HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 3TOE ODIIINIL': IND ' To the kuuor ut 116e tl1.1101. ONLYI 81i,-ln imply to yuur Maori/al on i "Tax on Land Values." 1 eaunot con fENO IN; mire bow you could be in any doubt as to my meaning. 1 am cure I bare Dot ••beclouded its penio puity by a multiplicity of wrxdr." Ey first para- graph is eaded in these words : ••Still you would tax the land on the prin- ciple 'power to pay' or on 'actual velure.' which is the same thing." Be - The Land Tax BEWARE Or IMITA- TIONS. BOLD ON THE MERITS ON SINAID'S BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. • liOI D LETr$RING oo LEATHER GOODS ell eSewtb atNadad to its leavbigLimestm 11 aes t iv s SIONAt.oedence. A. E. TAYLOR. less anTmw CIVIL ItltOIIIESRIIIG o Ij GHAN M. IWBERTB, CIVIL 1 awl i/Mabe ssfdet er. Ontario land t bless Moak. Oedwtce, owner Y vassal serest. T•111011110•0 W. I®ICAL IIR5. TAYLOR, AND TAYLOR t�aro�eo.s. Olive rth iale de 71a15ss £ EL0111. IL `:.YI a M. a A IDR. W. P. BALL OW. M. 8. UM .Mr.eri lveetbneft.Oodeetek, with el 0eastr Iealp.irohm 7 GriletDrksae if. R.F.LB. FORIT1'ER-EYE EAR lJ•roat Besse rnii oo eadrig Gums Ilsong• owl w tandem ud, ores. Al a strained. eosa.Me You Church. ears 9 te n a, m S lest to d . tee D. in Teiepkone so. LEGAL DROUDFOUT. HAYS k KILLOR- sollcitors. notarisspebbe wades* la lin Mariumo Court, an Private e at lot�wnesatre rates of interestK. C. it.' C. HAX8. J. L. F'iLI.O sewle. ((''11HAgLESGARROW, L.L.B.. BAR �L gl matt .1 low t.ores tc-. Qode • 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER rsfD gHaasfiton Wiest Oodsrielt Out- public IIiSUWCIL LOANS. ETC. FRE SIGN L : (IUDERI , ONTARIO work out in Ontario can be already fairly welt foreca.t,d. The unit of repra-teetation. accord- ing to the population of Wuetoec, will be a1.8fi. On this fault Ontario will Ice eotltledato eightya.De erste, or five fewer than at present. New Ontario. according to the gi owtb in popula- tion, will ba entitled to three addi- tional Deets, as will also Toronto, in- cluding In the I("rent+, t4iviaica the sides, 1 'odor's the Act, which die- present constituency of South York, tutu)) says "actual value." Surely which is now almost entirely within that M 'lain. '1'be we feting man the eity limits. That wiU give elgbi seed not err therein." The queetloo, seats to Toronto nod uta immediate what makers land values i' la totally suburb•, Thus eleven seats will have foreign to the subject under dimension to be eliminated from the rest of Oa - but would t.e a procor question for tarso. the eseewor to cousitier in dstsrealo- An analysis ot the present ridings. ing the iriative valuers of land. having in view the preseevatloo of My dear sir, what value would a county boundaries, indienteetbat this story sr shop bave without a con- will he done by °Males out, one mem- ulunity ? bee front counties baying now two or 'The owner of the store or bones has three members. The population of provided these with his own labor or tbe two ridings of Bunt anti Brant - money. He owes the colwuunityy Lord is appruximetely :18,t$E, and, lo- ootbiog ; why should be be taxed?" stead of two ridings ea at present, the If he owes the community nothing, representation Is almost certain to be then the only protection either for his reduced to one. The two hagins, to - life or building er store which he oondd eluding the city of et, Thomas, have claim would he -itis *troop( right arm. a population of 43,0U7, and here again Is it not a tact that the industrious probably only one member will ''a and provident are taxed for the idle given. The torte Greys, with a eoPte and improvident, the sober and virtu- 1-.tiuu of a little over 70,000, will be en- ous to U411101 