HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 5ME SIGNAL : GODERICII, ONTARIO
T=c-eswy, F1awvA. r 16. 1912 •
0. O. E. Annual MilltintO IA Record Price.
Deoghtese the Ensetre. whit* frult-g wing in this district
ore,: bete at the Menet hems on may Im &Mead . the experieace o
eteedayl= at 4 Wedlock p. m. W. F. Hisk, of Om Herm road, with
is desired. se slimmest. of peen Mootrsal hurt
A liar tall is` interesting. The shipment in-
s". jogeph ER103(11110NItiot. eluded five barrels which were tent to
Rev. Joespie Elliott has Won •P- tbe costunissioa firm of Joeeph Brown.
pointed to portion oa the Dominion
Imusigraties staff aod left today for
ter end Meshy to amuses hie duties.
He wi'l give lectime es Cased& le
Scotland sod penmen eibm in hoisted.
The meant appointmeat is tor three
wont only, but lt may be inaseded
for an indefinite period. Mrs. EMMA
Aocompanies her husband to Great
The Cold Spelt
to commie witb the mot of Use
provioce, this sootiest dIriminsi7the past
%leek experienced eat
weather. !friday wail a bitterly °old
tat., end early Sateesday morning ae
degrees below zero was tared. the
eh has
bad for perhaps a quaster of a cautery.
from acishboring points. At Kestrel
it wet X below, at Dungannon 87
below. At Clinton at below. et Holmes -
vele 31.0 below, at Lucknew af below.
at Kincardine 31 Mime at eyeless=
31 below, at Brussels 819 below. After
fevers! days of Arctic weeetber, the
extreme cold spell Wm peened aod to-
Etejoying Life.
Whetber it, is the new rink. or
Manager Goldthorpe's winning ways.
or tonathing else, we cannot say, but
from souse CAW* or other skating has
Acquired a new popularity this sectilled
and people are petrosiMng tbe ask
who bed not bad skates on for ten, M-
une ortwentyyeare Among thee who
are renewing their ycnith with this
splendid exercise are Sheriff Reynolds.
Judge Holt. Rev. James Hamilton,
Rev. Jos. Elliott, Mei. Saunders, W.
L Eliot. Jos. Kidd, Fred Davis, 0. F.
Carey, John A. Robertsoo, F. F.
Lameness, W. Lane and others. Tbe
afternoon is the favorite time for teem
young fellows. and it le a truly pleasant
right to see them disporting them-
selves on the big gimlet of ice. Most, of
theta /UV excellent skaters. and there
i. no reason why tbey should not. keep
, up the practice in future osseous and
an add yrars to tbeir lives.
Prizes for Best Pansies.
The entitle'. monthly meeting of the
Goderich Horticultural Society Wita
held on apathy_ evening: De. dent"' by the town Nonni of Clinton to tbe
presided. and Mr. Warnock gave an effect that Ute C. P. R. is considering
interesting and instructive paper on
g rape culture. which Was followed by
A general discominn. In furtherance
of the project to establish the pansy
as the emblematic flower of Goierich.
it was decided to offer prises for the
best pansies exhibited by the school
children of (exierich at the fall fair
Otis yea. Tee details in coonectioa
whiz thin offer will be anpounced
later. Prof. Hutes _plans for the
beeutifying of the Victoria achool
tome& Were laid before. the gamete*
end were regarded with Enoch favor.
The Sooety wuuld like to have mote of Grand Trunk Railway System, pro -
the youoser people take an active easing to hear the matter in mod,
interet in horticultural development .and from N. 8. Dunlop, bead of the
in Onderieb &long Um Basset Ilse work floral department of the C. P. R. Co.
laid out hy the Soniety, and would be The last named states that while the
glad to receive as many as peril -4e as idea, ot a floral emblem for the town is
a gond me he is not so sure that tbe
choice of flower is the best. lle thinks
that the moon for the pansy is too
abort. One might have a good pansy
bed in May or June and practically
nothing for the rest of the season.
He thinks the rose or some other
Sower would be more satisfactory.
However, he promises help if the
Mmiday between the curlers of 8L Deasy idea can he carried out at the
Marys aod those of Godericb. the b. P. R. station here.
snow cii the river having been previ-
ously removed under the direction of
Mr. Jobn Corrie. of the Queen's Arms.
flocre : St. Mays, W. Somerville, W.
