HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 44 THUM/WAY, Fn1rIUARY 14 Milli
District News.
Teerose, Feb. 13th.' • MONDAY, Feb. LKh.
MAITLAND '(UNCRrrtoN NOTte. - • LAME LOCALE. -Mr. and Mrs. 8.
Harold Allis As spending a few weeks! Kilpatrick with the foroer's brother
with ids uncle, Ww. Welters, at daft.' Joho and his wife and family. of Hen -
ford Mr. and Mre. O. R. Forster ley, visited at OS home of Jas. Lase
spent Muodey in (Joderieh.. , Levi last week . ,Andrew Stein sold •
Hoyder, of Godericb. Is visiting with horse last weekto Tress.. Trelesve
friends io this , vicinity...' .. . Din. of Lucknow, to be employed to the
Hchwans went to Orediton on Monday millyard . Mr, Sanderson, of Dun-
and expects to return in a few days.. gaonoti, is uayigg with his wn er•cy,
Mr. sod Mr's. 0. 11. Forster enter- wbo is seriously ill. We hop err
rained a sleigh -load of young people this to have reported bis recovery, but
from Beefeater on Thursday evening he is Ytill in a critical cuudttioe
last. An enjj,vable time is reported. A number of the young people from
Wm. Dunt was down to London here attended a party in Lucknow
lastweek attending the funeral of hie Thursday evening.
Mother Durst Bros. were tent - ---
breaking remark last week and have
made an excellent job.
TURBIDLY. Feb. lith.
Nx4ve or THE WRRIL-Mr. and Mn.
Wei. Davison and Mr. and Mrs.
Hewitt spent Sunday at T. Henry's.
Mrs. McMillen is improving. we
are glad to say. after bee severe (-old.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkitt
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 8.
Vanderhurg. near Ripley.... F,l.
Robinson and Mrs. David Tisdale, of
St. Augustine, spent a day last week
with their sister. Mrs. Win. Burkitt. of
this place .Mia Mae Henry. t1
Lucknnw high school, spent Sunday
at her home here Miss Bertha
Switzer, of Kincardine high school,
!pent 8undey at her home here
Ernest Ackert is getting his supply of
ice off Mr. Statter's lake at present.
Tbe ice ought to be good, considering
the frost we bate had lately.
MONDAY, Feb. 12th.
A grand ma'querade carnival will
be held in the rink on Thursday even-
ing of this week, and a masquerade
hall tinder the auspices of the
bachelors and henedicfs in announced
to be held in Carnegie Hall on Friday
Duerslc'r CHAMPIONS, -The Luck•
now hockey team has won the champ.
iouship of district No 3. of the North-
ern League. The standing is as fol.
lows : Won. Lo.L
Lutrltnow 5 3
Brussels 4 4
3 6
PENMAN/A. MNtvnoN.-Mrs, (Ur.) A.
E Webster, of Toronto, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Frank Tate Mr.
and Mrs. Dude' smith have returned
to their home at Sault Ste. Marie
Miss Rhea Emigh, of Beeswax, spent a
week with her friend, Miss Vena Mc-
Donald Mr. sod Mss. John An-
drew, accompanied hy their eons. Ed-
die and John, lett on Tuesday after-
noon for Edmonton, Alta.. . Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Hewitt, of Outlook.
Bask., ate the guests of Mrs. W. J.
Davison. The ladies are sisters.
MONDAY, Feb. 12th..
TOwNBHIP COUNCIL --Council met.
Members all pressnL Minutes of last
meeting read and approved. The
sheep claims of David Ferguson for
$5.36 and Lewis Aldworth for $4 were
ordered paid. The auditors' report
was read and adopted, and 300 -espies
ordered printed. Three applications
were received for the position of col-
lector, Rohe. G. Thompson receiving
the office at $80 salary. The following
changes were made in the path -
masters: Andrew Sheppard instead
of John Ward, John Sturdy instead of
Leslie Cox. The following accoonttt
were ordered to be paid: C. W.
Williams, sheep valuator, $2; Gen. P.
Gould, auditor. $5; deo. Holland.
auditor, $5;
Wm. Hay, gravel, $10.30:
Municipal World, supplies, $4.88;
treasurer's postage and stationery.
