HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-25, Page 1Clubbing
Resd the Signal a club
Mug """ Jlist ea o
pain 11 sd
.elrgt you( r• a d i a g
Metier for IM yase. All
the Wading ;Lk -silos'.
At reduced 1 .
fY i'Ol'ST7i Then -No, art
e S reeuxcBh
Many • Mao w ay on a fair we) to preapsrits todherein*. of
be was enabled to take advantage' of throughei
tteeeereet One Direr gals an account. Courteous
ad t service.
Goderich Branch ---Andrew Porter, Manage
INSU$AN ('h: A N I) REAL ET: 'I' F.
Agent of the Mutual Life Aseuraece Co. of Canada.
Also lire. Plate Glass, Personal Accident and Sickness mese
Employer.' Liability. Fidelity and Guarantee Brnids.
Kase, to loan on town or fan m property.
Ones nest to t'sttadiau Bank of Comwerce, (.odericb, Ontario.
Tavaaoar, Jas. mak. , t1AP1$B"IAJ(GiNG. P A I N T I N ti
r all wsss*. 0 M r toe o la r and kalireedelns, et,. Irtrst-elaw work.
', rl•a w pr Met... 0 IM to W Prion HMO. Have our work done beton the
` j ; to 1410 -rash. A.ILYALFL,• tetcart,Godes rch.tril
4' t1111to dl
e Y to 1 06
•sew ii se
,'' >e a t. or Iib
Hoar. ma 95 00 w tiN LOB'!'. -A PAIR OF GENTS' PER -
Mt NIAN lamb aaunu«te. "leder will be
casein, ace's..... ..... T. M toMae ese em 33 ,rashes h sea bat Mev t.a thew'., the C. P.
Ray. per esa, new. •.. •• is le w is a K. 't'tCFI F.'1' Oi"ICE
w •Olga k 0 -4-
rt...., tla • 10 to 519
eleu es AMON
II 10 to • 19 w
tar des •saw 911
tat to see
ee \Cohost .. n e6 w 0 M
e 4s S T6
writtir to
set-ee a`nt M • l ewe, i ~6 w
Mgt •
le to 1M
Pall: 6 ss to ( •r
lir cwt : m to 7 r
TS. tO 1n
I RIGHT Memo. Apy q (MAR. C. Lave
/ppr .caste bask. at head tram Ter -
net. wall Paps''•-. Sole•et and Mee
.ark dans ta. rush. Prism r1At.
F stress,art w„ RrwZSi.Barsat
1II/Li Darter tee pearls new. AmiMTY=
'o De Io labs a
HE: If
Open day and nigbt.
Luses meet ail train,. Paitieular
tention given to calls from
rrivate ree(denees. Telephone
o. fill.THE RED BARN
ooth Street Goderich. Ont.
wrist man LiGHT (nrutllMIIM
011. THURSDAY. JANUARY 2.►, I'12.
Renew Your
to Tug tti(+Nal. and
get uo0 of the pretty
1912 ClalendsIs.
Do /t Now
nix SIONAL PPM 'i •VO CO.. Ltd.. Pvsammiis
THE TOWN COUNCIL. I As instrested I on elatu*d Iasi « nneetion with t Proposal to 11"1 WARDEN STOTHFRS.
wrote te the secretary of the Ontario lie an extension of hydro-eleclaie
R• Hatay and Muoloipal Board enquir- I power to Goderich.
i whether under t;e ciream"t+oe•r. N. C. Cameron rd
the can-
tcs.ed u.t levied
DEPUTATION A*KS FOR REDUC- the Board would twee the power to him for h."o.eaa lig
TION OF LICENS1G 70 FOUR. hold au inveatiiatioa es to the details
Iof the centnct between the Ctsosttrse-
-- - ' lion Company mod the Railway Coi.-
Medical Health 6liseess Report -Town I Deny a*sd as cn the method by which
for engem ere certiflt:etes were issued,
Water Is Now Perfectly , Pure- -W. 'and petu'relly euverisg the whole
E. Kelly's Resignation Accepted- i ground. 1 no today in receipt ot a
1,w this 1 set out in caueldiesble detail. , oil in reference to. he ani0 REEVE OF ASHFIELO PRESIDES
uponnn• ui 1►rg AT COUNTY COUNCIL FOR 1912
occupied the flovrrrign Bank bd w*i
for only a few month. and war
charged Imeinees tet[ for the whole
year. Tb. Mayer pointed cut Obit
Mr. Cameron's appeal should have
been to the court of revision. to which
Mr. (:.*Heron replied that he did not
receive his t s z not ice uCnmthe
hel2l th of
a id
December. Aries► 1t
Reply from the Ontario Railway ' et.ter from the steeretary of tbe Board.
