HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-1, Page 3• ME SIGN L : CUDERICH, ONTARIO TeE (Huron CountyCounciLWAINL AND ONLY Proceedings at the lanuary Meeting of the GENUINE' Cbunty Parliament. • EWARE IM ITA- TiONB, BOLD ON THE *BRITS OP /MUD'S BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING oo LEATHER GOODS Aloodoropromptie amended to oo leaving 'dem at THE SIGNAL. Oederieb. A. E. TAYLOR. STRATI/ORD CIVIL ENGINEERING if**J iHAN M. 1WBSlt lf, OIVLL V awl Heiman* Sagisesr. lytaeto 14a4 allIHrs- kelmaa m. (•lades. corner 3I missal say* T1f7. NEDICAL TAB TAYLOR AND T A EL O R, dMlS uiznasald(t~ rsas a e ss North M4ROLD rAeT &kn. £. M. 8. 1l 8. A. Da. W. F. GALLONS'. M. B. omen stooge .0 dCount, r7N North T 1000oe 1t. R. F. J. R. kORPTE R— BYE, RAR cess and throat only. House sus,eoo York Ophthalmic end Aural Institute, Cli.leal .urea, 14r, Noseaad "throat Hospital °sides Square. and Moorenetd Kyee Hospital. Loam, England. ofike, A7 S. Waterloo swat efasttord, opposite Knox Church. Hours is to It a- m. 4 rod p. m.. ' to r a in. Telephone LEGAL PROUDFOUT, UAYB & KILLOR- mowers taAN,6end at l est Cosa, eta Mama tot.. yaislie rates of w , . eggs to m eidd. quare, Ooi.iiak. W. s o K. C., at. C. HAYS. 1. i PI iRA . G. CAMERON. L O. teA.AOR RII.II-- • T ' street. Oedee tiled !stir from mews LAIILES (*ARROW, L. LB.. BA R slob Rllooy&qd seyb. esheitor. eta.. (sods O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER sdloitor, 000ml•siog.r asters psbiic • • Hamilton street 44gdsr5nb Oat. INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. liottILLGP MUTUAL FIRS IN JJ, 4(18 e N C E Co—Farm and belated teem property lasured. (miners- J. B. McLean, Pres., Senterth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vtoe-Pre+., Goderbb P. O. 1'bg ss 8. 1ls.ys. Soo-Trees..kleat.rtb P. 0. Ilheefaea—Wm. Chesney. Seatortt; John Q Rehm Winthrop William RInn2 Constaaos; Jain Bianewele, Btodh.Ren ; Junes Evans, S g.ggwood ; Jobs watt, Herbst ; Malcolm Motwen. Brseeaeld. eato: J. W. Yea Holmsevtlle ; R Smith. H.etoek • Jss. Cummings. I&moodrine ; 8. ilisekley. uestord>_ PoUoy-holders can pr u and set their oardi rswipted at t J. oerisb's Clothing Store enema. or at R H. Ca a Grocery. ouotstcw street. Goalieiob . (l. • oto. Aon X G. TO ll 1+V V rlcam• Apnty to M, G. CAye- • errefeta Hamilton .,ttwet Ooderieh. W B. ROBERT80NI, INSURANCE.O8NT, tunas AND Lasanom: Brldslt, CaruOI&n sad AND YNILOYy Luau, t road gsatee U.B. Oeaspan7• moMs. 1 e ton/ atti J°IEN . asnIalsR at:Ice=d e.M M setDuvet aid as lee rm re.. t M. R 1018. Us/Mir Oust tYM `AIRtOE LICENSES BLLE 71900103011. on r. P.. ISSUER (>.1/A AGS LICIN8ICa • WLAN=s 11111 GPItAIiRI- . AOS Meese% Mande Oat SUMO PABL * BLOCK B.&K - ' OP a wad meiso A1r'1NII WO TU AIs (*UNDUE, LIVI root WwrrL ae :i M `.. arteafa6 it E m ss Muir & , Hohuleier 1a*+ aRu. 1 AND /V011111Ai . a A t w`iwgibsa The January emotion of the Huron teachers in the Province. there being county r ouno1l opened in We court only seven teachers in the inepector- house on Tuesday. January eeird, at R ate who had bad no professional train - o'clock. Alt the members were lag. In lbs classing of teachers the present. report stated that "in the rum/ After Reeve Mothers, of Ashfield, schools only eighteen male teachers bad taken bis .eat as the Wardea- are left to us. We are nearing the. elect for the ensuing year the regular end of a regime of the rural rule business of the eoonctl was proceeded teacher ; he begins to feel it necessary with. to apologise for bib precast anomalous On motion ..f Messrs. Livingstone positron, if not for bis existence. and Oleo. Messrs. Mooning,. O•otslon, With the openingwln positions more Willett, Sbortrered and Kernigban lucrative and offering greater oppor- wen• appointed a committee to strike [unities for advancement. it ie a won- tbe standing oossmittses for the year. der that we heve soy recruits et all." Requests for grants were received LL was pointed out that few schools from the Seek ChdOren. Hospital the are suitably lighted or ventilated, that Prisoners' Aid Association ant( the the walls