HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 10AO` T}lcicanaT, IAtt('A'tT -), (''I --
Reduced Prices
All for new {.. pular Copyright
Rooke reduet-d for Friday and
Sanuda.. A few oI the most
"The Connor': Low, b y
(:hawtwrs. R1.10.
"The Singer of the Kootenay. -
by Knowles, $1.10.
"Kennedy Sepuate,- he Hop-
kineou Sunnite SLIM
"The Fourth Watch." b y
tbdyy. $1.10. by
"The Measure of Man,
I hutcan. $1.10.
"Mother Corey's Chickens,"by
Kale Douglas Wiggin,
••The Rosary," by Florence
Barclay, Shelli. h Louie
"The Silent Banter, y
-'Tracy, $1.10. dad." by
"The Carpet from Bag
lbivold McGrath. $1.10.
••Miris (iibhie Gantt,- by author
e.f salary Carey," $1.10, and a
nuutbet of otbet..
The Colonial Book Store
G1•:(1. l'utUTEIt. Prp.
I'honc Ilse lioderich
^Siirrr Tian that Wean"
We tarry a lull lime el . l the
hyena '.+ram.
Walter H. Harrison
C. P. R. Watch inspector
\Vatchtnsker, Jeweller
and Optician
On the Square, Goderich
Siteer Plating. Gilding. Etc.
Mirror 4 made or'te•silver•ed.
Pirtuie I'rawing, Etc.," by
germy 3 Fraser
I:intdon Sf ,ret
�iir t
King };,1N.e,r.i anuli
. wwvwte.
Horse Fairs
Pulite Maar Markets will be
held in GODER1('11
Tuesday, January 30th
Tuesday, February 27th
Tuesday, March 28th
Get the horses you intend to
geld in shape I•a the *Aleve Fairs.
At the fist pale. Januaty :111th,
the fe plowing cash prises. will be
For the Beat Desk Team
(nerves ser pt. -Mingle) . $17, lt)
Forth.. Be.t Draft Gelding. 11e est
Roe th.. Ifest Draft Mare . 1• est
F..tcellent accommodation pro-
vided rot animals and st•rnd-
ants. and all the lead.ng lets yrs
will sttrmt.
Auction sale immediately after
pries etc awarded. Entrance.
iw Set for each hors.. and if
disposed at a euremiwiea .d 2 per
met. M oborgrd no the ere wet
tet whirl' the horse is sold. If
Ret °said ao charge r triads
the ewtr•sere foe.
1Du Vt. F. CLARK. V. N. Pres.
Jas. Cotwtrtu.v, vies -Puss. sed
>•Sri.g Oaa.10.4011. 114
h.Ma'ir asure&
Mid -Winter
Monday and Tuesday, January 27, 29 and 30, Are the Days
Saturday; M y
Three days for the final out -push of Winter goods. Three days of unprecedented bargain giving. Threeist, due ays to
day sweep,e
garment dollars worth of Winter merchan ise; y, 3
the stock of every remnant, ever- odd � , every
enter stock. The less we have that day the better we will be pleased, and we are going to be very
best generous in 1 our bargain
for these our three Great Mid -Winter Bargain Days. Come whichever day of the three suits youpay you
Great will be the Bargain Attractions in the
,Cloak Department
Empty coat racks for stocktaking. This is
what we are aiming for. After the biggest coat
business we have any record cf we are not in a mood
to haggle over the prices of the last few garments.
\Ve would like to start next year with a clean sheet
and have made great price -reductions all down the
line. These three great Mid-wintsge Bargain Days
of 1Q12 ought to be remarkable days,in this depart-
ment. Here is the list of prices.
Children's Coats $3.85
Children's Winter Coats, plain cloths of fancy tweeds.$3.85
blanketing. etc., regular Valuer. up to $&W. Clear- Q5'
ing Bargain Days at each only
Children's Coats $4.85 Q5
Children's high-grade Costa, larger sires. plain cloths
fancy tweeds. regular up to $8.50. Choice of the aa•C7
lot Bargain Days at only
Girls' Coats $5.85
„Girls' Winter Coats, full length, mage from tweeds.
rough cloths or beavers. a clearing up of the best garments
pee hate in strict. Choice of this lot .Bargain
Daya only
Ladies' Coats $6.85
This is.surely a chance• to get :. Winter Coat at ti low
price. Ladies' new tweed and beaver Coats. fancy mixture
and plain navy or black, s clearing up of garments that d i
��up to $1'2.00. Bargain Days yogr choice of this lot
at only •
Ladies' Coats $9.85
Fancy tweed Coats, plain navy or black heaver Gouts in
this lot, new garments thio season, eterliog goad qualities;
gatbered together the last ones of lines that bold up to
$10.(41. Bargain Days, your choice of the lot
fou. tete..
