HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-1, Page 5RE SIGNAL :
TKUIWDAv, resatt.aRY 1, 1ti)3 •
votes Adirene•d.
An ou!0e ha tJsi& s for K-
IM ... hofbata4intoms
a tepe/0tld. AU the on the
-&loam Owego MOW for Meade
lasted a Ute Woe ate -
t be t. snail• Il9e teia.l. (.-
, read MOS he leniiditera. For
the eIt pied*, a, horse In the
avertoots. seemed b
vents. a hotel -ratan
eras that ttlnes0 for advance '
he state thatti6 was on ragout of the
pbenoolleal pries* whish they were
forced to pay for term prodttee and
other fey 4.Ui lei.
Who.S4gt It t
A few, day* alto an'enveiope same to
The Signet tbtvwsth the mail which
ontain0&a Qv dollar MU sad nothing
Irl. Stlobsoneibutlooe are as wel-
(nue re they are rare. but really we
. hould like to know whom we bave to
-edit with this fib.
Board of Health Meting.
t meeting of the Goderich Board
oi Health was bold last Thursday.
E. R. WISH was re-elected cholera:mt.
.,f the board and the other memhers
tie A. D. Mclean. G. Y. Elliott, 11 C.
Dunlop. Ju. IthoheU and F. J. But -
Lind, with Dr. A. C. Hunter as
iuedieal health oMoer. It was decided
to have the board roost more regularly.
mootbly meetings being decided nn
.nod the date geed for the last Monday
of each to onth. Considerable dis-
cuminn was indulged in over the
establishing of a puhlic attattoir. The
plan is to have each bee( certified to
by an Inspector wed have all the
killing dons for the butcher *bops of
the town by one Wao. A farmer
peddling to town would have to secure
a certitlesfe that his meat was all
right. The movement is receiving
widespread attention throngbout the
Province. Dr. Hunter was appointed
to joie aabout to wait on
the Provide 1 Goveromeotasking �for
legislation on the matter. lltbar
subjecta diecu•s.d were the sneer -
vision of the ice harvest for domestic
purporw. tad the testing of milk so as
to make furs it captains a certain
petveoteee of fat.. No action was
Another Carnival.
Preparation.' are being made for a
grand Valentine masquerade carnival
to be held on WesWt. rink 0o Wed-
nesday evening. February 14th.
Posters will be out in u few days an-
nouncing good prizes for some unique
costumes — sauething new — which
should talake the several competitions
very Interesting for both spectators
and contestants alike.
Dental Inspection.
The dental inspection of the school
chiklreo 1. Dederick. which it being
done by the three local dentists under
the direction of tbs public school
board, Indicates that at least ninety-
five per omit of the younger children
do not receive proper attention in Ibis
respect. As the children grow older
the inepediso shows tibat beltir con-
ditions prevail. The `ethod fnUowed
by the dentists M to All In a form to be
banded to the parents, 'Mowing the
cumber of temporary or permaoent
teeth needing treatment aud the num-
ber ot teeth that sbould be extracted.
Although the trustee board is not
fordog the children to have their
teeth treated it is wade compulsory
that ill should have the ezasni tatt tion
made. It has been suggested that
when the inspection is completed Dr.
Doherty, of Toronto, who is a salaried
dootel inspector in the Queen City.
,bouid give an illustrated lecture in
Goderich on the care of the teeth.
Y. M. C. A. Banquet
The second annual banquet of the
Junior Y. M. C. A. was held in the
Amoaiation rooms on Tuesday seam-
ing. A goodly number of parents wad
friends of the boys responded to the
invitations sent out and, with tbe
members, did ample justice to the
splendid supper provided by the
Ladies' Aaziliery and tbe mothers of
the Scouts. The program which
followed consisted chiefly of Scout
work and some musical numbers.
Exhibition* were given of rope -splic-
ing, signalling and bandagingtwo
boys were sworn in as Tenderfoots,
and two Swats received the "Path-
finder's" badge. The feature of the
evening was the speech by H. G.
Hammond, of Toronto, Provincial
gourmet of Canadian Hoy Scouts.