Borrel. •I wbo says that. he ha+ submit; ed wy
A formidable deputation represent-
ing the Local Option L -r sue was on
band at the town council meeting on
'Pride.): evening and with other ciri-
eMis present the oouncil room was
filled. with & large number standing.
Mayor geld wee in the chair end
Reeve Running.• Councillor. I.sith-
wait.e. Huebert V&natter. fellow and
Graham were in their places. Deputy
Reeve Clark carne in later.
His Worship gave the meutbera of
the deputation a cordial welcome and
expressed the hope that it would not
hi the last time 1 he council mould see
them prevent. It would help the
council in its work throughout the
year if citizens would attend the meet-
i)r. Emmet -sun read the following
petition : s
Gentlemen, -in view of the tact.
11 That witbin the last few years
the electors of the town of Goderich
have by s large majority twice signi-
fied their desire that the retail sale of
intoxicating liquors in the town
should be prohibited, and
I'll Tbat.ectioh 2), subsection (1), of
the Liquor License Act of Ontario
autborizes any town council to limit
by bylaw the number of tavern
licenses to be issued therein for the
ensuing year. or wean ;
We, as a body representing the
members of the Oodetich Local Op-
tion League and other citizens of the
town of (1 odericb, hereby reepecttully
request your honorable body w peas a
bylaw limiting the number of tavern
licensee te be issued in Goderich for
the next license year and for future
license years to four.
Signed on behaif of the petitioners.
It. J. hi ROAN'.
Lamm AND O[NTl1.ICN.-Allow see too
thank yoa for the vote which you gat c me oe
New ).sri 1*}. P(^•(•[ me In the towinhlpD
w awa k tea .rasa[ ear. 1 win try w MI
tar pitrtaas elf♦) benefit to the ikwnshlp, and
will be *tad w have your opinlooe co mosses.
t bar mote before tie amoral.
far 1r KInaals Agcy t• MRS.
C. !< BALK SI •
'lun,nw Advertising Agency. Good
gseioq tura hay oo a .men paper who dreires
Sgood opedue In the div. Apply by letter. J.
. Ulf3buN`! 1,1a11TF.). 11* N'e"t Wellington
ousel. Tercets. it
wrveat. Apply to MRS. W. L. Hole
L"AR11•FOR SALE. -ONE Hti\n-
l1 Rite acre. being seat halt of lot No. 6 on
the lith concession of the elegem dl v hoof. of
the towu.t.ip of A.hfleld. la rhe .aunty or
Huron. Lorre ueie&i.d-& bolt story brick
Outlive with ,ro11sr : tern. 111nt1'J. with . oetoe.t
basement rod g„ud .tabuttg: drt%e-bou.e.
2411. Never 1..111,04 -liver creek running
...rough rare, el..0 good wed at aoor.
Perm has been under gram for eft years.
rr 111 be mid on ea-' tetn. . For further pertb
ulare applyto
saes Peet slime P. 4.. oo tarto
T UKICDesgsINht acres• Part lot N, 000-
u.a.iuu H. buhrtt..a.wmine the iglu." d
Anben., where Hero ie five churches. mn-
ventent to oohed. The C. P. 1L slatluo u oe
the lot. A arse fila.. herw..wry.ado-h.lf :
pigpgood .. *Huta. beers. awe _east born with
*ming ;116•61•• well
gats t well
with windmill at the bees. •never henna
spring u h+ re. et. or teause fns
I _
All water ge s sot already meld
g•a art Mete lo a Mw dammet agd
ek ss iir , ass fa Me preores ser
jj A.tl' tToll. OMI.e- aM Tree..
