HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-1, Page 10-s i^ T ONIMAs,'V av r 1. 1W� ! +w�...a.w.........�wtw.s.r.,' IS Spedals B,fete wLosktaking we bare a her *sera low Os ogre in Cut itand Silverware CUT GLASS Vase. regular $4.50. Special. R'elteir Pitcher, regular $7.00. Special. $S.00 (Team and Sugar, regular $&O0. Special .. .... $21,7115 Spoon Tray. regular $i4AO.' Special $4.715 lino Bun Distr. regular $B.rru. 1 Specie! oLi4.25 ,b. t i.O0, Special.. regular T4s SILVERWARE Four -piece Tea stet, regular $18.00. Special .;10.45 Butter 1►ieb, negate'. solo. Special.. i1 -SO Salad Bowl (Royal Duultcn). regular SOAK/. Special, $4.75 Casserole (lake Dish, regular $(1.11. ' Spe•oial. $4.25 Fern Pot. regular $ 2 . 0 0. Special $1.10 Thee are only a few of the ls we are duriingSFebauary berme offering taking. WATCH OCR WINDOW'S ,'Olt THESE SPECIAL,.$ Waiter 11. Harrison on the Suare, Goderich REAL ESTATE AGENTS NOTICE , L.steed of offertner your *Menne rut,. urban kite to a FAit-OFR town where You deo "t know what end your romer doer not know �s wt. bIC- Wh sell lots the toat be a wn oto Tu.. ott;anade 1 n the tart ¢row. i here L. a town in Ontarta which has , soured 23 lance lactation In the peat 48 marrow, an.t has .mown from L700 people to ;,ttq in the same time: Avery hirers will speak well of the town and dl the indications paint to Its bsoo►nLne in a new "bort ),-ars the treated nienufaotsrine city Ity+o C a.e.tda has dou morn value during uieoot of it* reel s•pastate two ream, ear win do 1•3 main dodos the uezttoo. wee your clleote sone property in this town, where* they can make a hendeoeu1e., patflt, and where moan da L.A!nl.LrA Ut NO letrtION thin . Ica a YOU live Oto as a sed toelay for our donee. livepralyu(. of the ,town end our (xtlt esraiiglottt to Real Hwtatexmen,lAL l:aeadiao General Secirities Lerparatioi 31t Scott rtreebt limited Toronto - IHand Satchels -moo_ A splendid lot that cannot be duplicated for the :none.. Real lerthei lana (tags, good Clasp and el.)ubit• leather handle, fitted with small coin purse, rttg- ulaxly sold for :end 1x2.00, Special. 95c Other, ren,ing in price (run. it.f.011 tu• • $8.ts). The Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER, Prop. '['hone 1011 tioderich Furniture Repaired POLISHED, ET('. biker Plating, Gilding, Etc. Mirrors made or resilvered. Picture Framing, Etc., by y e�y & Fraser Kingston Street (next Bing lidward Hotel, Changs o f Business I hays purchased the steam laundry busi- ness on Hamilton Street run for many years b}' Mr. D. 11. Rose and I am pre- pared to attendtuen the wants of his cue- tt mere and many new one.. I settee your patron- age. Satisfaction guaran- teed. George Pong Nueeessor to 11), H, Hoy., Stearn Laundry Hamilton St. STOCKTAKING 1 1 SALE Big -a. tugs !nu you in many lines of Zhu d t, ae to look ahead said see what your needs will be.• II ..ill pay you Ideal Fencing 11"0 ting we have a few rolls of the fatuous id, -al 1, 'et *ter. What we have you .;an have )strictly cash with order) as follrncs: DcinK left No. it hard steel wire, all ereoly galvanized. 0-Iine u ire :IN inches high. uptight 2; inches a pat 1., at 7 -line wire 40 Mehra high, upright lel inches apart, at "-lint wire 18 inch,•.. h• h, uptight liet't•ek1, 22 o r rod, 41114 o B-line wire 41 in g p ght 'l.'L inches apart, at pper rod, 24 o S-Iibe wile 47 to, free high. upright t2 inches apart, at per rod. Mein high, upright 2:; inches apart, at per We charge I rod, 47ye0. etre►c .. rR 'L'ie per dat or part of .. day for the use of rs. Meveral of air stretchers have not been returned and Vp personhaving them will be subject to the :,hove charge after /et. No. 9 Coiled Wire %%bat we have Rog e t $2.20 per 1110 11ra, Mitts II Hockey PStacks AT All 7:ee lines at ...... All floe Sticks at ""5� All 60c Socket at 42e An 8K. Sticks at...'.. .. 