HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
corsair* Prilgarin& for 1ea1 Evening
(Inert Gellisieh. No. �1, 0. U. R.,
•W holdto tw crier lo Fridaod
y Otb. - The High Chief
ger. Bro. J. A. Stewart, is expecte
t° he primal. Pull particulars
were T
e Market Next uesday,
if the bora, market oommlttne la
favored with One weather a bumper
crowd ebottld be in town next Tues.
day le atteodlaee at the first bone
fair of the season. The prises offered
should prove''o be a good attraction
and should mists these events even
better than say of previous yews,
sentence Suspended.
Oeorge Steep, who confessed to the
stealisof several articles of tinware
from David Brown. appeared before
His Honor Judge Doyle on Thursday
morning. Atter electing to he tried
by the judge be pleaded guilty to the
charge preferred against him. In
view of the feet that it was the
•In•isoner'e Bret offence and other cit -
cumstencee in connection with the
'situ, Hb Honer suspended sentence.
L. E. Osney defended the accused.
Still Vigorous.
Tbe Stratford Beaeon reprints this
telegraph from ate file copy of Jaou-
.try 17, 1$73"Our time-honored cnn-
temporare. e (3oderlcb Signal. this
week attained lbw unusual journalistic
age of twenty-five years. It is some-
thing for a o.wepaper to be able to
boast of a quarter O a century of use-
fulness. and few newspapers in their
deyaod geoeeatlonbavebeen of greater
service to the country than The Grade -
rich Signal," And Tb. Beaonn adds :
"The Signa Is therefore now aixty-
i.x,r years old and still vigorous..'
To Elect Councillor.
A writ has been heated by the town
d (ludetich for an election for council-
lor to fill the unexpired term of W. E.
Kelly, rseigne 1, and posters ate out
announcing Wednesday,Januar-y31at,
as the date for nominations. They
will lie held in the town hale commen-
cing st 7-.*) o'clock in the evening. to
rase a poll is demanded the eleetlon
will take place a week later. on Wed-
nesday, February 7tb. Several per-
sons are being rnentlooed as prsvih s
candidates, amoortbe number being
R. R. Sallow,. J. W. Craigie, Jas.
Connolly sad Rohl. /Elliott.
Rev. Dr. MacGillivray Wil Be Here.
In response to the editorial reference
in The Signal last week. suggesting
that Rev. Dr. • MacOillivray be en-
gsged to Ieeture here wine evening
this winter. Rev. Geo. E. Row. pastor
of Knox church. intermit us that the
Doctor will be here and will occupy
the pulpit of Knozhurch-cm Suedes..
March 17th Get Patriek's Day). He
will visit throughout Huron Presby-
tery the following week and arrange-
ments are being made to have him
give a lecture under the auspices of
one of the organisations of Knox
church while be is in Goderich. The
Doctor's many old Mends will be glad
to welcome him bock to his native
town and will look forward to his
visit with great interest..
A Western Land Deal.
E. V. Oampioe, a well-known (lode -
rich bey, is in the real estate business
at Weyburn, Seek., knd is doing some
big husieees, as the following news-
paper despatch indicates:
Weyburn, Jan. 17.-A record price
for Weyburn real estate, the Sawyer
rotate, to be placed urn the market.
was put through to -day by the E, V.
Campion Co., which pita them in
possession of the Sawyer property.
which consists of thirty acres in the
original townelte of Weyburn. This
estate adjoins the city park, and he
beautifully situated. The net price of
the estate will go over one thonand
dollars per acre. which is helieved to
he a record price for Weyburn acre-
age, but as the property is only w fea�ry
blocks away from the new post (filo!.
this proPerty subdivided should
comtnand a big figure.
A. Detroit Wedding. •
A quiet wedding took place in De-
troit on Der•ember 30th. et the home
.f the brides uncle, B. Broesard, T34
Roosevele avenue. where Miss Blanche
11th• was united in marriage to John
A. Trethewey. ann of Capt. and Mrr.
T. H. Trethewey, of Goderich. Rev.
Wm. Hagen officiated. The bride
wore a dainty gown of white eilk
crepe de cUrne over white silk. and
carried a shower bouquet. of bridal
roses end lily of the valley. Mbe was
Attended by. ber mucin, Miss Delia
lerossnrd. who was gowned in a pretty
dress of tan silk poplin. She carried a
hnuquet of Amer:ran beauty roses.
