HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 2• f Tikaisti*T. JA$UAKT 716, Inti PUBLISHED EVER s• THE +IU \1 A eieFsY � No. noon's Tera ef tp„hsrteuert : ✓ tes per "a•= to dvsass. sots. Ne : three meatks• lac. 7o United States wbeeriberse ILS • year .ertey to ads aucel. Subscribers wb tall se receive Tam arms At reguierly by omit will ceder • tavor by an coalmine as of the tact as se tarty a eats as n,algle. waais... slump of .der.n Is deslr+d. both ole tbe and new address ehwM be pima. AlveAries ease Leo st and other Medlar advertasemen4• Lao pat alae to arm Insertion cad b p.z Una fur each eabseiet.t imert/ee• llwasaby • 0000mell ewe. twelve line to as [robs B ushes soda at es are rod andee tl6 pe year. AdverUaeseetga�o�fa .Ltohoa.•auti. nolo or to Ren risme to n.L. 0.r is ere o to Rent. Wanted. &MOM tor H ettdea ear ane. ata oat 8i EW Hem 96. cad insertion .ill to cad wjognwrt mouth. larger oEadvtrtlw seeds in«� then � sleets per il.m Any spaniel natio& the object of whlob tr the vecu0.tdo {cry benefit al any tndivaal &sand. .,o be oomddarsd an advertisement and charmed a000rdlaats. Rates for display and o oottsct .dvtrt le lnetts will be gives on application. Address all emaasaiestscac f• Vitt 81ONAL PRMINU OO" Limited Ooderleb On. lomat %Ria THURSDAY UODEKI(:H. THUIE UAT. JAN. 96. 1913 T THE LANG TAX. "What valuta would a store 01 shop have .without a community''' Mr. Lockhart asks in his latest letter on the land tax question. This in reply to The Signal's statement that it is the community that gives value to the land. It surely should not be difficult to ser the difference:. The store or .hop le part of the rommunity : it comes with the community : it is one of the evidences of the business activity that gives value to land. On the utter hand. the land was there flow the be- ginning. and whether the community metes or net tee land remains. It is the man who builds the* store or shop who increases the value of the land. The man who happens to own the land does not give value to the store or shop: be may. indeed. be a non-resident and may never do a oent's worth of business with the storekeeper. If be had never lived the land would have been there just the same. Mr. Lockhart iiluetrates his view with a supposed care of two men who two adjoining lots, on one of which a rich man bunds a $19,1100 -house and 0o the other a poorer man erects a $1,000 house. Under the single tax they would be assessed equally. and Yr. Lockhart thinks this is an injus• tire to the man with [Mucase immodest residence. Mr. Loekhart's supposed case is a rather far-fet;hed one, as men do not build $19,000 houses on $1,000 lots: but it will do all right for an illustrtioo. Now. let us vary the situation slightly. Supposing Mr. Brown (Mr. Lockhart's poorer man) has his $1.000 lot and $1.000 bowie. Mr. Willison comes along and Silks of building • floe house on his hit adjoining, but finding that the old•fashioned assess- ment law is in force. and that he will be taxed heavily if he builds •a big bootie, be decides not to build there at all. but to put up his Douse and make his home in a community where the single tax prevail•. In this case what advantage doe. Mr. Brown get from the system of assessing lmprovements? His property being worth $$000, be would have to pay twice as much in taxes* 31r. Willison would pay on his vacant lot worth $1,000, whereas under the single tax system Mr. Brown would pay only the same as Mr. Willison. effect to Invalidrlts o qualify any touch marriage or any of the rights of the said persons or their children in any manner wkatsoever." Premier Borden in reply to Mr. Lancaster held that the Provincial Legislatures were supreme in the matter of legislation affection Ware rise, and tnat Mr. Lancaster's pro- posed till was not within the compet- ence of the Dominion Parliament. He promised to submit a case to the Supreme Court of Canada, whence it could be carried to 'he Privy Council, to determine the powers of Parlia- ment io the matter. This was not satisfactory to many of the Premier's followers. several of whom rose and stated their concur- rence in Mr. Lancaster's views and their intention to support his bill. Sir Wilfrid Laurier made an import- ant contribution to the debate. He said it