220 ... ....440 R'. have a good amertment left. Here is a chance to save money. 501', 90c and 06c titles et per pais. lee. Stock Food boar - national should he feeding Inter. Stook sed PoultryFood, Meld in 25a, ri0s ami 1.00 p•ekage.t, and la palls. 20 Per Cent. Disceent Hand Aleigbai, Snow h„e,,. t Heigh Rena Hone Blanket*. 1411rerwarer, all will be cleared at WO Per vent. distraint. The Howell Hardware Ca., Limited The Best Place to Buy hardware 1 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO house was ailed, the anthem: t-------�- Ct►MMUNICATIONS. oae a the In t of theammo Principal Hume dischargers the dent.. --- WOULD HAVE SAVED TROLIOCE. To the &storm or The men* $In, -The dere., of !Lead option and the pre.t•ot effort to secure lic+x.sc' reduction ought to prove to the teat- 'peraace people a hu voted for Tory candidates at the teat Provisoia! sire - thins that they made a rniat.Ae. If the liberals had tale eu000rrfu! In that election, the three-Htths obeu•uc- tion would have been wiped out, and all Phia trout)* about doing away with a portion ot the license. in Goderich would be wsnec•vwary. Bat it is an awful thing in tbla country fur a trraat to vote agam..t his party, Yours, T. G. A 0000 SUGtiESTION, To The Miter of the negate Kix,- The recent meeting of the county council bei suggewced the would it not be a proper and kindly act for the town to invite the waives of the Reeves and Deputy Reeve. et the next sesaiou in June to a two day.' outing, to enjoy seeing the old town in a nice quiet way. It would give them a rest from their various domes- tic duties that would do them all good. Our broad clean streets and eventual of maples wit¢ the numerous modern homes and interesting surroundings would be a oscitate of pleasure. The hanks of the great lake Huron are always a charming spot, to view its many and varied beauties. To ,host- wbu live inland tins feature is always a source ot interest. Then again, our great modern -constructed grain elevators are well worth a stair to see. The present is C1 iured to be "Canada'. century." 'Lee it also be recognized as such for both mothers and wives of our great country. Any- way, make an effort to get thew away trout home and see what is going on in the world. Show theta the interior of the court house, where, for over halt a century. wardens, reeves and deputy reaves have displayed their municipal wisdom io guarding the important affairs of the great and prosperous county of 11w..n. In condusiori, if this suggestion is carried out 1 feel it would be a just tribute to our neighbors, wbo no doubt would appreciate highly the effort* to entertain them, Goderich. Jan. 31st, lett ��'tutrtrr. LICENSE REDUCTION. To the Salmi of The Shama Silt, -I understand that the for license reduction will be deal by the council thts Friday ley and ea an oppuo. of of such a m permit ane to express, through valued paper•, my t-iews of w unfair and nnaatiatymg met! eeekiog retaliat on for the def the local optioned. in their campaign : 1. A few years ago lioettse ".d WSJ acceded to in Toroeto, b available statistics show that ti of drinking has not.. beets, demi by this method, tit on the con I bars which were given licenses been lengthened, and these recti♦ ostronage formerly given to the now cloned. 2. The revenue of the town is snit insufficient to Dieet %ur cu liatelitie0, and this reduction w decrease the revenue from licce nearly one -bait as wele as dec the assessed value of the proper _y priced of license, without decrees the supply of liquor in the slight*. 3. The contended evils of dein would not be remedied in the leas such reductive, for the patronage the closed bar would immediately to the licensed hotel,. thus permit a discrimination in favor of the be fortunate enough to be left is -it Dalt is not a tatter of convegae that tends to promote drinking, on the con(4ar) if a roan a rornpe to go farther he is incline.