Mira Mildred Sbosm&eber made 0
pretty flower -girl. dressed in white.
Roy Davie, of Battle Creek. attended
the groom. Atter the ceremony
Innche on was served to the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties.
Mr. and Mn. Trethewey will be at
home after February 1st at fele Seven-
teenth street, Detroit. The groom's
friends in town extend rongratula-
t Ions.
Mr. Sallow, in the Field.
It. K. Sallow" baa definitely
ann./tweed his oaodidature for the
position in the town council vacated
by Mr. Kelly. Mr. Sallow' has had
experience in municipal affair', is
thoroughly independent, and would
fill the place admirably. He -states he
will not canvas* for votes, but the
people should not allow him to suffer
on that account. The Signal hopes to
see Mr. Mallows ehoted by accl •teatioo,
Another Success.
The Y. M. C. A. recited another suc-
cess on Friday evening with the
Weathet wax Brothers' Quartette.
The brothers make a combination of
unusual [aerie and their program was
Yell varied and was well executed in
every respect. The elocutionary num-
bers were well received, and the
trumpeting and the vocal selections
were characterised bv taste and skill.
The O. C. I. Entertainment.
The CoI�Mygiaattee Institute entertain-
ment on Wetdneedey night brought
out a crowded house, end the pro-
gram given was exopiette, from begin-
ning to end. In the crowded state of
our columns tors week, we cannot du
justice to the performers in this issue,
but a further reference will be wade
next week. Ip the meantime we shall
say only tbatlt was one of the most
enjoyshle entertainments that have
been given in (lodetich in recent
years, and that those in charge of it
may rightly eengratulete themselves
upon the success of their efforts.
A Business Change.
A change of business takes place in
town shortly by which J. W. Baker
assumes control of the meat market
or. tbe,otrth aide of the Square which
has been conducted for the last
twenty-one years by W T. Murney.
The put chaser takes possession on the
1st of February. Mr. Murney will
continue to be • resident of town and
will go more extensively into the
cattle -buying busw. inzMr. Baker is
well and favorably known to the
public, l'aviog been with Mr. Murney
for ,repeal years, and 'should receive
his shale of the public patronage.
Northern Ontario Demonstration Car.
The Government demonstration car,
ezbititing the products of the greet
clay belt in Northern Ontario, was in
town on Thursday of this week. The
grain, veeetablee and other produru
exhibited should serve to educate the
people of Old Ontario As to the
wonderful possibilities of the country
to the north. The rer is in charge of
K. A. Jones. of the Bureau of Coloni-
zation of the Provincial Department•
of Agriculture. He is assisted by Geo.
E. Palmer. of Englehart. A more
extended references,. to the contents
of the car will be given in next week's
issue of The Signal.
First Carnival of the Season.
Mueb interest was taken in the
masquerade carnival in West street
rink on Thursday evening of last week.
There wan a fair attendance of spec-
tatorsand with the exception of one
claw -the ladies' comic -there was
good competition for all. the prizes.
Some of the coettlmes were designed
with marked taste and skill, and
there were many striking effects. The
band was In attendance and furnished
ennaic for the evening. J . W. Craigie
performed the duties of judge. The
following were the prise -winners;
Ladies' . and girls' fancy drew,
Mir Leona Elliott, Miss Minnie
Tancott; gentlemen's and boys' fancy
costume, Harvey Elliott., Dr. Mabee ;
ladies' end girls comic costume, Miss
Agnes Hamilton; gentlemen's and
boys' emetic costume, Henry Kemp,
Cecil Given. The management has
under consideration some new ideas
for another carnival to he put on in
the near future.
The Signal Wins, of Course.
What The Signal's "devil" considers
was the moat important hockey match
ever played in Goderich came off at
the Wear.gt. rink on Saturday after-
noon. The game was between teams
from, the respective staffs of The Sig-
nal and The aster. A big crowd wan
out to see the fun. and tbey saw it.
The referee was Cy Hood and as the
score was3 to 2 in favor of The Signal
we guess be was all right. The line-
up was as follows:
Signal Star
Billy McCreath Johnny Vaaatter
inheres Bate. Alfie Armstrong
Scottie McMath Charlie Muir
Harvey Elliott Ginger Bates
Seem Newell Devil' 1`retbewey
Harry MRcrd Johne Muir
Frank Townsend Bert Townsend
Timekeepers --Jack Nairn and H.