Weser and t.illtl csuitsrbetoa.
S( W. T. XUR.II IT. (10a(reas l(7
Weep taw/ Lyh heath
d r *itSao yi'
i ▪ l▪ l ea o.
Imps/11 wwk out gout
'rase tans re oueope rent
sosll •
w. alLt,
laeor ease & Mule Broker.
Dr. Emmet son pointed out that the
two men whose names were signed w
the petition were the two largest em-
pteyttw otfaf•x in the town, lint they
}tad both been called away from town
on business and were consequently
not present. The speaker emphasized
the fact of the large vote cast on two
occasions for the local option bylaw,
which could rightly be taken as a
strong endorsat,on of the principles
for wbich the deputation stood.
Dr. Stang also addressed the
council, and cbaracter•ized the licensed
bar as the breeder of waste. idleness,
poverty. disorder and crime, even of
death, and he believed the lessening
of the number of ban would lessen
the evils that flow from the bars.
Without any discussion tbe council
sent the petition to the special com-
The council then went on with the
regular order of business and disposed
of a large number of communications.
A re.olutioo from tete council of the
toira of Chesley, asking the Post -
office Department to continue tbe
" Flying Peet " mail service. was
letter ie the chairman, aeu that the that Mr.
chairman bas .iprMrd bis opinion rebate for six months and the natter
that the Board ha+ not the power to wee referred to the finance committee.
conduct such an investigation. Any A hy+Iaw euthoriung .h. borrowing
relief, therefore, that could be Rot of l,4)1) for current expenditures
is ono the Boned would have to he got was read three tines and passed.
throughen amendment w i heir i tlouncillur+ Venatter and Humber.
powets at p ovided for by tb..tatute. moved to refer the matter of the des -
That. hoe ever. might take some position of the rummer hotel te the
time. There to be nothing in
the meantime t await tine outcome
of the promisee made by Mr. Moyes.
Yours truly,
Oiu.xLne GAxxow.
1.....rnu was enti'led to a
Dr. Hunter. medical bealtb officer.
submitted his report for tbe year 1911.
Scarlet fever and diphtheria were ear
Lireiy .besot from the town during
the y ear. Ten cases of typhoid were
reported during the year, at least
three of which were undoubtedly con-
tracted in other plaeee. Needy *11 of
these occurred in the fall mosths, and
there might be a 000neetion with the
contamination of the water supply by
river water owieg to Increased cur-
rents at that time. At the present
time the water is pedectiy pure.
Atttntion was called to the urgent
advisability of vaccination, as in an
unvaccinated community there with
always t.be,denger of an nutbreak of
smallpox. "Parente should see that
tbeir cbildren are vaccinated, and em-
ployers of labor ateeld insist on the
protection by vaccination of their em-
The outbreak of rabies was men-
tioned, but the face• stated that no
i11 results were expected to follow.
During the year there were mixty-
three deaths in the municipality, at an
average age of 58.5 these ten
were due to tuberculosis at sin average
age of :45.5. Thus practically sixteen
per cent. of all deaths occurred from
this dread disease.
The usual number of complaints
'bout unsanitary premises were re-
ported and investigated during the
year. The officer bore testimony to
the efeci of the town's sanitary
,eepeetor b . Highed • -?here .tire
some complaints of siatwghterhousea
and a betterment of conditions was
expected for the coming year.
A letter from the Hotel -k rs'
Protective Association, signed by Fred
Davis as secretary, requested that the
council "insist on the policeman and
night-watchman doing their duty
seeing that the Liquor License Act bis
The Mayor remarked, "Special com-
mitter." Councillor Humber sug-
gested that the communication 1,e
tiled, end the Reeve thought the re-
quest •hou!d be granted. Tbe Mayor,
however, bad bis way and the letter
was sent to special committee.
A letter from L . E. Dancey called
the attention of the council to an ac-
cident met with by Willisgi Randall
on the crossing at East street and
Comte iaroad. Mr. Randall sustained
a severe injury by slipping on the icy
•idewslk and looks to the corporation
tor compensation. Referred to special
sent to the special committee. committee.