Eonehred. W. Currie. Dr. Ford. skip
Harrimo, Le, A. Hebei tem skits 88; 3-
cM• Ate 16 ; Jobs Robertson, T.
t5re, skip 45; total 119. Goderich-
Black, T. J. Moorehours, J. Find -
Ise. skip It:. J. Ward, G. Evans, A.
Eldihride, C. A. Humber, skip 22; H.
Coot, H. Dialer, Bootle H. Hor-
On, skip 19; total, 74. Majority for judging well -cleaned Plat" a
di- 46- Diaper was after- , hearty supper was enjoyed. The
wards partaken of at tbe Quese's ladies io their ueat picturamue Dutch
Anne Hotel." costume added to the attractiveness
of the mossion. The novelty of tbe
*upper brought a large number of
am• ount of food left at 8a0 the ladies
lisew what to provide for ntingry
men. Quite a number were heard to
say thia they enjoyed tbe evening
very touch. The homemade candy
booth was well patronized and a large
amount of toady was sold. The sum
of IMO was taken. which sum the ladies
intend to give towards buying the
mew obureh pews.
The anneal Meetha of Ahmed" As illustrattigd the *mom with
To the North Country. LOGAL TOPICS WI BRIEF.
R. it. bellows left to Mooday far
Algooquin Park, to speed ties days or
gatberiug winter views for his pito-
rapbic work. He is atiompanied
the trip by Athol McQuitais, of
to Alex
Police egistrate Butler was taken
hospital this Wei& suf-
fering from a eon of general proof ra-
tion. Under the good care of tbe
hoeilital staff he is showing much
One of obese. a barrel ot Buerre 11 tc, m. Potts went under an operitUon
ette sold at, t aptattditt price a 912. tat the hospital on blontlay. Ths oper-
and the commies'.° man „ewe ation Wee sucomsfully performed, but
the patient is still in a vreak condition.
"Why don't they grow mote Imerre
Bare s' They are always wanted."
The rest ag the shipment also brought
cd prime. It pays to take care of
The New License Sawa.
GI. M. Elliott.. of Goderich. Wm been
appointed to the board of liCellee Noe
cuhudeners for Cootre Huron. The
other members of the board will be
R. J. Cluff. cf Clietne, and William
Pattei eon, of Mullett. Adam Hata, of
Seaforth, and J. B. Hoover, of Clinton.
retire, and Messrs. Elliott and Cleft
take their places. It has been a
'natter of awes amplaint that Gode-
rich. the largest municipality in the
ridiog, was without representation on
the boerd ; their objection is now
removed by the appontruent of Mr.
ElliotL One of the first duties of the
board will be to decide which two of
the Oederich licensee are to be cut off. game to beat them. Admission, 23e. ;
Railway Projects. 1 reserved seas, 35c. Plan at Black-
, The Federal GoVettement has been stones reetaurant. Give the boys a
asked to give assistance towards the bumper house.
construction of a railway across the i The Old Home Paper.
northern portion of Western Ontario, A renewal of subscription from
from lance:dine to Grilles. a dietance man_ is accompanied by
of 150 miles. A deputation ccosisting the information that The Signal bits
of Mayor Lemon. Owen Sound ; Ret:ve been taken in the family I who formerly
Meafnrd ez-Warden Mc- lived in Huron county for over forty
Enieht, of Grey ; Mayor Frost, Or Mita ; years. In hundreds of homes in the
Mayor Robert Platerson, Reeve Win. -West the weekly arrival of The Sig -
Hunter. Councillor W. G. Temple, nal is one of the strongest bonds be-
Kineerdine ; Reeve it it tween "the old house" and tbe new.
Southampton, and others waited on and sometimes the paper is reill con -
Hon. Frank Cochrane at. Ottawa a few tinued and eagerly mad long after
days a go and pointed out that therewere most of the old familiar names have
teeny lines running north and south, disappeared and new ones have takee
hut none across country connecting their placi.s.
the various important northern towns. will Opon a Garme.
They desired a road from Kinceedine
to Southampton, theme to Owen Goderich is to Mee an automobile
Sound. Menford, Collingwood and etetelite Ibis year. in charge of Jobe G.
