HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-18, Page 6ilMt-RaitAT. JAtreaIe lb. 11•1I
In the Mast of Perils.
Revolutionary Distchbances Cause Canadian
Missionaries in China to Leave Chengtu.
Folk/Wing &te extracts hom lettrtk• with the tebel!Ion or any auti-foreign
received recently how Mies Olive • feeling. It is pure covetnusnees of the
,Turner. Owing to the tevolution in' looney. We bailie/1.de our door* and
Chute all the Canadian mivsionacier, chiee our *butters more tightly and
were forced to ibwduu their •tet rens' sleep a' soundly as ever. The Dub
nd the Shanghai, aprity of abets are proximately Saia w at; that ever t itauxiliary a' 1 got totlike lchar 'charm on know the
drop n the river trot C'hengu'. 111)4 p their quilt has been with mo—
on the-huusehoet, at Cheugtu, at the
mountains. and so very fortunately
O•, Auguertath we left our summer' with toe pow. 1 appiwtitte it so
buu,o on lit Omei with the intention' 1t is so warm and big, And per -
of returning to t'hengtii, but ou the haps this is one reason say 1
way re. eivrd word from the British ( sleep so soundly.
Consul not to return to ('hengtia. as a We have a very regular lite here,
grtee condition of affairs prevaileat t studying every.day. 1 ou may be in -
o111 t c•. (;onsequeith, we remained at radar to know tbat since coming
Krtuug until September loth, on 1 down here I have taken °lithe first of
which day one of 1)r, Service's Chtnees t the az sectiroal exeminat roue out-
dis .ensers airived with tidings of re- Tined for our mission. Tbat includes.
beliion (tom the besieged city. 11 wax a text -book on Chinese idiom— Its
dreaded that we should proceed on pewes. including the hawed of the
duct n the river W Chungktug• whereas the Bible.. Then theta is the
w ..would bs under tt •uotectiuo of ! Gospel of John in Chinese, repenting
foreign gunboats. On .re following I ft memory of the Lord*. 'Prover
me, oiug a H cotta of seven boats wet ' an. Ten Cowmendwents, the writing
out. loaded with Moto -veil women, of the thirty-three wort important
eight ihildrrc and two men. in midi- ) Chows.. radical*, and twenty lesson*
tier leo .he crews. The boat. weir 1 of a hook peppered by I).. Ertheott.
nitwit smaller then we used her the up- We bed expected to take oft our ex -
river trip. as the down -ricer journey I amination as a erase at a language
Mkt a much shutter time. For Ii- ,drool, but of comae all cur plans are
stance, the trip teen Kiating ro t'bung- rb,wgrrt. Language school goee on
kite, was made fu fqur days, oldie daily at ('lengtu, but alas! 1 nm not
.this portion of the trip up the river then•. 1'o study ('hioew- under Dr.
last spring took us a month. The Kilburn is a rate privilege :and one 1
Yaogste River ie yellow cremes in the hate to wire•
winter, but now with the water-soOne id our greatest anzieti• r during
(high it is evrt .0 much wore so. I flow days is that yatu moa be anxious
try I.o iotaginc �ometia►rs how out,about u.. Don't he unduly so. There
• fronds
beer us
at Irvine trh u. look 'ended does not appear to be the slightest
beeins of Neuter which our boy trended
r: t,o witch with in the mmt:ing.
He anti -foreign feeling, anti Inc us in this
J U•aty port th 'r,• can surely bre no
had he•J it in a pail all !rialto lea the very greet danger. If we have to
clay r Seed to deposit and the water canes to storehouses along the river or
wa. eery turbid, Huws•trr.. we pro-
nn board the gunboats we may ex-
( -Med ...nee aunt and that helped ter fleet crfwdin,�. hu! when we tame to
settle" matters *somewhat.\Ve had the mfs.fon field we expected hard-
y Mg tin font el with us and when ft • ahi ss ,and difficulties and mutt not
spout was packed hard with Mosul bent new a°utple'n. 1 ani Blvd to he in
cotton it acted nicely for filtering our l'hinx, glad of what. the year has
drinking water. atter it had been toren„glad Of the start t- hare gut in
reled. the language. and trust i will' Ire able
We reached SuiN tat the jutution Ln take m -abate in the telling of the
of the snII
Yattgstte its a 1s.). It Gu+pal
hall taken s week ,going up. It
looked good do see the British gun.• IP
boat three, It was the Wutgioo and S. •Tabuns Marto•
I was interested to learn that . Yangtse Ricer.