A circular letter from the Canadian Wm. Holland in a letter called at -
Fire Underwriters' Association. call- tention to a matter which was before
ing attentinn to the meee.stty of the council previously. namely, him
paying special :attention at this season claim fors refund of a sum of money
of the year to the fire -fighting appare- which he paid for w sewer extension
h was Mood. on Trafalgar street. H. is now aa-
Tbe Mayor gave an oral report of sexed for sower connection under the
the meeting held on the 12th inst. in Intal improvement plan. Referred to
connection with the Ontario West public works committee.
Shore Railway Needs. The municipal- A letter from the C. P. R. agent. en-
itiw had agreed to stand together in closing a draft remitet w in reference
the matter. none paying the inLer•eet
before notifying the others. The
following letter in tbis connection
was received from the town solicitor :
10 4.. t teat AMISS SAL e.
w 1, a Y eN)AA Camera . Q
DomSALi.. - :PHS BIRCH 00
CVi P16'f) by lees crib, M- O
hep • . ed L. ` }dress and
jet• Si ads towo.rsFe.p44 'rM Dela kaA
wiser Irt wart rtir Bard Itrnb*k'n
MRN. 1. B. rt'aLL 1M. 1111 01,11110
•l ornate. 6'44
ever the Mediae tusk • a dt ate for law
de.t.1 redset
act or dronreg room.
J..TtA LAI. Aaat tee mem Wet
R-,-OUIIIL 4 \siTOnk dRENT. -THE TWo-
sarse. east ells riwitied sra•s6.
Beres of land. part nt sot No. I. eraea.,trs
4 corm s. mil waded down. Mesa. dreamed.
saw} ernelas• mete of minimalist Melt
rrY .wast rotlMhg frim r et*v. acct
el"1 TION T ALL 1) s4.
DAM so 1 Zire'.sLsZwle,wat
MCLAtollirtr-•Bn1cE MOTOR pia
I un mMeCotsd by Me J.R. Hswkies, who 1.
nava; _IOl sawteprei wall rCbtls anet ss .t
M411DAT. F1f>inUAIIT ere. Mk
esninisseele at 4 s'dsak assn
Amami No. 1. -Put 61et
tet wo
the ws * Pietet.
la▪ tellekster
wS▪ warm abase le an Jew 1M
.ass wfil aseme Imo at
Ue t e t'.rt of MW . sWest guest. on
LM,e L Lr.s ha.... R.eh
Immo •ret•i1'e4Tfs
ts4 s•casre.jLmw51 ii04teTemn,..n-
v.•6g••a .Weta~w/g•1SI.4•w ec 101 *1. \rye
It tae • sCsMr s( gr• belt
ilea te M . ata
A vasant ref.
Meal lir. tIr.r tHeath1rt.'
eater 01•ereet
r RrMlwgpb .a 's.1
eve apes '}fg w•r s4M taeee
tr,,,...,4111.1008:1=Iris srs•d la !' M
wades whole et. p, et.. wG
WereaaM rr sr*0. zglergeiegeer
1M dsys. "whirs bet seg
per ,sir lines Oar
to the connection of the C. P. R.
tracks with the tracks at the harbor
owned.hv the town, was sent to the
joint harbor and public wfirks com-
mittee. The C. P. R. asks the town
for a deed of the lands which may be
required for the purpose of construct-
ing the proposed connecting line.
An application from L. L. Knox.
town clerk. for an increase of $200
in salary was referred to a he finance
W. R. Robertoon, who was ap-
pointed by the council of 1911 as audi-
tor for the present year. resigned the
appointment. after teeny years' ser-
vice in this rapacity.
it was decided to anbseribe for tee
usual mintier of copies to The Muni-
cipal World.
A letter from Town Solicitor Gar -
mw. in refeeesce to the propi•sed In-
terebenge track conneeNbg the 0. P.
R. and the G. T. R., ass sent to the
joint harbor and public works commit-
tpr. Reelosed was a oopy of the order
of the Railway Commission for inter
switthim at Goderich harbor.
A SSineinseisation from W. E.
