HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 6r 'rift a tru►v, JANCaaT 26. 1012.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink-
haiu's VegetableCompound
Fees Creek. N.B.—"I have always
had pains in the loins and a weak -
Dem there, and
often after m
meals m y food
would distress me
and cause sore-
ness. Lydia K.
Pinkham'a Vegetle
ble Compound has
done me much
good. I am strong-
er, digestion is bet-
ter, and 1 can walk
with ambition. I
have encouraged
many mothers of
families to take It, as it is the best rem-
edy in tbe world. You can publish this
la the pa — Mrs. WILLIAM
aoorequie Foi Creek. N.B., Canada.
The above is only one of tbe thou-
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by the
Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn
Mar., which prove beyond a doubt that
Lydia S. Pirikham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate die
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such suf-
fering woman owes it to herself to at
(east give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Oempound a trial before submit-
ting to an operation, or giving up
hope of recovery.
Mrs. Plnkham, of Lynn, Masa..
Invites all sick women to write
ber for advice. She has guided
thousands to health and ber
advice Is free.
Constipation is ds•
root of many forms of
sickness and of an
endless amount of
human misery.
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills,
thoroughly tested by
over fifty years of use,
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Try them.
25c. a box.
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As manufacturers sellinv
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The Stowaway is a typieci
Tracy story that grips the inter-
est with the first chapter and
holds it firmly until the lost. A
conspiracy against the safety of
a ship, a beautiful girl in dis-
tress, a bravo sailor who aide her
and speedily learns to love her,
a mysterious island which is the
scone of a South American revo-
lutionary plot ---these are some
of the characters and themes
utilised by a master story teller
in weaving a romance of life an -
der the mystic Southern Goma.
ARRY Mr. Balmer! That
borrid old man! Uncle.
what are you saying?"
The gill sprang to ber
feet as If sbe were some timid cow-
tare of the wild aroused from sylvan
broodings by knowledge of imminent
danger. IW ber terror abe upset three
wineglasses on the luncheon table.
One, rose tinted and ornate, crashed
to the Boor, and the noise seemed to
irritate the owner of Linden House
more than his piece's shrill terror.
"No need to bust up our lest set of
'ock glasses just because I 'appen to
mention owd Dickey Balmer," is
"I'm sorry," she said and stooped to
pick up the fragments scattered over
the carpet.
"Leave that alone,", came the sharp
older. "It's 'igb time you an' me 'ad
a straight talk, an' I can't do wi' folk
Domicil' about like an Mlle rubber
ball when I've got things to say to
Ile gulped down some of the wine,
darted his tongue several times in and
out between his teeth. smacked his
lips, replaced his cigar in his mouth
and leaned back in his chair until tt
iris Yorke, accustomed to this rit-
ual, found herself even in her pres-
ent trouble wondering bow It was
possible that David Verity could be
her mother's brotber. This coarse
mannered man, brother to the sweet
voiced, tender hearted gentlewoman
whose gracious wraith was lett un-
dimmed to the girl's memory by the
lapse of years—it would be unbeliev-
able If it were not true! But be bad
shown kindness to ber in his dom-
ineering way. Shocked ylmost at the
disloyalty of her thoughts. Iris tried to
close the rift that had opened so un-
"It was stupid of me to take you
eerlously," ebe said. "You cannot real-
ly mean that Mr. Balmer wIebes to
marry me?"
"I meant It right enough, my lass,"
he said.
"But, uncle, dear"—
"Stop a bit. Listen to me first an'
ray your say when I've finished. Like
everybody else. you think I'm • rich
man. [)avid Verity, Esq. abipowner
of Linden House an' Exchange build-
ings—It looks all right, don't 1t like
one of them turrin apples with rosy
peel an' a maggot inside? You're 111e 1
first I've told about the maggot Fact
le, I'm broke. Shipownln' 1s rotten
nowadays unless you've lots of capi-
tal. I've lost mine. Unless 1 get help,
an' a thumptn' big slip of 1t my name
figure.' in the Oasette. I want £W.000,
art' oo's goon' to give 1t to me? 1 put
1t to owd Dickey yesterday, an' 'e said
you couldn't raise money in Liverpool
today to build a ferryboat. But 'a said
summat else. If you wed 'fm 'e makes
you a partner In the firm of Verity,
Bulmer & Co. See? Wot's wrong
with tbat? I've done everything for
you up to date. Now It's your euro.