and ceilings of most of the Salvation Army. Notices of commie schools are dark, giving the interior anent by Judge Holt of David Jebel a gloomy sppeerante. Teachers give Foster to the care of the Children's little attention to regulating the win - Aid /Society, at a cost of $200 per dowblinds, circumstances wbicliprove week, and o1 Lorne Modratten, by very injurious to tee eyes ut the pupils. Judge Doyle, to the Industrial School. None of the schoolObad any system of at a oast of $1.21 ger week, were read. ventilation. Dental inspection was The president of the Good Roads advocated. The total attendance Association asked that delegates from in the rural public schools last year Huron county be appointed to was 3,055, and of this number 1,d*U join tbe deputation to wait on the were boys and 1,426 were girls. "There Dominion Government regarding the was much comment this spring in the tatter of highway improvement. papers sod on tbe platform on the im- The secretary of the same Association moral tendencies of our public schools and of the Ontario commas Amodio and of the responsibility of the teach. tion -asked that delegater be appointed era for such a condition. 1 should not to stteod the annual meeting of the feel free." the retort said."to give every respective organizations. Tenders for boy or girt a clean hill ammo! health, printing and tenders forwood for the but in any experience in high Schools gaol, together with all the above- the standard of morality is especially wentioeed communications, were tient high, and in the public school{ of the W the executive committee. county over which 1 have supervision The annual statements from the I saw about the premise's nothing Collegiate institutes of Goderiob, Clio- written that was indecent, nor any ren and See unit and Wingbam high carvings test were suggestive. My bcbool, and the statements from opinion then was and still is that these Lietuwel and Si.. Marys high echoob, reports were a grows libel on the Cans ahowiug the amounts due byunthis than boy and girl." The ood work comity for county pupils, were sent to of tontine/0ton clllsses at good Bros - the eduattion committee. eels and Wrozeter was referred to, A Dopy of a resolution loused by the e.pecially the ezaminetion results of council of East Wawanosh, asking the Brussels public school, where the that the county erect,• bridge over (it) feet in length within the bounds of the municipality, was sent to the road sod bodge committee. Applications for the position of auditor were received' from J. W. Roue, Whitechurch : A. McEwanr. Bluevsle ; Frei Hess, Zurich ; F. W. Scott. Blyth ; J. Wilson, Auburn P. llentelon, Clinton, and H. H. Polley, Go derich. These were left o0 the table. D. McDonald, Surrogate Court registrar, asked for a new typewriter for his office. soden order for clothing for prisoners at the gaol was received trom Sheriff Reynolds. Froth com- munications were rent to tbe county propetty- committee. a M. G. Cameron, K.C, sent letter asking the council to consider Dr. Macklin's account for professional work at the gaol. the letter with the account was sent to the finance committee. Moved by Messrs. Cantelon and Mee that C. E. Dowding, manager of Moleons Bank, Clinton, be trustee of Clint.o Collegiate Institute. in place of Jas. Scott. resigned ; and that Dr. J. W. Shaw be trustee in place of E. N. McLean for balance of his term, he having gone to London. Carried. Other motions were passed appoint - log Oleo. Hall trustee of Winghaau high school : Wm. Hasty, trustee of Yeaforth Collegiate Institute ; J, C Smith, principal of Wingbam higtl sebool. county examiner fur this year, and Messrs. Glen and Lane, auditors of criminalf ots. The coon 'ben adjourned until Wednesday moroiog. 'V EDNL$DA Y. The request of Cul. Wilson for the usual grant to the 3itd Regiment was sent to the executive committee. A petition signed by 170 persons asked tie county to erect a bridge on Fralick street in tbe village of Neroz- eter. The request Was referred to the road and bridge committee. The relxorte of the treasurer and the regi*tray were read and referttd to the finance committee. The treasurer's report showed a bal- ance on band at the end of the year of 114;1156,08, the unexpended (surplus available to lessen this year's taxa- tion, $6,3:16.46, and the sinking funds, not including accrued interest, $80,- 974.41. 