HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-11, Page 5HIE SIGNAL : l;l)1)ERICH, ONTARIO THVMaauev, J*New*J 11, 1112 • LOCAL TOPICS Sura$ Anniversary. Sylaw Pessed. All verso( Bobbie Burns and bis' A meeting the shareholders of the works will be pleased to learn Rodericb Stating sod Curling As.ocea- tbati anniversary of the birth of 1 time was held on WedM.dsy evening, the Scottish is to be At. when a teat bylaw prepared by the ditr piebe'eted la Goderich this ear. dlreotore. to hornier SLOW ea s more. gage, was placed before them tor ap- proval. The bylaw received the un- animous vote of the derating in favor of Its adopt hie A Stormy Week. Inventions Camp, 11. O. 8., is tusking errstlgmiaents to give a primed supper oo as evening ofTbureday, Jan Jih. Felber announcement Ing the event will be tuade in a issue of The Signal. Keep the da soled. a C. L Concert. The date of the Collegiate l usti t u to entertainment has been °hanged to Wednesday, January 24tb, un account d the hockey u,atcb on the 86th. A Rood program U being prepared. including a play,"My Lord in Livery," so be presented by C. 1. students; fancy trill by the young ladles ; 'Tbe Par - .,d. of the Nation.," by the cadet corps, and music. vocal 'and leen u - mental. Admission, 25c and 36c. Men at ildwards', open Saturday, bleh inst. Masonic Temple Ass'n Officers. The annual general meeting of the abereboldere of the Masonic Teniple Aasoclatlou of Goderjgh, Limited was hied in the rereptio room of Mait- land Lodge ou Monday evening. The lollowieg officers and <111'w:tore were elected for the ensuing year: Presi- dent, Dr. (.'has. E. Sal.; vice-pre.i- denta A.' J. Cooper; 0000nd vice-presi- dent, A. $sunders ; secretary -treas- urer. O. L Parson. ; directors-tbe shove -wooed officer* and H. C. Oui- lopr R. J. Megaw sod Capt. A. Iww- son. io The Late F. L. Stahleker. The funeral of the late F. L Stab- leker, whose tragic, death oeoureed at. Petrie es Tuesday evening of last week. when be was hit by a train and Instantly killed, took place in Gods - rich lam Friday afternoon. Rev. A. Brown. . the deceased's pastor, had cha'rge of the service at the house, and at the graveside tbe members of tbe Order of the Woodmen of the Worlderforrued the last rites over the body of their departed brother. The pallhearere were A. D. McLean, Robert Elliott, Waiter B b a r ina n, James Buchanan. Thomas Nicholson and John Whiteout'. Locomotive on Fire. The passengers en route for Rode - rich from Toronto oo the train Which reached here at midnight last Friday evening were given a taste of excite- ment at West Toronto when the lin- ing of the boiler and part of the en- gineer's cab took fire and the fire bri- gade was called to extinguish I he blase. All was well whets the (lode - rich train pulled out of Union 9tatinn, but when near West Torontb station the passengers were suddenly made aware of a sudden application of the air brakes. Flames had broken out io the wooden lining on the top of the holler just under the outer steel cov- ering. and the engineer, and fireman bad to figbt the Hames. The fire brigade responded rind a yard engine, which came to the rescue, pulled the burning mogul away from the eraerhes. After shout twenty min- utete work the Maze was eat ender control. In the meantime the engine of a way frri.th• wise commissioned to take the train t.) Godericb. County Council. The Hist meeting of the county council for 1912 will he held in thi• court house. Goderich, nn Tuesday. January tied. The hest business' will be the election of a Warden. in sc- cordan'e with the very tensible cus- tom which has been in vogue for a number of years, by whish a Liheral end a Conservative are appointed alternately to fill the Warden's chair fora year. the petition this year will go to a Conservative. The Signal. of course, does not presume to give ad- vice to the (•onse•vative members of the conned in wbai may he teemed a family affair ; but it would be pleas nt to members of both parties in this part of the county if the honor should corse this year to the Reeve nt Ash- field, Mr. Thornes Blocher.. Mr. Stotbers is one of the menior members of the counril in point of service, and is esteemed and respected by all. He is one of those hien who can hold their own opinions firmly without giving offence to tbo.e who may hold differ- ent view'•, and this is a qualification wbich is always desire' le. in one who presides over the meetings of such an .august body as the