HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-8, Page 6S Tru ttsDA . 1'1taslcvAhT 8, 19111
1/7 ansrar
wig fill w hath !• ts. meas
relay aad tie Mews:* sammsss(`ifr,
Waw. T10s elder macer cams. leek -
Mg sheepN►. it was saaltestly a
greet roast wines be (.sed 'tet fb.
past" was eaosselous,
"One that's oothiegr he cried to
'posse to Me )uahir's eager tleummt
for Imformattsn as Os the treatts•et
cwt fitted for meet easrgesclea
!They all drop la • heap like that
Wes they're worried. rut you takeo
orf titer gloves am' boot[, tbs. ye*
sadoes their atlys aa' rips epee 'bide
drosses at the seeks. One of yes
robe their 'ands aa' aw ober their fast,
aa' you dabs cold water ou their tele -
beads an' bars brown paper under
their noes. In $tweet well.. yea
give 'em a drink. stif as you can map
it it's dead easy. Thom stays are a
bit troublesome It they run to sea, bat
she's thin eaougb u it 1a Anyhow, 1
can •bow you a fine trick for that
Jae tura her over till l cast a hishln
loose with my kaafe."
Watts was elbowed aside so uncere-
moniously that his temper gave way.
Hosier lifted Itis' head gently and
unfastened the neck books of bar
blouse. He began to chafe bet cold
hands tenderly and pressed back the
hair from ber damp forehead. The
"chief." not flattered by his own iv -
flections. thought fit to sneer at these
halt measures.
"She's os'y a woman Juke the rest of
'em," he growled, "eves if she 1s the
owners niece, an' a good Iookln' gal
at that 1 s'pom now you think" -
"I think she will want some fresh
air soon. so you bad better clear oat,"
said Philip.
His words were quiet, but be flash-
ed a warning glance at the other man
(.bat •uflleed. Watts recited. mutter-
ing marca.ms under his breath.
Iii. revived, to nand Philip support-
ing her with • degree of skill that was
remarkable is on. wbo had enjoyed so
little experience 1n thus matters. 8be
beard his voice, coming, u it seemed,
rapidly nearer, urging bar to alp •Oa*-
thlag very dery and spirituous. In-
stantly abe protested.
"What are you giving mer obs sob-
bed. "What has happened
Iris pushed away the pads and sa
Feer, are I.e talks It ever last 8un-
/ day t. m."
-1'o ',Vold a rrlager repealed
I "les. that's it" said Coke. -But loon
'ere. me boy, this gal sella under my
flag. I'm-w-ot d'ye call it? -le loco-
ocomotive percent's*, or sometDing of the
sort. while she's oo the ship's books.
You keep your mouth abut aa' wink
the other eye ao' leave it to ism to
give you tae chum of your Ilte. Rb,
I'blllp Hotter dad not strtve tc ex-
tract the precise meaning of tbe dap-
k4per'. wordrt. Tb• process would be,.
been dl beult shoe Coke kissed sold
sot have supplied any roommate* use
yids Somehow, to tbs commander's
thinking, the presence of the gbrl .mor-
ed to take easier the ca.d.g away
of the ship. zacUy bow oe what
bearing bar stradsdy bogus Tgags
might have oo .ub.squeet avows be
was sot yet in a pasitisb to aq.
"Queenetowor be cbocklsd, "Net
this journey -not if m7 natives Jbeast•
Coke. the ran 'oo is danato' ea all
that la left of Ys 'nrd earned metals.
No, sir; i've got me orders. an' i've pot
me letter. an' the pore old Andromeda
get. ripped to pieces to the Recite
or 1'l know tbe reasoo why. Wet It
card to play at the inquiry! Owner's
niece on board booed to Booth Assn
ka for the good of 'er bealtk. '0*
even 'card of a man seethe' 'M pity
niece on a ship 'e meant to these
away? It's providential, that's wet
it hi. reel prorldentlalt I do bNYve
Ye verity 'ad a 'and in it"
e n stere vas ARDfOSZDAa7t� MOO*SD or use voTAae.- �>
1VE bells. meal It's( site be
daylight 1f you wane to se*
the cross. oow's you; timer
lila bad beep called from
dreemled sleep by a thundering ne-
at on ber cable door. la reply to ttpr
half awaked cry of "Ali rtgbtC Uhe
boars. voice of a sailor told her ti
the Sontbern /Cross bad Just
above the bort.ou. Stye resWt6,-„
screwed ber knuckles into bar �M
and began to drtese, in a few minute'
she was on deck. •A long twat a tai
o'-ebaoter and a par of plat slippers
will go tar In the pay of costume at
Wight in the tropics, and tbe Androo-
eda's seveoteeotb day at sea brad
brougbt the equator very near. At
dinner on the previous eveuing-m
honor of the owners niece fashionable
Dour* were observed for meals -Mr.