wag not well for outsiders to intertere in family quarrels, and there- fore be bad hesitated to speak upon this question, over which so much dif- ferent* had arisen bet ween the Gov- ernment and its supporters. The question war not new. The ne semen decree was simply au extension of the tetnisti decree of the Council of Trent. made 9i0 years ago. The decisions of the Council of Trent had not been are plied by the church to France, but many cf them, including that relating to marriage. were introduced by the Kings of Franee into the laws of the Government of their American colon- ies. In thin way they came to the Province of Quebec, where they had been in force for 900 years. As he.. understood the ne temere decree. it provid d that to he valid the marriage must be celebrated by the parish priest of the parish. The purpose was to Prevent clandestine marriage,,, and he was sure that everyone. whether Pro- testant or Catholic, would agree that for mrl,y a long day. the prevention of clandestine marri- ages was wise. It. wood(' be well to free the discus- An arrangement wee made in South cion of this question from prejudice. Renfrew whereby Mr. McGarry (Con- servative) was to he returned by ac- clamation for the Provincial seat, in consideration of which Hon. Geo. P. Graham was to be elected by academe - tion to the Ottawa House, Mr. Low, the then sitting Liberrl member, hav- ing agreed to retire in favor of Mr. Graham. The Liberals have carried out tbeir part of the agreement in allowing Mr. McGarry to be elected to the Legislature without oppoeition, but a section of the Conservative party now refuse to allow Mr. Gra- ham to take the Ottawa seat without a consent, and a candidate has been selected to oppose him. This breach of faith, which baa tbe open endorse- ment of some of the Federal Ministers. has created a good deal of bitterness, and Mr. Graham ought to get a rous- ing majority if the people of South Renfrew have any desire for fair play. in the meantime the Government -earn to be afraid to set a date for the election. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO penditure of a mtlli� and a halt'dol- lars. The town is t take stook to the •mount of $60,000 and grant • bonus of $10,000 aonaally fo• twenty years. with •zemptbo from taxes other than scbool tatter. The Globe broadly hints that the •'merchants of Tory Toronto" may have sowetbiog to say io favor of the 000tinu,'noe of the "Flying Post" mail service. which carries the morning papers from Toronto. We cannot see why the people of all Canada should be taxed to give speedy circulation to the advertisements of Toronto toner chainte. Joseph Fels, the militant advocate of single tax, bad an interview the other day with Sir James Whitney, but he could make no impression on the Premier. Mir James told him that Isis single tax agitation and Henry George philosophy were ••fakes and fads." However. the movement for tax reform will prorated, in spite of the Premier's stubborn refusal to see the light. Mr. Winston Churchill. uoe of the most aggressive members of the British Cabinet. and John Redmond, leader of the Irish Nationalists, have arranged to address a tweeting in Belfast in advocacy of home rule, and the Ulster Unionist. are enraged at the announcement. They declare they will notperinit the meeting and will use fore if neceraary to prevent it. The hone -rulers are equally deter- mioed. and prospects are for one of the biggest shindies old Ireland has seen and simply look at it from the point of view of common Canadian citizenship. There was an immersion that the ne tentere decree was Intended t o override the authority of the Ring and Parlia- ment. As a Roman Catholic he pro- tected against linen interpretation. There was no .ii'h intent. and the ne temere decree did not go beyond set- ting down rules binding upon the con- science of Catholics. It was chosen to give civil effect to his provisions or otherwise. " But will the tight hon. gentleman say the decree does not effect the rights of parties in a mixed marri- age ? " asked Me M e clean. .. No " replied Mir Wilfrid. " If a Catholic in the Province of Ontario marries according to the prnvisiona of the civil law of the Province. even though it heenntrary to the ane temere' deevee, be is legally married and his children are legitimate, hut the Catholic who marries contrary to the previsions of the deme may he penal- ized by Woo church. But., as I ander stand it. it Atte. not go hevonei the conscience of Catholics. 