HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 9THE SIGNAL : GODERICH f'INTART 0 t rev.4.11,4,4ractoloraciOgilv' * 4 +mss .** ++. ru.m The News of the District I or • • THURSDAY, JANUARY Si. 1912 • 46*****4************** aft * *44**4 LAURIER. LANUS .t I/k a.,.l ,1- ♦ aleighload front the 10th spent ao .end; enine at Jas. B.Ibo.Vs home. West re, awanosb, on Thursday eveSlag last. "' Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reed enter tabbed se Tuesday number of °eats when 'art people enjoy- able evening was spent. Whiter has set in in earnest the last mush of weeks. The roads are piled .11SMtains high in pieces and are keot heavy owing to the continued daily storms- Uowsysr, we must not g rumble, having had such a braotiful long 1, whiW shortens the wioter t o a y� y great dsgres s NNW MINtarta—Rev. Mr. Mc- Intosh. lately of Montreal College, bed bis nest sermon in his new chlb�ts at Lanes on Ronda afternoon. A y number at in spite of the Lnclerweitc of the weather and bad roads. to hear him expound the Word, which he did in a very able and impressive way. His closing re- marks were to the effect that pastor and people would work and pray earnestly together for the advance- ment of (shod'" Kingdom. DL,tru or Perna Hoo .\N.—On y afternoon of last weak time and neighbors received • great . t when they learned the sad news of the death of Peter Hogan. wbo took seriously ill a few days before he departed from this life. Peter bad D imly budded In manhood when the s��5�essone arrived which we have no ebeire tout to obey. He was highly respected in the neighborhood in which he lived The remains were in- terred in St. Joseph's cemetery, Kingsbridge. Rev. Father John Hagen, of BL Thomas, omchsted, as- sisted by Rev. Esther McCormick. Mr. Homan leave, to mourn his low his father, mother, William, Henry P. and Hannah, at home ; Jobn and Phillip who reside near home. and Mrs. Steve Martin. of Kingsbridge. The many friends extend to the be- reaved family their deep I.ympetby in their affliction. NAYUa0IAY, Jan. 2Uth. rev --r t, ','SiS Is rge t ry. In. (try fed and r In need Wed salts qr. ret- _got t You 151" oval Ada. to Our pas will Ire t 4 up tiler boo - fed. *tail Win aye. sys: pall per- seall Ino. see. table rest t to Sec the f for 4 It Or It MIL we ate R You Need Advice—We All Need It Sometimes. 1f every man were to depend en- tirely on his own idea or act only on bis initiative at all times, the world would stand still. The appeal of reactionaries of all Uwe* bas been, " Do oot change," "Insist on what you are used to," "Leave us alone." These are the slogan• of "standpatters" of ail ages. and they invariably adopt this atti- tude from motives of reit-interest. Take the matter of packaged medi- cines, for inotience. Tbe campaign of " insist no what you ask for is a des- perate efert to stern back the public demand for a square deal and greater value for their money both in guan- dty and quality. The oid idea of mysterious and m*gi&formulas is about played out. The druggists are meeting the public demand for better value by selling peepaeatioos of which they know the formulae, and which they know to contain only pure ingredients com- pounded in re way that isnot injurious and is best. fitted for the purpose for ,which they are intended. Don't tete too numb stork in the frantic efforts made by some parties to make you believe that the druggist in advising you is attempting to de- ceive and rob. Is he likely to do so? Could he stay in business if be did? Think it over. MoNOAY, Jan. '22nd. LocA1. Narita.—Mies lithe! Owen returned to the circular town on Wed- nesday altar a three weeks' vacation here .Mies Sarah McIntyre, of Goderkth, spent the week -sod with Miss Annie MacLennan ..... Wm. Hardie and two children, of Kincar- dine. are the gue+t.s of his sister, Mrs. W. Wiley Mrs. Dan 'facNain is atnt suffering from the effects of a fall some time ago, her left atm being badly bruised The frosty weather has •0 cue what hindered the work of our bu.rmlllge, Mr. Bnckingbaw, the water supply being only about one -cruet -ter required to meet the chopping demands. REID'S CORNERS. MONDAY, Jen. Ibid.' ('HUR(11 Nrwa.