$5.50; A. G. Courtier', express, Hdc :
Wilbert Ruck, gravel, ta8.85. Council
adjourned to meet first Monday In
March 1:30 p. tu. N. W. TREWARTHA,
TUESDAY, Feb. 13th.
death of Mrs, G. H. Francsv, a former
resident of Amberley, took place at
her home in Kincardine on Friday;
2nd inst. For a number of years Mrs.
Fr•ancey had been a sufferer at inter-
vals from heart trouble, but it was not
until a few days before her death that
it proved alarming. The fatal attack
followed an illness of la grippe. De-
ceased was horn near Millbrook, Ont ,
,sixty-one years ago. Her husband
died nine years ago. The following
sons sod daughters survive: Mrs. W.
P. Armstrong, Miss Maud and Wil-
frid, of Saskatoon, Soak. ; Mrs. D. H.
McKinnon, of Margaret, Man. ; Mrs.
Herbert Humphries, of Huron town-
ship; Miss Editb and Ernest, at home.
Until Ser removal a year ago to Kin-
-Jardine Mrs. Fr•ancey was one of the
leading workers in the Pine River
Pre.byterien church, and she was
highly esteemed in thin community.
The funeral took place. at Kincardine
on Tuesday afternoon,Tlth inst.
With the Dickens Centenary at hand,
(ktMd• Monthly for February
is •"Dickens Number," containing an
RAM* by H. G. Wade, on a compare-
tholly unknown visit of " Bos" to
(1.s a, and hie lmpresione of what
tame generally supposed byErec-
t()be • wilderness.Erec-
found it. • flourishing and
region and the dla
Jonathan" of the linked times as 8.
mow him, "Bos" set down most em-
phatirell] sod picturesquely. The
exon of hi. visit to Montreel, where
he and Mn. Dick's., played at the
geese's Theatre to a performance
Krby the Coldstream (Maeda, and
esporirnese in Kingston and
Tess oto are interesting indeed.
Madge Mseh.th guns/ into "Some
°teems Homes,- and brings hark
vs��ts amesi g details fxarteerning
tx•staeot moiety leaders,
amass them beipg Mrs en *RA
Atm flittou, Lady Davies and live.
1plsi$i . photographs, taken by
ti`s or'ThMew the Ottawa women
='a$.tl hone • mese
ks* et Midas on otM y wb jaellerles unt intonate'
SATURDAY, Feb. lUth.
Snide&, -Levi Snyder, of Redeem,
Sask., is visiting his old companions
this week.... .Mian Hamel Jackson is
spending a day or two in Clinton .
The Sons rt England of this place
were entertained sty the S. 0. B at
Londesbotu' on Wednesday evening,
returning home early in the morning.
At the last meeting of the S. 0.
E. two new nu -inherit were initiated
into the order A sleigh -load of
young people of Henmiller spent an
enjoyetee evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 0. R. Rester Thursday
night Skating is the order of. the
day here.
MoNDAY, Feb. 12th.
Nasse. -Wedding bells are merrily,
aterrily ringing Wm. 8. Walden
sprained hie foot a few days ago and
has been suffering eonsideraale pain
from it ... .Mrs. John McDowell has
been suffering from a severe attack of
la grippe the past week, hut is now Im-
proving nicely Lour worthy e1-
11.•eve, W. J. Parke, has been pedis
posed for a few days, hut is now on
the road to recovery, although sons -
what slowly. His many friends hope
fur his complete restoration to health
soon .... . `V m, Dobie. sr., has
had a severe attack of Inflammation,
but present prospecta are for his re-
covery in the near future Mr.
Bentlyy. of Moo ej•w, Sa+k, is vise ire
his relatives in this neigbborh,od at
seat., being the guest ot Ge
OBITUARY. --It is with deepest
sorrow we record the death of Mrs.
Harney McDowell, which • ooci{rred on
T•seday, February deb. The deo-as-d
lady was about her heusrhold duties
until the Sunday morning p. eviour Gr
her demise, when she took vi. lently ill co
with inflammation. Dr. W-ir, of ante
Auburn, was quickly summoned, lo- and
gather with Dr. Kennedy, of Wing- io tt
haat,but despite muoical skill and
the efforts of loving mad willing friends
bet spirit took its flight to the better
land. Mrs. McDowell war the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Camp -
beta of the 8th concession of East Wa-
wanosh. Born thirty-one yearn ago,
she spent ber girlhood days at home.
