HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-11, Page 6• TPrttiMAT, Parr wiry 11, 1911 THE SIGNAL : GODBRICH ONTARIO THE INAUGURAL• 1 his old petition of .reesor and call aloe at a eatery of f lUlf pet year. --- I Bylaw. t•unllrnting 1 IW * q riutusenta were tlteo passed. A ptogrese certificate from the engineer engaged in be sewer ton• tract was placed befo the council. The matter of cettif, ing as to the ent and Coe FIRST MEETING OF THE TOW COUNCIL OF 1912. M i roe Reid Mentions a Number of Important Questions that Will Be Up for Treatment during the Year -Committees struck for the fear and Appointments Made. 'I he los fill nttneetin of the Cade- t irb town council foe 1912 was held in the council aha her on Mouday morn - mg All the rtes her. were In Lbei places. Metoi H d in the chair. Th cl, . L reported a1 all hid filed tb nrceeeary darte at ion of qualification The Mayor th n Brad his hangars ndd.t•... It t. * as follows : The Mayor's / ddress. ieeIItIei11crr of the Council.- I must offe' net congratulations to you upon your election 10 represent the town at tbie council board for the year 1912. 1 bave no doubt la my mind that each ot ' on will do all in your power to ad- veece the interests of out town. Be - ton we settle down to work permit tae to place before yo'i some of the [heal impoetaid matters which are likely to engage your attention during tbt year. TRI' POWER sir MeT1024. The most important queelion, in my opu.ion, that be before w at 11* pres- ent time ie cheap power. It should be 0 matt r of gratification to us ail that lbs p.wcr t.ylaw cashed and that et is now within your power and 'wet doth, gentlt.wen, to wake the best rininnet possible with the Hydro- Fli tris Cuoimi-cion. IIAHnc.R 114PRm.VEMENTe-. Most of uu ate aware of the work done by 1a -t year a council in this con- nectltn and it is lItinece.f:ety to go in- to detail, only t't say that we huge to bore tbt: bane united supporFt from our local papers. citizens and [heard of Trade Ilia:•liar been given to lurruer council.. It ai11 be our duly to plias for further eztensiuw tie our harbor and breakwater. It is the intention of the pie.ent Government to spend Mtge sums of -money on blither irn- peo1enent-:old Goder$eb will cutely get its chem. MILITARY r'eMP. The couticil Of last tear induced the Government to bold the camp at lioderich. and 1 mac say that it was laigely lbtaugtt the effort.,, of Ex - Mot or Cameron that this was accom- pali.beed. A deputation from tbis council wit walk on the Mioisterof Militia in (be dear future to press: our claim for the establishing of a per- manent camp at, (i,ederich and we hope to meet with bucIese. THE TktdtPUt 114 E QC KaT1(t\, The telephone question is a matter Cleat will have to be dealt with this year. No doubt you are aware that the ftancbiee granted to the Bell Tele. plume Co. expellee in Julie of the prer•.- ent year, and in my opinion it should' not Ile renewed. 'THE ELE(TRL( RAILWAY. The Electric Railway is the most serious question which we bare to face. The town treasurer bas just in= formed nie that we are called upon to Meet a payment of intirveet ora the Mends to the antoant of $3,7511. i have taken upon myself the reeponsi. bili[ y of calling a meeting of the mun- icipalities ioterested in guaranteeh.g the bonds of the railway. to be held in Godetich on Thursday next, January Ill h. at 1 o'clock. There are a great nonny .equally im- portant matters that ! might men- tion, am:rng them a new system of iighting our town, permanent street improvement.' a new fire alaini ere, tem and interswitching of G. T. H. and C. P. R At the bat tent•. 