The Signal, 1912-2-8, Page 1An Advertisement Renew Your Subscription w in THE 9144NAL u the very best way of revolt- ing the people of (kale - rich, and Wret Huron. Rater yuotgd un applica- tlnn. p aIXTY.F/UR'r* Y*AK -Ne. ltiti THE SIGNAL and get one OI the pretty 1012 Calendars. RODERIOH TIIURSD Y. FEBRUARY 8, 1912 Do It Now THE SIGNAL PVTNTVNO CO.. Ltd.. Plini STERLING BtiK OF CANADA The Saving 'If i1 bit is not only valuator in that yy"tar funds are adenine listing against need but that itenaauragsatbrift In the general affairs of life. 51.00 opens a savings /Account. HEAD AYFICB-CORNIER XING AND BAY eT$UT%, TORONT*) Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager. .a A�.•�i. pis .yi t oil ee\, • !1 : • M oosg JA .W THE RAILWAY HUB OF SASKATCHEWAN. The G. and Divisional Point of the Canadian Pacific Railway.. The largest M.nufecturing (lustre of 'he Province. Beetle g perinea. in 1911 of over TW.. Millitw Dollar*. Five Railroads built and building into Meese Jaw. Tbe City of Progress. 1 am offering for ails part' of a soIidiv.tdie is the city. Net ten .r lift..• miles *way. but right an the lir. Tb. actual laereme la tales •f nese. lou. 1. maser vatvelr eariiiieted at raper cent. even thy"- inceths few OM day. A let •sellas; today 5200 should be Werth me year hence *MO. A pli ndlde�w lacy 10 arab a omen. profitable • nd rate le vest• ant. leu cels ween. Owners Fleesi.aae. Comm and era acre betone they are all Gold. J. W. C4AIGIE, RiiAL ESTATE AGENT. ,•� A. G. NISBET INS1'RANCE AND REAL ESTATE Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada. a• .The Western Assurance Company. The Royal Exchange Asenrance ot Loodon, England. The i.ondon and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Company. The American Surety Company of New York. All kinds of lnsuraemia. r ', Office hest to Ceuridian Bank of Coromerde QODERICH -- ONTARIO 000ERICM•MARKETS. ?MUMMY. Feb. Stu. (till wheel. perh00e.....00 111 el e 0 to wheat, pwtaln........ e IP M w per bash, ••••....... t 0 to 0 • Oa. a rheat per Mak.Mak. 040 to e W y our ash 0 75 tIn too 0 al hoar, bre Qer taw_ t•10 00 to 00 00 Fiona patent, wont.. 2 90 to $ ge Men per toe 0 OD to is Se b�arta, per to .,,.t V 00 to 17 00 Hwy per tee. sew t....... v 70 to 13 le ftraw..... Wood. per load ° 00 w 10 f 550 Hatter. per lb 017 to 0 0 Kira freoh. Apples. per bbl 1 m ttoo 3 64H Pettatseq per bushel. 0 • to A 00 e� omele'yy tegod, pr ew% 4 s0 te s 0 Bose por4 psrswt• 6 In to 6 M Tallow. Sheep. per 4 eels to 4 ]HS liber, pas •wt t 7 m w 7 50 wktw 13 W 70 FOR SALZ. TILE -ALL SIZER OF TILE FOR sale now at me Ceiborse iltiokyards. J. I'ITBLADO & BONS, B•umiller. PIANO FOR SALE. -A1.( OOD UP- RIOHT p4*no. Apply to 4RAR. C. Lill. WALL�PAPER. -1 d1 2 WALL O0 Ter - unto Wall Paper Ample brake at bed r from Te per r •, Sheet and ham 70*r work done beture the rush. Prier right Harden .Old by the roll. A. SNAZii. Asset. FwmtArent, Oodericb. In if FOR SALE 011 TO SENT FOR 8ALE. - OOMFORTABLE frame bemoan ftoededeeu lot. sinkable for gardentee. ea whish there are several holt MVO. Hume metaled' tour b.druomewlth'b.Il and Moms upstate., amid psrloo. diaisgroom sad bedroom with hall downstairs. Kitchen, pantry .ad weebroom. also • goad summer Itchen as the back. Cistern tamp and ver andalesad • No. 1 oilier ceder house. How bated by bot ways system. Po.me+len given say Ume In March. on canto ItuBsod ER a ELDER. hear east sof Bit. David's street. 0.41 CHOICE FARMS FOR BALE. -112 sores, Mies lots 00 and 20 on bid uumeee- era. Geeeek)a township. and else lots M, t -t i3, ea 1R conemelon, non Wpto6 100 sores; all Of widen V Use ehasest of Wa7land •od 1D • ang- rier ectopias. Ooed water: well fenced and drained, Lege beak been. good brim hoose and esebard ea each place. Situated on the ex- pected U ell W W reed route trim 8•rvaa to tdgetbetr or separam For hut W Ont. 10 'IMPALAS H L')R BALE.