very. firm. The provision market L fairly active. Corn -American No. 2 Yellow. 76e -- Oats -Canadian western, No. 2. 6ic to 140; Canadian western. Na S. 614tc to 03c: Mitre, No. 1 toed. 62440 to Sts: No. f local oldie, Ile to 4144o; No- $ lama white, Ns t0 I* ; No. 4 local what, Ob to MN's. Bar{ey-Yaltins. 7'145 to 71.45. Buckwheat -No. 3, '7o to Tic. !lour -Menaces spring waist t. Imia.lt<t W ta 114.00; twister ILO: seesaw* Mersl• tros nstr.gb Rel.4esuto1; 110;.bag4.>bg . K7e!•flifeed-Brea, Mt: aborts. list to W: wlddlhegs. 70; taouLt•, 1118 so us lis? -,Mw i per tam. tor Iota On to liagiliC1wr-ldest westtersin WA. teChian eseterne. Wet so len 1g4a' gutter- e5oK eesesere. at r ales 0seende. AM to Mc. DI l Ihige-Yre se 0.;to r' a6M. Ills t'.trK Fontana -Por bas oar iib, 7L x•18 Beet -Hats, barrels, i d rr Y► r en Mores, MS Ma. 11)1<.0. CATTLE MARKETS. Union Meek Yards TORONTO, Feb. 19.-Receipte at live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 92 carloads, comprising 1703 cat. Ile. 531 hogs. 447 sheep and 19 calves. Exporters. W. F. Howard. buyer tar swift a Co.. bought 5 car loads of export MUM Se follows: Ninety-one steer%. 11110 t. saga,. MAO: i0: 4 edges, 1]60 lbs. oath, at PLM. Alar. McIntosh bought 1 1o.4 et sa- wn steers. 1115 Its.. et /Ls. Oa. choice load o -Was. =part weights. 13 steers, 1x0 lis. each, wee byoouo�glt by the Swift Canadian Co. ter roost int at ILK end another long by H. P. at MO for 11estrM/- Primo butchers. 0 to PM lows OS m MIS; cgood. onn tSt o m Num. 15 to R� 4.15 to 0: cows, O to 71.0; bsMg. OMb 77.15: esnsere, 12.0 to 77- Milkers and Springers. MUkers and springers were gusted M 7ti to Si each. Veal Calves. Prices for veal calve were reported steady at N to 1111, and oso or two maw vuauv $ t and Lamb. The average Rhes of Caasrem nadir ties R•0 per cwt.. or a wanes et M to 77.50 par cwt.: abe.v, ewes. 76 44 r cwtd;; price. or a range of M to ill per rams. ii 15.Ga Thera wasto a car goad .f As..•seni lambs that sold at SLID to R.Q, sal me selected Sot west to 8.mbsam at PM per owl M•S* W. J. Johnston reverted edema n0 atiara,for 1wp,nd watered,f.o.b-, 4s' i<'R.cess•. walt et ssty emmtg dsv eev Mr. Johnston beagle 3 mer I•r at Montreal LM Sing. MONT8sA1s Pok, 21.--.64 the MamtrOK Stock Yards west end ameba Ike a of Uvrsrsk Sir town[ +`m Tab. were 174 cattle. M sheep end >.r* hogs an& 715 oolong. wane tb. on oke awn* talo *0-.454 ser gas amounted r 00 imatla,>i car mo- larnba. ]Sit awl A feature er w tradetis to stronger reelingr the market adds. and prices adgies cess 4'41 w.i alhew advance d M per We psemis. wma slttrlbut44 r Ike taa110r oMrrfavtt Improto4 �gl� d the s•sek ossrm else tiara. atm[ tM bareswd daesss4 bsmy both Mail and ew6w-•ewe br6lkess tier use battelragrades. 7M t.1b45- were sol well d iessed mot of fest° I= ere was ver One esiesl. tbs sensed was dee ger. wail s 766x41 active trade was Meme at wterag's15 prices to Nth bums sad toretra. A fsatttz, KN w tade was tdr er• lt oses Will" as r F smill oobdm 10.' Pall loads d� 1�0stept Rim. se . • Isbbrg way as bree or A win swim awl la esus lastososs amours sars4 tlbtli tatter Mss. tar t11t1 !sola T1. its. d t1h• sarbst sae lambs wan vary fires es ""lintair .l eapNMs aveflableand the Baal p6�m naso Oslvsr�� stoat w ft o twimd- a sisl45 et tans ase r •sa !reams le >~ 1116 ktlitag, Thor* waa m� oft mint Mf+b a 1,610111%••••11164: unser a awl owellor .at 0s' 5745 1r psusda. g r0/ weetora. WS to ao Bstew rt esttio 1Re71's /userrunt s. k6.b'W6"t011 7.1 w gala r nsu; heehaw 1 ASHFIEL&I. TUESDAY, Feb. 1.itb. Towxsnte Cou/rc1L.