7'he return game will be played
next Saturday.
Rose -Collinson.
An Interesting event an Cupid's
r..urt on Tuesday of this week was the
marriage et "Olesbolm." the house of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Oollinson, West
street, Goderich. of Ibeir youngest
daughter. KM $;Ila L. to Edward J.
Ruse, of g*.bops, B. C. The wed-
ding cerermesii was .olemnised atopen
by Rev. Jas. Qa ellton. Owingto the
serious illness a the bride's rother.
Rilliano L Collation, of Chicago. the
rvemt was a very quiet one, the only
c'hee'ses protest being the immediate
relatives of the enntasetin parties.
[he beide, gown wee of Isbell pink .ilk,
trimmed with silver Mage. She wee
$tussled by two little flower -girls,
Mier. Helen sad Kathleen Row. of
Harlin, Mem* o/ the groom After
' he tneniage vowe bed boon tek en and
-.'ngr•wtnewtloes offered the company
Partook of s dainty weddl dinner.
At. 1 4o p, tw. the happy eqn left nn
the le. te. bon t a p to Tor-
" l• A to ll�ilel for
They will
vas a flet a few days
'""fere Kae v� eeteta1. erne
Paell la bbaldf . as a }Weller. The
fir'464teemin wishing
her mMrIt is as, where.
Acme of Service.
Taking into consideration the magni-
ficent equipment supplied by the Cana-
dian Pacific, even at full tariff rates,
every day is a bargain day for the
travelling public.
The new compartment ran recently
put into service between Toronto and
Ottawa, and Toronto and Montreal,
on trains leaving North Toronto at 10
m. daily. in additioti to the electric
lighted sleeping cars, ale operated op
this toren. make it second to none on
the continent.
The compartment can have a style
all their own, beingthe latent in are
struction and appointy
absolute privacyis e.red: individual
toilet requisite, etc.
" A Pretnier Train," is the general
verdict : some say, a credit to Canada.
A North Carolina Man Suggests
a Remedy
Greensboro, 111. C. -"For a lone
time I was suua down and debili-
tated that I could hardly drag amend.
My appetite was poor and 1 could sot
sleep nights. I had tried different scr-
eened tonics without benefit. 1 was
'eered ' to try your cod liver and
Iron tonic. Vino!. and I am so glad I
d`.d. for It gave me a hearty appetite,
1 soon commenced to sleep soundly,
and I feel etrond, well and more ac-
tive than I have for years. very run -
Oben or debilitated person should
just give Vinol a trial." K. Allabrook.
What Vlnol did for Mr. Allsbrook
it will do for every weak, run-down or
vet illtated person In this vicinity '1'0
show our teeth we will furnish the
medicine free if 1t does not do as we
claim. Come 1n and get a bottle on
these terms.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, Ooderich, Ont
Mew+ M. 1'roudfuot left on Monday for Balu-
more, Maryland.
Joseph Finn, of Detroit, war a boli.tay visitor
at the parental home In town.
lira John Fin'. of Winnipeg, is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Finn. Brack street
Mrs. Prank Wrnicht and Master Frankie of
Brantford. are vh.it.ing at Mrs. Wright's old
home bare.
Mew B.O. Lauder, M. A.llaa goat to
u St.
eatbarleea, where she htalulo a pssaton on
the staff of the t•ulkgtat.e Institute In that
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Finn have returned to
Detroit after stenciler their honeymoon In
town with the groon.'s parents, Mr. and err.
Patrick Finn.
Harry Worrell. of Toronto, formerly et
oedertoh. Is under the doctor's one. having
met with an accident while tobogganing on the
slides In the Queen City.
&,siorth News: Mrs. A. 1'. Ketoben. of
lioderich, and Mrs.... Carson. of Wtne
are the gulls of Mr. and Mr.. Hobt. 1fe11 this
week Mrs. Charles Andrews was called to
Oodertcn on 'fused' owing the illness of
her mother. Mrs. Driver. w
Miss Oreo' Seager returned to Toronto last
Saturday and 1s now a pupil at the Hambouryr
Conservatory of Music. She Ls studying under
John Ratnbourg, the distinguished Rwwtao
rloilnlst. Miss Seeger is en apt pupil and a
bright future is p•ed•s•s" • -
CLARK. In Ooderleh townahl , on Monday,
January 13th. to Mr. and Myra Tecate v.
