HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-1, Page 44 Tiva•DAY, FEBRU . U I, Wit
District News.
Motrn&T, Jan. 11U.h.
TUESDAY. Jan. 90th
Banana. -A meeting will be held in
tae Foresters Hall on Thursday even -
lag to organise s literary society.
Mrs. 11. Rutherford spent a few'
days in W i to ham, the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Homuth .... Odin Mo-,
Donald purcba•ed a flee span of beauy
bones from the St. Mar 's Bros., Clif-
ford ...Angus McDonald and Elli-
ott Miner bsve boogbt Fred Webb's
bush and ere busy taking out the tim-
ber MIS Sara Redclif and Miss
Mlma are visiting friends on the 9th
concession A good number at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Mclaren on Sunday in Lucknow.
TUESDAY, Jan. 90th.
Miss Lizzie Ferguson, of Toronto, is
visiting eher home here.
scult of the vote recently taken on
cbureh union in the Presbyterian con -
ion hewas announced last
rhatb by the pastor and showed a
large majority against the proposed
basis of union, the poll •tandiug at 20
in favor and 98 against.
WeeriteO,-A quiet wedding took
place Wednesday evening. January
doth, at the home of James Cantpb• I1
when Miss Edna Hudie. eldest daugh-
ter of John Hudie, of Ocderioh town -
Ship, was united in marriage to Frank
McDonald, also of Ooderic6 township.
• The ceremony was performed by Rev.
A. Macfarlane.
TUESDAY, Jan. JOt•h.
News IvoTttw.-Mr. Sellers, of Brus-
sels, called on friends in this vicinity
last week.... .A number of young
folks from this vicinity attended the
Burns (tall in Lucknow last Thursday
evening.... The members of the
Donnybrook C. 0. F. lodge held an
oyster supper at 8. Thompson's last
Friday evening. All present report
having had • good time. ..Oswald
and James Pollard, of Prosperity. have
been assisting Gilbert Graves to cut
wood during the past week The
Jefferson Bros., of Donnybrook. are
cutting wood in Wm. Syhibs' bush ..
Wm. Stuart and Wm. Pierce, of
Dungannon. bare Deem setting up the
sawmill In Mr. McCabe's busb during
Um past week. They nee now waiting
Sithe holier and eogine to corns Horn
near Lucknow and then they will soon
have the mill in working order ...
Arebie Martin ealled on Wingkam
friends last week Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh McCtnstie visited at the home
of Wm. Wilson on Tuesday(3rolge
McLean. ot Pitynton,• Sask., end 0.
Robinson, of Lucknow, visited at Woo
McAllister's this week.
TUESDAY, January 30th.
Lo (; A 1. Norns.-Mise Mary Mc-
Murcby bas returned to ber home at
Kintail lifter a visit of some weeks
with her sister, Mn. Ueo. Ferguson....
Miss Rets W iia, of the G.0.1., spent
Sunday with ber patents...,,. Messrs.
Will Young aid Bert Vacate invited
a number of friends to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Somersall. Friday even-
ing of last week. A must enjoyable
time was spent, dancing being in-
dulged In until the woe, oma hours....
Jame* Jones, fonnerl of this part.
but now of Sault Ste.. Marie. is renew-
ing acquaintances here. We under-
stand he has disposed of his farm,
(+ootaining thirty-eight scree, to W. F.
Young Miss Nellie Clark visited
several days of last week with friends
In Oodericb . ... We are pleased to
state that Mrs. C. Tretbeway, who
has been seriously ill at the home of
ber parent•, Col. and Mrs. Tarcoe, is
doin nicely and a speedy recovery in
hop d for ..... William McPhee fer-
ule bed the music for the oyeter supper
and dance under tt,e auspicee of the
A.O.U.W. at Carlow Thursday evt n•
ICR. Highest crh t�,rr(1oespaid. Auburn
W EDNEMDAY, Jan. 31st.
Dr. A. J. Irwin, of Winghatn, vis-
ited his brother one day last week. „
Misses Maud and May Ferguson
were home from Clinton ever Sunday.
Mrs. Chis. Bell and Madeline. of
Blyth, visited fat A. A. Naylor's on
Miss Sarah Irwin. of East WawA-
nosb, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm,
Ruddy. for a short time.