-Tbs council met February 54 h. the Reeve having decided to change the date the better to comply with the act re auditors. All were present and the minutes of January 9th were approved, on a ,no- tion by Messrs. Alton and Hunter. Mir Mattie Cbamberta is the guest Bylaw No. 7. appointing .heap vain= of her sister, Mrs. Murdoch MacKen- atom for 191, was anally passed. Tha OPERATION FOR PiLLS FAILED. ane' collector was given to March 19th to *Quite a number of farmers in this colnPlete the roll. on a 'notion by Za*-Bek Was Tbss Tried and wedged vicinity are having telephones in. Meow"'- Dalton and Alton. The audi- • Care, stalled in their homes. tea.' report, showing halanre of acwet• Writing from Poplar, B. C., Mrs. C.Aye rte plereed to hear that John over liahilitie. December 31, 1911. of Hanson, wife of the or o1 the West, obs has been under the $1 4)87.13, was received, and on motion Ooa6 proprietor of Messrs. Stewart and Hunter was mesial hotel, rays:I euft�+'ed weather tut' some time. is improv- accepted. Moved by Meters. Mothers far years with bleeding pilar,. The ing• and Hunter that the following ae- oaio was so bad et ileus. that 1 could A B.oket& and Nohle Johnston counts be paid : A. R. Finlayson, hardly walk and ntdtaary remedies loads a husieessaelp to Lucknow this auditing, 1110; John Long. auditing, seemed utterly nnahl. to give me any week and mine, tee roads as being in 1110; B. Augustine, refund of Pekinese esu: Finally I decided to undergo asopera poor condition. tax and Interest, $1.83: Wm. Bnwlea, Reset and went to the flamed winter work on east b,undar $8.(U; Heart hospitw! in Spokane. There Leap year cams to be making little Y• trey performed an Pott and did °image around these parts. Hurry B. Thompson, winter work on east all they could for ane. Forna tirne I up, girls. Your chance cronies only boundary. $3.00 ; T. G. Allen, , r.fun • esu certain!ooee In four years. dupp11ea. 30e; J. H. Pentland, refund q better, hot within twelve months the tenable started All the girls around here have been d tax, $1.00; Mum. Mclennan, re- fund dog tax, 51.00; John McLeod, again and the piles be.ame as painful wearing broad smiles during the past balance gravel a.eount, $290. Next "evet•. I tried liniments, bot poul- weak. Charlie ha..returoed gale and ,meeting March IOth at 12.30 p. m. *et 'scions 'pile ours,' and indeed sound from his trip to Detroit Taos (1. ALLam, clerk. hs li el Ing i could 'bink would C. MacGregor, who has been spend- Nuts -The following are the .beep y to 4o any good, but still I Ing eke winter at borne as the result valuators : David M. Joboston, coo- ooatinn'd to ander. stud the shooting. ofa .prattled ankle, has again taken eesion 3 oast ; Richard Jobnatoo, horning. stinging pains, the doll. weir his departure frog our midst.lsR mad weetobed, 'woes -one' feeling egoconcession 8 east ; Neil Murdoch, con- bed the diatom memo continued r The ll beryl Rifle Club hall. given in oeesion 13 esat: Thos. Garvey, eon - bed as ever. the hall bare laateMooday evening. is cession 5 west : and Robert Drennan, "One dry t raid about Zam-Bok told to hays been goite &kntoeeom line road ; and their duties ate to in - sad thought i world try ile Th. neat Well dons, boys. and may itis good veotigate any claims tib n called on me or two boxes gots Ma more rise wort oDOtinu.1 and to report fully to the ennccil, glv. Ulan anything e1e i tried. w I west Wo=zN's Hier• t i'a Mswrlsoet-- A fog dein! s of damageaod the •mount. oe with the treasiness, in a ober' eery • .*treasful meeting of the and the council will act upon Chet re - time i began td► fiwl altogether doter. Wows*'. inetitute was held on Thane- pc►r� The public .bones perp hw• cot tad batter. and I saw that swim. day ref last week at the home of Done. know that the tax on dogs is meow.flak l'eti tieing be anew gee. Well. I MacLennan. Mrs. A. Be^,kett, who spry and that the fond . applied, os went no acing it, sod by the time I prodded over the meeting. deviated far as it goes pr le neoo=.sry, to r•eoom- had °lied mix !Ruses I was delighted to from the regular 4orm and presented pen.. those wibo have sheep killed or eitd nirvif mural, sung. That was the asetnbers with a well -rendered injured by d� now Raving an tpyM Wer* gge4 and frets then