HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-18, Page 2• THVSIDAT, JANUARY IB, 1912.
Otioatutot tNTARl0.
TRH SIGNAL Cu.. LimitedI ewphooe Ca/1 No. 35.
Teras ofwbecnstloa ;
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Six giatttss, boo : three auo•ths, s'i
To United Slates subscribers. tl .yt a year
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AdvertissmeuLe of Lost. Found. Strayed. Bit -
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m-n.ts will be given on application.
Address all coneaunicanoaa to
Oodetich On.
Ot)DIiRUCH. THUNsuAT. JAN. 19, 1912
Mayci Reid is to be commended for
his energetic action in the matter of
the Onto io Welt Shore Railway
bonds+, ant it ie to be hoped that the
conterente of last Friday will have
tangible results. Mr. Moyes roust
underiunI that the patience of the
people or these municipalities .that
have assisted him in hisenterprise is
well-nigh exbsusted, and that the
municipal tepresentytives will have,
public minion strongly behind them
if they refuse to let the matter drift
any longer. For three year there has
been a dt ire on the part.of t he people
'Of the town of Goderich to secure an
investigation of the railway's affairs,
but the other municipalities were not
prepared to join in the effort. Now
that unite] action on the part of the
municipalities seems to be assured, the
people would welcome an investiga-
tion the' would show how over $800,-
000 has been expeuded on" the incono
plate railway.
The Ontario Government has de-
cided that for the present at (east the
hydro -electric power eyetem is not to
be placed in charge of s department of
the Governtneut, but that it will con-
tinue in the hands of tit.Hydtd elec-
tric Commission. '
The announcetncnt of the propobed
change. to do away with the Ooinmia-
sion and appoint a Minister of Power
to control the hydro -electric project,
" was, made by Sir James Whitney in
his,manifeeto issued before the Pro-
vincial elections. The proposal met
with a good deal of criticism and only
a few days ago Mr. N. W. Rowell in a
speech at Dundas condemned it as a
betrayal of the municipalities and a
move, that wouldtjead to the .introduc-
tion of politics into tht administration
of the system.
ILThe Government organs profess to
believe that Mr. Rowell's stand had
nothing to do with the change of
front on the part of the Government,
but no matter what were the roses ins
which inflnencel the Government the
decision it has just announced is a wise
one. Politicai pattrtlige and political
interests genersll,y should be kept as
far its p teeible removed from the
movement for cheap power.
The Signal has received a copy of
The Glasgow Herald's annual Ship.
building, Industrial and Ci,,ni orcial
Review, containing a very compete
hensive survey of operations in these
lines throughout the commercial
world. Shipbuilding is. of course, the
great industry of Glasgow. and chief
prominence in the Review is given to
the conditions which mark this indus-
try in Scotland and elsewhere. The
adverse influencer of labor disturh-
ancesduring the past year are men-
tioned, but in spite of this and other
drawbacks the statement is made that
"there has been a period of unex-
ampled prosperity in shipbuilding and
marine engineering. The statistics
given on the following pages are suffi-
cient proof that in all the countries in
which these ore important industries
-America ex: ept•d-far more wurk
has been done than in any previous
year.' Further, the prospects of con-
tinued prosperity in thew industries
are most assuring.
The flgurea showing the output of
the shipyards of the world indicate
once mote the great preponderance of
Brit ish shipbuilding. During 1911
there were launched in the shipyards
of the lrnitexl Kingdom I.47B veseele.
with a total tonnage of 2,(H).197 ;
•`eol.miAl" shipyards turned not 152
vesee4a, with a 'tonnage of 29,949: and
foreign shipyards ars credited with
I.gtie vessels, with • tonnage of 1,4514,.
.S. Great Britain, therefore last
Tsar turned out considerably more
'.hat one -halt the total tonnage of the
world's shipyards. Of the foreign
countries Germany is nuking progress
in shipbuilding, while the t'oitea
States is falling behind in • marked
It is not surprising that a Glasgow
journal sbould call attention to the
pre-eminent position of the Clyde as •
shipbuilding district. In 1911 it pro-
duced a larger tonnage than any
cuuotry apart trout the United King-
dom Its total was not far abort of
those "f Germane and the United
States combined. and was much
tomer than that of any other single
district in Great Britain.