Almost nine years ago she was mar. ied
to her nowsorrowinghoaband and came
to his home on the 4th concession,
where they continued to re lde. Mrs.
McDowell was a woman beloved by apt good
who had the pleasure of her aoquain- tan
Mace. She was a member of the bri
Methodist church and no matter how best
inclement the weather bee seat was b
rarely if ever vacant 8be was s and
member of the Ladies' Aid, the W. 81. ales(
8. and Epworth league, and the last of
service she enjoyed was when she took on
the topic on Sunday evening, January is a
28th. She leaves, h...ides her sorrow- been
ing husband, three little children, the then
youngest being fifteen months old, abso p
bee parents, three( brothers and two Rice
Tvetwee, Feb. Lith.
A skating party from here
last Friday evening on the iceTent
Forster's bridge and report afine
Tag Wk.iTBia,-The low temper -
More of . the past week is musing
trouble to the farmers of this vicin-
ity, who are complaining of frown
w4terpipes, asd of frozen vegeteuies in
cellars and barns. The cold wave
from which we hese been suffering
seems to ye moderated and it is
W be hoped a shall not have an
more zero weather this season.
CHURCH Nares. -The young people
of Benwiil.r Circuit are to be treated
to a special service in Zion Methodist
church on Sunday, February 18th, at
7 R m. The pastor, Rev, A. W.
Brown, will preach s temperance ser -
MOO -subject, -The Drink Danger,"
He will also give a •peoiel reading,
which will he well worth listening Gr.
The centre aisle of the church reserved
foe the young people. Rpeciel music
will be rendered hy Bethel choir ..
At the evening service in Benmiller
church Inst Sunday a hearty vete of
thanks was riven to J. Adams, of Halt -
ford, who • few days ago presented
an easel and Mack -hoard to the Sun-
day school and Bible study clam of
diet church One of our boys who
went West several years ago, Levi
Snyder, is spending his holidays this
year in the Best. He is visiting old
friends in this vieicily this week.
Tun.DAY, Feb. 13th.
Da-tTM or J. TA MAN. -The funeral
of J. T•pran, who parsed away Mon-
day of lest week, to k place on Thurs-
day and was large) i attended. De.
ceu red was one of U , old residents of
the town. but thew ..re dropping off
on- by en., and this year deat� s bar
v.. t has been large. Hardly • week
pareses but one or two deaths take
plane. ,
CHURCH Monts. -The Presbyterians
have concluded their vote on church
union but will not announce the re-
sult for a conple of weeks, so that it
will not. have a tendency to ioflueoee
the Methodist vote, which is going on
the next two Sabbaths Last Sab-
bath evening the Presbyterian congre-
gation had the Islamises of listening to
e Wiese chair, composed of sixteen of
the church's fair sex. There are a
number of good lady' singers to this
TSR WEATHER. -$'very person will
be glad when this winter is over, as it
has been one of Use most severe for a
number of years. In fact, when the
thermometer only re 'eters zero we
mwnemce to think it is quite resson-
It has been very hard on fuel,
to make it worse, area has bees
y scarce fcr those that did not lay
heir winter's supply early. One of
our dealers has been drawing coal
from Londssboro' ; a car arrived on
Saturday, but it was all spoken for
long before it arrived.
STABWL BURNED. -Moret people in
town were sur,itri,.ed Monday morning
when they beard that there had been
a tire during the night. It seems that
F. Heggitt's stable on Morris street
started to burn about 1 a. m. and be-
fore the Ore was not}oed It had got a
ardson and children, from the
1, were the guests of Mrs. Short -
for t< few days this week.... .
sawmill here is doing a big husi-
now and the yard is filling up
ly. It is employing moat ot the
men in town. It is too bad there
not more industries in the place,
ving pa eo high that a man cannot
ord to be off work for the winter.
