HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 2R THURSDAY, FYaauaaY 16, W12. (lou uH? PVffiJ8HBD SVBRY THURSDAY av THE sterile PuleTINU oi. unties Tetersee ' W Na ie lend Tees ei sestarMbn i Cars { la adviser. le t.."M.eaer.. Mo. al►ear ' deer 1. seesaw. ysyhse resolve Tan easeat ME ender a *averea 4etla�l.la tie dei at es emu a We 11 Wass aeons et endree. L desired. both W and tie new seines skeatd 1. e•... adseeeeing clue.: IA. al sed cies per line for gist acepardl�t' .da fur lue i teaby • as late. Hennes, muds of six sae sad masc. is w year. safTris Taste. Vad.Ser Sale or te ealte,� Ham. WO iink ter sate q�ilisogasat ssrtMi i gimtian wriseetttieM �aary Nadia" type les tentseea per Use. Me NOW lees tMa �c Any special maim tie Man of whish to W etecusurr frenal ef any individual or asue- oeto d advertisement se advtlment mad eam Rates for display and contract adverts► mints will be gives as a/mYaaaon. Address aU eem.aealeatiwee to THE SIGNAL PRINTINU CO- Limited. (lode icb oat oODSBIcH. THURSDAY, FEB. t1. It THE SCOUT CHIEF. Last week General Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the chief of the Boy Scouts'. delivered an address in Detroit on "Scouting in Peace and War" which ought w allay any team people may entertain that the training of the .coats is a first step towards militar- ism. 8ir Robert declared, with unmis- takable earnestness, that those wbo have passed through the horrors of war desire peace more strongly than those whose knowledge of war is gained from newspapers. He recommended the scout move- ment because it trained boys in it'- '•'e,.•ieiepttsde nee. in brothd in cheerful fulfil- ment of duty, and I,y various illustra- tions *bowed how such training would prove advantageous in any walk of lite. He strongly advocated the prac- tice of games, especially the American national game of baseball, though be denounced the tendency to have it played only by processionals, as was becoming too common. He humor- ously commented on the value which Mining in catching the hall had bad for his men in Mafeking during the siege. The BriUsb were rather short of ammunition, especially bombs. The trenches dug by the opposing forces had been drawn so close that missiles could be tossed from the ad• veined trenches into the anent s lines. A b tui, of dune,z d only when it struck the ground. When the Boers threw bombs into the Brit- ish trenches the'British used to catch them and throw them heck. Tbe Boers, never having played baseball or cricket, were not good catchers, 50 their own bombs, striking the ground. would explode, and then of course they would "catch it." We are glad of the success the snout movement is attaining in Goderich. The scoutmaster.here have given most liberally of their time end thought to the work, and it is "up to" the boys to show by their manliness, their honor. their usefulness, that the movement is worth all the sacrifice it has entailed on the part of the scout- masters and their helpers. EDITORIAL NOTES. Dr. Cook, the Arctic explorer. gave an address at Toronto the other. day. Let's see, is It Cook or Peary that tells the best story about the North Pole ? The Manchus are out of power in China. after ruling for three hundred years Hope it will not be that long before there is a change of Govern- ment at Ottawa. In British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Australia and New Zealand the plan of fleeing iseprov'esneets from taxation Teen tried and bas meet with success: Why not to Ontario ? 10,404000 pounds manufactured in the premier dairy meaty of Ozfusd. Fashion this year says tbi4 men. to be well dread, must wear their clothes eo as to give en impressioe of stendsrswe. The newspaper fester- nity of Huron county, with one or two notable exceptions, will not have to make soy effort to conform to this decree of fesblon. The Toronto World gives somewhat a new view of the "high Duet of liv- ing" problem. It evidently believes tbet the people are less frugal than they were in former years. It says : -In fact the high cost of living is to a great degree the result of an exten- sion of the standard of living, which used to be confined to a oowparativeiy small portion of society, to the whole range of the population. How many people are having meat three times a day. whose fathers used to have it once a week? How many families make porridge the chief and some- times the only dish at tweak fast t often used to be done ? How many are now belying the hest and choioeet cute who wets formerly setistled with the moderate - prioed joints :? And h ow many are outraged and insulted et the suggestion that the older and more economical way was quite good