Clark, Mill road. a daughter.
OORININ--In Goderich. on Monday. January
iOad Mee Pollock. beloved wife ort the labs
Irattjsl Bordon. tired 8i years.
HARRISON.-At London. on Tuesday, Janu-
ary Old, Nettie Greer. wife of John A.
Harriapo, o[ Oadertcb.
QUAIL). -le Colborne, on Thursday. January
18th, Robert Quaid. aged 51 years., 6 months
and 12 days.
WOON.-In Ooderiob, o0 Sunday. January
Oast, Mary .lane Trusaott, wife of the late
Riobard \coon, aged 71 years and 11
THOMAS. In Goderich. on Thursday. Jame
ary 18th, Henry Dunooff Thomas, seed la
years. 6 months and 12 days.
McLKAN.-In Oodarioh. on Monday. January
22nd. Rev. Archibald Mol.esa, D.D.. aa�eg
7R years.
We mean the kind of cough it gives
one a cold shiver just to bear -the dry,
deep-seated hack -hack -hack -t b a t
seems as if it were tearing the very
vitals. That's the kind of cough flet
means business. (/
Fortunately,that is also one
of the kinds of coughfor which Na-Dro-
Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and
Chlorodyne was first prescribed, and
which it has been relieving with great
promptness and regularity ever since.
Ns-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne is absolutely free from
harmful drugs of any kind, and is safe
even for children. 11 is pleaaantio take,
and acts guickly, relieving the irritation,
loosening the phlegm, promoting ve-
nture, and so stopping the cough.
1 hotrsands declare it to be the best cough
syrup they have ever tried.
Your Druggist will glade recommend
it, and will supply you with tethers arc.
or roc. bottle. The National Drug &
Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. ii6
108 ie the cumber of s prescription
by an eminent doctor. and it cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis and sore
throat. Try it. 26 cents a bottle at
Dunlop's drug Atort•.
Remember the sale of real estate
and boueshold effects, the property, of
J. B Hawkins. on Monday. February
6. bominencing at 1 o'clock sharp.
The primary class 'of North street
Methodist Snndsy school will give an
eaters inrnent in the lecture mono of
JM�y 39th. at A o'clock. Admisureh on Monday sion
10 cents.
Homan See 14t. A social will be
held on Monday evening, ,euary Showdown,
at the home of Samuel uhder the
St. Andrew's street.
of Victoria street rhumb
i seapiMelon, only 1R assts. ' A good
H aim ee
Big doings will
be announced
next week.
(*Tents Furnishings
Square Goderich
UBank of Canada
ENO Pohl ____ $ 4.7S0,000I
owl 'sahibs- �eellaller - s.soo.000
Tslel Aes,U. lam - p coo
L.odlaa, Baglan OU lee,
111,Th 'eabeeale Wee. B. C.
A Imp* d ibis Mak but Men saabisM1 is I,saiss, Maglaad,
at 1Ma ja.'Asesinssi' amt. ILC, whim Leases elf Credit and Drafta
pivots eat ti Oitp,steat points is Canada sled flee Daftsd $Sites. eaa be
raised. Hers len'd's assegai.
A MOW lei prwiisd ise tis testes isles of dusts of Use
Beak whew be Lambe, is sib* Lair ser say be ai bmiesd.
dtw, je- sa se
.!/. 1M. AtbHt N --u e►
lawiea s-.aeh. a M. R MA%tT-lM/TM. Aeseeesnt-Yawepwr.
"the %towawaT
By Louis TRACY
Be sure to read the opening chapters
of The Signal's new serial story
which commences in this issue.
Page 6
Page 6
Smlfk's in Store
Pictures Framed
witb artistic tante in mouldings of the latest and most
up-to-date design. Two hundred and fifty patterns ill
steel to elect flrom..Tbink it over.
We also c rry en immense stock of fancy Frames
in ovals. emu rlu and electro, from the best Amerioan
as.l Parisian manufacturers. Never he content with a
pretty picture ; see that it has a suitable frame. To be
sure of this bring it to Smith's Art Store.
