The Signal, 1912-1-4, Page 81 HDaafAY, /Await.. ant.. 4, 1M11L
- A
omntencing Saturday, Jan. 6
The Remnant
Table a Big Fea-
ture of the Jan-
uary Sale.
One of our big front
tables will be Remnant
Table for Jan u a ry.
Remnants will he gath-
ered from all corners of
the store. Every piece
we can find short enough
to be called a Remnant
will be thrown on this
table marked at a price
that will surely sell it.
Some of the biggest and
hest bargains of the
ak hole sale will be found
here. Look for the big
sign, "Remnant Table."
It is a sign of big sav-
Belts Reduced to 50c
Two dozen onlc fancy
Belto, black and colors.
leather, silk or elastic.
handsome articles, regular
75c to 14k. Cleaning op the
stock after the holiday rush.
Thew two dozen special for
January Sale at each MIN,
only ♦)ll
Plaid Silks 43c
More of those Plaid Silks
at 43c. These are soft chiffon
finish, really excellent qual-
ity, will matte handsome and
stylish winter waists. Nice
dao k colorings, good design'.,
five to choose from, good
enough to cell at 75c. 43c
J •nuary Sale. per vd.
Hundreds of Yards l
of Lace
2 Yards for 5c
Hundreds of yards of
tt' w cotton (.aces and In
.ertions, fresh nit ..f the
a•.e. this week, .direct
Gott. Nottingham where
the beat English laces are
made. Suitable for trim-
ming„ underwear. chil-
dren's dresses, etc. Dozens
of patterns to choosy from.
All on one table and your
climes? tot 2 yards 5c
Hodgens Bros.
HIS January Sale is an annual event here.
It is a sale of remarkable savings. Gen-
uine, unmistakeable, undoubted saving
chances abound all over this big store while
the January Sale lasts. On the 31st of the
month we enter stock and balance our books for
the year. February ist is our business New Years
day. There are plans for our New Year that make
the material reduction of present stocks impera-
tive. In order to get them down to the right point
we•'will make this January Sale the most attrac-
tive, from a money saving standpoint, of our long
list of January Sales. dere is the list it starts
out with on January 6th. It tells of but a fraction
of the good things we have ready. Watch the pap-
ers each week for money saving news of this
great sale. It . will pay you.
Scores of Sample
Towels, Q u,i 1 t s
and Fancy lin-
ens at very little
Here is an Extra Spe-
cial for this January
Sale. A case of Linen
Samples, including Bed-
room Towels, Bath Tow-
els, Quilts and Fancy
Linens. bought at a big
discount simply because
they were traveller's
samples. The whole lot
goes on one of our Janu-
ary Sale Bargain tables
Saturday morning. Ev-
ery piece marked at a
That means that each is
an undoubted bargain.
Can We Sell I000 Yards of
Dress Goods in January ?
it is a pretty big undertaking, but this is the quantity we have to sell before
the month ends. We will do it, too, if values count for anything. Price induce-
ments are realty something extra. If you want an odd skirt, a suit or a dress, the
January sale affords you an opportunity to buy at a saving. Here are some
Specials to start out with.
A Clearance at 13c
About 250 yards of Dress bloods, assorted
kinds, all double fold plain and fancy Iustr•es,
etc, suitable fot waists or children's wear. All
clearing at one price. and that pt ice pet 15c
yard . .....
Wool Plaids 39c
Two ends R•ool Plaid., one black and white :
the other green with red and yellow pattern,
extra good quality, 40 inches wide,
regular tonality. January Sale per yd. 39c
Big Clearance of Skirt and
Suit Ends at 79c
These :u a really remarkable bargains. Fot ty
or fifty Skirt and Suit Lengths, plain material's
and fancy tweeds, some special purchases and
some clearing lines from our 0411 stock.
Practically all colors represented, smooth or
rough %%eaves, standard qualities at $1.15 to
$1.50 per yard. We group these all together
on n table for our January Sale and offer you
your choice of the entire lot at per yard 79c
only �7
Heavy Black Serge 55c
Just one end all -wool Black Serge. This
Serge is suitable for skirts or suits, will stand
any amount of rough wear. is 54 inches wide.
