HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 6• TeratmaT. Fas itya3T lir, 1112 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO t BY na Mw SIS TRACY »`n. ti.. r 4.. a.. few fOsatidud ham tart west) Vag net asgbctlss ars Woes he ad then take ala eyes Ot tie ma tar a few amass/ siewda '!sere me ss incisions ime aesest111 Nag ha the 'life wage. 8a seen see the deep color that deeded her chest,. The glaaee that met Ns sparkled with an intensity ot feeling that theme/ while it pesplez+e/. "Plea* bards ,as It the garage hurts, but 1f thet Is rot year motive and then never was an, real reties of your coming on this trip why are you hers be said. "Becaos. I am a foolish girl, 1 rep. pew -because 1 *might that my pres- ence might tabrpos* a eerlous Meek between • criminal *ad gime be bad planned to memo& one wants to avoid bated people change of climate in a most effectual means, and I had not the mostly for ordinary travel Believe me. Mr. Ho- lder, I am not on board the Androm- eda without good reason. I have o whetted to have a talk wttb you. think you are a man wbo would no betray a confidence. if you agree to help me, something may yet be done. At fist I was sure that Captain Coke world abandon bis wicked project u soon as be discovered that I knew wbat was In his mind. Bat now am beginning to doubt leach day brings us nearer South Amertc•, and -- and" - She was breathless with excitement She drew nearer to the silent and Im- passive man at ber side. dropping ber voice almost to a whisper. !the caught his arm with an appealing hand. "T am afraid that my pre.eoce win offer no hindrance to his scheme." she mnrmnted, "I am terrified t0 say seal a thing. but 1 am certain, quite crab talo. that tbe ship will be lost within the next few days. Reelertt though incredulous, coned not but rat that the girt was saying that which she bonestly thought to be true. "Lost! Do you mean that she win be purposely thrown away?" be naked, and his own voice was not wbolly un- der control. for be was called on to reprem a sodden temptation to kiss away the tears tbat glistened In ber brown eyes. "Yea, that Is what be said -on the rocks this side of Montevideo." "He said -%who?" "The -the captain." "To whom did be say it?" "Oh. Mr Hozler. do not ask that, bnt believe me and beep me." "How?" "1 do not know. 1 am half distract- ed wltb tbinking. What can we do? Captain Coke simply 'swept aside my first attempt to speak pialnly to him, But -make no mistake -be /Knows that I beard his very words, and tbere is something in his manner. a carious sort of quiet confidence• that frightens me." After that neither spoke durtng many min btee. "Tb•t to a very serious thing you have told me, Miss Yorke," mattered Hosier lit last, not without a backward glance at t b e sailor to the wheelhouse to assure himself that nit m a n could not by any chance overhear their con versa Uon. "But It is true -dreadfully true." said Iris, clasping ber hands together and resting them on the high railing of the bridge. "Tt 1s aU the "scar rr n Tatra - in e r e serious, D* mtiret ee TIMM" inasmuch as "-ID ma- we ta we ars helpless," he went on. "Don't you nes bow impossible it 1s liven to hint at It In any dlacnsslon with the man principally concerned? 1 want to say ibis, though -you are in Do dan- ger. Then is no ship so safe as one that is picked out for willful destruc- tion. Men will not sacrifice their own lives even to make good an Insurance policy, and 1 memoirs that ts what b Weeded. So you era steep sound of melts -at any rata until we near the coast of Brasil I can onty promise yes If say weerhfubem on my part ear stop this piece of v111aley- Bello, thee! Where op? Why 1. tie ship tallies sway trots her courser The sodden chum la Ida vele. '.tar.tied tie girt se gssatty that she attend • Might shirt It melt ber ea appre- ciable One to urdaesta.g tint he was spearkkg te the man .t the *bed. ales the sailer sinew wbat be mast. bilmesildere gem wrong with the tier at drat s 1 Med M pet bar ever Ml b ream& Tiles she )!sowed lie nem" I corp b tie Mem* em �" w as, seam seem asdwwrlr bee hes hem » � lea g# las ales adds. la the outset st tics iprseries ad Mewaseet or��i ooke swung itlsrNt et to the bridge, i "Weal Cm biowed1 You beret' r said. Iooktsg at lib. "Wot 1e It new? he asked. turnleg •herply to Hester.' "Wheel stuck smiler "Tis. sir. Has u happened belbter "Weil--er-sat this trip.Bat it 'u 'appear& Jost ter a mtmalt 1 was miria' It up with the night you nearly run dews that bbomin' booker off the Irish tent Ah, then she goes! Iv- erytbfng 0. IL- hew. W'en deplete comes well overhaul the Ode's.' files thing if the weed jammed test se we was (-roadie the Beerier Hosier tried to ascertain teem the watch if they had toned the cause et tbe disturbance. but the men weld only guess that *cheats blow with as d. ( ads bad strtlgktened a kink la ere the a well delimit mute. 