Watts mentioned by cbsoce that the
cross bad been vary distinct damns
the middle watch, or, in otber words.
between mlduigbt and 4 a. m. lets
at once ezpree.wo a wlah to see it, abd
Captain Coke offered a suggestion.
"Mr floater [:rtes the middle watch
tonight." sale be "We can ax 'im tc
send a mutt to pound on your door as
soon as 1t rises (ben you must ran
t np :o tbe bridge. an' '•'II tell you all
*boat it
11 Ins was covetous of a.dlgbt feel-
ing of surprise ane did Dot •bow It
Hitherto the burly skipper of the As-
dromeda bad made It so clearly wider,
stood that none of the mete's company
save benself was to enjoy toe society
of Miss Iris Yorke tbs. ate Dad ex-
changed very few words wltb the one
man wnorte manners amd education ob-
viously entitled 0101 to dieet be on an
equal pians Eveo at meals be was
often absent. rio Coke's complacency
came uow quite u0espet-telly, but leis
was Ieartctng to •rbool ber tongue.
"Thank you very much," ate said.
"When stew 1 see Mtn?"
nib. 700 neetln't bother. i'0 tell
'1m meselt "
She was somewhat disappointed at
this. Hotter would De tree for an bour
before be turned in, and they might
bar, enjoyed a nice chat while be
smoked ou the poop. In her beart of
newts sb, was oeglnoing to acknowl-
edge that a voyage tbrougb summer
seas of a cargo vessel, web no other
'an•lety thee That el d im•ginstiye
eallormeo. sevdred of tedium. Indeed
almost of deadly monotony Her rare
meettege see Heuer marked bright
spots In a dull round of boors. Daring
their small abtervm uree ate bad discov-
ered that be ws- well informed. They
bad bit upon a taw kindred tastes In
books and mute. Tbey even differed
sbnrply in their appreciation of favor-
ite sutbor's Aud what could be more
cotedaclve to complete understabding
than the attack and defense of the
shrine of some tin god of literature?
White, therefore. 1t was strange that
Captalu Cole abused actually propose
a visit to the bridge •t au unusual
time -at a time, too, when Hosier
would be on duty -it struck ter as tar
i more curious tbat ne abould endeavor
l to prevent an earlier meeUng.
"1 shall be drllgbted to come at µl7
"You carried mer .be mid.
"Well, 1 couldn't do anything else"
-i suppose you don't realize what It
Melina to a woman io feel that slue has
been out of ber menses under such con-
"No. bat in your case it only meant
that you sighed deeply a few times
and tried to bite my lingers wben 1
wetted "
wed to open your month.
"What fort Why did you want tardi
open my media?"
"To give you a drink. Yon Deeded
a stimulant"
rob r.
By this time a few delteross twists
and turns bad restrained tbo.e wan-
dering tresses within bounds. 8be bed
a hairpin between ber ilpw. and a wo-
man can always say exactly what she
luaus when • batrptn preveutti deicer
"I am all right now." she a0taevuced
"WIL you please leave mr and tell
the steward to bring me • clip 0t tea?
If tbere 1s a cabin at Oben, Dr might
put that portmanteen 10 It wbteb 1
brought ou board at Liverpool "
Boner 101011ed Der requests and re-
jolord Coke 011 the bridge
"Minn Yorke le quite well again, sir."
he reported "She
wants a cable -
td eh•age ber
docile*. I Imag-
ine 'That bag you
`Pretty foxy.
wasn't 'ft' broke
Coke. with •
glee that wan pmt
sling to bis bearer
"Tbe whole at
fair teems to have
been Carefully
planned:" agreed
PMlI1p "But, as 1
was saying. she
asked for the use
of a cabin. so I
told (be steward
to give ber mina
hath we put tato "►awry yozv.�
Queenstown." waal'T tTT
Coke. who had egbted mother Hack
add stumpy cigar. removed 1t In ardor
e m
speak with dee spbasia.