* to , longer, and there meeting wit I larger number of trieyids he will come more convivial and spend w time and money than unser exist condition,. 6. The COugreget.on of a lar umber of drinking mien to fewer in tend te, d„otderlitiem which of as easily be prevented or filen 6. The cancellation f request t with ening, rewire your ch an cd of eat of reicent action in the � e evil Malted Crary have ethe Bare prov- e -rent ou id noes +'ease dr. iog G king t by of How tine eels b a 00,• batl fled ray b a be - ore ing get bare can - in. ' el the of el o, uoe ye or t 0 r ! .te. le • 1 w a steal licenses *01 undoubtedly result ho closing of the hotel, not asra mmatter choice but of ne 'rs•st man with a license and doingman at t1b created bar trade can s )ford tto hie boatel rates. thus mak i� pro- hibitive for the unlicensed roan exist. Eventually this would unsatisfactory for the board.{ when the licensed man found Ala neater attention was required i looking after the increased tier. trod the tendency would be to uegiect tb diuing and sleeping part of :he ho is favor of the liar. 7. The reduction of bosoms cre • monopoly, and monopolies. not ooty it r. obi proved dbaster�de and Da4efe has on would 18. trysts.,* wherever a erected by such license reductioe pore!' d 1 •.tutus to th• mot alit y of our town. in offering these rearms for boo red.tctioe 1 am not aetlated in the slightest by aa', primal favor oor r feiendshtp tut any of tM liquor ntere.hanea uo en ed tis. tort as y YObtaaM ps}er looking t.. the $es.rd good wiilic and an pannie dual f or rete Indiyidctai. Wbee the elimina- tion of dri•ktnft esti be *esempliebsd by i etititstste means and with armour - thee l'•e he the i shall be dad to support mev*1tlaPtll. Faltidany room, tit♦ Sow Prom ort. • e briolt IN MEMORY OF DR.M LBAx, , . .ter. Rseshtttea Pfssed by Coogrege Ciel St. Andrews Cboteh, Myth. At the annual sM-elitj et 8t. Andrew', chinch, Blyth, ibis 1 /towhee resrluttoo .w'ws paved trgstd•lig tike! death , t the lata Ret. .k eh. Ucl.ean. D. D., at 01/dal ich ; "The corngreaatioo of Jt. Au bow'T *butch, Blyth, In a'.neal a.•wtt,,g arwWed, wiea to pia*, t.s toned their erase 01 deep sorrow ma the coca** of the death of Re.. Arch. McLean,' D.D., whose demists took place at Me home in the town of (iodet•tob OD Mon- day, the Ydrd of January, 1912. "Dr. Mclean came to this congreent- tioa as paster in the tall vigor of lite and t ea as the fai�tbft waren of God ured ntill the raves look* were wbitened with the frosts of time sad tbs well -knit frame became somewhat eafe•bfed with the labors of a forty year.' partoeate, loll of abundant Tabor and faithful .ervtoe for the Master, 'ever alluring to a brighter world and leading the way.' 'Aid now after a few yearn of peace- ful quiet, the Master bee celled him, eaylsg 'It is enough ; come up higher,' and be has 14o04e to les 'with Owlet, which is far better,' To the faithful pastor, tete true friend and wise coun- sellor, we nay joyfully though with teary. 'Hood -bye UR we meet at Jests' fele. Servant of God, well don. r `TO Mrs, McLean, his wise and faith- ful companion all these years. and to the sorrowing family, we would ex- tend our deepest sympathy, ever aour- mending theta 'to Him that it; able to seep them from falling and to present them faultiest, before the peeesene of Hie glory- with exceeding joy, td cb•tt•q.e..ae 10 a pleasant roan 1 ba program gteee.l nail tb uuwtreby Miss Ida Currie. o rising ower musicians of t Follow g tris the chorus Laud** ((written by a tot e.er boy, " Victor Luriaton " ►, t1god style by the (if fwft00 Burdette a e axopbot WOO a skillful piece ofivatrume The 0881 number was a very performance -a deg drill by el the junior girls. tiered Dunbar an intetpr•etation of Harry L.