1011.1111111 ale seat at *be ooun-
c11 tsoard, was read. CoueeiIlor
Lsitkwalke impinged his regret that
Mr. Kelly bed taken this step. and
attar a few noire remarks bad been
tiossneiller Humber moved
tbe ,-'1-'4n be ase pled.
...colic Graham s simian the me -
thin Wilielk was tionied. the Reeve
venial NM
epedgl committee. Coursed. den's chair during 1912 !twee moved
Tbe Mayor referred to the town's h Reeve Cwninlon, of tweeClinton,m ed
in rnance sncet to the Dot? ttee as in- conded h Reeve Winter, of Howick,
struetrd to look after the itown's inter- that 1 boa. St.•Item Reeve of Ashfield,
est in the matter. • be Wilode I for the ensuing year. A
The council then adjourned, balf-henr war .Dewed as according
County Fanners Meet in Goderich This
Week to Commence Their Year's
Work -The New Warden Has for
Many Years Been Prominent in
Municip.l Affairs of Ashfield.
The J.1 teary session of Huron
county council opened in Goderech on
Tie. -day afternoon of this week. All
the members , were In attebdauce.
The first matter which the new coun-
cil had todee! 'blth was the selection
of one of their nuttiest to NII the War -
Be sure w read the opening chapters
of The Signal's new serial story which
commences in this issue -page 6.
Important to Ladies.
Prof. 1)oreowence of Turooto, begs
to announce that he will be at t1.
Hotel Bedford on Wednesday, Febru-
ary 7th, with a complete displayof
the newest London, Paris and ou
York creations in hear goods..
are invited w alt end inspect his
The bait Y j.a tight for tli. a
ries. arta Filaria'. W1.ruee lm the beet.
and .r. hint at rias .boat sal Mut roe Deed.
Hertel* sat Ilmeisiaw material ma workmsm
ship, kite%WOW
Fancywork taaterial In a greet varlets et
Bunt'. enemas. •e.' suety- Aol Lay who
w t.lu,e to meets ib any tine of tams wort
abesld oaltoaf neeire valuable t t0r
Herdgearten ter pica
sea Picture-
Tbaw out atter the rink by getting
a cup of hot chocolate or Oxo at
BIackatone's. Oysters served m any
The public is advised to keep its
eyes open. and 1 edneenay. Febauary
14th. open. Something t. going w
happen at the Baptist cuurch.
A vestibule is bang built over either
entrance a: tete poss.-Ake this woos -
Thee abould add wuch w the warmth
of tate interior and the contort of the
The ice harvest ham commenced,
suave ice being secured from the Meier
land River. A number of the dealers
are waiting fur a better quality to
foam on the lake.
Jas. Connolly is bud up with a boor this morning, Capt. James W.
broken leg. He slipped ou the side- Green passing away at his home, 511
walk near the hospital 1 nut edgy, Fort street, at the age of seventy yearn.
Capt. Green bad led a retired life for
several years, oocavionally piloting a
bosh around in local waters. He was
born in Goderich, Ont.. and started
bailing on the great lakes when only
fourteen years old. For nearly idly
February 1st, at 3 u clock. A good at- years Capt. Green served fie master
tendance is chaired. on several of the large steamers plying
on the great !tykes and he had many
At the sale of the estate of the late friends .moil the marine men. For
W. S. Clark !rat ttatulu.Y. • A one act. particularly, can Capt. Green
Chisholm purchased two in the lot*
be remembered during his marine
fot $218. The huuee and the lot on
which it stands were put. *old. as the
reserved bed was nut reacbea.
A meeting of the o,.tierich Lox:al
Option League will he helu next Mou
any evening en Temperance Hall at IS
o'clock. The principal uuetueb$ wile
be the electron ot a delegate to the still in the possession of his family.
Alliance convention in Toronto. Capt. Green was w Mason ;for many
J. T. Goldthorpe is arranging tar a years, he baying belonged to the A.
numuer of skating coutest..o be given F. fit A. M. lodge at Goderich, Can.