-THB RESIDENCE ON J� tlrua..tre /t oe the Lae 1(00. Dr. MuLean. I house wee eructed in Ilia, solid brick, two merino and tittle. trent and bent porkies, dieing ram. time's. taros bsdrou9w,halle, bathtuom. gird cosi furnace. elsd e% light. cement *eller. *eller. etc. Warm sod oeevenient. Per tenon. apply 10 M. G. CAMIt4wN, or on tae messida. lip u LIOR SAL L -THS HOUSE AND Lien Mass emcee, Ooderioh• teeming 2,10.flMs5YUUWray Y offered for sale. Prim Ube Ira es Che north reserved. Apply at MK MPORA.t. OPVICL Goderieh. L'ARJl POR BALE. -ONE HUND- ese jtW aro., legis. east halt of division s on uta esseerls• .bAoltee wa.urncxnin of ADMIN(/STKATOR'9 AALF t nisi wasety et, Aad.&. m the county ex Mem ww4 berg. NU withlf story busk 4wsas, with % -bouo. Phe bobys sad tete a M. Pat,.. is • =1st •ed taming r.. hYr : ekitrunni g owed by the leu i)•alel Il live, K is a aYs>�R Nevar taWryt Wyer creak running eery andabelf Mune hoose. tear psis dowse ta70 4 farm. aim seed well .4 door. 'Mitre end • ei amer kttehen. hew bdresas lt•ra Me asses seder gree tat las yeses, u tease water. Hew M 1. mead apse soli he sold a mer term. For torten parile- espslr. Ia..edied pe..eadan Kees. alae. aepty te Apply en the premises or to the edentg•sd- THOMAS DICKSON. Owner. Ih141�0e for Norman Mef..r. M. O. CAMERy4. d Poet Allme.t P. 0.. Ontario. Adafder.t«. Si LIVERY, CAB and 'BUS OFFICE Open day and night. 'Bums meet all train... Partievlar attention given to calls Brom private rendesees. Telephone e. 150. THE RED BARN • sleuth Bisect Goderich. Ona. Etattlit/X0 awl ft. me - FUR SALE. -ONE HUN - wefts K Malisss;e �sdj miss the XX sem Part vulge of Aoen ultria te where TIM P. A. Nwe Sett ation Is an W ace, A lrwwtamp �e0a.�r10, - `+elwg sod same beak barn with w•w emtoed ; .Rsha tell with ws{ate1nsaau0seet the tars. • lsr sewsMinna to L a. irA10MA1M. A.of.tasI6ml. P. tx itsst °r' WANTED' menemsen N 't'HOUtiANl) BUtlHE_L8 1 of been. wanted. early era,rrod. PartMa wt•h1ng is eeatraet (Adam, MINSTER Y.414M, Reay 61. Bask of Toronto chambers. I.eodoa, list. Ni 31 WANTED. -THREE OR FOUR roma' or sash isms. R. I. LUCA$. owe M Aaorkao Read Machias Co. FOR SALE. L�OR B4I.8.-1 SET SINOLIC DRI V - l` INO learner, 1 set single dray ture••r. 2 endo.. I dray. 1 eleieth, l cutter. 1 rubber -tired oke A chance for good bargain. Re- quire at THIS OFFICE. SITUATIONS VACANT. ]ERV ANT WANTED. -APPLY TO Mita M. W. H .weer L Teat. gar street. WAN n sa-TN?O 130Y8 AN D T W O RIDa sire` Appy O0DEI4IC� WHIRL LI'OUNI/. - A PAIR OF GOLO- 1� HIKE ED .pentacles and cam. picked up on the 8quaie in front of Millar'. Scotch Stare. The owner may regain pemenden by peovtud property and paylwr to tufa advertisement. �10IIND. - A PAIR OF GOLD - 1' RIMMEDg4w.. Owner may have the same by pay.eg for this advertisement and calling at the residence of M18. W. H. TItMMBLAY. Quebec street.0ederbb. 'THE TOWN • COUNCIL! TWO LIQUOR LICENSES TO BE CUT OFi. a - - Council Asked West It Will Do for the Military Oamp This Year ---Money Required May Be Raised by Private Subscription ---Other Matters be- fore the Town Fathers. At the regular mem ing of the town council un 'friday night last the report of the special conflated reoomtaeod- ing the cuttiog off of two l.qu or • licenses was adopted. The Local Option League bad asked lin a reduc- tion of four, rind the oouocll weut half -way in granting the regnant. LOST OR FOUND. I. The .ppo.srence ..t toe council cham- ber was much changed since the previous mretiug, the painter and leeuvator having been at work. The walls ate now papered in a dark green color which hsrmon.kes with the light Icalor of tee wuodwutk. The ceiling is papered in white, sad altogether the change is a very ple..siug one. A covering for the floor oleo will likely be provided. but the coi nc dies, after r guud deal of di.eureioo, were unable to decide between matting and lino - PUBLIC NOTICE. leum, and the question was referred to the finance committee. D1s80LUT1uN OF PARIhERStt1P Considerable interrs.. was shown by Mottos in hereby glveD ilio the ex. pickier the crowd which tilled the spectators ship beret fore eub.WUng between the under- benches in the reyart of the special signed as undertaker. and furniture dealers committee on the petition presented ander the firm name of Muir & Hub'neler at at the previous meeting, asking that a (ioderich, Ont.