The Signal, 1912-1-11, Page 1Clubbing Rates Read obs Signal . club- bing lubbing list no page s and select your read iug matter for the year. A1$ the leading publications et reduced rates. IXTY-FOURTH YEAR -NQ, tis; e GODERICH. THURSDAY. JANUARY •11, 1912 IU4I, Renew Your Subscription to THE tiIONAL anal get one of the pretty 1012 Calendars. weilleSh Do It Now THZ SIGNAL PRINSfNO CO., Ltd.. Powsem ra QOOERION MARKETS. ���Qti� r� RESIGNS. convener %."::',1r o the date of the Hest gam.. �j/� "HALF-TRUTH" Qii�(]ff t annual mwtin �. E. i>►Jlairle� 1tESIGN 7. played int Lhe series. NOTA s4[11`SLj''TA�J i (] which wits t E of tit. George's Guild, Ttttuttrar, Ire. out Only payers wt*,, have resided in br held oo Toeday p ie tots u a evening, Januar es.w ss town pi to Monday, Jauutui 7 9th Th+ *meeting GARADsk u s• to u tD 8th. shall be rib/tilde. o s. to o is "THROWN DOWN" IN THE STR1K- uitsINU OF STANDING COMMITTEES. 20 •u 1 7v s tin 25 lie Claims That He Should Have Had the 13 m,e Chairmanship of toe Special Com - 0 000 i mattes!. and tielieyes There Was e is te e l l Deliberate Intention to Shelve Him. 813th Y; 0•lto 01y YdOto 33t� --"'- u3dto Kbob ................ 0 -o te pit. tis.en ............. to 00 W pmenP1 per Y ss w pppaattte+e tee.. Y ft9 w ME SAVING HA 11) IT 1s not only valuable millet your funds are accumu- lating against need, but that it encourages thrift in the genera} affairs of life. $1.00 opens a savings account. Hittite OYvICII, CORNER KING AND BAY STREETS, ToRovrro. Goderich Branch, - Andrew Porter, Manager 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ADAIINIMTHATOit-S N4ITICg TO t 1tK1111 URS. Is rive Ma'rwa or Tile ILrrAT': Or WILLIAM .err Curse. rats or Tat Tows or OODaMKat r. TRi O0(.I' oar Rescue Onwrtaxas. oat it.umo. Notice le hereby pia Matinee Ontario 111 I at'b.Aalf,'that all tal to per 1 ems the estate of then W -lark, who died on or about the Lich day of December. .t, D. 1111, wt.ethor as creditors or se Maiming to be Ulkd to env .ha[e or interest thereat as ease of the next of Uo. are bertby required. On or later, tis lath flay of February, A. D. 1111X to � ,std by post teepye. or deliver to James C, Bone. Ceder eh P. 0. t he adaen1erster of ti.. mid elute, thsit l'WLtia• asd anrnatoes. addresses and dwrriptio.s, full partdculere its writing of their claim the statement of their amounts. and if creditors the nature of the security. U say. held toy teem. And •otice 1. hereby store given teat after the acid 1Jth day et Februai y, A. D. Nit, the tad admMYRraur will distribute the assets of the add senate ameba the parties entitled thereto, bsvtma sassed eats to the claims of which tet iaU e r the estb�«e Of any pot thereof to .n/ base tis 1 � elates. notice -ball DDot hare d begot* W tuna of sorb dlstriba 1#LM at Goderich, this Mrd day of Jan eery. A. i, tali PROUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLOItAN, Solicitors for the said Admlaletratdr. lain. •[see have been received. and that i x will not be resppm,.lbt fo ANIUAL MEETINGS. ANNtiAL MEBTIN(1.-WKSr .tt HURON AOft1CCLTURAL ix Y. Y. The annual meeting of the West Huron Agricultural Society will be held to the town haul. Uoderich, on Saturday, January 201 h. 1012. •t 1 o'rloek P m.. to receive auditors' tenon and elect o0eers for entailed year. A full attendance of member,. and other, interested ta requested. JOHN & CLARK. 1'. E. BINGHAM, President. Secy.-Tpsaa �INI'AI. MEETING. -- THE AN aU.AL meeting at the members of th Etch/ills* Mutual Fire lueuraace lompanrr will be bold on Friday. January Lyth, 1011 in the Town Hall, Hartnett- at 1 u docs u m. Mao 'par tar Barra per tom ff'f p to 04u tooStraw, new 10 70 to 800 to Wood. lper b II 60010 iiappm� Cheesobi it. lobar dos AP0(a roto.sOar bid Cattle, r t...Eesll./, n in to Cott* ezpsspsrwt s JWn to a . 