Thune who for political t-eaaone talk
of the alleged decadence of British in-
dustry will find these facts regarding
British shipbuilding a tough argument
to deal with.
Goderich Scow are getting into con-
dition tor the Burns anniversary cele-
bration next week. 'Twull be a grain'
The people of the Rainy River dis-
trict are again talking of seceding
from Ontario, What's the matter
with the Whitney Government?
The Dominion Parliament is again
sitting, and it great portion of the time
of the House semina to be spent in die-
cussiog the dismissals made by the
Government since taking office. Mr.
Borden's pre-election proposals of
civil service reform are not being put
in elect just yet.
Professor Stephen Leacock, address-
ing a Toronto audience the other day,
deplored the fact that "there is no
public opinion to;lsy (in Canada) out-
side that manufactured by the 'inter-
ests."' Attd yet Professor Leacock
himself was one of tib biggest shouters
for the "interests" in the anti -recipro-
city campaign.
The grain storage capacity at Port
Arthur and Fort William is now
22.000,000 bushels, and Targe increases,
it is reported, are to be made during
the present year. On the United
States side the storage capacity at the
head of the lakes is :i2,250,II00 buehels,
but with the. large increases being
made at ,the Canadian ports these
figures may very soon be overtaken.
With the question of China's destiny
holding so large a share of public at-
tention, it will be a great mistake if
Rev. Dr. Donald MacGillivray, who is,
in Canada at the present time, is not
persuaded . to give an s4dress in his
hometown on the suhject' on which
heleao well quelifl-d to *peak. We
hope that some organization in town
will make a p tint of securing the Doc-
tor for on address some evening this
The value of the tlsh taken from
Canadian waters lost year was larger
than ever before, amounting to nearly
thirty )pillion dollies. -0f the total
the seafisheries contributed $28.1'1.-
506 and the inland fisheries 113,812
Of the Provinces N teaScotia he+
the list, with British Colnmli'a a good
second, New Brunswick third and
Ontario fourth. Over 93,000 people
sire engaged in the fish industry, in-
cluding those employed in canneries.
fish hprses, etc , on shore, '
The drub of Henry Labouchere is
announced from ` Florence, Italy,
where he had been residing owing to
ill -health. Labouchere out editor of
Lindon Truth anthnleml:er of Parlia-
ment was for many yews one of the
most" striking figures in British at-
tains. Before Radicalism wanes popu-
lar as it is now, "fett.hy" was a
pronounced Itidicnl, and though his
sympathies were usually with the
Liberal party he never took office in a
Cabinet. apparently 'preferring his
role of free lance.
Figures which have been published
show that the Whitney Government's
popular msjorityin December was only
about half as huge as in 1908. In the
constituencies in which contents were
held the relnction in the total vote
was about foul teen per cent., due no
dnuht to seine extent to Lhe fact that
the election was held in the winter.
Toronto had the largest percentage of
cancelled or rejected ballots, while
Centre Huron had the test record in
the Province, with only live votes re-
jected and a simile' number cancelled.
Of course. it is not surprising to learn
that voting intelligence is higher in
this gond Grit riding than In be-
nighted Toronto.
Joseph Fels, the mill' airs single
taxer, was in Toronto this week
sprawling the gospel of Henry George.
Mr. Fels made his money under sods'
conditions which he considers impro-
per, and he is «pending it in the en-
deevor to enlighten pe sple so that
tbey will apply the re rn-4v to pat
social condition os a propsr basis.
Mr. Fel«mays that the single tat idea
is spreading throughout the world.