Headlined the origin of tbe move-
ment anddesciibed Its aims, especially
empbasIsiog the fact t hat I he organ -
is not a niilitary one. He
urged the boys to be true to their
tooet's oath and to do good turns
every day, espeolally at home. A
very pleasant evening was spent by
all prompt. General - regret was ex -
premed a* the Ulmer of Assistant
%art master J. C. Carrie, who had
just been taken to tbe hospital, nod at
the ahaena, of Mrs. Carrie, preeideot
of the ladies' aux IlLary.
Skating Rao".
The nkat contests at the indoor
meet on Best-st. rink our Monday
*vetting wee wMtN ad bi_oady a small
opal of sestIlibie. The coetleilOd
however, je0attrstlahs and
were the mead.0f
amount of >
mile race look
first place. delfts this cin
the rink r tbltl odd
urea. Harry MWord weesa
a while al-
ibooad. The throe -nine race had a good
number a starters. but nely two
thitel1&: Elmer Wells Ant. wad Jae.
W{gdas second. Thee--eeven and a-
bhaoYld mieutee. In the obstacle race the
e sesitaSts had to Neap three twelve -
Melt boards and aratei through a
herr&L This trick hid le he perfum-
ed Ayre ted and renitbd is Harry
Talked ani W. Primary enamel trhtgg the
ie the booing iatwluMttti, 6•
eats wee the Joe liaLsod to aeeiad prim. This
o veer the moat aa�rrle!.
thave e.her eeven
s the1il�aeO
and ft bees more
moue U so drhilevede=etlekaodr
1a n iflpre{ Ile NW eraeeater.
a'I'besero tbe,�•oeMatirbo1/10
• OWN tete
the lea west M M
1rMn L MOW end Itwtlfle.
The Hesse Market.
The tint horse warket of the season,
on Tuesday of this week, brought a
large number of farmers to tows and
io addition a number of boreubuyere
looking for good horseflesh. In the
oompetition for the best draft testy
Jame. Foley, of Kingsbridge,' was
awarded the prize of $lo. `Varner
Walters, of Colborne, got the prise ot
1110 offered for the beet draft welding,
sod the $10 offered for the best draft
mare was won by Wan. D. Connell, of
llolmwvIUe. Five teams were entered
for the first coiupetitiou, five bones
iu the emoted, and four in the *kid
contest. An auction sale woe buil
with Thee. Guntlry wielding the ham-
mer, and a number of horses changed
bands at priers ranging from 6110 to
MO Two teams that were much
admired were afaocty black Percheron
team owned by R. Echlin, of Nile, and
a pair of that give Percheroos owned
by J. T. O'Reilly, of )(mod!. The
nest usark•t will he held on Tuesday, -
February 27th.
Maar articles width can be procured ace
whose sire Is town .re as ails at smith. Art
Iris same. You ars invited to salt at
sal dors and InmpeC., the Targe asetrtmset of
adaalvs geode
Will the bear see hie shadow on i 'asdle nee
Dat and retire for another six week' of
winter 1 1 he roan wed, has his clothes made to
order by Pridbsa, the Tailor does not used to
hibernate, bat Is ready tor W aorta of weather.
A disc barrow was used with good
effect on the icy sidewalks on $on -
Rebekah Lodge held a very success-
ful social in Oddtellowi Hall on Tues-
day evening.
The regular m•ontbly meeting of the
Children's Aid society will be held in
the court house on Monday afternoon
at 4 o'clock.
The Star bockey team got cold feet
and did not flay the return match
with the &goal seven last Sawnday,
as expected.
The G. C. f. Literary Society will
ibold a promenade in the misembly
ball of the Collegiate tomorrow (Fri-
J. T. Goldthorpe announces that
next Mooday evening will be Leap
Year night at Weet-st. rink. All pro-
posals :xoepaed.
Town Treasurer Steelton announces
that the usual discount of ten per
cent: on water rtes will be allowed
for another week.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox church is
arranging for its annual high tea in
the church basement on Thursday
evening, February 30th.
