HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-1, Page 2f! TttensuitY, IFEcaUAaY 1. 1912. - THE SIGNAL II()DLRICH ONTARIO ALM PQBLiEHAD EVERY THUR8DAY WV THE SIGNAL PRINTING Limited . • Teresa or emasonesiee Lw psi amass' r sdvwa �s . fes To Untied eW~mMorttsr~ $1.3:a • year -:rldJI le advu.Cel. psb.srtbao erne tell ie revolve Tie Mew Al Meicap eW a iter a ever its so use bas test at •m early • date ad Misr • dreg* of error le IMAM . both ofd mai denim addling eneald be raver aevare siwo Ades : L� tae psi ler West tt advsIs p too .ssb w� &YS lines y • ssasmes sere. twelve ling to u lana Rostrum mania al di oem rod under. 3f I, • brew aaessrmentrissmoms la eremitism. seems destivga:ISa. tee mew tee. lis=ovessithir new= istaresr=tettia. ler sem moth. A..wsessagosillfi imam typo tea smYper lima nes lea Was MIL MetaidediAl which to the mesentery bias& id say :WeIs st a e soweilwesi ale� ret &ad Rates for moths and retract edverose- atenta will be etve a apossiakm. A deems .11 eas.asolssllsis tee Telt SIGNAL PIWITINU CO..Grich Limited Britain. The difficultof the et Lana will be to p•sstode 7.1rite British people to accept it. SOMMUCM.lHUntmAT. FItB t. 19l'L THE MAIL 000ERR QUESTION. EDITOR $letiA .—1 am very mneb surprised at the stand taken by The Signal on this question. When did you turn protectionist? Do you think that the citizens of Canada trill stand for a tariff wall barring free trade with one another Dies not the merchant of any town it Canada get bis goods into flamed* w the 'am. lines as the nail order lis P And on account of the, 'erste r/rcteem that they make, if a mail dudm borne tato sell me sh article etasprr, wnuM you bar me buying where 1 tbourbt brat? And the fact that the m.rsdbaots Lave to go to Psrli*ment for an act to force their ne.ighhnos in buy from them shows onnclseively that there is something wares .t., qtsbows. at Mak �T TRADER. So far as we are. aware. The Signal bas en f.1 expressed no opinion one way or the other on this question. It has repotted the meetings of the Board of Trade dealing with the matter. but has not stated its own views. Certainly The Signal hag not turned protectionist. as our corres- pondent suggests. Further, we are not at all sure that the measure pro- posed .by the Board of Trade of Gode- rich is a protectionist measure. in the sense in which the word protection is -nmmnnly used. There is no intention of hearing anyone fmm purchasing goods tr+m the mail order houses, or of barring the mail order houses from selling to anyone. NoaM1e•to Nome between the mail order house and the customer in the traoeaction of their business with each other, as .the Customs officer interferes in inter- national nternational barter. The situation is, roughly, this : The town of Goderich and other munici- palities need money to carry on their public services. One of the methods of raising this moony is the levying of a business tax. If the local merchants have to pay thin tax, why not outside merchants wbo do business in the town P The discussion at the Grade - rich Board of Trade was largely on these two pdinta : (1) Is it fair to ask these outside firms to pay a portion of the taxes of the municipalities in which they do business ? (2) If so, on what equitable and prac- ticable basis can a levy be made upon them ? insurance companies and other cor- porations doing business throughout the Province are subject to a special tax levied by the Provincial Parlia- ment, and the proposed taxation of mail order hou.s i• along somewhat similar lines. Whether any of these special taxes is absolutely justifiable or not is a pretty large 'question with which The 81gna1 le not at present deal- ing. However, if n hu.ineas tax is to be levied at all, this municipality and other municipalities should have quite as much right to tax the outsider who does business within their Hmit. as they have to tax the local business man. The Signe! believes firnily in the principie of free trade: but to long as taxes are levied on trade it should be the aim to distribute the taxation as equitably u possible. FROM OUR OONTEMPORARIES. Ottawa Quebec Some tre Peer. Pe..ple in Ootario often laugh at "01duebec." but still the people. fu that P vine know enough not lo bold tuuui efectitfns during a holiday season. Bit Reciprocity Was DeisitL Windsor Reword - And it was Out about this time of The Toronto News oeght to mar Mance publishing that little para- graph, "This is the 'ateeoth day since Ib. vacancy occurred in `toutb Ren- frew." Tbe member for West Huron is still .'amuy. In the vote last week on Mr Lancaster's hill to override the "oe tasuere" decree bis Dame does not ap- pear at ail, either am baviug voted or as having "paired." Arad judging from