'inet of all. but not least in impor- tance, is the financial condition of our Town, and 1 would oak [bet each of you. acquaint yourselves thoroughly' with that condition before any sew work requiring it large gwpenditure •of money, is uodertaken. The ueilutes of the last meeting of the old cquocil were then read end adopted. Striking the Committees. The matter of appoittiug the stand- ing committees ter tbm piessnt year watt taken up and. "n motion cf Conn. Olken Humber and laitbwaite, Reeve Mtwnings. Deputy Reeve Clark and Councillor Vona, ter west appointed s striking committee. The c onunittfie retired and returned half an hour Iatet end submitted the following repnrt, which was adopted : Finance (•,immittee-W. M. Clark, B. C. Sunning., J. C. Laitbwaite, V. E. Kelly, C. A. Humber. Public Works -B. C. Sunning'. J. l'. L•Itbwaite, W. F. Clark, J. W. VatMIter, W. E. Kelly, W. B. Graham. Cemetery and Parks -W. E. Kell J. W. Vaaarter, W. B. Graham, W, T. Pellow and J. C. Laithwaite. Markel --W. B. Graham, J, W. �r'natter. 0. A. Humber and W. T. Pellow. Special and Relief -C. A. Humber, B. Munni e, W. R Kdly. V. F. Clerk and W. T Pelkow. Fire -J. W. Vsnatter W. F. Clerk. B. V. Munn[., W. T. Mellow. W. B. Graham and W. X. K.U.v Vt star and Light ani Harbor -W. T. Pillow, J. W. Vanatter. J. 4'. I.sithwailtr, W. F. (lark and C. A. !dumber. Court. of Revision -J. C. Lsil.he-aite, W. B. Graham, B. C. Numtinggss-, U. A. Held, W. F Clark and (. A. Humber. The flr*t named on each toewruitoe is to he chairmen there if and the Mayor ie ex -officio member of all committees. 'IP -e council,necidtd that Itte regular ruertings of the council *h,uN he held oat the Bret andlhird Fridays of each smooth a. heretofore, l Dunt.... Motor Heid was appointed • mom - bee of the rinsed 01 ellre•ctor•s of the Goderieh Elev.tor • Transit Oo. J. 11. Colborne, whose time had lapsed Asa naesiher .,f the ovate* boars of the Oode.etcj O,illeglate Ia.tltmte, was elnanteanted. A. D. Mwle'sa and 0. JV. Elliott Were R+Wp toted members of the hoard of baa/ t tt Joie 0.it was re -appointed s main - bet of %be puMie library o'er& Wer (ltuaphell was alpplatei( to cort•et•tne.e of the .totem payment of the amount of money asked in the contract was left with t be public works committer with power to act. Arnie•sor (lengthen appeared before the eounril and asked that it carry out the agreement of its 'predecessor in meeting time payment of bit bond. amounting to Isiah Mr. Campbell said he heti been given considerable work collecting the sewer tax and to recompense+ him it bad been agreed e that the cuuncil should meet the e yearly payment on his bond. Some of • the old countill irs recalled that such I an engagement had been matte, NO the matter Wets left with the tioance com- mittee to report on. The council then adjourned. LOVELY HAIR FOR WOMEN. Parisian Sage Puts Life and Lustre into Dull. Faded Hair -It Is Guaranteed. if you haven't enjoyed the marvel - on, benefit derived from ueing de- lightful, cefeeebing Parisian Sage. the mo,atn hair grower. bcautifer and dandruff remedy, you bave missed a real treat Every woman should use Parisian Sage. not only to banish dandruff and oilier hair trou'des but to prevent fall- ing halt. baldness.. grayness and faded hair. Parisian Sage pats life and lu*tre into any p••rson's hair, and best of all it is guaranteed to du NH adver- tised by E. H. Wigle or money hack. (set a lottle today. madam. it costs only half a dollar and is soil h F. H. %Vigl.• and druggists everywhere Iu America. The Purist. •'Willison Henry," said the parent, and his tone Was sad and *tern. "1 dere-t the slang you're usiug; will you urvcr, never learn that correct use of our language is a thing to he desired? .411 your common Newhouse plumes make the shrinking highbrow tired. There is nothing more delightful than - a pure and careful speech. and the . men who weighs bis phrases always stacks up as a peach. while the guy who shoots bis lrrynx in a careless slipshod wavy loomci up.aa a selling - leplater, people band bim for a jay. o my youth my father soaked me If 1 entertd his sbeburg binding out a line of language that be recogn,zed• as slang. He would take sue to the cel- lar. down among the mice and rats. and with Mee long sticks of stove - wood he'd play solus on' my slats. Thus I gained it deep devotion for our language undefiled, and it drives me nearly batty when I hear rely only child springing wads of hard-boiled language such as dips and yeggiden use, and,1 want a ref,.ruiition or 1'11 stroke ymt with niy show. lysing slang Is just a ambit, just a chap and dopey trick : .