Orilla.. The Mayors of the towes Kuntz, who has secured the lactory
interested already bare secured a building on Kingston street for the
cbarter and if they can secure the Purpose. Mr. Kuntz is a man of ex-
penses. of aGoveroment subsidy they penence in the handling of motor cars
twill ask & railway company to make and wilt undertake Ike repair and
arrangements for the construction of care of."'" and..7ill keejles.on Hhande base
the lerie. The Minister piaameed stock or autonmoue sup
careful cootideratiA of the project- taken the agency for the McLaughlin
A coandeunication has been received oar, one of ths best and most popular
on the market, and will have two
machines here on exhibition shortly.
He expecte to open the garage about
March 1st. Last week be attended
the eutomobile show at London.
Teacher -training Class.
The union temberarainiug class in
The meetings are held in the
Wednesday nigtercif each The
Imams are in the New Testament ',o-
titis) of the First t7a.riatlien Standard
Teacher -training ourse. clamp is
open to all ; occasional visitors are
welcome 'also. The CIASN is in chants
of A. M. Robertson.
Sarnia Hockey Team Coming.
Thom who like te see • good game
of hockey should keep the evening of
Wednesday, February alst, clear tor
tbe game to be played on the West-
st. rink between Sarnia and tioderich.
The Sarnia Myer' have a reputa-
tion ea a strong teems, and the Gode-
rich boys will have te put up a good
the idea of constructing a line of
railway from Clinton nortbeast Us
line at Walton.
Goderich's Floral Emblem.
D. McEvoy has received commune
catirm from Use editor of Tbe Cana-
dian Horticulturist, conitratulatiOg the
Goderich Horticultural Society upon
tb• emblem it has selected (the pansy)
and promising to mention the actioo
a the Society in The Horticulturist ;
from C. M. Hays. president of the
members. Tbe regular meetings are
held tbe first Monday of the month, at
the court bonne.
A Curling Game of Long Ago.
The titietford Beacon republishes
from its file copy of February 7, 11373,
tbe kneeing
"A honimirll=a on the Avon
The Dutch Supper.
A social of rather unique character
was held in the basement of the Bap-
tist church on Wednesday evening.
As each supperiess one mitered the
door he was ted with a
card and armrZEiTmeelt with &dinner
plate ee wended Isis way along the
row of booths and purcbaeed the eat-
ables which either aroused his carios-
ity nr promised to satisfy hie palette
Having upon his plate what be
thought be could eat without her of
nightmare. he sat down at the table
to tackle the job. TM pleasantries at -
the tebie as a enemy relish end
fic far as we know, none of tbe
andel ich player's is now living,
Attie -nigh some of the same are AM
familiar to Ooderieb poor- The
lame of curling apparently ed oat in
Public Library Board.
The annual motive of the Pub&
library board was held on Saturday
evening. Those present avere Mr.
Kidd, in tbe clear, •nd ifsesre. Fowler.
tialt, Tone Strang mad TIMM. The
following acomints were peened : Geo.
Porter, for books, 1118-1191. Mitchell ft
68100, and J. L. Anima. for iscidental
:iness, IMO& Jiffies Galt sem ap-
pointed to represent 04sietrirde at the
annua/ convention of the Dish -let
Lienery Institute to be held at nitrate
presented his Mmet for the past year.
which wee adsmsaa seeretary
read the asseraW— which was
Oltool, by the med ordered to
so sent to Toone*. Tie libraries re -
reed meshes is I ef 64!
from sale ef 70 otede EL from we
an" 'ones,* lad legate foe me eat -
"Woe; tetal for AIM These
este hosed decetta heath IS
118 Jemdslie. roam' days*.
esetweitbra Ilasstal 1.718 -
Tits ahem foe were :
Plosion ellerellary, Q. /.
one *Oh eallellightme is
the wboke
ten hem tibe IMMO
fEe De.
aka. Thilrpi
The Foresters' Night.
Notwithstanding tbe bitterly cold
night there was • goad atisodame at
the oyster succor even in the Odd -
fellows' Hall on Friday Peeping by
Court Goderich No.112. Canadian Order
M Foresters. After the joky bivalve
and other good things served by the
of wh were : Highland
wee ter, the principal
by Mime Nevin ; solo, Mr.
: recitation. Miss Gibbs ;
dame. Walter McDonald ;
n duet. Messrs. Rhone and
Rev. J. t3. Fetberinghem
=sr and Framer Newell. J.
at the piano, and
MrsessillierkimiOraigie thrilled the
with 'dining notes from the
114111116ella The fester, of the evesiag
wee as salmis by Dr. U. M. Stanley,
of dbastillsed, !lige medical referee of
the Older. The or gave • meet,
eseeriseeglem nu no of last year's
NNW ip and rewire fund.