Mr. Lewin' success in the past in dodg- ing unplesaant situations, it ie not un- likely that inkeeping away from the vote be has chosen the curse that is w►fest for himself, even it it isnot very courageous. The Renfrew Journal 'Conservative) is pouring hot shot Into the members of the Government who are abetting the repudiation of the agreement in South Renfrew whereby Hon. Geo. P. Graham was to be elected by acclama- tion W the Ottawa House. It says it "would like to see Right Hon. R. L Borden. not only as Premier of Can- ada. ao-ada. bort also as leader of the honored Conservative party. .how in no un- certain way that he and his Cabinet will not connect themselves in this affair, that savors of breach of honor and the flouting of political decency." The question that .t strike many le this : Why is the Conservative machine so desperately anxious to keep Mr. Graham out of Parlianient? The Dominion Grange held its an- nual meeting at Toronto last week. The addresses given and the resolutions adopted showed that the result of the September election is not regarded by organized agriculture ss the last word in the fight against special privilege. As one speaker pill it, the revolt of that election "should impress the farm- ers with the necessity of thorough organization apd a determination to stand firmly together. Ton, it showed very plainly that the manufacturers have long since 1 Ia aside party affili- ations when it comes to a matter affecting their business interests. This fact should be given deep conaidera- tbn by the farmers." Resolutions were adopted favoring reciprocal trade legislation, the reduction of duties on imports from Britain and the suppres- sion of combines, against any renewal of the iron and steel bounties, against military training in the puhlic schools, in favor of Government operation of telephone trunk lines, endorsing the principle of direct legislation through the initiative and referendum. and against the creation of trunk highways at public expenditure for the use of automobile owners. !'here is a good deal of grumbling among city folks over the high prices of foodstuffs. But the people of the cities are responsible themselves for the predicament they are in. By voting for protection, which places an unjust burden upon the farmers, they ere driving people off the farms and thus lessening the number of pro- ducers. Then. a few months ago. when the farmers were offered an op- portunity of securing extended mar kets, which would bave induced 1n - creased production, with benefit alike to producer and consumer, the city people voted against the larger mar- kets. if reciprocity had carried, the result would have been an increased employment of labor on the farms, u our farmers could have profitably teed extra labor to grow produce for the larger markets. Under present conditions, the farmer finds it to his advantage to grow just what he can with the labor at hand, and to make up for the smaller output with the larger prices. And the city people also refused to take advantage of the opportunity of free importation of foodstuffs when that domestic supply should be insufficient for the demand. The inevitable result ie the condition of affairs about which they are now complaining. They have the satisfac- tion, however, of feeling that they were "loyal." EDITORIAL NOTES. Coneidereble opposition is develop- ing throughout the Province to the Georgian Bay canal project. Existing transportation routes should have the first attention of the Government_ It is reported from Dshtb that Lake Superior appears 16 lite be+lr over Ire entire area 0 Loi *SIM prow to ile the case, it woad to the Bret Uwe nn reeiwd. What a &ri- alto skating rink it would maks The dates uI the exhibition for this year were set fof_W�ti�ia Thum- em • and Friday, es*t#Ititre , 29th sad 90th. Presk1ot Salkeid was attpelated to delegate to tiro ecouneelieie el the Fake end Itebibitions Association to be heat Totvow on February 7th mid Votes of thanks were tstdcred the thdsisee�. John n $son and the W. R Kobwetooa nate Win. The old auditors were the year we espe..ted to have thous straw and tomatoes � a on the table at tariff -few prices. . t:dligisdo Imo., sent a oomwuni- Jaw Bzcsrio . :.sties and nineeliressed the meeting. I lU,bartrh UaanwTlae . fsoors �c uttering of prises l)r. Ott. of Philadelphia. pr000saess which would tend sooty lwethleoadbalicylic acid et alae interest in nature cure for rbeuw*Wsw. But he prod vision d t� sou etlou of the re- Mst was ferred to W. AON<AON & *Oy soutsern J. P. Hsme, p'inoipal of Goderich study. Illas • soissal to INww t now boa aMctora for action. It was decided to mod a,�sleg�su to the district net titrgl at 'Lrsdon in order to disease thoroughly !natters