` you hump yourself and try to, you. can shake it pretty quick. Watch my curves and imitate tbem, "Weigh your words before they're spiting. and in age y u Il bless the babit that you formed when you were young." -Walt Mason. More Comfort for the Travelling Pub- lic. To meet the desires of the tr .velling public tee Canadian Pacific Railway has inaugurated a through car set vice from Toronto to Goderich, leaving Tot onto on train No. Ria, 4.411 p. tn., daily except Sunday. • Furthermore to accommodate pas - emigres destined to points on the Geide,ich and Liatnwel branches where there are no refreshment faeili • ies, light relre.huwents can be obtained to pmt! Car at a very smite cost, en t•• yule be- tween Tore.n:et and Guelph Junction. The company hasbeen congt4 twisted on its foresight in at ranging Leis ser- vice. CURRENT LITERATURE. THKCANADIAN JIA41'A7JNF.--TheGan- adieu Magazine bta tt the new year With a most attractive Jaonery num- ber. '!'he frontispiece is reproduced in tint from a p..intrug by J. E. H. Mac- donald, a clever you•Ig artist, ef Tor- onto, and the first article is a delight- ful bit of writing ley Vir. Lacey Amy, descriptive of "( udi Vidi," a sierpris- Ing fl-hingR town of Newfoundland. "Burned Seesaw. w Canada," by Dr. J. D. Logan, is a tamely applica,ion of the celebrated Scottish batd'e social ideas to Gans -Atlantic c.atditions.• Arthur Hawke. glees an interesting account of the explorations ot Hearne and his Indian .e.J,1Mte Matanabhee. A fine butorical -ke. ch of the neat ad- ministration of Ontario is contributed by Professor W. K. Wallet., nab por- trafts of the memtlers of Ontario's flet Government. There are other very readable outwit*: "Knell, h Play- actr.sees," by ida Burwesb ; '.Plays of the Season," by John E. Webber; "The Vogue of the Nature Stole," by C. Linteru Sibley, and a sketch of Miss Jauet' Caenocban, ty Francis Drake Smith, with short stoner Ey Brian Selassie, Sylvester Perry and Elizabeth Ricbariw,n. The Canadian Almanac for 19t2. The Canadian Almanac for 1912 bas reached the edilur'e desk. It r. the sixty-fifth volume of this annual pub- lication, which is iedisp enable to bus - !nein offices, where it makes Its useful - seat felt almost every (ray in the week. In additional to a.trcnamical and meteorological Information, it gives the Canadian resume' tariff. lists :of hank branches. audit in offleers, clergy- men .of the vitreous denominations, county and township ofmcmre. educa- tional institnli. it-, societies; f arious kinds. a complete list of Canadian postoRtnee• and a mese of other inform- ation which ah. ni d he at the hand of every men eataged in professional ea business life.- westlterwae Brothers 9useistte. Tho Kater•pia.. West Onncord, Mlone.ota. ea)a; "Their sokia and lla.tette. were ar•eelvtfl with ee. stinted applause. Male ■ei.eliorr and readings wow (4 a high order. and we ale Oaf M seeing that a (getter mal. goers to hat never .p. twee a Hoar them es Januar, 1(t► in Oodarleh. THE MARKET!. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lauver -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. II CIIIC.t00, Jap. L -Because bright wea- ther finally had .toiled on the Argentin(' tar at. wheat vetoes to.da became easy (losing figures showed a dee line of , e to kic to lac net. Latest trading left corn unchanged to 5%e higher. oats off lac to '4ic, and provisions down a shade to i54c The Liverpool market closed today '10 to %d lower than Saturday on wheat, and 11d higher on corn. Buenos Ayrel closed 1%c lower, Antwerp closed unchanged to %d higher, Buda Pest ',4c higher. Winnip.. Options. Open. High. Low Close. Close. NL heat - May, old ..100'. do. new .100% July .......101%. Oats -- May 101 1004 100%b 1p 100% 10001 100.41. 10% 101'4 10154 1014.1. 101'1 To day Ye.L .... • 4104b Web .'* Toronto Crain Market. Wheel, tall, *590101..bushel 1 •.. W h kb goose, bush 115 - • • Rye, bushel 510 .•.• Oats, bushel e S Barley, bushel eM 0 L Barley, fur feed e et 0 71 Peas. huahel 10 1 12 Bt ckwheat, bushel e •. 