Ma the drunken and vici tiled to only two members inetetd of ow, the lazy and wort hires always three, ea will also be the toms with the Noy upon the frugal and worthy i' three Hurons, which have a popula- Tbie is borne for Qrotection end to ub- tion of a lift le over 82,000. North and whence to the higher law. IA, not. South Lanark, now represented by forget the acquisition of valua••ls two member% will. with a population Land is by his owo labor or his own of 87.000, be entitled to one member money. No one can deny the en- cnly. Leeds and Brockville, with a banced value of a lot owing to the joint population of 87,475, will neces- improvedcooditionsofitssurroundings warily be combined into one riding. or to its suitability for business pur- East, West and North Middlesex, poets. and if the seseesor follow. his with a total population of 55,1100, will instructions in the Assessment Act he be entitled to but two members. East must tax it accordingly, Seldom and West Northumberland have now do you find these valuable Iota owned combined less (ban 34,000 populatioo, by the poor, but by the very man and one member can represent the whom your single tax would favor. whole COUllt y. North and South On - Your second paragraph, wbleb you tarso, with -NOW popula!ioa, should describe as "not anarchistic claptrap : be satisfied with one u.ember, as vfill it is common eeoee going to the root of be also the case with East and \Vest things," ie to ray mind totally unan- PeterborO, where MO members now swerable. In fact, l rant mate head rep resent a population of 37,000. or tail of it. When a boy at school t 1t is interesting to 'tote that with succeeded in geolnetry in getting uvea the exception of West Middlesex. re- tbe "asses' bridge . without any Presented by Mr. Dunc•ad C. Ross, all trouble. 1 will now pass over this the memhers concerned in the fore- obstarle by using a mental dirigible. going elimination of ridings are Con - Your butt paragraph is an attempt eervativ-es, and. as tar a+ present in- to .bow that a land tax would teod to dlcatuns go. redistribution is likely to the prevention of undue monopoly in do more harm to l'oneet votive. than land. Talk about land monopoly in a to UMW ale. V1 ith eight 'eats in Toronto Province that has more than a minion there should be et (east a good. chance acres to give away, and Canada has of a Labor or Liberal candidate cap - teen boiiusiog settlers by the thou- turing eomething. and in the three ad• wand: Dunt you think this idea is ditiooal seats in New Ontario Liberal very premature ? But. strange to tell, chances should be as good as Conserva- tee very tax you propose bred the Live. greatest known monopolies in land in Thus, so fat as Ontnria is concecncd. the blstery of the world. Under the Liberals have not much to fear from feudal ',stem, so far as we can learn, redistribution. The addition of the castles, of the baron were not twenty seats to the West 'horrid, in the lI cK1LLGP MUTUAL FIRS IN tit e U lit A N C I. CO. -Farm and i.otaed "OM Avelle/81 0S J. 6. u. Pres.. 8eawtb P.O.: Jae 005+15117. lee- sea.. Oodorbk P. 0.: rise. -Treat., ee tertd P. 0. _ Cbeaoey. Deafetb ; Join u W Otiam Rine, ConstaDos; Join bsgen; James Evans. Benteowt-= sip__• au, Harbok; Malcolm Me11wes. :J. . se. Holmssvllls; 11 Smith. blwYei. en L �-booIstklisu dvalo sa 'payy W get Cosh cards twsytsa at t. J. a rleht. ClOOd s Store t,'Ibates, sr at R H. can's Otew•T. Elae.ton wrest. Oeluitil . 820,000 PRIVATE L1vND8 TO G lll)ll toys. Aptly to M. O. CAM- rich, soil the actual value that could saw i Banister. Mamuton asset Ooderteh. readily be realized is the only. fair 1111 R. ROBERTSON. BI: Rw1 t t.1 levy a tax. , ,1• 7 eenking you again for space. INA NCK AOKNT. M_LOCKHART. Fina AND Laos sum : HrtUeb. C•nadW. and A� c7m gsesss. esu ii.