- ba+ been diseolaccounts this day by bylaw ue oatmeal reducing 'Ire number mutual consent. All accounts owing the firm j see dos now -*d payable at once. All par mer- of tavhrn icenses in Goderieh to four. ship debt. will be paid by Mr. George Rohmaier at .torso f s S,,nare. W. J. MUIR 0170. HOHM LIER Osde.ien. Feb. 1st, mist ANNUAL MEETING: ,� annual meeting of the Ocderlch band of trade will be beld In the b..ard nom on Man - day evening. February 11th. at 8 o'clock. The annual report will be received, olsoers elected and several very important matters in the town's lueent.s diseneeed• Every buslnese man or .Risen derl1.ee of seeing the Wen progress is Invited to.�OOttttBeee(ppGdd(( JAMES MITCHELPresident.Secretary. HENT. -TWO BRIGHT ROOMS, over the Sterling Bank ; ruftable torlawlaw. dent _l -p•)0, 194a elon. or dflWs� rein MeyrMd. 11APERHANGING, PAINTING and kaleneulnirig, etc. Fite elaas week. Priors right. Have your work done betoec the tush, A. $NAZk L; East street. Gode,ich. s7-tt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TIM MATT= OF THi EtrTATE Or AURID BMA(., tris or THa TOwx.trtr or demist -D. or rex COUNTY oy Hrauoo, Yanatev, D1c 6agb. Notice is hereby given. pursuant to Statute 1. George V.. chapter 1a. section Sit that all parsons having claims Realest the estate M the mid I.te Alfred 8male.deoeaeed, who died on or 'bent the 31.4 day of October. A. D.1911, aro required te send by post. prepaid, or deliver to Ida Senate, Port Albert P. 0.. the dminbtra- Irlx of the said .sub. a nr before the 1st day o' Maroh. A. D 1912. their names, ddreeeee andd.ectlptin,. and the tall statement and paMlcnlats otthele claims end the nature of the security. It any held by them duly certified to, and after the said date the dministratrlx will proceed to distribute the meets of the deceased Among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. and that she will nut be liable for the scrota odistributed many part thereof to any person of whose claim she .hall not have had notice. Dated at Ooderich. thi.30th day of January. A. D. 191tt PRoUDEOUT, HAYS t KILLORAN, IS St Solicitor. for the Adainletrat 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. be TOS 4161714. OF 111e 1RTAT1 of DANDCL MC MICR. LA1•a of TH1 TOWN Or 000161(11, tri TAM l.'O('WTS OF HURON. MAa1t(Ea, DECKAe1D. Notice 18 hereby at •en Danenant to Statute 1. G V., chap: er a section 4.5, that *ll per- sons having claims .gain.( the seat. of Use late Itanlet Mciver. deceased, who died on or •bout the "Jed day of December, A. D. 1911, are requested to send by tc.1. prepaii ordellvrto the under igned, ..olio tor for Norman Motver. the administrator et the .aid estate, at hl. of - flee. Hampton street. Ooderloh. es or beton the toil day of Febrbar , A. D. 1111. their name, addressee and deeoriptlou, and a IDD and the rioters of the eeoo ty, If myt.lani of rclaims held by them, dub certified to, and that, sifter the eald date the administrator will pronged to dietrib- • e the Meets of the dimmed amens fee Parties entitled ' hetet o. Navin, reseed only to e he allies of which he shall then have some. and tie° he will not be liable for the emits so dl.trlbuted. or any part thereat to say person MOw.MRyandah•11, fof 40� ellen he shall net t hen tare had no - Dated this 7th day of February A. D. fill. M. 0. CAMERON. Solicitor for Admtnista.se. rbt BAIJL - TIM BLOCK 00 CUF.. * tae Meeting Kink. M.0 ,eseww's sed L L Dasieoy'a law alma. and Mee Beed . huiceresest in semi. re1s0 �a0w�t{eep�. TM best ittm�md�- .ouy *011 L IL WWaemsie. 