11 hoe been nnderetond In the Prnvinre of Quebec: that the civil anthnritlee have given effect to t' e religions orvtinanw nn thi. subject. How far the civil laws of Qltehec affect the enhject is nnw In question before the snorts. I. ter my part,rannot.uppnrt the hill became its provisions seem to me to beahsoliitety ilingicsl " Rir Wilfrid said that a., marriate celebrated in a P•ovinre wee valid or not veli i, anrnedine to the law of that Prnvinee. 1f the aim were toamend the oonetltntion. that wee another marter, hutthat the law n1 the Prev- Inos•a ehonlli' be overridden by the law of the Federal Parliamentrotlld not he conducive to proper adminis- trat.ion. , if the Province is wrong." said Sir Wilfrid, " let us go 'o the Province and try to make it right." Rir Wilfrid said that the matter wee now helore the rnnrte of Quehee. and judgment world he delivered at nc AU. tentdate. It was prohahle that this definite rase would he referrp'i to all the i'ldirial trihnnels and a final en- thnritative derision meet:red upon Thin, in his opininn, wee a better way to handle the matter than to refer to years. The purpose was to prevent it in the confusing and merelyyears. ;mond ea, a worthy ppur- pose it must be admitted. Sir Wil- frid'e protest against misunderstand - log in the other Provinces 0.e to the in- tent and scope of the decree is worthy of attention. in this country, where we have a divieinn among the people , upon the question of religion. it i well that we do not allow prejudice t blur our judgment and understanding Nevertheless, there must he a clear recognition of the fact that the civil law prevails," Mr. Lockhart (cr ted be eerioue in thinking there is any parallel between the single tax system and the feudal *sateen. The present taxation law is a survival of the feudal system. The baron enjoyed life and lorded IL over the actual tillers of t he soil. Ro the present landholder enjaya life while his tenants do the wort end support him in idleness. The single tax 1e designed todo away with land'ordiem M discouraging the bolding by any man of land which he cannot nee. PARLIAMENT AND MARRIAGE. Now that their own party occupies the place of responsibility, Conserve, tive papers are working overtime in the effort to justify things for which a few months ago they were quite ready to find fault with the Laurier Government- Here is a' paragraph from The London Free Press in quite different tone from that paper's edi- torial articles prior to September 21 : "Sir Wilfrid Laurier contended that there was no ocrecion for Federal in- terference with the Provinces. The ne temere was misunderstood, he pro- tested. A wrnng misinterpretation war given to the decree. There was no intention of overriding the author ity of King and Parliament. The ne temere decree did not go beyond set- ting down rules binding upon the con- science of Catholics. The decree was simply an extension of the Tlernieti, • decree of the Council of Trent, which had been in force for three hundred A WOMAN'S WAY TO GET RELIEF TAKE GIN PILLS FOR LAME HACK. Tt; wsl1D*, P. O.. ONT. -•1 received your sample of Gig Pills and after using them, I felt so meth War that I got • box at m, druggist's stmd sew 1 am takingthe third box. The pais sordes my bacand kidneys has sheest entirely gore and I am better dem I have bass for years. 1 strongly dries all women who surfer from Pain Is laMAL ck and Weak Kidneys, try T. H LA. To WINNIPE AND VANCOUVER Deily Trsnspontioental Service via the All Canedlao Route. St edam and Tourist Sleepers. To CIIICAOQ Three trains dallyy excellent nervine, making oclam•etlona at Detroit for FLORIDA and at RNLIA� for AND PACIFIC WAIT POLNT3 For reeervafime ad informa- tion ay to JOB. KIDD. Agent, Gia Pills cootaim the well known me - diciest properties of Gig es well as other emmtive agents. --Oat do not contain shekel. Gin Pills are guaranteed by the 11aats��aasstt wholeaala drug house is the lriilab Empire 10 give complete satis- feetion or money refunded. son box, 6 fes $2.50—sample free if