„wy1I Laren; 1 MONEY BACK DANDRUFF. CURE I!r : 7M Hi Aestdest �/ sesames I setter cilli Lnjam of l grins: d�oogg 1 E. R. Wigle Guarantees Parisian Sage vrw_feT! *1ID j(A2*DT brttts�TM'C.B. for Dandruff and Failing Hair. taxed, and the burden of t..vatiun fell pressttt temperot the prairie Province., 0o the idlers of the land, who were'no work out to the undoubted advantage better than slaves. So your .pitopoe•1 of Iiternlsatw.. Redistribution. tbere- u still to have the Lod owners "hew- fore. promisee for the first tithe to re- ars of wood and drawers of water." stilt on the whole to the disadvantage The direct effect of building exemp- rather than to the advantage of the tion m.i{bt be illustrated thus • Mr Part?' in Power. Willison, editor. is in receipt 1)1 a .a1- In eastern Canada there well Its are of S12.000 per year ; Mr. Brown, a comparatively little change in the cons laborer wboee wages amount to stitueociea as at present constituted. Miro per year. Mr. Willison Luys a lot well located and pays $1.000 for it. Canada's Finest Illustrated Magazine. He Wilde • floe residence costing $19.- That delightful illustrated mag'eiine. 0110. He then bas a property costiug The Cdnadtan Pictorial. which is to tester, Mr. Brown, the laborer, Canada what }he' Illustrated News or brays an adjoining lot equally good for Graphic are to England, continue/I to $1,000 apd builds a comfortable cot- improve with each vear of ice exist - cage fur $1.000. Mr. Browne prop- enne. It is .nilly one of the test erty now costa him $2,000. The asses- printed megszinee in Canada. While sor tomes along and aaeeases Willison Canadian pictures generally pvedomi- for $1000 and Brown for $1,2110. nate. plenty of illustrations ere given The ley is one per tent. ; Mr. Willi. of event* and ecenes the world over. son's taxes amount to $120, and Mr. so as to merit its claim to give "news Brown's to 512. But presto! a change by view.." Short complete stories, is made. Buildings are exempt; Mr. music, and well -edited' departments Brown is assessed for exactly the add to the interest. it is not only a same as Mr. Willison, because his bare beautiful album of the highest wilt Is lot is worth as wucb. But the same of the engravere but it givesmuch in - amount ot mcoey mist be raised, and formation that the printed page un - we will add five dollars to Mr. Willi- accompanied by fine illustrations sons land tax. making it $15. Mr. simply cannot convey. Bit•wn must ply five dollars more to be The quality of the photogravures, even with lir. Willienn and no less the exquisite enamelled paper. and than thirty-four more laborers must the fine printing cannot be fully ap- be• oppressed by an additional tax ot preciated artless you actually see it, three dollars to make up for the ex. but, to quote Lord Stratheona. "it 10 enaptione un thirty-six owners. one undoubtedly a credit to Canadian rich and thirty-five laborers. The journalism. T'he Comedian Pic - above illustration bears out my con- 'oriel is issued monthly by the tentiun that exemptions favor the Pictorial Publi.bing Company, 142 St. Peter street 1"Witness" luildingi, Montreal. and the subscription rate is 51.01 a year. To new subscribers for 1912, on trip', only sixty five etats. i Ogee ea seeressw�s, sailb a t•w of Vic Coria awl et Dater* Meets. J OI3N. W. OB.LIOI C. L1P$, FIRE d Uadletr -often sod steak sow s/rassd ea W C and sa nmtea -at ita ay�� s,;ilo�tre5t_ }IugN O et tel .stns M tae5� IMMO IN WALTIn, !: Y. J. P.. ppp ONT. Qmet/UR OF MARRIAOK LICENSES. IR • Aamook vwtek. Oat R� MIMS PARLOR R LFUir & Hohnmeler ytAi 1R• AND NCRAt. ori><roroRM ?hl jt weak et