4 1 read ........ Y. . •ati41 HOUSE TO RENT. -THE TWO- er.. 6Tu0Y brisk dw4Otng with all seeetders Tiiweee most. Asenteases sr � fto W. R Re )ReireeyRTB0 t ..seer. sen sees •ls.afa area rilISFURMALL-ONI/ HIIN- Milt en .S (5 ni .......a me Ida atRw�wse�wwswlwl• of psi the Iswelhent- is swow sMrPW� _0as wow is • due ewer. Hundred Awns all - deism �' 6sed � welt eww 1allt�twwgyt���auaueOlea�awl. Is • 11011 SALIL-THAT rum tnist- •p rner� pr0nt. 01 0i1 wlie �M•pw. .,V mi, sats. wR iib awOso . uses e.asl*w e�igd_ seal.. assnsTe .e r. , aa; 3 spilt. NOTICE TO CREDiTOR8. Notts* le berehr given. por.nant to PMtnte 1. 0.awe y., chapter sa maim As, to all per. goes havinTMg claims against the vegeta of Jaime bestow. lite et the teweshlp of a `dlxerne fn the twenty of Hamm gentlen.aa, deoeed. Mod od m 0r about the r e 7th day of Jan hA. D. nd. i sendn.d, In the Game dols to the eadereienM, solicitors for John w and K 1114... T. Raine. the executers ef the will and te.tamsn$ of the said deceased. fel aft before the Aih day et Mareh nest doer 10001 date the said .seas..s will pressed te ata Us .aid estate aasotig the paesea Menge. Kevin, ►•nerd MAY Pe the of *104.0 they the scall *am Md ratios. •4 ... Mat they will not tri liable lee the greased•s[ w tete so dtatrtNG4 b ago't'0ae * sof w005 claim nodes Mall father egf4000• N (lased,ithorwiri at 1'tHOU D 'O((YI' d FTi M ei�IAN. belieltres for said `r esetelu. et7t The Grand Trunk Roflway E1yska ban Mond in book form the "Lott ere fie anode written hy the late William lF.00et1le lene yang for The ObI(oao Rasord-Hassle. The into, deal wish d Oanadleas life trod to Pekoe Rupert• well M abaly eoebtho were to the resent of tee Askew haemal they ase of intor o to (1seaifrse en a et miming onsietwee r arse! Men oke The es& le well IllarMMrtl The committee's recommendation was that tbe number be limited to six, which 1110110a the cancelling of two licensee. It also was recom- mended by this e.01pwitter Lust the letter from L. E. Daocey asking for compensation for injuries. received by Wm. Randall, by failing on rue icy sidewalk; be filed; and this the re- quest from the Hotel -keepers' Assoeia- uua, that the council '•insist on the policeman and nicht watchman doing their duty by seeing that tbe Liquor License Act as euforced," oe granted. The report was adupted. The public works and harbor com- mittees recommended Oust the C.P.R. be allowed running „dgists ever town property, according to the plan sub- mitted by the Railway Company on May 90th, 1911, ouch rigbw to be re- tained at the pleasure of the 0011011 i, all rtreet crowinge to be graded and planked to the satiefactaon of the coded!, and that the waLter of ar- ranging othet details to protect the town's interests and the preparation of a bylaw be referred to the Mayor and the town sulicitur. The report was tad T ellnanoecotnmitteerecommended that the clerk instruct the tax col- lece or to allow N. C. Cameron one-half of the business telt for 1911 charged him on the store at the coiner of the Square and Colborne street, on condi-. tion that the taxes be paid at once. It was recommended that a grant of $10 be made to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto; that the solicitor be instructed to take procuedinga to have returned any macbiuery or other fixture" which were removed from the Doty Hngine Works Co. plant covered by the town's mortgage, and that the solicitor demand tbat ail arrears due by the Company be paid at once ; that rue salary of the town clerk be in- creased $1110, the