—Though last Sun- day was stormy and the roede bed. quite a number of men met in the church at 3 p. in."to pray and give thanks" for the forward movement in mission work. It was worth while At the men's missionary meet- ing A. D. MoC.o•h was reappointed treasurer, John M. Beattie president, John Yi netoo; Howell Fraser, Addi- .on Armstrong. Wm. McMullen, James Cottrtnety. Walter Armstrong. Jobn Wilaie and Robert McDonald, the finance committee ... Mr. Ruth- erford think* he did the wive thing in not attempting to go to the induction at St. Helens lest Thursday The choir met at Abe moose on Friday evening. The Na-Dru-(io Almanac for 1912. A goes' almanac is ever welcome. The annual number of the Na-Dru-On Almanac, the 1912 edition, now out, is if anything more interesting and more useful than its two predecessors. Besides the usual solar and lunar tables and dates of eclipses. the Na- Dru-Co Almanac gives much infornut- tion which it would be difficult to find elsewhere. Examples of this ate the map of altitudes, time tables of the world, figures on aria, population, exports rend i,nporte, records of Cana- dian Premiers, Governors -General, etc. Nearly all leading druggists have copies of the Na-Dru-Co Almanac for their eustoinera, or it may be had by writing the National Drug t Chemi- cal Co., of Canada, Limited. Montreal. AUBURN. WIZDNEMDAY, Jan. 24th. Mint Dora Erratt is away on • two weeks' visit with friends at Stratford and Brantford. Howson A Lawson propose com- mencing operations at their mill in the course cf a day or two. 'Miss Margauet Sntali returned to Toronto ou Monday, after a two weeks' visit with friends here. We ere sorry to have to report that Will McDonald is suffering from another attack of appendicitis. A carload- of coarse salt wes shipped to the C.P.R. station last week for several of the farmers of this neighborhood. The members of the union Sabbath .ebool executive met in the Methodist church last night to arrange for the annual convention. Rev. T. Farr, of Blyth, is the president fpr this year. Rev. J. H. Osterbout, B. A.. of Londesborq', will give an illustrated lecture on "China and the Chinese" in the Methodist church Thursday night, instead of the usual prayer- weeGng. One hundred lime light views of Chinese lite will be shown. A silver collection will be taken. CNu)x M5x'rtxo.- The members of the Epwotth League to the number of shout twenty went in a sleigh -load. to Donnybrook on Tuesday night and were right royally entertained by the members of their sister League. The members of Westfield League were also guests of their Donnybrook friends on the same evening and a pleasant social time was spent. The program was supplied by the visiting Leagues, Auburn's share being as follows :-Chairman's address, Rev. R. A. Miller, reritation by Roy Nonni*; instrumental by Mir h orde Jackson reading by Miss Mabel Erratt; duet by A. A. and Milton Naylor. K sox CHURCH ANNIv[RAARY . — Anniversary service* were held in Knox church on Sunday. Rev. D. Perrie, of Wingham, preaching to fair-sized congregations at 10.90 a.m. and 7 p.m. The choir provided special mush. et each service. Taking for his text in the evening iso. 32, 2— " Aod a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest ; as rivers of water in a day place, as the shadnw of a greet tock lb a weary land"— Rev. D. Perrle showed the church's need at the present time of such men as Isaiah declared would rise up in the land if Israel would turn her attention (tom making foreign alliances to obey- ing the law. of God, vis., men who would be a stay. a protector. and an inspiration in the n*d.ionel life The discourse was rich in illustrations from Biblical and political history. No-rum—Mr. and Mrs. Hornell, from Saskatchewan. aro visiting Mrs. Hrtr- nell'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Tavi.h .. Mr. Plowman is In our midst again in the interest of the Woodmen Society. An effort is being made t" retrain the honorable place this soviet held for increase of mem• benhip Upsetting frequently oc- curs while driving on drifted roade- Tbe unusual heppne when the driver and hie company are left song in tbe cutter whim the bores makes fns the newest town Mrs. James Steele, of the god concession, in quite 111. We .hall he glad to hear of her recov- ery..... Mrs. Donald Bine has been quite low for some dnye, but is im- proving .. We were pleased to wel- eome back to our midst Ernest Fran - de. wbo says Sa.kat.bewan i. all Mr. and Mea McArthur sight moved to (iodmbb tied Mies Nellie Medellin, Mew )McArthur's sister- accompanied them. We wide Miss Nellie a pleasant visit, bet bo it MK not he very beg pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Sallow., of Loyal. in onr midst visiting at the home of Mrs. gallows` parents. Mr. and Ms. P. Opurtney Mrs. Toot, daughter of Mr. Rorie. 