8 10 to 4teto teabllo:, �i Hier. per utterpskina Ito to 700 to ES to a le in The inaugural meeting of the town 5 7d' enured wee held uo Monday mor iyt Ou Mcoday afternoon Councillor W. as, E. Kelly h.udrd his reeiguatiou to the 7 34 clef l a Mr. Kelly explain.' his action by th. (stating the following citcutust ,uses., At the meting in the morning a 1 BHA was made (� rci I r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Jan. 11 P The Montreal Wits em John Demirel' k S•... Sleek for Pale -Mrs I. B. Watle% Seems t0 Rent -Kin at J. Stead's. ,. °aunty Council Ms.Ung-W. lane. .. • Jain the Pioneer flub -R, R. Sallows... Rargalas lei Ste reit-'rod. Hoot The Saying Habit -Sterling Bank. . Great SlaUgbter Bade Continued - W. C Priebatn Cas F]lldL Specials for the Januarydela_MBlareaeoteb Store.. ......r Great January- Combined Sets -J. H. cel - borne Enter Aay pay --Shaw. eaboelt,Tsesnte grader --Y. M. ('. A Reader -4' Y. B ......... .. ................ Note Paper and Envelops Sale -0,O. Maier. Straight Sayings -Madams Brea . 8 Steady Mea .ya nted-A I - VD) at Signal Ocoee, 1 Servant li'aimed - Mrs. C. K. Sale. 1 Reader --Chas, t'. Lee II Monthly Horse Fate,--('ommittes - ' $ Lon Warted-Goderfclt Lumbar a Masa Good Pt11e-Martin Bra.... .... .. . i Farm for Salo --L A. M*Ds•ld, Anima.. 1 Adminletratee'r Sale-Proodfoot, Hays t 1 Kilkesa. .... .......... Bargain- Y. C. Cameron 3 Our floosie Department -Walter H. Barrl.00 I Drink Habit -The Gatlin Institute 4 Coal Stove for Sale The Signal Olee. 1 Pat le Your Own Pocket -J. W. Craig& ..,., 1 Boy Wanted- American Road Machine OP.- 1 Insurance and Real Zama -A. O. Nisbet.. -. 1 e , b - y u 1 o Hum - aI her newime the Rewe, the Dept I Reeve and Councillor Venal ter as it cumu�itt e to strike the remelt I commit,ewe for the year This left o A; Mr Kelly. the only otht r member last ye r's eouneil. Mr. Ke1'y c, 1 eider�'het the commit teKr600ld ha included all shemetu•'era of last y 2 I ooundU, and not a p•cked three. M 1( Kelly hat made k known to oue of t member% of the sufk•ng commit ' Players having signed cannot trans- / ter to any other team. Games are to be of tine Lootr duration, including detention and intermission, and are to commence sharp on tie time specified. Any tram losing its player, may recruit its strength. Announcement was trade 10 the effect that a handsome cup would be donated by Waiter H. Harrison, jeweller, as • trophy for competition and the teem winning the cup three years in *meter siun would then become the possessor of it. On Wednesday evening a meeting will titeret..re bre held on January lett, SIGNAL'S ARTICLE ON POWER BY. at 3 Rm., in the school hours, LAW ABSOLUTELY TRUE. The trustees of North street Metb- a 'hueUnodist hurch have installed a straw_ g plant to warm the vestibules of the executive committee wag held, when the following t•chedule was drawn up : Ir'oquob vs. Msneaetneg Canoe Club- ., lub- Drr ttI iroquois vs A.O.V -Januar)• Y.lnd. ..`"P Dreadnoughts vs, M. C. C - - January R 24th. ofI A.O.V. vs. 0.0.L -January '20th. )ve Irogilri. vs. Dreadnoughts-JanUA'ry A.O. V. vs. M.O.C.-February 5th year M.0 C. v.. 0.0.L -February 7th. he Irtu}w.ia are. 0.0.1.-Fehruary 12'.h. vs. A.O.V.-FPhruarp sonar 15th. ulnougbte v., O. 3 that he wished the chairman hip the hu,.ineur of the meeting V to receive the annual statement and auditors' report, the efreUsg of three rectors. and ire bat bu-Ire... for the good and welfare of the('ompany. The retiringrirdirectors are Job. B. McLaren. Wm. eligible ffor�re-slection.m Yr6we.. who are JOHN B. Mt -LEAN. THOS. E. BAYS. CT Presids.L yctet.ary. THE ANNUAL MEETING or The Wert Wawuno.h Mutual Fire Insopence co. wi bit held i. the Dongaaao. Agricul- tural all on Wedpe:day, the 47th day of January, 4014. at 1 o'clock P• m, for !be pose of of ressiving and 000ddenag the enancfal etatoment, the Directors' and Auditors' re- 0014te,, and of sliming three Directors, sad con- fidantes other matters that may come before the meeting. The retiring Directors are J. R. Kooks James Obese and Tit.othy Origin. allot whom eligible for le eleetea. For t1* e•atealerttis of pot'-boldera the dlrectors bare that prerntuma nay be paid and cards at any branch Mien or the starling Ban44 at the Royal Bank la Trradent' dantie t in Ripley. aBank nd the Balk the Hamtlto.In Wingham. 