enough. The families which nave stuck w the old, simple ways of liv- ing, ieiog, who find, for example. whole wheat bread and butter and fruit an ample :cod wholesome supper. are not Um families complaining of the high cost of living. Chitties Dickens tell. bow when he was & boy be was tempted sometimes to spend his din- ner money on stale confectionery. A good rnany people are atilt in that stage of indiscrimination." The Ottawa Government is pushing through a bill for the appointment of a tt.riff commission, which it is openly charged by Liberals is to be simply an instilment for raising the tariff and increasing the exactions of the big in- terests from the people. Mr. Cock- sbutt, the member for Brantford, a protectionist of the extreme type, is a particularly ardeot advocate of the oteusure. In his opinion evidently farmers, consumers and free traders bare no righta at all. "Is every in- dustry is Canada to hide its bead be= owes the farmers say for Mr. Cock - 'butt shouted in the Holes. 'There .ball certainly not be a free trader on this tariff commission," declared the same gentleman. No; a free trader would spoil the whets game for" the big interests, wboes puppets are to coutrol the cotnmiasion and bane out protectionist "dope" compiled from "facts" carefully collected from the right sources. The interests are look- ing for payment for their services in placing the present Government in power, and the tariff commission will afford • nice. gentlemanly way of reg elating the payment". The Ho41se of Representatives at Washington has voted by nearly two to nae to reduce the duties ou steel. In Oanada tb« steel interests are being given increased protection 'soder the Hendee Government Canada hes got ea the wrong track. Hon. F. D. Monk. Minister of Public Works in Mr. Borden'. Cattiest, .d - omitted in Parliament the other day that he has money invested In Mr. Deeraesi . paper. Le Dsvoir. What do Ontario (Somerset' eve think of the aisden•Rouramia past P The Globe, replying to some scoffer. is very anxious to show that its pres- ent attitude on the question of Orien- tal immigration is consistent with its menden the same quect.on while the Liberal Government waa in power at Ottawa. What should trouble The Globe a great deal more seriously is the inconsistency of its views on this question with eta general profession of liberal principles By what right can any man be excluded from any country in which he is willing to work and behave himself? The Globe talks about the "inherent unfitness for poli- tical welt -government" of •"uodamo- cratic aliens from Asia." As a matter of fact the Chinese are one of the most democratic peoples to be found any- where. Anyone who applies the term "uodemoeratic" fol them is as tar from the 'nark as moult be the man who sbonld call the British peo- ple undemocratic beaus' they have a king. The Globe knows gnite well that it is pure, unadulterated selfish- ness on the part of our own People that calls for the reetrietnn of Origin• W immigration. The Golden Rule is a fine thing, but we need not pretend that we are trying to live up to it. The opponents of reciprocity de- clared that it the policy were adopted the Canadian cattle industry would be swamped by the competition of Argeti- tine, under the favored nations agree- ment Now that the movement for free trade in mast le gaining ground M the Stats, the ory is raised among the cattle-reisere over theme that their trade will be mined by the onmpetltlon from South America And The Rt Thomas Tirnes calmly eleims that be- cause the same cry is raised to both oountries the ryes against reciprocity I. fully established! Therei .logic for you. It The Times did not have mash a squint in its politic -a. it would ..e tbet the present situation in the Stakes goes to show what • great mistake was made by the Cantdisn electors in not accepting the offer of reciprocity. This would have given oar proin ere melody* rights in the Ualthd Htate. sitarket. shared by no ether n Rein ; bet if the tnevami.ntageism bigh p. teem In the State. res I by le the Hon. Wheaton Churchill dared UM threats ut. Orange Ulster and ad- I dressed a meeting at Belfast ma the a $L1- inst. There was no rio g, though reply too lP.elth boa as Th,o.e. I Mt. Cburshill was recce v oa the It was the tet aPlpsarsaee d the new street, with jeering and 4 ng. 1'ho Oppte.itreg lerd.v. Mr. as a right t fres speech was enforced a p��m I7 i mater, and Yea si d of force, several arm • ded this g�smi va atetsl.. He i1P1a7 1 - mored t►so (%sklamst►t for as.ltting front peed, dry Malllies of the I Maai thettobas bnsa/s#y gnpstion, the realms for the abandonment of the proposed sieege iu