The works of Haney Geevge have ben
tzannbted into thirty -sight different
baguettes, leelsdisg Mem is
Deaseark they are weed i• titer seMais
as text -books is economic.. to 'Ger- THE MORNING TONIC.
many 134 cities bees some Corm of
single tax in operatioU. A certain
measure of it has also been approved
in Johanneebneg within the last three
uwnth.. ad,nittedly on the example of
Vancouver. B. 0.
A meeting which may have far-
reacbiug results was held lost week at
Berlin. It was • gathering of repre-
sentatives of a dozen or more cities
and townsdor the purpose of urging
the Government not to proceed with
the Georgian Bay canal project at the
present time, but to give its attention
to the development of the Great takes
and Welland ('anal route. "The
Great Waterways Union et Canada"
was formed, and aoutbcr meeting will
be held its the near future with the
object of showing the Governtnest
that public opinion its Western On-
tario is strongly behind the move-
ment. A representative from Owen
Sound was protein at the meeting last
week, and made an alternative proposi-
tion. Owen Sound is opposed to the
Georgian Bay canal project,' and be-
lieves that a small portion of the
money proposed to be expended os
the canal if spent in improving the
facilities at Georgian Bay porta and
encouraging lower rail rates to the ,
seaboard would give better results.
Goderich would take similar ground
in reference to the advisability of im-
proving the present lake ports before
launching such a tremendous under-
taking ns that of the Georgian Bay
canal. Without taking the stand-
point Ut sectional interests. it would
wenn o the reasonable pclicy for
the Got ement to enlarge the Wel-
land Canal and improve the facilities
at present transshipping points on the
lakes and the Georgian Bay before„
making any expenditure upon the
new scheme except for purposes of in-
vestigation to determine if tha scheme
is one that should be undertaken by
the Government.
Not a Bad Idea.
Guelph Mercury.
A good way for merchants to keep
people from shopping out of town to
to show through their ads. the advan-
tage of shopping at home.
Their Heads in Their Hands.
Windsor Reoori.
It 1e even dangerous for a civil ser-
vant to he seen talking to a politician
these days if the two of theist happen
to he members cf the Liberal party.
Make Good Use of Their Land.
Itondon Advertiser.
The Belgian census shows a popula-
tion of 7,428,784. or till to the equates
mile, and still growing. Nearly
twenty Heigiums could be put into
Ontario. They have a small country,
but the lielgisras make the fullest use
of their soil
Playing the Same Game.
Toronto Star.
The British Government is losing
elections through frantic 'appeals
against home rule for Ireland. When
the victory is won. the tariff reform-
ers claim that protection did it all.
Trade restriction and anti-Catholic
prejudice run together in Engbtod as
they did in Canada
Relief for the Western Farmer.
Toronto Star.
The News comforts the Western
farmers with the Panama Canal.
When the canal is built the people of
Saakatchewae can ship their grain
through Alberta, over the Rocky
Mountains, through British Cotombia,
down the Pacific, back through the
Panama Canal, and accuse t h e
Atlantic. Anybody can see how
much simpler and cheaper that is than
selling it acmes the bolder.
Young at Seventy
VIctpria Cotooi-t.
Speaking at Montreal. Mr. Rudolph
irmieux t•, d that, although Sit Wil
(rid Limier i, s -venty years old. Mr.
Gla letone was two years older when
be made his famous Midlothian cam-
paign. Evidently the Liberal baster
bas no present intention of retire-
ment, and why should any man tetir'
from pu',lic life, if his mental and
physical health is gr,od, simply he -
cause he has lived 'my particular num-
ber of year= ?
Th. Appeal of the Oeld Water Bath
Greens With Habit.
li The habit once formed, the dip and
plash in • t- 5 of cold water every
morning gives a stimulus to, the be-
ginning of the dayt makes lite well
worth living, I's lick, on the con-
trary, leaves one f lin` like a mol-
lusc, but as it is not • difflculti uzury
ti procure end at the mild o cold
swage bath in some measure takes Be
place should • large enough tub be
out of reach. that dull feeling need not
be risked.