'Floe gaoler's report. which was sent to the county property committee, showed the number of prisoners inesr- eerated at the gaol at tee present time to be eighteen and of this number thirteen are vagrants, two are inliene, one is serving a term for obstructing the sheriff. one for indecent assault, and one for larceny. The registrar's report, which was sent to the finance committee, showed the gross amount of fee's earned for the year to be $5.009.75. The reports of J. F Tom and .i. M. Field, public school inspectors. were read and sent to the education com- mittee. Mr. Tom reported that the average attendance of pupils in his inspector- ate of West Huron during 0011 was 3,- '7g. There were 134 regular teachers employed and of this number twenty - tour were men and 110 were women, whose professional quslineetions were as follows: Two University graduates, nine Mots, eighty-seven snoods, twenty -rive tends, one alndergwrten director and ten tempo rat y certifi- cates. The average •slaty of the twenty -fair moo wag 17(1'8, and of the 110 women, $499. The highest salary paid a ran was 11.4804 and the high- est reosivsd by a womste.1175. There had been nine' these changes of teaabers slot* Marsh. 1910. Onio sixty-one of the 11# 8epaetesesu the sante ameba* a& a year ago, while •Neots -titres deoartaeets bed a dif- t. sst Umber and some bed changed 5we or those time 'loess bequest ehesper." tie repot Baia. "Sejere the pops= and the statai .f tale jos- s w5sod 11.. rSr.rra.intior of the .re'palt disk Web the mar .a..H.sersto to be this diardi.a, the, work laevo- itm lael dregs•. sed dor teeebrt.' *8 Kr. VW. Isepestor at subsea, W the highest persue attendance is large enough for another teach Mr. Bailie asked why Jos. Rmeltzer, who bad been an inmate of We house of refuge for Borne eine, was sent to gaol and kept tb.re. Mr. Torrance. inspector of the house of refuge, made an ezolanation i0 th3 matter, to the effect that it was on accotmt o[ Smelt- zer crabbed attitude towards the ,otber inmates that be was remove.I to tbe gaol. This explanation was coo- sidered satisfactory. Motions were mace to grant ail for the purchase of flowers for planting about the court hoose ; to grant 110 to all spring stock shows held this year ; to grant 1(1(1(1 to the hospitals at Ooderich, Woogbar,' and Clinton; to grant $15 to the Huron Bee -keepers' Association ; to grant $7Ue t.0 each Fanners Institute, and 110 to each Women's Institute in the county ; to grant $50 to the Huron couuty spring show at Clinton, and to grant "MO to- wards an exhibit, of Huron ..minty nrples at the horticultural exhibition in Toronto in November -nett. All of these motion. were sent to the execu- tive committee. Moved by Motors. Clark and Mun- oiogs that W. I. idiot be re-appppooirnted to the board or trustees of (ioderic Collegiate Institute, for :be years 1912-13.14. ,Carried, It was moved that the Roland bridge on the town Ione between Hul- lett and McKillop he built by th h e county and that the contract for building it be awarded with the other* at this session : that the bridge known as the Race bridge, west of the town t of Wingbam in the township of Turn berry, be built this year, and that the 1 s bridge over the Maitland River on Fralick street, in Wroxeter, be erected Ibis year. Tbetee motions were seat t to the road and bridge committee. I d It was moved teat W. R. Weiden- hantmer, B. A., of Exeter: and Jas. Tige t, of Ooderich, he appointed coufty examiner* for this year. t These motions were soot to the educa- tion committee. A motion to grant $50 to the tie. - forth spring stock show and seed fair combined was referred to the execu- tive cotnmi.tee. P. Cantelon, of (Linton and Aber. McEwan. clerk of Morris township, were appointed auditors for the year 1912. It was moved that the oouul grant to