HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-8, Page 3TIE e ANI ONLY BOOM aawi,a> OP' MITA- 't:'Oi&r - OLD ON TWA MERITS Of MAID'S LINMENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING S 000 LEATHER 000D9 cis mordw .tTH tl1 ]tL ederire. m tssviae A. E. TAYLOR. tenth •roRD CIVIL ENGINEERING VAVIL &..l HyaraelM Y.tstesee. Ontario Lead Mensal e4 .a Tei. -Obi.' 'r Cialiwiek D'ea MEDICAL i1RS. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR. J) Perdiam aad earmark Oics-Neeth HAALXTTILVeAae.ealt .eat Massa HAROLD TATIANA. R. MR i)R.W.F.(*ALLOW.M.B. Glace sad madam& Nor% oortk of equate &Wm, R. F. J. E. I.ORSTE B-EYE.EEAR wise and throat only. Hoses sermon York UphtAalsrb sad •fust lawittae*t.q, Moog tads., Bar, Nasssni1Moat Ho..pIW Golden Square. end Moorefield Eye• Ho8Sttaa.sieset Loudon, hoalaud. (edea 13 a Waterloo Stratford. opptadte Kan Church. Hours 11 to 12 it. m.. 2 tot p. m.. r to a a a. 1Lb.ho•s LEGAL DRonwoOT. HAYS t KILLOR- wN. barristers. ss8dtors. '.tastes'ebbe proctors 1■ tae Maslnass (Jsart. eta Yrlva(s t( uuraacds., to Iliad nit d interest Ude ghee %IWUteroOT M. C. Y J. WL PLLWRASI. I( G. OAM TION, M. pCe a ARRIS- bandhoe Sawa. EB, Gems- tannotaryks• Wed 6 tram map sate. tBARLKSGA}IROW, L.L.a.BAR turn kb. .iteraq sshcrtor, ora, e.• ma. Moan. tab isads&Zw.a tet rates O. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER . softens,. cosiwo aloe's, motor, pa lle mew Haolkas attest 6/dstrler Oat. IXSURANCE, LOANS. Era eecKILLGP MUTUAL FIRE 1N J.I. BUR A. NC s O.-Letsa and belated D. Pea town Udeser,t. 8ea/erth P.O.; Jae Connalj, Roderick P. 0.: nose. L bars Bs.. -Tress., 8.aterh P. 0. Dtrsaons-Ws. Chown. 8sstortJt : Jolla . Grin Wfethree, WUa, tiasaRitonsuses• John woe, Brenha 's : James ETOirs, Heeohsood : John War. Marled' : Mstootm lIcYwen, Brvaeoeld. eats: 4. W. Yeo. Holsmeth.entne; Rmeth.Hoitoopccbkk : Jas, Cummings. LRmseivills : L r 8,sfotth. Pons, -boldos use pa, satessssnu sae got edd their seals teepted a•t t. J. Msrrlak a Clothing Ston Winton. or at R R. Cam•. (irsssey. amass• sorsa. Oodoiek. S20 w P lit ITLFUNDS TO H.n6t.r sae stria Oodertoh. W, R. ROBERTSON. 1N8UPANCZ AGENT. PIMto sserkasRD lien NUM: British. Canadian .ad i.Rnairt. 8iQaam AND 3.MMPLOTir' Lt*gu, rev : The Osw Acoideat sad Gametes i.ro- A Welted. of L.osden. Malty Otios tMand trs•rsansrest toe t mpaayy. U.iBp to "ad St. Davis wrist. O0r'Phs.. T6 1 OBN W. ORAIG1E, LIPS, 1.FeIdtRpE RP re reaeos. lead for Is im .H • .14.4. ea s .RttwtReda d S oe. W. pEWu igw. ret. ,bane iA MARRIAGE LICENSF.S WALTER E YRLLT J. P.. ROMIticli. arr. fHstlzll, lip $A1Ul2ABK IJC1 1$>f1. W.lAttmairurtagaLmARKI. SMARM PARLOR ISWORD BLOOM JNAI4BRR SHOP '711. w.C•laeM. 'mal .lea sews Its y.trees the kelt ''seise is aka TR A9crtogt $O GUNDitT. LiT' H aegrsaRw..s a rH E RjGiTAL s GODERICH. ONTARIO District News. Tb.' celesta of Wiugham are p1 log a° old boys' reunion fur the oe Ing rummer Mrs. FraaMoi. Lewis, a resident of Turnberry .ibce Me died oa January SAW. aged eighty-three years. William Lynes, of Toronto, a resi- dent ot Beetor about thirty years ago. L dead at the age of fifty years, Douglas McTavish, a termer reside of Clinton and of ete.nIey townshi died at the home of his daaghter Tare/took. Mn. John Carmichael, an aged a respected resident of Wroxeter lues Ky. is dead at the age of ninety years and nine months.. Mr. and Mn. James Scott left Sae forth last Thursday for Greed. Prairie, Alta., cabere tbey intend mak- ing their home tur the tutors. Mrs. J. W. Shoetreed, of Morrie town- ship, lett last week tor Grande Prairie. Peace River diatriet, to join her hus- band. ueband. wbo went there a Tear lino. The 122 -acre farm a[G one sed a -quarter mike west f Wes Um, baa bseru sold to Wm. Shoetree& of the 91 b line of Mortis townsbip, The price paid was $7,900. The death of Mrs. Benjamin Church- ill oneurred at beer have hi Hulett on [Sonde,. January 