01 Ripley. and sista of Mr. Ravi, and Mrs, Irwin. of VerdSs. disd in Winghsm hospital on Tbtn.day last. Tbe bet eaved fiends bates the empathy of the entire A ►pdsi.... Mr . Wm. Guides. wbo lang sulbrati mesh hem rheuma- tism resgstty. M mush Improved. DMab. crying bitterly, was scaling the street with her fest ham- , what oe earth', the mai tear ss Wee sated. "How dideyon bort • suis flet, DMrf' tlbi W made' diger fsalAla d tea dehatsbnwe• ham w wsrtRtidin' cm2 M We sfdm aveMeht."—Ilteryfeody's ttaelbd«. LOCHALBH. TUE.DAY, Jan. 21ird. Lie .u. Name—Mrs. Raymore, of Feigue, and Wm. `Imlay, of Dakota. are visiting at the bonze of Den Roee, Hemlock qty Donald A. Matbe- son, who spent last summer near Granum. Alta., arrived borne a few days ago. He reports that there is no country like Oldtario Rev. J. A. Hardie attended the ordination and induction of Rev. Wtn. McIntosh at St. Helens last fburaday Bob reports that skating is not very good at present on Lake Huron, owing to the rough weather Owing to the severe weather tbe 'phones of the Godes-ich Rural Telephone Co. bave not yet been installed on the 12th con- cession near t he Lake Lahore road. with an exception in the case of Neil McKenzie, who had his 'phone put in several days John McIntyre meta last in Kincardine ElliottnSandy red ports that be received a leap -year proposal over the telephone Ia*t week. He hes not yet de.:ided on his course of ac- tion. DsA'ru of JOHN Fuca-HKR.—On Monday. January 13th, the death of John Fletcher took place in the Kio- ^ardine hospital at the age of sixty- nine yearn. The deceased, who was it well-known farmer of Huron town- ship, was born in Lochaber, Scotland, and on coming to Canada resided first in Ekfrid township. Middlesex county, and afterwards in Heron township on the boundary a short distance west of Lochalsh, where he lived until about four years ago. in June, 1908, he suffered a paralytic stroke, on account of which be was an invalid up to the time of his death, having been for some time past in the hospital at Kin- cardine. The deceased had many friends, being a man of a hearty and generous disposition. He was a man of giant form and was known as one of the strongest men in Bruce county, and in the early days of the Lucknow Caledonian games he was to be found on the tug-of-war team. One char- acteristic haracteristic he had was that, being averse to travel, he did not care to be any distance from home. and it may be mentioned as something unique that be never rode on a railway train in his life. He was & Reformer in politics and a Presbyterian in religion. Tbe funeral took place from the resi- dence of Mrs. K. Rom, 2nd concession, Huron, on Wedne.da , the 17th, and was largely attended. The remains were interred in Locbalsh cemetery. The deceased was never married and is survived by two brothers and four sisters : Andrew, of California : Peter, of Port Arthur ; Mrs. Rod. McKenzie. Stolt Ste. Marie ; Mrs. McDonald, of Kincardine township ; Mrs. Allan Mc- Kenzie, Lochalsh, and Mr. Kenneth Ross, god cwoession, Huron. Ax RIPLOSION,—Gast Wednesday evening the regular meeting of the Young People's Guild was held in the jPreshyterian church and it was treat- ed to a nervation not intended to be On the evening's program. This was a minor explosion in the acetylene gas plant which is used for lighting pur- poses unposes and it caused considerable ex- citement for the time being. It ap- that. those present having some iffeulty with tbe lights, they bad sent for the caretaker, John Cowan. Wben Mr. Cowan arrived, be and the pastor. Rev, J. S. Hardie, with Wm. Drinkwater went into the room which communicates with the rear of the basement by a door and in which the gag plant is installed. While Mr. Cowan was working around theappar- tTus. suddenly there was an explosion similar to the discharge of a gun. the sheet -iron reservoir, in which the gas is produced by subjecting carbide if calcium to the action of water, was torn apart at the riveted line of junc- tion of the two sections, the glass in the window placed in the "partitIsn urrounding the plant was shattered and one nian was missing. Fortun- ately the three men in the room ere caped injury, although struck by toe flying missiles. Meanwhile there was a cnmwotinc amongst the yang people gathered in the hasement, but it should