There is some talk of a flax mill
ing up here this year. We hope
will not end the way it has for a
start, so much so that it w
sight unnecessary to call out t
Bade. The stable is sfi entire 1
dee a horse, cow, cutter, bug
arneeg, a number of valuable he
a Int of to• 1s. The lose is esti
at. abnnt $750 with an interims
$200. The loss comes very hes
Mr. Hsggitt. How the fire star
mystery, as Mr. Ha,tgitt had n
near the stable since 6•.30 a
be did not use any matches.
Miters, and a large connection of relit- c
tives. The funeral on Thursday, 8th reed
inst., was very largely attended, see
showing the esteem in which deceased Less
wan held by the entire community. rapid
Tbe service at the home was conducted idle
by Rev, R. A.,, Miller, her pastor, and are
Rev. J. L. Small, of Blyth. The as li
burial ,�meiice was oonducted by Rev. aff
R. A. Miller at the grave in Belgrave
cemetei y. The pallbearer• were three start
brother' and pee brother-in-law, this
The heartfelt sympathy of a
large circle of friends is extended to
the herenved ones in their sad hour of
Mllls TAT'K �JAMES YIt�OUNG'. 87-lirs
WEDNraDAY, Feb. 1418.
W. T. Riddell unloaded a car of malt
at the C. P. R. this week.
Rev. R. A. Miller was at Londes-
boro' Wednesday of /set week.
Mrs. John Mole has been visiting
her son in 8eaforth for a oouple of
Howson A Lawsoa's sawmill was
cloned down on !Noonday and Monday
on account of the cold weather.
The bellies for the vote ou .:bur•ch
ueion were dI trihoted to the mem.
bets of the congregation in the Meth-
odist church Sunday evening. They
are to he returned on or before the
first Sunday in March.
hers of the local L. 0, 1. were "at
home" to a nuusber of their friends in
theOrangeHall on Thursday evening
number of years. as every winter w
of factories going to startIns
never get any farther M{
regnr, sit Kintall, is at prelim
ng her cousin, Miss M. Ross, here
Mr. and Item. F. McCaughey vis-
with friends in London thepan
week ....W. F. Gregory visited a
his home in Wingham over Sunday
F. Metcalf is still rnnfined to hi
home with illness .. . Mea, (Dr.) Ten
twit and daughter, of Miehigen, are
visiting the former', mother here...
Mita Annie Taylor, of Wingbam
spent the week -end with bee mother
here .... R. R. Sloan attended th
ing of the Ontario Fairs and Ex
one Aiwroiatinn at Toronto las
. J. Denholm was in Hensel
eek, and pnrcbseed a tram of
, bringing them here and sellin
to L. Hill for his sawmIH..
Leo Charlesworth mid Dr. Mc
artattended the bachelors' frau
easel) last Wednesday evening
port an_ enjoyable time
son is at present visiting with
her at K{rkton the. W. J
was in Olioton on busines Fri
. Mrs. 0. H. Bee* visited
s In Clinton fast week Mr.
Mrs. C. Barrett, wbo were re-
married at 8L Marys, and wbo
been visiting at the former's
Imre, left last week for Bt.
before returning to their borne
rnethy. Bask., where Mr. Bar.
onnducts a grooery and bakery...
k.obo was on a business trip to
ord laat week .. W. Patter.
who is G. T. R switchman at
co, ext' who has been holidaying
oe at Waite returned to his
rs j
CD Take
Pain Pill.
then --
TS tie
To Head -Off
a F!ead4c e
Nnthi•e is Bettor thse
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills
They Give Pellet without
Bad After-L...scis.
"For foot years 1 was subject a
to almost constant headache. At
times a0 severe I was unfitted
for work. Thr'agh,the :.dh re ui
a friend 1 was persuaded to try
lir. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and
the result has been that 1 have
entirely eradicates! illy system of
these co'.ifnuous !u•adscites that
!olloweo a hard and continuous
mental strait:;' -O. L. Russell,
Agt C. 5c N. W. Ry., Early, Ia. •
For Sate by Ali Drupelets.
25 Domes, 25GMs
MIL[. MCOICA;. CO., T ronto,Can.
COUNCIL MKrrntu, -Council met
February 7 se per adjournment.