Simple, isn't 1t? Preps 1 ought to
have explained things differently. but
1t didn't occur to me you'd hobject to
fain' the wife of • millionaire, even if
'e la a doddrin' owd Idiot to talk of
marrytn' eg'ta."
"Oh. uncle!"
With a wail of despair the girt eask
hack and covered her face with ber
hands. Now that sbe believed the la -
erodible abe could utter no protest
tis sacrifice demanded was too greet.
Verity was angry, almost alarmed.
Resistance, even of this passive sort.
relived the savage to kim. Hltbsrte
iris had been ready to obey his alight-
tigMsat whim
"There's se are eerie' 'Oh. mdet,'
aa• kbekln' up • fuss," be snapped Vi-
ciously "Where would yea 'ave bra,
I'd like to know. if it wasn't ler net
la He gutter—Hers where your pre
risme fed of s father lett your taglbar
ow yea Togas the had dues *d
IMO iseler ger belt a flit ted gil r
*cella Indlnp—vaaM to me WWI
pm mast One 'ale tea year sip est
By ,s
Author of the "Amar of Light,"
"The Wings of the Mow-
ing" and "The Captain of the
Copyright. UNI. fly Edward J Clete
said her unary gent of a 'asband was
dead, ueltber of you 'ad 'ad a square
meal fur weeks—remember that will
you? It isn't my fault you've got to
marry Balmer. It. just a bit of In-
fernal tad luck—tbe same for both of
us, if it comes to that An' why
shouldn't you 'ave some of the sours
after I've given you all the sweeter
The girl staggered to her feel
"I will do what you ask," she mur-
mured. though there was a pitiful quiv-
ering at the corners of ber mouth that
bespoke an agony beyond the relief of
tears. But please don't say any mon
and never again allude to my dear fa-
ther In that way or 1 may -1 may for-
orget what I owe you."
The door closed and he was alone.
Taking a small notebook from his
pocket be jotted down an array of fig -
urea. He was so absorbed In their
analysis that be did not see Iris walk
listlessly across the lawn that spread
its summer greenery in front of the
dining room windows. And that was
an W thing for David. The right of the
girl at that instant meant • great deal
to him.
'Yes; that's it" he was thinking. "I
must wheedle Dickey into the bank to-
morrow. A word from '!m an' tory)!
all grovel, blast 'emr
The door opened.
"Captain Coke to see yea, ger," said
• servant
"Send 'im 1n. Bring '1m In 'ere."
The memorandum book disappeared_
Verity's hearty greeting was that of a
man who had not a care In the world.
"Glad to see you. Jimmie, 'my boy.
S11 yourself down., 'Ave a cigar an' a
glass o' port. 1 dido't expect you quite
so soon, but you're just as welcome
Dow as later."
Captain Coke placed -his bat on top
of a malacca cane and balanced both
against the back of a chair.
"I'll take a smoke, but no wine -:t
thankee, Mr. Verity," said be. "I kem
along now cos 1 want to be aboard
afore ft's dark. We're moored in au
ttstward place.,'
"Poor owd Andromeda! Just 'er
anal luck. eb. Jimmie?'
"Well, sbe ain't wot you mlgbt call
one of fortune's fav'ntts, but she's
afloat an' times more'o you can say
for a good many daisy cutters I've
Verity chuckled.
"Some ships are wortb less afloat
than ashore, an' abe's one of 'em,' he
grinned. "You want a match.' 'Ere
you are!"