although it is so large at has a dreugltt ovrmler l7lhn.
of only three feet. 1t has since gohe - On October 29th. we received- a
up the river nearly •to Kiating and notification from the ('onsul tbat all
may- have to remaio there all winter. British refugees in Chungking ,should
ae the river dreier very suddenly—as proceed down the rivet, Two or
much as three feet iii it night. three days later similar notification
All the foreigners had left Suifu was given by the German, French.
when we arrived there on September American and Japanese Conauls. the
12th. A riot motored there on the date of departure being fined fur Nov.
10th owing to the tacit that the offl- ember dt . The stager of the Journey
clads thought the trouble was alt over bad been determined in Chungking
and apprehended the • leaders of the and the pilot of the gunboat Widgeon
- trouble. This incensed the populace lied informed our captains of the
and they attacked the i amen' (police anchorage for each night. rh- orders
station or harracka) and burnt it. were to start at daylight. The gunboat
Several people were killed in the riot lett later tut soon overtook us and
and seyeo others executed. 1'.. location when we saw it again
When we reached Chungking a con- nmrk.d our ancLorage. Our ffoulla
fereuce .vas held to decide upon what WAR computed of thirty -ane. ()biome
course we would pursue. We did not
wieb to proceed further down the
river. lot the trip lack is a long and
elpensive one. At the same time, &d-
eices from up the. river were far frorla
aeauring. Telegrams to the British
and American consuls elicited no defi-
nite information. the representative*
diplomatically shifting the responsi-
bility hack to our shoulders. Finally,
it was decided that we would rowan*
for the time being in Chungking. l
was fortunetr in being one of a party
of tour teen W. M. S. women who se
cured a cottage on the hills belonging
W the sailors from the British gun-
boats. Fourteen of w oc:!ttpy three
rooms, while Mr. and Mrs. Elson and
their two children occupied another
robin. however. we are not so
euoeded an. some of the other people,
I believe.
Very few of us have teachers with
us, but we are trying M get some
et tidying done. This month hat been
eery warm and dry. so 'we can get
out of doors to studi-. What we
shall do when the rainy seasno beneath
i don't know. However. Ibis is all in-
cidental to inissienery life and , we
must "giang-tsin' or "make shift.” rax
the Chinese say. We are thankful -
khat to date we are all well and sate.
Most of us heave appetites twice hoar
normal size.
Kind regards to all our friend+.. Do
not forget China in your prayers.
This year has seen the land laid waste
by bemires plague and flood. and now
in our own beautiful Provmee, that
bas so far eaeaped tbe eater evils, re-
bellion has broken - forth and it is safe
to say that b'onireds of deaths will
follow. 'The King's business requir-
eth haste."
f'hiingking. October!Ott h.
1 hardly knots what to writs 'about
the sit leo ion here. No doubt the
potters are full of cable dispatches re-
gsrding it and douhtle•..s, too, there
will he ninny rhanges by the lime this
re+cbes you. It looks ai. . f China has
indeed awakened and the sueceaa that
basd� at tendert the rr•vulutioniMi shows
tbet they have been awake and hove
had their eyes open for some time and
have etud.ed how to carry out the
movement. %'hitt the end will be
can tell. Me intiene there is e
great deal of suffering amens. the
people and it rends onrr hearts to hear
of the great terror the people nee in.
and of the "miracles T hat are frequently
committed by w mien and chilli. t in
preference to falling into the heeds 01
the soldiers. Many robbers end Other
Is claw people take advantage .1 the
unsettled state of the country and it is
amid that certain districts are «Imost
rninhatetahle. We had a robbery
here recently, my share being an
sastenen kedak which Frank grave
me. Evidently the thietes ttought it
was a money hog. it. wax afterwards
found uninjured sa the woods nearby.