continuation sod fifth form clasps be supplemented by the amount of 160 each • sod that all rural schools receive the same grant as fifth class schools. Both motions were sent to the education committee. A motion to appoint Messrs. Powell and Petty delegates to the Good Roads Association meeting in Toronto was sent to the executive committee. The county engineers report was referred to the road and bridge com- mittee. He reported the issuing of orders to the amount of $1,900.0.;. He had examined the new Torrance hridge on the boundary of \\ est Wa- wa/took between the aunties of Huron and Brno', and found the work satisfactory. He also reported baying advertised for and received tender.. for the bridges to be placed under con- tract this assents. it was moved teat a new bridge he built on the boundary of Biddulph and Unborn townships, oo the site known ea the Drout hellge ; that the bridge bylaw be amended so that It shall he necessary to bevel s eertiff- eate tram the emeneer, that a bridge of twenty feet or more le required, be- fore such bridge le built. Both mo- tives were sant to Ole 'mad and bridge soaamittee It was moved that the Hartle Poultry and Pak Stash Association receive a greet nt toe MA and that the groom to the fall fairs stet public libraries be tb. saga as asst year, Timm emotions rqr. swat ars taw omesighte Mesh 1y Na h& Mho sad Oast. Dotty `throe deist per ins Qat he the pay of day V ha e teriB root/ Si 'tad iteem.rla • BiMR bY It.safa and • *at the sonde, of Misters sad OsMMeie. er ii M l daysiseglosi of S6. of Ina .f a fof West Huron Vareuers' Institut+, asking the coupon) to request the Minister of Agriculture W appuist is district repreee*tsti.e fu this county, was sent to the *perils! orator.. It was moved that e.. W. D. Collins, of Exeter, ie re ppoint.d s member fur this county on the nate of the Western Cairo city ; t t Mr. \,Hartley, of Clinton, be appoia one of the county examiners, and at a grant of $2,000, the same se last year and the year previous, be mode to tbe collegiate* of Godericb Alio n and Sesforth and Wing/ham high I'chool, These motions were sent to the educe - Ron committee. 1t was moved that Mr. Powell be appointed a delegate to attend the Gond Roads Association meeting tat Ottawa: that Me. McKay be the del. gate, and anotbet'motion named Mr. Patty. The dams motions were sent to the executive eemutfttes. The tomtit of the finance oommitte as adopted recommended the paymen [ a number of accounts. In rsgsrdto (he letter 11055 Proudfoot, Hays A Killoran, askingfor a refund of 1100 in the caw of Frey, who was con- victedrsa hawker nit three different count. by a magistrate, and fined $150, two of the counts being quashed later by Chancellor Boyd. it was morn - mended that the refund be made. Dr. Macklin's account was recom- mended to tis paid on cottditien' that it be understood hereafter that the ,sail surgeon coo.ult the proper autbc.r- tties bettor takieg action in any such 06.e. The report of the education commit- tee as passed ,t'ecomutended that the Collegiate, and high scbool of the eonnty be paid the following amounts : Ooderich, getr2e.79; Ses• forth, 18,Otd7 (17 ; Clintoo, 13,3B9.1f3 ; Matthew. $2,445.01. It was •recom- mended that the different Domina- tions made for county examiners be coniliioad ; that the usual grin: to coot nation cls sea be continued, and that * gr.nt of $1,000 to made to the Collegiate Institute* o f 8eeforth Godesich and Clinton and Wingham high school. The executive comntittee's report as passed recommended a grant of $5) be made to the Salvation Almy; a grant of OSS cents per day for ea3h man doing service in the f1Srd Regiment during camp week ; that the couoty pay, let per wrek towards the support of the children In the etre of the Made en's Aid Society until a foster house is found for then' ; that 111 20 be paid to- wards the support of Lorne Modest. ten in ludustriel School; that the eoonty treasurer pay) to the pcizewin- ners at the Winter Fair at Guelph the amounts of their prizes, vis.: First prise $15, second ptize, 110. Th. ap- pointment was recommended of