01 Weet-.t. risk next Monday evening, Left to mourn his death are m tyidow-
There will tie races for both young and seven children. They ore Mrs. H.
and old and a new feature well be a Combo. Mrs. It I,angel!, Mrs. 'Wel-
iboziug contest in barrels -open to all- abet. and Miss Jean Green. all of this
comers. All contest/tote in each event city ; Mrs. A. Hart, of Vernon• Mich.,
must lie in (ioderlch. Watcb for the Alex. Green, of this city, and Loren
poster. for further particulars. Green, of Green.
Mteb. The tun-
Tbe first Leap Year dance of the ersi will be heli Sunday afternoon.
season woo held in Oddfellowa Hall under the auspices of the Masons of
last Mondsy evening 'under , the this city. Burial will take place in
auspices of the Nisyhi flub. There Lakeside cemetery."
were about tarty couples present and Andrew Green. of Ltyal, who is a
a very enjoyable evenwg was
spent. brother of deceased. attended the
The Hlackstoneorchestra iuppheu the funeral at Port Huron. Two other
music and ere the aarembly dispersed brotbers are David. of South Dakota.
at tnidn.g ht. light refreshments were 71^d Henry, of Winnipeg.
The tire engine wag out oo Tuesday At the patriarchial age of ninety -
morning. to test 8101.1 feet of new bose Own years. Henry I)uncuff 'Thomas, s
which was pircbesed come time ago resident of Goderich for fifty-six
from a Toruoto firm. it was gttarau- Tears, prised to his long home on
teed to stand 5110 pounds pressure and Thursday of Isct week. after a brief
the test given was quite satisfactory. illness. Mr. Thomas wee a native of
When the large bone en the engine Gnlvile parish. Cornwall, England,
burst there war quite a scattering of and was s son of ('apt. John D.
the spectator's, and 'several or arena Thomas. in tbe )ear 1844) he was
received ab ubexpected 'shower batt. united in marriage to B1isabeth Fall
Thomas in the R,tsbllshed church in
CHURCH NOTES. delete, parish. Five years later they
caro 4, Oaoada and lived at Montreal
Owing to the psatnr being not o1 for a time. In ltt6fs Mr. Thomas casae
town the pulpit of the Baptist church to Goderich and from
here ►e toot
will he occupied next Ruodar try G. tae boat 'ilea Plowboy' fes Owen
Gardens, Looden. Euglwsd ; Wm.. oI
Australis, and Joshua, of New Zea-
land. Another brother. Richard. de-
ceased, was at one time mayor of Pen-
:mace,s En sttd. A sister, Mrs
Welsh, of r. Ontario, died very
recently. An incident worthy of note
tit the life of the Otte Mr. Tboman is
that ail Vlore ago by sat for his pho-
tograph as one of a gr:,up ot five gen-
erations. The funeral took place on
Sunday afternoon to Maitland cemt-
iery Rev. J. B. Fotheringbaw con-
ducted the services and tbe paNbear-
ere were John Aitken. Chas. Wells.
John MacDonald, Willis Bell. T'houuts
Hall and R. H. Cunt.
Lest Monday morning the final call
came to Mrs Daniel Gordon, at the
hover of her son-in-law, Chas. G. New-
ton. North street. Mrs. Gordon bad
lseeu .errou+ly ill for several weeks.
Before this dines. she was always •
remarkably active lady, and old age
was very kind to bar. .• she was able
4o he about every day and to take s
part in the activities of life. Her
beauty sod etre. th of cba.racter won
for her a host of friends and she sea•
to statute. for the receiving of bur- greatly beloved by all who knew her.
Ober nowdoationa end when that time Tho deem sed was born iu Armagh.
had els a County Clerk Lane de !rebind. eighty-six years ago. In ber
Glared lir. Stothers elected, theft.
being no other nominations.
early womanhood she caws to Canada
and at Goderich *lie was united in
arden bathers was then eon- mer. iage to ber late husband. Daniel Gordon
ducted to his seat by the retiring Gordon. They continued to lore here.
Warden, Oweu Geiger, who wartnly ro that Mtg. Gordon could be numbered
congratulated bim on bis election to among the oldest reridrnt iof the town•
that position. The new Warden then
Tbrtr union war blurxd with a family
took the declaratiop of office before of four sons sou ttree daughters.
