HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-11, Page 7rHE SIGNAL : OODE.RICH, ONTARIO THI MeaOA\, JANU.MI 11, 1912 V t The News of the District• 1 4* + 45 4546454544 +45444# 445+46+4+64444 45* 45 44. 454544645 4544s LOCHALSH. SENMILLER. FRIDAY, Dec. 29.h. &'HooL REPORT. - Tbe folio i1og is the report of the standing of the pu- pils ot 8. R. No. 7, Colborne township, fur the term ending December 1'Lind. Newer occur In order of merit. These smirked • absent for some of the ex- awinatioos : Jr. !Y.—Mabel (Trigg, Della Grigg. *Miriam 8chwana, 8r, III.—•Verna Obler, Hervey Snyder. Jr. HI. -*Gera' Obler and Bennie AUin, equal. Jr. I1.- titanley Snyder, Fanny Mew, W(UI. Mew. 8r. Pt. 11. —Norman AIUD Earl Blake, *Estella Obler. Jr. Pt. iL--Cbarlie Brecknow, Wellington Mew. Pt. I.— Harold Breckuow. E. CLANK. Teacher. MAfEKING. MONDAY, Jag. 8th. News NarEe.—Mrs. Henry John - woo is vi,iUng her son William at Klppeo Thos. Blake attended the funeral of his niece at Stratford. .. Richard Finlay returned bowe on Sat- urday flow Cochrane, New Ontario. He bas located some land there and tikes the country 0. K. He sprat three weeks •t Preston Sulpher Springs anreporta a good timeYr. and Mrs. W. Kilpatrick left on Saturday for their home at Hanley. Sank Mrs. '!;hos Blake visited friend' in Stanley last week. . Miss MacKinnon, ot Tlverton, took charge of our school last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Saunders' enter- tained a number of their friends last Thursday night in honor of George's birthday. !1 r. and Mrs. Wm. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Fin- lay &leo entertained friends on Thurs- da • and Friday evenings. All report enjoyable tunes Thos. Ree had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week Mr. and Mrs. F. Tay- lor, of Berlin, are visiting at the home of N. Shackleton Some of our young people attended the fowl sup- per at Lanes last Wednesday night, under the auspices of the Gun Club. A litlle gill baa come to gladden the bowe of Mr. and Mrs. W. Finlay. -Congt atulations 1.... The c• Id weat her has made a decrease in the school end church atteudanoe ,J. C. &others baa returned to Wingbam, where he is atteoding high school E. Henry visited friends iu Blyth last week. REID'S CORNERS. MONDAY. Jan. seer. Balave.—We were disappointed t hat Goderich failed to can y local option. -Ooursge 1 Remember Bruce and the spider...0o Tuesday evening. the 2nd, the young people living wet of the Satngeen toad spent an evening at the manse. On Monday, the Si h, those on the cast side were enter- tained at the same place ... We ex- pect something unusual this year, as 1912 is divisible by 4. Dothe boys understand i' GRAHAM—SMITH. On Tuesday, the ''Stith ult., Pine River people had a very enjoyable time. on the occasion of the meal t iage of two of their most popular young people, Francis record Gra- ham and M lea (lather ine Beatrice Smith being united in mat' iwony by Rev. C. M. Rutherford at• 4 o'clock p. nn. About forty of the more iotimatt elderly friends attended the marriage and everybody in the vicioity . had a good time In the evening. HALLOWS—COURTNEY. -- A pretty Wedding took plate at Amberley on the 27th December at 10 o'clock, when Mise Elizabeth Courtney was waffled to Wm. T. Hallow,, of [styli!. After /breakfast the happy couple left for a trip to Brantford and Toronto. Rev. C. M. Rutherford performed the cere- mony in the preseucecf the immediate members of the family. We areeorry to los. Miss Courtney, as she was very active in church (and Mabhath school and Young People's Striety. CONOREDATIONAI. MEETING. — The annual meeting of the congregation od Pine River Presbyterian church was held on Wednesday. January 3rd,w hen encouraging reports were given by the various societies of the church. The treasui et ',report showed a balance of over EMU on band. The W. F. M. S. met et the same time to elect of- flcers for the ensuingerr. At the close ot the meeting refreshments were served by the ladies. THE HOLIDAY SEASON,—The Corn- ers had its own share of holiday enter- tainments and social pleasure.. The l'bristmes tree *oriel of the 27th In the Presbyterian church. though the even- ing was stot my, was a pleasant success as to program, and Vi5.00 was added to the funds of the Sabbath echoed. Alice Reid, though the youngest to take part, sang so elite delight the audience. We were glad to welcome to our homes for R few days the boys and girls who bad heen away at school. college and business: Miss Ina Welsh, from Beomillcr, Mise Miers Scott and Miss Isabel Steele and Ros. Rutherford from Toronto. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Polka Should Be Careful in Their Sdectioo of Regulative Medicine. We have • safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is4sutie- nlatly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak con- etitutinns wbo suffer from constipa- tion or other bowel disorders. Weare eo cerlaln that it will relieve thews rogsplainse and give altsolute satisfac- tion le every p.rtirular that we offer it with our personal guaranies that it eba11 cost the tear nothing if it fails to tnihetanttate our claims. This rem- edy I. relied Rezall Orderlies. Kex.11 Orderlies are eaten just like y, w ttleularl t and ra proru�p agre.sble is aaction, may be taken at my time. day or night ; do not eager 4i.rrtuw, mases• griping, excessive looseness. or other undesirable effects. They base a very mild hot positive eettftrn '.poo the organs with which tArey come le e.ntsn4. apparently art• �ag as • rterebaive tonic upon the re- lined mosetilar coat of the bowel, ilium overcoming weakness, and aiding i.► restore the bowel. to more vigorous anA he•llhy activity. Three cis.., Mc_ c. and Me. Sold oAly at eta ,lose.- The RexaIi Mare. C. nun - lop. sbutb side of Square, TUESDAY, Jan. 2nd. TELEPYOME EXTEI($ION,--Tbe Gorde- rish Rural Telephone Company is at present exteoding its telephonesyrtem from KlntaU ourth along the Lake Oboe* road as tar ss the lath conces- sion, and then east along this cooces- sioo, where It will probably connect with the lioe already io operation runt.ing through Hemlock City. The poles have beeu erected along the 12th concession as far east as J. N. McKen- ste', and the 'phones wIU soon be in- stalled along that section. THE LEAP YRan PERIL—With the advent of the telephone, a new and dreadful terror bar arisen for the bachelors of this locality. This is leap year, sod now our celibates when they bear their ring go with fear and trembling to the 'phone. lest the might become ensnared in the perils associated with leapear. One iecor- rigible bachelor of this section, It ie said, beard his ring early New '(ear's morniugend went to the 'phone with complacent look and bland smile, ex- pecting, no doubt, the usual good wishes of some of his wide friends, but was 'truck dumb with terror when he beard eu insistent female voice de- manding if his suit was ready. He is at present under tbe doctor's care. &'ROOt REPORT.—Following is tb report of U. S, S. No. 4, Ashfield, for the month of December. Names are given in order of meriL Sr. IV.— Bain Stewart, Liella Finlayson, Frank McLennan, Clifford Oaonell, Rhoda McKendrick, Kenneth McLeod, D. A. `McLswnan and Sadie McDonald. Jr. IV.—R. D. McDonald. Se. II[.—Mar- garet McLennan, Jobn McLeod, Wal- ter McKendrick and Win. J. Ensign. Jr. III.—Ian McRae, Mary Finlayson, Margaret McLeod, Jessie McDonald. Pt. 11.—Ohriatena McKendrick and Helen McRae. Ji.I. --Catherine Me - Donald, Jean Finlayson ane' Duncan McRae. No. on roll 22. Average at- tendance 20.8. Perfect in attendance —Bain Stewart, Frank McLennan, Mary Finlayson, Helen McRae, Jean Finlayson, D. A. McLennan, Liella Finlayson, Sadie McDonald, Clifford Cannell, Rhoda McKendrick, Mar- garet McLennan, Walter McKendrick, Jessie McDonald and Catherine Mc Donald. EDGAR ROHR, Teacher. GET YOUR MONEY BACK If This Medicine Does Not Satisfactorily Benefit You. Practising physicians staking a specialty of etowsch troubles are teeny 'responsible' for the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are trade. We have simply profited by the experience of experts. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be an excellent remedy for the relief of acute indigestion and chronic dys- pepsia. Their ingredients ere sooth- ing and healing to the inflamed mem- branes of the stomach. They are ,!rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known bi medicine. The relief they efferd is almost immediate. Their use with persistence and regu- larity for a short time' helps to bring about a cessation of the ipains caused by stomach disorder',. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets eyid to in- sure healthy appetite, aid digestion and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablet*we ask you to try them at our risk. 1t -they do not give you en- tire satisfaction we will return you the money you paid us- for them, without question or formality. They cows- in three sizes, prices 25 cents. 5(1 cents and 91. Remember, you can obtain theta only at our store—The Rexall Store. 11. C. Dunlop, south side of Square. The death of Mee. Garret Maxwell, of Morrie township, occurred on De- cember 311th. She was sevbnty-six Bears of age. Het hushind and an adult family sur vivo. HOLMESVILL[. WEDNESDAY, Jan. loth. C. 0. F. OtrntcEae.—Ootu•t tiel wood. O. 0. F.. bas elected tb. foliowing of- ficers for tbq present year : 0. R., W. Jenkins ; P. R-, N. W. Tres wartba ; V. 0. R., 8. W. Miller ; chap- lain, W. Stanley ; recording seeretary, P. Macdougall; financial secretary 8. T. Walter; treasurer, C. Wil - !lams; S. W., W. Johnston ; J. W., Geo. Sturdy8. B., Q W. Potter: J. B., W. Picard ; auditors, 0. W. Pot- ter and George Vanderburg. KIPPEN. TusiwAY, Jan. 9th. Baines. Mr. Detweiler, of lrsy- ASTHMACATARRH $ 00kb *n.•..•».• w. wave 10. - ,..`�•141111 am. •r11 a..Or Misty .1y�•aa stemedn .Ila w•'ar trrs•r•••rrtti••w.•tor• r •••tom swYr s. eldlies awl ••u 1 •u. W awe 5.r t. plait rw seisms• ..Ira. W ALL DSaSOm. IT'd TIME TO O I THAT MEW WINTER SUIT a:d OVERCOAT and you'll wake no mistake when you leave your order with too, visited his son, our popular mer- chant here, last week. Mrs. Detweil- er's sister, Miss Weisel!, also was a guestfor a few days Mrs. John- ston, of Mafekiog, is visiting in the home of her son, W. M. Johnston. She was accompanied by snotber son, Albert, of St. Augustine, who re- turned borne last week Mrs. W. H. Johnston was called to Brookdale on New Year's Day to attend tbe fu- neral of a little niece, Jean Thomson, who died somewhat suddenly Will Ferguson. of Exeter, has engaged for a term with Robert Parsons Mr. Parson brother is home from Winnipeg. He reports the city se growing very rapidly. LAURIER. TUEMDAY, January 2od. S('HOOL Ripowr.--The following is the report of the pupils of 8. S. No. 12, Ashfield, based un December tests: V. --Marguerite MacLennan 82 per cent, Maggie MarNain 75, Sadie Johnstown 70, Robbie Walker 89. Wilfred Brai- ley 05, babel Walker tris [V.—May Johnston NII, Annie Blue 79, Blenebe Jamieson 72, Ham Bradley 05, Hugh Mactiain 64, Violet MscLennan S2, Elmer Bradley ti0, George Blue 00, Grace MacLennan 58, Willie Kempton 51, Lila Robb 50. III.—Ida Jamieson 88, Albert Woods 75, Jessie Bucking- ham 74, Lillian Owen 73, Marshal Bradley 50. Tom Thorhurn 38. I I.—Austin Buckingham. I. Part I.— Katie Blue. Mary Rose, Greta Morrison, Isabel MacDonald, John Ross. Part l.—Malcolm MacLennan, Florence Shields. Average attend ante for month of December, 28. Average attendance for the year. 26. CHAS. J. MACGREooR, Teacher. GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 10th. ENTERTAINMENT. — Keep the date char for the entertainment to be held in the schoolhouse at Taylor's Corner!, on Friday evening, January 19th. L.O.L. OFF ICERe. — The following dfllesrs have been elected by L.O.L. No. 189 for the current year: Master, Walt.. Emmet -son ; deputy, George Oantelon; chaplain, John Woods; recording secretary, Wesley Vander - burg; financial secretary, George Proctor; treasurer. George Vander - burg; D. of C.. Russell Currie ; lecturer, Adam Cantelon ; committee — John Sturdy, Jas. Elliott, Hall Rutledge, Jame. Young. The offlctre cf L0.1, No. 145 are as follows: Master, John McClure: deputy, Richard Porter; chaplain, Willis