Coke puffed away in silence. There
eras an awkward pause. For once in
his career Verity regretted hfscultivat-
ed trick, of covering up a significant
phrase by quickly adding some com-
ment on a totally different subject
But the sailor smoked on, stolidly
heedless of a sudden lapse In tbe coo -
venation. and the eblpowne- was com-
' ."W% *0 Den K10*11r' OT • row'
id stuff you wftb 'em. I can grew 'es, get a ticket so' papty for the CM
'ere tor neat to eons', bat they east earth"
a neap of 'noose In !Orris ports, an' "Thoroagbly relishes sort of chap,
.your crimson dive catcher doesn't ' ebr
ecru uwury. See wits It." "The beat. Just rlgbt klod of
"Lien that's ooe bettler• her skip woad toe the roaieda'a Wet
isv. 'u, doesn't do osether," comment- cruise. Smart as a new pin. You
ext Coke gloomily. "Toe Andromeda wale trust 'ion oo the bridge of a hat -
was a goud ship lo 'et day. tat [bat tlasblp. Now. Watts le a good man.
day [e gone. You ought to 'ave Bold ' boat a tot of row orates 'tm fair daft."
'er to the Detcbmes eve years ago. "All," purred Verity. "you must Kelp
Mr. Verity. Times were better thee. a tight 'aud oo Watts. 1 like an Nem.
are now you'd 'ave a floe goad ship deer maedi w'ev I'm off dooty, so to
instead of a box of scrap iron." 'Oak. but it's oo joke to 'ave a boomer
Tbey were pasting the rbododen in,cbarge of a As, ship au' vaUyble
drone. aud Vertty. quire eyes Doted freight. Of coarse you're responsible
that a summer batiste beneetb the as master. but you can't be ou deck
'Made of two vetxreble Mme wail un- morula', moon aa' olsbL Cboke Watts
oceopted. off the deist an' you'll 'are uo trouble.
"Drop auchot in 'ere, Coke," said Well, come aeons. Let's lubricate."
Vertty. "ors tool aa• breezy, *e we • •
can 'ave a quiet confab without bele' The Androotsda }sem on the Twa-
botbered. Now, 1 really sent for you day after000a's tide. 8be would drop
today to tell you 1 [Wean to better the the pilot off Holybead, and if ab. fol -
supplies this trip. Yea, 'oared lnjun! lowed the beaten track oo ber long
rm goon' to bung In an entry 'undred run to the river Plata—as sailors wW
tomorrow 10 the way of stores. r'un- persist in mLcallins that wondrous
ay, Isn't it?" ilio de la Plata—abs wtght be signaled
'runny! ire a mlrseler from Madeira or the (Ape Verde te-
sTboogt not altogether graufted by lands. But eblpwasters often prefer
this whole hearted agreement with his to set a course clear of tbe land till
own views, Verity was too anxious to they pick up the coast of South Amer -
keep his bearer on the present tack to Ica. If abe were not spoken by some
resent any Implied slur on bis earlier passing steamer there was every pow -
efforts as a caterer. albWty that the sturdy old versed
"it's nothing to wot rd do if I could would not be beard of again before
afford it" be added graciously. "But rescuing ber destination.
wot chance 'as an iron ship beat • • • • • • •
twenty years ago But David Verity beard of her mucb
at a cost of £16 sooner. and oo tbonderbott that ever
a ton agin a steel rent the beaveus could bare startled
ship of today at him more than the manlier of tbat
57 s ton. with - bearing.
twice the cargo ' ' s Resolving to clinch (natters with re -
space an' three 44 gard to Iris and ber elderly slater, he
feet lees draft? invited "Owd Dickey" to supper o0
W'y, no earthly. Sunday evening. The girl endured
We're dished ev- (, the man's presence wltb a placid dlg-
ery way. We cod Wily that amazed ben uncle. Ou the
more to run, we plea of a headache she retired at an
can't jump 'arf early hour, leaving Bulmer to gloat
the bars, we can't over bis prospective napploeas a0d
carry'ar'f the duff. primed to the point of dementia.