A meeting of the ladies' auxiliary of
the Y. Y. O. A. will be held at the
home , t Ere. Wark. Victoria street.
on Saturday, February 3rd, at 4
To all lovers of sauerkraut and
w •isers—reserv. Wednesday even-
ing. Fehruaeyr 14th, and Mend your
way to the Baptist church and eat all
you can.
A subscriber at Russell. Man.. writes
under date of January 24 : "It was
down to :.i below one morning here,
and never higher than al below since
A special meeting of the Daughter
of the Empire was held todayto ar-
range for the progressive eucre to be
given in Odd fellows' Hall on Thursday.
February 8th.
Miss Skimmings, who is still in the
hospital. wishes to acknowledge with
gratitude the receipt M a letter from
Ahmeek Chapter, Daughters of the
Empire, conveying kindly greetings
from that body.
Reg. Glen, who is attending the
tolleaiate Iostitute, .bowed The Sig-
nal the other day a magnificent moth,
believed to be of the American silk-
worm variety. and measuring six
laches across the wings. It. emerged
from the cnc000 last Saturday but did
not sive long.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston have
the sympathy 'of the communis in
he loon which they have sustain by
he death of their infant daughter.
Lillian Mary. The little one, who was
only two weeks old. passed away last
Monday. The interment was made in
Clinton cemetery.
On Wednesday, lith inst., tbe ladies
of the Baptist church will hold a
"Dutch actual" in the basement of the
church. The ladies wilt be dressed in
Dutch costume Watch the papers
and window hills next week. Keep
this date open. Proceeds in aid of
seating the church.
The editor of The Signal hae re-
ceived a complimentary invitation to
the twelfth annual at-home of the
Huron Old Hoye Association of Tor-
onto, to he held on Friday evening,
February 23rd. This is always n big
ooc*eion with the Huron oniony in the
city. end no doubt the succeitees of past
years will be repeated.
The following paragraph from The
New York Times of recent date will
be of plesaant interest to many read-
er of The Signal : The engagement is
Announced of Miss Nannie Canter
Nicoll, dDughter of the late Dr. Henry
Denton Nicoll, of this sit and New
Windsor -on -Hudson. to Ell-
wood Wigghtmen, only eon of Henry
Jackson Wightrnan, of Goderich. On-
tario. The wedding will take place In
IR. R. Hallows is preparing to leave
on bis winter trip W Algonquin Park
on Tasda Feheaary b. He also
will Melt the camp of the B loth Lum-
ber Oempany while away, so be will
n ot return until Y weary Nutt. He
requests all those trbo wise to enter
the Pioneer (lath to wise their sittings
tenth literature, me be eddies to give
thea hie personal attention. Any
others who et)stemplete sitting for
porteaits also are asked to nram ly
with chi► regneat.
Tbk week marks the npeoing of a
ssa lelnsus In town. Mr. {Jrysry
0 d1 bee leased the store na Went
street beet the O.P.R. telegraab Mice,
and be is edvertls'mtent no page 1 of
Ibis IOW or The lOigmal be announces
Wowed se & practical gilder. lie baa
had twenty -Ave years' orporieues Is
wound beg shops orpthandIe
UeeW d
To Algoma bopsMai Er.
Oswald's bushiest in Ooderbrh will
prove a profitable cue.
A case again the proprietor of
the Union hotel on Harm oo street
for bevies the Minds draw and a
light in his bar atter boars was dead
iu the Police Court this week. Tb.
case was dismissed, as the
held that the •vidsose at In -
torment, although •orvobosrted b
another witosss, Gould not he cud
Bred because ►e laid the InfoemaWuo
with the intention of retaliating for
alleged Interfer'enes with We buefaees
by the hotel than. There wiU likefj
bee en appeal against the magistrate's
The annual service to railway men
will he delivered in Knox church on
Sunday evening. Febe'mry llik. by
Rev. Geo. R. Moss, pastor of the
The services in Koos church ueet
Sunday will be to charts of Rev. E. le.
McL. Smith, of Henealt. The even-
ing service will be of special ioterest
to young petiole. Rev. Mr. Rom will
take Mr. Smith's work at Herman.