county council. We hope it will be Warden Stothers. Death of J. I. Moore. The news of the deal h of Engineer .J. i. Moore, of the G. T. R., wbich took place in the Stratford hospital on Friday last, was received with genuine regret in Goderich, where the deceased wets heti in high esteem. The Stet- last Friday morning within the space ford Beacon of Monday makes the I of two hours to respond to alarms of following reference to the lamented fire- one from Victoria school at about event : 8::10 o'clock, and the other from the The death occurred in the general Big Mill at So'clock. hospital, Stratford. on January 5th, of As the caretaker of Victoria school James IsMster Moore. in his fifty-third entered the building that morning be year, after en illness of about wiz discovered smoke issuing from the weeks. Deceased was Morn in ninny, basement and the source of the trouble Orkneys Islands. Sontland, and came was discovered in the coal nin. The to Canada In 1877. settling at Stratford, principal damage done was due to where be entered the employ of the smoke. Spontaneouscombustion isaaiJ Greed Trunk as firemen. He was to have been the cause of the fire. later promoted to engineer. About. Just at 8 o'clock the sante morning six years ago he moved to Ooderich, smoke was seen issuing from the where be ran an expense nut of that cupola of the frame elevator of the pleat. The tete Mr. Moore was a Western Cannel* Flour Mille Co. The member of Tecumseh Ledge. A , F. alarm waste -melded and with the as- st A. M., and atm of Avon Lodge, sistance of the excellent private equip- !. O. 0. F Resides bis wife, one meet of the mill the fire was under brother, John. of Winnipeg late chief muerte in a very short time. The factor in the Hudson Bay Company. prineipal damage done was to tee mad two sisters, Mrs. Annie Matches grain in the Men below. The Ices is and Gather's* Moore. both of Riney. estimated at about $10,OOfl. The flestiad, sorely.. The funeral, *hire ranee of the tire can only by c ou jee- wee srnee the Name% anepires. took turd. lkom tics reetdeno. of hL The firemen were called out oo Tues - 1M bred laws Me. Tboa. WMsos. bks ng about 7 o desk to answer sRten street, this afternoon tin alarm mat 1a from the tesidener d to St. James church, and 'thence M lin. liaerlms. OR Visaing street. • Avondale esshet.ry ti* interment. MiHirs diassey was tie mese but the Rev. W. T. On, eovidoeted the ow assails *ss weaseled hsfore aey urn viers. The pall -bearers *ere Nessrs, Meeafi----g, moms depa Jaer•s Lang and Dan Roes.- Tweis aftwmow' work- ing Tecumseh Chapter. 8t. Ma Ms Ii a teatimes onstreet reptory sad Moeba lymple flbrlmwr+ a nevi a Ors *blob alrmed the sa WW• (1. Irwin, Alex. Abrs;Tnm, Oddtet- al b of the brim lint wee ex• ►net. and A.. F. & A. M.; W. Brown t without the help of the and J. lhutrammely, trammel Spe The recent cold snap and the snow- storm which has been &Imast tocemaot during the asst week has dopa muni to demoralise the traffic oei the mil - ways and barn made the blgbways almost Impa.s$blr t3o erlob has been cut off front communication with the " north country '• all week, as the roads were in such a condition that neither the Kincardine tenths Luck - now stage was able to make the trip here since Monday. Thi Bemariller stage, however, ran on its schedule all week. The service on both railway spectres has been affected toe consider- able extent. The G.T. R. 'value all have been running late end the C.P.R. was forced to cancel ite morning train to Toronto on Tuesday as the result of a blockade &t different pointe between Myth and Monkton. The storm appears to have been general alt over the Province and some unusually low records of temperature are reported. At Godericb the mercury bas hovered clone to the zero point all week. A Correction. A subscriber writers from Lcndes- boro' to The Signal as follows : •'DOAN S16, -Irl your issue of Dec- eruber 210., 1 noticed an item stating that sixteen young men of Hullett were t) appear before Magistrate Andrews, of Clinton, to answer to the serious °barge of rioting: and it went on to say that they interrupted a service in a church at Loodesboro' one even- ing by battering the church door and ruakiog & great noise in other ways, and wbeo sows of the men in the cburch went out to quell the distur- bance a fight ensued,' and that 'toe uproar was so serest Unit the ,ervice was dismissed.' "Now, I don't know where your cele respondent got such news, for it is