Mi. McKay to accompany Mr. Livingstone oo the deputation to Ottawa, repte- 'tenting the Oood Roads Association. it was recommended tbat a grant of 125 be made to the different fell fairs and public libraries in tae county that a grant of $10 be made to the Sick Children's Hospital ; that a grant of 110 to pay general expenses be made to the Ontario Gond Roads As- sociation and that T. K. Powell and G. C. Petty be sent as delegates to repre- sent the county at, the Ontario Good Roadso ,,AAsgssocratiod dnestifg. It was advised (.bat $211 be granted to pur- chase flowers to plant around the eaurt house: th.t the applicauion to have an exhibit of Huron county apples at the Toronto Horticultural Association be laid osier until the June meeting ; that the usual grants of is: he mode to the Farmers'. Insti- tutes and $10 to the Women's !nate Lutes ut the county. The acceptance of John Chsroey's tend- r for the sup -1 ply of wood at the gaol at $5 per cord, and of The Ooderi-h Star's tender fur printing was recommended. It was rsoommeoded further that a grant of 11'46 be made to each of the Horticul- ural Societies holding shows ; that a grout of 110 be made to 8eaforth pt ing show ; that $ffi be granted the Clinton Huron County Stock Aeeocia- sfon : that a grant of X900 he Made to be tbree hoepitsls of the county. 'vide(' on the saute basis as that on which the Government grant is made. The donating of grants to the Huron Poultry Pet Stock Association and to be Bee -keepers' Association Wag it ft over until the June meeting. PBI DAL The report of the road and bridge. committee a, adopted advised that the county mamma responsibility for the new 11 -offence bridgeq and pay tor it that tbe engineer communfcats with lbw engineer of the county of Middle- sex mud report to the road and bridge committee regarding the bridge be- tween the townships of Usborne and ICostlnuen oe plea4) A latter from wase r' e.ereelef CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM ANO KIDNEY TROUBLE 10 YEARS Morriscy's No. 7 Gurcd him. Other Doctors unable to help. RAND0LPf, MARE, May It 1511. "I suffer.d from Rheumatism tor the last ten years, and at the suaIrMtson of a friend 1 deci"ted to try your Na 7 Tablets. Before I had taken nna Annum I could nods• a change — and as I always had a sad pato acro.• sty kt.fneye 1 found 1.. ray "MSG delight Me palls MY Irons h the time I bed finished the first hes. I used several boxes, and fay Rhanan tt ei $rg/aelly left me. I gave a bez to a ''deed te try, sad be M sort weft veer test- ae. t is a Orsat Relisdy and was the *sty tfbaw that woaad lbsip me. Nee - ever, before sting ft i W tried every- thing r ever heard eat, bet Ides sse0.aI NOM .seters. and all wheat Ineeee.a- 1 hsps *serarm end f sasses sin read et rap all row ry 7V. ; es 'PIM evict John P. Lisa w.Z'l terheet. Tee sibms preeerlpS5 Is sat a "cars- As- ar as -call•. t ..'Seise. Dr. likeet.ey .re.oe+t al 8 Ow 44 rear..se .. 5554 tf...nee .ne. ester i.er.re tsa.a Plast Ma per hes all leer dealers. eam.rvaNr e/ersl.e b.IIL fee aim ,nigage J. b.4 finder lab by TIIVIRIDA', larvas' 83, 1912 THE BEST REMEDY PorWomen—Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound B Usytile, Ont.--" I was so weak and worn out from s female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia R. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. I'took several bottles of 1t, and I gained strength so rapidly that t seemed to make anew woman of me. I can do as good a day's work as I ever dia. I sincere bless the day thatI made up my wind to take our medicine for emate weakness, I and Iamexceedingly grateful to you for • ur kind letters, as I oertalnly profited by thea I give yon permisdon to pslbileb this any you wish,"— Mn, 4Lrni icgarr, B.Wvi11e Ontario, Canada. Women eve ryw here should remember that three is no other remedy known to medleine that will cure female weak. - noes 'alai so successfully carry Moneta thrushthe Change of Lite as L L Piakham'sVegetable Compo made ifrom active roots and herbs. For JO years it has been curing women from the worst forms d female