se the program ooneiating of ioetrumental �i damage of. ,ai aobl observe the r l- or the • ns' bk,... bels !Ms no roam instead of the tiusual.anpdapeerratlNe fin, �°ttu a an aMdayit) that the Tim -Bulli le a tin corn for Matin[ will be held at Duncan Mao- Injuryte�wae oau.ed by a dog or doge : meeord hand•rs►rri* nlotsei abeessesa, °old 'flirt's' that they could not discover the s, vatievtse seer., barns. --owner or owner+ of the dug or dress 'ems'• h,,)cede, Isflawsed patches and Catarrh Qgnnot be Cored (g) that the damage a ma tts to sy .11'ki, 4ajn*Ms mad dIsr sea such m'wney. (4) 71'ey mart aaotify stile I"I' �1ey0110.ua.•• CA tMs7 . & 4 s.3 01 one of the sboep valnatnt•o nr srwow •rwI efgeg even yw�err. 450. rn&. Ms.est _saes tants i.. bteod a et 7,aer-Hnk (b„ Toronto, for sed to order to mnro It member of tbo canes! w4tJtin *'stye Rafent Rte' oaks Ytsrs.l ,srwt.dtea Rail'. wlgbt hosre of the injury fn rndrar ►n harrnfbl t institutes. a' err h taken ivvvmally. end will _ have a claim ren the council. if The Birds ss bleed sod nooses arfanie regal be mat . �••�b nedw4es tlae.e pninu tiro nl)rvvei tote eouascil �._� 1eute_MRM ie onmpelled to attend to the claim. `SDs 1he*Poing and sundaes taw tanr+.- t• a l*Z p'• aa. if the owner of the egg so he dime, are the ?amen. hest friesdo. est- 8.1;1100•0't rN news tin' tt�cnnt t. arito tag o'tin.a. a instn•te and of krnwa• . wog Mood pert s''4 orad be h rho patty h to the abelicte whi alt t •eta • tnvonos wtteeea -i-i !eta Tteota. O. ALL C1srk Aablieid. erg 'whey rob Mines crop°, fruit trwer s•rt►et� .1 tb� Uoee ` growing t hin h M wen ; t') moo. n ol'er this dnr.n gage tried win- eor'ati mamma Seew Ibr •ggllesaiiab O inn" Mailmen' an all rwldaet ns' d and to throw pit► a little tool r. J. maim T t co., nor, 'dabs s arawina os wissodtiv ss' last 'el. thnin.- Midge , Seo S.•eteio O -•He Marb.t. *Yr 11101276.1.0. ren. u. -Carts. -a. eeOlr, tr bed. weerw t betty, sot tstaadr. ps004111.004111..4 M . 71 •e • bowie r Oradea. tiesur I .ewe. I*M'r 71. ow•••-Rbtrp•o bead: so- idve. See8144••• salt to s18*0 a pi taw7. bel .*0: Os' b ' 15 t. II 1 TOR R "10 -1:�:, '�5 AWAIT ▪ u to t.7< .t.r•,ol A rr .a► to CANADA BEATS ' THE UNITED STATES ME INNS FiM 111 PIU.* Hou.Vor;, MAIM, U.S.A. "Marius takes two boxes of your tscarle.t GIN PILLS, they relieved me so mach that I am quite satisfied wire the results. I gave an cedes to my. about three weeks ago to me some more. Nothing has come yet and I had to borrow a box from a lad friend who is also using GINPILLS. I have none left and am seeding you $z.so for three haze* which I would ask you to aced at once as I am not quite so well when I ant without GIN PILLS". AGATHE VANI'SSE. Gia Pills must be good when people In Massachusetts send all the way to Toronto to get them. There is nothing like Gin Pills -nothing just the same or just as good. Don't accept substi- tutes if yell value your health and sant to be cured of Kidney and ?ladder Trouble, or Rheumatism. Insist on having Gib Pills. 5oc. a box, 6 for yo. Sammie free if you write National Chemical Co. of Canada, Dept. A Toronto. 92 A Hint. Staylate (at 11.45 p. w.) -The light is going nut. Mies Weary -Are you goiog to let it beat you ? One little 1 boy put it just right when he said : "My! But ain't Kellogg's easy to eat!" 52 „ ?auM.AT, Paso. tY 15. 1019 7 h t REDUCTION SALE OVERCOATS J!, We have a large assortment of Overcoats which we are putting on sale. They are in all lines and sizes, to fit the smallest boy or the biggest man. Dress Coats, Ulsters, College Ulsters, Convertibles. On any coat in the store we will give a discount of 25 PER CENT. FOR C_ ASCI rIcLEAN BROS. Men's Outfitters The Square, Goderich . Vassar Shoes FOR LADIES. Our styles and lasts in ladies' "Vassar" . Shoes for this season are perfect. We are confident in saying that this line stwpasses any other in style, comfort and wear. If you have not worn VASSAR