you write Natiosel Drug and Chemical Co. of Canrada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. If the bowels are constipated Wee Matleeal Icy Liver Pills, zee. box. 95 Change o f Business 1 have purchased the ;team laundry busi- ness on Hamilton Street run for rnaa years by Mr. D. H. Koss, and I am pre- pared to attend to all the wants of his cue- tcmere and many new ones. i solicit your patron- age. Satisfaction guano - teed. George Pong Successor to D. H. Ross, Steam Laundry Hamilton St. scaA.mic wavrnonnaed by the Premier. To dimple/. of the innraater hill simply by moving the adjnnrnment of the debate. as suggested by Mr. Botd.n, wee not at all the proper or creiit- ahle manner of dealing with such an important quest inn. While the debate was proceeding members of the Government and Government whim were pieatling strenuously with t h e Conservative members wbo bad threatened to holt, and the result was that a ntnwber of them withdrew their opposition to tbe Government's proposal and voted to shelve the matter by a reference to the Privy Council. Mr. Lancaster. however, was still eupoorted by The ikowininn Parliament on Mon- day dierusaed the marriage question and the -toe tamers" decree. Mr. L►n:aster, the member for Lincoln, introduced • hill which provided that •'every ceremony or toren ot mar- riage heretofore or hereafter perform- ed by any parson authorised t.c per- form any ceremony of marriage by the laws of the place where it is per formed, and duly performed according to web law a. @ball everywhere within *made he deemed to he a valid mar rive, tens witbstand inn any differences 10 t religiose faith of the person so maenad and 'Athena regard to the re- lishes of the pars* performing the a}hg and duties as married poMelthe respective vert per. near - PO es aforesaid, sod of the children Air wash emu Mese. .ball be absolute •ts.d emopbre4 sod les law tie e•monlcat Arises es slMne •f or it any Famine* kg [[reds NMI have any fore or Sir Wilfrid Laurier s attempts to maintain goodwill and harmony in all the Provinces have been of ineetim. able value In bending rap • united Canada, hitt they ave received scant and tardy acknowledgment from his Several Conservatives. including W. political opponents. F. Maclean. Richatd Blain. Edward Kidd and Dr. Edwards, who voted with the Liberals against the Govern- ment. The Liberal vote went solidly against the Government's proposal. When the House divided tbe Govern- ment had a majority of 25. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Ontario Legislature is to Meet on February 7. By the way. where are Dr. Me chant and that report on bilingual "drools/ Lost in the snowdrifts 1' The Minister of Justine io the Hor- des °overtones& takes the some view 01 the "ne bemire" question. so far as the Cowen• nI the Ottawa Parliament are r.rocerroesl, 0.e did the Minister of Justice in the Laurier Government. it is joist ne.ihle they know mor• afoot 11 than .nuns other people. At the Birthplace of Burns. ey Robert Ingersoll. Ttsoogh Snoth ad boast a tbearnd tlwrller of patriot., king and peer. The noblest, graadaet el tars all Wee lo.ed Red eredled hers. Here lived the feet!o pesesst prints. The levier natter Mag. ('ompared with wham the grimiest lord I. bet • titled tidal. Tts teat • not roofed in with straw. A hovel nada of .•I•y . One dor Mote eat the wird sad etre*. Oce window Greets the day - And yet i .toad walla this roes. tad held eN themes d. ream, Fee hers Imeeeth this lowly thatch Leri a eweasst bard was Nm melds tate beDiesell hat 1 fed Lits stn who elates a thine, vrbee the toed MM at Irl have tsathsd The eearathisid breed Melte : had Were the weld threw% ell the year. - As Meg r day rearm - The t,teete et It. leve and teen 111111 pay be Robert Rama -- !Wharf. IaasndL Owen Round baa • Mg drydork pro$- • Rome bachelor set oa band Involving • proposed et like 93 tomtit A New Year's Resolution which might be a wise one for you to make is to purchase one of our Empire or eooa Cheer Ranges. Inspection Invited. W. R. PINDER Plumbing. (testing. Electric. Fixtures and Metal Work Hamilton Street Goderich $TRATFORr` ONT. our chimes are now lamer tae ever be him [rat we have ealateed ser miler epil here mem r few we% lelaR Ws rr�spts��s rsaseeiliguieste aLweak three noseend s es Mattes: esi law Ws • at p- mseeemial. 