paetaiaiog to obs welfare of the dit- fiereet fairs, en as to hove the district delegate well inforiued when he at- tends the Association meeting ea To- ronto. o- ronto. re ably doesn't care about pronouncing it any oftener than he can help. Gedericb's Pansies.. eaalltoo dpeeaator. And so Goderich, on the broad shores of Lake Huron, is contemplat- ing adopting tbe pansy as its floral emblem. Henceforth. its debutantes. as "only a pansy blossom," Mould ac- quire an increased attractiveness. Keeping it Under Control. I eton Trimmest. A chap on the train told on thin one. He said a man he knew bad his wad stolen and it week later received this Letter: leer sir—I took your money. Remorse news my eonecieoce and I send youflve«iolbtrs. Wben remorse maws again I will send you some more." Lot's Surprise. Horrors weekly. "Well, I declare." said Lot, en he realized drat his wife had been turned into a pillar of salt. "That's a st phenomenon. 1 always thought the old lady was largely pepper." Wh reupon he dug a salt c31lar and laid her gently away therein before • movii•e on. .n Opinion from Hamilton. Hamilton Times. The Board of Trade ut Goderich wants to get slaw un enable rnuninipal- ities to tax merchandise sent through the mails as soon as it reaches the consignee. We fear it will not work. It will be better for them to try to cultivate local custom then to seek for laws to establish protective barriers around each municipality against all others. Mere Form. Montreal Oaseue. Itis proposed in order us meet the views of the suffragettes to have the bridegroom make a vow to obey in the wedding ceremony the same as tbe bride. "Thus would they be placed on •an equality and the advanced women be satisfied. The result, bow - ever, would he the same as at present, when most husbands have to ot'ey their wives anyway. The Newspaper Office a University. Orlllia Packet. A prominent educationist says a well-conducted newspaper office is a splendid university for a boy to grid uaye from. Acid a high official of the Mdthodist church of Canada, who travels from coast to coast., soya if he bad a dozen boys be should wish every one to serve an apprenticeship in a good newspaper office. The Spoils System Montreal Witmer. What is worthy of reprobation is the openly stated fact that civil ser- vants are being condemned' to death on the secret evidence of men who want their places. This system, who- ever is guilty of it, is infamous. One is astounded at the sort of men who, in Parliament, are boldly associating tbemselvee with it., and thus placing an indelible stigma on their own names. The matter is not at all im- proved, but made worse, by reverting to the past, and declaring that the other party did the same. Those who make this plea do not pretend that the other party did right. It amounts to saying : The defeated party was rotten, therefore we propose to be. Bir Max Aitken. the water ed stook 5ifjtissairv, i. sari to be awidiem Mr. Bear Law. the Mader of the Opped. tins le that SAVAk Pedisemet, Is flossing a .rale at lariat fee greet There IS a Quiet Road. There io a quiet road Worn smooth by pilgrim feet. And over It tall. tender trees Make shadows where they meet. We leave the world behind When on Met read we fare ; scent ot the rove In summer lane.. And goodly Mao& are there. And over hins of duok And through • lonely way The Reed el Mose tows all ot us Who weary roe Ups day. THE GODERICH FAiR, Annual Meeting of West Huron Agri. cultural Society—I. Salkdd, President The annual meeting of the Weat Huron Agricultural Society was held Saturday, January 90th in the town council chamber. {'resident Clark was in the chair. The principal business of the meeting was the election of of- ficers for the year 1912 and the receiv- ing of the auditors' statement for 1911. The following officers and directors were elecfed : President, Haan Salkeld : first vice- president, M. McKay: second vice-� president, A. Young. Directors south of town—Geo. W. Andrews, Geo. Salkeld, A. E. Mathe- son, David Prouse, H. L. Salkeld. Directors north of town — T. F. Quaid, J. T. Goldtborpe, C. McNeil, A. J. Goldthorpe and J. 8. Clark. Directors for the town of Goderich —C. A. Reid. T. W. bell, J. A. Fow- ler, W. F. Clark and J. L Aitken. Honorary directors—K. N. Lewis, M. P., Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., M.P.P., M. G. Cameron. K, C., Robt. McLean. Wm. Warnock, 1.. L. Knox, J. N. Kernighan, John McClure, Jas. Con- nolly, B. C. ?dunning', J. W. Salkeld land W. E. Kelly. Below is a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Society for the year 1911. showing a balance on hand of $L9L 13. sometimes It's Unwise to Substitute What You Ask tor. A great decal ret fait has been ex- pended