Remember, we have the beet -equipped workshop►
and have the largest stock carried by any house west'of
All work dune by an expert, and Satisfaction
Our stock of Window Shades. Cornice Poles and
Room Mouldings is now complete and larger than ever.
Soy sirs shale made to order. Quality the best and
prices right.
Call and see us. No trouble to show goods less
trouble to sell them.
Smith's "Prt Store
Stocktaking commences on Monday, and at the last moment we are determined,to clear outall our
surplus winter stock as well as many other lines, so as not to record it on our 1912 stock
sheets. Price cutting should do the trick, so here is your opportunity -we mean business.
Men's Winter Overcoats
Fifty -rive men's Winter Overcoats. including all -wool Beavers,
English Melton,. fancy Tweeds, blacks and colors, in the
newest styles. We will give you the choice of any in this
entire lot, which usually sold se from $12.00 to SQ 95
$10,00, fur only.
Twenty-five men's Winter Overcoats, Fold regularly at from
$8.00 to $10.00. Your choice of these now ,
Men's Suits
Seventy - five wen's Suite. in an - wool verges, tweeds and
worsteds. plain and fancy stripes, made in the latest style
and well -tailored, with patent Bartel pockets, same as shown
in cut. Ranging in value front $12.00 to $18.00, in all sizes.
Your eboice now of any one in the store for gtgra QQ M�
only 4PUsOAJ
Twenty-three men's Suits, mostly tweeds, nearly all sizes, reg-
ular $10.00 value. Your choice now of any in this
lot for only sp6e95
Men's Trousers
Sixty-three pairs of men's tweed Trousers, sizes from 32 to 42,
odd pairs froth our regular stock,. regular values run
from $1.33 to $1.05. To clear while they last per pair, el
Fifty paire men's better quality :weed and wonted Pante, sizes
32 to 42. regular prices from $1.75 to p,7fi. Clearing
at pet $l 48
pair s
Twenty-five indite' Skirt". sizes 23 to :R waist,
made in plain styles. all -wool materials. in
brown, green, blue and black, regular values
$3.60 0) 110.00. Stocktaking price each 9v
only - cp i
Trimmed 'Hats
Now for the big clearing in Trimmed Hat".
Choice of any fur or fur -trimmed Hat, as well se
choice of any Hat in the store. V,aluee run
as high as $10.00. To clear now. any tee
one in the entire lot for only... ...... L /s7
About 75 Hate.. regular $2.50 and *3.:S). \Vhile 98c
they last, choice only.
Tailored Suits
Twenty-five I.idieti Tailored Suite, made from
good tweak; and worsteds, also a few serge+•
nearly all lineal with *faded silk, values up
to ILS 00. Stocktaking. clesrisg wt
only... P6. e
Work Shirts -
Three dosis ties'• black and white stripe drill Work Shirts,
staid send e'ly ler 75x. Sto ktaking price while tpey 4Q„
ta"a ,1.. fir+
Negligee Shirts
Pour closest men's Negligee Shirts, odd patterns left from
regular selling. Choice of any one for only.
Flee dozen men' fine Negligee Shirts, sizes from 14 to 10.1. reg-
ular prices $1.00 to $1.2r. Your choice now for 69c7r
Two dozen only men's fine all -wool Sweaters. in brown, red 'and
grey, regular value $1.225. Now far below half-price, 49c
only....... ....
Eighteen boys'
at wool 'emit Sweater., $1.00 value...Clearing 69c a.... ,,.
Three down pure.silk Fonr-in-band Neckties, regular value i C„
:elle. Clearing eacb only. ... a
Pocket Knives
Fifty Pocket Knives, with two large blades, Sheffield make. toe •
While they last, each only Ver
Five ladies' hese black heaver Coates, with fur C
collate. uMOO. 00. Our sale $l 3.95
price now only.... •
Thirty-five gleam of Fut left- -Hutto, Stulee and
Motto. While they last your choice for
Half -Price
Hand Bags
Thee demo Hasid Begs, wltb email puree.
to Apar at ..
- _-_-.
Along with the above special inducements there will be lots of odds and ends which will be thrown out at any
price almost, rather than takt it into stock. Come Saturday or Monday, if you can at all, as it will pay you to
come early and get best choice. it's %alucs you don't get every day.