HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-18, Page 71 to ' District News w Schmidt bas Tbiei's dwetlIne in rich for VaoStone, of Wiogbam, has a,ed fllty-two &ores of land ad- , chat town from John Armour. Mewl* Chesney. of Seaforth, Monday for Rochester, N. Y., .he eaten a hospitsl as auras In utg. ti A. Patterson, a native of lJ.a- ,ilei Suddenly, at Fargo, - North ta, ell Itecetaber 20th. He was eine years of age. her J. Keyuolds, e.ocouotaot in en..dian Blink of Oommeree et tth, lift last Howley for Lasb- eask., where be Wes the posi- t manager of the bank there. ,death is announced of Miss Jane McClure, second daughter I ate George McClure, of the Btb .,ion of McKillop. The deceased enjoyed good health for some . Colton, a former resident of 1, passed away at the resideuoe Sun In Detroit, on Thursday, ry 4th. He was eighty -tour ut age. n Stephe:tem, au old and re- d citisen of tttaoley Ww Inbip, t his home on the (3oehso line day, Jaouary fish. He was in 111 y -sixth year. marriage was s.rlesnoiz d &t fall, Alta., OD December 47th, of r ('alder, & former Grey town - ,y, and Mies Clara, only dweb- er. and Mts. S. W. Food. Rev. hurts performed the ceremony. Teeeday morntog of last week. 1' t.iy-oor Iliad Miss Mary grim - ewer, both of Grey tc.wnebtp, united in marriage in lb. Catho- e•ch, Brussels. Rev. Father p o f 'need the °areaway. electors of Oredlto., Centralia a -heisted have voted In favor of municipal councils making • con - let power with the Hydro - Else - tower Commission. The maj .ri- rrr: Credip10. IOt;Centralia, 46, assnwuod, 88. t.. T. R..ta:lon at Bruceseld m.ge-d by fire on Tuesday morn - ,f tut week. A heated stove ...as nut propertyted he the partition* was tprose. laze was extinguished in short by a bucket brigade. :Ly wedding was celebrated In we church.ortb, on Wed - v. January 10:1, when Rev. P. tan united in marriage Ronald McKinnon, manager of the Dun- ne and Rubber Goods 0o. at y. aod Mos Annie M., only ter of Thos. Gear?-, of Seatortb. ter J. nayward. who died at meth Toronto on Frldsy, Janu- :,.h, wee n former resident of ham and was town clerk there in and 11476. He wee nppoloted nutent inspector of weights and re- nearly thirty years ago, ice time be moved W Windsor. ent to Loudon ten yeses repo and anis to Toronto. where be wee at the time of his death. el %V. Hanson, of Wiogham, has sed the license of the Humber hotel for $25.000. T. J. Boland. s conducted the 'althea for some retains possession of the prop - which comprises five acres of bordered on One side by the end on the other by the lake. neon will yearly rental 400. , . is' valued at A}e of Seto died s ` 't. list town ednesda]telleaaar y 3rd. She ltd ed the &deeneed age of eighty ears: Jars. MoDooaltt was one esrt)• settlers of the township of , having, located sixty - with ber husband oh lid on Lha 8th concession now by William Elie. She resided mail tSeen eforth Mr.' McDonald ld t,•1 d years ago. . (iihbings, of Virden. Man., is nit his brothers, John and Thorns nes. of Clinton, and his son. t Gibbing., of Hullett. The r hes teen a resident of Lbe West 'ally thirty years. He is said the first white child that was in the Huron Tract.. He w•. in Clinton seventy-nine years this father was Jonas Gibbing*, west Reeve of the united town - of Hullott and Morris in the fifties,, and who nerved later on enicipal council of Clinton. Cosgratniatioes 1 ,sets Poet: The editor of The was married twenty-nine years edn,'sday of this week. Our hair nnt•r on top of our bead now then, but you would expeclt. that. Killed is Railway Wreck.' rleeram was received I&et week \Wolseley, Sask., ststi) that Thompson, sent of IR Thompson, of °Baton, in a railway wreck or) VI i ear Brandon. This teed h member of the tawny n the West. Otte died i hew rare were killed In railway seet- Tuckeramitk Farms Seal. es McKay, of Tuckersmitb, las is larm south of Egmoot:hIH* to orterfleld, of Hay towtdab%p. Mr. 111.