1a Toronto Dairy Merkel. Butter, store lots 0 250 Butter. aerarator, dairy, Ib0 Butter, creamery, Ib. rollse 12 Butter, creamery, solids 0 Cheese. new, I1 0 10% Honelcrmbs. dose. 256 Honey, extracted, Ib 0 12 Eggs, rase iota 0 Y orate. new -laid 0 M Montreal Grain and Produce. MON'rREAt., Jan. R. -The foreign de- mand for l/anitoba spring wheat wits much quieter, hut the prices bid were steady. A fair lade continues to be dune in oats for lcwal and country ac- count. There was a good enquiry from I:urop an sources for sprint wheat flour and as the prb 'bid bid were 3d to 6d per sack Lieber 1n some care*, • few salsa were made. A good business continues M be done on spot for the ss•aon of the year. Nates of bran were made for shin - mem to the United Kingdom a1 alt7ai. The local demand for bran sad shorts la good. The tone .of the market for cheese is strong with a steady hualee•• Passing - flutter is quiet. Demand for seas V good, Provisions fairly Octane, Oats-Canadlan wc*tget+. No. 2, tike: Canadian western. No. 3, 4'!{c: extra. No. I'feed. Se to 46%c. No. 2 local white. toe; No. 3 local white, 45e; No. 4 local white, 44c. Batley -Manitoba teed, 64c to &c: malt- ing. 11c to 03c. Flout -Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, 35.11: Seconds, 35.10: strong takers', 34.90, winter patents, choice, 51. to SI straight rollers. 14.25 to $4.40: do., bags. 11.95 to 12.06. Rolled oats -Barrels, 8.87: bag 90 Its.. r-.20. - Mlilfced-Bran. 821: shorts. 3:I: mid- dlings, 32; to 3.5: moulllle, 39 to 135. Hay -No. 2. per tor., car lots. 315 to 315.50. Cheese -Finest westerns. 14%c to tic: finest easterns, 1414c to 14%c. Butler -Choicest creamery, 91c to *10c; [seaside, Me to 3041,c. ' *4E4 --Fresh. Sic to 50c: selected, 3•c te 31e; No. 1 stock. 26c to 27c. Potateee-Per bag, ear lots. 31.20 te 51.1704. CATTLE e4ARK ETl. •et 11,1 0 t 30• Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, Jan. 8.-R.eeipts of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 101 carloads, consisting nf 1064 cattle. 396 hogs. 1048 sheep and 44 calves. Exporters. Alexander McIntosh bought 100 ex- porters for J. ihamberg & Son, at 16.30 to 116.7e for steers, and 50 no 1ti.e3. Buhers, Choice butchers But sold et 16.25 to 36.6.: loads of good, $6 to $6.25; medium to good. 161.50 to W. common to medium. S to P.M: cows, fi to 15.^S: bulls, $4 to N. • Springers and Milkers. A few milkers and springers sold at 140 to gel each. Veal Calves. Veal calves sold at $1 to 34 per cwt Sheep and Lambs.' Sheep, ewes, sold at 13.00 to $4, and a few at $4.25: rams and culls, 83 per cwt.: lamps, 3640 to 36.4' per cwt. Hoge. Selects, fed and tttered, sold at $6.50 and 11.225, f.o.b.. cars, at country points. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL. Jan. f• -At the Montreal Stock Yards, West End Market, the re- eelpls of live stock for the week ending Jan- o were 1700 rattle, 1400 sheep and Iambs, i5 hogs and 260 calves, white the offerings on the market this morning for sale amounted to 900 cattle, 1000 sheep and lambs, 1400 hot;. and 130 calves. A feature of the trade continues to be the limited supply of good to choice cat- tle coming forward. The market for such is strong and the prices have scored a Inrther advance of Mc to 40c per cwt., choice steers selling as high e. 16.75. The scarcity of this Nass of stock Is attribut- ed to the Increased demand front Am- erican exporters thruout Ontario for sup- plies on account of the fact that prices in the Liverpool and London markets have advanced Jr to 2c per Ib. within the peat two weeka, owing to the very small offerings. The supply of medium or common cat- tle In the local market was ample to fill all requirements, but pricer were firmer in sympathy with the above. This being the first goal market after ttrr holiday season and the fact that butebers and packers were well sold out of beet, the attendance of buyers was large, Inclubing some from Quebec, consequently the de - mod it good even at the higher range of prime and quite an active tra.'e was (Inco. The feature of the small meat trade was the stronger feeling in the market for sheep and prices advanced 04c to le per pound, owing to the ar:'all offerings. The demand for Iambs wan good and prlres, ruled firm. Rates of mixed lotsof sheep and lambs were made at 