`Put into b--41" se said
"But sorely yes will not take this
Um lady to • ever Pieter Med
flu aatoesbed agreed Ales
"She knew wee* site was bound
lees she item •board the Andromeda."pp
said the skier, trowstng new etre •
van moo wa rgows wits i{enett "There's
her ,.ertweeer to peeve It. with s
'4 libel. am' all u bow sirs 'add writis'
Ire me game played se me by 'srer meta 'eta Lorre. the As time
•M seenWad agate Ire be the lovely
e 'arbor ef P.tri.sbee., mm' t%
awwlgbt 'tt:r, sae Yee' '.re shill[ne
asp. w1:M
' e boot Msg les esu M Y
'pramd t5e sails auris the emir that
.e'resets' sway te ev.M tarry i
mon rn .be aossert We That somas
nemoasble. aa' k s 'appne be true
a 1 have ."two read about tbe
Southern Crush. yet three abort weeks
age 1 little thought"-
"You reely didn't think about 1t at
all," broke Ib Coke. "1t you 'ad you'd
'ave known you couldn't cross the Ilse
without a et' 1t"
Here was soother perplexing mo-
ment ment 1n the skipper's conduct That
Iris was wows way witstorgOttia.
Elbe was treated wttb e steads
end teremoey dee to the owner's
niece. ('oke °ever Istat so opporteetty
ot dinning tato e ears ut Watts sr
Hotter our the steward or stat mem-
ber. of the crew who were Steals
that Wise York"Prveeer. Y their
midst was a preordained (Imamate's.
• thing folly dlarumwl sad agreed cm
d between ber awl. and Mount, We
carried out In an irregular eme
Yea, to sue girlish freak ea bae.
part. The pirtasate. was la
immure of raiment. Meh& .enel•ty
.. and Iris" ewe wenn whim
lYeeered le the imareti1 l J
pt a fiat wee elar� I
Use, 15e aguefts .ef
es ht 4
TH$ Bi�NA : �G4D$RI(7H
biased In the heavens. 113 that pOtJuekl
air the sky way u elites v�yid ultramartue
The ip's track w marked by •
Wall of pboeeborracee ere. Each rev-
olutioo of 1 be propeller drew trete the
ocean tnesurt town opulent globes of
golden light that danced and 'partied
hi the tumbling waters. it was inglit that pulsated With tee rom•0ce
acid •betide° of the south. • 'eget
w5me the beart might tawob wit► an-
-'ateer,le longings and Um blood [Leis
in the yens under the stress of as
emotion at wive passionate and WOW.
axle, spurred o0 by no stronger ba-
ptise thao that of the sigbleer, taetisb
tet wisely uaaware of as Moment ef
advsstoroas shyness in ger tappets -
Deo of a t a.a-tete with a good levit-
ies young teas of her owe stats,
ellmbsd to tie bridge so weedily sal
assleety that Realer dad sot knew
et bar presence still he hoard bat air
nerd try:
"Its that the Soatbere Oemr
Se torsed quickly
"Ts. Nis Yerter be exclaim*
teal est awn be wonder at the Malt-
hamae* ef tae stellar display 'et
"Jou, ease Yottar o yacLanllsn.
which she had heard w much could
cloak the fact that Hosier was unpre-
pared f' Sr aPpearance.
"Of course ft U L Wbo sleet she
asked. "Did not Captain Coke tel
7011 to expert mer
"How odd! That Is wbat he ar-
ranged. A man came and rapped at
my door.4
"Pardon me one moment"
He leaned over the bridge and hailed
the watch. The same bourse voice
that had roused Iris answered his gui-
dons, and in tbe faint tight that cents
from the binnacle she caught a ticker
of amonenrent on bis face.