•Id formerly owned sod ooehe the old Femmes farm, on the h -Hensel% rood, which be mono - Id John McOab. of the same hie. also bee sold his farm. The 'ate. . M r, Wallace, 110110011 hos onoty. A Hallett p'..... . I- at h is chrnnieted of a PIOw er s of H ulh.tt le the person of Porkies, beloved wigs of Jaw f nk. The few e deemend had hese r to yt wloses is and herhome ems sixty-three 1is ,. Ia. hot ip until her marriage' to &bee t part/see Item bee hawse W sea t b. tea ofMOM. dangbg.y, and {MO •S A Iiel0M. Gdheriag 1i Knox. • well-known citisss Ineha , oskbvst.d bin alatet - rtyr. int of Jobe (ngbaa/ sod four old i'HR SIGNAL : friends from Clinton -Jar. Hoare. el. Davis, Jas. Pair and W, Jackson- -and Mr. Knox bad dluner, at the Queen's Wlugbem, and spent a happy few hours together. The coos hlu.d eggs of tour of the gentlemen totalled ?iii years; Arthur Knox, 9l ; John Quirk, '11; Jas. Yearn, 79, and S. Davis, 76, Me[EMop Fire Insurance Company. The annual Kneaded a ate uetit of Lite McKillop Mutual Fire It>1surae, u Company has been loaned. Thi shows a total membership of 1.9188 • property inured valued at PJ,(190,140. The prem- ium mots amount to $141,487. The arseesawote collected for 1911 amount- ed to $6,988.&x. There was ,aid in losses for the year the sunt of $4.434.45. The heaviest looses were ; t'atrirk O'- Rourke, barn and contents, $2.000 Ida Snell. barn and contents, 101,000 ; James Bkiuner. house and eooteuta, $600. All the others ranged from $5 up to $160. The year opened with a bslanoa of ell ale to aloe treasury and dphosed with a trash balance of L.,702 sod no liabilities. Lost in the Storm James Anderson, who lives on tbe outskirts of the village of Wroxeter. had • close call for his life on a recent evening. Wben W. J. Mather went to the stable to &Ltend to his horse, he heard • cry for help. He and Thos. Hemphill co,uweocel a search with a lantern and fuuni Mr. Anderson in the hog at the edge of Mr. McMich• seraa,id with his herd just shove the snow Gad his lower limbs in the water. Mr. Anderson was dragged with diffi- culty from his perilous podtion. It MINDS that he had started fur a peal of water Gad getting lost in the storm had wander al about until be got into tbe bog. The storm was so bad that &flee the truse started for bourse they lust their way and for nearly two hours wandered about the held. THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Tastes Like and is Eaten Like Candy. In our experience in the handling of drugs and medicines, we believe we have never bad espeiienea with any remedy that gave such great satiefec- Con to our customers as do Resell Or- derliea. This remedy is not. like any other laxative or cathartic. It con - trios all the gold features of other laxatives, but nine of their faults. Our own faith in IMzall Cole' lies is eo strong that we off ,r them to you with our own lenitive personal guar- antee, that if tbey do nut thoro erbly satisfy you you only nerd tell us and we will band back to you every penny you paid its for them. Therefore, in trying theta upon our rem. uunenda- tion you take no rink whatever. Rexall Orderlies taste like and are *same Sake casely. They d , not gripe, cause nausea, exceusiie la:teeoees, or any other annoyance. They Act so easily that they may be taken at any time, day or night. They are particu- larly good for cbildeep. aged or deli- cate pence'''. They re put up in eon • ventent tablets In three sizes of pack- age.. Prices, 10c, 115c and 50e. Remember, Revel Reruedies can be obtained in this c use unity only at our store --The Rexall Store. H. C. Dunlop. south bide of mare, (tole - rich. ' Prize Bills. During a debate -upon the second reading ut the trial land Gilt in 1410. Lord L mdonderry concluded a period with "This is toe keystone of the bill, &r.• you going to kill It r lir Feelerick Milner, speaking on the budgets said : "A cow may be d. ainei dry ; and, if Chancellors of the Exchequer persist in meeting every deficiency that occurs by taxing tbe leewing and distilling indus.ry, they - will inevitably kill the cow that lays for golden milk." Lord Curzuu-"The interests of the e,nployers and employed are the same nine tunes out of IQ -i will *ten say 99 times 001 111 10 r Discussing Mr. Asquith's liscensing bill at • meeting at Shoreditch last year, a wemher of Parliament roused the great audience to • fteney of en- t!'uau-lir by del taring thst "the time bad come to strip to the waist and tuck up our sbirt-sleeves." BALD HEADS NOT WANTED. Baldness Is Too Generally Cauidered a Sign of Advanced Age. A bald-headed person does not have au equal chance with oue blessed with a healthy head of hair. because bald- ness 1s toe, generally accepted as an in- ,licition of age. Many large cot•pora- ti .ns have established an age limit, and refuse 10 Leake men over thirty - flee years of age as new employees. Probably sixty -Ave per cent. of bald- headed people may regain a good head 01 healthy hair if they will follow our advice and accept our offer. We have a remedy that, we positively guaran- tee to grow hair on any bead, unless the