Ladies' Coats $12.85
Very handsome garments in this lot. Extra good qual-
ity too. A gathering together of lines of tweed and ke�:
Coats that eold up to $`10.00. Bargain hays, 11
volt'. choice of this tut rt only
Black Caracule Coats $14.85
garment new this season, splendid wearing and stylish gnat -
Three or tout good quality Black Caracule Coats, every
meats. Cleartog the last few at your choice tor $14.85
only (�
Ponyette Coats with Fur Collars $27.85
These are high-grade garments. made from best quality
pnuyette with collars and ,revers of hest quality V. °stern
sable. handsome, warm. serviceable garments. $27 Q5
('fearing Bargain (laps at each •(-7
One Sealette Coat $17.85 1I
one lane Sealette Coat, this beaeon•s garment. c 85 II
quality, well made. Clearing Bargain Days
Imported Velvet Coats $19.85
()namely Silk Velvet, ('oat, full length. this season's Ina
PatinIion, s very handsome garment. ('hearing 19•
Bargain Days at only •lJJ
Fur Coats $ 18.85
Five or sic ladies Petr {bats. 21 and 27 inches long.
astrachan or electric seal. Clearing Bargain $1 Q5
Days 40 C7•Ul
Coats with Fur Collars $19.85
Three only long Coats, collars of Isabella opossum or
American s stile, heavy quality !Mine, high-grade hrun4eloth.
Two not' :end one brown. 13 egad' Days. yoot $19 85
choice o1 an' one of the three for only •
-Black Coats with Fur Collars $7.85
Two only Black Cloth Coats. seven -eighths length, collar
nod revers of Western sable. Selling Bargain $7.85
Iit. ysnt only Q
27 -inch Veilings 25c
Three ends only 27 inch
Silk Net Veiling with ehen-
neile spot, grey. navy or
black. Clearing Bar- 25c
gain flays fit only....
White Wool
Scarfs 50c
\Vhite Wool Searf. and
Veils. regular $& to $1.50.
For speedy elesranee we
offer you your choice 50c
of the lot tor only tete.. �T/l,
Corset Cover
Embroidery 29c
One handfed yards new
Corset Case, Bmnroldery. ,
very line quality mainso°
with ettra gond design e
hroideresi all over. Dec'
1) a bergain at
per yard only tete tete..
American Curtain
Scrim 121r>;c
Two ends only fancy
\merican Curtain Mediates,
new designs. make treat and
attractive curtains at a very
moderate prim. Bar• 121c
gain Days p. t yard..
1' Towel Lengths 25c
Towel Lengths of heavy
linen crash ted border.
guaranteed all pine flax.
extra heat y freight. a splen-
did dryer, enough for a
roller towel in each 25c
end. At per end ....
Wrapperette at 10c
Embroideries 8c
Three hundred yards Swiss
b mtnoide rioe .ad Insert ions.
assorted gtraliU*.wldtbs and
pattern& worth year while
',ming toe It it vim are
getting ready for your
Rein. .►wing. Mp•rial
per y ltd orgy tete .
-_ Abont two hundred yards
fancy Wrapperette. mote.
plaids and other neat
designs, tcgutar 15c. Clear-
ing Raegain Days at 10(
1; per yard
Heavy Kimono
Cloths 19c
71w., are In patterns suite
able for waists, kitaosne.
etc.. regular values np to Mr.
Clearing II negate 19c
Days at per )aro.... .
Vim i dlss' B w • a t• r C white only.
gnall finality. ffoselal GerRargoin Days
A Lot of Dress Goods
To Be Sold Bargain Days
We have laid out a big pile of Dress Goods to
be turned into money before we enter stock. These
are on the Bargain Tables at prices that should
make the, selling an absolute certainty. This is
the way we are going about cleaning up the stock.
A Big Clearance of Suitings..at 63c
Fifty Suit andSkirt Length°. plain and fancy materials.
either black or colors. Some suit lengths, some skirt
lengths, some you can buy in any length 'you wise. Many
kinds, all grouped together at one price- Regular values
up to $1.50 per yard. Clearing Bargain Days at per 63c
High -Grade Suitings Clearing at $1.45
High-class materials in mostly dark colorings, will
nate exceptionally handsome and serviceable suits, regular
prices up to $2.26. Clearing Bargain Days at your
choice per yard... ........ tete... tete... tete...
