HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-18, Page 44 ittusestsa , Jestlast Igo JOH THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO District News.; ouPsuJO". 11T. AUGUSTINE. / Tomos Y. Jan. ltlth. News Ntrrgs.—MIN Allot Clark is visiting friends in Auburn this week. W P. Brophy returned to Mil- waukee last weak. after spending three weeks with 64 parrots. ... ... Thomas ('lark, of Pickering, is visit- ing his niece, Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Miss Annie Stafford is speudiug a week with Mies Marie McIntosh . Mrs. Win. 'Thompson got s tad fall and was shaken up sadly, but we hope ebe will soup recover Ow- ing to the bad storm and bad roads. Mr. Johnston has nut been able to get the sawmill moved in yet . Victor Johnston, who is attending Lucknow high *drool, spent Suoday at his home here. Tt'Rnies, Jan. 18th. K. Clawed ie recovering slowly from w tweet illness. Las Amirrsoe was storinstayed at Auburn last week. E. N. Shaw is busy et present get- ting out timbers for his new barn. Horace Horton is having the muni- cipal telephone installed in his house. A little daughter bags arrived at the hove ort Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater. Long life to the little stranger. Master Will Glazier, late fireman un the O. W. S. E. R., has taken a Isosi- tiou as fireman on the C. P. R. Soave of the enterprising young men took • sleighing party out to the house of John Salkeld, on the Hayfield road. on Tuesday evening. The recent cold snap has retarded traffic on the Leads. the heavy snow- falls making wail delivery very un- certain. Not for aortae years has there been auPh a protracted storm. The mercury ran down as low es 15 and 16 below zero. GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 17th. ANNEAL TELEPHONE MEETINO.— Tbe annual meeting of subscribers of the Goderich township telephone aye - tom was held in Holmes ball, Holmes- ville, last h'1 iday afternoon. The commissioners presented their report, which was a vi -o7 favorable cne. Since the last meeting the system was extended in the northern part of the township and 181 new subscribers were added. forty-five of them having free connection with the Bell tele- phone syeretn at. Goderich. Applies - 'Aqua fu. 11 ve new telephones were re- ceived. to have coonection also with (ioderieh. The old couuuisioners were re -eke -Led for another term. They t y : President, Geo. Holland: secreta'' . G. W. Potter : and Edward Wise. The president's salary for 1912 will be CM: the secretary's, 160, and the other commissioner's $l0. A line- man was engaged for two days of each week w look atter the system. DEATH or ROBERT MCiLWAIN. — The death of Robert MCIlwain at his home on the 1st concession of this reweave removes one who had been a resident 4 this township during all of tbe sixty—four year's, his lite. His demise took place on Thursday of last week. following a wiz weeks illness. Besides his widow be is survived by a family of three tuns and five daugh- ters. They .are: Mrs. Jos. White and Samuel. in the West: Mira. Flesh. of Sault Ste. Marie : Mrs. Ryan, of Dun- gannon. and George, Roy. Eliza and Ethel, at home. George, Samuel and Johnston Mcllwsin, all of Goderich township. are brothers, and Mts. Mc- Allister and Mrs. Griffin, also of this township. are sisters ot the deceased. With the exception of the son and daughter in the West all the members of the family were present at the fu- neral, which took place un Saturday afternoon to Msitlead cemetery. The Orange, hrethren. of which older the decease() was an old and faithful mem- ber. had charge of the burial service. Rev. J. Hamilton was tbe officiating clergyman. The bereaved have the sympathy of the community in their loss. KIPPEN. WenNgebev. Jin. 17th. WRnfec. -Word has been received announcing the marriage of Mies Grace. second daughter of Thos. Gem- mel. of Tuxford, Saskatchewan, a former resident herr. to a Mr. Johnes,, last Wednesday. They are away to California on their wedding tour. The in ide's maty friends here wish ber Ion voyage. The eldest son, John Gemmel, who is now an M. It. was married recently also. r1.axY A►PLIrrloNs. —The fancily of Alfred Sutton have surely had trouble enough for one year during the last twelve months. Last winter their youngest child, Ernest, wes ill for months from the effects of scarlet fever. it settled in his knee and the child was rent to the Children's Hos- pital at Toronto in July. returning tbe Saturday before Christmas Day. The home was tilled with joy on the arrival of a baby I,ny, but in afew days the older children were stricken with diphtheria and the house was quar- ant inert. The ynarantine is still in forte. All are nicely improving in health now. Last fall the eldest hoy was afflicted with typhoid fever for some weeks. B btterassrrL.