clerk to pay for any ordinary extra assistance required in his office during the year. The report carried. The report of Fire Warden Thomp- son, presenting a list of articles re- quired by the firemen, was sent. to the fire committee. The Mayor read a communication from the Mayor of Guelph asking for the council's Co-operation in having a bill presented in the Provincial Legis- lature to make compulsory the inspec- tion of meat, before and after it is killed. The letter was referred to the special committee. A statement from S. R. C. Clarkson, liquidator of the iloty Engine Works Co., having reference to the financial affalgof that Company, was sent to the fi6ance committee. A communication from Heaton's Agency. asking that the town take advertising .pace in the Handbook of Canada, was read. On motion of the Reeve end Councillor Laithwelte, no action was taken. A letter from the secretary ot the (food Roads Association asked assist- ance in furthering the movement for the improvement of highways. it was sent to the public works com- mittee. A request fora grant in aid of the work of the Salvation Army was re- ferred to the finance committee. A letter from OM. Hodgins, D.U.C., asked for information r to what the town would ie willing to duo in the gsatter of offering assistance if the military camp wean Located berm title year. The Maya/sale be had rem sort to believe that the Government would essuoe part eon the coat of the seep this year. Neat R would centrlh- ate *4 Lot $1.1100. When Reeve Mnn ing. stated that he would sot adynewt* the raising of the mammy se In prerfet» yews. lois Worship .aid that the *mot outley Lot year was SUMO. To this saternt $400 wee aided kr plpieg. ethos. wakes ed Takeo and etcher smear fir the water gyeton, and all this east - oriel was available kr tM. year. In the Mayne, opittien if the Oo .r neat would giee SLOW towards the ex- poses be felt enefidegtt the r.rn040der of the money required .male he rebs. by enteeripshea. He .old that este moo had Mid him he would .hdeavar qMat � addition ttolbsNgee ei miaow Winn M t: . t: was ne- wel the .o.a.cb a� Len stoat at tyres. one, If LW 001, Hodgins tome here so that mattes ELLIOTT OlT ioigbt be speedily and anileably ar- �j ranges. it A rnmmnnlcatlon was received from the separate school trustee hoard, •.k- ing that the taxes paid by the Curl ulog & Skaa ing As.oristion on the Weet- M. rink property be transferred to the credit of the separate school. The let- ter was referred to the finance com- mittee. A oommunicatioo was received from N. 0. Cameron seking that the &s - tweet of two per cent on taxes padd In advance be allowed him, on tbe ground that the collector had not sent out theca notices at the proper time. Thie neglect of duty, Mr. Cameron sake rendered t he collector liable to a peualty of $100. Tbe letter was sent to the finance committee. W. K. Rohertson's resignation of the position of auditor was accepted, and G. Nisbet was appointed in his place.A. A letter from the Hydro -electric Power Comwiasioo was referred to the special power committee of the coun- cil. The letter seated that as a num- ber of the mnnicipalities within the county had received autborhy from the iatepayers to enter into cootrecte for a supply of power, and as it would require joint notion on the part of thews municipalities to enable the Com- mission to give accurate estimates of the cost of power, it, therefore, be- came necessary that the Commission should know whet action the various councils p op..eed to take with a view to furthering the 'scheme of securing is supply of power througb the Commis- sion. . A progress certificate oil the sower contract, amounting to $2,222-08, certi- fied to by V. M. Roherts, the engineer, was sent to the finance -committee. Collector Cempiell was instructed to continue the