89th. The de- ceased nad been ill for some time. tithe was IIfav-five Tears of Mr - The weddian took place in Usbot ne town.bip os Wedoesday, January 24th, of Min Mary E. Knuth to Albert O. Fletcher. of Exeter. Rev. T. A. tnao,mth Stesdaa was e official-inofficial-inclergy- au- chronic it may be, that we offer to ru- furnish the medicine free of all Duet if we fail. We think that it is wore. than me- lees to attempt to cure constipation with cal bard is dregs. Oatba rt ter may do much harm. They may cause a re. - action. Irritate and weaken the bowels, and make oonstipatiou more chronic. of Constipation is often aceocupuured p. mad may be reused by weakness of et the nerves and ousels. of the loots Ihte.tioe or mem. To expect a cure ad you must therefore tone up and 1- strengthen tiao.e parte and restore [beta to betlfhier activity. Tbe dlaeovery of the active principle deur remedy 'revoked for labor of sinful re marsh chemists. This i'.- 47 produces result. such so are ex- pected from the best of the best- toown intestinal tonne, and it is par- ticularly prompt In its result.. We wane you to try Resell Order - Nes on our Ruarsntee. They are ex- oemdineRly pleasant to take and are ideal he children. They apparently act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. having, it would .sem. a neutral action ob other organs or glands. Tbry do Dot pores or came inconveniences. If they do not pose Lively cure chronic or habitual ono- etipstioo and t hue relieve the mynah of associate or depetsdeot chronic aU- m.nta. your money will he refunded. Try Rexall Orderlies at our rick. Three miser of packages. 10c, Mc and 60e. Remember. you [tan obtain Rex - all Remedies in this community only at our store -The Rexed Stere. H. C. Uunlup, south aide of Square. Sometimes 11's Unit. to Insist on What You Ask tor. Harry D. Ainley, a former Brussels boy, was cwaseisd at 'Parttime. Alba., on January loth. The bride was Mess Edith A. Hawmili, daughtet of lir. and lir.. S. H wmill, of Beverley Mauch. Outland. The frirhds of Mrs. John Neusch- waoeer. of the Goshen line, Hay. fowl:weep, beard with regret of her de- mise un Muoday evening of last week. lies had been its for some trace. Her hummed, ume son and tee daughters rurvire. Anaged residentof Turnberry town- ship ow n- bay passed to ber reward in the person 01 Mics Isabella McDougall. Elbe was in her ninety-first year. The deceased was a natio' of Scotland and bad been living in Canada tur flfty- siz years. Mr. and Mrs. Jame, Cartwright, of Mullett. celebrated their golden wed- ding on Monday, January Sikh. A number of their neighbors ane h iehds were invited in for the occasion and all their ch.ldreb with 'their fatuities were pre.ent. - After an illness extending over see - end weeks. William J. Slomen, a resi- dent ut Clinton since 1870,, died on lbursday, January 'Slot h. He wee rev- enty-wiz years of age. His widow and a Lundy of seven eons and three daughters w. vive. A pleseant matt Monist event took plate in Tutnberry• at the home of lit. and Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge, when Web mound daughter, Mary A., be- rme the imide- of - W m.- biicikdeu°. Tbe young couple wet reside on the Turnberry 1n,uudary. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist pareunage, Brumels, on Wednesday alien:emu tit Met week, the contacting parties hefng Robert F. Meacham, ut Grey towuehip, and Mir. Ju.epuine Hueneme'', of Himeets. Bev. 1)r. Oateu performed the cere- mony. A pretty wedding was solemnized in Si. James' church. Scatorth, on Wednesday. January 241h. when Miss Nellie, youngest uauKhter of Mrs. Wil- liam erei.t•y, became the brine of Wil- liam U. UtLrud, of Tornow. Rev. Father Corwran performed the cere- mony. Another pioneer of the Huron tract, in the persou of John Moorland, of the 2nd oonosesiuo of Tucknrawit . died un Monday of last week. He was eighty-oignt yearn of ago. Tue uecrasru eau resided iu Tucketamttb sines the year 1861. A family of eight survive. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (roveotry, well- knuwn and highly esteemed resident. of Wiugh.u,, omit/rated the bltieth annrvrrar.y ut melt' wedding a few days ago. .l hey have resided w Wing - haw her twenty year' ane previous to Ghee they lived iu Yude..t end Nest W awauush. (1a Wednesday. January 31.1, the marriage took place of Mute htfa May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junstbau Cooper, to Frcdetice H. Ford. Toe Der ewouy was pertoi med by Rev. 1. A. tlteautuan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. Uebnne town- ship. About IW guests witnessed the event. • Daniel French, the first manager of the House of Refuge at Clinton, died at Wetaskiwin, Alberta, on Friday. January 26th. He had been ill for only a few weeks and his death time unexpectedly. The remains were brought east and interred at Oshawa. His widow and awe son are left to mourn his departure. Hrs. Robert Rutledge died at her home in Wingham on Thursday, Jan- uary 18th. "the was in her eighty second year and was a native of Ire- land. :She was married in 1859 and from that tem uncal l 44 they lived in Howick township. i'bey lived at Car- rick arrick for a time and on the death of bear hothead the family moved to Turn - berry and litter rwme to Wingbam to regime- Mrs. Rutledge is survived by two eons and two daughterv. Howick Mutual lesets.ce Company. The thirty-ninth annual meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held at (3orvie on Fri- day. January Odie. The repeat sub- mitted ubmktted showed that the number of policies nerd during the year 1911 was LABtl, nod tb$ number in force at the rinse of theear was AWL an in- crease of 21A The .10(8)nt ot lemur - lo force at the close of 1911 was 11116.016.115. CON FI DRNCi. We Bleck .ip Our Statemesbs noMb Our Pmeenal Rep.tatieo sad Maw. We are so prerltive that wive can to Nem noeselpstio°, no matter how A great deal of teak has been ex- pended on the evils of suheititution (so- called) that ss somewhat wide of the mart. Tbe dealer has been made out to be a monster of awful mien and bed morals. He is pictured as willing to ruin his reputation with his best friend., his customers, by urging them to take something inferior merely because he makes a few cents 'renew money on it. Take a packaged medicine, for in- stance. It is notorious that there ale veiny widely -advertised patent medi- c/um that trade so heavily on their mine that tbey do not give the quan- tity no sometimes even the quality that make • fair return for your money. Some other parker/eel wedi- citte of a similar nature is knew° to the d, uggist to do both. and hie te11- iog his customers about it is but an- other sort ot 'advertising that lends to secure a square deal fur the public. A druggist under suchr circum- stances is to be commended for telling bis customers of better vale,•e to be secured. and it in only good liminess that he should du so. Your protection is in the fact that he has first satisfied himself of the wetits of the goods before he could be pen.uaded to offer tbem to his cne. tomer'. No dealer, unless he is insnrte, is likely to offer you soreething else im- itate -It is as good. 'if not'leitter. "teen what you ask for. Both Quick and Permanent *Strength. If you are run down or tired out, if you take cold easily, hare uo appetite, are lowing flesh or stave other evident-. of lowered vitality, try ur M.cLeod's System Renovator under our guaran- tee W refund the price paid if Lne refill - edy hula to give entire seuisf.ction. 