"Our excellent skipper's Intestines
have beau defeated," he %aid. "Bei
told one of the men to call him at
amen bels, but not to wake you until
the cross was visible. HY orders have
bale obeyed quite literally. He will
be oummo.ed in another boor. gad
yeti have been dragged from bed to.
gas at the false croft, which every
foremast bead persists to regarding as
the real article. Tie true crow of
which Alpha Cruces Y the soothers
pole star, comes lip over the borism
as boor after the false one."
"But Captain Coke said be would ems
you and warn you of my visit"
"1 can only assure yob that be did
set. Perhaps be thought it unneeele
nary, meaning to be on deck himself."
"Yost I waft bare a wbole boar
Hosier laughed It was amusing to
Gad bow Coke's marked effort to keep
the girl and sits apart bad been de
flatted by a sailor's blunder.
"1 bops the waiting will not weary
you." be said. "1t lea beautiful night"
"i am glad of the accident that
brought me on deck somewhat earlier
than was ee5ss•ary," ache said. "You
dishale net said mu
lasarstte, Yr. Hosier."
dlm"Our friends at table are emnewhat-
enit it only you knew bow I r• -
"Oh, what of that? WDem I became
a stowaway i fully expected to be
treated as oi suppose. though, that
you have often asked yourself why 1
was guilty of sorb a mad Wick."
Not since exactly s4 Mies Teets bet
petedThm haw c npanty
"That Y aboard. He bed sot the
temNem.t settee-_
"Forgive me. bat there yare
wrong. He says that year wide as/
be discussed cussed the matter on the Sa
day before we left theme* pis the,
airy tle rather borne eat by Mie pewit
at as of uhf shift's birder. i see
yen that few trans sesames spree/
• table Iib the Andrus lss
a's aget
tag thle voyage"
helm ksl with s.
gbsb a speataees asst'
dist st won tater uwd
bar ens sera
"fahg the enrage. Mass. 1 stet welletlassl ferr' she err.
eattwmallemattiag et td. sat ft t• may
"Bat 1 Mhk I lame used ta the
aw that eters clat ere Oise Wm.!
aaaMme fe elomeal 16 death y pals
taw be Y sepplbl erY blse.aa edit
will! M ley M aq wllb
• hM� 11/d4 ewe bad
pm. MIN Tellm."
and i
ch to each oth-
er affect you rooted
me out 6t the
the Sot miss .f Wes tar lbs Ors
aisle as A. lapels aro mos as
Seep A s—kL. r OW. tit tdlr
amt —•1 Witt 4 list fru OMR
tr-*00-'aminssor Mg II QOM olll
oNTA. 10
to StockariPoultry Rajsers
We will read, absolutely free, for the aakltL postpaid, one mf elft large
sixty -tsar peso hulas ea oho amemeos Siriases of stock and pokry_
•Teal yea hew to feed all kinds ef heavy gad light bones, colts dad=
wears, 'Skit 'Awa, calve* and tatteal*g also few b keep and 15.4 pw►try
ae I5WI will w so weal is winter as is sslamsr. Ne fanner &eeid be without it.
NO in eke time 1y* ilea H.ya1 Purply /steak Susie,
• east K •ftf two -this K• cyst per Sat
A t Per aaltYl
1t wtU Increase It SI per east. 1a varus. It pse.sea•elgr
aures Hots, ata.. Weeps, aids 11seaasd sad Debility.
esstosa, nu -doers sinew s Wass ass sol viper. It
;y .ingresske h 11.K Misr
a• Royal
ley rMttarppter .ase per
!VK The a ra_ee (Ota •r e0 a11a uta taasutaetttre.
es we Map•et Walla Zit s •U tie seeds. hal•. twits.
els. esu Ota/ tits es mfr curs prastlaes. l'hrefere we
•aa psas.at a se is yes a1.s beteg . 5.5* g .
oat tMisrw. w
re* ors
h e Mto muse lip a Wee pairs,..We giro
t e* powder Met pet es tit• markt 1a
♦ •fbless to levelled •rt .eo• a
MI grows asthma. 1t prev.ots
memos. �"�"awesyear fYa Lsal1amis la eerieeriest MOM wed ks ell .elves des ab-
'�'~r '�^`� K' is idles eta "lea e a eTa
dale Shea
it a teat tree tet wily 0245.