• the soag Mies A&ne. McDWear onald Ilan Hlgbllaatna Hing, giving one prettied exhibitions of the den to MALI,•. day. Robert ('raigle the wroovpa'.inient on the pipes One of the leading numbers program followed. Thin w "Paned* of the Nations," in twelye of the school boys took se follows : Join Lauder, J Canuck t Ricbard Levy, John Edgar Irishman Howes ' Charlie Scottie!) iiighlander; Ernest 1' Rektato; Duncan Matheson. Baur ; Robert Carex Young O Uockburri Hays, Chinaman ; J cCiiotoe, English dude ; Earl K tetuuls ; and, to keep them rder, Eric Hawkins as Chi Ilse. This was s great hit an yr had to curve back and •• again ' to satiety the loci w1 w. Mee Eva Somerville contribu elf -executed piano solo, and W °Donald followed with one of rettiest of Scottish dauoes, 'ord dance., with J. B. Hunte wpanlst, That well-known pular organisation the Pe•erlees uartette-Messr•e. (look, *in all. w -ler and (`bapman-fa;orel the dience with a song, "Until the inn," which was much appreciated. bell di ill by the senior girls was eery ski and grecefully executed. An. er ' bit " was the appearance of ter Filmer and Mies Ella Robertson, me inimitable duets created great husissen "The Dutch Wedding." ea on request as an encore number;' especially good, and the clever g vocalists were recalled for a ti teal ber, FlorencenSmitth, another c"Eyes of Irish lever ng musician, followed with a piano and the play "kty,Lord in Livery" then Agnea Hamiillion),�18e l Amber- Missa- lg young lady of Ambertey Hall, by her two charming girl ds, Rose (lits Hildred McColl) Laura (Miss Jean Nairn), resolve set a counterplot an innocent tris planned by the dashing g Lord Thirlwene (Harvey Hal • Opkins the footman (Will ti, who appears on the scene, is t taken to be Lord Thirlenes•e in Ore, and there follow some emus- tuations abet a series of embarraw. s (not to say alarms) fur Spigott tote Burdette), the faithful but butler of the Amberle•y house - Willie Rabb, as a page, also ted in the play. The roles were. well taken, and the young ors are to he congratulated ' upon clever work. r another chorus, "Hail, ging pro - wets eoncluded with uthe singine ngg Nathmal Anthem. • h credit is due to Miss Hodge, teaching staff, for the super - and training in prepayation for atertainment. demon should he made of the good work of :race Warnock and Miss Eva vine as accompanist: during the g. All concerned in tet• enter- nt [tory, well feel proud of the achieved. HOCKEY NOTES. oderich bockey club sprang .t on the St. Marys seven last `'ening. when the team from e Town played the last game ries in O. H. A. group No. 7 ‘Vest-st. rink. Abort 1.000 re were in attendance and of a piano on of Was Iso room. Meple G. C. 1. rendered Glee Club. to *010 ntattioo. p1'etly Men 0t gay utter la the 1►11I. ' tied the of the a seen played of the as the which ort Bull Kidd, non, 0110,, 1 ^nada; awe % elle, a lllu .f of do it *tent tad a alter the the r as and 1At Pu bo a w M p .w Fit au A ale oth Mas wh Wit gin was your num Nies you .solo, wee ley natit aided triers and l0 m little youn man) Besse at ffrs disgu ingot men( (Graf discreet hold. inane all Ia their Atte George grant of the lilac of the vision the e also Miss Monier erenin taimne Hitters The G surprise Friday e the Ston •r( the se in the spectato this nu be porters of the visiting team. who atm lived here by special train about 14,;1(1 that evening. The game was fast from start to finish and with ten min- utes' overtime the final score stood 8.7 in favor of (loderich. At half-time the score was 4-3 in favor of St. Maryd'and at tell time, amid the most intense excitement. the score stored 7 all. Just shortly before the extra ten minutes had elapsed' Mclror notched another goal tor the home team. Ernie Cooke, of Toronto. retained his reputation as a most impartial referee. Although tioderioh is nut of the run- ning for championship honors. 