10II. 0. ALLEN. ALEX. STUART. M-11 Secretary. President EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CRED v° I l'ORb TAR Marna or Tat Itararg or �Haaat. Home•. Lara or rem Tows or 00D11. - RAM. IA vas Coders or Homos. ( is ttnmsHAeby Alf. DamsQp. N Sweeten of (&bdo is lbw Whali that. eak Imommt W peter- 1 T = havisocLime es s agatthe tate of the aalAllesy of tr=Hresew. wM/led on or about the, 27to' 4Uotob.r, A. U. 1011, aro required. on oWare the r by poo. pi pot ed. or ddeliveei 1.5,1911,PoWp I �t and harles A. N .ten, Gndwich P. U.. obs Fr assentors of tis said eesate, theft Christian tied .arnsace-. addr*woe and descriptions, the Ali particulars 1n writleg of their dale% nod I the nature of the secunit THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE bald Inr�npa, Agricuultural ltural Dungannon, will be iday. January 19th. at 1 o'clock p. m. on WM, BAILIE, R. MciLW AIN, 84.21 Pre3ident Secretary them. And notice Y hereby also given that after FOR SALE OR TO IIUT *homed moth day of February A D .,. the raid executors will Met ribote the as11113 7, if any. held by 1 ---- - - ets the I '`--- mild baft sis among the parties entitled thereto, notice shall thenhahave beeto n received. ed. lms wand t�het Ore executory will not be remotion*,ard for the reins smote or am= part thereof to any tenon or be�U� v before tee time shall not hair tzi time tN sash die Dated at O.derich. ibis Jed day of January, A. D. tett FROCIIF(a,T, BAYS & IILLORAI . Solicitors for the tail Gstecntore. LIVERY, CAB and 'BUS OFFICE Open day and night. `Buses meet all trains. Pertieular attention given to calls from private residences. Telephone No. 50. THE RED BARN tioutb Street Godericb, Ont. A. G. NISBET ixwRAxcs AND REAL ESTATE ll'Agent of the Mutual Ufa Assurance (b. of Canada Also Fire. Plate Glass, Pee- enmaJ Aoeident and &cline , insurance. Employer.' Liability FId tilt y and Guarantee Monde. Honey to loan on town or farm property. Offlos next to Canadian Bank of Commerce, Oodericb. Ontario. k_s- --.J�......--e-,......a....... PUT THE LANDLORD'S PROFIT IN YOUR OWN POCKET 1 have for Bala • medium -ekes • beam attested me vvntest to the liqueett, h•• dretdas. Beal far - saes and meds.m bath resat Owner will tato *11a earier down with halanee In soodierete Thin V a good shame* toget your ye s owe beers without pay*r i Ba•s overage ma pew thane • agtsUNly, 1. W. O1RAMIE. 1114nanoo • Nod •olateaohook j'ilARM FOR SALE, -ONE RUN ,eon.Bullets. village of reptant to where hool. there . C. Y R.chs ation'eon- le s the lot. i larxe triune boot*. stem -and -a -half • Ogren, driving bout.. large bank barn wit). gold stabUpg Well watered ; artsian well with windmill �aat the barn. • never falling Win, L. iicDONALD. r of A.►ar. P. 0. 8541 rsUP Ny 100H SALE. - THE BLACK OC 1' CUPIID by the Sterling Bank. M. G• e:amervs's lead L Z D.aeey'i law ole.. saad.� John steed ft faneygoods store. The beet bed- s*w dormer In town. For prise end particular Maly MRSSntwa WALLWIN. 111} (herald BSI.. To HENT. --TWO BRIGHT ROOMS, over the Sterllsg Beak ; meltable for law dere, deet 1�p arem er dressnsak}ag teems. 1W atJ.'IT RAD1! Hamutaa street ecu HOUSE TO RENT. -THE TWO- BTURY brick dwelling with all modern oo•vemlerscs on tit Day VIPs a ween of =Ma street. Ayyppfly to W. R. ROB TSON, od�mer, east dde viotss'1a street. AOR BALK, -A HOUSE WITH A 1' balfacro of lead; some cholas Trait tram and small franc Terms to soh purchaser. Apply to WM. PUTTS. Hanford. 84-1t 1RENT.-A BRICK HOUSE ON 1 St. David's street. near the Square. Apply to A. 8. CHKYSTAL. R$ALIL-A ON&AND-A-HALF ratan', e Immediate mmsd ao0 Cambria runt. be given Uri. BATES. paw°' 81.1 m VOR SALE. -THE HOUSE AND et on Mots avenue, Oodereh• helmets( to Mrs. liaA trey Y 08W,d for sa}a erica t tits • obs Mt on Om earth e'sse eyed. I SIGNAL OFFtt'R, Go1*rich. Apply •t /OUSE TO RENT. -PORTION OF l.hews enWest street. Meows see reawaken g/es Deormsbar land.Away J. B woman. at, pewter. eta,at. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR sale or to rem. as Nelms sad Newgate streets; will be Fall of t(ti bheggaln sad on sea tefma Apply tit,:. J. PRIMUS. AND FOR SALE. -SIXTY-ONE �aew et tied. pet et 1st No. L e*eeadloe 41MMet4* ; 41 ,seeded ? ¢ dnew sou,: w erieiROInn, /e tr.AR71S FUR SAI2,-0N11 HUlf- „i' 'aSwr ...°..ire On Leh•• sert • _the • :KT a tow R RA:`� !ilfN >eleie r Ara: the epcial committee. Ho had t 1 • esu a:. -,y- and parks committee 1 5 year, end Le considered bitneelf 1 tit/e1 L•. art advan•'e to the eh+ittnan. THE SCIENt• s kb p of a more iuopnrtagt rotomltt..e tee Dreadnoughts of 14th. he The referee. appointed were W. A. tut Chapman, ('heater Mecthroald and E. L. Dean. en - It OF ACTV-suottgrotION. • Henry il• wondering where the cup 8 and having aeted as chairman of apo,.i.l eonenittoe during siv. .been of Mr. Nairn last year he bad hector fatn,l arwith the work of that com- mittee. Instead of giving hits the apeaal committee, however, the strik- ing committee slated him again for the parks and Cemetery, and Coun- eilllor Humber, who was not in the council last year, eras given the spec- iaL Mr. Kelly con- Meted this a deliberate alight, hurt he did not want to start the year's proceedings to coun- oil with a quarrel, so he let the report of the striking committer o through without making any objection. On thinking over the matter .awfully. afterwards, he came to the conclusion' that there would be trouble all I tbrongh the year if hr stayed in the council, unless he was prepared to put' up with more of the sante kind of treatment. He therefore decided that the best thing be could do was to get' out and let tbe other fellows run things their own way. Accordingly he handed in bis resignation. "1t has been explained to me by the members of tbe striking committee," says Mr. Kelly, "the; they 'didn't. think.• But as I understand it, ' when they are elected to oho I council they etre expected to think. 1 feel badly at not being able I in the circumstances to represent the ratepayers at the council board this year, but 1 do not think any gentle- man would expect me toact otherwise then an i have done " Mr. Kelly's resignation atilt came before the,r,.nnril at ins firm regular) r'maucy.eeting on the 19th inst , and in the regular course of events a new elec- tion will 1e oleeted to fill the ta- r FOR $ALR. COAL STOVE FOR SALE. -LARGE INAL tailor b kkturi(CLeariy new. Apply at TRI EIN ELECTION CARDS. TO THE ELECTORS 01f OODE- RICH. thanktyou for the vote on MIEN.memlesst Monday In the content for tb. Reeve•slalp, and though l cartes Hole abort of getting thele Ian at leant hope 1 have given a hlot f-.' b iter methods In transacting our town affairs that will not go unheeded. You may he r from me again, but just now. • Happy New Tear to all Jaaaary 3. tylt Rein. RLLIOTT. PUBLIC NOTICE. EETiNG OF THE HURON ATI CU(1NTY COUNCIL. The ty of Buren twill meet in ncil of the the counoll chamof the ber, the town of Goderich, on Tuesday. the ire Met .t 3 o'clock. All aeroosta against the county mo -t be planes with the (leek ferrioae toting. date. Dated Jen. 8th. 19x2. W. LANE, Clerk. di-Yt 4 11R8. TAYLOR AND TA Y LO R., 1) Physicians and Pareeom.. Glx --North street, nett Signal fsloe 0,as$•e-Cale- donl. Terrace. ALEX. TAYILOK, hot. A. HAROLD TAYLOR, B. A., M. 8. MEDICAL AITVATIONs VACANT. YTS D ro BOY ABOgoodC 9iX. Omen moo Hs2HINF. CO. TEEN WANTED --MAID FOR GIKNERAL App'y t10 ii5s kDSO. ast ROSS. Thee Man*. ('ole sweet WV I WANTED. -A SuTEADY MAN TO at Tag Sum iGNAL or tomo . delay on w•gpnUlppty WANTED. -A CAPABLE GIRL C. SAL /Ugenerneaten streetnet' Apply [84.11 ' A0f'TION SALEsf. ADMLNiSTRATOR'S SALE Theadministrator ef w estate of the Into Wnllaia & Cork win *lar ter sale hr Thorne. (topiary. asetboeer, res Osterd 000ffb+ A. D. ltft2, at oar t a. sRitasa. V ^+Met «O rr the late w�town. the faoil winggrows Cwa1T.ta A gesetity d b...bsllieglacta weneistina et ream ttr.lsesw Bibile beds esets. arms.saef which we at �r.•mdyt t. 451 t tat rembineee sad will be end minuet t• a••L ansa F`'start is Ms sk�s�w,se' Ito. L -'et Hl ea • g ed *54. well m b•If ktisk Mamie Beal a sseUrm. Panel No 2.