we pay double lo- Ile was quite willing to accompany
suraoce, an' we're + t Verity to•dba_bank pent morning. A
axed to' and lo- pleasant spoken manager sighed bis
terest on more'n e 1 relief when the visitors were gobs,
double the capital. '� and be was free to look at the Item
As you say, Am- "bus discounted" on Verity's page in
mle. wot bloomlo' the ledger. More than that, a lawyer
cbaust 'ave we?" was Instructed to draw up a partner-
artnerCote smoked a1- ship deed, and the representatives of
lenity. He had said none of tbese various shipbuilding arms were asked
things, bot when the shipowners to supply estimates for two new yew-
eeglance suddenly dwelt on him be nod- sets
ded. Altogether Dickey was complaisant
"Premium gone up, then?' he In- and David enjoyed a belay and suc-
quired. restful day. He dined in town. alms
^She's on a twelvemonth rate. It bome at a late boar and merely grim
rtes not fn September. If you're lucky reed when a servant told him that lir.
an' all up with nitrate soo0 you [nay Bulmer had called twice, but lust iris
be 'ome again. If not, Pll 'ave to happened to be out on both occaalt:me.
whack up a special quotation. After Nevertheless at breakfast on Toes -
that there'll be no insurance. The day be warned bis niece not to keep
Andromeda goes for wot sbe'll fetch." her admirer dangling at arm's length.
Aoother pause. Then Coke broacbed "Ws a queer owd codger." explained
a new phase. the philosopher. "Play up to 'im a bit,
"Meantn' that I lose the 12,000 I pmt en' you'll be able to twist 'im around
to '*r to get ray berth?' he said bus your little anger. I bile,* be'. gen'
'thy. dotty, an' you can trust me to see [bat
"An' wot about me? i lose eight the marriage settlement is O. K."
limes as much. Just think of it! 81x- "Will you be home to dinner, was
teen tbouuod pounds would give me her response.
a fair balance to go oo wt' 1' these "No. Now that the ares is in smooth
bard times, an' your two thou' would ter again, I must show myself a bit.
make tbe skipper's job in my new ship all thanks to you. lass, an' 1'U not
a cerulnty." t IL Goodbye
Coke's brick red face darkened. He Iris smiled, and Verity was vastly
breathed bard. pleased.
"Wot new ship?' be demanded. "1 am sure you wW, not forget." she
"It's a secret Jimmie, but I must said. "Ooodbyr '
stretch a point for a pal's sake. Dickey 'There's no undetwtandin' wimtnia,"
Bulmere goio' to marry my niece, aa' mused David as his victoria .wept
'e 'as pledged himself to double the througb the' gates of Linden HotaK
capital of the arm. Now I've let the "Sunday afternoon Dickey might ba'
:at out of the bag. I'm sorry, ole man bin a dose of rat poison. Now obeli
—poo me soul, 1 am—but w'eu Dickey's ready to swaller 'im as if 'e was a
Dame crops up o0 change you know as chocolate drop."
well as me 'ow many captain's tickets Again be returned some few minute,
will be backed wl' t' brass." after midnight Again the servant a0 -
Neither man spoke during so long a flounced Mr. Bulmer's visits, three of
time tbat the break seemed to impose them. and again Mho Iris bad been
s test of endurance. In such a crisis absent In fact, she bad not yet come
be who bas all at stake will yield home.
rather than be who only stakes a part "Not 'omen' cried David furiously.
"8'pose we talk plainly as roan to '•W'y, it's gone 12. W'ere the—w'ere
man?" said Coke thickly at last is she?'
"1 can't talk much plainer," said No one knew. She had quitted the
Verity. house soon after Verity himself and
"Yes, you can. Promise me the cum- had not been seen since. Storm and
mend of your next ship. an' the An- rage as he might and did, David could
lromeda goes o0 the rocks this side o' not discover his niece's whereabouts.
Montevideo." But enlightenment came on Thursday
Verity jumped as tbough be had been morning. A letter arrived by the first
stung by e.0 infuriated wasp. post, It was from orb:
"Coke, I'm surprised at you," be My par Uncle—Neither you nor Qtr.
grunted. not without a sharp glance Buttner should have any objection to my
around to make sore no other was parties the few remaining weeks of my
near. liberty In the manner beet pleastng to
"No, you ain't nota bit surprised.