1l Aida digestion, loose up the nervous system and giros both quick and per - eminent results. One aouar a bottle. Manufectnrred by MacLeod Mediciue Oo.. 0 -calends, Ont. - For sate by E. R. Wigle, druggist. THE FERTILE NORTH. Government Demonstration Car Shows Capabilities of New Ontario. Some day the people of this old Prov- ince will waken up W the wonderful possibilities of the great Northland, cowwunly referred W as New Omtatio. There are two men whom the writer has tura who are doing their share to educate the peoele es to the great natural resources of [bat country and as to wham: may be expected when these resuorcrtt are develope-1 and brought into use. These men art H. R. Hallows, (lodetich's famous photo- grapher. and R. A. Jones, ut the Bureau of Uoloolrrition of the Pnr- vineial Department of Agnculeure. Mr. Gallows is snaking snow[, to the woo Id. through his photographs, the cbartn.ng natural beauty of that country, while Mr. Junes. in charge of or deuionstrstion car touring Ontario at the present time. is proving himself st rluuous " Boomer " of the great clay twit. Wheu his "sir was in Oodericb recently the feignsl representative het the pleasure ut inspecting the cuulente-all products ot the north country supplied by fanners between Haileybury and lesebrane- and of hearing Mr. Jones proclaim in his characteristic manner tbe unmodified success that bee accompanied the efforts of those who are engaged in mixed farming in New Ontario. The surface soil comets of tour to .ix inebee of black muck, different from other qualities of that kind of .oil to that it dues not burn when the land is being made seely for culti- vation. The subsoil is claimed to be the best in the world. It la free from stone and of just as good a geality at a depth of twenty feet as nearer the surtace. The timber covering the load sow - rhea of jackpinw..prune, bamaraek sad some birch. That pees el the ca v rry t kocwn as the stay beet pew elpally with .prune. When the red is taken up the Nattier Rete the Umber and when It is sot in Mux• -foot he finds a ready market for It tit pat cord. =ixThe average yield peers uoone awe of f and vegetablesto rne patter trim 1 b potato= e e are be Ja..1iosM up this. ar ie and nye- tables all all kierde-•manse, missies, psnnlpo . maewaids. beNnrd squab. pumpkins and dire•' -thrive weeder - fah? well. Th. native gram grows to a bsirrbt 01 _.w taut, amid !It its Oboe Oar both •awre mil easlio. The se -pie eta ascend est of clover Ulf just flue week: woo 1h was over Iwo let In height. .u4 Nom a field of third -year timothy h* yield was fur tons to the acre. 'Phe height of the easr was five feet, 'eget inches, Alfalfa also nourishes, the scored cu, in a reason growing to a height of three feet. There were samples of firvt-year timothy hey. showing the difference in the strength of the fee.'. testae blades bad heads srveo, slgt., and nibs iucbce in length. Sawple* of timothy seed were strewn of which one fanner sold :dam worth last fall. Ht sold early and vonsequeuey ruiseed the advance to pe ice. Matured Dorn, beans, cucumhe,s and hope also were shown : thew alt thrive well in the "frown uorth." The bops grown ere add to be equal in quality to those grown in Wasb- iogtan State, widish is 'opposed to Ira the hest bop count, v in this world. Sows kind► of oats, with "stalks like a bamboo case," yield one hundred freshets to the acre. Banner oats weighing tarty pounds to the husbel yield from eighty to 126 bushels per acre. There is no pea weevil in Norther° Oaten,, consequently the pea crop always is a good one, the yield rang- iag as high as /Me bushels per were. Red Fife 'wrier wheat weighs sixty - me pound. to the Mittel and yields third s -one towhees to the acre. F.11 whet: weigh. sixty-three pouods to the babel, with an average yield of forty -tee.' and a -half Masbela, and is said W he equal in quality Lo Manitoba No. 1 herd. Barley, six -rowed, is always a good crop and of an excellent quality. Its weight frequentAy runs as high as fifty two pounds to the bushel. Around the wails of the car were photographic views of new public buildings and residences in the feet