The Last of the Cloakings $1.45
Clearing the last of the Winter eioakings on Bargain
Days. Half-dozen coat lengths left to self. Handsome.
reversible materials or plain black ker•sey, regular up 10
712.50 per yard. Bargain Days clearing at per
yard.... . tete. tete
Red Serge 65c
One end only Red Serge Suiting. guaranteed all pure
wool, a splendid material for many purpose°. Clearing C5c
Bargain 1)aye per cant only.... .............�,.... 11J
High-GradeNavySerge 67c
One end only Navy Serge Suiting, guaranteed indigo
eye and all pure wool, splendid for suits, dresses or 67c
separate skirts. A very special bargain at per yard.... V
Black Canvas Cloth 75c
One end only Black Canvas Cloth. all vire wool, makes
very serviceable stylish costumes. Clearing Bargain 75c
Days at per yard only
Lounging Robes $2.19
Ladies Lounging or Bath Robes, made from good qual-
ity kimono cloths, complete with girdle, Dice range $219
of pattern°. Very special for Bargain Days only.. .�7
Waists Half -Price
Half-dozep only to sell,
odd silk and net waists left
from various line,. Cleating
Bargain Days at your
choice of the
l,t tete.. Half -Price
Girls' Sweaters $1.10
Girls' Knitted Woollen
Sweaters, buttoned up chose
at throst. complete with
belt. navy And cardinal.
Clearing Bargain
Days Si •
Children's Vests 25c
Cbildren's fine l T ndervests,
very soft make and good
quality. sizes 10 to A. regu-
lar price up to 371c. A
tableful for Bargain
Days at your choice 25c
American Silk 25c
Fancy American Silks
,.for exists or (tresses. in
heliotrope, r e s i d a a n d
champagne shades. An
extra bargain for Saturday
and Monday at 25c
per yard only.. -tete
Wools 5c per Ounce
Three hundred skeins
Wool. assorted c o l o r s.
Special for Bargain e
Days. per skein only..
Handkerchiefs 10c
One hundred and twenty-
five ladies. Fancy Handker-
chiefs, all samples.. reenter
values up to 2M and Mc
apiece. Choyce of she lot
for Bargain Days 10c
only ... .. tete
Linen Centres 39c
Fancy stamped Linen
1 entre. and ('uahion Tops,
cleaning up of the stn -k.
'eviler ' values up to 75o.
Bargain Days 39
Woollen (Moves 33c
Twenty-five pain Ladies'
Woollen Gloves in Davy,
tan or white. All sizes.
Standard 50c. Bar- 33c
gain Lays only tete
Ringwood Gloves • 19F
Ladies' and Misses Hing
wood Gloves, plain colors or
fancy patterns, fifty pairs to
sell. Bargain Dayst9c
per pair
Skating Gloves $1.00
Ten pairs only Leather
Skating Gloves, complete
with gauntlet, regular $1.'41
to 8'2.l$1. Bargain it ((0�
Days per pair..... 1.
Motor Veils 75c
II Six only Motor Veils and
Scarfs. assorted colors and
widths, the last we have of*.
iI lot that sold up to $1.511.
IClearing Bargain 75c
Ones at each
Best rlotor Veils
Half -Price
Baby Ribbon
10c a bolt
Thirty end. Baby Ribbon
in carfiosl. sky. pink and
b.liotrods, five earls in
each end Bargain 1 oc
Days per end Vt.
Heavy Woollen Hose
2 pairs for 35c
Heavy Woollett Hose.
narrow or w he rib. •rosi-
Iwo feet, all pyre worsted.
One bar edreet pairs
to set41 tut a pairs! �.
for tete. J.J.
Just five or six real good
veils we have. regular 82.51)
to $4.50. We want them
out of the way before stock-
taking. so offer you
your choice. Half -?rice
at only
Embroidered Jabots
12for 25c
FaocyEmbroider•edJ abots.
Nide or straight style, direct
from Mwitzer•land,new goods.
Special for r]25c
Bargain l►ay 11 (a for
Veiling* 15c
One hundred ant fifty
fancy colored Veiling.. short
lengths sod odd Haas we
want cleared out at once,
regular up to 40c, Bargain
Days clearing a 1 15c
per yard J�.
Tea (sown $7.30
This earns- to u• with
a lot of samples. It
is s vary bleb -grade
gar t matfrom
ar• cro
ee�rep. d• °bane.
fi ratio
Final Millinery
Last call for Millinery* for the Winter sea-
son. Every Hat to be sold Bargain Days.
No thought of cost or value in making the final
price. This one object in view --to empty
the tables before Miss Reynolds leaves for her
winter vacation.
Children's Felt Hats 47c.
