HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 3ru einem IND ONLY IENOINE BaW•BR OY 1101911.I •ULDTUB oil MERITS Olt wars BOOK BINDING} MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. OOLD LWFTKRINU peon otn� LRATHRR GOODS teem ~R 61ONLIt. (fates W m MavtrK A. B. TAYLOR. Sana' osn CIVIL ENGINEERING AUGHAN M. lWBEATH. CIVIL sad HytraUae 1Testaasa. Ontario Lend Udlop-11aLeas les earner mamma dram. MEDICAL DHS. TAYLOR AND TA 't LO R. Physicians ade nemeses. Ones-N..ta west, own &goal tllgoa Narss.aw-1st ts- Ennis Tensa. ALEX. T.YLOtt. 11. IL. a. KKAROL!) TAYWa, 1t. A. M. It "DR. W. F. (*ALLOW. M. B. °mos ase rsyadaae.. Werth std Osdsrkia. ..art' of County lestzlatry sellae 'l aeries lk kR. F. J. R. r ORSTE B- EY R, SA R DOW and Mani udy. Home ..n.... w Yark Opettrlals ase AUaal Isetitate, Clinical dada.. Nits. Naos and 'ltweet �HooappI W Leedom. Goldishnland. el' S W ataerk o Btewt Rtrauoae. oppo.its Kos: Church. Hours la s.2 a. m.. t toil a. aa.. 7 to l a sa. Testa ---s m. iiGAL DROUI)FOOT. HAYS et KILLUR- 1 AN. berrwtare. sdlalten. notaries mime etcetera b the ltaeltar+e Court. eta Private wile to lad icoviat rates of Interest Omos Ut1Uaat aide .quare, Galertod W. rtWUKYr K. C.. x C. IAA VS, J. L. s.•1 LWRA N. 11 0. CAMERON. K. O., AARRIS- .L11. TLR. sdtdtar. notary public Omoas-- ;menthss land, tiodw sea, third deow* trees newts. LtHARLSP(JAR1ROW, L.L1t.,BAR 1tlbTilt, attorneys, buttoner, ado.. node non. Morey to bad at low,,.. wow. �( O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER 11J . wlttltor, ooss6doner, notary public slow liaailtea .rest (aedsrtww elect INSURA1NCR LOA/IS, rrc. M. cfIILI.OP4 MUTUAL FIRE IN JL 1 L' RANCH C O.-Varae and notated reeeene Omw ts-J D. McLean, Paw.. 8a tar t P.O.; Jr (blindly, V ion.P m. Gotterloa P. 0.; Mesas IL bar., line.-Tawi.. $s.tortb P. 0. Directors -Man. Chaiosy. eearort b ; Jain 2.OrAve, Winte WtlhamRini.Cotetaaea; Jabs bwsawd..1 Soren; Jot•.. Loam, tlaehwese ; John att, barks* : llaloolm McYwen, sr.rabs)d. Hsl�oab; is w mtaeraa IglisseaVon Bhmosvala a.ul c ktnoat.y, septette e'srase-aolM.s•as t.e.r ons ane awl .bear wideel 1. J. Hamish% Chilies sterneUateb. or at R b. caw. Oeteaty. amirione Meet. WAMeh. OAAf PRIV*Tli PUNDS TO u W lona. Apnly to M. A. CAY- a ku i' BsrrY[er Hamilton rttsot Oodsetoh., w. R. ROBERTSON INSUP4NCE AO ONT. rule ♦xn Lea xtxa •'Musa. Comedian sod A ( IDex7,SKRlrlt� AND LYFlOVelti i14.itL ITT0010a AaWeot and O.anntes ..urpeeaties, flea. st meadow Ing. ►'ttrure AND P Aaaxvsa Boma : Tia U.8. Fleshly and i. sGa.rst a Ossapaow. asessisent eqy. or vic- toria sae ce cafe. 'Pa melte. sss1 JOHN W. QRAIGIS, LLIMa.FIIREE ^maid and wast and &oddest ` lsaaww a0 �.enema - t as a r addling J. Irsidiallitivalueiseidi MARRIAGE L10E1tSSS W A.LTRR 8 lfALLY , J. P.. WttalUDN, ONT. mute, OF 1[AIiRiA05 LiC912itt918. W♦ BEism LANs, isisuass. OPRRi- $IATINO PARLOR ' malosomnainennommoni ����T_L�iI oss msass* Muir & tlohmeier PUALANNOID AND N<DwzN INOTTOlS arinwells leicwitwins �vmarna• nu SIGNAL : GODERICIts ONTARIO Th. Ratti Huron Orangemen will awasosb. He raided there ths'Pwoffth of July at Bea. for nearly • ,quarter of a century and t�etb 7•v• then retired and lived at Belantve J Kanawha' bas rented J. T emit the death of his wife in 19tH. goose, -0-1O-tow loth 0000ssstos of a then be had resided with rela- ?v 1st rr Marob get pomescion o0 Oath entre. Headsmen, M Wing nam, Mrs. Thomas liesdw.oe, aged slaty. •lgbt years, relic* of the bite Thomas W�s. �dhu�ingbw. Hee husband her about two mood's ago. Mrs. Henderson had net been well for some time, sod bee death was e..t unexpected. *be bad resided In W Inghamof r the past fifteen years, and prior W that time Robert Welsh baa been ppointd bailiff of the 10th Divblouu ()Dort of Kann county, st Clinton. He sucowd, DOvid Dickinson, who resigned. fobs Wadden, a former resident of Btsssrlis while engaged in the harness Wadi tiers, died at Vaso0uver. He was -about fifty-eight years of age. leases Anxus, of WingbliaL has remind word from bis brother John, resided hot a few emacs out of the Iealead,that th 6sriisat'ods entre. 