Members all present. Rede Bailie in
the chair. tos0 tncillor Wilson signed
the necessary declaration and . ualifl-
cetion paper. and the council then
proceeded with the business. The
minutes of laat meeting were read and
peened, on motion of Messrs. Wilson
and Murray. Treasurer's statement
showed balance on band of $1,0 d.64,
which was received by council, on mo-
tion of Messes. Murray and Wilson.
A petition was handed to council
board signed by a number of ratepay-
ers of Lueknow public school askiog
that the council take the necessary
steps to allow them to withdraw trent
said school section or that there be a
change in the equalivation figures that
would put them on a fair basis witb
t8s rural schools in the vicinity of
Lueknow, and on motion of Messrs.
Watson and Airtight -eon Messrs. Wil-
son and Murray were to look into the
matter and report at next meeting
The auditors' report was presented by
Auditors Taylor and Webster and was
accepted on motion of Mestere Wilson
and Murray. On motion of Messrs.
Watson and Wilson the clerk was in-
structed to notify the Rural Tele-
phone Co. that it would be held re-
sponsible for any damage caused by
their telephone pales or braces that
sae not tits require*distance trom the
travelled roadway, Tis following ac-
oounte were ordered
motion of Mewrs. Wilson a Wat-
son : John Bowies, opening road, $4.-
60; Robt. Woods, gravel account, $5 ;
Andrew Stuart, gravel account, $4:
Wei are
Our purchases for the coming
season have all been made and
quantities are herr holding up
beckoning bands for your pick-
ing and choosing.
The best markets of the world
have liberally cbntributed to
make our stock what it is today.
Having bought from the best
douses at their best prices, places
us in it position to be fearless of
price competition.
We are now ready for your in-
spection, knowing thi4an busi-
ness. that we can Jo (with you
wilt be mutually profitable.
Ask for
. Laces,
Limited details about t.beni
thief blots atslet sorra The
rMterials heti MOM" Swarm cam.
the final WOO* 01
'hulas. nate tate dgines add
ioehrtMae to snarl. Bab y
isedisita Sonne-
:� dourest wtait widths
and skirt( g widths. Patterns
treat a frea.t{ma of an inch to
about balf.a-yard wide, with
good margins. Work dose an
hand -plied machines, steam
yen, very artistic. Prices
ower than common matte are
usually sold for.
The new Ginghanls are here
and our values were never better
ngge e� than ever. Alld Scotch
and English snakes, colors fast
Jet note our prigs -10c, lsjc,
First 'pleg abipm.ut of
Corse�k�a It animists of the newest
edl In lofsrr spring WIN very, LAOK.
Ste pricer S 86. $1.I, di.* tong*100
and $1L00. All D. & A. meth.
No outset fits and w� M14e
D. A A. at the prices aakttd
T a new prints are bare now
ease well i.leawl with
them. Both cloth and patterns
are quite up to our eyp.etations.
No better print made than
Crest Brand
to sell at like. 31 to 38 (oches
wide, and every yard fast
We have a good 10e pilot as
collector. refund on dog tax, $1.05 ;
Geo. Naylor, sr., gravel account, $3;
collector. salary and $85 :
Thee. Taylor. salary as ,auditor. $8 ;
John Webster, salary as auditor, 48.-
2E ; Wm. Bailie, nneitiedesion work on
north boundary bridge, $12; John
Cameron, repairing 'windows, $75; W.
Q. MoOro.tie, mein pel supplies, $18.-
514; P. McMillan, gravel account., $5
W. J. Thompson, supplies for council
,and treasurer and express, $0.75.
Council adjourned to meet on Friday,
Mardi 22nd, at 10 o'clock. W. G. Mc-
ClWtrrlE, Clerk pro tem.
FRIDAY, Feb. 9th.