Children's fancy Felt Hata, in blues, reds, grasps
and greys. Your ^ltoioe of the entire stock, noinetr
what the former price, Bargain Day a 7
Any Trimmed Hat 98c
This ehculd mean some sensational selling on Bar
gain Days. Any Tr' ed Hat in the show -room, no 1
matter abet It. former price. positively no reserve.
2010 choose from. agenuine clean-up at the windup of
Me season. Your choice of each and every 98(
Trimmed Hat we have left for only ........ .... a7C�
Damask Table
Cloths $1.28
Nine 'only, pure linen. full -
bleached Dearest . T a b l e
Cloths, good weight. splen-
did wearing quality, a real
good cloth at a very little
price. Bargain
Days only $1 •
Bleach Damask Table
Linen 57c
Just one end bleached
Damask Table Linen. direct,
from the bleachers.. good
weight and will wear well.
Bargain Day pe r 57c
yard only
Half -Bleached Table 1
Damask 39c
Ooe and only bolt -bleached
Table Damask: ext:aquality,
standard 6(k• per yard. clean,
fresh goods just in. 39c
Bargain Day special..
200 yards
White Flannelette..
per yard I0c
This Flannelette is 34
inches wide-'• note t h e
width." It is a Hun. strong
weave, soft finish. You pay
12}c for it any time you buy
it. For Bargain Days we
have a hig lot to sell at per
yard luc.t Itis put up in
five ''and ten -yard lengths
only and
the price 50c and 1
per end is
Curtains 89c per pair
Twenty pairs Lace
Curtains, three ]erde long,
button -holed edges, ,nice
lacey design, very strong
weave. Clearing QAC
Bargain Days.. tete. . �7
Sample Curtains
Half -Price
• This is our annual clear-
ance of sample and odd
curtains, twenty-five pairs
in the lot thin time: some
may he slightly soiled .
from handling, otherwise
they are in perfect condition,
resoles price $1.25 to $5.00.
Bargain I)aya any pi i r
7041wwish at
exactly Half -Price
Clearance of
Children's Dresses
A dozen or more girls nod
Mia... Dresses. made from
nice quality black and white
check or navy blue se
Divided into two lots for
Bargain Day selling.
Demme that were $5.00
and f$1.2. choice Amain
Days ;1.40
Dresses that were $4.00
and 58.00, choice Bv10
Days x.00
Velvet Rugs Slightly
Five only English Velvet
Rugs, all high quality, seam -
les•, thick pile and really
attractive designs. These
are slightly damaged in one
place but not in a manner
that will affect the weer in
fbe least. We would like•to
sell them h e t o r e stock-
taking. Prices :
Size 3 x 4. regular $1:3.50.
Bargain Days 51 .75
Sire SI x 4. resider $30.00.
Bargain Days 521.50
American Bats,
3 for 33c
High •gt'sde American
Cotton Bat., large rise, clean
rolls, snake splendid coon -
totters, two hundred to sell
• nn Bargain Days at a
very special 3 for 35c
price of tete..
Fur -lined Coat $27.50
Ooe only fur -lined Coat,
shell of hawdsome town
broadcloth. collar and revers
mock fisher. lining German
mink. An extra 1 o w
price for Bar- �27
gain Days - .50
Black Sateen
Skirts $1.10
Ladies' Bleck S a teen
Underskirts. made from
high grade- black sateen.'
with ruffles, frills. etc.. Per-
fect -fitting garment.. Very
epecielfor Bargain
Days 1 • O
White Waists 50c
(Tearing ftp the Waist
stock before the new Spring
styles come in. Fancy
Muslin Waiate, odd ones
left frotn the season's selling.
Clearing them out 5(11.
Bargain Days at only JVD
Ladies' Wool Caps SOc
Fnncy wool Aviation cape.
in navy. grey fawn or
cardinal. decided
bargains. Your choice g;(1,�.
each tete tete.. �/�
Motor Hoods
Clearing at $1.00
Speeiel lot of them popular
Hoods for girl. wear, good
assortment of colors, regular
51.:,11 and over. Clear-
ing Bargain Days 0
at each $1.00
Children's Woollen
Skirts 88c
Ohildr•n's K nitted
Woollen Underskirts. greys
or white& assorted steles.
regular np to $1.20. CIMr-
InR Bargain Days at8c
Sewers Wanted.
Two good sewers wanted for Dressmaking
Department, to commence work March tat.
Midst have experience and be accustomed to
working on skirts. Apply to Miss Coutts be-
fore February 1st.
A..4.-....1.66.6".-w��.,,_ra -
1/41/1$ tamp MN P . asswttar stye.. • 5r�1ha �.•
idissithe ass. mite 1R ss $is. Bas�tl s Days 5C