11°°• IMO • atteth rate of ander six in a
Mr. Stanley sad Alex.
of bowls, mre twee of the
The Valentine Carnival
The St. Valmstintes tummerade
carnival at the West street rink on
Wednesday evening brought out a
large number of contestants for the
handsome prizes offered by Manager
Goldthorpe. In several came the
litre found it extremely difilcult
not secure e prize. The awards were
as follows : Gentlemen's fancy cos-
tume, Ed. '3pahr, naval officer; lady's
fancy costume. Miss Lulu Phillips.
tambourine amid ; comic, *Harry
Watson, who made a capital represent-
ation of a travelling organ - grinder
with a dancing bear ( Kenneth Haw-
kins); nationid costume, Mies kluelle
Speinan, Britannia ; with extra prizes
(meson tickets) for Miss Gertrude
Fox, Japanese lady. and Miss Jessie
Kerr, "Uncle Sem ;" historical cos-
tume. Harry Vallely. Indian chief;
character costume, Fred Sturdy, Irish-
man. The judges were Mayor Reid.
Wm. Lane and W. H. Roberteen. A
large number of skaters and spectator'
were prehent and the contests for the
prism were the centre of a good deal
of interest. r
Goderich Resolution Widely Supported.
The resolution of the Goderich
Bawd of Trade, in favor of the taxa
teen of mail-order house*, occupies a
prominent position on the program for
the meeting of the Ontario Associated
Boards of Trade to be bald in Toronto
February al and Zi. It is the thins
resolution on tbe list. The firet is from
Loodon. in reference to the Western
University, and the second is a reeolu-
Lion from the Toronto Board regard -
right AcL Some of the
ing the Cory
Um enlargement of the Welland Camel.
postal rates on periodicals, express
rates and parcel post, several with
regard to New Ontario, one from the
Welland Boost favoring the enact-
ment by the Legislature of a law
forbidding the greeting of bonuses by
any municipality to manufacturing
concerns, one from Collingwood in
respeet to the desired improvement of
iniaod waterways, two from other
boards in favor of the Georgian Bay
Canal scheme.. several with menet to
highway impmvement, and a number
of oaten,. altogether 'nuking op
program that will keep tbet del
very busy during the two days °or tt
meeting. From cominunicsUons
received by the Ooderioh Board and
oomments in many of the news-
papers throuehout the Previte',
the movement in favor of the tazatioa
neeeorder houses appears to he
receiving widespread ',import.
4iii• sea 11111. al" a= TM Wier was one re the
hest "raft he wbe drafted t.be nri ter
Mgr SAE: trierb,1= gestibibt
romme iissUpediPart• great yeasty e• l
te Mess note
Ole et Irma is to make 013Z
welt gluing
Igratr.mat whe wait* to
Magna emiltelita • that watt-
age -wear.
The county auditors- -Peter Can -
Gaon, of Mateo, and Alex. Matas,,.
of Bluievale-are at work et the court
home this wet*.
C. M. Rosa had one of Ws halide
badly crushed in machine at the.
Ausericau Road atecients Co.'s factory
last Thuredey.
was recovered by Mrs. Chao Wells.
IMAM! road, last week tbrough an
ad. la Th. Signel.
The next monthly horse fele in
Godwrich will be held on Tueeday,
February 27. • Those ioterested should
ons at e [mato co are
approaching completion and when the
new boxes are installed the accom-
modation will be very considerably
ini proved.
supplamentary ilisetings of the
West Huron Farmers' Institute are
beiug held ties week , 31eatings tee
Uric Ac.1 len in tbe blood
lodges Meg the arm
which breeches hems Se
came ie tams lama ae is all
Kidneys. The ore ill Ow
morrow (Friday) et Loridesboro' end _
Sat rda t Auburn will conclude
t he list -
'There was a large attendance at the
rogressive euchre petty given by the
lows' Hall on Thureday evening lasL
A bandeotne sum was restated for the
fund. of the Cbapter.
The quarterly official board of Nile
Methodist *arch has voted on churns
union, the result being seventeen
votes for and ooe against. A cons -
wattle has been appointed to arrange
for Lhe teeing of the vote of the con-
A ontaerence of municipalities in
Ontario interested in the hydro -elec-
tric system is to be beld at Toronto on
February tied, on the invitation of
the Mayor of Toronto. The town
council of Godericb has been Invited
to seed representatives.
