HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-8, Page 5, -. •- .e 'r' v... _r' .... • rfHE R GNAL : 'GOIEEtJCH. ONTARIO Tlraerk AY. PanneAST te, 1912 d LOCAL TOPICS C. O. F. Annual Entertains t. 1be annual oyster vupers con. erre of Court O uderioh, Na C. 0. F., will be held in Oddfeltowr' ou ree„y evening of titter week. Tea will be .prved trout 0 t8'euo. after elects rgood preigessuswillrase- deed. w- deed.oHh Court, ark* is ex. peeled to be presume Board of Trade Annual Meeting. The &none, meeting of the Goderich Booed tot Trade will be held in the boprdr oat ou Monday resitting next rt d o'clock. The annual report will be received and oaloers elected for the resuiug year. There &re several very impudent matters to come up for di,cusion. The business men of the b members of the Huard Own. ate, are invited to attend. Resident of Goderich. h of Hee. Richard Buxton took Thedeath Petrolta on Monday last. The deceased was eighty-six years of age and was a former r.eklent of tioderich• tibe rod her husband. the VMC Richard Buxton, will be remetn• tired by the older generation. Ur. Buxton having kept the brewery at Piper'o 1►am for a number of years Tee body wow hrought to Goderich on Wedue.elay and interred In000dt lead cemetery. A service was by itev. J. IS. Fotbstingham in the remain* were borne to their last reeking place. Seriously Injured. A metres accident befell Wilson lin naule,. Anglessastreet .last 8.tur day. wh Ie employed nal attending salt block Of at light he was up some to pe sag "ago and steps wore be missed ft g fel about sixteen feet Into one a th. we bin-, which etas empty. ex epi for • hunks of Vat and rough stuff at the bottom. Mr. Brownies sus'a•aed a broken .houtderbooe. two ribs were fractured. his ankle was bort. sod it M feared that be was injured int..rn- sily. His coodition b tical. He ie • serried Maui with a young family. Officers for Fall Exhibition. De! utas to Ottawa W 8tothen, Robe Mc ay, Reeve et eruiith toe whip, and R. W. Liviogetuoe, Reeve of Grey township, are member.. of a large dep- utiatluu that want to Ottawa this week to interview the Faderel Gov- ernuent in regard to highway en. prevenient.. Partnership Dissolved. The lino of Mestere Muir & Hub - wrier, undertakers and dealers in furniture, haul been dissolved. Mr. Muir retiree trona the buelna.. and Mr. Hobmeler will Continuo the furni- ture branch, the undertaking depart- ment lowing been ..old to Bropbey Bros. Mr. Muir's platy for the futtire are indefinite but he will remain in town for a time. Death of James Doyle. • The death occurred io 8t- MicbaeJ's hospital. Toronto, on Wedoeeday, January 17th, of James Doyle, son of Mrs. Chris Lamberton, of Ooderioh. Death wee due to heworehege of the brslo. The remaios were Laid to rest in Chepstow cemetery amid a Targe mowers.' of sorrowing friends and relatives. Deceased. who was a bar- ber by trade, was only twenty-one ears of age and was a general favor- ke with those wbo knew him. He leaves besides his mother four sisters Br„ hry'r undertaking rooms before and nue bt..ther-Hugh and Mrs. Skelly, of Calgary ; Theresa, nurse at ttttt. Michael's; Ethel, of, Toronto, and Venetian. at home. A Business Change. Owing to ill -health. F. Dunbar has diapered of his eusinese, the Opera House Grocery, Kingston street, W Oban. M. Robertson, who takes poses on the 15th it. Mr. Robertier o nis not • stranger to Gado - rich. having attended school here, and heiog anietehtr• of • well-known Col - bo• ne township fatuity. He has been in boniness at Walton the last four years' and `ase •aseqquired an ezper•eoce which will d tubtlese eo- ahle hien • o give bis ppastrens a fleet - class service. The S•g•aal welcomes Mr. Robot -tem to the busineee corn - Ai ow dmouse euse oe the muni' y Lai G Aerie',and bespeaks for ihow•d of director, of tbo o deriob bila • liberal patronage. l.doaitri Al Ezbibiti•w held last 8 star- G. C. I. Trustees. day evening. J. Arles Fowler w us sP The statutory meeti1n�g of the G. C. pointed seces� A arl Y ossa I. 