roots of t.be hair Ire entirely dead, their follicles close°, and the scalp hat+ beeotue glazed and ehiny. We want people to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct understanding that toeless it does exactly what we claim it will, and give., satisfaction in every respect, we shall make no charge for the remedy used during the trial. We know exactly what we are telk- Ing about, and with this offer back of our statements no one should scoff, doubt our word, or be.itate to put •our remedy to an actual test. Ws want every one in (falai icb who is suffering from any scalp or hair trouble. dandruff, falling hair or bald- ness to ley our }(exalt '-ter Hair Toole. We want them to use it regu- I•rlv-.ay until three bottles have been used -and if it does nor. eradicate dendral. sheave and refresh the scalp Ughtam lbs hair io its roots. and grow new heir. we will return every eclat paid ps for the remedy for the mese *skies. There is no formal- ity exoes ed. bad we exact no obliga- tic10 from the utter whatever. We are established right here in Oodericb Gad make this offer with a full underst•eding that nor tsIIOees seeress entirely depend* upon the sort of lreatenest we sword one customers, sad we *Mk' not dare mane the above offer unless we were p wetly/ply esrtain that we could suue/taroetre It in every particular. Rsntembri you stn obtain Retail Reused ies in this ememunisy only at our store' H. l'• Melee. errw(h .its of tigeax.. (lode rich KID GLOVE TOM.' Ways et Utilising Ole leonine Glove* to Advantage. Have you ever thuught of utilizing the kid tole of your discarded even lag gloves? With very little truuble they can be made up into many useful tbings that as wits will delight the hearts of many women. First of all, dainty bootees for the new baby are lovely when made of the soft kid cut from the top of light colored gloves. One pair of glove tops makes two pale of bootees, or one top can be used In that way and a dainty bag fur buttons fashioned from the other. Rip the tops where they aro Joined together. A good pattern can be bought for 16 cents, and a few yards of narrow ribbon complete the gifts at small cost. After cutting the kid stitch the edges together on the sew- ing machine and blvd the tops witb ribbon. Make small eyelet boles an Inch from the top and run them through with ribbon, so they can le tied on around the little anklet if you are making a bag for button or one to hold your sewing implements cut a circle in the glove top as large as 1t will allow and pink the edge or bind 1t with ribbon. %With a ticket punch make small boles one and one-half inches from the edge and run through with 'ribbon twice, so it can be drawn up when both ends are pulled. Glove tots also make pretty coven for books or engrgement calendars. Embroider or paint a monogram on the center of tbese. Scented pads for handkerchief and glove cases are also among the useful ways in which odd pieces of kid can be used. These tops also make convenient means of applying powder to the face. neck and arms to place of chamois. If the glove top le worn so that tt cannot be used In any other way then keep it to polish your windows and mirrors with after they have been washed In the usual way. Stunning Costume by Mer. At e smart exhibition of Parisian gowns displayed at a large depart- ment atop In New York city the cos GOWN or £MB[R VILVIT a.aD SABLL tum* illustrated proved the attraction of the dress parade. The materiel treed by Beer, the de- signer, was a lovely thnde of pale sm• ber panne relvet combined with nar- row bands of table. The bodice treat- ment 1s particularly to be noted for its originality and artistic value. Housekeepers' Helps. Kerosene rubbed on with a soft cloth will clean TOW perfectly. Keep a bowl of cold water et hand to which to dip the Augers when hulling or capping fruit for preserving. Paint your tin wash basins on the to tide with a good white enamel paint it you would prolong their usefulness. Cut off he ragged edges of old wblsk brooms after they bare outlived their usefulness and use them again ss sink brushes Wipe all dust from your windows and rub them with a cloth dipped in vinegar if you desire a high polish on the glass. Dampen slight iron scorches and lay the injured material to the bot sun. i■ a few minutes the spot will have 4ia. appeared. Never wash marble with soap and water. Use smmeats in the water if env would hare a highly polished clean surface after your tremble. Kerosene or roman. applied with a clotb will also