Ove•rse SUPP>gR.-The members of
Colborne and West Wawano.h Stock
e Co. were right royally entertained on
t Friday night last when they with
es their wives assembled at the home of
t W. C. Robertson to partake of their
second annual 07.1 .upper and social
evening. The night was rather cold,
but neverthele.M upwards p1 sixty an-
t trembled about 6 o'clock. '(`era was ser-
, ved from 6 to 8 as uncal. , atter' which
s as hour or two was spent in social
- chat and games, and then a lengthy
Program was begets. The hoe, of the
• evening was asked to take tffe chair
, and needless to sav he discharged the
duties to the satisfaction of all. The
e program oonsisted of singing,mita-
- tion, piano and violin sslectltu, and
t speeches from several of the members
1 of the Company, Space will not
permit, a fuller account of the
g program• • Among those present
were several from a distance, who
were invited to help make the
1 evening store entertaining. After the
program was over a sloe lunch was
• passed around to the alrerdy heavily
!:axed digestive orgasm. However. all
• memed to do justice to the lunch and
- atter another little musical Program
sad a few g$m.s all began to think of
home, as the wee sale' hours were
creeping around. AU .shoed to have
enjoyed themselves to their hearts'
content, and with the singing of
Auld Ling Syne and the tendering
of a vote of thanks to the host and
hostess of the evesfng and at.o
to all wbo took part In the ptegram
a tenet.t:joyable mewing wases]ed.
Blestssti.., are making special ar-
r iellentstits ter flash oyster's during
the Testes sears Phare 210,
Met w
at H
and re
bis mot
A tasty lunch was end
served and the evening was phemantly sonde
posed in games and social intercourse• have
y. a great rete
hymn -writer, were ggiiven by MIs w.
Laura Jackson, Mie Ttffle Knox and tr
Mine Agnes Ladd •t the meeting of Matt
the Eppworth a Tuesday even -
log. Neil. week a ible study contest Mpmi
will he held, with sides captained herr an
Mls Lottie Jackson and Roy M,,nr a thu
EPWORTI LEAUUg Douvoa-in the home
of Miss May Dvnetedt, papers Masers
n the life of Penny Crosby,
rh •t Aire
ORTTINO GAY. -Aa Geo. Beadle was whets
left for the talatenWim.
he is under a SHIM apaee-
returning from God 09401h Monday one
everting, y the "wage
thought of being neat •. o 'n • no ,eat
little extra in .�•�,
cold hands, wheeled smend tar mor• water,
net at Arthur's shoo tit - emit
the cutter and tbrow•..g orr. et. retie,
out into the snow. '1'tien, with the prime
natter on its side, the b..tt..* dashed a team
past his own Mable. sru.itnd a en..p8 Br..ef
d blocks and up on Ms in street again
lentil stepped in front et tba border *or seas
shop. • injured nand sthe horse was 1_
the worse exempt fora few hots. ,� MM
carting, hie horse, el livened h h
spurt going •1,141 e�
not res
and. raking •d ntagr of Sir driver nn
his fate. se It bra Welt
n .. The wttataer 111111,lis EIS
r W tar, mamma scald
tonyalsai• fair nnihr'hsod lams
w tt/e. rlgy tale i r�
k was weBeet nded and news
weird. MAL floss purebred
Men ter�them Uprime R 8...
. who inealderow time. Isaw ea the filet
ilad lbettnaMer��
• vtmti N Qtatoa bleak epi .
Was► Do.'t Yoe Try a 25c.
Bonk of
fl wltl Nip year eau. in a few
asimpses Nps • meld Int a lest home
i` • BIW end asthma. by
mine ..4s '. dews
Winter Resorts
Round trip tourist tickets naw
on sale to all principal Winter
Resorts, including
Florida, etc.
The stt,ct.ive route to West-
ern Canada is vis Chicago.
SinMip tickets on sale by
Pb11 particulars sal tieksb tram F. P
ILD 7P. Aa erne Mdse.. A.
Seaford' Livery Burned.
8esforth, Feb. 1a --Wetly after
nine o'clock this morning fire broke
out in the large frame stable owned by
Frank Allen, of Qoderich, and-
oocupied by William Byrne as a
livery stable. Owing to the extreme
cold and the inflammable nature of the
building, the fire proved to be a
stubborn proposition, but atter two
hours' hard work. the firemen succeed-
ed in getting it under control. but not
before the building was completely
gutted. Sixteen horses which were In
the building were got out safely, as
well as all the cutters and buggies,
but a large quantity of hay was
destrpyed. The lire originated from
the stave in the tdilou.
D. J. McCallum, manager of the
Seaforth Milling Company, Limited.
ha/smut in his resignatsos to the bead
office at Montreal. Mr. MoOailvm
contemplates going to Saskatoon in
the twins.