Last Sunday WAS wiwioosry day in
the Methodist churches of town and
excellent addresses were delivered at
the morning and evening services by
Rev. Dr. Gundy, of 8t. Thomas, and
J. A. Irwin, of Clinton. Mr. Irwin
spoke in North street Methodist
church in the morning. while Qr.
Gundy occupied the pulpit of Victoria
street church. They exchanged pulpits
in the evening.
At North street Methodist church
next Sunday. quarterly •services will
be held. The pastor. Rev. Alfred
Brown, will preach. Hie morning
vela subject will be "The Lord's Su
and in the evening he willpeak on
"The Past, Present and Future of
Metbodiem." After the pnbllo service
its the morning there will be cowman-
ien and the reception of new members.
Quarterly offering. A cordial invita-
tion to all.
At a meeting of the session of Knox
church on Wedpeeday evening it was
decided to take the vote on church
union on Sabbaths. February 18th and
25th. Preparation for the voting will
be madeye presenting the subject
from the pulpit on Sunday morning,
February Ilth, and also at the mid-
week services on Wednesday, 7th, 14th.
end 21st inst., the subject will be dis-
cussed. A committee of session bus
been appointed to arrange for the ser-
vices of Rev. Dr. MeoGillivray during,
his visit to town and td Huron Pres-
bytery in the month of March.
Beginning next Sunday evening the'
pastor of the Baptist church will de-
vote some time to the consideration of
subjects that are ot special importance
today. Among the subjects that are
to be presented are : The Value of
Work, Tb. Choice of a life Work,
Preparation fora Life Work, L*iti-
mate Rewards of a Life Work, Chris-
tian Ideals of Business and Profess
sional Honor. Employer and Em-'
ployee. Mr. Pollock intends to pre-
sent these subjects from the view-
point of one who has risen from the
ranks of labor. In the apornype the
pastor will continuo his address i s
tbe Lord '• Prayer.
The ladies of St. George's church
met in the schoolroom one afternoon
last week. the meeting being very
largely attended. The rector, R.ev, J.
B. Potheringham, presided and the
following officers were elected for the
oiiuioR year : For the build -Presi-
dent, Mrs. Seager; seekefery, Mrs,
Carrie; treasurer, Mrs. Macklin. For
the Auxiliary—President, Mrs. Fother-
ingham : secretary -treasurer. Mrs.
Tlgert. Arrangementa were made for
a bigh tea and sale of fancy work to
be held early in April. the women
of the congregation will meet in the
schoolroom every Monday afternoon
to prepare foe the sale. The ladies of ,
the church are cordially invited to be
present at these meetings:. • i
"Some Rewards ot the Christian
Ministry" was the subject of • paper
given by .Rev. G. N. Hazen. fp�re'mmerly
ot Goderich, at the January theeting
of the London Ministerial Alliance
and reported by The London Free
Press. The speaker was much com-
plimented by the ministers present for .
the thorough manner in wbich the
subject was considered. The money
side of the ministry was one of the
"rewards" dealt with by the paper.
Mr. Hazen said : "One of the legiti-
mate rewards of the minister is the
pecuniary supply of his daily needs.
hut as we consider the years of train-
ing and the superior quality of man
required. we see that the Christian
minister is one of the mod poorly paid
of men." The deficiency in pecuniary
reward was amply made up, said the
speaker. by the fact that the ministry
brings one in contact with high ideals
in men. and that even the trials under-
gone by the preacher bad a disciplin-
ary value not to be underestimated.
The rewards of friendship and satis-
faction in service well done had also to
be considered.
The wnual entertainment of the
primary class of North street Metho-
dist Sunday school always is an event
of great interest, not only to the little
tots, but to the parents and friends of
ail the children who take part in the
programa. This year's event, which
took place leaf Monday evening. was
no exception to the rule. the lecture
room being fairly well filled. Rev.
