HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-11, Page 3TMussDAI, Jenuidi t 111, 1b! S 1 wow) District_News SEVEN ONLY •ENOINC Mrs. B. Brown. jr., a respected eit seed of Crediton, is dead at the age fi two yeah. ,hn Sandwin, a respected resident of urnberry, died soddenly our the re- sult of agiattack of apoplexy. death of Mrs. ?Unwell Haemin and , her twelve -year-old daughter. Some days ago, wbile Mrs. Ifatnmill was cleenipg curtains with gasoline, sad had pieced them in the kitchen to dry, an explosion .occurred. Mrs. Haat- mare drew wee in Harass io an inataint Miss a Bol:, of Grey township. and she rushed from the how. The 'ewes sh ly on an extended holiday' Id B W ARE""" with relatives and friends in Kansas d.Dread with amazing rapidity OF and Virginia. end before the neighborearrived they MITA-found it impussible to do anything. An elzplorion of gasoline escap- Mrs. Hammell' said that her daughter TIONS. ing /rola • diaahled engine rev- wail in the house. and ber husband. erelyy burned Fred Karr's hoods at who came up, had to be held back, as t'rediton our day Lest week. be would have lost his life had begone A wedding in Stanley township on into the building. Aire. Hammel was december r! h was the uniting of so terribly burned that she died soon Miss Annie FI -t-,. of 'the 'red congas- afterwards The family formerly re- fs0 L D ON sinu of that ..o. ship. t•. Samuel sided in Hullett township, and Mr. THE Johnson. ft -r. Mr. J..ha,ton, of Hammell is a son of the late Mn. YBHI'L'R OF Varna. officiated. Hammell, of Sesfortb. W. M. Govenlock, formerly of Sea - forth, hut for several years secretary DISTRIBUTION OF SEED GRAIN AND•POTATOES. IINIRD'S LINIIEN I BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES h:,und or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All orders pron,ptl attended to on leaving Mama Im at THSION AL. Ogdericd A. E. TAYLOR. Senareiree CIVIL ENGINEERING VAI,UHAN M. HUGEHTS, CIVIL arid Hptrauno Knglaeer, Ontario Land aii'Mi�Rll.e6..a Block. Uoderlce. corner Montreal sisesi. Telephone 1i7.' MEDICAL DR. W. F. GALLOW. M. B. °IMoe end residence. North sdwrt, (loderich, worth of County Registry oaloe. Telephone 11, It. F. J. R. EOHf4TE H- RYE, EAR 'eneae and throat only. Room .urceoo n, York Ophthala.lc and Aural 'sit tatcee,, CUoical %mist., Ear. None and 1 hroat Hospital a Equate. ano Moorefield Eyee HoapiW. Kurland. office, Sl ti. Weterloo Street Stratford. opposite Knox l'hurcb. Hours . to Ix a m . y tout p. m.. 7 to 6 a m. Telephone LEGAL. DROUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLOR- AN. barn iters, aoilcitora, notarial public procurer in the Maritime Court, ata Private [rods to tend at lowest rata, of interest Oaioe. Fart side egosre. Goderich. W. & RODUPO(7r L. C., R C. HAYS, J. L. PILLORAN. L.G. CAMERON, K. 0., RARRIS- Tlili, adbttor. notary pSWib- Oakes - too &rest. Oodaeich, third door from tip pare. CHARLES ('ARROW, L.I.B., BAR RiBTER, attorneys, solicitor, eta. Gods rash. Mosey to 1.na at lowest rotes. u 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER Di solicitor, oosamLiooer, notary public rcet, Llamutoi sweet Ooder nh Ont. INSIIRANCE. LOANS, STC. cKiLLGP MUTUAL FIRE 1N - in d U R ASCE C O. -Farm and ieolat.d Mann property insnted. Ileacs -J. B. Mclean, Plea,. Seatortb P.O.; Oonndly, Vhoe-Pse.., Goderich P. 0.; L hays, tis.-Treae., Seafoeth P. 0. -Wen. Chimney. tieatorth ; John U. Grieve, W 'ochre p N-nliam Rinu, Con tans; n Joho Reew.., !lodh.aen ; Jamres grass, Beechwood ; John Watt, Harlock : Maloolm McLaren. Brua.add. Ag�eents: J. W. Yeo, Hom.AWe; R. Smith. Harfoek: Jaw. Cvmmlap. ERmoadville; H taohl.y, Seatorth Party-Mrdsee can pay assimmsnu and get their cards rsestpted at 1..1. Morrides Clothing store -Clinton. or at R M. Cana Grocery. caesura street, oodetioh. PRIVATE FUNDS TO L20.900 loan. Aptly to lt- G. cAiti- yBuHampton sheet Godsrioh. WR. ROBERTSON. ' INSURANCE AGENT. hos AND Lien NIAO : British, Cenadiaa and C IDEAT Brdcivr rat AND aetoraas' Liam : The Oman Accident and Oaara.tes Carporatbs Limited. of London, Eng. Fro.. AND (lLimited.uhaLNTza BONDS : The U.B. Fidelity sad Guaraates txmpany. OSes at rudLeass, nsrttass.t oorner of Vic- toria and IL Irsvtd'..tre.w. Phos. 176 JO $ HN W. CRAIGIE, LIFFIRE and ace dist insurance. Ment for leading -rwtusl rad .took tee. 1 0x..nce in an ewe effected oe bor. end st lowest rates. -all at omoe. mew West Street and Square r address J. W. CRAIOIL Uod rich Out cats n.t MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E KELLY, J. P., OoneereII, ONT. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. W LANE, ISSUER OF MARRI. T 1 . AGE llo.mss, God.riob. Ona SHAVING PARLOR DEDFORD BLOCK BARBERaHOP 1/0 wavbWteases DDties the e51 .srfoand e to shaving ti.ft wttcyri.a otos lied handsma oldlTer prt(r erwin bo appeectated- H. A AUCTIONIIIIM THOMAS OUNDEY, LIVE STOCK and somival asalioe.er. Orem so South 1M. " as wring axiswhoa rrP0einaabit Wiar re wM be found at all e.mad treTy alter weed to etre you .M.fa.Jea, Oevwtr seM Is ttsapmoable. Lwe.s Advertiser. IIs s annermeed that the new Do- minion tariff hoard will beve only ad. v*sory powers. This is se it should be. An_y device to take the reriff out of ponties and permit a Government t0 shfrk reepnoefbllity would to fouls nn - In all (1•nadisw berate peoteetiooiste sr fres traders. of the Northeru Life Insurance Com- pany at London. is leaving for Winni- peg. where he succeeds T. L, L. Lewis. the late manager of that rrmpany in Manitoba. A wedding took place in McKillop township on Wednesday-. December 'lith, when Miss Sarah, only daughter of Mr. and Mn. Thiourea Jarman, be- came the bride of James Henderson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W. Barker. Miss Bettie McCall, a well known young lady ut Morris township, was mamed at Swan Lake, Man.. to Archie Thompson, on December 13th. The young couple are spending part of their honeymoon at the brides old home in Morris. The Pembina(Man.) Express of De- cember 21st reports the marriage of W. B. Baliantyne, publisher of The Emerson Journal, to Violet E. Hen- factory so thmisinlob dersun, of Pembloa, the ceremony Le'- their conditionsat a msvproere sentg sm t ing performed hy Rev. H C. Sweet, of Sslcanes, Sask. The groom is a Each apphcation mt be sepaicant.rate Brussels old bey. asd must to ei sedus by the appl Leath removed from Sloe+ ills Ooh• one samp a mu be sent to each p faro'. Applicktione on any kind of tewnship on Tuesday of Iaeit week a printed or written foam Cannot be most estimable resident in the person acrcptei. of Mrs.' John H. Swallow. She was As the supply of seed ie limited, seventy eight years of age and was 11farmer* are advised to apply early to native of Liverpool, England. She avoid possib:e disappointment. No bad been a resident of McKillop town- applications can be accepted after ship for over forty years. February 15th. Several months ago W. R. Harland All applications for grain (and ap- retir.d from the firm of Harland plications from the Provinces of On - Bros., of Clinton, and the business tario and Quebec for potatoes) should was carried on hy John Harland. be addressed to the Dominion Cereal - Owing to ill -health the last-mentioned 1st, Central Experimental Farms, person now retires and his brother Ottawa. Such application, require no again takes charge, associated with postage. his nephew, Will Harland Applications: for potatoes from A new skating and curling rink at farmers in any other Province should Brussels was opened to the public on be addressed (postage prepaid) to the New Year's Day. Lucknow braes superintendent of the neatest branch experimental farm in that Province. J. H. (.RISDALH, Director. Dominion Experimental Farina. ONE MORE WOMAN By instructions of the HOU. Minister of Agriculture a distribution will be made during the coating winter and spring of superior sorts of grain end potatoes to Canadian farmers. The samples for general distribution will consist of spring wheat 15 lbs.), white oats (4 lbs.), herley (5 lbs.), and field peas (3 lbs.). These wjjl be sent out from Ottatra. A distribution of pota- toes tin 3 Ib. saruples) will be carried on from several of the experimental farms, the Centre.' Farm et Ottawa supplying only the Provinces of On- tario and Quebec. A:I samples wit, be sent see, by snail. Applicants should give particul.ss in regard to the soil . u their farms ; sad should also state what varieties thry have already tested and in virtu way these have been found unreal, - hand was in atteodance and gave a program of mucic afternoon and even- ing. The building is 75x175 feet with waiting rooms