remove all grease marts from porcelain basin. and betktebu Rinse well with very bet water. trashing lamp chimneys by ismer* Ing them in fret water makes them very brittle A safer stray to clean them le to bold there over the steam of s tes kettle and iea* W10 as sl eo lltMa deft. h deft. j ERICI ONTARIO lfevlritawr. Jannaat NI$ • PAPER BAG CSOKERY. What Mrs. Wallas*, i. tNewee Tesonsr, Says of tithed. The epoch of pape cootlag cosecs a wonderful c as regards saw 1n this branch of morUc set - sac*, for with Its uss sp MAY tlatnp can W prepared abwlpfefy wit -bast the necessity for using baking dishes, frying pans. saucepans or other simi- lar utensils that the labof of cleaning up after a meal has best prepared has Nose reduced to almost s' minimum. Bot thu pater bag cooking wtU not do everything. and cooks most not *i- nset the impossible from 1t. Here L the recipe Mrs. Wallace aloes when she evoke slllies of halibut • L ROSS' Limited,sod LONDON tDMOItTON idaaytfacturi.g Farriers In the manufacture of our Fur Garments the utmost care is ex- ercised in the selection of all material, and strict attention to every detail in workmanship and finish is attended to by expert furriers. The workmanship in all Ross garments is the actne of perfection and confers upon the wearer the greatest degree of comfort, smartness and individ- uality, Satisfaction goes with every order placed with us. ROSS, Limited Furs and Cloaks 195 Doseas Sind London Ontario Any Edison dealer will demonstrate to you how Thomas A. Edison doubled the entertaining capacity of The Edison Phonograph MS& LILT ILIWOITI wanr-aCL paper beg style: Ripe over the slices of Ash, roll them In flour and lay on thew thin slices of tomato, a squeeze of lemon juice and a little batter. Then grease the bag, spreading with either butter or drippings on both sides of it -that 1s to say, both of the Inner surfaces, not inside and outalde. Lay the slices of Ash close up to the opening of the bag and fasten the opening with paper clasps, making it as nearly air tight a■ possible. Lay the bag right on the broiling shelf or grate shell of the oven. When working with the gas range this is easy, but 1f cooking 1n an ordi- nary coal range It will be necessary to take a wire broiler or some other kind of wire shelf and lay the Ash on this, because for perfect paper bag cook- ery it is essential that the hest abonld get round the bag, and a solid surface will not give good results. Old You Knew -- That kerosene makes an excellent substitute for ironing wax, should you discover yourself without the latter op Ironing day? Saturate a cloth with 1t and rub the iron over It before passing it over your flnrtl testing clotb. That lamp wicks that have grown stubben and will not work are often easily managed after pulling ont a thread from each edge/ This makes the wick smaller and it works easier. That a whisk broom kept especially for the purpose M very helpful to sprinkling clothes? That a flannel straining beg is really at necessity in a kitchen where Jellies are prepared? Aa the manufactured articles are often expensive, a dos subetltnte may be mads of ordinary flannel, neatly hemmed and thou soak- ed In boiling water. from whleb it must be wrung out while the water 16 still hot. If the bag le not seamed quite to the top and the edges turned and hemmed so as to make folds through which a stick can be raft, this will make the bag easier to all when It is suspended over a receptacle, or loops may be sowed to the four corners and a stick passed through these. That by rubbing fresh lard over tia ware and besting it in the oven before using you may save yourself from worry about its rusting? Mlneemsat P. Thanksgiving Mee. Two pounds of beef net, two pounds and a half of chopped raisins, one pound and a half et elean*d currents, two pomade of *topped apples, two monde of brown trrgat, half • tea- spoonful of molt. koalf a pound of mt=• ed peel. a uaoem*.flu et ginger, • tea- spoonful of etananot., a trialmoontal of ground cloves, time lemons, hen' t• btespoonfLls et *hopped e4rabds, holt t cupful of brandy half a riWiti of port or bolgnade wigs. t .. tb• hints and put dim lop a ky add the mmet, spphs. WIN Ma gl chopped Ane, , tfialt. line and stondli rained juke of (RaaOy and whir. Ilii all ttttgstllef and keep well several. Plover hupeeled. it after etpsalag aM ihadl•1ng the hoz of eardlates roe ma tie tin, GW ue e plate Gad sprinkle with lemon Niko. draining the flab t eseobd time before serving, you wilt tad the Gavel verily