-Lets.emtsa kgs w ar en Maar street a tow is et Oder&h, sees iiiiii=seiCIZZLnK eereeefmg pale awe. Thee. riers M pace raw term -.- tames will teaALIL-asw untie rem amino be W ese7S sf Ja•eery,1 rammer. roar& a I L *.&N. an l a lioasss be Atatrle green. Whits year states are dna get thew , [sow wIM be = tilr CM, Lee hag I. his borderers store i511.01=Ifie="1000V the will prove the most ornamental. Oe Erie. says, '• We'll get it again - e: sate.' Roy say* too, " Watch the A.O.V -they fray strtprire you. IJack say. they have the weight at nerve to do things. ( (ape. C. E. soya, " You won't hay chance to rub it into Oa." I So there you are. They all seem know what C -I -N -C -H rpells. The first gaine of the series will played in West street rick ne Monday evening, commencing et o'clock. Come out and see Erl's Lodi "rub it in " to the paddlers. Clinton 5--Godericb 4. Last Friday evening the Goderi hockey club Journeyed to Clinton an played their second game of the seaso with the fest seven of that town. Th game was very closely contested, as balf-time t*4e *core stood 3 to 2 in fa or of Clinton, At full time it w, a tie, 4-4, and while tits minute overtime was being Inlayed the God rich net bulged again, giving Clinton the genie. Considerable delay was e p'rtenced on d i ff e r e n t occeeion throughout the game when eon boards fell precipitating the.peetato on to Use ice. Asa result of this it we treacly 11 p. m. before the game wit f,nisbed. Kerr, of Clinton, tnt't with an accident during the game which forces his retirement and Hawkins, o Goderich, went off to PVPll up. The following was the line-up of the t'espec five team. : Cliotnn -4 W. Johnson, foal ; R Rumba'', point ; C. C. pp, covet -point L. Fair, rover; 13. Kerr, centre ; L. Greig, right wing ; C. Draper, lef R. Goderich-Chapman, goal: Haw ins, point ; Thompson, coverpnint Webb, rover; Wiggin, (-entre: Mc vor, right wing: Stanway. left wing Ernie ('orke. of Toronto, was th referee. The :return gu ms b •t W ee 'linters and Goderich will he play n West street rink on Friday even ng of this week. P14. O derich troy are Bring to win this time. From the President of a College. After hearing the Weetberwax rothers Quart. t, Dr. Frank E. irech, president of Charlet. City Col- .ge, Iowa, had this tosay : Having Iia'ened t•. the Weither- ax Quartet os vat loos occasions and gain yesterday eve-niog in the con - rt at the Opera Hone, 1 desire to xpress my appreciation of the high slily of their work. The points at appeared to me the most pleas- ing yesterday evening were the stn•engLt of the separate voices and the reeahie harmony and blend as 07 Joined in the quartet. The read - of the church and set re an auxiliary ito County Council [sears Out The tortoni. It will be in oreatron next 1b40 -0d4 Ttr expect ro br, Rum to Mayor Reid Is Non -Com. est weather. mitral. j At North street Methodist cbur.:6 next Suede the Sunday school annl. versary will beheld. The pastor. Rev. The Goderich Star states that 'Che AHred Brown. will preach et telt' Signat'e assertion ea to the legal effect services, The Sunday scho,.l .chol+ni of the recent vote on hydroelectric and teacbe,s will asPmble in the What Hon. Adam Beck Told the the fur -ewes in b. ia' inn the mull- Signal's ttdl- Signal a Assertion and His Tele Y congregatulrl may [tow comfort+bl� in the coil! power was "only a half-truth. *a a telegram from the chairman nt the Commission, in anewer to an en- quiry by Mayor Reid, said that any expenditure by a municipality under a contract made with the Commission must be approval by the ratepayers or the woe k would not go 00." The ,Signal's assertion to which The Star refers was as follows : "If the nutjnrity of the ratepayers vote 'Yes' next Monday the matter passes entirely out of their hands, and the council and the Hydro-sleetrie Commission can go ahead •tool 1,iod the town to any contract thee see tit to stake." This woos The Signal's interpretation of the rt*tuts•, which providei