hydro -electric waaagemoeot, and the billoguer schools issue. He slowed up the varied front on the bilingual questioa diespp1l.ayed by the Premier, who declared C est were no bilingual schools • the Attorney - General, who .ala that if they existed it was against the law, and the Min- ister of Public, Works, wbo said the people who ptoteeled against bilingual se bottle knew anteing &shout thein. Mr. Rowell glen moored the Govern- ment tor its ambos during the recent campaign in bribing the Termiekamlhg elector's with the potnise of a railway to Elk lake. Sir James Whitney in his reply stated that if anything was fouud wrong in conn with bilin pal anionic it would be remedied. Tee Premier declared that U�1oterio's in- terests in reference to Ude boundary settlement were being looked after, and he expected to be able 10 shake an announcement io a tew d ys. The question of tax reform would be dele- gated to a special committee of the House. THE . [GN AL GI )DERLCH UNTA RJO es ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The Proviegiat sea go. had o i.terMselwg ferns o the deice. ha menu' and s Dirge budy of cors lacy being on band to quell any des-' turbaneee. Mr. Churchill outlined the proposed measure to give bows rule to Iralaod, aod John Redmond, the Nationalist leader, accepted the pro- posals in the came of the majority of the Irish peilple. The following day Mr. Churchill addressed a meetime •t Glasgow, and tuade a significant decteratiou to the effect %hat Great Britain was determined at alk costs to maintain her yaval ettprentaay se ab- solutely essential to the oontioued ezwteoce of the Empire. , In some quarters the speech is looked upon as somewhat in the nature of a warning to Germauy, signifying that no abetter how many ships that nation may build Britain will'rnaiotaln her lead, and that if it is the ambition of dm Gerutans to rival the British navy they might as well save their money. MrChurchill declared thtt Britain would welcome any scheme for the 1' isatin; of armaments. Pictures. 1 never maw a tnastrpiee' on a cathedral wall. But a leas dim vista thrr, • ,rh the wood+ Has held sty beret in t, aIL !newsiest Imbue • nIci o The tellies al adore— But 1 tames saes the children play Upon • cabin floor. The painted Pietoros may be mea - 1 am too poor to know : Bat I have seen the rlopling wheat As winds breathed soft and low. I knew oat art. and yet my heart Is calmly remedied. For in the twilight I have seen A mother and her child. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Mixed. Montreal Herald. If the mixed marriages were half as mixed as the public's idea of the law about them they would be confu- sion indeed. Enjoy Him, Anyway. Montreal Herald. Some new English writer is explain- ing that Dickens wasn't a creative artist. Who cares ? Generations have grown up in happiness over what Dickens was, whatever he was. The Sboe on the Other Foot. Woodstock Bended.deview. We are told that the Hindus cannot be assimilated and therefore they rhould be excluded from Canada. How wants the argument look as ap- plied to British India—the British can- not he assimilated, and therefore they ought to he excluded ? Exercise. Vasoouvr Province. Paleness is not an evidence of piety, according to the Rev. Dr. Pedley, of Toronto. "Congenial exercise is necessary in this competitive age when Maine do the major portion of that work and the nerves are weak. If you cannot stoop oyer at forty, join a bowlers' clot and regain agility." A Wonderful Old Man. Montreal Star. The oonvales once of Sir Charles Tupper, at the age of ninety-one, after an t illness which brought him to death's door, is another marvellous accomplishment of this marvellous and indomitable old fighter. There is not a Canadian living wbo will not wish Sir Charles a new lees* of Mee, which will carry him to or beyond the century mark, Meet Edoate the People. Montreal wtt.a.re Looking ahead. however. it is neces- sary for our people to realize that no principle of exclusion will in the com- ing days of universal intercourse pro- tect our race from the competition of tougher peoples who can work harder for less money. It in for its to prepare tor Inevitable conditions by giving all our people such educational equipment as will fir them to ride the wave of progress and not be engulfed in it. The MiIi.ary Spirit. Monona' Wets. The country is not prepared for the army of a million men of which the Minister of Militia has talked a couple of times. it is not disposed to encourage young men to fit themselves for military life. to quality for appointments, and. fallow to get them, refuse to put their bands to other things. The military spirit has spoiled too many already. it Is not desirable that there should be further and unnecessary sacrifices. 