A box containing twury alt the cloth -
h ig of one of the girls was the greatest
1o0a, but it too was recovered. The
top had /own cut onto end the rane
taste strewn About. Practically
e ma• recovered rang the
sigsey w lel was In the hot. (tor
party on the trip dog o the river Joist a
t enrtalnloo��t their clothing and •101(1
((reaieen). OomsrerrW people on the
1M have aha erffertd to a nons(der-
6 mow no mot ripe lata t►is
sion lay- the gunboats of the nations
represent+d three British. sloe Amer-
ican. one French. one Ruaslan, three
Getman and three Japanese warships.
As et other places along our route.
ut Henkow ee wet with kind friends,
being invited W share a boom• wi h
the Wesleyan Methodists. About
o'clock the revolutionists opened H
and we could hear the bullets whivsit'
water nearby.
about and �alling ea the
A11 evenin there were occasional out-
bur.ts of A ing. and about 10 oclock
commenced a continual firing whicb
lasted nearly all night. The room in
which eight of us slept faced the
native city and we could hear the
sounds quite dietiictly. One would
have supposed they were close at
hand. but we learned later that the
revolutionist* hal not succeeded Or
crossing the Han. lire bullets came
near enough. however, and a shell
struck the adjoining house, l'be
building we were in vibrated with the
shocks and we could plainly heat the
"ping" of the bullets. At last several
of u. concluded that discretion was
the better part of valor and dragged
our bedding into the hall, where we
managed to get a little sloe o.
The steamer in which we were to
contluue our trip arrived nest morn -
log and anchored just below the
native city She was forced to *"rove
downstream later to escape the shots
which cccasionally came that way.
The new anchorage was near the posi-
tion ocdupied by the Imperial troops
and gave us an uproot unity of witnes-
sing au interesting engaveruent. A
Chtosee man-of-war eteawed up the
river and was allowed to pass the
Imperial troops unopposed. When,
however, a little later, a torpedo boat
spprosched the Imperial,guns fired on
it. The shots flew thick and fest. and
the little craft evidently was partially
disabled, as she trade very slow prog-
ress though the Hames were leaping
from the top of her smokestacks. Sim
ran the blockade however and reached
in safety the shore .t Witchang. As
the gunboat passel up the -river
we had noticed that .every gin was
manned and tbe ship prepared for
battle. When the troops un shore
isontmenee„I firing on the for ptdo boat,
the gunboat swung around and
steamed down the river, and for .the
robber bands worked almost un-
utuksted, and an ineeleulahlt. amount
of damage to property was sir -Wined.
It is feared that the valuable Iwis•ion
buildings of the Canadian Me$hodist
cburchmay hate suffered eve wore
*evesely after uur departure, the
disorders continued in aggravated
that we
selt.wth uas nndere.co t from hCheegt
were one hundred and fifty of
w all. comported of nearly pipety
we rens of the Canadian Methodist
natation, ioeludiug the numerous chil-
dren and their utothere. besides over
forty Japanese, and persons of four
other nationalities. The Heat pent of
the jot*" ney we made overland. Then
we reached deeper water and took
houseboa'e, splitting up late a num-
ber of d&Kermit parties. Two utiles
above tiokian we reached the British
gunboat Widgeon end experienced a
great sense of relief. '•We are gate
now," we thought. To our :Surprise
the captain refused to afford us any
protection. Be turned a deaf ear w
our appeals. and sent no on down the
river through a district that for hun-
dred.. of iule's war infested with ma-
rauders and full of penile. Had the
gunhrat been with us. it is altogether
unlikely that we should leave been
Mrd upon as we were Much indig-
nation is felt among the Forty. and
the British 'officials elsewhere. wbo
have been doing their tit *"utst to pro -
ter' the foreigner-, are making a
atto:.g ported to Admiral 'Sir Alfred
L. %Vin• re,. commander -In -duet of
the British Kestern fleet. and, the mat-
ter low been broegbt to the attentior,
of: the British eon+nl.
Keeping on Amicable Terms With
Relatives Shiuld Be Cultivated.