fwd alle
horse TO Os. A
ies. sem oval
age Su 1st •
tawit l�d eahta.
as lea
'111 51(. as sals-
a. fe. Sys. U goo
have ewer used k Is It ea like purest saimel you hay
ea tsar Maas and midst' results. If It dose sot a-9duos
bt., reams teas asrtitlst yy�ooutt ewer or used or glee
you .atlataettoaatwe ttrltl vatutrd yloar agar. Andrew
cew• �weighed ber tatik4 Ont.,
14(5, 17 it
ah. 'lave 23 Ibe. lit. Mel/wee. Canada's greatest keno
trainee, ayC I Use, fad Royal Purple to The diel gad
all my racehorses ter tnur years. They have never been
of Meir feed. Tour bough powder works 115• .pasha"
Mr, 'tem Smith. trainer for dm Hee. Adam Heck, wary:
"Ws W • mare la our stables last fall belonging W Kiss
C4este. of Montreal. W, could not feed her any bran
on aeSment of scouring. Ira ooasenced wing yotfr
Royal Purple Stock S.eelaa The results wen wonder-
ful. Ws found atter colas /t three week, we mould feed
her bras er any other wit feed asd eh. aetaally took on
:1 IM. during that (1.e."
Mrs. W. . Barnham, K SaaltM4, Oat, oats: "I tea
rear Poultry Species to IM meas helms tb. wlatgr and
aem•ilaea 'sot se sdoomy as two doom eggs per say In
P•brsary sad Martis• 71
Yr Andrew Hi.kj, of Centralia, Qat»p
asps: used
roar Steak lepecido on Ss auk emw.. Teary awe lawless&
le per •est la their atllk and I get •yep better results
trop your Poultry •Mclbe. We had Se hart lariat ails
Wkea we ooaasspaoeg uslog Poultry* Speen. we were got -
tem ave or ata etlgs a day- In leas pitan ave days w. amL
1e* eggs. Team ware the colgest day last whiter." Yee
vas see u• remits at efts attar Tstl eaenae tahi
retprlai. When earmere eat loseeal.0�smtee tit °�epyt
Purple brands they will sever be shout theme
Rood Purple Cough Speeifo
demotey• ugest through every our years e stable has 1* t7snx
wash has ben a great mmaro. 0srsdO
oyanoe u
ISTa) Purply
Con Cure will
aMdstely oar •
this .ough in a
days. will break up
sea care distemper
1a 10 lary, abso-
lutely guaranteed
Rwe per 1tls, by mall
Royal Purple Gall Cure
Will euro all sorts of epee auks ea seas er beset. Aly
abo0utely dry up and cure seestait.s is a few MOIL
Mr. lam Owen. Coachman for use Hen. Ades Potpie= My following directions 1 aid set Resat YY1
Care w111 care scratehee and make the seabape•l of per-
tsotmy dry in about tour or five day.," pries S.R. by mall
Royal Purple Poultry Specific
wttl awake your helm lay In winter as well as In ewds-
mer. wed yet a Sec package will last 2S hens 71 days or
a 01.4* pall or air -tight tin contains four times as much
as a Me package, wilt last 2811 days- It prevents poultry
Brum towing flesh at moulting time, tures and prevents ►11
the ordinary diseases, makes their plumage bright and
Jeeps them In prime condition.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment
win reduce any tamenew In a very skeet thus. Kr Jaw
M. D•ly, Coalman in Loodoa, says: '"We nave nine bots..,
oonsutnUy tasting coat. and lava all ktads ot trouble
with teem being lent. at pima. I have Seed your Sweat
Liniment tqr a year back awl bale atter known It to
fall to mare all sorts of epralned tendons. ee." Price foo
a -ounce bottles. by mall Me.
Royal Purple Liao Hiller
This is entirely different from any bee kilter on tise
market. la order for you to understand the process of
manufacture of this lice killer you win have to send for
000 of our booltlets, as we give you a full history of It
there. It will entirely entermfnate Ito, .0n fowls or
animals with not more than ape ter two applications. It
smothers chem. Price No. by mail lac.