ab- solutely and entirely false, and with- out fouodation. Such a thing uever happened in Loodesooro'. -'f understand a few 01 the young wen of the vicinity were to appear be- fore a magistrate for attending a charivari and making a disturbance at the home of a young couple who were recently married. but this occurred over three miles from Londesboro'. and we think it only fair to the young men of Hallett to have this item corrected, as tbey certainly have more sense tban to disturh a church service in the manner indicated above." The information upon which The Signal published the report in question came from what was cooridered a re- liable source, but it seems there was .owe misconception of the *atter, and it was a charivari, and not any such disturbance as was repotted in The Signal. that brought several young wen before the magistrate. Oodfellows Have Good Time. The installation of .Neem of Huron Lodge, No. atm 1. 0. O. F.. for the coming six months was worked by the visit to Goderich on Monday evening of the inatattation team from Exeter. The visitors were W. J. Murray, Din trict Deputy Grand Master ; A. Hast- ings, D D. G. Warden ; R. N. Creech, D. i). G Secretary ; I. T. Carling, D. D. (1. Treasurer ; W. W. Taman, D. 0. G. Cbaplein, and T. T. Boyle, D. D. G. Marshall. They conducted the in- stallation ceremony in a manner that greatly pleased the local brethren and their f..milierity with the service indi- cated that they were well posted in that pert of the work of Oddtellow- ship. T:.d following were the officers installed : I. P. 0., Harry Martin : N. G., A F. Sturdy : V. t.. H. Tich- harrne : recording secrets, y, Chas. A. Reid : financial secretin•, W. F. Clark ; treasurer, O. C. White! warden, 8. Lynn ; R. S. N. G., ii. H. Pettey : L. A. N. 0., Norman Mac - Autrey ; conduct',r. R. W. Oraigie : R. S. V. G.. Harry Reid : L, 8. V. G., Athol McQuarrie • R. S. 8., Robs. Turner; L S. 8.. W. Sproule; 1. G., Bert Putts: O. G., (leo. Williams: chaplrin. Rev. J. Pollock. When the lodge welt closed the hr.t'sren repeiid to the dieing hall, where a tasty re- past of oysters and other good things was served. 'Then followed speecbee by Deputy Reeve W. F. Clark, Mayor Reid and Bev. J. Pollock, elocution- ary numbers by Menne. Hastings and Murray and a song from Mr. Carling. Fcll)wing the singing of the National Anthem the gathering • everyone voting the event a ort en - lovable one FoLir Fires. The fire brigade were called out twice No Squeal. The 8igoat bas been &eked if it has lost any printing on amount of its attltude on the weenies of Boal °pekes. All we oasis to say io reply is that we are now doing exactly the same amount of work for the hotelmen as before -and that is just none at all. A Native of Ashfield. John J. Austin, assistant poetoffice tuepector at London. died at his home is tbat city ma Wednesday of last week. in his forty-meooad year. He hied been In poor besltb for Boase time and oo New Year's Day was stricken with paretlyls. He was a native of Aahfield and several brothers and deters reside in that township. Be - skies his wits. be leave,e a family of seven ebiklreo. New Photographer. Tbte week mark, a chane in the proprietorship of Bropbev s Photo- graph studio. Alex. J. M > iller, of Toronto, has purchased the burnoose and is now in poweeiou. Mr, Miller comes to town with a good reputation as & first-class photographer. Ile has speot twenty-seven years at tbe bud - Deere part of which time be was in Caliturnia. Fut the last twelve years be has been in business in Toronto and in recent years be bas been a prize exhibitor at the Canadian National Exhibition. The Sigual welcome@ Mr. MWee to town and trusts that be will receive his share of the public. patronage. Mr. Nisbet in Business. Mr. A. O. Nisbet, wbo is widely and fevoraWy known in connection with the Goderich branch of the Bank of Oommes•ee, bas resigned his position with the Bank to go into business ou' his own account. Ire has opened an insurance and real estate agency in the office adjoining the Bank dr Com- merce and is representing some of the leadiug companies in various lines of insurance. Mr Nisbet was with the Bank of Uoniineroe for over foal- years, ouryears, latterly at teller. and during this time be gained the confidence of the public in an eminent degree. and he'starta its business for himself with the goodwill of all with whom he has been in any way associated. Those who may place any business with hien are assured of