nn the evils of substitution Om - celled) that is .oceewbat wide of the mark. The dealer ham Men made out to be a monster of awtol mien l and bad *l mers. He ie,.Natured as whim beet to min his renovation with friends. his customers. by urgg in them to take something inferior merely became he makes a few cents mere money no it. Take a paekated medicine. for in- stance. It le notsr'inum that there are many widely -advertised patent medi- cines that trade so heavily on their came that they do not wive the quan- tity nor sometimes even the quality that make a fade return fnr your money, Some other packaged medi- cine of a similar nature is known to the druggist to do both. and his tell- ing his eu•torners shout it is just rut - other sort 01 advertising that tends to secure a square deal for the public. A drnggiet under much circuen- ensue/se is to IM Nxnmendal for telling him customers of better val.r.a M he ensured, sort it is only goo4 burins that he should an en. Ynur protection is in the fact that he ham Nor matfnlied himself of tits merits rf the gryde before h. n.uid he persuaded to offer them to hie cue - tamers. No dealer, unless lie is insane, is likely to offer you /went/thine else un- loose it ie we good. • if not better. than what you ask for. MAIL ORDER HOUSES. Board of Trade Adopts Resolutise Ask- ing Legislature to Tax Them. At the 'adjourned meeting of the Board of Trade on Monday evening the question of the tax.tion of mail order houses was further d`acusenntl. and the following resolution was fin- ally adopted : Mooed by Neil C. Cameron. sernnded by Dermot McEvoy. that this Boatel. after careful eons(derstinn, is nab/tied that the large departmental stores and others which carry on business' by the system known as the retail mail order and catalogue evatems are doing a ocelot's injnry to the mer- chants throughout the Province, and as they onntrihute nothing towards j the upkeep of the various municipali-' ties: resolved. that an effort be made to rensedy, or at any rate mitigate, • this evil, and for that purpose the Local Legislature be requested to paw i an Act oompeiling roampa nies and nor - sons conducting such hominess/1 either to pay a flied annual litenee fee to each municipalityin which goods are sold and delivered by said mean.. our to pay an aeseasmnot by way of per- centage on the v.olrre of the goods eo .old and delivered in any municipality other than the noeJ0 which they are aseereed and hay.l,,,,bhelr ehief place of husinees. And further he it resolved. 1 that the various hoard. of trade throughout the Proviso, he, communi- cated with and requested to take this matter up with their loe,d members and urge on them to assist in procur- ing the said legislation. More OonWert for ta• Travelling To meet the desire* of the travelling Fulfills the Comedian Pr rifle Railway Elitibacpcst Realley. to to God/wick inwrieg =fteihmed p r. to on Sim eel Lestoend bo dueler where tetresiteseets can be obtained la sate Itse et a wm7 MON seek es mei* W. wawa Tweet° and Seelpit 'The oempany bee beets as Its foreeight le wrangles ser - rico RIG( cirri'. Omits- owl (Vasty Meme MI fe : tElt Ile Doneasies 11111 Th Rent et areesea. Nana. see The Woman's Missionary Society of North street Methndist church will meet Monday afternoon, February 5th, at 3 p. in., in the church. The rest fund will be taken. All mem- bers are requested to he present. Sieet 11714 It essitiama mans. ste nem se tei Ilislesee Om MEM $ Thie seetbstr of maim made as Wet year's eabibitine was IAN. The memo! of seeney offered ter prime wee .188.80 ; the auntanet awarded wee fib end she emenent paid was Oft "Dr. Miles' Nervine Completely Cured Our 'Little Boy of Fits." Y Y. C. A. MJ:0.. LONDON. ONT. last season upwantSjOrtia DUNNE;S and SHORTHAND s and placed every titadsilte- Saves pdally qualified regular teachers. Coe Modred and fifty London Arms emplo, our trained help Collin session iter, Sept. 5 to June S0. Enter any time. Cst.1Tree- Forest : Faest /Vl�j`y ik ntCollege J. N. Wrsuvn.t..tt. J. W. Wzsrtavrur. Chan end Arxwulaat t'vistdtN} Vlof Marvel tui SPOTTON Stands for all that is modern in Businbes Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and cities. Two Thousand stu- dents in our College arid Home btudy last year. We train from ten to twenty student. , for every one trained by most schools. There's a rea.•on. freely admitted that our gradu- ates get best positions, and the demand for them is 'seven" times the supply. Exclusive right for Ontario of the fatuous Blies Book - keeping liystem. You may study at home, or partly at home and finish at the College. A Btisine.s Education pays a divideod ovary s7 of your lite. - - WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2, 1912 Call or write for particulars. Spotton Business College CLINTON, ONT. Miss B. F. Ward, Principal. STOCKTAKING SALE Portieres sad Draperies Don't ..s seeing this oolleetioo for January selling, Pettiness. 