90e L survived by three wealthy w4ttive s Itillosiderible tintp' dsuRittem- orf-� • The maniage of Mia. Kary.Thomp. eon. formerly d Gray wwbb p, to II W.on wee solemnised 1n Berlin January rack. The young oonpb will Reside in Barite. Rama H. Porter, a former Grey towanbip boy, was married at Oraye- vine, Mae.. on Christman Day. 13. bald* was Miss Elsie May Moyle, daughter of Mrs. Emily Moyle, of Grsyeville. Robert Henderson, who bad oon- ducted the draying business is Brussels tor over twenty years, has sold out to Jas. Kernagban, of Morris township. Mr. Henderson takes charge of yitars the second etoppin abs Bross* ropublic 'school as janitor. between Goderlch and Wingbau, for John Kitchen, who has been treas. the early settlers. Ma.. Agnew was urer of the Brumfield Presbyterian born OMR Guelph and it was while church siva its organization over teaching school in Fast Wawanosb thirty years ago, bas resigned. As a that she met Mr. Agnew. Their mark of appreciation of hie long end family consists of floe sons and four faithful,service he has been elected a daugbteno life -member of the managing com_ . inittee. Fatal Accident at Kinaareiae. Mr. and Mn. Tomas Walker, of A fatal accident oeeured at Kincar- Clinton. celebrated their golden dine on Friday, February 2nd, when wedding on Tuesday of last week. William P7ynn. a G. T. R. trackman. Mr. Walker is eivbty.tour yeas., of age, was so seriously injured that death en - while Mrs. Walker is in ber seventy- sued sbortly afterwards. Along with eighth year. Bony enjoy is fair meas-{ the other trackmeb he was engaged in ure of health and strength. the railwayards, picking ice and LewisH. Harold, freight agent of snow out of the switcbe,. When the the G.T.R. at London, and a former : 'afternoon tram arrived the usual Wibghamits, has been made agent of ,shooting was being done in plating tu- the traffic d.partmeut. Hb juris- ! day passenger the car:for the early etch was shunted train on t diction extends over the entire system on to the track orae the switch where from Chicago, 111., (o Portland, Me. the men were working. His two com- His headquarters will be in Montreal, i panions stepped out of the way sod 7'be sodden drat..., .00mph Garrett,tboueht Mr. Flynn had done likewise, of Hallett township, took place on ' but they were horrified to find that be Wdeaday.,,, January 31.t. The de- bad been caught by the moving car. ceased had not been feeling well for ,He was rushed to the hospital, where some time, but he bad been in Londes- it was tonnd upon exemmatiou (bat koro' the day previous to his death. 1 be had suffered a long and deep scalp His sudden death tame as it great wound, and one of his feet and one of stock to the family and a wide circle hie@boulders were crumbed. The shock d1 ftietltla. to his system was such that he passed After an illness extending over sev- away at 9 o'clock that evening. An era, months, Annie May Sharp. wife inquest into the death was held on of John Barr, of Hullett township, ' Monday evening. February lith. Over ^ dozen witnesses were examined. and parsed away on Monday, January 29th. Tbe deceased was forty-five the inquiry was then adjourned fot a years of age. flbe was married to her week. Tbe deceased is survived by now bereaved bushend twenty-eight his wife and two children. He was years ago. A family of fire is left to thirty-three years of age. mourn bee loss. • STRONG RECOMMENDATION. Frank Bassow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Basaow, of tbe Bronson line, Hay British Columbia Man Telt Why He Geliss The fiftieth wedding en Iveraary of Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew, worthy and popular reaWenta of Lower Whig - ham. was observed on Wednesday d last week. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew were married in /Myth on February 7th. iaii, and settled On their farm cn the 9th CoSCeesfoa of Feat Wawanosh. Mr. Agnew was born near Peterboro' and wilco seventeen years 01 age be came with his parents to East Wawa - bah. He and hie father had to chop their way t.hroagh the bush from Auburn to the original Agnew home- stead oo the 9th concession of last Wawanoeb. The home there was for township, died in Grace hospital, Detroit, on January Slitb. The tie. veered had hewn employed for some time as motormen on the Detroit street railway. He took i11 of typhoid fever in December, hut recovered Speaks so Highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Elkmouth, B. C., Feb. 