Judge Holt and His Honor also coo- Those living are William J. Gordon.
granulated bim on being chosen w till of Iowa; Marshall P. Gordon, of Vic
the highest politico in the gift of the aorta; J. Lynn &sedou, of Kamloops.
county. B. C. ; Mrs. (Rev.) G. F. tattoo of
Warden Stotbers thanked the noun- Mco.ejaw : sod Mrs. McLachlan, of
cil for the honor conferred upon him Toronto. AootI1t eon, James, D„
and attar he had expeewed a word of V away. .boot .iz weeks ago, et
we►toree to all present the Huron Victoria, B.Mn. Newton, the
county council of 1912 settled down to. dau
ghter watt whom rhe Ord made
busioees.berbbooma is Late years, died suddenly
Mr. Stotbers is a native of Asbfeld on December 17th hat. The funeral
township.He is fifty -flee years of age, took place on Wednesda afternoon
baying been born on February 100 to Maitland cemetery. Hey. Alfred
Dee. Practically all his life hat been Brown, pastor of Nortb street Metho-
spent io his native towosbip, where he dist clturch, of which Obs deeeased
basso won the confidence and esteem of was a lifelong member. conducted the
the people that for six consecutive funeral services. The pallbearers
years I has been elected by acclama- were (ieo.Thooison, W. R- Robertson,
tion to the position of Reeve of the H. E. Hodgen, J. H. Colborne. E.
township. Ara mentor of the muni- Downing and Edward Achesoo.
cipal couoeil in some respect or other McLean.
ht. has 'mead his jRwg.hip for stir- On Monday morning of tbis week
teen )ars. , the call Come sip bigher " summoned
TUARY. Rev. Archibald McLean. D.D., to the
eternal home. The announcement of
Gnu. the reverend gentleman's dent n at his
• home on Bence street some as a gr eat
The following' in reference to the surpnee to the community. Hi+ M-
iner ('apt. James Green, whose death nem dated only from the Friday
was recorded in there columna last pievious to his demise, the immediate
week, is from The Port Huron Timer- cauee of death being so ulcerated
Herald of January 18: tbroat. Tbe deoeaaed had been a
'• Sickness toupled with old age caused resident of Goderich .roes November.
the death of one of the erect lakes' 1906. When be had made the retnark-
best-known marine men at an early able record of serving as pastor of a
congregation for forty year's he moved
to Goderich w spend the remainder of
his days in retirement. Mr. McLean
with born in Argyleshire, Scotland,
seventy-eight years ago, being one of
a family of ten children. l'he family
came to Canada in the year 1850, and
located in the township of Aldboro',
Elgin, county. After a ,uceesaful
college course and considerable exper-
rience in reapply work, the subject of
trier notice was indncted into the
charge of Blyth Presbyterian congre-
gation on November 6th, 1806. For
forty .years be ministered to the
congregation of St. Andrew's church.
Blyth, and being blessed with splendid
health he was off work only three
Sabbaths tbn.ugh illness during that
long period. In April, 191103, Mr.
McLean was honored with the titin of
Doctor of Divinity. During thirty-
seven years of his pmstolate he
efficiently performed the duties of
clerk `of Huron Presbytery, which
office tae retained for some time after
hi. retirement from active work.
His name will live for meny a day in
the locality where he labored so long,
as emblematic of strict integrity, high
ideals, and the desire to promote the
best interests of his fellowmen in.
everything that tends to the moral
uplift. He was a good preacher. a
faithful pastor. a wise administra-
tor. and splendid auceew attended
the congregation under his
ministry. He is survived by his wite
ane tamely of six children. They are
Mrs. (Rev.) McVicar, of Atwood; Mn,
(Rev.) MeVicer. of Finch : Mise Millie.
at home : Mrs. (Rev.) J. Urn Stewart,
of Napier; Rev. Walter Metean. of
Hanover. and Donald G., teacher in
the Collegiate Institute nt Bnis.evain.
The funeral took plan on Thursday,
the interment losing made in the
cemetery at Rlyth. A service was
held at the family residence. Bruce
street, Goderich. on Wednssdey even-
ing. conducted by Rev. Geo. 1:. Row.