Of cuurae there are some forbidden
the cold dip by doctor's orders. But it
is to those who have not yet experi-
enced its joys and who have no physi-
cal disability that these hints are
given. The Ideal time to "get the
habit" is in summer time or in early
September before • chill is in the air.
Then it will carry iteelf on into cooler
weather imperceptilly.
Use good sense about it. Jumping
from a warm bed into a waiting tub
of icy water, and the resultant glow,
Is a thing to 'be read about in tales
where the hero is s big. muscular ath-
lete. In actual life the hero does no
seek thing. If he hat had good phy-
sical training :1e precedes the plunge
by standing up and taking many good
deep breaths. filling the lungs hill to
start circulation, holding the breath
for • moment, then exhaling steadily
Then he goes through so ase stirring
exercises. which may be simple
enough to suit any constitution. tak-
ing deep breaths all the while, and
adding a halt dozen for good measure
between rash art of movements.
Then. when in a tine glow, he drops
into the tuts, of cold water and
splashes for a minute or two, springs
out. dries himself with a rough towel,
and goes' through a aeries of rubbing
exercises, in the course of which every
part of his body gets a good, stimulat-
tng friction with his palms. Then to
dress --and he goes forth feeling fit to
conquer a man a share of the earth.
But the masculine part of the com-
munity has no mortgage on that
splendid sensation of a italitt and
energy. Any girl who goes at it with
good sense can share in its joys, es-
pecially if she has a warm bathroom
at command. If freshly drawn cold
water be a little too much for hel(et
Bret it zuay be tempered. or, if drawn
ever night, the chill will go off. Yet
after a little she probably will come
actually to crave the real "live" feel-
ing of the brisker contact.
A noted Fest Indian authority on
physical well-being and the means for
attaining it recommends a slightly
different routine, in that he tells one
to leave the akin alightly moist (in-
stead of drying thoroughly), to slip on
the undergarments and to exercise
so. This, he says, -and his word is
fully confirmed by many who have
tried it -brings a quick glow and a
feeling of exhilaration delightful to
experience. But either program fol.
lowed faithfully, will make the day a
' different matter to the one who has
' wally found "beginning right" no
easy thins to accomplish. .
The minister had just finished a lit -
An Arrow at a Xenture.
tle opening talk to the children, pre-
paratory to the morning service, when
Mrs. Berkeley suddenly realized,
with all the agony of a careful house-
wife, that she had forgotten to turn
I the gas oft from the oven in which
she had left a nicely -cooked joint, all
Iready for the final re -heating. Vis-
ions of a ruined dinner and' a smoky
' kitchen roused her to immediate ef-
t fort, and borrowing a pencil from
the young man in front she scribbled
a note.
I Just then her husbando an usher
' of the church.°assed her pew. With
a murmured "Hurry!" she thrust the
I note into his hand, and he, with an
understanding iv& turned, passed up
the aisle, and handed the note to the
Yrs. Berkeley caw the act in speechn
less horror, and shuddered ea she saw
the minister smilingly op n t..' note
and began to read. But her expres-
sion of dismay was fully- equalled by
the look of amassment sad wrath on
the food man's face as he red the
Not Settled.
Woodrtnck Sentinel Ite, few.
The tan^ant election aim;lowly ail
not settle the important que.:Aion
whether there are end are to be, or
aro not and ere not to he. hi-lingttal
schools in this Prov ;Fee. P1.11111C1
Whitney, who says there are no bi-
lingual schools, was endntsed !•y the
electors. Hon. J. J. Foy, who says
that bilingual schools are illegal, wax
elected. Hou. Dr. Resume, who
holds that there are hi -lingual schools
and that they are all right. was
elected a'an. in regard to this nne
important point the election seems to
have been indecisive But the cam-
paign was illuminating. A good
many people know more about the
school system of the Province today
than +hey did before the campaign
Two Looks.
"tees it • owe of love at fleet sight
"Nn, second sight.. The flet time
he saw her be didn't know she was an
heiress." _ - _ -
Weary Willie that old Tightwad
would never give you a nic[e1 f
Tomatooan Joe -"Yes, he would."
weary Willie -"For what r
Tomato -can Joe -"A dime.'--Jtdge.
