HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-11, Page 8• Tstresnav, 3steraar ll, 1911 sett`.' w �w€:tIF rt. rc'tetts THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH ONTARIO desesesesesehee Note Pape and t:nveluce Sale and Envelope Sale !u%..re pultiutg uu aide Friday. AA Saturday tea r* -aura Holland Lioru Nile Paper, special. 10c ser yuiro. huvelo fes to snatch correct .lips, long pointed fait' hv' per fuerkage. Craine's Celebrated Berkshire Linen *.klic iter• quire for !tape' al,d Sic pet packai,e• enve- lopes, special l:c. per quiro pipet anti 15c per package enve- lopes. Nine retie'. special Note Pala -1 lsbelled, "Vet Host Linen, nice light weight, special 25c per package of fiseguiles, of 3c peat single qquire. Linen envrlo trs to match 5c pet package. Try this paper before bending out of town, and y "u will find you at e saving money . Several odd lines of Note Paper and Envelopes o leering et half price, 5c. Businem E a'r i. 1•r•, tw.t p:+t'k- age. tot :e . , The Colonial Wok Store GE( 0. PORTER. Pop. Phot„ 10•' (indetich "The Liver Pills act CHILDREN'S AID WORK. So Naturally and Easily." Such statement, coming from the cashir of a hank, shows what confidenc respo tsible people have in these pills. \lr. A. L. Wihon after trying them wrote: "1 Lase u -rd Lir Miles. Nene and 1.1c. r t'i.ls : nil at -o your Anti-i.:0in 1'11:. on Myself, wltta goad results. The Liver Pills it. t so natu'vlly and au easily 0:.it I scarcely know that I have taken • pill. Frequently being In•ubtrd with headache 1 Like an Anil -Pain PIII and get Immediate relief In every ease." A. 1.. Wilson. Sparta, III. Mr. Wilson was fur a number of yea ra c ashler of the First Natlun..l Min's of Sparta. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills are different from. others. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and .Liver Piles do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with- out griping or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. " If the Ant tattle falls to benent, year dniggdst will return the price. Ask hlni. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Toronto. O. 4. weeeinese Our Repair Department We are now recur :o take 'Care' of all watch. else kand jean - ellery repairs. Those who bring their re- pairs here will find unu.' uel facilities and unsurpassed e k i-1 L Our work is 4.11 hilly t;uuranttt-d. Walter H. Harrison C. P. R. ,Watch Inspector Watchmaker, Jeweller End Opt ician On the Square. Uo derich owaesessie/Wietateseasslaammessweeetersess GODERICH MONTHLY ilorse Fairs LOGS WANTED 'I he uuderitig'ed will pay Ile- highest carp pi ice. . for Al kinds of good logs. de- livered at n o r m i 1 1, north of MaeEava''s Coal Yard. CUSTOM SAWING and general mill work done pri►nptlh end at reasonable int s'9. For prices and particulars 1(1 raise at office. Goderich Lumber & Milling Co. Public Rinse Market. will he held in (3OIWRi('H Tuesday, January 30111 Tuesday, February 27th Tuesday, Marl 28th Get the horses y intend to sell in shape for ti shove Fairs. At the fir et sale. . aouury 30th, the following cyan prizes will be given: 1'.tr the Best Draft Team (mares . tr gelding.)... - . $15.00 For the Beet Draft Gelding, 10.00 For the Best Draft Mare.. 10.00 Excellent accommodation pro- vided for animals end attend- ants, and all the leading buyers will attend. Auction sale immediately after prizes ere awarded. Entrance fee 50c for each hnt•se, and if disposed n1 a commission of 2 per cent. is charged on the amount for which the horse is sold. If not sold no charge is made except the entrance -fee. DR. W. F. CLARK, V. S., Pres. JAM. Cons/mix, Vice -Pre.. and Sect etary. ANDRI(W PORTER. Manager of Sterling Bank, Treasurer. seaAsteaseethetesemayeeesti wwrMi• The Sire of the Chunk. Kamm City Journal. A Horton woman, Nave Charlie Browne, went into a butcher shop and