'rweee board was 11-1Z1 in tbe court tre.aurer. C w.enitteea terse. ars- on. house maWednesday afternofee pointed** usual for tbe diRarert it fntlnwing members constitute the pertinent* of the Ididkitiuo. ho.rd: Judge Doyle,' ' Judge Holt, the p arprs of ineervteolat tis ies=+ S•eet iff Reyn .Ms, Dr. Macklin, Dr. and business m -e is prepar•Nno err .fie tor, De. Nicholson, J. 11 Colborne the pee list. whish (t ls iotertded tb end W. L. 8-3.t. Jedge Doyle was have ptep,sred as early as p "eerie. re-.•lee•ted strait tuna for 1912. Act - Much pinnies iateeest ls espoetsd W hs count s• animate leg to $30.94 were rbownthe ►radsu.oeas every of atEoeic'ee mtall sbnw t0 ea -of , er d It was decidedg•thto bold neve the aero .r sestinof e bowed on • 1912. 1 be first Thu. .day of Part month as "Have You Bought Yours ? h. rY• manes. Dr. Macklin, Dr. Nichol- Keea•s. Kelly & Kelly. automobile eon, J. H Colb .roe and W. L. Eliot agent-, hove sold Ste Ford care of the were appuin rd memhera of tbe prop- flye. p erengrr .nodal (Ape. 4e 1vered in el ty c •meati tee, and Judge Doyle. Goderich tbi. og. They ezp.e-L to Jeep. Holt, She. it Rryr'olds and Dr. be able to 'apart the sale of several Ta. i r w' re named as the supply cow - other cars before the sereon for state- mit. or. tog begins Tbey also are .gent& ter County House 0f Heeuge. the Carter automobile. issanu/nested at Pontiac, Meat sad they will have A "see' ittg rat the s tree. of refuge one of they,a �n,'env for demons rte commit et.. .4 the county enamel' was *attui e..ea as soon es spring mem& heW w (Ais.s.•n on W..l .ud y ef lee It u trio ion -droves sad this is said t. tek. M. se.. Munnfsae Brretigbao, gee it a great deal [wore power than Elt2 b •r. Built". Cutte.l,.n. County other 1v nee w. stl W. $ seysns • eperlal Chub lane• and the house oM.iale features • bits er•d ebe 'e.g. were p ee.•nt. In the in-pe•cunn of uletd from one mile in two hours to thebete.- rod outhttilduors every. sixty wile..n hour. thing le a . footed sal Idactory. &ab'ly-Mee inmat a are being cared Summer's Comie&.alsotheOreyhowrd foe ar th • pr -sent tuna 1t was de - Like the first eprl robin oo.ne• a ri sed' ha s• the Mimi. who see as de- pot, lean l . E. H. A of ter omens-. a' .he 8un'tay ..wise. a< the White rime se. *i nounring the b••u e, -Medd receives present of $aa date. a the annual June rxeurwioo to 1'h a 1e" ion of the committee was Doty. it- 1t is proposed that the trip tall d t•• the fart that sr e,s1 inmates from (i•derich he ran Friday, Jetse 14te,, wen in rereipt of yearly inonme■, . to ' and the return trip pa M•'sdey. 17th, part of which theatrunty was entitled. giving two full days, Saturday an t The matter web let with Inspector Sunday, in D -teat. The, would make Torrance to deal wItb. It also was a .plea,did out ing and ought to eo.etre drei teal that any Reeve when making a enter crowd ibis. ever on (hi'. p p. a commitmeet. should assist the in- u4trtip. The usual eseit.nligbt" wi.I sp otor 1.. adjnstint ell M•'ney matters be held on Thursday evening nod r and n. di.pneius of the property tar- tlet euapi'w of the Ooderieb Mu -le •1 lo a<ina . tb•- permit committed. Society. We 11 all headed to welcome The G. C. 1. "Prom.' the genial Captain wbeo he .omen tip io the -p. inn to complete arrange To :resu••aonu s 1 prnmenade of the went. for the trip. G. U. 1., b Id bet Friday evetting under toe &unaaree of tbe Literary Floc e y, wee marked with even better sue e $ 11 an u uai : a d the large n.nuter of stonlenes, who-gelbered in the ae.embly -tall cretin d to the pop- ulsrity of the event. The hall ep- ees .d rime -tally inviting. the win- d•'ws Irene de -meted with nags, and the 1'orm with flower. The music wag • z' tent, as wan oleo the lunch wbicb was served during the evening to the appreciative crowd. A epeeist fen urs was the pl••m•nede number • rahlea T'un'ed in 1912 " when each lass haul a chanes 0o ehoo.e "the one she likelh heat." After nearly three boon of roj yn,ent the merry throng dispersed. The nest ane a ng of the Literary 8 ciety will be held on Fri- dayy. Februa yh. The let txry ldoci.ty intendit to pia• e a I urge pr