aq rare nest rnythe dandruff germs that's the only known way to eradicate dandruff and Parisian Sage contains joist the ingredients that will destroy germ.. Dandruff causes falling hair and baldness because the little dandruff germs rob the hair toots of the nourish- ment tbdt shouki go to supply life, Metre and vigor to the htai( Parisian Sage costs but 511 cents a bottle at E. R. Wigle'• and druggists everywbere. It to guaranteed to banish dandruff, stop falling hair or scalp iteb, or money back. The girl with the auburn Bair is on every bottle It is a most delightful and daintily perfumed dressing that quickly invigorates the scalp. "My heir was falling out badly ut til i began to use Partsie Sag gettingt looks tine new. do thick and very thin, but it ie getting wavy. -Elisa Archer, 00 Cettreh St., Har:fotd. Coen.. June ti THE COMING REDISTRIBUTION. Hew It Will Abet. Hess and Ober Counties. RC, Is Jan. 'al. Although the re- distribution t Luo , will nl'ot Iden intralnned in tbe COODUO last Comm fes until next •x11401*, tsosiMre are already speculation as to whit will happen in their 1 vYsal dear, and Ware has already deed- ed ea the MialMeeiM side dam of Aviary moms *...bet+ whit dad that they will batti to pwr.Me for a sosn- iMti 1. ~p a/MnIR7 d that the nuabibeted ' It pow.sthe• the het bosimiarles ''' be (ig S'` ot.b �We i aper w1 M tr� M basis aft the ittttw M IMO t1/ AaWt ASTHMA CATARRH wlitx) 1 G COW*q munitatuis txbuouis sts ••-.0100...0 ,0,. *awls mak wet ..- gwta•at (1. dial tt••.it. reams .tine Ow *,. • n 4. �,,L INW ll••d lit th,aY e." wail wen, WO* steles,• 1. sue .. ..Wc... WNW.wwiips'iyY► daps riise �►•,. ,baa sad . se s a: i,.. z .� Dee �. Wed w �.anwat•. twaatl)t. ALL DStlOO.T<t ,.orTarry s Tables TawTa Ii'tstalae IMP11011111111511 1 ECZEMA 20 YEARS 4 Doctors Failed. MMorriscy's No. 4 Cared is 60 Days. Mr. A. J. Kieretead, Mexico, Maine. tells In a aeries of letters how he was relieved. "1 am terribly allotted with Eczema and can end no eure. I have been ad- vised to write yon. -becalm* Father Mor- rlaey's cures are known la all parte. If you can help me. for God' sake do Iwo. Please reply quiet" Second Idler: "Thanks for your quick reply. I have been troubled with Ersema for 20 years - It L on my face. neck, arms and bands, and right sow It Is one send sore. I can't seem to get any curs. - 30 days later: "As you requested me to let you know bow your salve worked. can say it did more good than the four doctors here who treated me. My face and neck -ala° my arms and hands are almost well -but I need another box of Salve." July 10th. 1911: "I am delighted to tell you that I am entirely cured of Lcxema. and am more than thankful for your Ointment. It did for me what 4 doctors hen could not do. and T can - Dot possibly and fitting words of prate* for my relief and cure. - A. J. Yierstead. The above prescription L not a "Cure - All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Morriscy prescribed It for 44 years. and It cured thousands after other doctors failed. Price, 50c. per box at your dealers. er Father Moertscy Medicine Co.. Limited, MoatreaL 501 Sold and guaranteed in Ooderich by F. J. Butland - WE PAY CASH FOR 1../81E0 CANAi3 a. flITEI Yllb SOWS WASPS WT. WV."' AS SW* AS 0100.00 tats Ifyou have tarne,.a.ic I-dstunpxto sell write for our i.Iu..e.i,ed catalogue quoting prices we Pav ;:.." each kind by mall toanyaddresr for f0cints(nottree). QUEBEC STAMP EXCHANGE cgfspl P.O. Box 179,•QUEBEC, Canada 1 CfIWAN sS PERFECTLT COCtA An Ominous Warning. A widower belonging to a country villave lately led to the alter a fourth bride. After the honeymoon the happy couple settled down io bis new house, and, eetbe satro.tnding country was sew to Lb. lady, she was 110zi0u11 to yiat all the places of interest in the locality. Among the spots visited was the village churchyard. and there the husband end wife pinged before a very elaborate tombstone, the prop- erty of the bridegroom. The bride, being a little short-sighted, caked him to read the inscription. In solemn tones be read --"Sacred to the memory of Sarah -, beloved wife of John also Jane -, beloved wife of John --; also Mari -- bel .red wife nt John --." 