prompt and satisfac- tory service - The Pioneer Ciuo. How old aro you v 1f you are over sixty you should join the Pioneer Club or if you have not as yet reached the three -score mark lou should see that your relatives and friends who have attained to that age in lite are enrolled aa members. The Pioneer Club bas teen organized by R. R. Maibws, por- trait and landscape photographer of Ooderieb, and all persons over sixty years of age are eligible for member- ship. To enroll all that is necessary is to sit for • portrait in Mr. Sallow,' studio and as a certificate of member- ship each person is to receive a cabinet - size photograph mounted on one of the best mounts. There is tie en- trance fee. See -further particulars in Mr. Mallows' advertisement on page 5 of this week's issue of The Signal. Mr. Williams Moves to Toronto. R. 8. Williams, who recently re- tired from the position of manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, last week left for Tor- onto, where be and his family will hereafter make their home. It is with no ordinary degree of regret that the people of Goderich hid farewell to Mr. Williams. As manager of the Bank of Commerce here for over thirty yearn, he had so thoroughly identified himself with the town and its activities in commercial and other directions that his removal seems like the loss of one of the established and cherished institutions of the town. Mr. WilUswa' departure was not with - but regret on his pert and we are sure he will always keep a worn, spot in his heart for the old town, where his good cheer awl kindlness will long be kept in memory. First Horse Fair January 30. The winter horse fairs in Goderich which att,acted widespread attention in years pant promise In be even more interesting this season. The date of tbe first market is Tuesday, January 30th, when a number of flet class buyerss for eerviceable horses of all kinds will be present. Arrangements also have been made to offer a cash prize of. $15 for the best draft team (mares or geldings) on exhibition that day. A prise of 110 also is offered for the best draft geld- ing and a similar prize for the best draft stare. There are no rest, fictions and no entry fres. immediately atter these prizes are awarded an auction sale will he held of ■11 horses entered with the secretary, Jas. Connolly. An entrance fee nt 50c. is charged for each horse and if digerati of a com- mission of two per cent. is charged on the amount for wbich it is sold. It the animal is not sold no other charge other than the entrance fee is made. All interested in good horseflesh should he in Goderich on Tuesday, January 30th. Other dates arranged for the fairs are Tuesday. February 27, and Tuesday, March M. Shall Outside Firms Be Taxed ? An interesting meeting of the Board (•f Trade was held on Monday even- ing. Matter* in connection with the Ontario West Shore Railway, the securing of new rail and steamer con- nections for the town, and the desired awakening ors more general interest in the work of the Board, were dis- cussed. N. C. Cameron brought in a propoesl which Incl to a general discus- sion. This wars to the effect that the Board should make a definite move for the taxing of outside 'stall firm* which do • mail order business in town. To this end it is proposed that a hill be intenduned in the Legislature g iving municipalities power along this line, and that the co-operation of Board* of Trade t hr eighteen the Prov- isos be secured In support of 1 be meas- ure. Mr. Cameron's proposals received a syropetbstk bearing. and a (special meeting of the Board will be held in the Board room next Monday evening, at It o'clock. to au foto the matter mere fully. In afiditiosi to tbe mem- ber. of the Bosr,i, every tsoahhe.v roam is town 1. 'nested to be present, so tint ter views ..( all may he obtained am this iseportent q__.-_ Mies AdeUne Reef.. of Mew. was a bolder virtu* with hey Mather. C. W. Iteral.. I.bAeld Fancy Dress Carnival. 