Bell ; recording sec- retary, J. J. Caldwell ; financial sec- retary, Goldie Newton; treasurer, George Falconer ; D. of C., IL Y. Ooz lecturer. Leslie Cox. The officers of L.O.L. No. 3118 are as follows: Master, Robert Hanley ; deputy, G. A. Cooper: chaplain, Leonard Sheppard ; sec- retary. John Cooper; treasurer, Arthur Cooper ; D. of Q., Geo. Miller ; lecturer. Wilfrid !'ante on. E. E. Warren, manager of the War- ren Opera House ut Grenfleld, he, writes : ' • Weatherwax Brothers Quar- tet here lest night. Gave excellent satisfaction. Pe o p l e immensely pleased with the boys." Will be here Friday, January 19th. Rev. Irl Hicks redicts Severe Winter and Hot Summer for 1912 Rev. Irl R. Hicks, -long-distance weather prognosticator," ignoring thick goose hones and heavy squirrel pelts as "absurd weather signs," pre- dict. that the winter ut 1912 will be a bard one. and that a drought will ex- tend ever the southern belt of States next season. We are in for a mighty hot summer, too, if the weather seer is correct. rhe cold weather will begin in Jan- uary, Dr. Hicks predicts, and will de- stroy the pleasant winter anticipa- tions which have been fumtered by the heretofore mild months. H. seen /die rends. sleet and gales in January, and rails attention to a Seismic wave which will pas@ through the earth within three or four day, of January 19. He looks for much snow and rain precipitation through the month. A heavy storm will begin in the east 'around Marsh 3, 4, 5end 8, end will prove gradually westward. General electrical disturbance' in- terrupting telegraphic communica- tions, streams of solar tagnet ism, earth currents, auroral lights and seismic tremors will he experiences in the period of four days about March 11. This will he followed by sleet and snow and probably subsequent cold west her. Rain, wind and .now and poweihly tornatt,e. and hurricanes will center eoetbward about Marr+ 19. Fair weather and extreme mid will follow. Another seismic period is predicted between Merril 15 and 21 ib . Rieke says the period is very worrisome, Ins West Indian cyclonic elnrme to reach the gulf resat. Re !prettier* no ex tresuedanger. lett 1.-elaree it won't do any harm te he prepared. Anlntber storm Florin!! (entree second March 11R, moving eaatwerd. Storni 1004 /Ode worm. April ft- I I sed 14-15. The later period n.ay bring ever. wind and Bain sterr•ma and the temperatnte will be .high, it is pre- dicted. High temperatures and tornado areas in the southern regions are seen around April 21. Snow and sleet squalls are predicted at this time for the northward region, and a marked seismic period for April 17. The stormy period will extend to the end of the month, with a marked increaee in severity arcund 26 itnd 28, and ,t possible hrief change to colder weather following. Frost between May tt-11 is not un- likely northward, Dr. Hicks believes. A seismic and volcanic period OC curs .tune 12-18, and the month will be marked with rainstorms and elec- trical disturbances, tieneral plane- tary volcanic unrest and seismic dis- turbances will prevail over the world from the middle to the end of the month. The rains of Julywill not be of general character. 'The moisture, it is predicted, will tall tar short of the requirements of growing crops. Extreme warmth and electrical storms will mark the, month. A period of cress) weather will give relief July 14. Another cool spell will follow July 174. Rainfall will he insult Scient and central and western re gions will suffer from mesion drought Extra precautions should h.- taken by farmers and dealer* in perishable eouimodiUe•s against the exorssively never. November weetber, the fore raster declare*. Very cold weather, preceded hy 'now and storms, will 'recur about November 10. A storm period moving Mai ward will occur he- tween November 13 and Id. Dseeruher will ire marked itv a sea son of warm weather during the fleet two ni three day fulluwed by a end - den and wrens sold wave, extending to the south and east. Northers anti btiszatdons conditions will fnllnw rip ter ahnet the ,.Iddle ref the saner. 