improved. if soils of the dab are left Item covered ay next any Waco them 4 bud NIMG egg tai when he invented Edison Amberol Records —the record which plays twice as long Then you will understand so many good soap, so much good music or every character never appeared in record form until the Amberol Record was perfected. Then you will understand bow, when you own an Edison Phonograph, you can sow have ail of the very beet entertainment of every kind. Then you will understand bow this os. ad v*a tage alooeaaks tbs Ed isto Pb000gnaph the greatest soued- reprod uci eg instrument enwell sa the greatest musical fnstruspetot--•eves it it had no other advantages. Bat It Ass: the seppbles rep educthg-polst, that does not match or wear the reoordand Wtsfiseevse--nochanMsg needles; exactly the right volume of sound for your borne; home recording -the ability to make and reproduce your own records in your own home. Any Edison dealer will demon- strate these great Edison advantages to you. BRITISH RECORDS FRENCH RECORDS in addition to our regular monthly list of Edison Standard and Edition Amberol Records. we Bente regularly a number of British and French Records. Our British and French record catalogs contain the osmpletest list of these selections.tpab- yge In record farm. Be sure to t abee eMa our dealer when you go to bay your Pta,00graph-+M ash to have the sew Record Sapp/emeriti mailed yea nee . every month. Theatre adieus tierywbsra O. to the nearest and , . fr.s.p dhrisess May Standard and mTMa az Idiom raeaaroaavesMaier se pa n•/gralbsow s0rig(sNJ.Ug . A. A *smoke* I~s et nisi Nissiermis sed IMGs**? we M hod at JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE 4 NO ONE STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH,. &The celebrated Dr. Abernethy of London was firmly of the opinier that ders of the stomach were the most prolific souroe of human ailments is gewerstiblit recent medical writer says: " every feeling, emotion and affection reports et stomach (through the system of nerves) and the stomach is affected 1t is the vital center of the body * * * * " He continues, " so said to live ( through) the stomach." He goes on to show that the seedagelt Is the vital teeter of the body. For weak stomachs and the oonsequent idieselaa or dyspepsia, and the multitude of various diseases which result thend em, is medicine cis he better suited as a curative agent than r Mas- remoter Dr. PIerce's Golden Medical Diacelr,pjlr. "Several months ago I suffered from a severe under the breast -bone, ' writs Mtn. G. M. Mt sl Corona, Calif. "Had suffered from it, off and on, for see - eel years. I also suffered from heart -burn, did not know What was the matter with me. I tried several medidnie Sant they did me no good. Finally, I was told It w» liver. I did not dare to eat as It made me worse. 4 ever I swallowed anything It seemed that I would 1atOff-f{ hnrt so. I grew very thin and weak from not eating. wes told to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I lost five bottles of 1 and could feel myself getting better hoes the first dome. I could eat • little without pain and low strong fast. Today 1 am strong and well and can do a big day's work with ease. Can eat everything and have pet as flesh wonderfully. I will say to all sufferers write to Dr. Plertp. Ile has my undying gratitude." Here's a bargain for you! This Guaranteed 2,000 pound capacity Scale with every up-to-date im r•nve- ment, for only 25.00. You will be n to :.ave money t day you order an Before purchadng fur the °oa ing win- ter, tall and in the ens load ot Port- e land and Piano Box Cutters whi'•h have jest a• • rived rut hi t• lo.r Ort view in my show- rooms. For Strength, Elegance and Comfort tbe cuttera manu- tactured by Meters. Wm. bray, Sons Campbell, Ltd., of Chatham, cannot be sae passed. HIGH IN QUALITY LOW iN PRICE Conte and select yours while you have the full range to ebo ase from. Robert Wilson Hamilton Street Wanted Immediately seam t. capable man, on Was=commhei*n, to sen our well -knew■ ties to fruit and ornamental tress in year ooenty... We pay a000rding b ability, and desire the beet man procurable. 800 Acres of fruit [reel from which to 811 motorman' reuuirementu. Our salesmen ere ado( sure to supply reliable, wtLfacwry k. Betabll-ben over 33 years. Write : Manage Pelhamrrsery Cu., Toronto, Ontario. N. 13. -To vu.tamrre! It our repraaeata Liver havens* called, write for catalotue and pricer Brophey Bros. 