'Iles fret fancy dress carte vs' of the season will be held in the new West - st rink on Thursday evening of next tthe 111th inst. A full list of ser is being arranged and will be need by poster. Meeting Postponed. ()win to the bad c 4ition of the roads, the n e meeting, called) by Mayor Reid. of reprerentativee of the utuoiel- palities interested in the guarantee of the buode of the Ontario West Shore Railway has been postponed until to- morrow t Friday) at 1 o'clock p. ►n. Appropriations for Goderich. The mein estimates for the coming fiscalIsar, totalling 1111,789,677, were in the House of Commons on W nesday afternoon by Hun. W. 7'. White, Minister of Finance. The total vote for Ontario pu►rlic buildings L 11,719,700` and of this amount $6,010 is for the addition to the Oodur•icb postoflL e ; $25.000 fur the new I at- omce at Seaforth, and 12,000 f. • tower clock In the poetoffioe at 11. ing- ham. in the votes for harbors and rivers in Ontario, tiudericb geta $130.000 for harbor improvements ; Kincardine, $85,000 for extenalo to pier sod dredging, and $1,1100 to. le pairof t.t122,2ISforThe hartors and riveniveruun + in Ontario excludes remotes totalling L17,176. It 1e understood these esti- states were made by the old Govern- ment and have been assumed in torn by the Barden Ministry. Verdict es Stahleker Inquest. Paris, Jan. B. -The jury which, under Coroner Yiasette, investigated the death of F. Rtableker, of Roderick', last evening returned the following verdict : "That F. Stableker came to hie death at Paris station on January 2. by being struck by the second section of G. T. R. train No. 15, going west. That in the opinion of thl jury the non -employment of a com- petent operator, and the lack of knowledge of the station attend - setts as to the runnicg of both reg- ular and special trains, is a soros of great danger to the travelling pub- lic, and we recommend the town au- thorities to appeal to the railway com- mission to ask the (Irand Trunk to provide a Rafe means of creasing the tracks, or have all pea.ereger trains come to & full (stop at this junction." AU Sorts of Weakness and Debility. Pe-ple who are run down or weal( cannot get strong anti) the vital organs and the nervous system are restored to proper activity. Our Mac- Leod'e System Renovator is a nerve food and stimulant. It builds up the nervous system and also promotes digestion and the formation ofbealtby blood. It helps almost from the fleet and all gain is permanent, because the system is actually built up. We guarantee it. One dollar bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Medir ire CO.. Goderich, On• For sale be E. R. Wigle, druggist. Change of Business: I have purchased the ,teas, laundry busi- ness on Hamilton Street run for many years by Mr. D. H. Ross, and I am pre- pared to attend to all the want. of his cue- tcmers and many new ones. i solicit your patron- age. Satisfaction guaran- teed. George Pong Successor to D. H. Roes. Steam Laundry Hamilton St. Bargains at Camerons lint week's storm has been decided- ly bad for business, leaving quite • number of lines advertised still on our hand, so that the came epeeist values will prevail for the coming week. We would just draw your attention .n a few of the biggest values. Our hig millinery sale of Trimmed Hats, in- cluding fur and fur -trimmed Hate, all clearing at one price, only $'2.98. Other Big Bargains at 98c and $1.98. Furs et half-price. Ladies 125.00 Coats, fur collars, for $14.95. Ladies' $15.00 Suits at 10.95. Men's fur -lined Coats. usual 915.00, for $113,00. Don't forget that we Kaes W kinds of that cozy warm underwear for everybody. ('AMMeot's, THOUGH fT'S "MILY A COLD" - STOP IT BEFORE IT STOPSYI J Have you ever beard of • case d caterers, bronchitis, isilammatios of the binge, or pleurisy that did sot start "nth a common cold/ itoery cold you catch has in it the makings of one oe other of these die. rases, if it can breakdown your defences. .tnd even if it does sot develop into awuething more dangerous, it will keep you thoroughly miserable foe a week or tem at least. The wise sours, are moo r yeti feel the sold coming on, is to start taking N• Dr* Co Syrup t1( Linseed. Licorice and Cllorody7nne, wad keep it n till the sold is k+ •ked out completely. This splendid syrup will do the thiels You COO fquickly eel 1 y safe in taking Na-Dru-Co Syrup et Linseed, Licorice and Cbbrodyne, or in giving it to your de l isen. We'll gladly give your tabysioan • list of its ingredients if you k Your Druggist can supply either 1Sc.or SOC. bottles. The ltfatiooal Drug A Chemical Co. et Canada. Limited. iIJ Weatherwax Brothers' Quartette will appear oo the Y. M t' ('ours,- In VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE on FRIDAY, ,9th JANUARY ASA A., 1st Tenor LLOYD 0., Beeso LHSTER F., Baritone and Reader WM. T., Tenor and Reader Charming Vocalists Enterlainir.g Readers Delightful Trumpeters Tbey present varied program of very bigh order ; singing, readings, trumpet - playing, pro- viding a most enjoyable even - g. In Reserved Seats 50c Plate at H. T. Edward.'