Alfred Brown, pastor of the church,
presided during the rendering of the
program. which consisted of ebonues
by the children of the elate ; vocal
solos by Fern Humber, Helen Shaw
and Srneet McGratten; an inatrn-
ineotal solo by Arthur Ourrie : a trio
number by R... Mary sad Marjorie
Morrish ; a duet by Mary and Mande
Howell, and recitation. by Irene
Kieg, With Humber, Charles Hum-
ber. Ruth Martin, Charlie Asetey,
Mary Hardy. With Moreleb. Randall
Marriott. Mande Howell, Leda Horn,
Marjorie Doherty, David Rates, Mar -
jos -le Marriott and Mary Howe1L
Otiose numbers were "Little Jack
Horner," by a chorus of glebe Sad boys
and a song entitled Dollies,
twelve girls. At. the eine of the pro-
gram each seheler was tad with
a tors of ready. alt.,w ib eb the gath-
ering was dismissed try the 'inswing of
the Rational Anthem.
are now in their last DPW 7yas'aa�r e
e aid for ew itt�, if4vaaO-
' in t'ada Iles- bar-
(ht�' �*smay'
as. �I1L•�krI�SHTIlIOi�visw.. k AttEATESTANNU
Very Prosperous- Yes Work.
At the annual oeogregstiocal meet-
ing of Know cbureh• last Friday
evening the ht. wba'eblg of Obs board
of nwageas was lnareeeed tromp nine
to twelve. The three retiring mem-
bees. Dr. A. C. Hunter, C. A. Nairn
and H. J. A aellwan, were re-
elected and Chao launders, J. D.
Wilms and John Lawson were the
new manhbeee appoiat d. The report
of the session showed that rise year
1911 was the most prosperous in the
history d she congnn. For all
purposesthe sum of 896 was raised,
this being an increase avec last year
of *14Au-
Owing to tbe steady growth of the
Erit was fougtl neoswary
g: year to strengthen the
by the election of four new
membetn. A census was taken and
the congregation divhied into fifteen
elder's districts, so that the pastoral
work could be conducted syetem-
adodly. The number of families in
the congregation at the present time
is 4201 There are TM oiSmounlcants
and during the year usTMty-two mem-
hers w receivedtwo on pro-
tesion�faitb, and the y by oerti8-
cat.. re were forty-two remoeals
—twenty-nine by osrtifiente and thir-
teen by death. The sacramentof bap-
tism was administered to thirty-one
pentons during the year; eleven marri-
sges were solemnized and there were
thirty-five deaths.
Four new organizations were form-
ed during the year. These were the
Home Department of the Sabbath
School, the Pastor's Aid, the Woman's
Home Missionary Society and the
Order of Recruits for the Ministry.
The congregation's affectionate re-
gard for its departed pastors was
manifested h the Young People.
Society in placing in the church a
beautiful tablet to the memory of Rev.
Jas. A. Anderson, and by the Indies'
Aid Society in placing a similar tablet
to the memory of Rev. Dr. Ure.
In Aisporing of her estate the late
Mrs. Christens Tug bequeathed a leg-
acy amounting to S111f1, "payable to
the treseuret'. and to he used for said
church as the seesioa of the emigre -
Ration may direct."
tarot Easter a freewill offering was
made towards the debt fund, $1,800 be-
ing contributed. In August the oon-
gregation was favored by a visit from
Rev. Principal Dandier, D. D , in the
interests of the new Knox College at
Toronto. To this important claim up.
wards of 0(100 was subscribed.
The call for help last summer by the
fire sufferers in Northern Ontario era,
responded to by the congregation
end a generous contribution of sup-
plies was forwaded to their relief.
Another event of importance was
the decision of the congregation to
abolish pew rent an€to adopt the dup-
lex envelope as a step towards more
systernatic giving
1 he congregational services are well
attended; the choir and organist con-
tinue to realer valuable service, and
a very bright ' prospect faces the
congregation as it commences the
year 10l2- c
Bruetrb Post.
(;odecich haa decided to adopt the
Pansy sa a floral emblem of the town.
The Post thinks they should have
chosen the daisy.
The Pansy.