Secetea Thought.
Baker -R hemmer 1 sir anything
coolly i want to. b It for my wife.
%trkee arse' you ?
Barker so: 1 always ccs t rol
the 'amoeba. arper'a itasear.
So hang aye he le an the level • awe
ces't sot no gm doers hill
"Go liatus' and turn off the gas!"
Cool Request,
Mr. Rican. the proprietor of the
"provision stores" at Mudville-on-the-
Oose, is a roan of by no means bril-
liant intellect. and the majority of his
correspondence is rather a puzzle to
But one mom,ng he received a let-
ter which had quite an alarming ef-
fect on hien, so that atter he had
nix handfuls d hair out of 'hie
head in his endeavor to tindentaud
it, his wife suatched,it from him and
read it hermit.
This is how it ran: -
"Dear auto -Will you let my little
boy Billy 'ave stx loaves and a pond
of ',host en triot, as elle 'u' i.alia is
out ut wurk, and will yer rap the
cheaze in a bit of the situations want-
ed advertisement= nt a newspaper, and
tie the bread in a Lump of your but-
ter muslin, 'cos it the weret comes
to the werst and the old man don't
find a job 'e'11 'ave to borror your
pair of steps and a pail and go out
winder eleanin'P"
The Last Straw.
He was renting a small house which
the landlord had refused to repair.
One day the owner came to see him.
"Jones," he said, "I shall have to
rai+wyour rent
'at fart" asked Jones, anxious-
ly. "Have taxes gone ftp
"No," the landlord answersdl '
I see you've painted the hence
put in a new range and bath -roots.
That, of course. makes it worth more
is the best and quickest
way to perfect health.
Women and girls who
suffer are simply weak
-weak all over.
Opiates and alcoholic
mixtures are worse than
worthless, they aggra-
vate the trouble and
lower the standard of
Scoff's Emulsion
strengthens the whole
body, invigorates and
builds up.
1. sure to Vet SCOTT'S -
it's the Standard and always
the bat.
Some people seem to get a lot of
happiness out of denying themselves a
little pleasure.
You cant tell how poor a mut is
from the way he dresses, nor how rich
he is from the way his wife dresses.
You probably know' all too well
box it goes. Just as you doze off, the
tickling starts in your throat. A gentle
cough, .ti11 asleep. A harder cough, and
then another. First thing yon know,
you're wide awake, coughing your head
A few nights of that and you're a
worn out and weakened -that the cough
takes a tight grip on you:
But why endure it t
Na-Drn-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licor-
ice and Chlorotyne will soothe that
exasperating tickling, loosen the phlegm
and cure the inflammation of the mucous
membrane. It not only stops tbecougb
quickly, allowing you to get sound, re-
freshing sleep, but it goes to the root of
the trouble and drives out the cold com-
pletely. Children willingly take Na-
Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and
Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good.
Your Druggist has it or can quickly get
it for you in 23c. and 5oc. bottles. The
National Drug & Chemical Co. of
Canada. Limited. 115
Moat men spend one-third of their
lives try Iter to make the world differ-
ent, another third in -/earning to live
in it as it is and the remainder i
explaining how much better it used
to be.
Net Er»ugh Time.
i -.a,ag Lady -Guard, will 1 are
tits, t sae g'to.l-bye to my Me lit
Gest.'-- kfraid net miss. The train
hero en two hears and a half.
urrerea I ears
With My Back."
Backache resulting from weak
kidneys, a bad cold or other cause,
usuallP renders the sufferer unfit
for work and often results in per-
rnar.r:It disabilit}.
1 suffered for years with my
hat':, or kidney' trouble, and F,a;
. trie.l a number of remedies ko
diff -rent phrsi:•inns. Marc then a
year ago, one of our local druggists
induced me to tr;
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pips
add after using them some three
months I found a decided i nprcve-
1 n-,ent in my kidneys, and I am glad
to say that I h♦' -pc coon to be full, restored to ha:tlal." J. P. At.tF.N,
Et -Tinge City Court, Glasgow, Ky.