19hert Write far ear tree catalogue now '�LeRraPb7- 11. A. McLAI'RI.AN, Principal. Beginning of the Romance. "Was your first meeting with your wife romantic?" "Extremely so. it occurred at a picnic. I wee eating a very ripe to- mato and some of it squirted into her eye." . e quartera really look Prepare for Sleighing Retort purchasing for the coming win- ter, call and inspect the carload of Port- land and Piano Box Cutters which havp just ar- rived slid are now on view in my show- rooms. For Strength, Elegance and Comfort t.be cutters manu- factured by Messrs. Wm. Gray, Soo, Campbell. Ltd.. of Chatham, o snnot be seirp seed. 111014 iN (,LALITY LOW iN PRICE lionise arra .elect hones while you have the full range to oho ise from. Robert Wilson Hamilton Street Winter Resorts Round trip tourist tickets njw on sale to all principal Winter Resorts, including California, rlexico Florida, etc. The 5ttictive route to West- ern Canada i via Chicago. Steamship ticket. on sale by all lines. Full particulars and tickets tram F. F Lawrence, Town Agent, or address A. L Dui D. P A.. Toronto. LOGS WANTED The Undersigned will pay the highest cash prices for ail kinds of good logs, de- livered at our mill, north of MscEtvan's Coal Yard. CUSTOM SAWING and general twill work done promptly and st reasonable rates. For priors and particulars inquire at office. Goderich Limber & Milling Co. W. AOML$N & NON S-fOCKTAKIIVQi SALE Portieres tad Drapsrisa Don't miss easing this oollectioo felt Jaosary 1►tW11N. PatliMMs. yards long 50 Inchon wide, beavJ] In erittMuoat and browns, heavily tringed, t'egtttar pee pair fix...... 8 Lace Crrtlisls Forty pairs. fell 31 yards long, Taebood edges, and good width. regular 5Uc, for pee pab Twenty -eve peke while Lees Curtains, in lair pattern', fun width and [Claud net. regulke 90e. for TM Thirty pairs new Lace Curtain. full length and in new met patterte, regular $1.25. For Jammer only thio oor Tapestry Brussel* R �1perf �.sazuless, io rzt•a bossy pile and patterns selected. upiu-date , for dining -rooms, living -room or parlor. Slava z $ yards, regular 510.00, for $$.50 3 x 4 yards, regular 510.50. for $4.75 34 it 4 yards, $17.00. for $18.30 34 x 14 yards a MD. for 515.00 Axminster and Velvet tots In every size made' on sale et BI per tent under value. Ladies' Fur Coats Astrachan Lamb Cleats, 14 to V laches long, solsodh4ly made and lined with beet sada or 6emers' satin. very stylish, skins well matched, glossy and bea.tiKul curl, lase 35 to 44. lteguLtr 535 Omits forges Reg113t) Coats for 1111S " Regular PAS Costa for 114 Cloth Coats, Fur -Geed Coats, River Mink Coates Muskrat Coats %%slues are cut to about half and choice Is very large. Betterkk patterer for this tnrwth all M stock. `Delineator on sole And subscrgtfons taken at $1.50 per swum W. AOHESON . SON DON'T HANG OTO THAT COLD ANY LONGER' WWEN YOU KNOW THAT Naedrueco Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL IRRITATION F. J. BUTLAND "Tbe Stare That Plesgss" Glided , Ooltido eisemeeediseareeseeetelereeestasieleteaftelesilewallsettetteeifteettetetereilvisteeseeseltelteedWo Painting Carriages I do all lines of Fine Carriage Piloting and Select and Antique Furniture Finishing. Bring your Carriages. Autos, Piano. and Furniture of every description. Fifteen years' experience io the best Plano sod Org a Factories in Toronto, Hamilton and Wot,istock. Satisfaction guaranteed to no charge. JOHN A. KNOX Do.i�ioa Carriage Works, Oodssieh. .rwstisettA/eWw/lleWeWr The Place to buy your Groceries is where you will be sure to get the pur- est and freshest of goods. You will be sure of obtaining supplies of the very best quality if you buy your groceries from t b1 r Brst GOOD snor eseseelesietiMeeseieteessoiseseieWeroMeesta The Name on The Sole The "INVICTUS" name and trade- mark on the sole means a great deal to any shoe-buver. it means footwear that will stand up under every test for fit, style and wear. It therefore means more for your money, as well as for your feet and for your sense of pride as to appearance. Behind that trade -mark is the assur- ance of an honest -made shoe --the shoe you should always buy THE BEST GOOD SHOE "INVICTUS" W The Square Sharma n Godaeidi