asked to see a 25 -pound piece of melt. The butcher cut off a chunk weighing that amount and laked her if she wanted it 3eliveed. "Oh, i don't went to buy it," she said. "The doctor told me i must t'edn-e my weight that touch jand I only wanted to see how much lit would be." STOCKTAKING SALE 20 Per Cent. Discount (- f ON SPOONS KNIVES, FORKS SILVERWARE CARVERS and CASES and goods of like class. This is your chance to save. Making Good Progress Throughout the - County Seaforth Organised. The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich breneh of the Children's Aid Society wap hell in the court house on Monday afternoon of this week. Aside from the adopting o1 the county agent's report, the principal business transacted was the accepting of t.be resignation of R. S. %Valiant. as treasurer of the Society, and the appointing of Sheriff Reynolds us his successor. Mr. Elliott, the county' agent, re- ported that twenty-four needy chil- dren in town bad been remembered at Christmas titue,dooatlieu' having been received from friends of the Society for that purpose. During the month he investigated fifteen complaints. twenty-six visits were made and twenty-two personal interviews were held with parent'. relative to the proper care of their children. Mi. Elliott repot ted that m Chil- dren's Aid field day had been held at Seaforth last Sunday. The pulpits of the different churches of the town were occupied at one of the services by J. J. Kelso, the Provincial superin- tendent of the work, and Rev. Mr. Miller, of Berlin, inspector for Water- loo county. An illustrated.talk on the work of the Soefety was given itt the town ball on Sunday evening after tbe church services were dismissed. It was largely attended and forty-five members were enrollee when the branch S-tciety wag organized after- wards. A simile' field day is to be held in Winghatn on Sunday, lanu - ary 24th. As indicated from the above report the work of the Society throughout the county is progreesing rapidly. Any one desirous of becoming a mem- ber of tbe local organization may be enrolled by the payment of one dollar or more to either G. Jt: Elliott, the county agent, Sheriff Reynolds. the treasurer. or Janes Mitchel., the pres- ident. of the Goderieb organisation. rSTRAIGHT '"°SAVINGS, Abound All Over the Stor! The big January Sale is now in full swing. It has reached every department and as a result positive, undoubted saving chances are to be found in every corner of the store. It is the money -saving event of the year. Here are this week's specials. l(egulet 1 Letting go the Millinery AP.) Trimmed Hat $2.65 This is the big January Sale Special in the Millinery Department.Ever' Hat, even bit of Trimming must be sc'Id. Forty Hats, 1 e all trimmed and ready to put cn. Priced at t about halt their value. It v ou have put off jbuying a winter hat until now this should he } your chance, for it is a good opportunit% to j get an extra Hat at very little cost. ` Any „ Trimmed Hat $2.65 PERSONAL MENTION. Bit ..tllen left ti Wedne..d:ty on a trip to Vancouver. B. C. . -Miss Eleanor Bate. of Toronto. Is the,1'uert of IMS Ct.ttre Reynolds. . Mr. and Mr. Jlalcoh.i Macduttald left this morning for Marquette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roughs have returned from Sarnia, where they -pent the ('hrisnuas sea -on. 