collection of taxes tor 1911 which still remain unpaid. Reeve leanings brougbt up the matter of thinning out the trees on some of the streets. He thought they were too close and suggested that a committee he appointed co select trees which the civic employees could cut down at any time now while other work is scarce. The wood, he suggested, could he used for charitable purpoees. Deputy Reeve Clark thought that some trees in Court Hoare Pack should be cut. The Mayor call -d attention to the fact that, according to an existing bylaw, a person's consent met be obtained hetet. any trees could be removedtjatu to Input of his property. The bylaw is to be amended to give the town officials the right to decide which trees shall be removed from plates where they are too close. Another matter which the Reeve brought up was the queolioo whether it were advisable to pace a bylaw mak- ing it compulsory that all sewer con- nections asfar as the street line he made under the supervision of the town's street inspector. The matter was referee] to the public works committee to report on. The appointment of a new deputy returning officet to act in pe ling sub- division No. 4 in piece of H. A. Tufford, wh'o is in Winnipeg, was thee taken up. On motion of Councillors Pellow and Vanatter Jae. Holland was appointed. Deputy Reeve Clark asked why no recommendation appeared in the re- port of the special committee having reference to the disposal of the summer hotel. He suggested that a referendum be taken at the election on Wednesday, on the question, "Are you in favor of selling the summer hotel? Councillor Humber. chairman of the special committee, stated that the reason why nothing was done by the committee was tbnt they were waiting to see if there wee to be an election. He advocated the taking of a refer- endum on the question. Councillor Vanatter painted out that the matter sbonld receive publicity in some way before election day or the expense would count for nothing. A motion was then made by Deputy Reeve Clark, seconded hy Councillor Vanatter, that the referendum be submitted at the election 'n Wednee- day The motion carried. The council then adjourned. ANOTHER SIDE. To the Editor of The Signal. 'ing,-During the past few weeks we have read and heard a good deal in regard to taxing odtaids wholesale houses doing • retail leeriness in town, tbe T. Eaton Oo. being the chief sinner. Now, as we never bought one dollar's worth of goods from any one of those houses, we cannot be accused of heing partial to them. Just for the sake of argument- ea all questions for the weal tor ill of any community have always two .ides -let ns look at the other side. Let us time the Eaton Co. and find out how many thousands of dollars they have sent into the town of (iode- rIeb in gond cold naah for the producfs of our otanufeeturen, which to a very large extent have enabled our factories to keep open the year round. and in this way kept the heads and members e.t many families in emph.vmene Aced than mese earnings find their way largely to the tills rat our local mecr- ebanta, Wet do not think that any of oto focal manufacturers would ennelder it ace Impertinence were we to ask an of them above how wtoeh the T. Raton 00. pnrebeeed yearly, met at a rough eitheiwt.. We are wire It world surprise many of us. And we rot.* think twice before hellsgg spneenra hat a measure that might ultimately lead rte the withdrawal of a large w(A. reouut of the one. enby.ds•N*y 'Wore o , but k! l+ex. In the yeah* of the senred-year sair:Weie=st w'n mer. Wilt I'md- Mt's awaw among the lief of notees/ .I stti*hnta. (JrrnRratttlat Joe* I ELECTED. ED. "BOB" GOES RACK TO THE TOWN COUNCIL, Comparatively Small Vote Polled in Wednesday's Election - Plebiscite on Summer Hotel Question Re- sults in Large' Majority for nab ot the Hotel. Robert Elliott was yesterday elected town councillor to till the place va- cated - by the resignation of W. E Kelly. R. R. Bellows also was a can- didate, in so tar as his name swim on the ballot paper, but he made no effort to secure election, while Mr. Elliott was a very busyman between numinstion day and te time of the closing of the polls. Tbe vote cast was a small one, lees tban half that pnlled on New Year's Day. By sub- divisions: Elliott Bellows No. 1 .. 