Getting along with r-:atives. accord-
ing to' a writer who sees things as
they are and riot as they ought to be,
but who simply h. , .use . t that can-
not be termed a cynic in any sense of
the term, is an art. The first rule to
observe, if you would remain on
friendly terms with your relations is,
cat out sensitiveness. If anyone'. ten-
dency toward "thin skin" is to dis-
first tinit?a I saw a warship in action. i Curb the family peace, let it not be
We could see the 'huh of her guns, Tours. Write down in large capital
followed be the thunder of the ex- letters and stick up on your looting -
plosions. The Imperial guns replied glass, where you can see it t . or
in like utannet• and.for a time the fir- three times a day the motto: Never
ing was hot and heavy. Some build- mind!
ings on the shore caught tire and the It i. well to recall also the tact that
Imperial guns gradually slackened tare
and finally became silent. The inci-
dent was doubly interestipg, since tbe
gunboat had only recently turned
revolutionary. At Chinking we passed
fourteen gunboats all flying the white
Hsg of the revolutionists. At Nttnking
a great many Chinese passengers got
on our steamer. This city is still held
by the Mauchue, who have been very point would be to give up his life.
severe to the Chinese at this place. Grandmother'. 39 artielee may be con -
As we came down the lower part of densed, perhaps, into one; that girls
the river it was interesting to see ate. these days are entirely worthless and
all the important places the gunboats trivial. Let her believe it; it comforts
of the different nations, whose pees- her, it need not hurt you. Uncle
vice guaranteed us safety. We have Dave's bristle* go up at the mention
had a very pleasant trip down from of socialism. Aunt Sophia may take
Haukow. her everlasting stand against boarding.
• • • schools, or veal, or pie. Shun, there -
5 Kon(tpmg Road. fore, these rocks when sailing your
Shanghai. November 21tb. conversational boat with Aunt Sophia.
borate, flying for Bags ,of the various We arrived here yesterday and are This does not mean to efface your
nationalities represented. Clone et atlaet.on "terra firmaagain with the personality, nor to renounce your own
hand a red eon on a. White ground prospect of being able to find rest for opinion. Quite the contrary: It is a
denoted a Japanese party; further the soles of our teet until we are per- good plea to think as you please, and,
away was the red, white and blue 'nit" t° return 10 l'hengtu, we at nearly as possible. to do es you
vertically striped Frere', Hag; have met with great kindness here please. Only don't talk about it.
close at hand the re blue and are most grateful. The courtesies, forms and polite -
and blast horizontal bars of the nesses of life make excellent bumpers
Germane, and beyond the eters and Mr. Plewman's Despatch. also between relatives. That which
'stripes. The Union Jack was most The following cable despatch from embroils us and makes trouble is our
frequently seen, as there were so T. F. Newman was received by The enforced intimacy. To dull the cute
puny of our uiission peoele going Toronto Star on Monday. Mise 1VeIl- ting edge of this nothing is more
d/ton, besides quite a numberof the wood, sister of Mrs, J. H. Tigert, of valuable than plain, old-fashioned po-
Chinalnland M.wmn missi•o*"a fes, in Ijteness. Familiarity does undoubted -
addition to the business peopl
there are some subjects that cannot
possibly be argued with safety with
some people. We al] have our mule
opinions. There are subjects at which
each of us lay back our ears, plant
our feet and balk. These are to be
With grandfather it may be the
mode of ba tism; to sirtender on that
On November 13 b, we cite -ed the
boundary between Ss -cheap and
Hurrah provinces and were ce.'rllenged
by soldierestationed thereat d rdered
IMO shore. Our wen kept o0 owing
and a shot rang out, but evidently the
soldiers were satisfied y the
explanation shouted by our boatman,
for no more shuts •cera fired. In the
afternoon a small boat poll •d out
from thersbors and two t h'••eee in
uniforms of heavy blue cloth with a
narro* white badge stepped .'t. board
and gave the military salute to Dr.
Service. After eusuiring part cularl-
if any Manehus were on leant and
heave adored that there were none.
t:r v -ioralIed a tromp of soldiers on
st• r • and we were allowed to proceed.