• • e •
00*11 Olt Tel
myes. On Bey
once Mltr. Balmerunchy urged evening me t0In fixyour an early
)n'y you don't like to 'ear it in cold date for our marriage. Tell him that I
English. That's wot you're drivin' at— shall marry him when the Andromeda
the insurance. Wot are you afraid of? rectum to England from South America.
i You will remember that you promised last
( take 111 the risk an' pricfoua little
year to take me to Rio de Janeiro and
the money. Write me a letter'— Buenos Aires this ■simmer. 1 have been
learning Spanish
"Write! Me! (Joke. you're loonSpanishw as to MID our atght-
"Nnt me. Walt tlll I'm throtlgb esstng. UnteMun•tely pbwlness bprewnis
Write a letter Kayla' you're sorry the be no reason why lb should not g0.` 1b te
Andromeda must be 1lld up this fait on board the Andromeda and will prob-
ably M ebb b explain matters manatee-
does tout 'art your tartly to (laptata Cotte. The V•••111b due
7 hack al the end .< Mptetneer. 1 bslbve.
Verity's cigar bled gorse out. He re- me Yr. Bulimic win net have long to wait
ighted it with doe deliberation. It n b mer• thea at Ckpuln •ke
ronld not be denied (bat his nerve at wry net keew I am *bearsthante Tour(Ys
4y, and 1 have amused wttb a frIeltd
least was superb. that this. letter shall reach you abeet the
' I'm wilflo' to do anything to res same tlsM Pierer weever sky apelegies
Mn." he said slowly. "1 doe's use
M Mr. sear and aexept my regret far
where 1 can lay 'sada os • better teas a" "Maty yes may law tsR 00(04 to
ray 'eaeaewitsl5 abasia.. Year effso-
pelted to start afresh IIe was tar tao than you, Jimmie, eves 1f you do talk
gnome tae •t times."
.hrewd to go straight back to the topic "1'11 call at year Dice IA tow mom
barked by bis own error. In' for the letter," said (Joke. wires
"It's stuffy in 'ere with the two of ted face shone IOW the meths ens
tom emokIu'. lays stroll loto the gar- ,Kra Ibronsb a bane.
den." 1» said.
l ..(-was •gteesbla. I "Yrs, yea. I'll 'ave It ready."
"A n' you won't hast out of them
"It's the o„'y bit of green stuff yea retry stores? 1 mast sweet's the cries
seem to hr road ot, lir. Verity," b• w mi. nn."
went oe "You keep us enrol short of ••t'I, sapply obs best of Qts[, ~No
vyetabletr. " to last for the mend trip. net dsn't
David's tittle yes twlskted. dere make eay mislay. You most be Mak
was another opening. It weaM set he afore dept Ill is tbe diet* el eh
W Bildt If it hid agate up a eM drese. p.11cy Ry tea way. 'eel tism aver mea
So grew wYe tbe w1uMw. and tier you've *Moped as mesad? Watt r
tris, lava• re ehiet, 1 knew, bat ''e le sir. nil*
r by aitlai. "else 1 aoswrr
odd Meet ye* Pawl es *Me err ''Yessupter Una' 1l sea aural= M
[/caste else,, tall YORAM
i David narrowly escaped so apopise,
tie delddtii. Who be recovered kle
sates be lookeo tee years older. 110
lastlact of self preearesttoa alone
send Alai is bis freasy from blurting
firth the things et the gears light,
lscehereet with fear sad pension to
netting, (e give mean ter (fill, col
Rage call urea delves to Me plea
?Moos be dlepablbed tehgrattr to as.
1 en slgnsaag slgglea at wbleb by the
roams* peallbilly the knaree ado
1 Webs be taterreptag, *ed tea Mot el
every seanage wee. "d•Ml.m*ge mewl
vegan 1• Leerpgd tsabstb."