that when the electors of a municipality bays voted in favor of a supply of power from the Commission the coun- cil of such muoicipalit y, without sub- - milling a bylaw approving the same for the ascent of the electors, may enter into a contract with the Com- mie -note avid when executed such con- tract shall be "legal, valid and lend - The Signal challenges The Star to show that there was anything hitt the b.1d, plain truth in The Signal's ar- senious or that auy part of the troth was suppteseed. In the first plate, it dues not make e rd ea to bre xt 7 any difference, so far a* the interims teflon of the law is concerned, wt ea the Hon. Adam Beck says or doe. not say. The statute rpeiks for itself. In the second place. Mr. Beck does net say anything that is contradictory of The li[gnal's assertion. When he midreased the 5th o mbar ktbtt, council r uBeck stated. t as reported in The Signal's 'account of the proceedings of the county council : "In order to determine how many utuoicipwiities intended to take power, they were being asked to pass bylaws for the taking of a referendum at the January municipal elections. This w'nrld not bind the Municipalities, but would simply give themunicipel coun- cils authority to make contracts with the Comtuission." This stitement, which is thoroughly in accord with the statute quoted by The Signal, appeals to have escaped the notice of those interested in the bylaw. At any rate, the impression still prevailed in Goderich that before w contract could be made another vote of the people would have to be taken. Mr. Beck's statement wee practical) the sane as that of The Signal which The Star now resumes to (contradict, namely, that, while the vote in itself does not bind the municipalities, it gives the municipal councils the power to make contracts which, in the language of the statute, shall he "legal, valid and binding." The Sig- oal, knowing that the ratepayers did not understand this aspect of the mat- ter, gave theta warning as to the pos- sible conaequencee-that the rouncil might enter into tan iluprovideut con- tract and the tatepay.•rs could not help themselves, Wbeo The Signal gave its warning, Mayor Reid wired to Mr. Beck, askine him how the statute affected the vote in (toderich. Mr. Beck's reply wits an follow*: "Municipalities requiring to mike expenditure of money in connection with distribution of power under• con- tract with Cotumission will require to submit money bylaw beton') Lotumi.- sion will undertake carrying out of contract. ADAM Mom." Will The Star or anyone else kindly explain what bearing thio het on The f'Fgnal's assertion ? Godet Irh is not in the same claws as the municipalities wh' tc b have made contr•wcts for power and have had to submit hylnwe for the pnrrhase or estehli*hing iota mun- icipal plant. Gncerich alrea,'v has its plant and will simply have to "hitch up" with the Commission's transtnie. sic[ line. At the town hall meeting Town Solicitor Ga►row, in the pres- ence of the editor of The Star, refused to say that it would he necessary for Goderich to submit a money bylaw. Nr. Beck's telegi am, t herefot,, is meaningless, unless it can he a*sumed that he intends to waive the powers given in the statute and voluntarily agrees to have t 1e q.aestloo again sub- mitted to the ratepayers. it the let- ter is the case, and the telegram is to be regarded ti an assurance to the people, it fa to he observed that the e*- euranee wee given as a direct conee- gnonce d Th. Signers article, and is at variates with Mr. Beck's state meat Were the county eouneil. mal again eha}i/ragvs The War to justify I statement of lost west that The diewal's ae*ertio. was • • halt-tr.t or to show that The hes made the dight est mta- itaprosartatine is the matter. Fontan, The Signal ehallenge. The tltae. or asybsly shwa to ,bow that The NRware stilus sowa.ds the �r q.a•t+.n has sot always bees eif 4,*vas lag t. aware the batt =seiar?r.g.m.st for ab.p.o� aft �+ea� sod the e.swty .t 9tlasie. ani ^b d n e a v- as i u x - s e rs e 8 h f e t n played