3 yards long, 50 incite. wide. blowy iiQpteioN ill srlitaron14 mod browse. ►.wily tringed, regular O0'per pair for..,,.. LAW Forty pairs. full 8j yard is ong. Curtails' edges, and good width. regular elk, foe per pair • • • • �e Twenty -Ave pities white lace Curtains. In tour patterns. hon width aod spl id net, regular 11004 for lie Thirty pairs new Lace Curtains, full loggth and in Dew Set patterss,.regular $L25. For January only alio Floor Tapestry Brussels Rugs eekly siu�mleas, in extra heavy pile and patterns oskected, up for dining -rooms. living -room or parlor. 8iae8 z 3 yards, regular $10.00, for $,350 31 4 yards, regular $10.bo, for SS.75 x 4 geode, regular 317.00. for $18.60 Sii 4{ yards r guler $90. for 31,{.00 Axminster and Velvet ,tugs in every size made' os sale &CB) per mot. under value. Ladies' Fur Coats Arttaeban Lamb Coate, 24 to 87 taches long. eplesdltily made and lined with beet satin or fanned Betio, very stylish, skin/ well matched, glossy and beautiful Bari, rises 85 to 44. Regular Coate for $E) Restates MID Coats for IBM Regular :95 Costs for $14 Cloth Coats, Fur -hand Coats, River Migk Coats, Muskrat Coats Values are cut to about half and choice is vt-ry large. 9lafterlds palisreu for this month all in steed. delineator on ads and subscriptions taker! al $I.50 per sawn delis ened. W ACHESON a SON Garments produced by Martin Bros. are distinctively individ- ual. They're different. 1t isn't just fancy. You find out when you wear them. LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay the highest cash pekes for all kinds of good logs, de- livered at. our 5 1 1 1, north of M.rRwan s (� Yard. CUSTOM SAWING end general mill work done promptly and et reasonable rates. For prices sad particular inquire at office. Painting Carriages Painting Carriages I do all lion of Fine Carriage P-.intiug and ►+elect and Antique Furniture Finishing. Bring your Carriages, Autos. Pianos dud Furniture of every description. Fifteen years' experience in the hest Piano and Org a Factories in Toronto, Hamilton and Woe. 'stock. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. A family can suffer no greater affliction than to have a child sub- ject to fits or epilepsy. Many a father or mother would give their all to restore such a child to health. arn heartily glad to tell you of our lade boy sho was completely cured of fits. I le commenced hav- ing deem at to years of age and had them .or four years. I tried three doctors -and one specialist bat all of them said he coodd not be cured. hut Dy. Miles' Restorative Nerve's and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills made a compete owe. He to now :isle, hearty and gay. It has bees Ouse years since he bad the Isst s IL 1 Wall give Dr. Mike prs:.e wherever go. Von me si liberty to use this fetter ss yea sei fit old anyone writing to me 1 WM family s tswer if they tractors stamp reply - F. M. inscPY, Windfall, Ind Dr. Miles' Nervine is just what it is represented to be, • medicine coin pomaded especially for nervous diseases. such as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul- sions awl epile;av These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak minds. Dr. iles' Nervine has proven most effective in renew- als three lretded nudadies. Sole by sit dame's -G. If the first benne teas lo bereft( yowir Sellyalay es eeteetwal. MILOS VIROICal CO.. Terra, Cada (iaderich Lumber & Milling Co. Prepare for Sleighing Before purchasing for the coming win- ter, call and in= the carload or land and Piano Box JOHN A. KNOX Domtsioa Carriage Works. Goderiek. Cutters wish% have NA lir rived and are now on view in iny show rooms. For Eleganandce Comfort the mitten manu- factured by Mesvirs. Wm. Grey, Sons Omihatrpummihasn.. cannot be HIGH IN QUALITY LOW IN PRIOR Cense and select yours white you have dm full ruse to ehrrwie from RoOrt Wilma Hwinilton Street asemeeteommertmeseempoitiet 1 Bargains in iStoves We %Woad like to talk to you about the bargains we are offer- ing in Stoves. For the oext thirty days, and for perhaps longer, we will give tan per med. discount on the prices of all Stoves—Heaters and Range.— whisk we bans in the store. We bore the MAMMA Ranges whicn that places them le the first rank. Art Series& Souvenir, sad Moffatt& nesters. Any ef three you will find are just what t want. We have them In t saes. seitable for any aim et • bones or room. Jima a word slant our Blankets We have a good stoat of Horse Rhsokets. the alssa that 'SSW' on." Whet they last ten per aim. off. FRED HUNT