1Ie .topped ab- ruptly. "What are the words at tbe bottom?" innocretly asked the lady. and her horror can be imagined when be toad -"Be ye also ready." There's Nowt Like Leather. Little Henry Semuel was fat. chub_ by, and Innocent withal. lie sallied solemnly into Serape' Meal. Stores. and I.liog the eau upon a ennveelent t*opplan Yloek RsuuSd- ed two sesta' w of steak. Scraps wee pained. sickened. Hom- an-med. •Two vests' worth of steaky" he queried sadly. "Votive ve allude a mis- take. my lad. It'ai est'm act you “Don't keep a oat." ebifruuped the boy. "it's beefsteak I w.M.' Hut what's the re d two swot.' worth r again goalSsd he of thm knife 'ad met& "Well" saM Hatq'y flaiwieel. 'II you visa below, fetber's l , NNW pea and steak Poi , • Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is its; i Cocoa, pureCocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Doctors recommend its use in sickness or in health. 1;1 Do You � 1055 Cowan u Cocoa TtitoesDAY, JANNUAItY Z. Lill a D.HILLAR&SON sommegmommlisolli LAST WEEK OP OCR JANUARY SALE Still Greater Reductions for the Last Few Days Ladies' Coats Only a few ladies Coats lett to eill and these we are clearing out at exceedingly low prices. Now is your opportunity to secure a Dice new Coat - $3.50, $5.00, $6.50 to $10.00 Children's Coats Entire claw/ince of all children's Coats, every .Ins mint be sold, no rdserve. Ladies' Waists Two lots of ladies' Waists iOT NO. l.-Iadiei white Lawn Waists. long or short .leevea, regular =1.00 to $1.50. To clear at. each.......... LOT NO. Y. -Ladies colored Shirt Waists, tailoranade, newest styles, regular 75c 11.00 to $1.73 To clear, egcb... ..... Dr ess Goods Two lots of Drew Goods to Le clettred regard lew of colt. LOT NO. 1.-A variety of Tweeds and fancy Suiting., regular 50c nod 80e. To 230 clear, per yard LOT NO. 2.-A choice lot of Tweed Dress Goods, 54 inches wide, beautiful quality, regular $1.00 to 12.00. To clear at, C per yard �l Niagara Batting See our new Niagara Batting, one bat sufficient for a quilt, splendid quality, open' out. 8 feetby 7 fret, something new. �//��// F $1.0 1 acb.... s Bargains in every department 'Phone 36 Millar's Scotch Store Phone„ 56 widiayume Wsot:d Immediately Sunt. capable meld. On good 'salary or oommt....lon, to -ell our well-known speoial- tiss in fruit and ornamental tree. In your openly. We pay ac*r•ttng to ability, and desire the best man procu. able. 800 Acres of fruit trees from which to ell rust°mere' requirement.. Our salesmen are absolutely sure le supply retable. satisfactory stook. Estabfshed over »years. Write: Sales "tanager. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Ontario. N. B. -To customers ! If our represent* byes bare Ed called. write far catalogue and prices. LOXXMDONO C.A.IL G.. N. ri T. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJEfTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One bimdred and fifty London firms employ our trained help.College ut lieseien from AmpSept. 