12th. -(Spe- cial.) -Frank Miller, sixty-two years old, and section foreman on the reit- front the attack. A complication of road here, rays : "I can recommend other troubles set in, resulting in his Dodd's Kidnev Pills to ancone suffer - death. The home of Mr. and Mee. Jacob Brown. of the Goeben line, Hay town- ship, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday afternoon of last week, when their daughter, Miss Lydia Edna, was married to Frederick Kehn, of Berlin. The ceremony was per- med by Rev. G. F. Brown, uncle of the bride. in the ptesenreof neatly 100 guests. Mr. and Mta. Kehn will reside in Berlin. A quiet matrimonial event was .olerooised at Seafortb on Wednesday morning of last week, the contracting Parties being Miss Lizzie Munroe, of Seafnrtb, and Pet* Robertson, of nuke. Sank. The wedding wawa cele- brated in SL James' church by Rev. Father Northgrnves. The happy couple are away on it chore wedding tog from lutoago, rheumatism or any other kidney disease." Anti when Raked the reason why, he is not *km to give it. "For four years," Mr. Miller saga, "I suffered with lumbago. heart dueease and rheumatism brought on from s cold. I used Le.dd'. Kidney Pills with the very best result". That is wby i recommend t hem." If your disease is of the kidne'ye or caused by had kidneys Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure you. If you haven't tried them. ask your neighbors. C. P. R. INSTRUCTION TRAIN. ":otter Farming Special" Will Visit Goderich oo March 5th. The C. P. R. and the Ontario De - trip and will leave fol. their pome in partment of Agriculture are co-oper- tbe West about Marro 16th. sting in running a "better farming specie]." orOi in- Twiay. January 30th, the truetiont to be 6e ufepose ersf end iving netheir death of Mva. Timothy Nolan took families along the hoes of the railway pplace in Hullett township. near thrnugbout Ontario. Walton. The deceased was eighty- The train will consist of four nag - three years of age and was a native of gage cars and trace coaches to be used Nova Scotia. When sbe was quite fh , lecture purposes. The former will young she came with her parents to be equipped with exhibits illustrating live in Tuckersmith township and improved methods in many lines of they were among the early settlers of farm work. including fruit -growing, the vicinity in which she died. She live stock. Held husbandry, drainage, leaves a family of three sons and four dairying, feeds, poultry, bee -keeping, daughters. ler(.rlizers, concrete, eta Telephone Saves Dwelling. The growing of suitable crops for Jas. D. Anderson, who lives neer the folding of live stock -dairy cattle, Belgreve, had s close call from losing beet cattle, red, a, pigs, sloe owill he his reasdenos one night recently. Mr. stuy cele"t are ,andel a"smplea of tood- Anderson was not long bones from a unRe that are offered for sale upon mooting in Belgtave when fire was the Canadian market will he on sahib. ',Hoovered in the pantry. The rural itio� wile analysisattached. telephone we, need to call the neigh- The train is to visit this end of the tan and We fire was extinguished Guelpb & Goderkh line on .Tsa fol - before much damage was done. bow.:►" -and the acbeofule is ea lowe A Rabies S.rpect. Arrive Lesre A farmer on the southwest side of Godericb 9..m. I1:�) a.m. Tockeramlth township noticed hia dog Birth I p. m. 3:30p. m. seting strangely a few days ago. He McNaught 4 p m. IIID p. m. shut him trp with the Intention of lediately un arrival of the thedestroying bi�later. hot the dog es- mropotrain, lecturing will begin In tthew All trace of the animas was �'turinmodule Thoth In attend. lofor • few days. but it was cnugbt encs willthen be given an un. u, later end shpt. The head was sent b ity to examine atad bear ex nations Toronto for examination, as the ac- u f the exhiblts la the free baaRage Lions of the dog showed wpmptoma of car's - its being effected with retains.Lectotew at each paint will be rel T Matters at Clinton.arranged as to best wilt the requiem sed poosibilitiee of the Ioralkt The Clinton town coccal gave the `verb farmer. eel matter what1 Bell Telephone Oo. s three-year free- be mar he sppeklis ng in, will Asad ebbe of the strsete of that town at ite seenethiag 01 Mares* and vibe In last