'nits time will he s period d eA electric listurbennem. HUGH DUNLOP TM Up-to-date tailor Rev. E. H. Rasmussen, writing frim Eamon, Minn., says : "I have heard many noted male quartettes but rarely, it ever, have I listened to wale quartette music that equaled the sing- ing of the Weetberwax Quartette." Do not fail to hear the AMBEROLA —THOMAS A. EDISON'S ligh.et dordopment of his own instrument, tea Edison Phonograph Musically—the Amberola has the truest, surest, smoothest tone, the most lifelike reproduction. Exactly the right volume of sound for the home. It has the sapphire reproducing point, which is permanent—no changing needles. It renders all compositions completely, without cutting or hurrying, on Edison Amberol (four -and -one-half minute) Records—and all short selections on Edison (two -minute) Records, as well. Artistically—a masterpiece of the cabinet maker's art, as beautiful to look at as ft is• wonderful to hear. You have your choice of four finishes, Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Golden Oak and Mission Oak. Mechanically—perfect. The silent motor will play five Amberol Records, each four -and -one-half minutes long without rewinding. There are various other glen of Edison Phonographs at almost any price you wish to pay—and each offers dejlnik Edison advantages. But the Amberola is the greatest of all. Hear it today. Throe are NOM dealers He to the nearest and _ hear chs Tuff wi Saimaa Amami tsel.m Standard and Mahe w tem Ea M AM= INCOMPOMATED cw 'a..'lis"x'a14111= 0tasste .anarmdSeak ta' u su r.' A _Ea ilrelbselfislPlmsevesks awl /teem& wit be fear JAMES,F.4T-HOMSON'S MUSIC STORE �I Look at the Wheat! There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread! Creamers West Flour the hard What flour guarahteed for bread Yon just try itif it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocier pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto - ARCHIaALD CAMPBELL. President ro) For Sale hy Jin Denholm, Blyth ; Beacom \ Smythe, Clinton Here's a bargain for you! This saran teed 2,000 pound capacity Seale with ever y up-to-date improve ment, for only 25.00. Yon will begin to rave money the day you order an Ay L M E R W& Stock Throe -Wheel SCALE Government Certificate of abaolute accuracy goes FREE with every Aylmer Scale, even at the bargain price of $25. "We prepay the freight" and warrant you vatif+fac tion or refund your money. This Reale 1s moot .nttdty coretrnct,.d. Ith Jessup tool steel Marl■`s throughout. ',as Mg wheelq roomy platform, kept In place by Poltn cliecke llnateaii of the usual tire), stout sleet fender on platform to pro- tect the beam. and a ttfth lever to minima** .nwin on the beam. AVIS lard in lifetime and weigh ars-uratrty up to one ten. even If It stands nn uneven ground. Weer to move from place 1 place. and flet -else. rn every rertleuler rterne.nbe. only 11.1.011, ',wpm paid to Crt elation awe government Cert) *Eats of accuracy fir., Opt In rev, cress •arty far amend e.Mery. Thin epeeist offer gives you the chance to own an absolutely modern Neale, built of the very beet material. You need thio Seale to weigh whatever yno buy or sell. You ran•, have it to test in any way you like. Send 0 hack and get your money hack if it isn't all sari more than we say it i. AlWaisail Cad, Aylmer, Ont. BIG BARGA1NS now may ibt: obtained at our sale of Men's and Boy.' Suits and Overcoats We also have a good line of Boys' Sweater Coats which we will clear at Greatly Reduced Prices McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors The Square Goderich SOLE AGENT FOR GODERICH Hockey Prepare for skating by purchasing a pair of our Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots—the only kind to properly support the ankle. All sizes for ladies, men and boys. REPAIRING W. H E R N'Phone 226, the Square HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES ARE THE PRIDE AND DELIGHT OF THOUSANDS OF HOUSEWIVES. LET US HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY OF EX t LAINING TO; YOU I SOME–TOFATI-1E MANY EXCELLENT REASONS WHY. C. LEE II n C. 'Phones: Store 22 - House 112 PLUf1BING HEATINO HARDWARE