16 par cwt. Owing to the ecarrlty of calves the market was strong and sales of goo] to cholre stock were made se high as 810 to 320 each. The Liverpool market for lambs has been mu; h stronger of Isle and prices aro 2r to 3c per Ib. hist er and sheep, 1Xe to 104c. There was no Important change to the rnndlltmt nf the market for hogs. Pup - piles rotting forward gra ample to f111 all requirements and the feeltw( Is firm with sales of selected lots a1 t7 to 1710 per cwt . weighed off the rare. Butchers' cattle, chic.. 19.75 pee rwt medium, to to M.S, common, 531` to 51.00: re, 12 to 13.M: choice rows, 1f..60 to M: medium, 14.71 to 16.25; bulls, 14 an to 16. E. milkers, choice, each, *77 common and medium, each, 1111 to 550; springers, 131 to $40. Sheep, ewes, $4 34 to 12 heck. sad swim, ei to $4 7t: lan.i,s 1. .75 to C. Hop, f n h , *7 to v.,. Calver. M to 115 East th sash. Cattle Market. F.ART Rt.'FFALO, N.T., Jan. /-Cattle --Receipts, gall. active end lee to Se higher. Pekes• steers, 57.7: 10 MOO. ship- ping. Ste In FF.S. butchers. K to t7. heif- er*, 1450 to VIM. rows. 12.21 to 53.a, [Vile, 51.x1 t. 53.30: stockers and retains, p 71 to is s. a *rees, was to M; Arh e we .M achoke steady, others (n 1. gm lower, tm Ml t eaM-Reretpta Ms, active, 5111 teal. Hem. Reswlpta, 1301+. setl-•s, Se te Igo higher, beery sad mfgpl. 511* to 'wk.*. Mm 1 K•. ptgp, K to ti" trough, M t. SIM; stases na.ti ea to El - estrus. KM to la Stsm sal Lessee- Pte. it lN. se. etre: mead y: i)eneb., Y iLle` awettraf. a Mi Velk� EfirJ. 51: elm edged, 11/1 to jt One thorough application of Zam-Beak at night will bring ease "' by morning. Zam-Buk shops the I!: smarting, heals the cracks, and makes the hands smooth.`,;' P1001.-- Miss Hattie Penned, Galesburg Oot.. etotem :-"1 was troubled with chapped hands and arms and nothing ever seemed• to heal them thoroughly until we found •ant-Buk. 11 has cured them. My father has also used it for several akin troubles and injuries, sad thinks there is bottling like Zam-Buis." Mothers should see that their children use Zan'. Bak daily, as there is nothing like prevention. A little Lem -Bak lightly smeared- over the hands and wrist*, attar washing, will prevent chap* and cold sores. Ls-Suk ie alma roue can for won dimmer. etesee. stab, ringworm bb0d-poieoaiag plc. and Inc cuts, bums sad brume. 505 boast ag stone sad bowlers, ce Moo..guftromtuams-aBid kImptatTorea ..w, ser prim Refuse BARGAINS IN Stoves We *humid like to talk to you about the bargains we are [Ker ing in Stoves. For the next thirty days, and fur perhaps longer, the will give ten pet omit. discount on the primes of all `stoves -- Heaters and Range -which we have In the store. We bave the Moffatt Ranges which hate a reputation for satisfoction that please them in the first rank. Art Garland, Seeivenir, and MtaKatt Heaters, Any of these you will find ate just what yltrt want. We have them in different sizes. suitable for Any size of a hotter oe room. lust to wurd about our Biankets We have • good sock of Horse Blankets. the kind that ••stat on" -While they last ten per tout. off. FRED HUNT - Pluuthinv. Heating. Eavestroughing and General Hatdwate. e Hamilton Strut Fir,: TSE 111&IAN WHO' THINKSAND FEELS. Some worsen complain that they periodically suffer frola dull and bent' feel. :rig:. or '.ia.ziaess in the head, nervousness, pain lad bearing -down feelings which should not occur to the normal healthy woman. But most every woman is subject to these pairs et some time in her life, due to abnormal conditions in life, such as c::: -sets, aver -taxed strength, had air, poor or imprcper food wet feet, sluggish liver. etc. A regulator and female tonic made from native medicinal roots with pure glycerin, and wit`c,:ut the use of alcohol, called DR. PILRVld'.S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION, has ;rover. its value in thcusands acmes, like the following : Isar Memo. Mts. Dona lL Marne, of Auburn. Nebr.. Saute 1. Box Ht says: " I thought I would write you in regard to what your medicines have dune for me. 1 have used therm for thirty years for female trouble and general weakness with the very hast result