1 a •ked our boatman afterw . is what
the soldiers would have doer if they
had found any Manchuo on h toed, and
he drew his hand very significantly
across hie throat to indicate decapita-
The trip through the rapids et this
season of the year is not so d ne•erous
as at other times, and a ill our party
came through safely, though some of
the ixoater narrowly escaped disaster.
We rearmed Ichang on November
llt h. uud decided to proneed at once
down the ric,•r 011 thesteamer Tahone
Maris. There are only four cabins in
rhe European section of the boat and
AS a result we have to occupy the
first and second -*lass Chinese section.
The three eles.es are ell on one deck
acd arrangenients were node so that
we all heave our meals in the saloon.
Exclusive of hakes in arms there are
fifty-two of one mission on hon rd.
• • •
Steamer Sin Wo,
en mute to Shanghai,
Novemtr•r 22n41.
On November II(th we reached
liaakow, at present one of the anion
centres of the reyolntion. As we ap-
proached the city, we saw great
sttetrhes of the ri'y paid waat.e by the
fires kindled by the Imperial tmops in
their endrav-r to cheek the 'wagerers
of the revolutionists. It Is said that
not more than one-third of the native
city is standing and thousands are
homeless. iCahlt• despatches plaoe the
damage at nearly one bundred millfora
dollars). The city est Wurhang,
aeross the Yangtse River, is in the
bands of the rev,duiionists, who have
dlo *ad the river. and..;:,,aare now en -
ca•. trod on the north shove, eeparwted
from the city rut Hsnkow by the River
Han. At the nppytsite aide of the
nethe city is the bund." the *ease
given In :Me gait to the waterfront
before a torwign settlotwent- The
British eonresel•.n is nes alts nstive
city. and the French. Germans, Rus-
sian', and Jepasew eaeb have their
a0ytted space Bettye eacb eoueea-
O.,derieh, was one of those who made
the perilous journey down the Yangtse
River. Miss Estahrook,sister-in-law of
Rec. A. E. M. Thomson, was another
member of the party.
As will be seen by Mies Turner's
letter. it was the 1vidgeon which
escorted her patty down the river.
Mention is made in her letter that the
gunboat might be unable to return
down the river as the water often
drops very rapidly. It is possible
that this is the reason why the
commander of the Widgeon refused to
escort Mr. Plewman's party down the
The despatch from Shanghai came in
skeleton form and- appeared in Mon-
day's Star as follows:
Shanghai, ,Ian. I2.—After an excit-
ing trip from Chengtu in far Western
Sze -Chuen Province, that took us.
right across China at its widest point,
and through the hottest centre, of
revolutionary activity. a party of
about twenty -Ave Canadians, connect-
ed with the Methodist mission work,
arrived here safely today. At nearly
every stage of the long journey of
2.600 miles to this place of security.
N -e had visible evidence of the sanuin-
ary struggle between Manchus and
Chinese. We caw the charred ruins
of cities, and many'lodies Heating in
the river. At Hankow, the great
inland port nn the 1 angtae River, that
we reached three days ago in our
houseboat, there was a terrible scene
of desolation. Thousands of houses
had been destroyed.
Nor did we complete the running of
the gauntlet from within sigbt of the
mountains of Thilet to the Pacific
coast without Irving in peril from
both (iovernmenCC and rebel force+.
At Hoklang we were Erni up:,n re-
peatedly by imperial troops, and time
and time again uur houseboats were
struck. but by screening oureelves
as well as we could. and by a inert -Out
dispensation of Providence. we
escaped unharmed. Only one of our
native boatmen was seriously
wounded. Severe! of ne Canadians
had elmuet miracnlon• escapes.