and galleries witb seat- ing capacity for nearly 1,000 specta- tors. A matrimonial event. was.olemnixed at Marnoch on December 20(b, at the home of Mrs. R. Leishman, when ber youngest daughter, Miss Alice L., was united in marriage to Frederick M. Overend, of Canfield. Rev. T. H. Farr, 01 Blyth, performed the cere- mony. The young couple will reside at Canfield. Adds Her Voice to the Thousands Who Are Singing the Praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Colonsav, Sask., Jan. fall. -(Special.) -Mrs. Emel Car Ison, a well-known and estimable lady. living near here, The home of Mr. and 'Tres Arthur declares that her kidney trouble of cots of Clinton, was the scene of a two years standing bas been corn - `" event on Tuesday of last pietely cured hy Dodd'. Kidney P111,. week, when their youogest daughter, "My kidney trouble started frau a Annie Elizabeth, was united in mar- strain," Mrs, Carleoo.lste., 'And for nage to W. S. Atkins, of Toronto. two y}ear. I was sorely atfiict ed with The ceremony was performed by Rev. it. My else was broken and unre- J. E. Ford and wss witnessed only by the immediate families. W. and It. A. J oe, millers, of Brussels, have taken Joseph Davidson as a par tner and their business here - trashing, and I was always tired and n ervous. My heart bothered We - `Three boxes of Dodd'rKidney Pills cured me. They are certainly the best medicine i have ever used.' Every suffering woman should ask atter will be knows, as the Pryne Mill- her neighbors about Dodd'. Kidney ing Co. The mill wal be overhauled, pills. Thousands of Canadian women new machinery will be put in and owe their health and happiness to they will go after the flour trade as them. well as the other producta already be- ing manufactured by that concern. Rev, Richard Hobbs, pastor of James street Methodist churcb, Exe- ter, bas tendered his resignation to take effect immediately. Mr. Hobbs was ill during the greater part of last summer and unable to occupy his pul- pit. A difference between pastor rind people also had something to do to- wards bringing about the resignation. At high noon on Wednesday of last week the marriage took place, aCtbe residence of the bride's parents in Clint in, of Miss Annie Cochrane to Lorne E. Butt, o(Saskatoon. Rev. T. Wesley Comms performed the cere- mony in the presence of about twenty guests. The young couple after a short wedding trip will leave for Sas- katoon, where they will reside. Wedding hells rang merruy at the home of ?dr. and Mrs. James Jackson, 9th line of Morris township, on Wed- nesday, December 27th, when Miss Florence Beatrice, youngest daughter of the host and hostess, became the "ride of George Maine. of Auburn. About thirty .guests were present to witness the performing of the cere- mony by Rev. J. H. O.terbout, B.D., of Londeaboro' Former Exeter Girl Married. At Pt. Thomas' church, Toronto, last Saturday morning Miss Gertrude E. Kemp, younger daughter of the late Captain G. 8. Kemp, of Exeter, and of Mrs. Kemp, of Palmerston svenne, Toronto, was married Ernest Collyer, son of C. E. (Wyse. of BL*khm•tb, London. Eng. Ray Ensor Sharpe performed the cere- mony. The bride was given away by ber brother. Arthur Kemp Mr. end Mrs. Oollver will reside in Toronto. A Narrow Escape. Mrs. Jame. McNabb, of Walton. had a sloes call from instant death a few days ago. She was on her way to London to take • train for Bed Axe. Michigan, and while crossing a set et tracks at Stratford to board the Loan don train she was struck by a rata engine. lern'tunetely, she was bit is mei a rammer so ee to be thrower time of the rens, or sloe would have been iesteatiy killed bewail' tae wbs.ia. As it was ebe sward with • severe shaking sap. Her ie wties were sN-wdmd 10 win. she reached Lemke lad .be was able to proceed to 1t: destination Wee In tb. evening. Farmer atesidset of Knish ''resod r Death. Wad bee been received from Ahs. usida . Nei., salSaedlltN She Is -.lag s. Muir it tlohmeier EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL D/RtpTe are 6S11'ss irtt.w w M or. t. i 4 MARINE LOSSES OF tett. Underwriters Had to Pay Clams Ap- proximating $600,000. Not including the passenger steamer Nnrthweet of the Northern Steamship Co.'s fleet, damaged by fire while ly- ing at her dock at Buffalo het spring, the claim for which was