and they have saved me hundreds of dollars in doctors' bias. I buy the • Favorite Presertp- Hon' and 'Golder. Medical Been..., and take them together. I never wee disappointed ie year remedies sod take pleasure in recommending them to any suffering lady. 1 am now almost fifty years old : at forty- five I took your medicines. both kinds. and I passed that period very easily .ad lett me fat and healthy.. I feel like • young girl If any lady cares to write me• 1 will gladly tell her more, about the good work of your medicines..' DR. Place's GREAT FAMILY DOCTOR BOOR, The People's Common Sense Mediaal Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition -of 1008 pages, answers hosts of delicate questions which[ every woman, single or married, ought to know. Sent free in cloth binding to any address on receipt of 30 one -cent stamps, to oover cost of wrapping and mailing only. IT IS wonderful how much satis- faction can be obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. A letter carries words, but the Bell Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modulations of the voice are clearly heard. The cheery tones show that the talker is well and in good spirits. The call may come from a suburban village or a distant city, but within the limits of the carrying power of the voice the Bell Service carries the tone as well. You get a personal interview with a friend hundreds of miles away. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. Every Jell TsIspAsee Is Me Caster ej1 Ms erMso. g 1 to StOCkand Poul Raisers We will send. cbsolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large sixty-four page books on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares steers, &leo how to k ea that they will lay as well in winter as in calves summer. fatteningand No farer should be withouteep and feed poahry NOW .s the time to use Royal Purple Stock Specific Mrs. Wm. Burnham, of'Sandford, Ont., gays: '2 ted At a cost of only two-thirds of a cent per day per animal your Poultry Specific to 33 hens during the winter and will increase it :5 per cent. in value. It permanently sometimes got as many as two dollen eggs' per day In cures Rots, Colie, 11 orms, Skin Diseases and Debility. February and March." Restores run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. It Mr. Andrew Hicks, of Centralia, Ont., says: '1 used will Increase the milk yield three to ave lbs. per cow per your Stock Specific on 20 milk cows. They have Increased ,Ia3' and make the milk richer. Royal Purple Is not • 30 per cent. ,0 their milk and I got even better results stock food. There 1s no filler used In Its manufacture, from your Poultry specific We had 60 hens laying age. and we import from Europe all the seed., herbs, barks, When we commenced using Poultry Specific we were get - etc., and grind them on our own premises. Therefore we ting five or sox eggs • day. In less than five day. we got can guarantee It to you as being absolutely pure. We do 160 eggs. These were the coldest days last'Irinter." Tou not use cheap filler to make up a large package. We give can see the results at once atter you commence using Ms you the best condition powder ever put on the market In material. When farmers get acquainted with Royal a concentrated form. A tablespoon levelled off once a Purple brands they will never be without them. day Is sufficient for a full grown animal. It prevents disease, keeps your animals In perfect health, and is ab- solutely harmless. It makes six weeks old calves as large as ordinary calves at 10 week.. Tou can develop six pip ready for market In lust one [month's les. time than yousaving can possiyou ably do without it at • asst of oaly 11.6, month's work and food. A 60c peek - age w111 last • horse 70 Jays. A 11.50 pall or air- tight tin containing tour times as mann as a 50e package will last an anlm- al fee days. If you have never used It try it en the poorest aMmal you have on your place and watch results. If It does not produce better results than anythingou have ever used or give you satisfaction, we will refund your money Andrew Wegrfch, of Wainaeet, Ont.. says that he tried It on one cow, weighed her milk on the 16th, 17 Ib... on the Ifth she gave 22 lbs. Lan Mo9wen, Canada's greatest horse trainer, says: "I flare fed Royal Purple to The Cel and all my rac.horses for four years. They have never been of their feed. Tour cough powder works like magic." Mr. Tom Smith, trainer for the Hon. Adam Beck. says: "We had a man In our stables last fall belonging to Min cleuston, of Montreal. W. mould not feed Mr any bran Will 'mane* any lameness in a very abaci tltee. 