ills— inflammation, ulceration, die. placements, fibroid tumors, it:reguiari. es, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you want special advice writs foritteairs.Pin L MI[aaw Itis fire aad shwa Jr. WE PAY CASH roe woad CANADA NEE STAM5 IMME more RE G I A: sled[ AS *100.ee [AC'S '^ —It yes' base tattoo J .tamps to ee r11 wNIs roe ear :1.. rated catalogue OaotMt aster las •.:: for each kind by matt M ss. y add,w u tor to cen t s t not free). IPIENEG STAMP CNCa ono) EBE FIVE DAYS OF HEALTHFUL RF3T Year trip to lasso. .iu he fourteen bears shorter •nd mill give you every comfort poisible to ocean travel N you take passage on either of the Royal Mail Steamship ROYAL, EDWARD and RIOYAL GEORGE Cabins -en -suite, passenger elevators, turbine engines with minimum vibration, so- cial, lounge and smoking rooms, personal service. For toll infra [nation ap ply to .ta*tn.hlp anent* or H.C.BOURLIER, Oco- etrel Ayent,('*a Nor. 8.S., Toronto, Ont. Or , • 0._ op Brophey Bros. 3ODEHICH The Leadini. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders earefoli, attended to at all hours, night or day , 1 IT 3 TIME TO (ocr THAT NEW WINTER SUIT a::d OVERCOAT and you'll make no mistekewhen you leave your order with HUGH DUNLOP Week OR The Up -to -dab Talter. CANADIAN latxcirie. To WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Deily Transcontinental Merviee vi. the l Canadian Roues. Standard land Towriete t rs. To CHICAGO _e=n'exesiltrat .e ..anR10awl at f or A • MOD P*OSPIC Ottiill' Pomp, Alae esservatluw load iaftuesos- tiss a to JOlt. MI IDD, Asset. - D..MILLAR&SON 114.11 t'sli,es ■.. 4O7—waist IIs eel—Shirt M.. LI eats midi w • LAMES' DRESS _ Necw Prtnts and Gtnghams The new season. Photta and *doghouse have arrived and are now being shown ip all their fresh - nese and beauty. This is the month in which moat ladies prefer to get OA much as possible of their Spring sewing done before the bust months of SpriOg. OUR PRINTS are of the same reliable quality as times shown in former seasons. and for variety of designs and colorings and wearing qualities are unexcelled. Guaranteed 1 fast colors. Per yard u .42C OINGHAMS We feature Anderson's eel *thirsted $notch Gingbam.. These Gingham& are in a char of their own. Your tub dresses are boom' to be satisfactory if these ging- hams are used. A great variety of all the newest colorings and designs. Per yard. 12o, 1tie and EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in Cottons, Pillow ( ottons and Sheetiogs, Blenched G•tlnns, long cloths, CeMbrics, nainsooks. lawns tnadnpolomes, ureandire, etc., at keenest prices. Special valise, in bleached ebeetings, plain and twilled. C at per yes d.. 25c, 30o and ^ Millar's Scotch Store 5' A FULL STOCK MAKES I'ttlS STORE ATTRACTIVE We have stocked our aheiv.s with all good thiuge ueces.ory to foot comfort. If it's Fella you want w'e're got them. If its Rubbers or Overshoes we've got them. if it's Rubtier Bouts we've got them. If it's Pro..pector. Boots or Oil Tan Noel asin- we ve got them. You can't mention an article that goes to keel+ your feet wet m and dry but we have ft. If it's here it's worthy. If,it's v.orthy it's here. Our price@ ate the lowest. Repairing How Old Are You? Some people consider this en impertinent question and regent any such inquisitiveness. In such case.. however. you can makes guess and feel certain tent you ate not fat out in your conjecture. But that in not what we started to say. We Ir m,L to tell you how you can Join the Pioneer Club iF,YOU ARE OVER SIXTY Any man or woman whose age is over the threescore mark has the privilege of sitting for a portrait and each one will bs presented with* CABINET -SIZED PHOTOGRAPH on one of the latest mounts e FREE OF CHARGE ('all - at once and early- i1 the day --and arrange for your sitting. Life is very uncertain at any tints, but tit.' infirmities of old age may prevent you [arts coning at w later date. Don't proteastinafe, bot give your b n'ta and Oris .osni4hing by whiob to remember you. in the shape a w good likeness of yourself. R.R. SALLOW5 PORTRAIT AND i.AND[iCAPB PN&JTOGRAP112IA r. awe /