Ou Thursday morning the remain.
were conveyed 4o Blyth on the C.P.H.
train and at 1.1t o'clock the Mooed
'service in charge of the members .•f
Huron Presbytery was held in et.
Andrew's church at that -place.
fracturing the boue between the knee
and the ankle.
The regular meeting of the (iode-
rich branch of the Women's institute
will be bele at the borne ut Mee. Haven
Green, Angleaea street, *tile Thursday,
career. This was durit j the adminis-
tration of President; Cleveland. when
he saved the entire crew of the steam-
er 0. D. Norris from drowning in the
waders of Lake n. For his hrav-
ery, Capt. Green as presented with a
gold watch try the President, which is
W. L rmtwroer in the morottH said iod. int*sding to Ioeste sum, land
Rev. r. Hamilton In the eveni•R. NsaaaK at sass point During •
Rev Alfred Brown preached as .loss Um' et. sere wPrelle1d at
aloe sermon to a d•1(tktag magma•eitameIsland. above H mew* In Victoria .inset e=l lest Sunda, "bb end mew
forenoon.Next wends y tonseos
by . beat and all were
Goody breogitt bar w Clederleh. it wee
Rery a• G of ' -V thee that Mr. std Mrs. Tbort.ae de -
Mined to mak. (.hist their been. ee
Obey .• ended haven, Mr. Menu
ten the iener. To
then were hare • Deeny rf Num
ei4I s, of when neeelve : Mrs.
LaweM s Join D. Thome.
M/eh. ; Curies and Jwsaltw
A repeet1nf the time. Isonsritd,ee,air Is I 11.111111111111.1111111111M
a r. 1. L
Ie e•s.pasMset wawa of • gtrtrsamr Ueslawldti•bc In •id d
Qa/will M rweeiver at kith
tO11i Ow t of Mw paw
*amnion. The of the else eh
•epelllttR re Mg`R ref won 1,01 eon* in the a•rv(ese of the day.
on the Ort* y Sant. wen toad diet Amon Sn. street
will ssie d•
041= of Roe. a Msw0.eg., rten
. The panne, Rev. Alfred !sevens US o/ r Real}wi• d Vk>trwia. esus. as the sterol will investigated
.sear are nes be notified eare of the ••n{ Is the C. 1 son. Id.: Mn. Jobs' to the sowers oerer when eegoned
the wiSavo
vo Ms sewer nu . mnroi48 J. A. brain. ell Maw will Taionaaos. et • aged Mee. John In Nes
yg 1a II ere roar by Mases 1.t i deliver ns addeent and th W reesi pwoes. of L,osiw. Al she nwesbaw I Wel..d ie end to in the fleteleet
ealglM w h „24 ieM ow pat me Ap.Ned 1.y tire' Nu. Dr. Goody. of lit "Phorses. Inn of Ste rally su e sro tee the 1 erne's / neenofeetwlsg tow', I line-
w(s. dteee•asiJ la nyiMFL'l/e iy w 9. Dew sew l .e,b paw►
three batt►e+ John M. of Owlet twesy-lye. in the past tour sass.
are now bringing in their Int year'.
care and trading for new inert. Great
est opporttmity In Canada for flat
gains. Write Tit• Kaoline* Company
Rt. Catharines. Oat.
G. M. RIliot1. rxonnty Irwpectur ni
the ('biidren'. Aid tlosi•ty, paid
visit 10 • neigheorieg town Loris week
4. investigate • ease of stigleetd crib
dr.n. The parents and ebiMfen web
brooch' lenses the polee geR ate
sad the nesrrlt was Hie a nimilt LHt of
the three •When to'b• eau of the
Obildnw'. Aid Roelety. Any wets
VIS hopened. ( pry' 71we oniaielou pe+tm(kw to be aosaga gen maw rain•.
LSa,re and illrlanty case of great fntee+•st.. 4 erredtal M- 71s
Resew wN• istci a.orrrsiWse Is vtfwbio• b afl.
ern do *ew( 7ul
Vinyl uC11MT.and - f ti,