Tbe limelight views on "China and
the Chinese," shown in the Methodist
church on Thursday evening, proved
to be both interesting and instructive.
There was a good attendance.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be. administered in the Methodist
church next Sunday into ring. At the
regular meeting at Westfield on the
following Monday, the quarterly offi-
cial board will vote on thequeetion of
church union.
THE LATE MRS. Wit.LARw.-Tbe re-
mains of the late Mra. Willard, ac-
companied by the bereaved husband,
arrived at the C. P. R. station here
from Alberta on the noon train Satur-
day. Service was conducted in Knox
church by Rev. J. 11. Mane, after
which interment wart made in the Col-
borne cemetery. Deceased, who had
been ill for a long finlike was a sister of
J. Symington here.
After Being Treated by Three Doctors
She Paned a Care is Dedd's Kidney Pills.
Toronto. Out, Jan. lath. -(Apodal.)
-"i suffered for five years," says Mrs.
Alberts G. -fn. a trained nurse living
at de. Wright ave.. this city. is telling
d bay cure of nervousness and kidney
amides by Dodd'. Kidney Pills. "My
sutteese was named from a nervous
bssekdown and wbat tbe darters
ramal ineorat•I. Bright's disease,
bseets►t on by a cold and long weeks
of nnesing.
M we. treated by tins doctors sod
wee a patient 1■ two hospitals. but
cwakar all time time. Seeing
tdlkat Dodd'e Eid Pt1rs bed dome
oAth•es IW net y the m and D
it heemillt after taking tea $est Sm.
slitbt or Mew boxes i am
enecd tri. eon wait • tats
LANES Lax ALa. --The fitrawts are
taking advantage of the good reads
the past week in getting the countless
little jobs done for which they have
been waiting for so long Reuben
Tiffin, of Lethbridge, Alberta, who is
back again to Huroo visiting bis
many friends, visited at the inose of
James Lane last week W. P.
Sanderson, our merchant, is at pres-
ent seriously Ell. He has been under Dr.
t3irupson s care duringthe last week.
Webop* by mixt ing be
state that be is (m as rapidly
as his many friends could wish.... Mr.
and Mrs. D. Wilson, of Saratoga, vis-
ited at Lanes on Sunday W. P.
Reed is suffering from a severe cold
at present. We hope that he will
soots bo restored to his former health
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 31st.
Ben Cooper, of Manitoba, were visit-
ing friends here hist week and wive
gone to visit friends in Howick. John
Cooper. of Manitoba, also is bere
Geo. Kinnaird, of Moxosejaw, is visit-
ing among his old friends. He has
been very successful in tbe West
Mrs. NVR. Cudmore, of Beate r, is
visiting her daughters, Mrs. Harvey
and Mrs. Workman. She looks well
after ber very enjoyable trip to Van-
couver, B. C., last year . .. The
many Western friends of Archie
Ryckman, of Moosejaw, Sask., will be
pleased to hear that be is visiting
friends around here, accompanied by
Mrs. Ryckman, be having married
the popular young lady, bliss Cora
Veneer. youngest daughter of Thomas
Veneer, of Chiselhuret, on December
27th last Mr. Ryakman is a sample
of the many young mea who have
gone West to homestead and hove be-
come prosperous. We congratulate
him on having the good sense not to
go back a lonely bachelor.
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 31st.
Nuncio -Miss Evelyn Hayden is in
Oodericb this week visiting ber brother,
Dr. W. Y. Hayden .... Mr. and Mrs. G.
McMichael. of Egmondville, are guests
of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs J.
McGee Ben Draper strived home
lest Friday from the West, where he
gas beep for the last two years. He
thinks it las flee country out there..
...Miss Margaret Schoenhals is visit-
ing her cousins in Ooderich this week.
,Harry Bennett is home from
Chicago for • visit among relatives
bere and at Cedar Valley Jake
McGee, jr., who is home for a visit,
has been under the doctor's care for
the last few weeks, but is on the mend
again. We hope to see him out loan.
....Mrs. MgJcolm McDonald is visit-
ing friends in Goderich Miss Eliza
Young underwent an operation for a
growth ,under her left eye on Tuesday
at the hospital in Goderich. We are
glad to say that it has been successful.
Miss,R len Draper returned home
lest week from London, where she bag
been visiting for the past month.