Rat tea Mgiebd alae ernes *al
be was deuced. POO had Oro* sl
1m melaaewly.
INever was ship more eagerly mooed
Mae the Androtbsda, yet net'er was
' std. more completely engulfed ►m the
esysterluw silence a the great sea.
The days pared and the weeKW, yet
satbing was braid of bet. Wm di-
eted Ie the 'overdue' list at Lloyd's,
,sbarp eyed underwriters did -specs"
In het. woebegone, women begun l0
baunt the Liverpool omce for uews Nf
husbands and new tbe lovelorn
Dickey won Verity to a shadow of Isla
former self by alteniate pleadings and
threats, but the Andromeda remelted
mutat and the fanciful letters from
Iris became fewer and more fragmen-
tary es David's Imaansttoe saved end
his n re's' grew thinner.
had the odd Ong was that if Dta-
rid bad only known it be could have
eared himself all this beartburning
and misery by inking through the
dining room window 00 that Sunday
afternoon when hs prospects mewed
to be so rosy. He never thought of
that He cursed every circumstance
and parson impartially and fluently,
but he omitted from the satanic litany
the oos girlish prank of tree climbing
that led Iris to Wring out of sight
amid the sheltering arms of an elm
w ben her anile and Captain Coke
deemed the dammer booms a 'Waldo
niece for "a Oda talk as man to man"
'Te be ooatinued•
Doctor—"Let int see your tongue."
Patient --"Oh. doctor, oo tongue
can tell how sick I feel."
'because it is made of
the purest e6d best in-
gredients, pause it
contains more heading,
strengthening and up -
building material than
any other Emulsion, and
became it is a perfect
product of a aci.aNfi -
NW pert process.
Doctors the world over
Scott's Emulsion
as the Siliesdard prepa-
ration of Cod Liver OIL
TM health we eaJoy depends very large'y r p,,., r •-w
the bloat circulates In our bodies. IP .,b, -r use—.1. it
we have perfect circulation we will have perfect heel* l .
There le a constant wearing out .1 the tir•ue. 111
every part of the body. The blood Boeing ttuoue.. ,be
veins carries off title waste or dead matter. while the
blood coming from the heart through the arter!.s
brings the fresh new living tissue, the ergo., of the
food we have digested• to replace what M■ •a -est wor-
ried off. This constant wearing out and e't"nWt of
the dead matter area the replacing of It • r h new
matter, atom by atom. goes on day rind natl.,. until
In about 7 yearn a complete change has been effertei.
Thus every [man and woman has en entirely different
body In every particle of It from what he or she had
7 years before.
It sometimes happens, however. from a variety of
causes, that the blood becomes congested Incertain
portions of the body. This means that the blond ves-
sels In these parts become weakened. and the circu-
lation In Klett section of the body 'becomes sluggleh
and stagnatR The consequence is that the dead mat-
ter In that part a the body is only partially tarrie.b
away. and that but little of the new, vital matter 1.
Introduced there to build up and strengthen the tissues
•and nerves. ..
Tbla condition invariably exists In all cases 01.fe-
male disorders. The dead matter retained in the ci,-
culatlon, which should have been expelled. causes Ir-
ritation and Inflammation of the delicate memberar.e
and oppresses the nerve centres. This condition is tn.
cause of the grievous phesteai and mental sutertnf
which arrompenles female troubles,
To obtain relief It Is evident that the drat tbh'g •4
be dents le to get red of the dead nutter which Is be-
ing held in the circulation. It this deal matter le
. IM• •ed to remain there a merles of blood poisoning will result and nature M(.1.
endravor to get rld of It by forming ulcers. tumors. etc.
The above explanation will also slow why ORANGE LILY Is so succelsfut In
curio* thb'conditlon. It 1e a lo -sl treatment, and is applied direct to the affected
organ.. Its curative ,temente aro absocbeed Into the congested tissue, and from
the very start the dead matter begins to be discharged. A feeling of three
re11ef. both mental and physical, accompanies IL and the improvement is ceestatrt
and positive. This feature of the expelling of the dead matter is' always preeent
to a greater or Iese extent. and In some ones it is so marked as to be amazing.