03 20 No. Y ' 47 2L No. H .. 41 38 No 4 .. 40 40 No. 5.... 29 3;1 No. 0. 00 37 No. 7... 41 x 321. 202 Majority for Elliott 119 To Sell the Summer Hotd. A vote also was taken on the ques- tion, Are You in favor of selling the bummer hotel? The vote was largely in favor of sel- ling the Motel, the majority being 150 3 ? in a total vote of The vote by sub -divisions was as follows : Yee No No. 1 50 12 No. 2.... , 31 10 No. 3 37 17 Nu. 1. 36 16 No. 5 . ., 32 18 No.13 47 21 No. 7 ,. , .. 24 12 Majority -Tit (IROF OIJ GAN NON. 41 LuoknowY N�visiting, ceased visitinDENTISTtontaido points and will henceforth give hie entire :mention to the home office, Luckoow• wnere be will be found every day. All modern meth- ods. kTOTIOT+.-THE LOCAL AGENCY 111 0 Dn mom for The Signal is at e Post - orders and etattonery BWn, where ordera wp1 renelvd for subscription ad- sis�r •~mo•su paid tor receipts win a W snrraoD.ty, Feb. 7th. Mrs. Jacob Ryan and Mn. Jae. Mellough are on the sick list. Mian M. Edwards, of Port Rowan, is vise ing her parents in Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Agar, rat Brandon, Man., are visiting in this vicinity. Harvey Treleaven is home from the Winghatn high school for a few days. [1. Bickle, of Godericb, has been visit- ing his old ft tends in Dungannon this week. A good supply of first -quality ice is Being getbered from the Nine Mile River. Geo. McLean. of Pay-nton. Sisk , visited ft lends in West Wawanoah for a few days. Miss Emma Sproul returned last week from a visit with relatives and friends at Goderich. WEDDING. -A quiet matrimonial event was solemnised at the Methodist parsonage here last Friday. the eon- trectibg parties being Miss Hattie Ryan, daughter of William Ryen, of this place, and 8. Burton Roach, of Goderich. Rev. L. Bartlett tied the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mts. Roach will reside in Goderich. The young couple have the best wishes of MB 100 . 150 their many friends for a long and prosperous life. Mia. Amelia Bellamy left last week for St. Thomas, when- she will take a enure. at Alma College. IA little daughter arrived today to brighten the huwe of Mr. and dors. Norman Treleaven. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryan went to Eiulttra today to attend the funeral of Mn. Ryan's brother, Mr. McK.sues Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Garretwn left this week for Turomu', rebore they will welt retrieves before returning to the West. - Box Societe -The A.Y.P A. of St. Paul's church will give a hux social i41 the Agricultural it all on Monday evening, February 19th. A preeminent fe.ture of the programa wail ... a play, " Sccne. in the Restaurant. Wm. McQuiiiin, of Sr. Helens, has been .ppoloted ss an employment agent hy the Dominion Government. HLA duties are to new e farm laborers and domestics for those r-quiring such help. The agency is a genet el one and does not restrict the appointee to any particular territory. OoiwxLLOWs' INwr*LLATtoN,-Tbe following officers of the 1.0.0.F, lodge were installed on Tuesday evening :; P. G.. Win. Bailie ; N, 0., 8.J. Young V. 0., W. A. Stewart ; R. 8., J Waltom• F.8., N. fr. Whyaad; treas- urer, A. P. Di.ber; warden, W. H. Carr; conductor. J. E. Mallongh ; I•G., 0. E. Augustine; 0. G., Geo. Adalur ; R. S. N O., Win. Wauwn ; L.S.N.G., W. J. Thorn peon ; R.S. V.G., George E. Smith ; L. 8. V. G., David Henderson ; H. 8. 