Hereafter the Panay is to be to (lode -
Web what the Maple Leaf is to Canada
Let us all decide right now that we
will cultivate this beautiful flower
when spring opens, and show that we
approve the judgment of the Goderich
Horticultural Society.
it is a good thing to have a flower
of such varied beauty associated with
the name of our town. Visitors will
notice the association and every time
they see pansies hereafter they will
remember Godericb, but it will have a
greater significance to the hoys and
girls who are trrewine up. They may
travel far afield and become weary
with the 'Orem of life, but every time
they see a pamay bloom their minds
will turn into paths of sunny mental' y
where the old town and their loved
ones will appear to cheer them on. and
ve them r•new.1 energy for the
ally round. Therefore let us establish
thie flower as the floral emblem of our
For all the fun of winter
sport le d•eblen when
you kook. We emery
a ectenete line of
Kodak*. /brownie Cam-
a-aeasd Kodak prodoeta.
A pramineat citizen of Evens -en *,
lad., writes:—"1 waw 111 tor lee
tuouths with a pulmonary trouble, and
had the best of doctors. 1 had bemos'
rhages and was in a very bad way.
Throb the advice of a friend I tried
Vinol„and I feel that it saved my life.
It Is 1 yon recommend It to be. 1
believe it is the greatest medletne ea
earth. I have advised others to try
Vino!. and they have had the same
results.” (Name furnished on rr
We want every one in this vicinity
wb0 is troubled with chronic colds.
coughs, or pulmonary troubles. to
cane and get a bottle of VinoL
if It does not go to the seat of tryu-
11e, heal the inflammation and stop
the cough. we will cheerfully return
every cent paid us for It This shows
our faith, and proves that you take
H. C. Dunlop. Druggist. Goderich, On
A Simple Treatment that
Will Make 'Hair Grow
Now Sold In Canada.
Every up-to-date woman should
have radiant hair.
There are thousands of women with
harsh, faded, characterless hair. who
do nut try to improve it.
In Enc land and Parts women take
pride in hewing beautiful hair. Every
Canadian Merman can have iust.roue
Unioo Bait of Canada
Pani•up Cmtipiba6 - • $ 4,783.000
liens and t/edBaNed PreMa - 3.300,000
Test Aietittrrs. (Omer) 1111.000,000
Lesion, England Attlee,
St,Threseseedie Street E. C.
A liondi 1 1 - Desk baa beer oseWlebod L Iceados,
ss 111& p. Thessiseie Nurser, H.C., whore totters of Credit and to
main • m isrpmema pa it Carie ani the Umbel Il9ses, can he
pmehm d. crani lianas Treaders arsenged.
A Thrice- been is psovIi.d ler this esst.visaa el elm el the
lank when is li-nsdss, M whisk their nisi wag ire addressed.
C rsaspndame ssWdlat
1F. W. AthlM, •.-.
Lsisi�•a tBwasfi : CMay
b. N. C. HART-IMMIT14, As.ieIawt-Maaeier.
and luxuriant hair by using Salvia,
the Great Moorhen Sage Hair Tonic.
Every reader of The Signal can have
an attractive bead of hair in a few
weeks by using Salvia.
Dunlop sells a large Neale for 50
tents, and guarantees it to banish
dandruff, stop falling hair and itching
scalp in ten days, or money hack.
Salvia is a besutifnl, pleasant, non -
sticky hair tonic.
Be sure to react the opening chapters
of The Signal's new serial story which
commences in this issue -page al.
How to Keep Your Hair
Free from Dandruff.
• • A Delightful and Reireshtsg flair amain
People who desire lo preserve the
hair ran gain some • i'nahle inform* -
tion from the following± :
Have your own boob and comb at
home and at hairdres.erti .
Never use a leo ;b or C„ ,' in public
places. 'Tey Al e usually covered with
dandruff germ-.
Wash your hoir brush once a week
with soap mad Warm matter to Tibial' Iv
added a disinfectant.
Shampoo the hair once a week with
pure soap and water.
Use Parisian Sage every day. rub-
bing thoroo bey into a.;alp.
Parisian is guaranteed by E.
e e R. Wigle to estray dandruff germs
Parisian Sage
Parisian Sage
Parisian Sage
and abolish dandru or mon"y ick.
To stop hair from falling and scalp
from ittching, or money back.
MAKES HAIR RADIANT faded had utrdo.r and
beayauty. into
P cdub0
A New Year's
which might be a
wise one for you to
make is to purchase
one of our -
Empire or Good Cheer
Inspection Invited.