'line tees a brae and snort of e.eaptag steam Y the sailor inside the cb$rthonoe et'. deavoted to force the m eitha ry tabs Steady. tbarer' bellowed Hest r. "Walt aunt w• bath 'Sassed the gear boreal Titers may b• a kink tilt • clutter A rood order brutllpit the watebeee- r7bs along the deck, Nee .l Ur w en ran to erstala• the learns et tbe bees fan shaped castles that aav- e wed the movements et ale r ebbre., while others began to tap the wefts ahieads which polecat& tito dreams' of the casings. Doke treated the is. is eldest with oosebalaaee. a I "Thought you was to be called iris the cross hove is eight. Hiss Terkel" be said abruptly. "1 am sorry to have to inform yes 1 that some people on board callsot der ' fres anguish between falsity and troth." t she answered. "But please dont be t angry with any of the men on my ac- count, Mr. Roster tells me they often confuse the false cross with the teal one, and the mistake has been enjoy- able." "A reeler 'umbag, the Southern 1 Cross," grunted Coke. "It ain't a patch on the bear" Coke grinned at his own pleasantry. To one of his bearers at least !t seem- ed to be passing strange that be was so ready to forget such a vital defect se In the steering gear as had manifested e>s Its existence a few minutes earlier. l the thewlwd 'thiel." rimose WNW Mho I tkta direst provocatlu.` "t want 1. WI les sesr- (� "De.s the rap str eawred Mika "1S. It doses't t sewer ',mrd • d pala�l to me We. Dye INC althaylrra shop?" 'sac/ of ttr cried the eitillIgtper. whe had elivionetr. ' WIN mead as to tits person Me Orr the oatllage. "T f a doses eras, et it r tie atter Owe was wean we pat tits 1 'final seise a< the cress 1st, sib the entasia esw est the tasha" maid Rester✓, Oat tie esll . saandar's welt& MOW ►.t is tli► mat :itr _ p melted est ale' 'are the tanks enured. werU pat Int• !erased* Noreemet ttt.rea aWle My a day bet am' 1 I. the Ober IW�agr es beard 7 lest til wit tare the bleat - Oahe I e roked at list for t • season of 1812 : tab Steamer )Elanmeic--0aptain, S. 1). Foote ; ekiri eogintser, 8. rlrisb1n 4rosss• ppuu1rr•seerr, J. F. Rocas; steward, J. tvll0e (birdhouse. Steamer HUreoM--Clap- raspiest ; tai A, L. (!soli F. n' Norris; Pie , abler engirt/ter,y; purser. F. Bssttty ; steward. W. 0. Hueter. 8taesaee y«� 8asoo10- Oaptain. A. M Wtiglit mire � a��. W. q�kJpps, .reward Sat' aeasank-- Northers, Navigation 0o. Officers, oollloog'wwood, Feb. 12. -Tae Northern Navigation lluwp.ny b.. annouaoed the fuHowlog appaincanots mu their away b Modem. . tier at the chart room, Hester Sound him these aloes ma err mer tater puri eve IW ID coca. • eMn et he. nand. Nerelia. Ma ea hearfag the •t.warr'u version et the flair ear to the bridge tar teener •attgbtenmeot. bat Coke mere - d toad bar that the bland was a 'tire!'~ Menai station, so she could m- ilks to her reels !'Ola 1 go ashore r she asked. .1 disco. Well sea. ICs a markt sdtlabsee for the Brasile, an' tbey're edgilypltlelar about teethe people lard, bat they'll 'artily object to a este Mug lady itke you 'avia' a pep at 'em." As his tone was unusually grin rot to my jeering. stye resolved to sad an opportunity of seeking Re- does advice oa the cablegram prob- lem. But the portent of the blood red water' was not to be disregarded. Nee - was Delphic oracle better aerrsd by tare. The Andromeda began to roll sslr.osly. Masses of black cloud .u.ibed over the southern bartson. midday the ship was drtvtng through a heavy sea. Aa the day wore the weather became even more hre•tening. A sky and ocean that d striven daring three weeks to produce In splendid rivalry blends -of pphtre blue and emerald green and tenderest pink were now draped in • road of gray mist With Increasing frequency and venom vaultiog seas Ned over the bows and sent stinging owers of spray against the canvas laid of the bridge_ Instead of the tty white drill uniform and canvas nes of the tropics the ship's officers nned oilskins, sou'westers and sea ts. Torrents swept the deers, and occasional giant among waves ote the bull with a