growing towns of that country, water scene. and waterfalls, and conserva- tories abowinat onserva- tori s.bowing the muted' atteatioo pakl to the cultivation of flowers by Ise railway peop e. Another interesting picture was that of t he c ol..nizadon road on which t he Proviocial Govern- ment spent $6$*,(UU tart year. Thew are lull 10,000.000 acres of land to be settled in New Ontario and this work of deeuonstrat ion sbould he productive of g.rod results in bring- ing about the settlement, of what Mr. Jones tonne •' the test country under the sun." . An Animal Weather Prophet. • According to as old folk -I. 're story. if a person wishes to know whether there will he a late or eatly spring the w•x,dchuck is the one to he centime ed. Rarly la the autumn the woodchuck gore to sleet/ in his winter quarters. He curls himself in a little bell, with his nose under his paws so aha he con keep his toes warm by breathing on them. Hese be sleeps snugly alt the winter, and [ben, so the story goes. he wakes up suddenly on February 2nd, stretches himself, rubs hie eves, and at last et eeps nut of his amity newt to see stat it looks eke out- doors. If he finds it cold and wet, the earth covered with snow, and heavy grey clouds banging low in the sky, he begins to look arouno, for be feels certain that sown the ground will he wartn and the little buds will be coning out, for spring id surely on her may. Bat if the sun is .hin.ng brightly and the Bret thing. he sees es he leaver hie- borrow is hie own 'shadow. be pops back into it again as fart as be can, once more tucks hie note 'soder his paws, and settles down for another viz weeks' nap, for a cold late se.on is the only result that can be expected from seeing his own little shadow cast by the btieht sunl.ght. It mutt he 000fesssd he doesn't. ale aye get it just right, but he probably doesn't mind if he does oversleep some time spring days. A man cab worry a heap more over his Iialdnese than his debts. PURIFIED HIS BLOOD 61tr► Moree'e Ind HMNd Mr, WM Root P111e 'a Sorsa Whorl the sewers of the Andy -bowels, kidosys end skin dacts-get clogged up the blood quickly becomes impure and tregnnatly sores break out over the body, Tbe to Beal them, .s Mr. Richard who lives near London. Oat., le to purify the blood. He Per some time I had been in a low, deprewed cooditio.. 11y appetite lett me and I soon began to suffer from indi- gesdem Quite a number of small sores and bioSrhes formed all over soy ekin. I tried medicine for the blood and need rr y kinds of ointment., but withert se C1su'y results. What was seated wee a tborougb ting of the Mid, sad I looked about *amain for some mit` cies that world acOemplisb 'this. At net Dr. Morse's Indian Rest Pte Win beotight to m and one at meet i ondderfu l msdkiass I haw ever Mown. My blood was wse!- led is a abort time, sores basal havarap m borne and are looked vanished. They always Dr. Morse's IadhnRoot Pits clears the ll deem at2 c aY Sold by 9 Terser.. Om. Ned place to C.i..d. ter pi¢srds Mistress odua.tto•.. gator row. ups ail flier. Catalogue rtes. PROMINENT RAILROAD MAN We= PILLSADVIISFOR THC S HIS FRIENDS [Ys "I have been a Pullman Conducttxos the C. P. R. and Michigan Central during the last three years. About four yens ago, I was laid up with intense pains in the groin, a very sore back, and suffered most severely when I tried to urinate. I treated with my family Physician for two months for gravel in the bladder but did not receive any benefit. About that time, I met another railroad man who had been similarly affected and who had been cured by taking Gin Pills, after having been given up by a prominent physician who treated hint for Diabetes. He is now running on the road and is perfectly cured. He strongly advised me to try Gin Pills which I did, -with the result that the pains left me entirely. FRANK S. IDE, Btrvrtt.o, N. It. sec. a box, 6 for jir.so. Sample free: Write: National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited, Dept. A. Toronto. If you suffer with Constipation or need &gentle laxative, take NATION.IL LAZY LIVER. PILLS. 