settled for about $''260,0i10, marine accidents of the 1911 season coat the underwriters approximately $800,000, according to a bulletin issued a few days ago. including trigs and other small craft, twenty-three flea+els--eighteen steamers and five schooners -were wrecked during the lest season. The ste;uoer E. L. Fisher is included in the list of total losses, as the underwriters settled with the owners on that basis. Th•' steamer is being repaired at Toledo. Four assns' vessels, tie John Mitchell, E. L. Fisher, Joliet and Tur- ret Cape. were lost. The Mitchell, which was sunk in a collision with the steamer Willi'i n Henry Mack in Lake Superior, was the greatest loss df the season. She was insured for =240,000. The Fisher and the Joliet were also collision losses. The Turret Cape stranded on the rocks in Georgian Bay and was abandoned by the under- writers. Five of the lost wooden ves- sels were in collision', seven stranded and four were destroyed by fire. Five vessels went down in the Detroit end 8t. ()lair Rivera, four in Lake Su perior, three in Lake Erie. four in Lake Michigan and three in Georgian Bay. The ships were valued at 'operants of 1199h0110. The steel steamer Joliet and a number of wooden hosts were n ot insured. Most of the wrecked vessels were small cowriww and their capacity was only 31,960 toes a trip, or 7911,((00 tons for a memos of twenty trips. Ships lost during the last aeaeon are' as follows : John Mitchell, R. L. Fisher, _Joliet,Turret Cep, Maine, Tamps, Rappahannoek. F. H. Prince, City of Genoa, Three Brother.. A. L Bopklna, Thomas Cr"+atupss,� Arundel, D. I y, A. D. Hayward.Coy tlsa Relsires,'hail'. and Wrrlsrgtos. 'R' « mdw tb mss. Youngs Aisne an A1k.t W. • f remote aa.. Hew le an obi ce.esdrees, w►4.h we weesld like to pus le Ifs News : dkla't bile til. Attr Meer t•.loa as eylos t YEARS'OF MISERY All Relieved by Lydia E. Pine's Mm's Vegetable Coal'ellad. Sikeston. Mo. -"Z'or saran years I suffered everythisg I was in bed Tor four or five days t a time suet month, and so weak I cotu dphea�rdly walk. and had backache and head- ache, and w a ■ so nervous and weak that I dreaded to lee anyone or have anyone move in the room. The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times, and said that 1 ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it Now I look the picture of health and feel like It, too. I can do my own house. work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when 1 chow, an ose walk as far as any ordinary woman, anY day in the month. I wish I could talk toevery suffering woman andglrl." -Mrs. DEMA Brrin ng, Sikeston, Mo. The most sucoeseful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaint/I is Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. It is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, in- flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. Why don't you try it? r A New Year's Resolution which might, be a wise one for you to make is to purchase one of our Empire or Good Cheer Renes. Inspection Invited. W. R. PINDEK Plumbing, Heating. Electric Fixtures and Metal Work Hamilton Street Ooderich e71 t• 1 d Li :'?1 _te:. LONDG:i : e% ECMOIfT( 1 First Quality In Every Detail In All Our Fur Garments We guarantee all garments to be satisfactory because they are characterized by superior quality. eorrectnees of style, and perfection of at. Each order is executed on the premises by skilled, practical furriers and designers under our personal supervision. We have a style to fit every f.mcy and suit every purse, This is the headquarters for pesPie who want the best when they buy. Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found et the !detest quality gad right up- ROSS' Lf nit•d e Fors aid Cloaks aos>II.. wow SPE3CIALS JANUARY SALE SILKS Two hundred and fitly- yards Spot Silks in shades of pink. blue, old rose, cadet, etc., make handsome evening dresses, regular 40c 25, per yard, for.._ .. ... DRESS GOODS A clearance cf Dress Goads picked from our regular 50c and 75c lines to clear at, per 25c yard......... Another lot of our regular $1.00 and $1.2.5 Dress Goods, 50 inches wide, to clear at, 50, per yard This is a golden opportcol ty for making skirt" and children's school dresses. COATS Entire clearance of all our ladies' and chil- dren's Coater et less than cost price. Cowee)trly, as there are not a great many left. LADIES' WAISTS N(, Lidice' Lawn Waists, regular $1.01) C0�, and $125; t„ clear. �• WAISTS -Continued Ladies; Lawn Waists, regular value iftel ��n up W $i.