Mors Comfort for the Travelling
To meet the deeires a the tramilleg
bik the Canadina Pacific Railway
inaugurated a themes ear service
from Torooto to Goderich. leanest
daily expect Sunday.
Furthermore to eeconensotlate pm-
1100:LOTT: destined to ;Mots en the
eh and Listowel branelies where
there are no ref ream men t facilitistalight
refreshments man he obeielsed le oafs
ear at a very small oast. es mate
tweets Tomato and Oath* Jelectiela
The company has bees misalatatabed
cm foradght in atesseteg gem
vice. 67-41
Chas. A. Wallingtow of town. bas
Vienna, in Elgin county, sod with
Mrs. Wallin on Will move there PERSONAL MENTION.
of this month. The
about the
property is exceptionaly well situated
and both in location an otherwise es
to which Mr. Wallington intends to
Rive bis attention. He plass to set
out tan acres of orchard next year.
pay of the private has been raised
frouu fifty cents to seventy-five cents a
day, and that of the non-commis-
sioned officers accordingly.
The old system of efficiency pay
which has caused much discontent
been modified. leo teat instead of being
graded according to the score made at
the rifle range. there is one rate, and
that only fifteen cents. To earn this
the men must, in addition to proving
themeelves reasonably effizient in the
general work, make a score of not lees
than forty-two out of a possible pew-
enty-five at two ranges, namely 100
and W0 yards. Formerly • more of
only twenty-eight at two ranges was
necessary to qualify for the lowest
rate of efficiency pay, which was
twenty cents, while a PC0r0 of fifty-six
entitled a man te the 'highest rate of
fifty cents a day.
The rate of pay for officers is praete
cally unchanged.
▪ mese Naar. tie me ma Mrs. J. ere
One of tbe Potable features a St.
Valentine's Day in Goderich this yaw
was the leap year damegiven by "the
H▪ all. Them was a laree attendance.
and in addition to the observance of
leap year custeass other unique and
eve• ning's program. The "spinsters"
entertained moot bendsomely, and the
evening was a very enjoyable one for
those who were peseent.
"Good morning, Turner. Extreme
cold winter. Have yew notioed the
ad. a the Howell Healmere Co. ?
They have held foe severea years beck
a special sale on femftet and wire
about the time they get in their car-
loads. They turn it over at once foe
caeli and give us the advantage. It is
the best price of the year. They de-
serve the trade. for we must thank
them for such pricey. Just think of it
-100 rods 7 -strand 40-leclehigis all -
hard -wire Ideal fencing for 924.00.
They do not promise to bald the price
open. Now its our cheers."
Rev. D. K. Grant, lets of Nova
Soot's, isas hed02 called td the pastor-
ate of Willis Presbyterian Church,
Clinton, to massed Rev. Dr. Steweat,
who was compelled, after many years'
sernee, to retire on amount of ill -
heath. Mr. Great has been supply-
ing in Willis church for the last six
months. Tbe stipend is 91,300 and
mense. Rev. Geo. E. Ross, of Gode-
rich, acting moderator, &resided at
tbe meeting of the W lis cburch
coneregation on Tuesday' evening at
which the call was extended.
Jae. Breckenridge has reoeived from
his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Clarke, of
Pasadena California, & copy of tbe
Tournament of Rome number of The
Mrs. C.C. Lee is vanilla et Toronto.
J. P. Brown is away on a trip to the West.
L Lees* lett teday oh a trig to Vele
Gem B18,00.10/1 lett today on a trip to
Detroit -
Mr. and Mr.. F. B. Martiz aro natant
lira Walter IL Bardeen is is vitlng her
mother in Logdoe.
Mies Alma Denary is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
McGregor. at Banda.
Risley Express: Mrs. W. J. Crawford end
mrs. Mooks lett on Tuesday tor Toronto to
mood • nionta with her sister. Mrs. Cooper.
Arthur Carrie or TavOnto‘ dneot • 447 or
two in town kat week, moan up to we his
brother Jas. C. in the latter's
Mrs. John Melatemb, West street, arrived
home last week born Otzawa, after • two
mouths' visit with her daughter. Mrs. Martin.
Ilia Vent Elliotz went to Stratford on Fri-
day evening LA toward the anima at-nome
el GM etoilente of the fiteattord Normal siolmoi.