trait .,f br. Rtr•ang on the walla of the aseemhly ball. Dr. 8 rang V lerg-ly •esnnneslhie for the pp••asp-rity O' the Society and as its honorary p sadden• still maintains an active in'ereot. in it. The Postoffece improve menta. This week J. T. Scbelly & Co., ono - erector's, of A Iexatsdri', airumrnsed the ws.rk of placing in woe ion the new fix- tures and fu n•shing. of the post office. The eater part .d the wort .bread he e.'ut'Is ed hy 1 be end of ' be emelt and 'he chrogr, 'terbium, will mean a heater s• rv'o•' for the putter in every respect. Along the oast ride of lbs Interior them will le three wickets: ono for the sole of money orders. one fee the teansaeer's't boatmen in rnnn.etinn with the s •vi• -es leek d patentee and the other et wn.cjh letters and 1v►wls may be regi•'. red. Next tp the -e wi'kou will be the .nail Imitate, whish win .z•en.t tow.ris the north and el•'ng lb, '.oath •lde to !be two general delivery wickets. There will he a few o.etunse, eutgidee a�s,sImi boxes at the Meer see of ch. sero and the kelt r.F>owd (et r e,e.. Public School Board. e At the resrnlar naei8Ung of the puhlie mho.' board on Monday evening, the see. -eta y-trea•.ureek report showed that the 'uoount. paid during 'he In 'nth of J.tonary totalled $8.7.14. Principal Tigert's report for Victoria seb•s,i gyve the averse.. att.ndenee for the m .nit as 'Md and Priecipal Sharman for Cental ach He report 4741 ISO as the average attendano.. The +ertet iry having teen entrusted with the dunes of treasurer, an incres•e 44 SiZ ore .Dade in hie salary. A leder from Chas. Harper. In regg'erd to hie claim for extras, was teterr.•d to the toilette and instructions given for bi'e 'o con •ult with 11r. Seunden end Mr. Needle. A letter from Pref. Hutt, regarding the plass for the lay- out of tits s ho 4 a. was re- terrrd to the school" managing coun- t with power to set. An appli- est on wr. received from J. B. Hunter for an itsereass of salary as muYieal in•tru-tor. It wee left in the bandn of the fi•sance committee. St. Valentine's Night at the Rink. Thee SL V dentine's m•.querade car- nival in he heli at West street rink next Wed ne- day evening should prove as intetwb ing event. not only for those wbo take part to such oo.tist•. bit els • f ,r the apeetatnre, 1. T. Goldthorpe, wbo bee proved bilewlf e mo -t (tap. P4. menage* of ebe rink. has .rrenged for some uniqueennte•ata, tco rhe wrier* of which handsome Prizes w. 1 b. awe Mod. The non tseta a'''1 Prize. are M follows : Rest dressed (rancyl gentleman and Iced , a *Oh umbrella each : heat dr (.eerie) lady rat gent lenaan, a missing clerk i tiro neuronal costume, a never cream mot angor set ; hest (-harem* ere lobo.. three ora net giaes toPnttlSse t beet sol .n'gtr wi kete and eMtw fr•r Thr g r o, t brew t�1aee ws}�1�s�.s owls. The ene.dn.ire. a•a on 4'the bkMtlrrO leek rinse. will he lih"li-�hwd Wn T+►• •karP II .rr•iesppy jewellery .Mase teed the mew ties.. well h e op -reel with frntn 7: rs hcortemswill hav�rthelse N. trrovi•ion h•n been made ea _ 4ii'i -Iork awl the p j"� oral y't he a r.i.e.q .t the aptxo+nbew to 1"n will he promptly at $.Ilk The the .seers l de iv.• y 'Hetet. an es to Mater. in ettenAenre. All heep lase Aroyl.• io-lln.. lint 101. veru will he rimmed to admiseiow • tw1o.,, lie This ��M�sgy.r•p ries'. may tr pr.vMnd means and � 1;4 lis mw•eia•eet oak and erre b'rt oe the mghte el the N them sen, extorter Sutures are tIJ h, • large at t sod neo ptrsewt • eery fti+enBg •pp,aramise• Death of Conductor Peter MeeOeneld Peter Macl onald, for over twenty- five years a faithful servant 'of the Northern RitlIway testi the 0. P. R., Wed iu Londea, at the home of his atat.