thunderous blow der which every rivet rattled and ery plank creaked Despite these drawbacks tbe Andromeda wormed her way south. She behaved like tbe stanch old sea prowler that she was. Iris. of coulee, thought that she was experiencing the storm of a century. Badly scared at drat, she regained some stock of courage *when Hosier came twice to her cabin. pounded on tbe door and shouted to ber such news as be thought would take ber mind otr the outer furies. The first time he a00000ced that theey were just "crossing the iine," and tbe girt smiled ■t the tbonght that Neptune's omen lair was uncommonly like the glish channel at its WOreL On the nd occsslen her clatter brought cbeertng oews that they would be et the lee of Fernando Noronha ly next morning. She had sulficlent lore to understand that this Im- sbeltet from wind and wave, but e1 omitted to tell ber that the y pen.'ttcahle roadstead 1n the tie - . s . hems on the weather Ode, would rendered unsafe by the present ad - rise combination of the elements. In 1. Coke bad already caned Watts Hosier Into council. and they bad wind with him that the wiser plan Id be to bear In toward the Island from the east and anchor In smooth water as doss to /path point aaJbe teed would Permit- As ermit As for iris' wild foreboding that the ship wns intended to be Iost. Philip did not give 1t other than a psasing thought. Coke was navigating the An- dromeda with exceeding care and no little skill, He was a firet rate prac- tical rep tical sailor, and It was an education to the younger man to watch bit ban- ning ao- dling of the vessel tbrougboat the worst part of the blow. About mid - sleet the weafber moderated it tor Proved steadily until a troubled dawn heralded some fitful gleams of the sun. By that time the magnificent peek of remand* Noronha was plain- ly ridable. cute caste le the bridge and seta new course, almost dee wast. noon It was possible to diettagolal the roil extent et the espy Mm Acreage appeared sad team eye green mese et •sittvatles>, tTb 1m esntl•adr CHAPTER IT. 1 At SHELLED ET A YTaT1RI0IIa TOT ON aHOp COKE remained on the bridge no- t til long after Iris bad seen and ha admired the cluster of stars WWcb old time navigators need Ra to regard with awe. When shafts of white light began to taper pennon -like to the eastern skythe ■h girl went back to her cabin. Contrary to Hozlet's exper- Union, Coke did not attempt to draw tin from him any account of their mover- sit Ration prior to the Inexplicable mishap ab to the wbeeL He examined a couple na of charts, made a slight alteration in eh the course and at 4 o'clock took charge do of the bridge. boo "Just 'ave a look around now while ram things Is quiet," be said, nodding to Hozler confidentially. "i'll teU you nn wot I fancy. A rat dragged a bit of ev bone into a gear box. If the planktn' is badly worn anywhere, get the car- penter to see to IL 1 do 'ate to 'ave a feelin' that the wheel can let you down. S'pose we was matin' Bahia on the homeward run an' that 'appeo- edl It 'nd be the end of the pore ole ship, an' oo'd credit !t? Not a soul. They'd alt say. 'Jimmie threw 'er sway!'" [foxier found a gnawed piece of has bone lying In the exact position-anticl- pared by Coke. The carpenter busied himself with sawing and hammering during the ch whole of the next two days. for the lien Abdromeda revealed many gaps in ber Seco woodwork, but the escapade of au er- the rant ham bone was utterly eclipsed try 004 a new sensation. At daybreak one ear morning every drop of water In the leak vessel's tanks suddenly assumed • pled Host Ort! !arid be v. Mc arid rich blood red tint. Title unnerving discovery was made by the cook, who was horrified to see a ruby stream pouring Into the earliest kettle. 'l'bink- lag that an iron pipe bad become ort• dtaed with startling rapidity, be tried another tap. Finally there could be no blinking lbs fact that by some un- canny means the whole of the fresh water on board had acquired the color 1f not the taste of • thin burgundy. Coke was snmmooed bastily. No - biome oblige, being captain, be val- iantly Ksayd the tank of sampling this strove beverage. "It ain't pleat." be .