25c. a box. 10S Here is one of the many cases in which several members of one family have benefited from the household box of Zam- Buk. Ohl Sgt. Louis =at t, 3rd 0o., dlth Battalion, Peterboro, Ont., says r "The lower pert of m7 face. cheek and raiz broke out in small red pimples, which LAW hotered and broke. forming meaty ewes aad dry scabs. The Heidi," NMI y>, *these crnpticns and sores was terriya, and messed far worse daring the elute All kinds Omens. washes and ointmeits wen tried in the vain attemph t• gel relief, even to bathing with carbolic acid and wager. Finally I thought of Ina leak mad srbfghtway procured a ben at the drug application t great rfrom Om the late ne itching. and as I kept oa applying this balm daily, ty.lala—atiea was seoa drawn ent. and in lee Uta a week's time the saes were thoroughly healed and e'er/ arab Daziahed." ( Mrs. ffiLott, 130 Sherbrooke 8t. Peterbae, tsniag of Ears -Rett's effect on her younger sem Walter, ways : " Me anted mid aimed a weld en his right 1 ip. whish developed into a naming sere, Finis this smaller mese p ve spread until his Iain limbs were mewed with theses Them pre edverytreatment.y and I foe- ed bleed-psd.a.iag 1 I began the flass-tesliy stoned to w Ike nage I L a remarkably abo($ space of ttae the raw running •sew were ail basial. WIwary gretain] Wing Sae k:a ewe: keep Sam•kttk always handy." I d7 = t eNatrmand ail Wier fur-0vt W1LL COWL fee rtars -I1lpe h w111 be a neve thread soma ekes•'• es weea/ t rs t,aa-ssis s m 4.V awl olds „ plies. so= stir Att d .es .redod ell lie Mt bre se ewrm e Bee Ms yds,-{eese uret .. Tele lok apse fe . feet et MTs..... '.4 •am(+. Prwfas bet .usae.ad M Tic w rar(sr+e.[ si. 1a etlrsx " ss every eserine Males RIEE MIX Sod tkls Owspos lata flea e 1 THURaDAY. FRBRUArT ill 1919 a New Spring Goods in Evers Section Large .hipmwnta 01 new Spring Met'ehandise opened up this week. New Prints New Ginghams New Cottons New Lawns New Shirtings New Wash Good New linen Suitings New Laces • New Embroideries New Spring Dress Goods New Waists New Whitewear New Curtains New Curtain Nets New Curtain Muslins New Madras Muslins New Carpet -Squares New Linoleums New Oilcloths COATS We hare still left a few ladles' and rhlldien's Coate that we an, clearing out regardless of price. Not many left.. McCall Patterns Na 4333 -Cent Ns. 4397 -Slit Price. S mass sada -.(; PALL mer MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE A FULL STOCK MAKES THIS STORE ATTRACTIVE We have stockeli our shelves with all thibgs neeeee.ryas iladiteomfort. 1f it's Felts you want we've got them. If tt'p Rubbers or Overshoe+ we've got them. If it's Rubber Boon we've got them. If it's Prospector.' Beota or Oil Tan Moccasins we've got then[. You t'en't mention an article that goes to keep your feet intim and dry bum.we have it. If -it's here it's worthy. If it's worthy it's here. Our prices ave the lowest. *Repairing good Downing & MacVicar 1 INFORMATION - by'TELEPHOI'lE EO P LE are not leaving so much to chance In these days of universal telephone service. Instead of risking die appointment they telephone and get the facts. Will who()) be held on a stormy morning. will your friend he in if you call, what docs the weather man predict aid then does be trim leave—arc samples of myriad% of questions con zta'It iy tens- iaT over the wire, and being answered by the proper authorities. There are also questions to be asked about the telephone sten ice, how somebody can be reached 'ewer toe Bell iwong Di. - tan Tekphone and what it will con. anal similar questions, whinh are being answered by•the ini..resation cptrotor*. P THE BELL TELEPHONE COMMIT Of ADA. Every led T.i.pb..e as fee Cooter e' fel apd/R. M 1