(continued from Page 1)
RldAulph ; that the engineer examine
fhe Roland Midge end if he think's
noc'msary have it rebuilt this summer.
It was recommended that the tender
of A. Hill & Co. for $2,960 00 for the
superstructure of Black's bridge, and
the tendet• on J. Lawson 'for the
cement work, at $4.40 per cubic yard.
be accepted, both tenders in each cane
being the lowest. A still lower tender
was received from the Chatana Bridge
Co., but the committee did not feel
justified in accepting it, as the re-
quired cheque or sheet did not accom-
pany the tender. Other matters
which were sent to the committee
were referred back to the council fpr
consideration. 1t was decided In
council that the engineer be instructed
to examine the. Race bridge at Wing -
Morn and, if necessary, have a neer
bridge erected at once, and Wet the
Wroxeter bridge should not be built
at present In reference to the
motion that it shall be necessary to
have a certificate from the engineer
before a bridge of twenty feet or
longer is built, it was decided that the
engineer and two Reeves interested in
the erection of the bridge must give a
written certificate stating that the
bridge in question comes within the
county bridge bylaw, before it is
erected as a county bridge.
Tbe county property committee in
its report as passed recommended that
assistance be given the caretaker, if
necessary, to renovate the law library
in the court house; that six suite of
duck goods he purchased for prison
IMO and that the coal shed at the gaol
be built one story in height.
Moved by Messrs. Munnings and
Bailie that the property committee be
instructed to call for tenders and let
the contract for the coal shed at the
gaol. Carried.
Bylaws appointing the and:ton for
1912 and fixing the daily allowance of
the councillors were passed, after
which the council adjourned to meet
on Tuesday, June 4th.
The standing committees appointed
for 1912 are an follows :
Executive -D. Cants•Into J. Leckie,
R. W. Livingston, T. K. Powell, J.
Special - Robert M r K a y, W.
Ament, J. N. Kernighan, B. C.
Munningr., I. Kalbfleisch.
Finance -W. Glee, J. N. Govenlock,
G. C. Petty, J. J. Brown, W. Hunter.
Education -W. J. Milne, J. Gillespie,
J. McClure, J. Ueder•wood, W. .1,
Road and Bridge --J. Winter, H.
Winery J. Shortreed, D. R. McDonald.
A. Hunk in.
County PropertyW. F. Clark, Geo.
Lindsay. y7Cnn. Is, W. Bailie, W.
EequaiSatins-The wh ale eooneil.
Warden -H. Willem J. M. Goves-
lock. G. C. Petty, W. J. Milne. R. W.
Rouse of Refuge. B. 0. Mases age.
D (.ntelon, J. N. Kernigiilaa, W.
Remember the sale of rssl estate
and b weelsold effects, themme
J. B. Bowlines. on Moed, y
1i arrasmassing at I O'clock sharp,
MONDAY. Jan. Sbtb.
Celt tu•tr NOTES. -The Westfield
League paid • visit to Donnybrook
League, along with Auburn League.
Westfield gave half the program.
which all enjoyed. Those taking part
from froWestZeld were Albert Welsh
and The.. Taylor. • mouth organ se-
lection ; Miss Rama Oampbell, a reci-
tation ; Mho Bila Taylor, a solo : Mise
Josie Woodcock, a recitation ; Henry
Ilorney, an &duress oo "Sociability.
We hope then will be Doom of such
gatherings ..... .8acrmuw t at West-
field church next $ahtgth at 7;90 p.m.
The pastor, Rev. R. A. Miller. will
preach from Use rubject, "Tbe Exile,
or Homesick." Everybody come.
Blume. - Albert Vincent, of
Alberta. son of Mr. and Mrs. Menne
Vincent.. is visiting bb parents for a
few weeks .Mr. and Mrs. Thor.
Keroick were visiting relatives and
friends in t'sborne township and Ex-
eter village last week...... Mr. and
Mrs. Bamford entertained a number
of young people at their home on
Monday evening and an enjoyable
evening was spent try all The
metnbere of the C. 0. F. held their an-
neal oyster supper at 8. Thompeon's
on Friday evening last, when a very
pleasant time was spent by the mem-
bers, their wives and a few other
frieode ...Mr. Henry,of Saskat-
chewan. is visiting at the home of bis
sister, Mra. Jobe Dow Miss Net-
tie Bell and Miss Lily Taylor visited In
West Waw•nosh last week.