5 to Amp 30. Euter any time. Csi.lbgue Fres. Forest City iatt„ College J. W. Wr gva.T, XL J. W. W Queered AomentsietlslMsik Principal Wealth i. most envied but least en- joyed, bealth is frequently enjoyed by the least envied. yet the poorest man would not pert with bis health for money, hut the richest would gladly part with his money for health. SPOTTON Stands for all that is modern in Busineev Training A Chin of Seven tiolleges in lending towns and cities. Two Thousand stir - cleats in or College and Home Lot .t year. We train from ten to twenty students for every one trained by most school'.. There's a reason. It is freely admitted that our gradu- ate* get hest positions. and the demand for them is "seven" times the supply. Exclusive right for Ontario of the famous Bliss Book - keeping System. You 'may etude at home, or partly et borne end finish at the College. A Business Education pays a dividend every day of your life. WiNTER TERM FROM JAN. 2, 1912 Call or vitae for pro Oculars. Spotton Business College CLINTON, ONT. Miss B. F. Ward, Principal. A FULL STOCK MAKES THIS STORE ATTRACTIVE We have stocked our shelves with all good thirties oeceeaary to foot comfort. If it'e Felts you want we've got them. If it's Rubbers or Overshoes we've got them. 11 it's Rubber Boots we've got them. If it's Prospectors' Boots or Oil Tan Moccasins we've got them. You can't mention an article that goce to keep your feet wean and dry Nit We have ie if it's here it's worthy. if it's worthy its bare. Our prices are the lowest. Repairing Downing & MacVicar IT'S TIME T(1 RET TH.'.T NKty For The Nervous Woman, WINTER SUIT aid OVERCOAT and you'll make no mist oke when you le e your order with UGH DUNLOP West The Up -to date Tailor .ODERiOH The Leading funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day How Old Are You? Some people consider this an impertinent question and resent any such inquisitiveness. In such ruses, however, you can make a guess and feel certain that you are not far out in your conjecture. But that is not what we started to say. We want to tell you low you can Join the • Pioneer Club Or tie wsesa who szpesiswess hot lashes nothing is u good to soothe, quiet Dad salsa tie reeveM epebst es a pent glyeerio estreat of motive medical plants, sad made withers. titmice whisk has been void by dredgists for the put forty peas, end meet Iverubly dews M Dance Pieres's Reveries Prescription. In p�s�ssnggeerr veers male tresses seller Prem di:Meese. or fdwe d spells, hysteria, hwdsDhehawing dews iseaseda snd p pees. All times systems of irregularity. sad f wets dimeerbasue mrd 'rsYeved by the me of fait Iswous " Prescription 1 Dosser Pierce As • pewerha. isvidorstiag eerie " Favorite Prescription " imparts etrea.gth se re turihda west*, es.d is psrtieeler to the oedema distinctly lea sisise. Per over-werhee, "were • set,' ' nss-dews," dei eltetted washers, esiaimoee. eressweekon, ...esstrussss, " ehsp•�fiw," twmae - keepers, +weal! Schen. sad lashes woesss gsaSrs*v, it le es esssllsst spped5hg .cordial sod remtee5lttiStome..� as''allkiDew- tt f Idesssreen 1/. nr awes t. & T►.m t dal"Ify Amu ens ease veleseyrnea.- {'nda 's ibem +g• 1 ~i-malm 1.1111:1=11. - ewer t�wdswasred arena ►'Drsle= Oa, P=It Mew wenn disst new. tem: �'' h7e. r en..ur r nia� r m Owe granr fess d dine Wean*." Elsa Moness•t.. M Awehs stories maim Babb aatste s.11aaid tswd *.arse..+ IF YOU ARE OVER SIXTY Any man or woman whose age is over the threescore mark has the privilege of sitting for a portre't and each one will be presented with a CABINET-MIZED PHIYTOORAPII on one of the latest nictitate FREE 'OF CHARGE Cell at once and wanly in the day -and arrange for your sitting. life is very uncertain et any time. Mut the infirmities of old age may prevent you from enable' at a later date. Don't procrastinate. Mot give your boys and girls something by which to remember you. in the ,ebspe of a greet likeness of yourself. • R.R. SALLOWS PORTRAiT AND LAND.IOAPR PHOTOGRAPHER 1