1t is intended to keep the team together for the rest of the season by arranging for a eeriest of exhibition games with acme of the best teione evadable. A feat game of hockey in the town leagustreet rinkes waa [tiered on Wednesday en West the Dreadnoughts and iroquo(i being the oppoein teems. The game was a Mose one, the result being a win for the Iroquois br the sore of 2.1. Dowreferee. Scotobie Mae Donald was the The following letter was received b. The Signal this morning : EDITOR MIA1q.L, --A game of hockey was played levet night between the Iroquois and Dreadnoughts of the town league. The former won by the m r at least 21$0 were sup- at up- A OREAT SUCCESS. G. C. 1. EM.rtairemeng 'Mesas a Leiria Andres. It west rtes of the ohd-dere G. 0. 1. contrera. as advertised. that was Torah before as «ettsadentin audiewes in Victoria Opera Hous ,ie Weidner - day night ef last week. Th. friends of the are delta -Med eemAmid (school en with the wish orate the aware dM* iah t8. Wow The score of 2-1. We, the Dreadnoughts. feel that we were not fairly- treated In the selection of the ref eree, ainst whom we vigorously protested before the game. The referee forced on um wan neither a member of the mentor teem nor a town league referee. We hereby chaneoge the Iroquois to a game of hockey with b Ob theofficial referee of the town *� ' , an outside referee mmtnaily agreeablecal to both teams. Trusting you will publish this and thanking you M $invests, we ere. Yours sincerely, D*EADt*OUOUT Horton" Dutra Gedw'iche Feb, let, 1012. (Manager) Said Men sho.rld call and inspect Mary patent tou the famous Dorwt shown by HSN Redford on Wednesday. et the istoy 7t h. Th. ea toupees esdan, all PerteetRive nip not ally ' Ce1s'at+"a�. Met ars the ; sally tee oneaaM� hair. tree: st.hetftctte, w a 1 CD A Good Move. The Seato,tb Expositor, dlec..s.in Mr. N. C. Oanset- 's proposals for Phi taxing of the city mail order bourses. says : "Mr. Cameron is right and we hope the merchants and other business man of the county will beck him op. Pedlars, auetinnrs and all such aro now subject to a epeeial municipal to and there is no reason why the wealth depart/smite' *tore corpora Mos of the cities should allowed to go soot free. white they deluge the wtimer wintry with tr warm, most of bleb could be obtained better and 'beeper at •• the stores in the local owes- If thew or eatioos bid fur nal il• obtain local trathat dose riot gitimat.ly belong to them, they , bon{d be required to kelp keen up the unicipalltitr that feed them. m x - t SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS POMPADOURS WAVES -FRONTS COILS Prof. Otitwtsd of Toronto WI w11t h. at Hotel H.Nard 000t<RICH 011 WED., 6 FEB. 7 we a Peck of Me 'AANp ANSRICAN FASHIONS IN -HAIR GOODS Our Tras1lat__IJIa for jhe lady who baa thin hair cannot he equalled. Au. 01 h Goons are Doted for teen superior workmanship, to - elusive halr.'le• and tine quality ANY STYLE WILL BE GLADLY DEMONSTRATED FREE Will also be at Cosetnerrral Hotel, Myth, February Ser. Rattenbnry House, Clinton, Friday, Thursday ' loth Commercial Hotel, Ss.fotth, Saturday, F.kraary tctk. O IF NTEREST TO THE BALD WAN Terme Melted to tall on es for a PRRI DEMONSTRATION Mow (aurones 44DO1tENWEND SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE . The only sanitary and perfectly oosattneted tee. pee waae. indetertieble. light In weigh►, perfectly ventilated Won. and ssedor,ed by physiMans s � iany ds me� cal sun. 0 shade,.aty4s. Do not fall ti, cap an/ air surra. TBE DORENWEND CO. of THE HOUSE 'OF QUALITY HAIR GOODSToronto, Ltd. 1t1'i-Ius YONog STREET TORONTO. OKI TWO MOSTBargaios" Attractive Silk Bargains in the best and truest sense u gains because the qualities are good and the( price vat ery abused owed, Bar - Brand new. Just in this week. Full yard wide: On sale for much tithe fi� regular. Saturday, February 3rd. 36 -in. Black Pallette Silk 88c u 36 -In. Black fl easatine silk $Isla This silk i. full 3B hn5as wide. arms non; weave and b.ea,y weight. If you were i This is a beautiful Birk for either erg asked $1.25 per yard it would not be one cent waist, or full desires !t bas a rich lustrous 81184more than the regular sellingfinish and is one of the most durable Bilks on Silk is an exceptiooall price. This the marker today. .suitable for atJse_ waists; y good wean, and it everywhere at $1 A quality that 11 sold ot• dresses. Is will .