Shoes, don't fail to try them this season. We carry all lines in patent, tan, gun - metal and kid. Repairing carefully attended to. STONAGII TROUBLES CANNOT EXIST With Merriscy's Ns. 11 Tablets. say Messrs. G: and McQuarrie. prominent eastmetttraveltwe HALIb AX. N. R. Sept. 7i, 1710. was troubled *lin Indigestion for several Fear. and atter eating suffered !atonally with soar stomach. belching .f gas. heartburn. etc, and everything I ate seemed to lay In my stomach and made me feel all puffed gip and dis- tressed. Someone proposed that I try a box of your No. 11 Dyspepsia Tablets. which I did. and to my delight found immediate relief. I am now enjoying three meals a day. as feel that your No. 11 Tablets deserve all the credit Them who have stomach trouble, and especially men who travel on the road tinting at different places every day should try No. 11 Tablets. as they will relieve you of Indlgtavtion, and enable you to enjoy your nmala." Lyman W. COY- MEW OLI'EW OLABOOW, N. 8.. Nor. 10. 1110. "For the past two years I have used Nattier Morriscy s No. 11 Dyspepsia Tablets. and during that period have not suffered the severe attacks of In- digestion to which I had been a victim for many yeah. My attacks were vet,' distressing. and no need to my I am glad to be relieved, and i feel that Y.nr No. 11 Dyspepsia Tablets deserve all the credit. For years I did not know what 1t was to enjoy a goad meal. but now 1 can oat anything en the bill of fare with no distressing after-effects --thanks to No. 11 Tablets." Gro. J. McQuarrie. The above prescription 1e not • `Cure- All- or se -called patent medicine. Dr. Morr7scy prescribed It for ea year*. and It mired thousands after other doctors fared. Price. 50c. per hos at ynnr dealers. or Father Mori -lacy Medicine Co.. Limited. Mentrsal. gem • I Sold and goerasr'eo in Goderich by F..T. Butlaod. e . e 11EE PUPIL AIR MOW creeks rap, brat i..g, *open .1r. plea'ent ly warmed. le ,eppad earh cabin by the Tb.ree-irk erestm n4 ventilation an breed thee&. ov.l 53.11 Seeemsbipe ROYAL COWARD rad ROYAL GUMMI trawl Mohler is ariwld. The .tato ph.r..a t.4e sir. flop <awpte..ly <hatwed veer, font minutes. It is Me Meath - f.1. comfort ab . ecce tarr•'n 4.04•11., Europe. ter fun 1.farratlee .t�.1.... we�m.tebyt•t. o. .r. IM•IIRL t• lta•(to • (' w1Ya Lw.. a . 0 =====:= 1= s=====D YOU ARE THE LOSER IF YOU DO NOT GALL AND SEE THE VALUES WE ARE GIVING IN STOVES TO CLEAI(ITHEM OUT TO MAIZE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS We have a number of gaud second-hand Heaters and Ranges which we are offering at great values. McCormick Agency We wish to announce that we have token over the complete a.vencv of the Me(o•eniek on. for choir Mowers, Binders, Plows, vyagonr, Sleights, D1nc Harrows, Cultivators, Drilla, Manure Spreaders, Gasoline Engines, Cutters, Buggies, etc., etc. Yon know es well as 1 ran tell you that it costa a lot of money to put agent, nn the road to sell these goods. and i purpnae, fu place of putting men out., to give you the benefit of this by Reduced Prices TPEREFORE, YOU ARE THE LOSER IF YOU DO NOT CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. We have ju.t, installed one of their gasoline engines in our work shun for running the ekate and lawn mower sharpener and Opipe -cutting machine, etc., so if you are considering the purchase of an engine, we can show you one in operation. Skates Sharpened Boys and girls, we cam sharpen your 'rimiest while yoe wait. We have installed an outfit equal to the skate manufaeturers.11 Plumbing Heating. Steam hitting, Pl.ctri.• Wining promptly attended to and all work fully 'guaranteed. Scranton Coal We hendle.tlelawar•e, Lackawanna A Western ficranton Opal emdagrvly, and all coal weighed on market scam, and, having our own G ane, we can give prompt delivery. Terms- -Cash II CHAS. - C. LEE 'Phones : .'ton 22 Morse f 13 w =R.p.la nR. rye+�sYra'.4`moilwr""gB""Ye®er ...wliw.9sn¢-9'n