W. T. Pollee aad Geo. F. McPhee &tainted
Tomato the week. Mra. Penes, seem
Ma and Mrs. A. J. Pal were celled to
dee* ef Mix
Paltridge's mother, hire. Picketing, of
Pcirest. They returned home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Andrew winsome's, Tratalear street.
RAO taken suddenly en Wooday with • owe
bination of perumosia asd la grippe. Her
friends win -hope to lawn 4 her speedy re -
Rev. A. Brows, pastor of North striat Meth-
odletehurth. has been for • week past and
ois Sunday 11110 unable to occupy Ids pulpit.
lio is mach improved today and we hope will
sees be in his usual good health.
Grates Burgett. wan at Toronto tide week
taking ids exandastiosi for • pod** with the
B take' Cesuneree. Be passed Ms examina-
tion successfully and expecte to enter the
401W1.08 01 taw Salk at an *Ay date.
Edmonton, Alberta. 1111=flymcw21 follow •
J. B. Hawldna left on no for
later and they will make their home them.
Goderkth le sorry to lose J.B.. but perhaps *me
lay he will wander back again to tbe oid
Rev. J. B. Oderbout, of Isteleihele. celled
on Mende in town hiat week. Mr. Osterhastf,
has received • unanimous Wei nu tram kis
quarterly toard to remain far • year ea
moor of the Loodeaborn eengrega-
church, dime resorned sail el Ira week
• Minim at West
Pasadena Star. It is a truly beautiful et
production, depicting senes of the an- teas
nual fete heM at Pasadena. on New • ta Tim
Year's Day in which the wealth and genre" wertnehaefrf„ostahlediejet=
beauty of the city combine in the bril- when abroad as wallas when a ilea.- "
Haat Tournament of Roses. When ExPrefte et -
everything in this northern clime is
With Druggists There Must Be No
snow-covered, Pasadena revels in
flowers apd foliage, and the annual SuchTtengs as Mistakes.
totwnament saffords an opportunity Public opinion dneenot=it drug -
of setting forth the attractions of the gine to make mistake'. qua' ifi-
city in a striking manner. cations and examinations are insisted
A very enjoyable evening was sliest on, &rid mistakes are considered mine
at the residence of James fiteongh, KM inal, sod are treated as such by the
steeet. on the evening a Thursday, mart' i
the 8th inaL , when Mr. and Mrs. Further, the mistake nf mother-
Strongh entertained a large sleigbing even the doctor's prescription -is no
party front Nile' tinder the chaperon- elic"" for the dreetF,tat whn en'
age of Mrs. W. Young. Several gueete pounds a "fatal dom. The law in -
from town were preeent and with sista that the druggiet must know and
dancing games the time passed Prevent such trove -
pleasantly until a late hour. Mrs. TM* is a point thet meta little
Rtrongh assisted by Mrs. Taylor. Meta thought in Oialladi bemuse our drug -
Young and Mrs. Smith aimed &dainty glom so fully meet three requirements.
supper durtapj Use evernalt. sod sitar Seldom or never do we hoar of otne be.
singing "Auld Lang Myne" the petty ing unfaitisful to his trunt, and our
broke up with many expreesions oonfideme In them hi well placed.
thanks to the boa, and Imam for a "lint of thee" things when next
most delightfla time. yea are faced with an meat on veer
druggist's character. Yon are told
ing you advice as to some package
are now beinaing in their last year's remedy you wish to Purchase is
gains. Write The lien • Seise Ches- moos snone7.
piny. St. Catherine*, Grit Dohs thin mem reasonable le it
likely he would take such a (banes of
MILIT_1A PAY. incurring your ill -will? Might it not
be poetahie. to (ay tlw least. tient he
New &bedew to Take affect at This knows the ettaulii and merits of tlw
Year's Camp. article he receeteneeda and the quality
of its iseredienm, and is *axiom to
pripaeseasootoserviseioftorl. two year. 9 75 pes. gay do roe a good owe Think &boot IL
PPT day Ise t ble advice worth -while
0 tit lawasiste a n d
. 1.110 per day
fleptadtes Ferment -
Moines _ , LSI pew day
iffilisimity pay, eil maks. 19 mote par
elm (atm
The above le the sem sebedele of
pee fee enema asil
Mil of the MOM mili elf
Whist' lent • se issitessissatie4
11111 It win mesa am elesise
With Quick and Pereement Stem g th.
lf yaw aro ron down nr tired eta. if
yosi take tole needy. have spoetite,
am lona, fifth or have other evident's
flestees Rowena or nadir our
tee Ise ragweed the pi icei paid le ttill=-
08Y,, fella to Siva Petite sat isfaetion
Is gide =WM, toned on the nervous
*masa sodsketes het h quick sad per-
risztesssod Ono dollar a bottle.