be maid to the great credit of the young ladies that they exhibited remarkable self-control, and they all remained where they were. The same could be said of the majority of the young then, but it is understood th►t all previous splinting records were broken that evening. The cause of the explosion was as follows : Some water bad leaked into the pipe which oonducts the gots from the reservoir, in which it i. generated, into the stor- age topage tank situated close by the reser- voir. During the recent cold spell. this water bad flrosen, and the ice prevented the free e.caps of the gas through the,pipe while it was being generated in the reservoir. and the latter exploded from the resultant excessive high pressure. More Comfort for the Travelling Public. To meet the desires of the travelling Public the Canadian Pacific Railway has inaugurated a through car service from Torooto to Godencch, leaving Toronto on train No. 83S, 4:311 p. m., daily expect Sunday. Furthermore to accommodate w- ieners destined to points on the Godericb and Listowel branches where there are no refreshment facilities,light refresbmesta can he obtained In cafe oar No very small cost. en route be- tween Toronto and Guelph Junction. The company has been rongratulated on it. foresight iQ arranging this ser- vice. 87-4t Mighty Nice Family. His fellow -clerks gathered around bim when the news became public opesty. and extended congtratule- Mcow Bar," said one man. "1 under- stald the girl you're engaged to is a twin. How do you tell the difference between her and her sistwrr "Well. It's a mighty nice family said the Iseky roan, "and 1 don't bother very Dowoinion Alliance Convention. The annual ennventlon of the Ont- ario Maack of the Dominion Al - Names will he held in Maws, Hail. Teennew a February 111, 11. 15 ani ll It M .spoptfd fiat tw eoevms- den MN be esm of tbs meet important and INnest1.g yet b.M. The eo.ven- tlo. stradarstates : "Amines the vital �... t .i Io he dieasas.d will be the inma..1 �.u' Proving. -lid. is d tis her, tire myna of the = therseliftbe plum orf another wrest loosl�sthe a.�.w� dthe elliseim lasts uepa letledarly h Ideal ii Your cough will be better after the Ant dose of Wigle's Syrup of White Pine and Tar. Large bottle for 26s. MakesHair6row ";Thos a bargain for! This ford 2,000 pound capadty Scale with •ver y up-to-date Lm rove- meett, for only .00. You will n to Lave money day you order an .1/4 YLMER Three -Wheel SCALE Government Certificate of absolute accuracy goes FREE with every Aylmer Scale, even at the bargain price of $25. "We prepay the freight" and warrant you satisfac- tion or refund your money. This scale is most solidly constructed, with Jessup tool steel bearings throughout; has big wheels, roomy platform. kept In place b FOUR checks (Instead of the usual two), stout sure fender on platform to pro- tect the beam, and a fifth lever to minimise *train on the beam. Will Inst a lifetime and weigh accurately uit to one ton, even If It stands on uneven ground. Easy to move from place to place. and first-class in every particular. Remember only 1125.00, frelsSt pfd to your nearest stetted and Government Certi- ecats of accuracy'free. Get In your order early far prompt delivery. This special cider gives you the chance to own an absolutely modern scale, built of the very best material. You need this scale to weigh whatever you buy or sell. You east have it to test. in an way you like. Send it back and get your money back if it isn't all and more than we say it is. AY L BE R cad, Aylmer, 011 The earllest. ewe Rmed amsal IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1212 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,600 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget- ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Pia•lts, Implements, etc. If you eut this oat sseding It -to ea with your name sad Post O.ke Aetna. our Catalogue will be seat Yon and • present with 1t. Do it today. ADDRESS. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, Dept. 41 Loudon, Ont. u Dunlop baa an invigorator that will grins hair or money hack. The time to take care of your hair is when yon have hair to take care of. 1f your Bair in getting thin, gradu- ally falling out. it cannot be inwg be- fore the spot appear.. The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is Modelle the meat American hair grower. first Mettnv- eteli le England. Salvia f,.. Mbu nourishment to the Bair rods sed sem sp (prickly that people nes Aid remembr it destroys the dse- drei the Innis Iles that saps the life that .hoes go to the hair frees the roots. fytilvie ie mid by Duds,. Ms Arse - OK midge a positive fBIS'na bs NSID to r mod =1,12t+�.