1 wooer. a1 lowering of the tariff es meals our num. iu ant noted se a dairying radiator. will haws no .,nodal favors is essaty. yet in the eatathn covered that nsarket, hut w111 have te nem. tlss Dalleyme es Aseneistine of ( pate with all other noun `resew. Prob- Ones le it beads the list le ably never egoist will Owned& have se iter p..-_._._ with a total of 1: Ueverabba. opportunity 4 esepkeR MOM pounds he ISM 1. draw It is1 a prsatable "market for ill predators swap deers le the Mme. Its Mwl..tioe es wait eresseted sad etlestd last Wag Aldol• p wells. estasoteed with Sep -m4, On Monday Sir James Wbit•o��py annoenced that the Government 0o - posed to spend five million dollars On the development and colodization of Northern Ontario. Mr. Rowell con- ed the Government upon oliowing the lead given in the liberal platform, and Mr. Studhofine, the Labor man from Hamilton. said he had been urging such a step ou the Government since 1107. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. The bill for the creation of a tariff commission has engaged the attention of Use Ottawa Parliament during the past week. Tbe Government's pro- posal with determined opposition from the liberals, wbo described it as the initial "quid pro quo" to the highly protected interests which con- tributed so lavishly to the Conserva- tive campaign last year. Hugh Guthrie dealt very effectively with the measure. He challenged the Minister of Finance to give a single instance of demand or request for the formation of a tariff commission, ex- cept from one boa] the Manutaotor- ere' Association, He pointed out, too, that this measure, the first one of any importance or magnitude to be handled by the new Ftnanoe Minister. was oue borrowed, on his own admis- sion, from the United States. At dissasy Hall, Toronto, Mr.'White had ddclared that United Steles institu- tions were bad and if Canada were dragged into association with them it would lower this country. And the first thing this man did when he got into office was to Dopy this Yankee device of a Wit[ commission—what a United States C%mgreeswan described as "the hest way to sustain the glori- ous doctrine of protection." Tbe quell- fication of the members of the pro- posed commission, Mr. Guthrie said, was pretty welt understood. Pins, they were to be Tories, and, second, they were to he high protectionists. Mr. Borden bad said the industries of Canada should be given "a fair chance, and more than a fair chases," It they got spore than a fair chance, it would he at the expanse of some other class, some part of the great consum- ing cls of Canada. HonFrank Oliver declared that the commission was an instrument to en- able the Government to increase the tariff for the benefit of special inter- ests. "This Government," said Mr. Oliver, "was elected on a platform which involved the increase of taxa- tion abd the restriction of trade. The defection of the high tariff section of the Liberal party, represented in the Cabinet by the honorable gentleman opposite, the Minister of Finance, aided by the trusts sod combines and the high protectioniste of their own �y, elected this Government.. The Interests, 1 say, elected the Govern- ment; they are entitled to their pound of flesh and they are now de• mending it.. It must Ise ehmewbat embarrassing to a party tont took the ground of letting well eno.tgb alone to be called upon to deliver the goods to the interest" on such short notice. Accordingly a commission is ap- pointed to lay the wit's through which the puweg will beturned on later." This from a Tory Paper. Tweet* Telegram. Does Hon. R. L. Borden propose to allow his to cut off the beads of Liberal postmasters in any constituency on this strep of a written request from the live M. P. ruprae.ntng that constitu- ency P If so }Inn. R. L. Borden is going to make himsel look more like the pup- pet of the worst and seaStat ebem.s.t inIsis �part�rather than like the Premier an livery Liberal post.aateer or ape ni patee who M dies is a new kited In the rope -works that wfM asp ply halters for the seeks of twenty ative members in this Prov- isos. 1f Rt.. Hos. R. L 19ord.s prow himself a psemier tattier alae a peeps*, he will get permit liM Pnet- tr. mess tool Oseedwake t t et =lease lease et the Libre ! gayer Ire IIfmNNi i tea. R. L BasOmespray, peeve hlm..lf a*P edepot! t maker' M, a preh. penult kb dt. �skiable Ntele the etemse i npmsm, t a Ms - toeless party. and Me arecaine finest be Mat sorer +gels will Morals so est et skis hearse, w aMy thhsses MIMS le lb* NAL zot =trot tear w ea WI C111111 4111001114/141•. CQW,hN S PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boy.