W EDNImsD-t Y, Jan. 31st,
Tbe Sunday school of Colborne
Evangelical lurch bas been re -organ-
ised with the following officers:
President, Wm. Durst; vice-prerideot,
Leslie Flick ; secretary. Wm. Durst,
jr. ; f ••eaaurar, Paul Maedel : librarian,
Hari t Ferant ; organist, Miss Amanda
Mae. • 1 ; church organist, Miss Agnes
P1icl . ,•bori•ter, M. Ohler; Rev. 0. O.
Hall...,so, the pastor, is teacher of the
Bible clam; the ladies' Bible class is in
charge of Mn. 0. G. Hallman ; Ger-
erman claw, Paul Mamie! ; intermediate
class. D. Schwan., and primary class,
Mise Amanda Maedel.
Dan. Schwanz spent a few days in
Crediton last week. ...Wes. Honking
is visiting at the home of Mr. ticbwaox
fora few dap, Geo. Bean is assist-
ing Wm. Stevens in getting out
timber tor an extension to his barn.:
Mise L Clark was the guest of
Mies Ehia Kursebinski on Monday
evening A number oo the young
people attended the dancing party at
Thos. Jewell's on Tuesday
The ice harvest is in full swing. an in-
creasing number ot farmers deeming
it advisable to secure a supply for
summer use .Tbe young people
are taking full advantage of the fine
skating this week.
TUESDAY, Jan. 30th.
BRIEFS. -We regret to report that
our old friend Joseph Bell is very
poorly Miss Scott, from Auburn,
is visiting at W. L Ferguson's. c3be
bee recently ariived from the West.
A. 0. U. W. lodge held a ban-
quet here on Thursday night last
which was an enjoyable and success-
ful affair..... .Tbe Masons hold their
annual at-home on Friday night of
this week.......F. W. McDonagh has
been under the weather for several
weeks, but is now improving.
DEATH OF MRS. OLDS. -An old resi-
dent of Oolhorue township has been
removed by the death of Mts. Olds,
of the 0th concession. The deceased
was seventy-three years of age and
was a native of the township, her
birthplace being the farm now oc•
cupied by her only surviving brother,
Andrew Young. She was a quiet.
estimable woman and will be missed
in the neighborhood. Her husband
died many years ago. and she had
resided with her daughter, Mrs. James
Straughan, of the 6th concession. The
funeral took place on Monday last,
Rev. J. K Mann conducting the ser-
ervices and the pallbearers being Rnbt.
Straughan, Andrew Million, Edw.
Killian, Alex. Robertson. W. L Fer-
guson and Wm. Walter.
Lucknow, has oea..ed visiting outside
points and will henceforth ggltue his entire
attention to the home oMce. Lucknow, where
he w111 be found every day. All modern meth.
In Dungannon for The Signal is at the Poet-
oRoe Book and Stationery Store, where
orders will bo received for subecrip one ad.
vertising and Job work. and receipts will be
given for amounts paid for the same.
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 31st.
meeting of the Dungannon Rifle As-
sociation C. Elliott was elected captain
and J. Jolu son treasurer.
CALL EXTENDED. -The P resbyterian
congregations of Dungannon and Port
Albert have extended a call to Mr.
Gomm, who is now finiehing a
course at Knox College. The induc-
tion is expected to take place in April.
nual meeting of the Dungannon Agri-
cultural Society was held en Friday,
January 19th. John Mclean was
elected hohorary president, and Wm.
Bailie is again president, the other
directors and officers also being re-
elected. October 3rd and 4th were se-
lected as the dates of the fall fair for
this year. The Society he in good fin-
ancial condition.
Both Quick and Per manent Strenght.
If you ore run down or tired out, If
you take void easily,have no appetite.
are losing flesh or ave other evidence
of lowered vitality, try ear MacLeod's
System Renovator under our guaran-
tee to refund We prior paid if the rem-
edy fails to give entire satisfaction.
1 t aide digestion, tome up the nervous
system and gives hotb quick and per-
simmon' results. Dee dollar a Mottle.
M•nefaetered by MerLeed Medicine
. Ont. For mkt by E. R.