The Signal regrets very much th.1 k incident which has led Mr. Kelly to take this step. Bin claim to the chair- 1 marsh►p of the .peeialcommittee wes w reasonable one, and we understand that w number of the members of ( council admit that a mistake was o made in not giving it to him. i Whether the wetter has gone too ter' to admit of eine arrangement that 1 would enehle Mr. Kelly honorably tot withdrn.v his resignation we do not know ; hut it is to be hoped that an' B effort will he made to bring about) H peace with honor" and entble Mr. Kelly to resume his sent at the braid The attention of O. H. A. clubs Is ce calhs1 to the .:minion of the word "no " after the Word "has" iu line flf-° teen of clause three of the tegulataous, on page fits of the rule txok. it is a ty}x•gr tphic al error, and the omission mho the el ruse of it* intended mean- th i to the intermediate O. H. A. match ►a•twe00 Mitchell and Neaforth in the las ter town laet Th•ltsdey night. Sea. forth worn by the score of 7-1. At half-time the score writs 4-0 in favor of Ses+forth. D. Forbes, of Stratford• i'fel eed. Tie O. H. A. much echerinlwt to bre eyed between Mltehell and Goderich . Goderich on the 19 b Met. bas been moved forward to the 15th, in order to avoid eleahing with the Y. Id C. A. entertaintaent on the 19th Remem- ber that Mitchell will he here un Mon- day next, 1541 inst. Galeticb go.•s to Mitchell on the 10th. Tis Town League. The town hockey league Is off with a good .tart. A meeting f o r o�`rlleat$at porpos.•• was held in idle r . ns p. A. rotrm nn Monday everting off [Ate week. et which a goodly num- ber of hockey enthue4aeta were present. Five teams entered for the fray and the following arrengetnenta were terse •a to obs ru1Ps to govern the• ani TheO.H.A. rulers are to govern all Raoea. Tice woven' 1VIP shall nonnrise orf (pewter Macdonald, convener, and one rprsesmtativ* of each tease entered : i1.O.rtary, few the iieoeeet,an Canto Mbb : IrkIiawklee. for the 0.0.1. SMP., for the A.O,V.'a (Amy a.. oy): J. Chisholm for Ib. and Opt. O. F. Roble, das�. (lite t Irroquois. iot were thee tea tame taw he 11111Miostry sae teams. tbe to be beedelltareeera HOCKEY NOTES. av a ings were well given and were enjoy- ahle because they reptesentrd both the serious and the humorous in proper variety." Nee Y. M. C. A. ad. on page 4. A man giving the name of Edward Munroe, and chiming Ottawa. Brant- ford and 8t. Marys es big planes of abode, was arreatrd ,t. a vagrant by Chief PosUethwaite Lust Saturday. Like many others he had a grievance against the Government, hisoomplaint being that it owed him s "barrel of .•otey." He al.n risinted to have many things in common with Edison are other greet men of the day. He enpewred before M.egistr•ate Butler on Monday and was sent down for t weoty days with hard labow in the m..anUs.. firs jtail strr•genn will make en exarninatiom •e to the titan. o.en- taJ equilibrium. The record *core of the sewer wall made In • gains between St. Marys and Brehm -11 in the Ston TOWS ea Wednesday evening. tieafoeth was tcL•sed and a were .f 10-2 was up against them et half-time. float snore wait 40-J14n favor d 14t, Marys. Rid4sll and Schulte. pia Lha (tios of rover a.d asetre. rte gtt'♦ __� Aid snow brilliant wort fur [tures tease- W.Illrs, of tttralloodI Mltehoil loot at OHatos as Wainr dad prookeg by the ranee of 7-1. D. Foetus. of int idare, was theireawnr.a�, thig W 11019 ator owes 'i-4 4. rete CHURCH MOTEL Iuutntng and the regular seesibn of the school and Bible classes will he held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A cordial welcome to all. An announcement in Knox church Sabbath school ►vat Sunday afternoon, which created coneiderahleexcitement suiting the scholars, was to the effect that. each eeholtr who wits present .t Smithy school on every Monday of the ct.miog year would be presented with a eaten- model ruitably engraved. This reward is promised by A good friend of the.choad whoe, nano, is not made public. There wan an attendance of ''r2 last Sunday and these all ere eli- gible as conteet•nta for the medals. Toe following announcement was made in Knox chttr.