^nnonnced, gtu. tan tlptekusy at rite little group ot aasfaced men w ...e awaited bb "edict "it sartlnly ain't Whoa, bat Ire truss dor any teetotal brew Pee tackled In all me born days. lire. Watta, you know tete tang of every kind o' Ilkker-'ave • sup-•• .'Not moot' saki Watts "i do.'t Ilke the look of it. First time I've ever seen red ink on tap. Yoe the rest et Dna frlp I stick to bottled beer or •omethIng with a Zabel" "it smells Ilk* an 1nfUalon of per- manganate of potamb," volenb reed He- aler. "(toes It?" growled Coke, wke MOM - ad to be s'rsstiy aasoyed. "Wet a pts It ain't an inhales et wbisky se' pia ..er and be tiered vindictively at Watts, "sem* Ijjtt 'as lots player • trick es ea. there wet It to--acuso bleat seater 'oo deal give • hooray 1n Wes fee tee se' coffee •a' coma. bet mate a IMa0_ Stoeatd r "Ta err." odd the mesa roofs at1en1. Oat -Purees est et the saga water be tie ketene as' wises*ken the table' every meal ifs te gran opt moo IM maselly pub sway owes aaswamms trot t'm slot ga(hr til Mks wet et toff deeps lestaid elf eel �w .261/ allegflAhr_11 IOW Ole to wnu H.'d Keep Away. it was ani day. Pat and Mik• were obliged to bait their heavily loaded cart to make way !toe a funeral. Gas - in � promising'. Pat maidenly ren "Nike, i wish i knew where 1 was goi to die. 14 give *UM to know "Well.where Fin toting/ on die." if you knew IPat," good weekl it do "Lots," said Pat, "stem I'd nivir Na load! Musty. . N`wwae R.Maek�. A Hartle of mem 1s, as, Mr tfty-three years In the mane dear, OrenJo umiak !° have 4l..am-t/e- cb et en ' J, 11. Murrisot►. tit aptaia.. Y. Nome: dills( engineer. B. Pam. Q.. R. etorry; w ewatd. 8. R. Wellman'. n'.�!�!�' wisp et diel _ Oita stawwra. getemer autbte••-OapWo. fr-UareYoa;chief 8. easy; y. fitomme want W. G. Cox ; table • •�, F. Beatty • purser. J. A. e�"1e6 Steamer Doric -Captain, SAM IBML Steamer Ionic n. J. D. Moat. goloorY ; chief engineer. J. Louden. Her Two Victims. Attetidart (showing visitor through 'tomtit, a yiem)---Yes, air. we have some very pathetic cams here. Now in this room is a poor fellow who lost bis reason bemuse tbe Irit•i ile was in love with marbled another. nue. Visitae-Very cad ! Very rad ! And wbo scoupits rite? this padded cell opp.• Attendant. -Wm. That's the man she married. hos helped countless thousands of thin, weak, dedicate children -reads them ',trona, plump and 9bgt. it creates as appetite, adds disweibg, fills the veins with rich rod Mood. Afar liposes or doss of weight .from any cause, it brings strssgth and flesh quicker than anything else. ser.daM aessadea Tomei Tee earliest, best •aweeed .ad mursehest is the World. ITS COMING Mat's coming? Why Seedtime, thou tie Harvest bet 8e Harvest depends very largely on the quality of the Seeds yeti sow. Oar Catalogue ter 1912 is bigger sad better than ever. 'Pella you all about over 1,580 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget- ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, etc. Itsat this out swamit to as with your armsed jestswam draw Address ear Oatalseas will he eget ye sad • present with it. De It , ADDAMS". Dareh & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, Dept, 41 Losdoa, Out. tz NATURE'S LAWS. Nature's hws are perfect deftly we obey theme bat disease follows di•obedi- ena'. Go straight to Nature for the cure, to the forest; there are mysteries three, some of which we an fathom for you, Take the bark of the Wild-cberry ten., with mandrake root, Oregon grape root, stone root, queen's root, bloodroot end /olden seal root, make • scientific, gtyoerio extract 04 thea, with just the right proportions, and you hive DOCTOR PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. 4t took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned cheolists and ph.Aao chits, many months of hard work experimenting to peropi this vegetable alterative and tonic extract of the treadaot• eiciency, C. W. P.wcar, en. DIa C. W. PAWL/KT, of M(ilvllie Caltf.,wrltea:'" 1 disk to tele yon that I have used your ' Ookien Medical D1s- covery'.in my family for twenty years. We have had a doctor called In but once during that, time. I heves flay of ten children, all well and hearty, for whicph, to a great extent, we owe thanks to you and your °Golden Medical Discovery' and' Pellets which we use when sick." • Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate end invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sager-ooated, tiny gram:les. roving by Actual- Experiment This experiment will always interact the cklv siren, and w111 provoke a good deaf of thinking. The explanation, of course. Is, that the Hinted piece of paper which Is Inserted Into the Inverted glass drives out most of the air, so that when the mouth of the glass la quickly put down Into the water there