— and they Ike it. k aetaitbes the little bodes amid makes them healthy and strong. Cewae's Gone, es yea L+ i Irma year twee, is ak.eistely pare. la diciest layer" obtained by the me el tin kisheit snide of Cow beam, AM* blended. Midas is added to impair the bask!. Waft ,...cies of the Clem. 171 Do Yon Use Cowan's Cocos? Ladies of CuI'ture ,and Re flnement Us e Salvia Hair Tonic. It lis the Hair -Beautif ul. At last a retuedy has been discov- ered that will poc.itively destroy this That dandruff as caused byregerms is accepted by Dandruff u theme root ofall hair evils Salvia will kill the dandruff germs nod remove dandruff in ten days, or money bark. Dunlop guarantees it 1t w111 grow hair, stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair thick and abundant it peeveate hair from turning tray, and adds lite and lustre. Salvia is a hair dressing that has be- come this •fsvotite with women Of taste sail culture, who know the so- d& vane at he.stUtul hair. A large, gigeasss►otd. Gaeta Galt Mc, at ao�- ing GooMichiyDunbop. The word "8a1 - via' (Latin for cage) is en every bottle. Want to Down Graham. Montreal Herold. A good many excuses are given for the belts res of the fight being made against the election of Mr. Graham in South Renfrew, hut nose of the ex- cuses took plausible %song\ to be ac- cepted as a reason. Sometimes the eleotioo la explained by a desire to please Mr. Whits, et Reties, by way of satisfying a family grudge; some- times it is attributed to the invincible determination of two Ministers. Mr. Cochrane and Mr. Reid, not to letaz Liberal in for aoy scanty to thmi � territory. Sometimes it le held that the Ooamsrvatve aseadtdste himself is. the purees of iron delierminat on wbo/ has beet hie leading pastimes to his wilL And sometimes, as In the ss of The Toronto News, they proclaim the understanding of lm'stf. tall to be so immoral that Mr. McGarry, elected by soolantatioe beam*he ere not do. ht w �►u ibis is nsore or tee wbt%rh- age. What este M that, on b= ort. whish rage The Harald. the basher. of this pore ..l priest Goverement are where .It ls t Timmer the Moab Yams M sostik Raabe* b flat may segyeri p ma= IR els elm late eseth Reablrer te bask up say ewers There must be a remota And the reams no drMbt is that in Mr. Graben obi dbn t eye the strong sag et the ittM, M the lAti- oral party. awl Sher Mink theyyarili y es well easeestrate Melte epos him barn the tgang. if he le armed tiny will .erm me awes nI wbIlb . b more e to t leawdert>feryM epee *IR ete alma Sale a Gkvs Woolen's Kid Gloves and Kid Mitis. very warm. and with two dome tastsMr.. goods, ail diems ; regular PIM and $1e$. Dress Silts Heavy black (?t.>l. ck Pail tte, perfectly finished. 85 inches QRS., wide, regular $1.00, toe... Twenty-.even-loebee-wide Drs or Wal t BBka. in & Goose ' unmet i.Uerns asd serge of milers epeeist peke at- 35c Priestbsy's Dees Berges, till inches wide, in black a and navies. Spatial at, per yard... Si e3J Savings on Carpets and Ras The whole of our regular stock of Tapestry and Velvet 8ga.res at a discount of from 1G to 80 per neat for February only.r Choice is large and alms suitable for nearly any room or ball. Men's Fur Coats lined and erne. 75c Blaek Galloway Fur Ooate, Astra- chan lab Dollar, mum, for m Black Dog Coats, with Astrachan.lab .triDollar, ), for Ladies' Cloth Coats and Fut Coats are all being cleated from now on without consideration of prior or anything but en effective clearance. with large lamb 527.00 $17.00 Underwear '13tanfield'i" Underwear for men—the warmest, the best, the moat &satisfactory Underwear for men is'Oanada $1.25 today. Every sine in stock—St k, 44. At per garment, Dress Goods Remnants Hundreds now left from stocktaking in ends of high -ekes goods. 2 to 5 yards. at half value and lees. W AOHESON SON Individuality Garments produced by Martin Bros. are distinctively individ- ual. They're different. It isn't just fancy. You find when you wear them. Out MARTIN BROS. Tailors Hot Water- Bottles Every home should have a Hot Water Bottle, as it is the most Useful article in the home — especially vlihen sickness comes. We have them at all prices. Call and see them at F. J. Butland's (mob just or a name —we want suitable names for 2 parks in New Hazelton Heights We'll pay you cash for your suggestion. NEW HAZEL`TON al on May 1st, 1912, two names will be . selected. —the first two names received by us, that are chosen wilt receive a $250 PRIZE —30 other prizes Write plainly, giving your occupation TO -DAY STANDARD SECURITIES Limbed 111114111 Peelle llluPILI VANCOUVER, British Columbia