--Miss Hawkins. of Ex- e'er. accompanied by her brother le Jackson, of Le Mars, Iowa. and her " slater, Mts. R. Brown, of Crigary, Alberta, visited their friends do the. home of W. H. Johnston last week. Both of these ;sermons have been very successful in their adopted homes. Mr. Hawkins and family own 1,200 acres of rhoire Iowa land, worth in s the neighborhood of V200 an acre. He J has been sway about twenty-six years. w While the land was low-priced he was O farseeing enough to buy all he could a handle. Mrs. Brown's husband is most -aping ranching with farm- ing and has been remarkably sue- cewsful. They have been in Alberta for nice year'. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 17th. Allister Manu was dome from the G. C. I. over Sunday. Miss Annie Naylor visited her brother here frons Saturday till Tues- day. A. Asquith & Son loaded a car of waste front their evaporator last week. Chas. Straugbsn, of Prince Rupert, B. C.. is spending the winter with friends here. School was cancelled on Wednesday of last week and Monday of this week owing to the severity of the storm. We are pleased to be able to report that Geo. Howatt, who fell on the ice and broke'his wrist, is getting along nicely. The auction ode of Durham grade cows that was to be held at the Au- burn House yesterday was called off, as it was impossible to bring the cows up front Clinton. AUBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY.—At a meeting held recently, O. E. Erratt was Appointed president and C. As- quith secretary -treasurer of the public library board. Rev. R. A. Millar was appointed a member of the board and it was decided to open the library from 7 to 8 o'clock Thursday evenings instead of Wednesday as heretofore Arrangements are being made for e concert to be belt' in the near future. JUMPED THE JOB.—While the St. Augustine mail -carrier was making his 'regular call at the Westfield post, office on his way up on Monday after- noon his horse, evidently believing that exercise produced body heat, beat a hasty retreat for Auburn. After a somewhat lengthy search, be was finally discovered behind Jae. Hickin- bottam'e barn, none the worse for his escapade. BLYTH. TUESDAY, Jan. 16th. FOUR NOMINATED.—On account of J. Cutt's resigning. from the council there had to be another nomination, so on Monday of this week the follow- ing were nomina' ed to fill the vacancy : Geo. Powell, F. Metcalf, J. Moody and D. Crittenden. We understand there will be a run. The election will take place next Monday and if they allstay in the field it is hard to say who will win. PERSON.at. AND GENERAL. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tierney, Mrs. A. Tierney and Mr. and Mrs. A. Tierney and families attended the funeral of Jas. Thompson in Clinton on Saturday. The deceased was killed in the West over two weeks ago in a train wreck end his body was brought home to Clinton last week. His brother, Mark Thompson, accompanied the remains home and this week visited with rela- tives here, before returning to his home in the West .... We have been having some very severe weather the pest week, zero temperatures being the order of the day. Last Friday evening was the coldest we have had for some time, the thermometer regis- tering 20 below zero. There has also been a considerable arnount of snow falling. until the node are very bad, end it is almost unsafe to be out at night A. Wilford, who has been engaged in the produce business in Winghani for some time, has eecuted a good position with the Davies Co. of Toronto. It seems the Company has purchased the egg business of the Artnour Co. of Wingham and Mr. Wilford has secured this position through the deal J. A. Jackson and family of Ponoka, Alberta, who have been visiting relatives here, are now nn a visit to Mr. Jackson's par- ents in Seaton h Hoy Thomas, C. P. R. agent here, who has been on the sick list for some time, is now in charge of the station again and Mr. radley, who was relieving, has left or Guelph .... Arthur Knox, who arned the operating et