MeeLend Medicine
VkinttssOt. t. For sale by E. R.
Union Bank of Canada 1
mTeeosses.ezeiescaes.settoweei learootok.000000
Meet sad lledetided Pewees 3.300,000
London. England Office,
Ill,lbreadneedle Street, F. C.
• sia•g• a am Dank bee been extabliehed ha London, Hatfield
at Me. Thosednesdis Slrest. 111.C.. Mese Iattiem el Credit ead Drafts
melds st impeetaut poises is Cassia ead !be Coding States, me be
pmeessil. sad Mowry Trawlers soreagaiL
• Mier Seem h recnrided fee the cesmadeace amnia of the
Beak whets Landon, to *Web tbeir mil slay be adelnesed.
Correspondence solicited.
seadeaa :IF. W. A914
G. . C. HART- 91111T14 Aeoloalieg- ellonagov.
a bargain
for nu!
This ranteed
2,000 pound capacity
Scale with every
ment, for only 25.00.
You will n to
cave money t e day
you order an
VLMER Wagon & Stock
Three -Wheel SCALE
Government Certificate of absolute accuracy goes
FREE with every Aylmer Scale, even at the bargain price
of $25. "We prepay the freight" and warrant you satisfac-
tion or refund your money.
This Scale Is most solidly constructed.
with Jessup tool steel bearings throughout;
haa big wheels, roomy platform, kept in
place by FOUR eheciut (instead of the nand
two), stout steel fender on platform tat Pro-
tect the beam, and a fifth lever to minhadte
*rain on the beam. Will last a lifetime
and weigh accurately up to one ton. even
if 11 atands on uneven ground. Easy to
move from pace to place, and firstsciaas
every particular.
Remember ant MAO, f reight paid to
your nearest and Government Gerd -
Beate ef accuracy free. net tn your enter
early for prompt delivery.
This special offer gives
you the chance to own an
absolutely modern scale,
built of tee very best
material. You need this
scale to weigh whatever
you buy or sell. You can
have it to test in any
way you like. Send it
back and get your mow
bsc.k if it isn't all and
more than we say it is.
Y L E R c?aid, Aylmer, Olt:
Massey -
place to buy all kinds of fa rm
WAGONS from Bain's,
a Woodstock
BUGGIES from Gray's,
of Chatham
Standard Fence Co.
from Toreato
ILIZER from Detroit
-in fact, anything a farmer
needs or wante
Sturdy lc Co.
The Grocers On the Square
We bave a few Cutters to
sell at cost 08 loog as the stock
lasts, at
Robert Wilson's
Waited Immediately
Smart, °amble WW1, on good salary or
compilation. to sell our well known special-
ties is fruit and ornamental trees in your
bounty. We pay &wording to ability. and
dedre the beet man procre‘shle.
SOO Acres
ot, fruit trent from which tit nil easterners'
requirements. Our selesuren are anninutly
sure to supply reliable. satiasotay stook.
Established over 35 years. Write :
PeiblaWuerranry• On
Toronto. Ontario.
N. B. -To customers I If our repreernut
tires have not caned. write for catalog:tie
and prism
Canadian Pacific
E m presses
Tonnage, 14.500
Windom and thohinaline Signals
Hold all reennitt between Canada
and Liver peon'.
and Other Steamships
ea Ill=sesoe-h•• Mae
▪ Leas Oliasepiele Ns,. It
• Inland Mar.
April II
Thirsts. and all iseerwedes bete ale
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Join the
Any man or woman whom
age is over sixty years has
the privilege of mining for a
partreit, and each, one will
be presented with a
Cabinet - sized
oe one of Ilse
latest mounts
free of duo ire
Geo any time after the 215th
into.. and early in the day.
and areatige for rear siWing.
Life is very uncertain at. any
time, hut the infirmities of
nki age may prevent you
from coming at a later dem.
Don't peoerao inate. but give
yore- boys met Otis mom(
thing hy which to reettnehel
vote In the simple of • mod
R. R. Sallows
_ Portrait