(10; to clear at. .. ..... ...11V Our entire stock of ladies' colored Waist*, all new this fall. regular a $1.00 to $1.50, 7�C _ to clear, each .. .. ............... ... . EPIBROIDERIES Special purchase of Elute oiderier. put up in 6 -yard lengths. all wi.lth:•, to clear, per piece .•1 6 yards. 29o. Baa. 41So and Cao -a genuine snap. CIIILDREr 'S tIEADWEAR Greai irtt-gains in children's winter Headwear, including bearskin. velvet and plush Bonnets. Hoods. etc., being cleared at lees than coet. McCall'„ 'Pattern: and Publications for Feb- ruary now in stack. New Spring Goods arriving daily. to II'Phone 56 Millar's Scotch Store 'Phone 56 �MX DOOUb h-aGk Line, Winter Resorts Round trip tourist tickets now on sale to all principal Winter Resorts, including California, i lexico Florida, etc. The attractive route to West- ern Canada is via Chicago. Steamship ticket, on sale by all lines. Full particular. and ticket., from F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent. or address A. E. Defy. D. P. A.. Toronto Wanted immediately :±mart• capable man, on good salary or oommisslon, to sell our wall -known special- tiee in fruit and ornamental trees In your county. We pay according to ability. and destre the beat man procurable. 600 Acres cf fruit trees from which to fill customsnt requirement.. Onr salesmen aro absolutist, sure to supply reliable, .atr.faclory stock. Established over 17, years, Write Biles Manager. Pelham Nursery Co.. Toronto, Ontario. N. H. -To ew.t.racra! If our repre..nta Uvss here not called. write for catalogue and price.. r REWEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET A CALENDAR Prepare for Sleighing Before purrhasing for the coming win- ter. call and inspect the carload of Port - d land and Piano Box Cutters whi'h have just ar- rived end are now on view in my show- rooms. For Strength, Elegance and Comfort the cutter,' manu- factured Eby Meyer". Wm. Gray, Ron, Campbell, Ltd., of Chatham. cannot be surpassed. HIGH IN QUALITY LOW IN PRiCE Come and select yours while you have the full range to domes from. Robert Wilma Hamilton Remo! THEE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1912 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe. ...$1,6o Including premium picture "Daddy's Girl." The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 .ncluding premium picture, "Home Again." The Signal. and Weekly Sun (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Toronto(IDaily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.5o 1 he Signai and Toronto Daily News.... 2.35 The Signai and Toronto Weekly Mail and I .mplre 1.60 Including picture, of Hon. R. L. Borden, Premier of Canada. The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm. . . . 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy i.80 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser1.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.5o Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness3.50 The Signai and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register • New 1.70 Renewal .. 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 3.4o Th( Signal ..nd McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Farmer's Magazine. 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto) The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 Thele prices a. a for sddressc. in ('.read. or Great Britain. The Signal and,Lippincott's Magazine 3.25 including t , stage t0 (•atold isn subecribers. The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston) 2.90 including postage to l'anndisn suhre,iher'. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New Yotk) 2.70 Includ'+ng postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $t.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and The Weekly Globe. firsts The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 leas $r.eel .. .sit 1.75 -making the price of the three papers $2.95' if the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well- known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to The Signal Printing Co. LIMITID Goderich Ontario