We did not. leave Chengtu until we
were ordered to do so by Mr. Wilkin-
son. the ft, itJoh roneul-general. For
tour months we had been besieged in
the oft y, which le the capital of seventy
ml4ovt people. Frequently the Ire
retrial trooper s ilial fertb from hehiod
the groat ,beitering wall, fifty feet
through at the bees, which perste, ted
the city, but each victory they won
only wesk.mrd the viceroy's power of
resistance, and his little army of fess
than Ave thousand teen. after
slaughtering thoii ends r+t retest.. was
itself risdue•ed to half its s>tlillbisal num-
ber Finally et
ally ttenets
ed Ubetherrnlutksnieta, the °olaws
WOW nvestbrtww, sad tis Mty was
girls ovum to ptwadfir. Nessawas_
ly breed contempt, except with excep-
tionally aympathetio souls, who are
endowed with that rare quality called
love, which is the name of that fac-
ulty that enables one to like our
Nothing, possibly, does more to
make acid the waters of family peace,
nothing rankles and smolders in the
bosom of relatives so much as these
nasty little inconsequential and un-
necessary truth& we feel duty bound
to tell. Truth is mighty, to be sure •
but life has its little decencies and
concealments. Truth is not neces-
sarily nudity. Spare u., 0 merciless,
surgical relations, who would strip
from us our poor rags of pretense!
They may lie rags indeed, but one
must wear sumething.
Chinese Music.
To any one that has heard a Chinese
orchestra hard at it, it may come so
a surprise to learn that there are
trained musicians of our own kind
who seriously profess uncertainty whe-
her the Chinese have not really ad-
vanced beyond us in music.
A distinguished authority has point-
ed out that the Chinese people were
the first in the history of music to
develop a system of octaves, a circle
of fifths and a lot of other harmonica]
technics, and these back in the days
when our ancestors had not even
evolved the simplest Corms of melody.
Whether or not we shall finally ar-
rive at an understanding of and a
liking for something that shall ap-
proach the "harmonious discords" of
the Chinese, close observers claim to
have discovered among the mnaicians
and lovers of music a steadily in-
creasing sensitiveness to harmonies
the existence of which was formerly
Subtle harmonies of today, it is
added, are understood, which, 40 or 60
years ado Pisa, would have been
deemed Mcesteprehetuible. At any
rate, the muslelane have grown bolder
nod bolder14 doing the things that
used to be tor6bdden
Artificial assarages.
There in tow to be had an artiAoial
sponge which is the °arouse of Ger.
/tan ingenuity. The process of mak-
trig it oasis's prineipally in the a♦
tion of zine eltlorlda oa pars esllaloss.
This results In pasty, vbeous ntsat,
�icwrhishis mired with eoarsaly gtaataM
in a press mould armed nal
fleet mass M piernet ,roa`Ir
until it appears travailed
• s of tinycabals libtlta
ppas sof a softies' D''
of 1 webeega.teased
cig by
ear to a ,_mak plow
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inflammation o 1
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satisfaction. Sow. a box, 6 for fs.3o.
Sample free if you write National
& Cbemig'al Co. of Canada,
Dept. 4( Toronto. 90
We should like to talk to you about the bargains we are .offer
ing in Stoves. For the *next thirty Jays, and for perhaps knitter,
we will give ten pro cent. discount on the prices of all Stoves
Heaters and Ranges—which we have in the store. We have th,
Moffatt Ranges which bat e n reputation for satisfaction that phos,
than in the tint tank. Art Garland, Souvenir, and Moffatt
Heaters. Any of these you will find are Piet what you want. W,•
have them in different sizes, suitable foe any size of a house or
Just a wont about our
We have a good stock of Horns Blankets, the kind that •'S'l'ay
on"—While they last ten per cent. off.
Plumbing, Heating. Eaveetroughing
and General Hardware.
Hamilton Street
GETTING a fourth hand for "bridge"
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Service promotes sociability and good fellowship
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It is the same with your out-of-town friends —
the universal service of the Bell System makes teem
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means of the Bell Long Distance Service.
Every fell Telephone Is the Center of the System.
think of a name
—there are two beautiful parks in New Hazelton
Heights—we want names for them.
send your suggestion, we'll pay you
cash for it.
On May 1, 1912, two names will bf, chosen—the first two
names rec;.=ved by us that are select::d will each receive a
$250 prize --thirty other- prizes.
Write plainly
giving your occupation
amp pods. Briiy
rANoDUVEk, British Cowl■w