Wilt* BOMINBot•
kasseeWtt to Ladies
Pref. Dowawsnd, of Toronto, bags
to a arises that Ise vAU be at the
Betel Redford ma Welee da Febru-
ary 7th. wit& • complete display of
the newest Lesion. Paris and Naw
Tork creations is hair geode. Ton
are lnr15fr to mall sad In epee* MD
is a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well -knows
doctor has said, " 1 saver
yet made& poatoortemea.
amisatiosisacassel death
tker Heart
rt Pismo with-
out ��the kidneys
wereatiiuL' Tho Kidney
medicine whittle was And"
the market, entet sones►
fol for Heart Dhow sod
sit Kidney Treeless, and
most widely imitated is
Final Bargains
On some lines that ere wanted now
during Midwinter Mut which we are
anxious to diann•r ot. That's the reit-
escane for these big rednetione:
Twenty-two U n t r i m m ed Felt
Shapes, 7 tc.
Twelve Trimmed Hats. 4$c.
Twenty-five Trimmed Hate, 96e.
Ladies' hlaek beaver Costs, were
$1t now iitn 9&
Ladies' blank Coate . now 54.96.
Fors almost at ynnr own price.
Some men'& tweed Overcoats, regular
5111. now half-pric e.1/13.
(choice of any Suit in the etnre,59 85.
Nnw is the time tenet these for big 1
If You Take a few Doses of
Your cough will disappear. Doctors
prescribe 108 every (ley. Tbe greatest
oomgh medicine on earth. Once you
have it in your home you will never
again be without it. The greatest
ceugh medicine for children. Get a
bottle today -25c at Dunlop'..
Waited Immediately
Smart, capa►te met. en good salary or
oomrni...Jo... to .sal ear well-known special-
ties in fruit and arnaosnW trees la your
Bounty. Iv pay asterdtag to shanty. and
desire the best roan procurable.
800 Acres
of trait tare from wdtek to till • ttsaomees•
requitement*. Our salesmen are ab.adetely
sure to supply rebate, asWfactor•y stook.
EatablL.heo ever 13 vests. Write
Salsa Maeaa�
Pdw Nur+nry ('o..
Toronto. Outane
N. B. -To t.e.tomers ! if our roommate,
[Ives have not celled. writhe for catalogs*
mad prices.
"tbe Stowawa!"
By Louis TRACY
Be sure to read the opening chapters
of The Signal's new serial story
which commences in this issue.
Page 6
Page 6
After stocktaking and finding same to be too heavy we have decided to reduce it by
offering to the public qur entire stock of Leather and Felt Boots and Shoes at prices
that will astonish you. This sale will commence
Saturday, Feb. 3rd, and Continue for Seven Days
Finishing Saturday, February 10th, 1912 •
Below you will find a partial list of what we have to offer.
11 Terms -STRICTLY CASH at Sale Prices Terms -STRICTLY CASH at Sale •Potter
Seventy pairs men's Bluchers, a mixed
lot, regular $•4.(111 to $6.00.
Sale price
Any man's
store for.
1115.00 Shoe to the $4•$4•00Atn
ny an'e 54,50 Shoe in tbe
store for e�
Any man's $4.05 Oboe 1n the.20
store for. $3
tjn60 Shoe in the S2.80
Any man's
store for
Any man's $6,a Shoe is the SIM
store for
Ladies' BOOTS
Eighty-four pain ladies' Boots. a mixed
lot, regular IBM to 54.00.
Sale price $2.00
Any ladies $4.00
store for.i .. .
Boot in the
Any ladies' 118.00 Boot in the
store for.
Any ladies 53.00 Boot in
stow for
the $2.40
Any ladies' SIM Boot in the
store for r
Any lathes' Eton torp. Hoot. ie• w $ 1.60
Everything in tistea's aa$ ladies'
Felt Boots will be sold at cost
price or less.
Any boys' $'L00 Boot in the
storefor lc, sears./
Any boyo' 51.50 Boot fa the 'Si .25
store for
Anyet 's $1.76 Boot (a the $1 AO
are for
Fester iia the store will be
offered at greatly rascal prices.
This is all we have room to classify, but if you can npt.find what you want in this list, come anyway, and
you will not be disappointed, as there is abrsolutely no reserve.
t .0
is over sod has melted away a
large quantity of goods under
• the beaming rays of reduced
33rd Anniversary
32 Year in Business,
Stocktaking shows us to have
had the beet business year since
19M. Many tbanka to our
patrons in Goderich d e y i and
ding country for their
generous support The coo-
fidence of the public is gratinriog
and is justified by our methods of
doing buslncae. We want your
belp in making this position still
stronger and berewith enclose
"items of interest" for you.