-h .•.,leudar last `ttintl4y : .tt a j out meeting of the session ,and hoar) of mauagemenr, last week, ill' ballots with reference to free sittings wren*- t'eceived. The number of vote. in favor of free sit- tings wan 2J4. and against tree sittings 7'). It regi agree -1 that the, mind of the couws.egul ion thus expresee t shonild he carried into eff-et and tu- n.nuucement made acco,dingly. In thus adopting ?leesittings it Le clearly tealer.toort that pew -holders retain their place as before and sittings will 14 aseigued as usual, on application to Mr. Stoddart, All contributors to current expenses will combine their former "pew -rent" and "offering" into one offering, and use the duplex en- velope for 1912. Baptist Young Peoples Anniversary. The grand anniversary service of the Baptist Young People's Union will he held next Sundry erering, January 14th. cowmencing at 7 o'clock. The entire evening service will be in charge of the your.g people and their work will be pee. ailed by mrmhess of the I'nion. There wilt be special singing and other features will • contribute towards the uniqueness of the evenings service. A fifteen -min- ute song service will precede the regu- lar service. Everybody will he heart- ily welcomed. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Doul forget that Smith's Art More, Haat street. ie h,'udquarters for fancywork materials of all sorts+, Pictures and pfcture-mou,dtnam 1n groat variety. Picture-f...niog done by an expert. Are Sou going to be in the awful this wiOter f If.o, you aboeld have your dross suit made at Prldbam'a Correa* style and elegant et. Only the beet lo every line at Pr.dham e, but pricer are al way. reawonabie. Large sbipltents'of haled hay are being made from these parte. Remember the G. C. 1. concert ►n the Opera Hosie on Welnesday, Jan- uary 24t b. Th is week amdd the staoads areg dlhas no got through sin...* Mond.,y. Th tw out after the rink by getting a cup of hot ch .culate or Oxo at Black - stone's. Oysters served in any style. The monthly meeting of the Daugh- ters of the Empire will be held next Monday aftern000, at o'clock, in the court house. r Ab of thirty memhrre of lt.bekah Lodge went to H.nsall this morning to he pees int at the institution of a uew sister lodge in that town. Get your skates sharpened at Lee's hardware 'tote. He has lnatalied a gasoline engine and .quip,nent for that purpose and gusiante•es satis- factory work. Some of the article' stolen some time ego front the re i,senee of E. N. Lewis,, M.P., have been found. They were hiddeir in a haymow in a barn on the south side of the town. His marry friends w 1. he sorry to hear that Fred Platt sulfated a stroke of par..lysis on Monday of this week' Fred has not been we.l for some time - bunt is to he boped thit his condi. tion will won improve. The Godet ich Lusher A. Milling Co. intends to start a mill next the G. T. R. track north of MacEwao'' coal yards, and Mr. Bwechler anuounces that he will pay the highest ewer prices for good logs of any kind Geo. Ste. p, who acknowledged the theft of some new tinware, the prop- erty of Uavid Brown, joint dealer, is in tail awaiting trial. He will COMP up for him pIrliminary hearing hefoes the polies magistrate next Monday. '1'be prima of admission for 104 stare to the Weat-street rink as quoted in the 8irtial Ivan week --y&. for gentleman amt lady. and *5c for single tiekete- are for ocrasioos when the hand is lOc. t. The reviler ad aissirwa fee is The regular tweeting of loserwse Comp, Sons of Scotland, will be 44p io nest. Friday evening, whys the butal- lotion of the new officers for the ensuing term will tate pies& ♦ Aar attaradance of all saw memt.sa N requested. The lost marl week's Mig..J wasfrom redSo~ t: b7 a roomy/ W 5414. saw do oboe** most is �7 b gig et- vertienmest is waipb Owing to the tedeweet weather it in sad Ito .weer tats+r ----4-- i- pays Isosil tte+.est•> M lentis else the paper that II. tis+ & Atigeorpormooemit