� ler days. nr mgt rim od 'e�1�la� II.Y:for sew) is every bottle. There is no greater comfort than an evening with, an. EDISON PHONOGRAPH —the comfort of bright songs of Amberol Records, playing the comfort of the permanent &lima Phonograph. $16.50 to $240.00 and music perfectly rendered; the comfort four -and -one-half minutes instead of two; sapphire reproducing point that does away with constant needle -changing, and the comfort of a subdued volume of sound, that does not carry beyond your own little family circle. The wonderful, sensitive, wax cylinders, the silent, long-running motor, the Tong -playing Amberol Records, the permanent sapphire reproducing point, and the means of making and reproducing your own records, are all exclusive Edison Phonograph features. Remember this when you make your purchase. There are Edison drakes e.erywheee. tie to the nearest and hear the Edison Phooegn pre)both Edison Standard and Edison Amberg Get complete catalogs from year dealer or from as. Edison Standard Eacerda. M.. Edison Amberol Records (play twice r 11oaan.g�i, d... Melissa (hied Osiers Records, ass. to ttiN. I00 Wteaida Aveisa a F, Mae- Ornate, N. J. U. IL A. I.rnaroa.rtm A ssileslM- ars et alma Fks.sseseas sad Rase oil w band se JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE THE radii merchant's telephone serves not only as a salesman, but also as a purchasing agent. When a merchant finds that he is going to run out of a line of goods, he calls up the wholesaler or factoryand not only orders a new stock, but comes to an agreement on the price and the time of delivery. The unexpected needs of hi;, customers can be met with the least possible delay. If the merchant cannot find what he wants in town, the Long Distance Service of the Bell Sys- tem brings him into immediate communiatlon with other cities and other markcts. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANNON. Emig ilia T.Jiph.ui le Me ceder of tie Swam REDUCTION SALE of OV E RCO&TS We have a large assortment of Overcoats which we are putting on sale. They are in all lines and sizes, to fit the smallest boy or the biggest man, Dress Coats, Ulsters, College Ulsters, Convertibles. - On any coat in the store we will give a discount of 25 PER CENT. FOR CASH I1cLEAN BROS. Men's Outfitters The Square, Goderi:h lima(rr/,'q4 mericas Men (((t 14.041i tit r si SOLE AGENT, FOR GODERICH H�ckey Prepare for skating by purchasing a pair of our Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots—the only ` kind to properly support the ankle. All sizes for ladies, men and boys. REPAIRING W. H E R N 'pb°ne, 2261 the State !i— YOU ARE THE LOSER IF YOU DO NOT CALL AND SEE TLIE VALUES WE ARE GIVING iN STOVES TO ('LEAH THEMOUT TO MAKE ROOM g0R SPRING GOODS We have a number of good second-hand Heaters and Ranges which we ere offering at great values. 11 0 McCormick Agency We wish to announce that we have taken over the .complete agency of the McCormick Co. for their Mowers, Binders, Plows. Wagon., Sleighs. Disc Harrows. Cultivators, Drills, Manure Spreaders, Gasoline Engines, Cutter., Buggies. etc.. etc. • You know as well as i man tell you that it co . is a lot of money to put sgentr on the toad to sell these good.. and 1 purpose. in place of putting men out, to give you th - benetbt of this by Reduced Prices THEREFORE, YOU ARE THE LOSER iF YOU DO NOT CALL AND SEE 1111E BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. We have juet installed one of their gasoline engines in oar. tcork shop for running the skate end lawn mower sharpener and pipe -cutting machine. etc.. so if you are considering the purehioie of an engine, we can show you one in operation. 11 p Skates Sharpened Boys and girls, we can sharpen your skates while you wase We have installed en outfit equal to the skate manufacturers 11 Plumbing Heating, "team Fitting, Electric Wiring promptly attended to alba aD work fully goaat anteed. 11. Scranton foal We handle Delaware. Lackawanna R Western Mcraoten (:mal ezdiuivsfy, and all coal weighed cm market stales, and. having our own team., we can giv. prompt delivery. th. Store 22 Terms -Cash CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones: H Ouse 1 1 2