An asserted order amounting to $5.00 we will prepay.
What we wish to impress es year mid is that we eaaafarttre nothing hut jure nalsit.r.g
Our booklet give* over 400 recommedatious for ourdilerest Haas treat all over Canada
give ea above the names eta few who have used it, r best seem n
who ever used any Use we moiety -titre.
7� 4 soy mem
Send Today For Free Booklet W. A. JENiKINS MFG. CO., London, Ont.
Royal Purple supplies and free booklets may be secured from A. j. Cooper,
Flour and Feed; Goderich,
PAC rr-Ic,
AN 1l
Nay Trens000lioental Etedlifeade
the Ad) C oacidiaq Raab.
Stead** mod Toutlist 81.gl.f1,
These (raise dafty. excellent *evict.
ousaecti.ss at Dairen -for
llyI.6R1 Ud, and atebbm o for
earD PActsn0 cum: MUIR
Par ratarpKbrr sad infeesla
tion awns. to JOS. KIDD. Amt,
and you'll make Do mistake when
you leave your order with
. onto. 7ha Up-todets Tats,
-we'll pay
. •
—we have two beautiful parks at
New Hazelton Heights—suggest a
name for them—we'll pay you cash
for it.
On May 1, 1912, we will select 'two
names from those sent us.
The first two persons sending in the names
chosen will each receive a
$250 Prize
Thirty other prizes
Write plainly -TODAY -giving your oCOap.tioa
518-519 Peelle &dialog
VANCOUVER, British Columbia
M.kT'Ii VIE1 irlirrY 7P�]EZ� u
•• • groat dilemma, i• meet wooer. Thiry err treabled with "
they auger prem beekea6e, bes/anbe, I'' te
, a msstlos el irritabilityrap
twee t:Re, het /.Hra, dizvyr yetis, or many shine ry-p- -. •f festaM
m. loom disorder .e/ isismeetise Amid be greased with Dr. Pewee's tellies
T•hlets end the i .ed wedgies d she fiepalm
sweet etrastbsed wish Dr. '• F.v«ia. Proudness. The oefI/ .d
hft'es tbe soy
w•7 M great m die br heef r ups Is mime ed bleed tere.i�,..., J et
fret yThis is rise time y Wes this eomwmtlw Noir
1e* weasel'.� ie/ marries sod nldl ter. For ever "arty sem sold by dny/ses
aaetraar sakeessee load dkaremly &PeeQs. lb se rramtr es patent
in essepinishen and ib is se good is euetive eine e lo
wr*��lor pe5.d.g its eawry impfeci.et to
eigdhlot Flo. s r..eb whid i..t.e.►s elom54
e4 mufti , meas M ds. «raw lo 1:71.,:„........,..,
"Ia lb.► of use t bu,rmy �`s.M�.yer�+fNdatll�a
s`lracoiretssa grew ww.9ds 554, 54 Mes.
'fir 5* 4.eeemoil*W1,yr s...r..«4».
weak Ms* a hiitwe .i.ttm.w. tow ur is ryes on gee
I. t crab* sr w I
e.,d/1ttdml tare twos peter .t be Plow*. .err, A""a
W 5 tM "'.rpt t epee whin awes. tb.
..� 24,ialw
'�'L'irr.�"w tram
t1r dedla-
Orders 0aretul17 attended to
at all hour*. night or day
The Place
to buy your
-Is where you will be
sure to get the pur-
est and freshest of
You will be sure of
obtaining supplies
of very be
quality if you buy
your groceries from
'Ha "Yrs$ma On the Square
'!HONE 91
R Rei 11v 1 .
w 11
Winter Resorts
Round trip tourist tickets n.,w
on sale to all prioripal Winter
Resorts, including
Florida, etc.
The.sltl(live route to 'Wept
ern Canada is via Chictelo.
Steamship tickets on male h-
all linea
p,aeon ppa�rtheetwarr. sad tickets rtes* F. F
! 747 1.„.z er address A.
Hot Water Bottles
Every home should have a Hot Water
Bottle, as it is the moult useful article in
the home — especially when sickness
comes. We have them at all prices.
Call and see them at
r ..
;; P. J. B u t la n d's fah