The case described In the following letter is not exceptional:
Dr. ('oonley,-I am thankful to airs. F. E. Currah. your Canadian represetta-
Ow, for my health restored by your wonderful remedy. I have suffered fqr IJ
yearn. but not on bad until f years ago. Then I had • doctor, wow told me I had
• tumor, and could live no more than a year. If I went through an operation 1
would not live through it. A year later 1 sent for him again. and he gar. me tee
to die. My husband then sent for another doctor. who performed an operation.
and It did me much good. I doctored with him 3 or 4 months, but he.ume w. Deb
sgalvi that I thought I could live no longer. and I began to long to die. One des-
acay husband came home and threw a slip of paper to me with Mrs. Currai.'s ad-
dress and told mws a lady had advised- him to write to her for a treatment that
would cure me._ ' said it was too late. that I would die anyway. I could set lift
a teacup" without hurting me. Then the first doctor told me I was weres than
ever. However. my hdabatd sent for ORANGE LILY. and the third ITSMS*enl
brought away one tumor. Others followed. until 7 tumors had been saps x
tars* ones and 4 small ones. I know if 1t had not bee, for ORANGE LILY f
wur Id have died, for 1 could not live much longer. i would have thought it et:.•ap
■ t one hundred dollars for a month's treatment, intrad of one dollar. It Ie. w4.t11
Jot weight In gold—MRs. GEO. LEWIS. Huntntlle. Ont
The strove letter is published with Mrs. Lewis' permission. All letters rr.-el.e.1
are treated a. being sacredly confidential. het oceasisnally some patient fec!s �•
grateful for being cured that she is willing to make the matter known for too ben-
efit and encouragement of. her suffering sisters.
ORANGE LILY Is • positive. sci-
entific remedy for all disorders of the
f•omale (tint -dons. As explained above
11n se troubles •re of local origin, and
require local treatment. It is Just
e s sensible to take medicine Internally
for female troubles as 11 Would be to
take medicine Internally for a bruise.
a boll or an ulcerated tooth. In all
,;t.se cases some dead matter Is be-
ing retained. and the cure is effected
:'v employing local methods for ex -
'petting the dead matter. ORANGE
LILY has antiseptic. soothing and
I."sling properties. apd also tones up
*,red Invigorates blond vessels and
r .-rare. i am so anxious that every
,suffering woman may satisfy herself, without cost to her, teat ORANGE LILY ell
:ure her, that I bereby make the following
I will send, without charge, to every reader of this notice who suffers In "r
way from any of the trouble' peculiar to women. If she will send me her *4,1 • -
'nough of the ORANGE LILY treatment to last her ten days. In many cases •
trial treatment 1s all that Is necessary to effect • eomplet• tore, and In . Instance it ft will gore very notie.abl. relief. If you are a sufferer. you owe 1•
cornett, to year family and to your friends to take advantage of thin are—
let cured In the privacy of your home, without doctors• bills as. sip.'ns• c'
*ind. Address MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAH, Whole,, Ont.
With Every Bag of Flour
There Goes A Guarantee
That guarantee essaas flat i bet;.,. Cavum ed **Wait w erg th
best bread flour cm Se market. 11 your bred daees't hat gay
you ever baked before. if It falls b rise sr dessell ales egos
satisfact(oa 1a every way, your grocer tell ray yea bagn war
mosey on ratan of the e*u.ed porgies ed 0e. flag.
Cream West Flour
the horn brk st floor lifINIPOW4104 for lurked
II l people will salefy a•, beamliter!!s� ley goseaaaeea 11. Mesm el lb* West rey
will have seiner will lk Y�M"a
nue Mit.
Tib• Campbell suss. Coal ., Lani ole TOMOS
a i. 1Pusga tee eN
per 8.1. by lobo DarAolen. Myths Bentem k Stayttiet, C>tlat*a