'Igo-. Tenet jeft on Tuesday tot Winnipeg. where he will be employed with the Doty Engine Work.: Co. John Goldthorpe and Mi., Annie Gold- thorpe• of Hamilton, are visit tug at Mrs. Jane l'.oldt torpe s. Brace street. London .tdverti.er: Miss Flossie Rom and Miss Vestries Haggaith. of Goderlcb,, sr* the guest++ et Mr. J. D. Long fess Richmond Street. H. H. Morton. late of the I:nlon Bank staff herr. now of the Toronto oMee of the Quebec flank. was in town for a few days this week renewing acquaintances. W. E. Kelly was away last week on a visit to his old home at Picton. His father and mother both have been under the doctor's care, but they had improved somewhat before he com- menced his return journey-. Wilson McLean, of Winnipeg- was Flailing his aunt, Mrs..S. tog. St. Patrick's street, on Wednesday, while en route to his old tibiae a• Dungannon for a brief visit. The visitor is a son of John McLean. of West Wawanosh. W. Stewart Lane. son of County Clerk Inane, who hall been practising law at F •rale. B.1%. for the tact two yaat,, has removed to Van- couver. where he is connected with the legal trot of Bed well & Inwson. Our former young townsman is steadily moving up the line. Mr. and Mr.. Kenneth Horton. of Roethern. Sask.. were in town for a few days this week. theguest.sof relatives. They left on Toesday for Toronto• where they will ytait before re- turning to the West. They may deade to go South for a trip, a,: Mn. Horton s health is n H of the best. Mr. and Mrs. Biddle. who are spending the winter with their ronin -law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Humber. had the pleasure during the holiday season of belnr the centre of a family reunion. Nearly all of their sons and daughter's gathered here from their home at various points in the• Pros ince and enjoy es the renewal of the old family as- sociations. F. W. Brophey was in town for a week dr -o, arranging the. transfer of his photography business to the thew proprietor. Mr. Brophey intends to take up his aeaidenoe permanently at Winnipeg. where he is engaged with a wholesale firm dealing in phottnraphy sup- plies. We d.. not like to lose Fred from (lode - rich, but since he has decided to take the step we can only wish him good luck end lots of it. Frank J. Arthur. of Nokomis. Sa.k., is a Visitor In town renew tag old friendships. III.-. Arthur's boyhood was spent in town. bot he removed from soderich to the West with his rarent.thirty-two years ago. He will be ry memo red by many as a son of the late William Arthur, a re-ident of this town in the early 1 days. The visitor is engaged In the hardware and real ....tate business in Nokomis. He will visit C'tibk and California. before returning to Ms home in Western (''.nada. MARRIED. Met'HARLI i - HAitkWI(1.L. In Huron township. on Itecemr-er 27th, by He v. 0. W. Rivers, Frank Mc ('harle. t. Daisy May. daughter of Mr. and Mn. James Rarkweli. of the Huron and A.hdeld boundary. DIED. M0rRK.-In the general hosppital. Stratfotd. on January ",th, Janie. I.bister Moore, Graderlch, aged .12 year.. DUBTGW. In Colborne, on Sunday. January 7th. .lame- Dustow, aged a7 yenrs and S month.. H.1WKINS. -At Brandon. Man., Martha Hinds. relict of the late George Hawkins, of Port Albert. The funeral will take niers. from Christ church. fort Albert. on Saturday, Janus,. 19th. at :t o cloct, to Port Albert cemetery. J J Fur=lined Gloves All Reduced This is the weather for fur -lined l,Io%es, and this is the place to get them while the January Salt - is on. Every pair, either for ladies or gentlemen. greatly reduced in pace to make their selling sure. This is how we go about clearing out the stock : Ladies' and boy.' lined Kid Mores with fur wrist. 95( Clearing at per pair I ediea' Tined Mocca Gloves with fur wrist. For 51.20 January Sale per pair ... Ladies' fur -lined Mocca or Kid Gloves, regular $8 86. $1.75 For January Sale special ... ........• Gentlemen's tur Tined Gloves, regular $2.:0. Spec- $1 •75 ial for January Sale only s Gentlemen's extra quality fur -lined Gloves. highest 43.35 grade we carry, regular $-1.50. January Sale ...