11[*, 3110- n account of scouring. We eommeneed using your m. Doty. Coalman In London, says: "We have eine horses. Royal Purple Stock RpselIe. The results were wonder- constantly teaming coal, and bays all kinds of trauma ful. We found after using it three weeks we could teed with them being lame at times. I have used your Sweat her bran or any other *oft feed and she actually took'.,, Liniment for a year back and have never known 4t to 25 Ilse, during that elms.'' fail to cure ail sorts of sprained t•adena, etc." R 6 Pries e r-ounee bottles, by mail Me. Royal Purple Poultry Specific Royal Purple Lice Hiller wilt make roar hens lay In winter as well as In sum. This Is entirety d1Rern[t from any nee killer on the 'mgr. sand tet a ser package wilt met 1m hens 76 Owes or market In order for you to understand the grooms of pall or air -tight tin eontaise for them as meek msnaiarture of this nee killer you will have to mend for as a bee package. w111 last 2M days. it /reverts poultry one of our booklets. as w* glv. yen • full history of it from losing flesh et moulting time, ernes and pr.vetia all there It will entirely ettermisate flee en fowls or the ordinary 41..ase., nukes their plumage bright and animals with net more than One or toe apealeatf.a.. rt keep* them in prime rendition ata.thrre tams Pyle* elle. by mail fee. Aa asserted erd.r aseesatiag N MAO we win Prefer. WOn ig het we wish Impresses year stied M mtdetk that we aaeeture .I.g bet ptlterate4 MI reemummeedatiess dtente fro ser ttlllereat ll.ms Rem mpg ever r C we give yea the mss Oft a /we who have mead it. ear bast nee= ms.tfM{as 5. flag yea te s ass pumawee hes .ver ally Sae we mleetanelllere. Sod Today For Frw anklet. W. A. J=N=INd 111F0. 00.. London. Out Royal Purple supplies and free hoekkts may be secured from A. J. Cooper, Flour & .Peed. Galerich. Royal Purple Cough Specific During the last four years there has been an epi- demic cough going through every stable In Canada• which has been a great source of annoyance to horsemen. Our Royal Purple Cough Cure will absolutely cure this cough In 4 days, w111 break up and cure distemper In 1* days, abso- lutely guaranteed 6o per tin. by mall 6e. oyal Purple STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS Royal Purple Gall Cure Will cure au sorts of open sores on man or beast. Will absolutely dry up and sure scratches In • very few day.. Mr. Pam Owen, Coachman for the Hon. Adam Beek, se 'By following directions 1 Ind your Royal Pune' Gail Cure will cure scratches and make the scabe peel off per- fectly dry c about tour or five days." Prima age, by Baan 30c Royal Purple Sweat Liniment Brophey Bros. iODRRiCH The leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefulljl attended t,, at all hours. night or da3 eeneeeseeevenesemeteeeeeweIeeereeeme Montreal Witness "Canada'. Nest Metropolitana and National Newspaper" Strong and Courageous The 'Daily Wit -,ea.' on trial. $1.00. Regular rate. $8.01. The 'Weekly Witnese and Canadian Homestead' on trial, 68e. Regular t ate, 51.00. These trial rate. are offered to NEW *noel Thera --or those in whose homes neither edition baa leen taken regularly fir at least two year.. [bat Ie. since ithas been so Wonderfully Enlarged and improved its circulation I. being doubled. and it is the most pi/pular paper among church - going IN scribers love ith . MAKE iT YOUR CtIOICE FOR 1912 At the Above 'Whirl- wind Campaign' Rates offer. would Wen And teal trlmnde *brow. wettujoythiti. l5nbaevi seat in at tbe.s ranee should edit. be seea6n- taa i►'y thb advvMarmant rw .eeeweelm. er is wawa 5mme athe i jiotM DeaedOUQ*.t SON.O /leak. MomtsreilL. 0. t,'W tamer'