minim meeting. The tows beth the lsetnr.e and exhibits, fauvism flue hese 'phones. The Olol- Cone lecture roach will be reserved borne and Goderieh township erase for this women, boys and airy ; and have e,onnectinn with that Dell mental Wares on pooltry-raislog, sabot at Clinton and thte is said to lag. reining of .mars frwtes. see hove l.8nenned the eoancil to review he wires for their beni8t. Nle haasehise, eerier than to adopt a There will he • star of from pat to /adMpsl itystao fifteen torturers and ilemonnteatnes DseM r>< David Ferries with Lb,revelments- Death team a well Sias repeenta- tivss of the C. P. R. Noah Noah twee Iats, David FFarrrithe ieir,00wee e oi � Me Professore c. Bar aand�W.. R. Day bh&v� bees Isle of least `a p4r° seemed Mrs portion of trip. �esel .. Tie termers Amid take adweta.ge Ileuse kww is I .15.. eewty a of the Mnanstesli o e,asd leetsrea to end hs pew. with hie iniesdrefeallail be elves by these and other men es mea he WNW .. s heli d la do Asher loser i egaeieL' P. W. 1lodgeekss d resect rid the fruit branch; L. Caesar, of the Agricultural College: Funk Herne, chief Obstructor for Western Ontario ; acne of the most eepertwoed Institute workers, district repessent•tivse of the Department el Agriculture in many oottatisa, tae well as other men wko are giving epeeist attention to some partieul,t• branch t.f agricultural work. will accotupaaay the train, some fur uofy two or three days,others for • greater portion a� THE WAGES PROBLEM. To tis Ler et nae *moat Sine -Everybody i, loIereated in wines. The wage-earner naturally Is anxious to see them ro up, and tie uneerepuloue or selfish meoufacturee is just as anxious to keep them down. Aoc.xding to Henry Gorge, labor pruduos. its own wages and DrpiW »ever supplies .wages. Labor, bow- iver. bas not the oppartnalky of dm eliding what the real value should be for the services �,.�ormud, but bee to take such performed.ch a portion of it as tbe capi- talist decides be will give. It moot not be overlooked that them are un- scrupulous workmen as well as un- scrupulous capitalists. and tbe team work they hem done in the industrial game has resulted in lowering wages t��the county. The labor attempted regulate the different kinds olabor f trades, hot tsetting he set- ting of a standard of this kind without eat the *ante time standardizing the efficiency of the workmen so protected is 'unjust both to the cause of labor and to the capitalista who employ labor. • The personal equation enters into the matter of wages, and where one finds an .ntployer who Ie interested in the welflre of his employees, and workmen who are studious to give their beet services and not shirk either time or energy, one generally finds oosomes and contentment, and no com pl.lnt about low wages. There are however, some questions which think- ing people must answer. and they are questions which *flea workingmen and euaployers alike. Does it pay to buy the lowest-prioed Roods? Is it not true that where goods are sold for bargain prices 00mshody h•artuffered? Should we by taking advantage of keen business men's astuteness help to lower the value Ili wages, and exteod the suffering ? Will not this buying of cheap things react likes boomerang and hurt us sooner or Ia•er? Germany bee been eelliog cheap goods sand•paying low wages for many years. We have been buying them and thinking we were smart people to get things su cheep, but we have had to compete with the low wages of Gersdany. and our wages are being lowered in consequence. The statistics of the city shelter of Berlin show that it accommodated during the year ending March Situ, hill. overs million homeless persons. Over five million wage -workers in Gernuiny earn less than five dollars a week. Do we want to tet into this class or do we want to pay ,toad prices for a good quality of goods? D. M. GOLDEN WEDDING. Former Residents of Ashfield Have Big Celefrri5on. The Duluth Herald of January 30th ives an aocount of the gotdeo wed- ding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. John Harvie, of that city,former residents of Ashfield. Tbe Hrald says : Eleven children, eleven graod-chil- dren and hundreds of friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Barrie made yesterday a delightful occaaion for them in