•41 New Oinghams 1Oc Brand -pew every- yard. with the smell of the sea air baldly gone. Good quality-' English and Scotch Gingbams at prices for quick January belling. Six bunched yards imported Gingham* just opened up this week, large or small checks, stripes and fancy plaids, . colors fast. quality extra good, a big purchase made specially for this January Sale, twenty patterns to 10c pick and choose from. All going now at per yard. New Whitt Waistings I21c Just in. new designs in fancy White Waistings, stripee, small figures and dots. a quality- that will launder and wash well. ten patterns to choose from. Very spacial for this January- 125 . Stile at per yard , Startling Reductions in COAT PRICES Colt prices have had a big tumble for this Jan- uar Sale. A good assortment still to do your choosing trom. Prices good enough for you to get your money's worth even if you only wear one this season . Coats at $7.75 Ladies sad mimes wtutes Coate, this seaaetn'a styles, plain Mack taperers. Nam tweet, and navy kerseys, regular valu.s '.p se $Isis. Clearing Jeetuiry your choice of the $7.75 Itt foe Ladies' Coats 510.00 erg rie.ri.g lot at thew popular price -tweeds. heavers and era.. serge. Macao merit,• and fancy mixtures', germ nts las. base Nytr .rid good wearing qualities, regular values up tap art n.eb.dseeg $le six (,ir.'rleg for January $1 Oso nil .s sae! "w Vll Caracole Coats 517.00 antes gasN:y Caracole ('cats. clearing up of all we have left. sslawhsr rte to NI '. just four to sell. Any one $1 7eIv% e( tbas. JSIUary lisle "nt) . fill tiNdwase Fur Collared Coats 528.50 '• Very haodsowte ('oats. made a best 'quality black raraculc, collar sod rovers of hegb-grad.- Western sable, garments that are errs wars. durable and have good style, reg- fw.iO ularsisso, Sf,30.Cl.arin forJantist et eachouly Ladies' Coats 514.00 and $15.00 Lader•. Cloth I.ttats. black or faucy tweeds, some styles suit- able Inc elderly ladies in this lot, garments that sold up to $5) And $el. I -',yr January Male. take your choice of this lot for. ..... _... .......$14.00 and $15.00 Those New Laces Are there Hundreds and hundreds of yards of new Laces right from the English makers- torchon. valen- ciennes and fancy cotton Laces ; every yard lowly priced for January selling. Two specials arc these : 2 Yards for Sc HundrAa of yards English cotton Laces and Insertions, various widths, many- new pattern., strong and serviceable, will stand many a trip to the wash tub. January Sale, selling for 5s' 2 yards for At 5c Per Yard Hundreds of yards in this lot. Some better quili•ies and wider width., cotton Laces and Insertions. livery yard imported direct from the maker, splendid for trimming under- wear, children's dresses. etc., extra strong quality and 5c many designs. For January. Sale, per yard Lots of other finer qualities. ,ill going at sale pricer. Unusual Prices for Reliabk Furs The unusual mild weather of December has left us with many more Furs than we ought to have today. We simply cannot carry these Furs forward to another year. It ties up too much money for one thing and we do not like to show you "carried overs" another season. This is the reason that Furs have such a prominent place on our January Sale program. This is the reason for such price reductions all through the stock. This is the reason for prices such as these on Furs of quality. Shaped Stole of Persian lamb, , One only ladies' mink Collar. wide shoulders and tapered I fairly long front. Reduced from fronts. length 8l inches, ends $Ze.50 to $111.1110 trimmed with tassels. Reduced from $00.00 to. $40.50 Shaped Stole of Persian lamb, One ladies)' Australian opos- sum Scarf, flat stapes eight inches wide and two yards long. ends rounded and finished, plan', a very stylish article. Reduced 'a pleb y style. Priced vet y from $15.00 to , . $11.00 Ii.W. '331.50 for $25.00 Ladle 'muff to mateh. Straight Stole of Persian Reduced tr•orn $16 to $11.50 lamb, 84 inches long an.1 trim- One marm,t Stole. comes med with heavy tassels. Re- down well over shouldete with duced from $:i7.6Oto$32.80 Tong front, extra good quality. Reduced from $15 to. $11.00 One Isabella opossum Stole : Enter Any Day for a thorough course in Busi- neaa, Shorthand, Telegraphy or English in one of Shaw's Schools Toronto, WiNTERTERM NOW OPEN Write for catalogue. Address W. H. Shaw, president, Head Offices, Central Business College, Yong, A Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Ladies' fur -lined Coats, out- side of extra quality beaver clo: h. lining of high-grade musk - ilif our Choice of 40 Pieces of Fur for $4.90 We have gathered together a collection of Muffs and Neck Pieces, between forty and fifty all told. Furs of varions kinds and styles -Throws, Neck Scarfs, Collars, etc. The regular prices range up to $860 and $9.00. Al- most every Fur we show can be found in this lot. This is one of nur hag January Nile barge ino. We offer you your choice CA ((]]((�� of the ea' ire collect ion for.sa7lJ this is a fur that stands any rat, collar natural ('median amount of hard usage and tr-' mink, blue or green. Reduced [sins 1(5 appratrnce, finished from $75.00 .... $57.50 with two heady. sold at $16.50.' Reduced• Jets • Sale' Ltdies' fur -lined Coat, outside to fur 611.50 blackof floe of Kexyelquali broadcloth, lining cyllir (►ne only 1Vestern sable Cap - of high-grade Western *table, grin 1 hack and ha. medium long front, high collar, sl•lendid fur Ladies' fine black earicule 'for driving. Vol JI'ttaty it la ('r.sts, made in the newest style 1 reduced from $14 50 to $10.00 and well -linea, collar of high- Jutt one mink ma toot fi ale fromgrad50 ican sable. Reduced I in el tt shape, a style that Is very $37ieihrlla opossum Scarf, very soft, close fur, finished with tails. Foe January reduced from $12.00 to....... .. $16.50 One only Persian Malt. quare Pillow '.hap., splendid quality fur. For January Hair reduced to e, comes down well acr_rt( Now selling at each . $42.00 $211.50 . qur ler, well -made and lined. s is reduced from $1250 to $1111.00 One Isabella iposeum Muff, rug style with head nod two tails. Reduced from $10.00 to 17.20 One only Collar to snatch. lie - SHOP EARLY AND GET HEST CHOICE Your Choice of 25 Pieces of Fur 57.75 This is another special lot. It consists of Stolen, Scarf,, Throws and Muffs In both dark and light furs. The regular values are up to $14.00. To make a quiet rioter- anee we have gathered them all together and give you your choice while the January Sal. $7 le on for .75? diced for January to. $5.7S One small mink Neckpiece. 4th effect, good quality. Re- duced from $15 (10 to. $11.00 A Stole of high-grade West- ern sable• fits well down over shoulders, medium aisle. Re- duced for January hale 110.50 One only Alaska able Stole, fiat front, medium vise. sold at $15,00, for January Sale reduced to 111.00 One only very handsome nate ural Alaska sable Stole or Searf, very nohby, crime., over in font, with Aire« len[ end., •old for $0.1.00. For Janis try re toned to „ $».00 Long, flat Alaska .able Scarf, the new popular straight fiat style. tiles finish. sold for $30.00. For January Sale reduced to ;48.50 One American sable Serial. long Hat front, sold at $88.50, .Por January Sale reduced to . $15.50 One Western sante Mttft finished nitb head and tails. regular prior $11.00Reduced for January to $a.00 One only Persists Muff. empire ahapt. Ane even earl. For Janu- ary Salo special at$10.00 One dei Persian Tie. neat. natty *YIP. Por Jaa r - d.e.iI to.... - „ .7a 111111111112 TERiM FRGM JAN. fad )f)E1fiAL /in The Howell Hardware Co., Limited The Best Place to Buy hardware ' • r ' Rtedner vs' ti' to waft••'. Woe .� esgb� filet Ws: IsI+�sltswe taps p.er Dtry frog„ aMt s tams et the Godless? and ear p'sesmteessttea escape b weigh setecireses tie eels • Ilestasse soave/West this r.. w(rmmtl assiNgelarRyeMapp Oar-maltfpm Ill A. 1r•1.A09LAN, PMasrat The Oise* Malt seas name Oases wIM swW niter tete The ,sirs Ohms seas she tL sierse Remo Oersees Renew Your Subscription and Get a Calender.