the G. T. R. talion here, but who is now agent at Exahew-, Sask.,wes married 1.0 & young Indy of that town on January 10th. The hest wishes of his many friends ere extended to him W. Hetfron, who recently returned from the West, left or Saturday for a visit with his ister at Lucknow Mr. and Mrs, as. Beatty ars at present nn a visit itb friends at Kincardine .baa. Jennie, who has been appointed gent of the Bank of Hamilton at Lueknow, went there on Wednesday and returned on Friday to pack up his household effects, returning on Mon- day. Mrs. (Rennie will follow him at once. While here they were both very sociable and made many friends, who ,are cony that they are leaving town. Mr. Gregory, of the Wingham branch, has received the appointment here R. H. Robinson, who ham been in the hospital in London for the past month, having an operation per- urmed, returned horde Friday almost cured. On Sunday he received word that his father. who bad been ailing for mune time et Kirkton, had peeped away. so on Monday he and Mt*. Robinson end his brother, Will, left. for Kirkton to attend the funeral Miss Bridget Kelly, who kept house for her father here until he passed away about a month ago, cloned up her home here and left on Fri- day for London. where atte intends snaking het home in the future... . The Rural 'Phone On. fere are ex - ending their lino very rapidlyy,aa they re now preparing a new direeUocy. eel it is only a year since they got air first one The D. D. G. 1N. and his team installed the officers of • Blyth iodge of the I. O. O. F. on snsday night, followed by emptier at Taylor • reefeUrant. PEgsoNAi. MENTION. Miss IIsi tie McKenzie, of Toronto, is spending a well-earned holiday with her parents. Mr*. Young (formerly Miss Elsie Kettktoot and two children, of Mani - DAM. are enjoying a two months visit in the o 1 d home with her Mother Dugald Mrs. Thos. Meelymont returned t o London Last week after spending :in enjoyable visit for • few days with her son James John Craig, of Moosejaw, le revisiting old seenes this winter. Ma likes Saskatchewan, where he has hues quite successful ....Mr. Arni- e/ Ku sex. accompanied by bis two s(alsrs. visited their mule. A. Hu- ?--sa, last week for a few days ., ifs. fieymout and three rhildren Pthe West are visiting her sister. R H. Parson* Mr. Holmes, ase count r, is spending a pleas. f barna with is say relatives ber, film ofp , Lamy M iussg in Jhse th of Williamgth Oresllald is vts s 1s T PORTER'S HILL_ TUESDAY, Jan. 9th. Ntrrxe.—Mrs. tiwidth end two child- ren returned to their hove nsarStrat- furd, last week, having spent a couple of wee as with her parents Miss Ruth 'Ilcbborue left for Detroit last week .... Miss Bertha Potter, of Zion City, was visiting in the neighborhood Wet week Among those who spurt New Year's in the vicinit7 were Prod Start and son Douglas, of t.urries, John Potter, of Hicksuo, and Mr. Mair, ot Byron. MAFEKINO. MONDAY, Jae. 151,11. BRIE$. —T. Taylor. who bee 'web visiting at the house of his brother-in- law, W. Shackleton, returned to Her lin on Saturday John Jamieson, of Laurier. and S. Finlay, of Saskat- chewan, visited at Anson Finlay's yesterday Miss Barbara Culbert. of Crewe, visited ber sister, Mrs. T. Reid, last week Miss MacLaren, of Clinton, who has been nursing Mrs. W. Finlay, returned to her home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson's baby was very sick last week, but is better by this time . Mrs. W. t tothers is on the sick list this week Finlay Shackleton was laid up with tonsilitis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reid, of I.ucknow, visited friends here yesterday. ST. HELENS. TUESDAY, Jan. 9th. Jas. Cassell* returned from Toronto on Friday. Miss J. C. McDonald, of Wing- hatn, is visiting friends here. Miss Lilian Clark is visiting Gode- rich and Westfield this week. Miss May Cameron will resume ber studies in Goderich Collegiate. John McPherson, after a few years in the West, has returned to Ontario. Miss Laura Archer is visiting ber aunt, M s. Walter %Vebb, during the week. Miss Creta M. Campbell, of Lothian, is visiting Misses Fiances and Hazel's. Anderson. Rev. A. G. McLachlin, of Stratford, will conduct the service in Calvin chutcb on Sunday nett. H. McCrostie has returned from Chicago to resume his studies et Wingham high school. W. 8. McCrostie, who has been at Grassy Lake, Alberta, for a couple of months, returned on Thursday for a short visit. He intends returning to Grassy Lake next week. Mo*oat, Jan. 15th. Stuart A. Miller, after spending a few weeks at home, started for the West on Monday. He will visit Mc- Auley o-Auley and Allan before returning to Kindersley. The St. Helens %-omen's Institute will hold their meeting at Mrs. Arch. Anderson's on Thursday.January 25th, at 2: 8) o'clock. Suect, "Pre- vention and Cure of Colds." All the ladies are cordially invited to attend. DUNGANNON. ( ►'t. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF 11 Lucknow, has ceased visiting outside points and will henceforth 'toe hi. entire attention to the home office, Lueknow, when he will be found every day. All modern meth. ods, MOTICK.—THE LOCAL AGENCY LI in Dungannon for The Signal is at the Post- offloe Book and Stationer Store, where orders will be renetved for t,..becriptiona, ad- vesing and job work, and receipts wW r•Ube elven for amounts t:aid for the same. THURSDAY, Jan. 18t.h. Matthew Young is visiting relatives at Seaforth. Miss Esther Bellamy, of St. Marys, is visiting her parents here. Frank Jones has started to learn the harness business with J. Johnson. Miss Margaret Medd has returned from a visit with relatives in Gode- rich. Dungannon is glad to see J. M. Roberts out again after his recent 'ill- ness. N. Staples. of the Sterling Bank, is on duty again after an illness of sev- eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. sow. McClure enter- tained a large number of their friends on Friday evening. The annual meeting of the Dungan- non Agricultural Society kill be held tomorrow efternoon. Edward Durnio has retuncecl to To- rcnto after spending the holiday sea- son at his house herr. Wilson McLean left Mo ndays morn- ing on his return to Winnipeg after a visit to his old home here. Miss Bellamy has resigned her posi- tion in J. .%alkour's store and her place is taken by Miss Margaret Ryan. The members of Dungannon Circle, Order of Canadian Home Circles, en- joyed an oyster supper at their Inst regular meeting. Mise Nuns Craig, of Goderich, has joined the c crating staff of the trade. richRural lelephoue Go. at the cen- tral exchange here. John Savage had his rn,rtion .ale this afternu n, unit it nes very success- fol. Mr. lavage has sold his farm and is moving to Goderich. John Glen open -sir rink is a popu- lar resort these evenings. The exer- cise gives the Dungannon girls the rosy cheeks which are so much ad- mired. A Goon RiPoR7.—The annual meet- ing of the West %Vswancerh Mutual Fire insurance Co. was held here yes- terday. The report of the directors showed the company to he in excel- lent financial standing. The retiring directors were re -appointed. DEATH OP MRCS. JAMES CULBERT.— The death of Mn. James Culbert oc.•1 purred on Saturday at her home at Crewe, after a long illness of cancer. Deceased, whoa* maiden name was Mary Templeton, bad lived all her life in this esighborhood. Besides her husband, she is survived by sever children. The funeral took place to Dungannon cemetery on Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended. ('ARM /M' IetrrITUTa. -.A of the West Huron Farmers l oathuate will he held in the Orange Hall, Dun- gannon. on Mouday next. There will be two sessions. et 2 p. m. and 7 p tn. Io the afters. -i a Hock -judging ekes will be oondtected, and is It expected a gram deal of interest will he takes In this feature. IoM. Shaw, of /iespeler, will be here to address the Women's I..Mtete sad will take pert in the jtAlst e'ening sneering EINTAIL AND DUNGANNON. Regular Mxtmgs of Fanners' Institute at Tlesa ?ousts. The, reeler meetings ut the West Huron /*arusers' Institute will be held at McDonald's hall, Kiutail, on Satur- day, January :X)ib, and the Orange Hall, Dungaouou, on Monday, January 1171od. It is hoped there will be a large atteudanoeet both places. At Dun- gannon there will be s demonstration in stock -judging, to W held in the Methodist church sheds. This should be a feature of special interest to the farmers ot the district. Meetings at hots places will oom- meoce et 2 p. w. and 7 p ur., end good speakers are provided for all the sesiona Mrs. Shaw. of Hespsler, be on hand in the Interests of the Wcwels's Institute, and it is hoped tbe Ladies will turn oat in large oussbets. insiWitiesireewersidierseireasisseetaWier The Place to buy your Groceries Is where you will be sure to get the pur- est and freshest of goads. You will be sure of obtaining supplies of the very best quality if you buy your groceries from Sturdy & Co. The Grocery On the Square 1 'PHONE 91 ideareeseareerosartnewaitasseanaraesess LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay the highest nth prices for all kinds of good logs, de- livered at our mi north of MacFwan's Coal Yard. CUSTOM SAWING and general mill work done promptly and at reasonable rates. For prices and particulars inquire at office. - Goderich Lumber & Milling CO. CANADIAN hAC To WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Daily Transcontinental Service via the :±til Canadian Route. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. To CHICAGO Three trains daily, excellent service, making connections at Detroit for FLORIDA and at Chicago for CALIFORNIA AND PACiFI(' r'►OABT POINTS For reservations and informa- tion apply to JOS. KiDD. Agent, 0oele1ich. NI r GreatJanuary THIRD WEEK Combined AND STILL CONTINUES Sales ALL OVER THE STORE, Deep Cuts in Prices Now . Don't wait for the usual after -season's sale. There w'on't be any, It will be combined in this month's selling. Greater reductions prevail now than could possibly after stocktaking. This Month Winds Up Our Business Year, and Then Spring Offerings - PRINTS OINGHAMS Twelve hundred All our CREST 124c English Prints, :f11 inches wide, colors absolutely fast. ...1 1 o yards of new 10c Gingham* just strived Sootch and English make. beat we ever offered for 10es, good pstterne and good colors—FAST. J. H. COLBORNE !I L sst_.......1 THE LAST DAY Take advantage of the last day of our 15 - day Slaughter Sale to secure an Overcoat, Suit, Trousers, Fur or Fur - lined Coat at a fraction of their real value. You can save dollars by buy- ing on Saturday, and if that is the case it will be worth while attending this sale. Specials Forty Suits at half- price and less. Ten boys' Suits to clear at $2.50. Overcoats 1/4 to '3 off regular prices. Fur Coats, all at big bargains. Trousers at a great saving. Many lines of Furnish- ings to clear at cost and less. Remember, Saturday is the last day of sale Walter C. Pridham East Side of Square IoneseweseseweessieseweesieeeseeestaPeeswassair . In the Grip of Alcohol The above words describe the enodition of Thousands of Meo and Wooten in Canada who are today suffering from the effects of the Liquor Habit. Slowly, but wally. It is making them Physdoal and Nervous Wrecks. In the end it memos Low of Bndiness, Hoose and Children neglected, and loss of self-respect Stop and think whist it would mean to yOu. your testily end Friends, if you could be Placed in the saw eomdidsa, Pbyshlady and Mentally, as you were before you took your first drink. Well—The Gmtlin Treatment will cure you of the liquor Habit is Three Days. No Hypodermic I n ject ions, No Poisonous Drugs. A child can safely tate it. Howl Treatment for throe who elegem come to the institute for Three Days. Call, write or 'phoebe foe Bonklet weed empire of-ontrsel.. Gatlin Institute aM jams Street. Termites 'Phase Hirth 036 A HARGRAVE Mgr _ DON'T HANG ON TO THAT COLD ANY LONGER WHEN YOU KNOW THAT Nyal's Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Cillorodyne IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL IRRITATION F. J. BUTLAND "The Gedrieb, Qatari* A FULL STOCK MAKES THIS STORE ATTRACTIVE We have stocked eur shelves with all good things necessary to foot comfort. If it's Felts yru want we've got them. if it's Rubbers or Overshoes we've got them. If it's Rubber Boot. we've got them. If it's Prospectors' Bross or Oil Tan Moccasins we've got them. You can't meation an article that goes to keep yourleet warm and dry but we have it. 1f it's here it's worthy. It it's worthy its Isere. Our prices are the lowest. Repairing Downing 6 MacVicar >1wWWWwwWwWWWWWwwW16*****totes. Oar 'Naito : "A *quart deal to everyone WHAT ABOUT THAT tr • asks • ., . - . ssenati F URNITURE ▪ you have contemplated buying for some time? Now that the holiday season is over and the long winter evenings are ahead, don't you think ▪ it advisable to call on us and purchase that furni- ture that is needed to give the finishing touch to II the home? Our stock shows a complete range in ▪ every line and you will find our prices are nght. WISHING ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 1912. 1 1 itkquoi!'M!!1!,woT wr f tiviquri!!1!! iquimurToi AGENCY NORDHEIMER PIANOS MU1R & IiOHME1ER Ate elfin, "The leaf waste rxorrcrile for 'see ese.s "