-r-in-low, rs. W. Lame, un Wed - nestles, De was due to a paralytic •stroke. Conductor ManDonrld was one of the most popular mon ou the road and was well known ou the Guelph and Goderich line, ae be was the trwn selected to brio the Bret O. P. R. passenger trelu Into GuJo- rich nearly flue years ago. For the I, two years he bad been ao invalid. He vow forty-seven years of age. His widow and several brothers and Mi- ters survive. The brother. ore John A.. Arvbie rad Malcolm E. MacDon- ald, of Toronto. and the sisters are Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Toronto, Mrs. W. D. Tye, of Goderich, mid Miss Jenn ie MacDonald. Miss Margaret Proudfoot Wedded. The marriage of a well-known youoi lady of Goderich is referred to in the following item tekeu from The Balti- wore Suit: -*A very pretty home wedding was solemnized on Friday. 2od inrt., at the residence of R. Stan- ley Richardson, 102'2 East Twentietb street, when Mise Beath Pl'oudfoot,dxtrgbter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Proudfoot, of Oodericb, Can ado, was married to Dr. Joseph E. Thomas, sen of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Thomas, of Clover, S.C. The bride war attired in a handsome gown of wbite tuessalioe elaborately trimmed, and wore a t eaut iful lavalier, the present of the groom. The bride wee given away by ber aunt, Mrs. Isabel A. Shelton, of. Baltimore. The. Lehengrin wedding starch was played by Mrs. H. S. Richardson. After a short trip Dr. and Mrs. Thomas will reside at Tirzab, S.C." The bride has a boot of friends in town who join in wishing her many years of wedded Impieties!. , The Fenian Raid Veterans. An effort hes been made by J. J: Wright, president of the local Veter- ans' Association, to induce the De- partment of Militia to give the few remaining Fenian veterans a pension for the remainder of their days in addition to the grant -.1 land which they received about ten yea1-w ago. Mr. Wright was in communication with 1. Sam Hnghee, Minister of Militia, regarding the wetter and received a reply to the effect that the .matter would be brought up in Parliament in the courts of a few days. Of the two oonipaniea, about 1 strong. which went to Sarnia fmro Goderich during the triet►'le in 18011 not more than a dozen men survive. Of this number Capt. Montgomery. of Goderich town- ship, is prohably the oldest. He is in bia ninetieth year and bas resided in the vicinity of Goderich since 1844. His hearing and eyesight are wonder- fully gnod yet and bele in possession of all his mental faculties. Mr. Wright probably is the nest oldest of the survivors. moon. The 'smoked to be e•ncielied, M Berlin found they weer unable to get their team together for that data A game with some miser club my be played here nest week en a date to be flied. Tis De edieg Game. ri The decisive gash in the town league series xtp�111 be played in Westese rink uo Yorda eveoing, the Ire/ere. sad the O, 1, 1' beta the ntuttesting teams. The �Ysr will oesureenoe et 71 ' o'okook end eo admissicn of 10 cent. will be charged A Note frees the Iroquois. tiodr.rirh, Feb. 7tb. The Signal, Goderioh, One Gwrrutaien, -In regard to a letter published In your last issue, crating that the Dreindnoughts were used un- fairly and that Mr. McDonald bad no right to referee the game. But when writing they fulled to say they pie - tested the game, and ..hat the execu- tive when dealing with it claimed that Mr. McDonald was one of the best referees in town and they thought it ant thing he gave the Iroquois the worst of it. And la regard to tb.•ir chelleoge At the present time our nights ate all taken up; but we may oousider it after the schedule is played out. As the Dre.dnnughts failed to send io their death notion. we are enclosing herewith copy of earns. Hoping you will oblige us by giving it space m your paper and thanking you for pest fever., we remain, Yours termly I. H. C., per C. E. R. In loving memory of the DREADNI)L1 .HTS Wbn died at the hands of the Iroqunih 1. Westet. Rtok January 31st. 1912. Age13l Rest in peace till we meet again, -C.E.R. CHURCH NOTES. ' Rev. J. H. Osterbout, B. A., B. D. of Lonleehorp', gaven very interesting address in Vittoria street church on Tuesday evening. Hie subject was "China" and it was well illustrated by one hundred limelight views. The annual railwaymen', service will he conducted in Knox chuzeh nett Sundry evening. Rev. Geo. E. Ross will deliver a special discourse to the men. His subject will be : "The Rules ot the Road." Everyooe is in- vited and especially the railwaymen. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach in Vic- toria asset church as usual next Sun- day. On Monday, Ibth inst.. the Sturm Hitters will begin a series of evangelist le tery :en. They-areChrist- ian workers of superior ability. The services are free toeverybody,aod will begin at 8 o'clock each evening. Church union will he the subject for consideration in Knox church at the morning service next Nunday. Rev. IOeo. E. Rose will diicu•e the three LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. (gmiestions of the hallo.: (1) Are yon in ttaavnr of organic union with the M.th- Tims to be tii,kiag of spring and your new ()dist and Con gregationa 1 churches ? (2) spying overcoat. Conteh Pridbam the Tailor! Do ynu o MVP of the proposed basis and get in bolero the spring rash- I of union i (3) Have you any suttees - Smith.' Art Stare, heat street, exluau tui tions or alterations to otter? A full supply the denoted Ia Ooderleh for art good.. ' congregation is artists' isaterbik: teeeywork geed& stemma I attendance of the cion sad ether slmMr goods. You are invited to urged, ,, Me the large ssleetion of exclusive The residence Of John Lawson on On Tuesday afternonn the W. H. M. B. of Knnx eburch held litagessanstsl Victoria street hes been sold to Wm. meeting. The report of the first year's McN.via, of town, The new ptvprie- work was very encouraging, .bowing tor gets possession iu the middle of that in addition to the atnney raised April, two hoses were sent to tnisaien fields 'The regular monthly meeting of the in the West' Officer/ were elected Goderich Horticultural tneiety will and an intere.f.'n program of work he hell in the secretary'. office in the for 1912 was discns.ed, Visitors were appointed to canvass for new mem- court hone nest Monday evening. here, in reepenee to •en appeal from Wm. Warnock will lead a discussion nn the cultivation of grapes. Upward. of 300 skaters took part in the Le.p Year Program at the rink on Monday night. Although some thought the ladies were a little shy. all appealed to enjoy themselves and a very pleasant time was spent. At the regular meeting of the water and light cnmmis'(inn on Tuesday evening the salary of A. Straiton, col- lector and treasurer. mai in/tressed by $60, making the salary $2it0 per an- num, the commission to pay for his bond. A number of the three -linked breth- ren of town ancompenied D. D. G. M. Murray, of Exeter. to Dungannon on Tuesday evening and assisted him in the ceremony of the installation of officers of the Oddfellows' lodge there. At the auction sale of the property of J. B. Hawkins on Monday, his reai- desoe on 8t. Patrick's street was sold to Mrs. Kuntz, of SeJtford, for X200. The lot on which the Sweets livery stands was purchased by Devid Brown Mew Vail_ ye Nairn,of Watkervets, lathe meet for $700. at Mr. and Mren C. A. Nairn. { Two children were committed to Mi.• Negie Robereene 1. vldUng ber mother the care ot the Children's Aid Society and.titer a at wltmer. - h JudgeDrs Ie thio week. The So- ages )mKktr WiSg1UPsythad Naas Victoria Min- meti eeking a home for a ho ten ern vWtN Serb In Toro to. whev..1 y Y stew, gpsr� is In Toronto aug she re years of age and all oommnnicationa .oend•M week. with her daughter. Mr* �a JJ Wawa Clara and Maud Planet, of stew York. eve vtdtng their parent". Mr. and Mrs. (Mom Mast, Beet etevat o1 A "game of war" was held in the d Mite Ree I +p 01 Roing sen. 'e. .pi1U eiT enure home thia (Thnreday) afternoon. 