As long as pain is present in any
part of the body rest is impossible
a:.d the sy-tem be: -ening weaken,
is exposed to any form of disease r.
the sufferer may be inclined
Dr. Mks' Anti -Patin Pi's!'t
Sy steadying the irntated nen::
crnteas, make refreshing sleep ; o.-
sijle, thereby enabling the body to
.recover lost strength. .1s arem-d
for pain of any description Dr.
Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are unsur-
Sold by all druggists under a guar-
antee assuring the return of the price
of the first boa If no benefit results.
MILS& MIDICAL CO., Toronto, can.
(EM'S:_'• -
•341 1°c.: tit.9li.stc_
hikna lo
fv :.1'-3i�8Ili1E
.5� Litnc••
Winter Resorts
Round trip touriet tickets n.sw
on sale to all principal Winter
Reaorta, including
t lexico
Florida, etc.
The attractive route to West
ern ('wads is via Chicago
Steamship tickets on wale by
all lines.
ratlar.WWI t. r m''�". r. r
A"T Agent, et
. .eta •
Our January Sale is now under full headway, and, while we
quote a few bargains In the papers, no good idea of the many
advantages to be cleared just now can be formed without a pereosel
j Dregs Ooo4
Fine Frss ch Serge' and Tweeds, art Inches ; also Henrietta'
and Castanet's'', 41 and 44 inches wide, heavy, fine all wool, in
cardinally navies, browns. royal garnets; regular price 35c
30c and 80c. Your choice
Ladies' Coats
Long stylish beaver, tweed and broadcloth Coat*, some satin -
lined or farmers satin -lined. All $1U.00 t)oats for 32.00 ; $l5.60
('oats for 32.00;$211.00 Coats for 312.00.
Ladies. fur -lined Coate of fine beaver cloth and with full sable
collar. ('oat handsomely trimmed and vety light, very warm,
very stylish, one each site --38 and 40. Regular $34(h(k
value $40.00, for Vll
One only ladies' dark muskrat or river mink Fur 5�9Coareand-
rowdy lined with Skinners' satin, very stylish, size $59.00 0M(\
40. regular price $73.Ou, for.
Men's Coats
Men's fur -lined Coats with otter collars. 150.00. for. 5.00
Men's brown Alaska beaver Fur Coate, 122.00, for .......a1$.00
Men's black Galloway Coats with hunts collar, $tt2.00, for211.00
Men's black dog Coats with Astrachan lamb collar. SUGO,
for .120.00
Limited quantity of all -w sol Blankets, t$ x f1'8, large e'�
Jouble-bed size. To clear this month per pair.... .pJ
Ladies-' Scarfs, Throws, Boas and Caperines in China mink,
Western sable or marmot, priced from $8.00 to /12,50. Etc //��
Clearing sale price. 3 A
8.00 and .V.��00
for. 10100
Men'• Persian lamb Caps, 13.00 and 83.31., $2.M
Butteriek Patterns for Spring
First lot now in. We carry all the leading sizes its every staple
new' aero produced by this world-famous company.
Good Style
Painting Carriages
I do all lines of Fine ('arriage Painting and Select and
Antique Fluniture Finiabing.
Bring your Carri wee, Auto. Pianos and Furniture .d
every description.
Fifteen years' eeperieitce io the twat Piano and Org•
Factories in Toronto, Hamilton and Wm- Word'.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge.
Dominion Carriage Works, Goderiek.
�wanawa.e ew�aNwa►
The Naine on The Sole
The "INVICTUS" name and trade-
mark on the sole means a great deal to
any shoe-buver.
It means tootwear that will stand up
under every test for fit, style and wear.
it therefore means more for your
money, as well as for your feet and for
your sense of pride as to appearance.
Behind that trade -mark is the assur-
ance of an honest -made shoe --the shoe
you should always buy
Wm. Sharman
The Square Goderich