the celehration of their golden wedding anniversary. A jubilee mass in the morning at St. Clenaent's church was attended by many friend.. The mem- bers of tbe Romsey society and the Tabernacle society, to both of which societies Mrs. Harvie belongs. attended in a body. In the afternoon a general reception was held for Ibe members of these societies and other friends and over one hundred called. Receiving with Mr. and Mn. Barrie were their daughters and daughters -In-law, Mee. William Rock, Mee. J.O. Gutmann. Mrs. Joseph Harvie, Mrs.' T. 0. Hart ie, ell of Duluth ; and Mas. George W. Lund. of Minneapolis. The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Barrie with a gold crucifix. A big family dinner party was served in the evening at which the children and grandchildren were preseut The grandchildren were : Wallace Rock, Jose b, Ralph and Maty Gutmann, all of Duluth Eileen Lund. of Minneapolis ; Glennie Harvie, of Hancock, Mich., and Mary. John and Elisabeth Barrie, of Macon, Atiz. Ralph Gutmann, a seven-year- old grieidchild, made a deligbtfel little speech fomenting Mr. Barrie with e gold -headed cane and Mrs. Barrie with a gold -headed umbrella and a purse of gold to both. A gold candel- abra was a gift froze Mr..JohnWilsoo, of Oregon; a gold -framed picture, numerous postal .weds written in gold. and quantities of flowers were also received. besides telegrams of ^ongrat- ulation from Mrs. P. M. Sullivan and other friends at Goderich, Ont., where Mr. and Mrs. Harris lived for fihy- three yeast and whets .bey were mar- ried. The decorations were carried out in gold and white througbout, place cards, candles and centrepiece all tieing of them. color.. The previous day The Herald pole Hawed a fs� grope portrait d Mr and Mrs. Asarrie and their stereo children? with the following sketch: Mr. Hones is eighty-one years of as and Mrs. Barrie' aain se her ven. - 7esr. 7 maMed in Goderich. Ont, In 13113. Both are in health and steam. They have thirteen obildr.n. Hoven of whom are living and all will he present at the golden wedding of their paean Tbey also have eleven trraedchildrem who will be in the party. Botb Mr. end Mrs. Harris wait herrn in beamed. booting to Duluth about nine years ono. and they bars made many friends in that tine. The children erne: Mes. Merles Jordan of Raymond. Wash.: Mrs. John Nilson. Postlaand, Or.: Mea. George W. Land. of MI lie t John Harrie, of HoneAtns. M)itb.; Peter Harr.e. of Resonate. Mich.; Petrick Harris, of 'Mama. Aria, land Joseph. Thome. 0., Pram, We. ?Pala= Wrack and Mrs. Joseph Got - mann. ail of this sky. When it scan is on afraid a yelleilt women might we* bar hies � he !s terming the AIWA t.�7••ssg rat, WELL AND STRONG ByVegetable 's Compound TLresae.-I glodly give res my beeisseda' in favor es w.sderiul ��seesssisl -- Ltesnide t Oetlobsr I it. te ersodedeeas um tlwrsn, bed 1 p.�lower _ of 1. bowels,Itseitsabe. the .aid.. mals. mi- tered terribly hr gm. re� After iotii rilowe� dei -them closely and maim entirely free frogs pain in back and bowel's, and am stronger in every w. 1 abs book LydiaryE. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound before my baby was bees, and I recommend it highly to all t women,. -Mae.. Walmer, 92 Ave.. Tomato, Ont w■nsar woman ele... Maple (geek, Sask. -I have need Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com- pound and Blood Pnriller, and I ant near in perfect health,. I was troubled with pains every month. I know other women who suffer as I did and I will gladly recommend your medicine to t�sm. You may publish this if you think it will help others. -Mall. F. E. Coot, Maple Creek, Sask. If you belong to that countisse army of women who suffer from some form of female ills, don't hesitate to try Lydia E. Pinkbam Vegetable Uom- pounrd. made from roots and buts+, , : 14" WE PAY CASH POR tUS&D CANADA LIT16E SRC 1011E STAMPS ret off' A3 MUCH AS �, *Ioo.00 i• tryeaYtvetau're -, -vs.' gqstitrapste sell write he cur into, ..tt!'a.:a. quoting prices we poly for each kind b1 manta as y address fo:• 10 oats coot tle,t QUEBEC STAMP EXCHAI CE lir P.O. Box 179, QUEBEC, Canada. ?gevekpd--jderes LON YJOIV. ONVr. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJFST3. Registered last season upwards of 190 students and placed every gradpate. Seven specially qualified regular teadbers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College hi session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catslosse Inc. Forest City College J. N. WES ERvnT, Js. J. W. W esTERvn.T. Cher eyed Acosonra t, vias Planet easiest Brophey Bros: 3UDERIOH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers 1 inters carefully attended to a, all hours, night ut day. The "Dutch Treat." Woodstock Sentinel -Revisor. An esteemed contemporary advo- cates the "Dutch treat" as a temper- ance measure. The "Dutch treat," it may Ise necessary uo'explain to some readers, is tbe kind of a treat tbat is no treat at all t it, ill. in fact, it '-lone drink." more familiarly known, per- haps, as a "Dick Smith. ' As to the value of the "Dutch treat" as a temperance measure there are, perhaps, arguments on both sides. Thele is no doubt, of course, as to the evil produced by the treating system but neitber is there any doubt as to the evil of solitary drinking. If the treating system leads to excesses,, it atm serves as a check upon drinking. Many a man accustomed to social drinking will go home with his thirst rather than talcs a lone drink. There is no check on the solitary drinker. so joft aa he ham the price and the drink is tainable. So much for the tbe- ooreyy. As a matter of practice. no- where are the evils of exc. sive drink- ing more apparentthan among the people," of the older countries who are accustomed to solitary drinking. The 'rusting custom is reeponsiel.e for .such of the e*oeseive drinking among 1 aoadiana : but the Canadian people ars u.mparaitively a sober people. Laying aside the temperanoe aspect of the atter. It would he interesting to know that origin of the phrase. "betels treat." What is the origin of the use ns. the word ''Dutch" in so assay familiar phrases? We have all beard of "Butch merino.- the kind of morass that is waffle -telly stimulated. The Ina it aright be said in le unwarranted : the pts sever rrHegqnired to ham theta eseormp &rtt*.{alty etiaenlated. We bate al heard of the "Dnteh ai- sle." Why f Then theca is "Noels t.ensy" rsipOled to chetteo or spur - ism mitd. -Aare is Mae the ' eteb elnaskag a weed, and sea > Pas seev'eapendieg to the Peres T**VluoAY. FsssUaa7 16, 1912 a ?1ID. M I LLAR SON miss • f. II . New Spring (foods in Every Section Large shipments of new Npring Merchandise opened up this week. New Prints New Ginghams New Cottons New Lawns New Shirtings New Wash Goods New Linen Suitings New Laces New Embroideries New Spring Dress Goods New Waists New Whitewear New Curtains New Curtain Nets New Curtain Muslins New Madras Muslins New Carpet Squares New Linoleums New Oilcloths COATS We have still left a few ladies' and children', Coats that we are clearing out regardless of price. Not many left. McCall PaYwa. N.. 4355. -moat Na On -Skirt irks. 13 emits seat A STTUIR IAU. MILT MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE A FULL STOCK MAKES THIS STORE ATTRACTIVE We have stocked our shelves with all good things necessary to fpot comfort. It it's Felts you want we've got them. f it's Rubbers or Overshoes we've got them. If it's Rubber Boots we've got then.. If it's Prospectors' Boots or Oil Tan Moceaains we've got then.. You can't mention an article that goes to keep your feet warns and dry tat we have it. If it's here it's worthy. If it's worthy it's here. Our prices are the lowest. Repairing Downing & MacVicar Wherever you are, whenever you want it, , all that is newest and best in the theatres is yours to hear and to enjoy, right in your own home when you own an Edison Phonograph The Edison is the theatre -with the volute of sound eftairtly suited to your home ; the sapphire reprodticing poi n t does away with chgnging needles, does not scratch or wear the records and lasts forever. Anberol Reeonla - play twice as long as ordinary records --(Wog all the verses of every tong said tendering instrumental composi- tions as meant to be played. The Hera. Recording feature erualstat yeti to make and reproduce your own rec- ords in your own image. tux to hie. ?res w Mesa mane .awrwby.els t Ihe gaw�e flay ddiI ra tar sa�aa M�asa�ii.ie �a1M.i�el 1Mea.tr. Swami r 4.100,4 ssoissoasiaiso.. samasr.a.� it. LL JAMBS F: Til©1s. S MUSFC STTO *