+�. and it is gp*t, cleric, �e prove eatiefteto,1 in every way. Clean and I stwidth free ft, heavy weight, iu. to Meeh Jost is this week. (bre of our Fehru. I mokk. free from the filler.$ so „often used ry ary attractions. Very special at per t7L make S�ilk appear heavier. Another February yard only attraction this $1.50 Bilk at vet yard only............ �� • 1 • We can strongly recontmnd either of the above Silks. They are the pro- duct of one of the largest European manufacturers. We buy them direct, saving all middlemen's profits. That's the reason we can offer them at these prices. Id -in. Floundn -- _w_ __ t Embroideries 27c 1 Here is a .Iemiid 4•S -in Flouncing 95c at *freeing front the Ism- ) Dower that 27ei these are de brotdery Department. Eighteen inch Hoe ! Like oral a go a Swiss Flouncing., really handsome dear Swiss manufacturer. The qualities .etre good fine quality cloth. Flora, strongs 1. at and the designs out of the ordinary. will stand bard wear. Eight or ten gdr inns will be a bite demand for these There to 11 stated from. Regular value • eon and it will aRoods this sea - t° than this good dent pay You ?i buy a they can Once this lot is sold nut we be bed at. this price. Note the width -'.4.; c.►n nott dupiieaate it at the price. Saturda inches." Handsome Swiss Embroidery Flo411. - only 14 on sate at per ya.td Y ting• regular values uptto w ,p� joist �t of y 2 the cases this week. p5 ,,, ........... . C ( lee at per yard ooly`• • • .mora a7�Jl. The Klonciyke Tables Ready for Saturday Ready once more with the famous Klondyke Bargain Tablesehave Wen busy this last month taking stuck, measuring and Ming everything in the store. Anything we found that for any reason whatever should not be here was thrown aside, and Saturday morning, February 3rd, will goon one of these Klondyke Tables marked at a price that wi'1 make their selling a positive certain- ty. We cannot begin to enumerate the articles on each table but there is not a thing on any of them but is the biggest kind of a bar ain. Tables No. 1 -Any artkle for n g Here is a fist of Tables: Table No. Z• -..Any artkle for 1� Tabl' Np. 6 --Any article for 58c Table No. 3 ---Any article for igc Table Na 7 Any article for 78c Table No. 4 -..way article for 28c Table No. 8 -Any article tan, 98c Table No.Table lido. 9 -Any article for $1.28 s Any article for 38c Table No. 10 ---Any article rot' $1.88 Table No. 11 -Any article for $1.98 The best drooling can be done on Saturtila or as• Yrsoon after as you can caiwe. TWO COAT SPECIALS. �� *45 for Children's Coats $8.45 for Ladies' We have decided to clear the Cloak stock,rm Coats fore February is over the racks must be empty. This outhto the last grmvnt. Re_ children's and ladies' Coats that will appealots is the�1'easop for values in coat or you need one yourself, come and see how w hoewe are selling themthrifty. If your girl needs a Children* Coats $3.43 Twisty ehlldren's and Ladles' Costa $8.4f Seventeen or tweeds. hefts. Minket Melba and Goats, Navies, ride, grovel heavers. res Madero. Winter er Me e, , in tki a and fancy vr(tturw. lot. Ladies' .air w.ed W 4. Mete, k g-geknit at .1441061 r 1 . ) and fIRa1 Au navies or fancy tweeds. This kyle oat I1.4s.•. stn ass they mum ono, atria meaty tssst y, et rash • of the pf * f $Ietl tip 'lar a•� 113.45 . rye Burst law W. _- Tar ytittt ttttsiq Pf Nis la kraals. _ - -_-.-o.,.._--esus e The Mere dew ears Karns, mese. setts cy.M, iesereare Tess Moor rises sole tee eters es Meese Corsets