Captain Edward Dawson. who
underwent so operation last week.
peened away on Setu day, Mr. Daw-
son, who was on. of the oldest resi-
dents of Seatorth, was seventy-eight
years of age and is survived by a
family of ave sons and four daughters.
The funeral took piss on Tuesday to
the Bgmondville cemetery.
or Bust
Men's Overcoats to nL
he cleared at
Men's Sults to be $7
cleared at
Men's Shirts, tregolarc
*1.00 to $1.110. ter - . •
Me.•. skirts, rhguler 47c
$1.00, for
Men's 8biste, regular
71ic, tor......... - ... - .. .
Bey.' Osp. to bedewed ,g w
a4 `iFie
!tee's Oaps to be eihnnd 't„
N LJa.
M. Roes nes
teMslarBsriseas =►Ca
as may lig
tai.is ''
ladies eel gsaad► WtMs tersaattlesmse
Canton laidnaw ltdie e
ea0. SPOTTOM, to a, WARD
President Principal.
IVs TOif to liar THAT NRW
and you'll make no mistake when
you leave your ceder with
west tit Tao Ue-$odate Tsar
Silva flag. Gilding. Etf-,
Mirror" mide or rv'silv.red,
Picture Framing. Etc., try
g LV. 8 Fraser
lr�atae'tw 8rrust
'next Ilse Edward Betai,
Enter Any Day
for a tbocough Doone in Devi-
sees, Shorthand, Telegraphy or
English in one of
Shaw's Schools
Writs for estateepae, Addreit
W. H. Shaw, president, Read
OfficesVonore u
GGerrarCentral dSte. Tusinem im
Father, Mother. Sister, Brother,
All Should Use Parisian Sage.
Prevents Bahialeaa - BanIsbefI which means that the hair become..
full el lee ped Mora and grows rada
Dandruff -Stops Falling -
Hair and licking Scalp rat Tbsieweadears airsa time, losing
Parisian Sage is a family hair tonic aretansus° they
good mWslaw
and dressing that win do muchd� lI tonics.
d While
every house. ~ Ile gyp make it
rel ret'eesbd. Obey do not gm te the
The man who uses ,e,,, „f 18. ktair
Parisian 8• if only wAsre Cee tea
000aeio o • 11 -v will strayer of par, the
never grow bald. MONEY BACK
i' `ate DANDRUFF a..ar.ff
taetves sasd
by dandruff germs
which dig down into REMOVER '�dn �p
the root. of the hair.for 1 hair tmskfl!
devour it. nourish- .L
went and trite the it resewe the
death 4o e
to the
root to die and the Bair to fall and hair. It is pleearawhrsnt tot mei".
eesdand so
thin out. Surmises that it sad be used hy every
Parisian Sage is a 'scientific hair member of the family from the oldest
remedy that not only kills the dandruff to the little tot.
germs. but 14iens the hal. root Just the.Get a 50•eest bottle today,and if
mass t that natnregives it. yu are not Mtb8.d that it is just as
Parisian Sage rut kills the germs ; good as cl usza back
Lim .QaLLLL. the weakened hair root without any ! by E,
and mamma a growth of healthy hair. R. Wigle sad
Tis tiaras nourishment (Perim's° OM with auburn on carton
Sage) Munn ria bat. to grow vigorous, and bottle.
hair and a-.8... bald
Bargains in
We should Ilke to talk to you
about the bargains we are offer-
fnngg is Stoves. For the next
thirty days, and for perhaps
longer, we will give ten �er oast.
demount oia the prices of all
Stoves --Heaters and
Ranges -
which we have in the store. W
have the llialatt flanges which
Mast plasm • entidaeti�os,
and Mika *asters. Anrank. Alt Grained. y of
these les we Ind ars Jost what
you wont. We bass them le
different *Mk reser kw amp
sir eta lore at err.
(`ROtill - CUT
Pot um week we will snow a Dissents! of Ten Per (lest. on all
oar Qrm sot bw.. Ws bar. the Improved Racer. Premier. Ootd
Qoi►-.M arneanteed- -also the Klondyke and L..neetooth.
Plumbing, H
H${ailtoa Street