Plumbing. Heating. Electric
Fixtures and Metal Work
Hamilton Street Goderi.h
Established 111117
4345 King Street West - Toronto
Fifteenth Annual financial Statement.
Copltal Account :
Capital Stock subscribed.=2,000,000 .0t
Dividend, due January
1st, 1911 39,543.18
Balance at Credit of
Profit and Loss 266,884.77
Guaranteed Trust Account :
Trust Funds with Inter-
est accrued to date... $3.237,694.86
Estates and Agency Account :
Estates and Trusts un -
dor administration by
' the Company $4.579,046.73
Toronto, January lith, 1912.
110.133.161 .411
Capital A. -oast :
Mortgage Loans, Call
Loans, Debentures and
other Securities, with
interest accrued there-
on - . 31,216,375.31
Office Premlyee at To-
ronto and Calgary,
Safe Deposit Vaults,
Ftxtnees, etc. .. 280,677.84
Real Estate 68,758.74
Cash on hand and in
Uncalled Capital Stock
Guaranteed Trust Aecoaat :
Securities on Real Es-
tate. Stocks. Bonds,
ilebesturee etc......83,153,918.01
Cash on band and in
Bank .. .
Estates and Agency Accounts:
Mortgages on Real Es-
tate • 11,091,512 04
Other Securities, includ-
ing unrealized original
Assets 3.280,443.74
Cash In Bank 207,090.95
Year. Trust Funds
1905. . ....$ 89,922.89
1906 ....... 294,616.35
1907 . . .... 786,421.62
1908 . -,.. 1.341,660.37
1909.... , . , 1,936.233.72
1910 . . .... 2,862.212.12
1911 - , ., , - - 3,237.694.80
Estates Paid-up
Trost Funds. Assets. Capital. •`et Profits.
1 644,442.62 1 2.870,906.1 6 $1,037.883.71 $ 18.001.67
1,259,66378 3,726,023.51 1.063,485.59 79,234.22
1,851,013.16 4,830,482.13 1.120,002.22 86.009.87
2,326,662.43 5.833,877.5A 1,154.484.92 89.729.60
3.251,479.04 7.431.639.29 1,261.109.57 97,690.11
3.801',371.60 8.937,789.81 1,303,359.67 104.819.11
4.570.048.73 10.123,169.48 1,321,862.974 110,194.43
Tb. Fifteenth Anneal Meeting of the Trusts and Gnarant.e Company, Limited, was bond at the Head
r t. e. 45 King Street West, Tor ta, on Friday, January 2611. Hon. J. Predigest. Stratton. submitted the
Report of tbe Directors for e t ar ending December 30. 1911, which showed very satisfactory melts ton the
year'a operations, se well as a Maltby and Improved condition of the several aenosata asd Interests of the Com-
Mr Stratton intimated that owing. to enacting and numerous demands Mien kis tint. 111 eoatecttes with
his other interests. he did not desire to be re -sleeted to the Presidency, but would r e*ala es the Heard.
Thereupon a vote of tbanke was eeaafssesaly tendered him by the Share older• for Ma serview to the Company.
The following Directors were elected for the year 1912 :—Hon. J. R. Strattes. Tomato. . D. W. tars.
Woodatork . C. Klo.pler. Guelph ; Hon. Senator Miltutat. Alsaandrla ; A. P. itarLaren. Termite ; W. D.
11.11, Mosley; W Thoburn, K P , Almont. ; .1. A. Attune. Toronto ; W. A. Dewier, K.0 , Tart it/Mau
Wtleon, K.C.. Chatham : Lloyd Harris, Brantford : C. i6 R1Oaki.. Akron, (Jb8o ; a 0 FfumsrMIL
'Cleteela, H.C.: James J. Warren. Toroato-
Tk• Beard sebeequeatly wet aid .heated is Mt. Jamie 1. Warted Fees9dsit. and Maw IR W.
Kara. Q. Kloepler wad C. R Ritelle Vteerloveeleeoos
J/1>Q>c J. WARP L 1. ='rOC