8., Cecil R. an ; L8.8., David McAllister ; chaplain. J. R. MeNsb. The inaalfauon we: conducted by D. D. G. M. Marey, of Exeter, assisted by Hugh H. Pettey, J. Straiten, 8. Lynn, R. King and H. Ticbbourne. tl4'fioderieh. Oddfellow- ship in Dungannon is in a fiuuriahing condition. PROPERTY TRANSF7RS. - Several changer of property h .ve been taking place in this neighborhood recently. /Some time ago Matthew elhaokleton sold his farm north of Crewe to J. Glazier of the 6th o-oncee,;lbn, Since then he has purchased the farm be- longing to his father, Wm. Shackle- ton, afro near Crewe, and lie will take possession in a few weeks. Mr. William Shackleton will retire from active work, Thoe. Henry, of Belfast, has woved to the farm which he pur- cb{{tosed from hie brother Robert, who haA removed to the Spens farm in Ashfleld. J. J. Ryan, blacksmith, who had a lease of Geo. Br,.dford's chop during :he past Feer, has pur- chased the building and the adjoining house and lot, paying $2,2110. The Savage farm bay been purchased by - Sam Roach, of Goderich. Mr. Savage taking Mr. Roach's reeidenee in (lode - rich as part payment. . Since this deal was put through D.mald McN.vin, of Godericb, bee ex.chaoged properties with Mr. Savage. GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY. Feh. 5th. Austin and Reg. Seedy attended a dance given by Miss Elsie Dougherty- at ougherty-at Sheppardton on Tuesday night. Tbey report a very enjoyable even- ing. RIFLE As$oc4ATlose-Th e annual meeting of the, Goderich Township Rifle Association will be held in the usual place on Tuesday, February 13th, at 8 .clock. All interest.d kindly attend. T. H. RUNDI-E, Secretary, Special Notice. A Dutch Cupper,will he given by the Ladies' Aid Society in the hesement of the Baptist church on Wednesday evening. February 14th. There will to no entrance fee -just pay for what you est. Read the menu on the win- dow bills. The proceeds of the supper will go towards the purchase of new church pews. Keep the date clear and have supper in the Baptist church on Wednesday evening. Goderich's Proud Position. Third Port on the Lakes in Grain Trans- shipping Trade. . The following statistics appear in the cnrrer,t issue of the Railway and Marine World, relative to the .listributien of Canadian -grown grain through the eastern transfer elevators; LAKE GRAiN SHIPMENTS--Iqu CROP. The following.tatement prepared by F. Hymen, acting grain inspector. Fort William, Ont., shows the amount of grain shipped from the different elevators at Fort William and Port Arthur of the 1911 crop, from September 1st to close of navigation, 1911, witb ports of destination. MINTOPNATION *MOAT OAT, RAMMAT • ►Lai : ansdleianPweerks t�Har Ds li ee. Oedde,-)c$. ,,.......,,... HaneetlIIton !.. •• MorM ...........•..••. Peeaccst. Petal Edward.. tett CNb.rne Part St ............. 1 hernia, TRIM Vkkxer•ie iiarifsr�..........,. walk •wills • 11.02.111 1441101 Wnsis t,ll0.e71 twins 1A771,tt17 6'405 14p 410111:M 70�1as Men geese. 273.44.5 WOO OURS • " 5,734 MAI . •••.•0.+« he odd 1�a sail greet 111.1111.1111111.1111.1111`7.14410. rams MISS fuer of I e.ha r ab shown ales.. y iebrons temtemIMtamwn omitted.Act the .apireg•ee was. Foos the above tetafemewt it will be noted that (4ederich still eiaintaine • fnuP pa . wh.ot position amen* f�! 4aie"Mnd Reg ports o/ Darted& 'shoaling Ii fa wkea4 meond iso arta, thaw M barley and beet in Sim This port holds I b d viable record of third ih groom reesippta• fra ceded only by the ale export potato of Mtwara and TIllls: the latter, orbits a nem llama, .owess die rwripts of klidlemd Yom*. Marty e1 the aIsw ports bora very superiorp barber entrants*, protected by tww.kwatere. and wbss the sew poh)Mrta in r v^IaPvf by seahnag larger myelin to outer is rosopeetarl off our harbor it sdbmNs a aratafeld