4r home at wtrathd'n.at the part iripaot t being the officers Of Mw Brae, who ha" been .toying In God the nal Regiment, and in connection ilei Orr.ever.1 matth• neat. aft today on her with the game a lecture nn the cetera to Washington. U. (•. methods of warfare wan given by (l. H. Klug and C. H. Humber were In 'Per Major Cordon Hall, general ats.H este tat• week to Icer ten Mendel.aohn their taQlnet o1 the Fiat Ddviainn. The I In one d la tame,. ronorrt. M. W. F. C(`71s�rk 1611. -n T.e.da. for wee. annual m.etiug of the officers of the euro having rrO.1,rI word or the Threet rat her regiment take. place tonight. sister there.. re Chas Hawkins. W. t'roedfoott M. P. P.. lett M Today for Toronto in order to be preen% at Me onent'et HOCKEY MOTES. ! ofthe t.gt+latmw on the fol Treeing day. M. and Mr,, IC. Dnwntng enerimpanIod by The Mene•setling femme Club hockey , Nhsda,.. s vele mats e. arwt ttmese. ilett eds seat team played the A. O. V.'s on Monday Leaminetao, niebt and cisme oft victorious by the Mr. end Mrs, Ron. Mee collin.oto lett w score of 5--2. W. Chapman re creed Wed as(ay int for t v their ihome eet t the game. I city and Vanemlvee. The G.C.I. hockey team again were w. Lanes e.,u..1 stroke was, at Fervors aat�t vietnrioua on Wednesday evening. I Wednesday and Tbereday of Mat wank *Dead - when they defeated the Meoe•setting Inca m ettng of the .recon ire eY the Ontario atone Club hoe, hy the more a fi-1- MnnMlpsl Asamh8oa Lot no McDonald was referee. the "ern a * . of his t- roma 1 ..ela a. x104 1ln.r.s.n,Iia sltrbt hr.-ober. fraise The G. C. I. hockey tram were vie- tgse tor, over the A. 0. V. woven in the bt tree to the patient'• eerselu ,• town league game lent Friday even- q,w,et1o. `w•„d ay to '.1054 11,. awntsY ing. The more wail 2-1 in favor of ws.Ung '-f .Jae F.(r. aed R*htWhko,• A.weNs. t br we nd.eta W. A. Chapman was the tie.. Thaw wOl rep,wn, tis Weal Hume re/Pree. i Ag•fr+•iltanat lteedety. Mar akar h/awd. la (led.,+ win M wiz In an interim diate O.H.A. game at to bear d th" swims ,ttee-. nr va h e.. cera. Morrell la•t Th'tr•day night ietween vin' "f 1.0. 47'14. of dfphts Tia hen,.. Me+fnr•th and Mitebell the home o re t eeUee rwnat.od in tee••' .�s1ae a etpabtga e ni fee the benne In Mr wnndn raw'. won h. & -none of 14 -4. Reafortb ------ ar defaulted to Clinton, en there wan no Mo1o►iers geese at flliot.n on Friday night Are rule, betimes" in th.i. Isar PISA Pasters were not annnuneing an tate and trading toe n'•w ones. (INeat• exhlblIkin geese of bnehry en Went, est reopnrtunity In t '.n��4imtM for her - street rink ent Feder evening hetwwen gait.. Writ. Tho Ran Melte ('nmrany. the Oaderleh club amid the fast Begin St. Glethaeines, bpi, the general W. H. M. S. to join in a campaign to double its memh.rt.bip. Rev. J. Pollnek, pastae, of the Bap- tist ebnrch, is giving a eeriest of Sunday evening addtea•ee nn " Problems of a Livelihood." The we'eond address of the se•rive entitled "The Choice of a Life Work," will ho given next Sunday evening. Mr. Pollack hap made these themes eubjecta of special Study and should be heard hy lenge audiences. At the morning service he will ron- t(nite bis addresses on the Tntd'e Prayer. The young p.onle of the churebltold their meeting every Mon- day nigh'. Everyleety welcome to all the service* of the rhumb. PERSONAL MENTION. Mn.. C. H. Humber Y Henan/ et H.mlltee. Mrs. D. R. King 1" vbdttng friends •t Oe11Ba, F. W. Doty left on Tuesday au • trip to Montreal. , Fred. Platt Isft today for Uetrei . where be will Heft Nes time. A. *.I. eek went to Tweeto this morning to hear the Mendsleseho Cbotr. ving reference thereto should be addressed to O. M. Elliott, the county agent. at Goderich. HOW OLD PERE May Prolong Their Live At an advanced age waste 1s more rapld than repair. The organs act *axe slowly and less effectually than in youth. The circulation 1s poor, the blood tele and watery, the appetite poor and digestion weak. We want to say to every aged per- son erson In this vicinity that Ytnol', our de- licious cod liver and iron tonic ( with- out oil) wUl prolong life. It creates an appetite, aids digestion and makes good blood. In this natural manner Vinod retards waste and replaces weakness wtth strength, giving new life to the worn system. If people In this vicinity only reel - 'zed how Vtnol invigorates old people we would not be able to supply the demand. Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned If It does not help yon. H. C. Dun lop, Druggist, tioderich, Ont BUNN. e Mue'HAPtLES. - n"H..wd.�.rr rebruary Sta. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald DloChader, =rad oao- ceadan Hume, • daughter. DIED. M.:1x1WRLL-At Weetllald• a Tuseday. February soh, Mer. Harvey McDowell. HUMer. Rivrkardd Buxzzo. ttetrolia. on m erl February rich, aged ler years. For fresh oyster... Virginis sealed, try Blackstone s. 'Phone 210. "Waiter," said a traveller in a rail- way restaurant, "did you ray I had twenty minutes to watt or that it was twenty minutes to eight?" •'Naytber. Oi said 'e bad twisty minute. to ate, an' thot s all ye did have, Yer train's just. •gone."-Edbrvbodyes Magazine. i Y. M. C. A. SUNG.. LOBI DON. ONT. BUSINE •"'S sad SHORTHAND SUBJ►r • Registered last season upwards o 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. t hundred and fifty i.undou firms empty our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Ender any tints. Catalogue Free Forest City Skertemii Cage J. N. WFSTCRVIn.T, JR. J. W. WCSTCRVILT. Char ...d Aeeaenteat. . to Pettiest. as The Ladies of Goderich May Now Have Beauti- ful Hair. Dunlop Has the Article and Guarantees It to Grow Hair, or Re- fund Your Money. Dunlop, the druggist, hacked up by the manufacturers of Salvia, the great hair grower, guarantees it to grow hai 9atr. via destroys dandrti3 in ten days. The roots of the bair are so nour- ished and fed tbat a new crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and de- light of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Like all American preparations Salvia is daintily per- fumed. It is bard to find an actress wbo does not use Salvia continually. Ladies of society and Influence use oo other. Salvia is a non -sticky preparation, and is the ladies' favorite. A large, generous bottle, :50c. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Canadian dlatri butors. Gents M. Ws heavy. all -wool underwear, regular *1.23 'meth now Baling for 79e. A few men'. all -wool leaver end tweed overcoat« o hichewe are clear- ing at about hall of their otiginsI val- et... If you want a new suit now is your opportunity to secure an all -wool tweed in newest style and - well tailored for 10,911 -lees than cost.. Also is few sizes in all -wool serge, tweed and worsted suit•, the original value of some being 1110. Reduced to clear at ,119.85. Some more 50c silk neckties for 15c. 13ig reductions in ladies' (bats, furs and trimmed hats. Here's a bargain for yon E This gran teed 2,000 pound capacity Scale with d v e r y up-te-date improve- ment, for only $25.00. Yon will begin to :.ave money the day you order an Union Back of Canada Ptsld-v. Cosi. nal . I - • • 4,186,000 Best sad N.dlvlsed PMMb - L300000 Tea& Assns, (Dere) • - 63.000,000 Leaden. England Office, 11, Threadneedle Street, E. C. * hese& of this lack has bass established in Leedom, England. at Its et, Tksrsaadle Street, B.C., where Letters of Credit and Drafts payable tB all impsrtast pasts is Ossetia sed Ole Vatted State., can be pvabaad..sd Mossy Tesadsra arrange A Vishay? Reece is provided for the aenvesbsce a clients of Om Beak wheat fa Landon, to weich their must may be addressed. C1orseepeoilmos solicited :IF. W. ASHE, Maser. t.endsn ...soMassager.G. M. C. MART -SMITH. Asebtiaet-Manager. • A WONDERFPL REMEDY Orange Lily is daily curing the most obstinate cases of Female Dis- orders. Falling of the Womb, Leu- corrhoea, Painful and Suppressed Menstruation, etc., eta, are aU et them relieved from the start by its use, and a few weeks' or months' treatment accomplishes a complete cure. This remedy is a positivee,, scientific preparation, and is bas.A on the discoveries of Pa+tour and Lister. It le an applied treatment; that is. It 1. not taken internally, but 1s applied direct to the suffering Parts. and it, theretore, acts with all tee certainty of the known laws of chemical action. As it comes in direct contact with the diseased tissue, kat antiseptic and nerve -food properties oaaoot help have a beneficent Influence. I receive from 10 to 60 letters daily, epeaktng ot the beneats and cures 1t is performing, and so sure am I that tt will do what 1s claimed for 1t that I will send, absolutely free, a 3Se box to every suf- fering woman who will write