. Open to setts.riberie Wednesday, Jan. 17th, at 9 s. m. ; to the public, Thursday, Jan. Pith. ereenserrieseereeleseneseWeerefterieereteiWe The .Place to buy your Groceries Is where you will be sure to get the pur- est and freshest of goods. You will be sure of obtaining supplies of the very best quality if you buy your groeries from Sturdy & Co. The Grocers On the Square 'PHONE 91 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING MONEY ? if so, why not oo-operate with us ? We want a good live agent in I his town and vicinity to handle our Fencing, Roofing, Engines, Paints and other products. If you are am- bitious, energetic, and have a little ready cash, we ran make yon a very attractive offer. Write for our propos't ion, The Page Wire Fence Co . Limited King `+t. • .etlanile .% enur. Toronto s 3 Painting Carriages e 1 do all hoes of Fine I'es riag• Printing and Scle.•t nee Antique Furniture Finishing. Bring your Carriages, Antos, Piano* and Furniture of every devrriptiom. Fifteen year.' expe,4es . in the beet Piano and oeg:• Narlories is Tenant,.. Hamilton and Woe t -to; k. Rat Johann,' gtuarenteed err no a barge. JOHN A. KNOX Dom Carriage Works, Go4erich. Uiiion Bank of Canada n.w•tatp cA leef - $ 4,706,000 !last sand usNsbeed Pestes 3.300,000 TNsf Atwood* (cars/) - - 113.000000 London. E.gla.d Ottlee, 11,Threadseedle Street, E. C. • leased gild leak bar bees setablisied is Loads, Inglaad, et Ns. 3*, lhsedseedie Omsk R.C., *hers Letters of Credit and Drafts }Atli et er imps east gash Its Cassis and the RAM Bites, rte be pneiesttd, stti Mes4'Itia.sk= armeged, • Mime Buss L provided fee the o.sveaies« of claspb of tis Desk when in Leaden, l which their mall may be sddreeeed. Cerse peMesw aoheitei Lentfenu qr. {/ W. *9141. M S. M. C. NART-SMITH. Aseassesft-Masaimer. SPOTTON Stands for all that is modern in Business Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and cities. Two Thousand stet - dente in our College and Home Study last year. We train from ten to twenty students for every one trained by most schools, There's a remote It is - frrely admitted that our grade - se es get hest peeitiuus, • ed the demand for them is "seven" times the supply. Exclusive right f..r Ontario of the fatuous Bliss Book - keeping System. You may study at home, or partly at home seed finish at the College. A Business Education pays a dividend every day of your life. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. t, 1912 Call or write for pan oculars. Spotton Business Col iev' CLINTON, ONT. Miss B. F. Ward, Principal. MEN'S SUIT Special prices for this sale -so About b.alf-price. $5.50. Men's Ulsters Men's heavy -weight el -1• duced to $1.50 Caps Men's cape, all shades an at :sale. Men's t ps, seen' uuent of pattern inside fur -lined t oro -d regrtlar $1.0) an d Mufflers Men , Knitted M shades. at um 1 cok•rs. a r..>.. s, .sire, we hent' 1.1".1, fie uetet• all 4x•. Boy's Overcoats til shade•, -rale pries ire 21. &►PSN. EV EN !NOS. M. ROBINS tRE How Old Are 1 You? Some people consider thi, an impertinent q,1e+11on end resent any 1.uch ioqui.itivpeke,. In such cases, however, you can make a guess and feel certain that you ate not far ou' -injecture. But that is not what we started to • to tell you how you can" •1 Lhe Pio IF YOU OVER SI Any wan use woman whose mark has the privilege of sittin will be t.resented with a CABI MI one of the latest mottnts FREE 0 Call --at once and easel your sitting. Life is very infirmities of old age may later date. Don't procm! girls something bo' which a good likeness of yourself neer Club :ARE XTY age is over the threes, are g for a portrait and e,.ch nue NET -SIZED PHi'TOORAPH CHARGE t in the day -and arranges for uncertain at any thee, but the prevent you Loft coming at a nate, but give your boys and to remember you. in the ebape of R.R.SALLOwS D LANDSCAPE PHOTO(1RA PHER1 PORTRAIT AN The N 1 Ht BEST NVIcTuS GOOD SHOE ame on The Sole Tri T mar any un e"INVICTUS" name and trade - k on the sole means a great deal to shoe -buyer. t means footwear that will stand up der every test for fit, style and wear. it therefore means more for your money, as well as for your feet and for your sense of pride as to appearance. • Behind that trade -mark is the assur- ance of an honest -made shoe --the shoe you should always buy BEST GOOD SHOE a• INVICTUS" T Wm. Sharman he Square Goderich