Is very little air, and, conse- quently, very little pressure above the water within the ehuni. Hence, the weight or pressure ettug thepaper. air on the water outside the glass drives the water up into the glass to occupy the space trap whence the air was driven by the burn. . A practical demonetratlon of this kind Is always more eontincing than any mere statement. This L partleularly true of medical remedies The effect of the antl-toaln treatment for diphtheria is noticeable within a dew bourn, so that everyone must believe In Its virtue. In a similar way, the treatment kuown an ng women's GE LILT gives a practicnI proof 01 the Drnereea It M making In its, and that, too, within a few days after commencing It. use. All authorities agree that In every case of women'e dWrders there exists • congested rordltlon of the womanly organs. The circulation In these part. Ie slug- gish or stagnant, and the result is that lb broken-down tissue or waste matter which should be carried off If the blood was dMculatIng freely. remains In then parts. coming Iaflammntlon, Irrttatibn, oppression of the nerves, etc. ORANGE r.If.T is not taken Internally, but is applied direet to the suffering organs. It I. absorbed Into the elreulatlon, and Its estiee•tic properties at once act on the wise* 1 matter referred to above. The consequence Is that this waste matter, whleh and it continues to be dlwrharged until all the for eaesing tit. inflammation. ulnra. nervous troubles. etc.. hector to be dimly' Hgn matter 1s removed from t1r tirruh,tion. At the same time the blood veesels and nerves are toned and strc,, glp Med. -he nervous trouble disappears. the circulation Is rester 8 and good heal* , follows Tcrehto, Ont., lune !, IMe. Dear Mrs C urrah,-f wish to ton yeti that Orate Gay Y seine int a groat dM1 fe mend Thnaa utters rano •wavy one or two every w*•k. and i kava less pale ae4 rawer he$ eh.S. 1 feel sure 1 erIIl be per wectfy eared fa a 11tt1e Longe three. The erplanetk.n 01 the wonderful euro. performed by ORANd/7 LILY la airy simple It 1. • scientific remedy. booed oe the 4Mmwerkt of Pasteur and Lister. The rn0M,Mdn.■,lealning In an female troubles ere alike In ebarteter, dtff.uing to whet? null.. ,.ryjat of • only,nt so that a 'at experiment itive n order u ORATION every' 5 ache Ing woman that ems LLT will care bet I snake Me fomearthis *giffrx. Free Trial Offer 1 win •.n.1 to every nyder es this attlkk, who puffers in any way from any of the trembles pernnar to w•men. If •n. *111 sees me her ad- aren's. enough of the ()RAMIE LILT treatment to bast her 1• days In mons nope* this trial treatment M "It that 1. nece.aary 10 effort a man plate eure: sob M every !saran. It win ghat very noticeable relief. tf yogi ares a sufferer yen ewe it to nemeif. to your I•r.Ay sod to pr. r (Monde to take advantage n1 tate Marr, end get rimed M the pravery of vow he,.. wtthMat Me- '. Mile er exams* et say kin` - _ tress l .tamps. ane .edema MRi. PIN NOSS a. cultism, Mnoeesr, Ile a • IT IS wonderful how much satis- faction can be obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. A letter carries words, but the Bell Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modulations of the voice are clearly heard. The cheery tones show that the talker is well and in good spirits. The call may conte from a suburban village or a distant city, but within the limits of the carrying power of the voice the Bell Service carries the tone as well. You get a personal interview with a friend hundreds of miles away. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. • Ihwp lar Fa*1 .haw. is the Carter at du system, g .‘"ososossoiekoboasirdeOhlalbliVIZsasoftlbose THE SIGNAL'S - CLUBBING LUST 12 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe... • .$1.60 Including premlum picture "Daddy's Girl." The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe. 4.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 .ocluding premium picture. "Home Again." 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The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $l.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : Tie Slssat •sed Tits Weekly Glob.. ..... =t.fb Tie Farmu't Adtteaatr ($s.�S /sea $tea•! .•.. t•1'I lass -making the price of the three papers $2.95. 'If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well- known Canadian publicatiog. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to The Signal Printing Co. t.ixiTdD Goderich o