Nott the things
we speak of
this week .
L •
1 Tbe new Oingbass a are here
Mod our values wesseemeer better
thea now ; patlpettjt and coke'-
All Seutttfh
Embroideries -Con.
"26° yard. Bdgea sod laafla
done to r eueset '+itrisp
widths, throne . otwooth'a
as WIM .kir4os width
Valu �°'
.g e�sr.
(�1taa�� BeekA mattes, coolers fast.
JMt note our prices -10c, bre
Our PrIn he here
new will
before qu beim Awe to read
this. w be • L__eem
gtrantit to a lset Bora, CIM. 1gRr
BRAND -no better Print made
to sell at 12ic. n2 inches wide.
and every piooe fast Dolor.
vnm. and OOP what tie oma
for 10c
! at
miss. $s. .drift jet
isnot Elea D. & A. make.
NO Ste Mite
sorest and wanes
D. t A. et the prios•aeked.
Your ebbe of about tea
hundred yards beat alc is In.
Borth ID '
get -just a small sr�l
lot in dark and light grotaSe�
Never were we in aro good •
p� tion as mow to meet the
wants of our customers he Rm-
broiderion We have
pee oiat. More
them Our psioas- A bet jio& let'
Spring ShipI»ents
every few days
east Vowed
rest fro
up a large shipment from
.__ honker• in 81. Gaul, Switalea
brad. Beery piece bard-m•chioe
Saes and at oil nohow from be to
Waited Immediately
Smart, capa►te met. en good salary or
oomrni...Jo... to .sal ear well-known special-
ties in fruit and arnaosnW trees la your
Bounty. Iv pay asterdtag to shanty. and
desire the best roan procurable.
800 Acres
of trait tare from wdtek to till • ttsaomees•
requitement*. Our salesmen are ab.adetely
sure to supply rebate, asWfactor•y stook.
EatablL.heo ever 13 vests. Write
Salsa Maeaa�
Pdw Nur+nry ('o..
Toronto. Outane
N. B. -To t.e.tomers ! if our roommate,
[Ives have not celled. writhe for catalogs*
mad prices.
"tbe Stowawa!"
By Louis TRACY
Be sure to read the opening chapters
of The Signal's new serial story
which commences in this issue.
Page 6
Page 6
After stocktaking and finding same to be too heavy we have decided to reduce it by
offering to the public qur entire stock of Leather and Felt Boots and Shoes at prices
that will astonish you. This sale will commence
Saturday, Feb. 3rd, and Continue for Seven Days
Finishing Saturday, February 10th, 1912 •
Below you will find a partial list of what we have to offer.
11 Terms -STRICTLY CASH at Sale Prices Terms -STRICTLY CASH at Sale •Potter
Seventy pairs men's Bluchers, a mixed
lot, regular $•4.(111 to $6.00.
Sale price
Any man's
store for.
1115.00 Shoe to the $4•$4•00Atn
ny an'e 54,50 Shoe in tbe
store for e�
Any man's $4.05 Oboe 1n the.20
store for. $3
tjn60 Shoe in the S2.80
Any man's
store for
Any man's $6,a Shoe is the SIM
store for
Ladies' BOOTS
Eighty-four pain ladies' Boots. a mixed
lot, regular IBM to 54.00.
Sale price $2.00
Any ladies $4.00
store for.i .. .
Boot in the
Any ladies' 118.00 Boot in the
store for.
Any ladies 53.00 Boot in
stow for
the $2.40
Any ladies' SIM Boot in the
store for r
Any lathes' Eton torp. Hoot. ie• w $ 1.60
Everything in tistea's aa$ ladies'
Felt Boots will be sold at cost
price or less.
Any boys' $'L00 Boot in the
storefor lc, sears./
Any boyo' 51.50 Boot fa the 'Si .25
store for
Anyet 's $1.76 Boot (a the $1 AO
are for
Fester iia the store will be
offered at greatly rascal prices.
This is all we have room to classify, but if you can npt.find what you want in this list, come anyway, and
you will not be disappointed, as there is abrsolutely no reserve.
t .0