'JODBRIOH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all houre night or day YLMER Wagon StoCk Three -Wheel GALE Government Certificate of absolute accuracy goes' FREE with every Aylmer Scale. even at the bargain price of $25. "We prepay the freight" and warrant you satisfac- tion or refund your money. This Reale Is moat meet. eorrtructed. oath Jemmy toed abet bearings throughoett; nu Mg w ase4.. reser platform, kart In ptar. by PO1IR Merles , Instead of the usual two,. stout steel fender on platform to pro- ton the beam. and a fifth 4.5.1 to mineellse *train O* the team Will test a lifetime and weigh aeew etely up to one tee, et -n If It stands Ort .ernes pound Macy to mows ?Troll Nero to Mom an4 first-class do every ',utterer 11snawhsr only 0500. freight paid to your Mere.* section and ()overnmewt Dery - neat, ,d &*eons, Mee. ON in veer WOW Seely for •tempt NIOW-7 This special offer gives you the chance to own an absolutely modern scale, built of the vary beet material. Yoe need this ttcale to weigh whatever you buy or sell. You ears have it to test in any way you like. Send It heel' and get your money back if it isn't all ones mon than we say it is. ATIFALtprugulC°td., Aylmer, Ott. Montreal Witness "Canada's Beet Metropolitan and National Newspaper" Strong and Courageous The 'Daily Witness' on trial, *1.00. Regular rate, 58.00. The 'Weekly Withers and Canadian Homestead' on trial, Sao. Regular rate, 51.00. These trial rates are offered to NEW subscribers -or those in whose homes neither edition bas been taken regularly for at haat two that is, since it bag tso Wonderfully Enlarged and improved Itlsislulet.on is loving doubled, wad k is tate meet popular paper &Wong rhumb • going people Its sob • embers lose it. MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the Above •Whlrlw wind Campaign' Rates And tell ynnr Mende show this ogee. They *mild alert Mjoy ht Nehsee'iptions emit in et thaw rates ehoold either he accom- panied ecns .pani d by this &domeMoment or the paper In which you saw the anfMrpoenrent tuna M named whew sending the egbeoripties. JOHN DOVOALL it BOM, Publishers. Dept. (4. ft.,'Witmer* Mock. Montreal. 4, A NewW Year'S Resolution which might be a wise one for you to make is to purchase one of our Empire or Goa Cheer Ranges. Inspection Invited. W. R. PINDEK Plumbing, Heating. Electric FIztaree and Metal Work Hamilton Street Godericb Brophey Bros. 'JODBRIOH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all houre night or day YLMER Wagon StoCk Three -Wheel GALE Government Certificate of absolute accuracy goes' FREE with every Aylmer Scale. even at the bargain price of $25. "We prepay the freight" and warrant you satisfac- tion or refund your money. This Reale Is moat meet. eorrtructed. oath Jemmy toed abet bearings throughoett; nu Mg w ase4.. reser platform, kart In ptar. by PO1IR Merles , Instead of the usual two,. stout steel fender on platform to pro- ton the beam. and a fifth 4.5.1 to mineellse *train O* the team Will test a lifetime and weigh aeew etely up to one tee, et -n If It stands Ort .ernes pound Macy to mows ?Troll Nero to Mom an4 first-class do every ',utterer 11snawhsr only 0500. freight paid to your Mere.* section and ()overnmewt Dery - neat, ,d &*eons, Mee. ON in veer WOW Seely for •tempt NIOW-7 This special offer gives you the chance to own an absolutely modern scale, built of the vary beet material. Yoe need this ttcale to weigh whatever you buy or sell. You ears have it to test in any way you like. Send It heel' and get your money back if it isn't all ones mon than we say it is. ATIFALtprugulC°td., Aylmer, Ott. Montreal Witness "Canada's Beet Metropolitan and National Newspaper" Strong and Courageous The 'Daily Witness' on trial, *1.00. Regular rate, 58.00. The 'Weekly Withers and Canadian Homestead' on trial, Sao. Regular rate, 51.00. These trial rates are offered to NEW subscribers -or those in whose homes neither edition bas been taken regularly for at haat two that is, since it bag tso Wonderfully Enlarged and improved Itlsislulet.on is loving doubled, wad k is tate meet popular paper &Wong rhumb • going people Its sob • embers lose it. MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the Above •Whlrlw wind Campaign' Rates And tell ynnr Mende show this ogee. They *mild alert Mjoy ht Nehsee'iptions emit in et thaw rates ehoold either he accom- panied ecns .pani d by this &domeMoment or the paper In which you saw the anfMrpoenrent tuna M named whew sending the egbeoripties. JOHN DOVOALL it BOM, Publishers. Dept. (4. ft.,'Witmer* Mock. Montreal.