for It. Prtw. 11 per box, which 1s sufficient for one months' treatment. Address. MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAH, WINDSOR, ONT. t WE PAY CASH FOR Uatfa CANADA POSTE STAMPS 100E VAMPS WE OFFEll AS Ouch AS _ *100.oo to 1f you have tanai Aral lad stamps to sen write fur our .spared catalogue Quoting prices we .v for each kind by nein Loamy addresste•• 10pinta (not M.l. QUEBEC STA MP EXCHANGE (gtco) P.O. Box 179. (1t I eEC, Canada. Wanted immediately Smart, on, able tea , on good metre or eomanleelnn tooth oo well-known penial tieslu fruit and oreenie:del tree.. In year ...Maty. We pay a. .skims to ability and desire t be, beat turn pr.vu. ab1e. 800 Acres of farm trees from whob to fill customers' moult. meals. Our eslr•mee-aro •b•olntely "err t- .opyly reliable, sail -factory stock. 1Gtabllab..t over 36. • era. Write : Baler. Manager, Pelham N ar-ery Co., Toronto, Ontario. N. B. -To 4 tow r. I If our ropreeenta Wrest have called, write for catalogue and Changeof Business I have pur ha -ed the s Cam laund. y hu -i. nese on Hamilton street run ter inane yeses by Mr. U. H. Rose and 1 am pee -•t rad to all the wants of his cu.- ttmera acid many new one-. I solicit your pate •n - age. Satisfaction guaren- teed. George Pong Suropseor to D. H. leets, Steam Laundry Ham Iten ht. ENTER ANY, TIME One of Eastern (he•.rio'.Hlgtt-Class end p.palar Rushton School• which keeps open throughout the year. Young peo- ple may enter any time aro complete their come. without Interntp•Ioo of mieaummer holtdaya You may study all at home or portly at Dame and finish t .he cohere. Thkty Year &cppeerrlteenee. t.aage.t Trete, to In Canada. Affiliated .with tb. Cou,mer..lal Eduoaton'Assoc- latlon eat Canada. Write for parUrnlats. Clinton Business eskers OEo. OPOT'TON, 8. F. WARD President Principal- , eveueareeteweetweinewireeteteeraeaereleaferee The Massey - Harris Shop on HAMILTON STREET is the Once to buy all kinds of farce machinery WAGONS from Bain's, of Woodstock BUGGIES from Gray's, of Chatham WIRE FENCING from Standard Fence Co. CREAM SEPARATORS from Toronto BLACK BONE FERT- ILIZER from Detroit -in fact, anything a tarmac needs or wants. Cutters We have a few Cutters W ••eta at coat as long as the stock lasts, at Robert Wilson's trtunilton Street, Godei•ica depeeereifteeeseeerweeeleesseeeerepee 2 £ Join the Pioneer Club AYLMER Wagon St Stock Three -Wheel SCALE Government Certificate of absolute accuracy gce:l FREE with every Aylmer Scale, even at the bargain price Of $26. 'ewe prepay the freight" and warrant you Aatisfac- Liv1 or refundyour money. This bowie 1. neo1 'mildly restreetet, Thi, special offer rives with Jessup toed steel nearing. tkrougbeut; you retry chanty to own tut nae AIR Aheels, room) platform, kept In Mae. by FOUR .h.eks .Instead et the usual absolutely modern orale, teem, etas steel fender en platform to pro- huilt of the very beet lent tee beim. and a afth lever to talMr.ese material. You newel thin ntrun em the feeam. Wel last • lifetime and wHgh ae.uaat..ly up 10 Ogle len. even stile to weigh whatever 'f k stands en envy,. pound Maw to yoe buy or well. You an 'neve from pare to pee., aa't .rat -Nang In• have it to test to arty very tzartleuty e•a you like Send it Rwwseeter .airlr 1..ea. tesesne oat. to !rad yyssee• eegr� station rare poveew.went Cern- tte t pear money Snare wF' MsgtSep free. ' Oct Ie nee, suet.. K it isn't all ar,e1 es.Q1 Per remelt eesteer.. more than we say 1t 1. A.R C°d_ Aylmer, Ont. 4 Any .ran or women whose age Is ovr sixty years bee the privilege of sitting for a pert.+eft, and each one will he presented with a Cabinet - slue Photograph on one of the talent ntoranb-- frre Ole Charge Call any time after the 88th in.'., end were in the dry. and ■range for semi. sit tintr. L.fe is very nneer•tain at any time, het the Infirmities of 01.1 ego assay prevent you tenni Mming a' . la'ef date. Don't p•orra-•site. hum give your boys an 1 rifle nrime- Ihing hy who b to remember yo's, in 'heeh•p• t1 a gond likeness of yours.•If. R. R. Sallow s Portrait and Laud -rap- Photogrepttse (t d• rich