Worth a lot more money than our Jan-CC,
uary price at per yard only
Black Venetian 60c
This is another January bargain. All -wool
Black Venetian, bright satin finish, Ott L+/h
inches wide. January Sale per yard Unfit.
Fancy Striped Waistings 50c
Fancy Waistings, 3$ inches wide, navy,
grey, brown and green groundes with white
stripe, very attractive and splendid wearing
materials. A Janua•y special. At per 500
yard only
Plaid Suitings 75c
These Plaid Suitings are worth $1.41 per
yard. They are 52 inches wide. made from
pure wools, conte in half -a -dozen good designs.
We offer them for January Sale at the 75c
very low mice of, per yard.
For the January Sale
Special offerings in
the Rug Department
for January selling,
interesting enough
to make it worth
your while to buy a
Rug now instead of
waiting until Spring.
Here are two sample
bargains :
Axminster and
Wilton Rugs $26.50
Axminster and Wilton
Rugc, 3x31 yards and 3x4
yards, bigh-grade qualities,
colorings of fawn green and
red. Durable, wen - made
Rugs, values $32.50 to $36.
.lanuAry Sale. $2V 6+ .5y
each only 0/�.I)
Large Velvet Rugs
Three only extra Large
Velvet Rugs. These an
seamless Rags of high-grade
English velvet, size 34 x 4
yards, regular values $3n.00.
For January Sale we have
three special �(�
Rugs, each ... $22.50
January is the last Millinery month of
the winter season. It is the month that must
see the last hat leave the store. We have
made extra preparations for the January Sale
in this department and offer some' really
remarkable price inducements.
Our Special Attraction to Start
the January Sale With Is Your
Choice of Any Trimmed hat, $2.65
Our milliners have trimmed over forty
hats to start the January Sale with.
These Hats are part of a big purchase of
shapes made just at the endf the whole-
sale season, or even at the anuary Sale
we could not sell them at •h a ridic-
ulous price. The trimmings used are all
good and include wings, sprays, velvets,
etc., in fact, all the fashionable trim-
mings in demand this season. The hats
have been trimmed up in the best style,
and commencing Saturday morning we
offer you the choice of aayr trimmed Hat
in the show room at the
ridiculously low price of $2.65
A Pure Linen
Towelling 10c
Five hundred yards extra
heavy quality all -linen crash
Towelling, very firm, strong
weave, red border. This
Towelling is a standard
make and is sold throughout
the wholesale trade at 10c
per yard. A special purchase
enables us to make this real-
ly wonderful offer, and it
will pay you to lay in a sup-
ply at this price. Five hund-
red yards of it for our Janu-
ary sale at per yard 1 /�„
only .... .... ....... Vl
SI.15 Lace Curtains 90c
Twenty pairs only Not -
ti bun lace Curtains, nice
cline, buttonholed edge,
strong net. regular $1.25.
Very special for Jan- 9 f1�,
nary $ ds, per pair �1�,
Lunch Cloths and
Sideboard Scarfs 95c
Twelve or fifteen Lunch
Clothe. Sideboard Scarf.,
etc.. odd limes left after the
Christmas web, regular
$1.60to$1.75. Foe Jan- miry Rale. clearing at or
rloirette Skirts $2.90
wain otsly Mnir.tts Uo-
dosihte, esus One v•vaty
hick ttwM.ta, with
fens and tis, all
Crepe Crash 10c
Two hundred and fifty
yards crepe crash Towelling.
This makes one of the best
drying towels that can be
had. It is very absorhant
and a splendid wearer. Reg-
ular standard price all over,
per yard 124e. Special for
January S Ile, 250 yards l Oc
to sell at per yard only �J
Satin Ribbon 7c
Three hundred yards of
Satin Ribbon, one and a half
to two and a half inches
wide, red, cream and black
only, regular 124c to 15.•
qua 1 i t y, an exceptionally
good ribbon. Clearing two
hundred and fifty yard. for
January 141.. at per 7e
yard only
I 1
Great Price Reductions in Furs for this
January Sale
We are going to make January a really at-
tractive month in the Fur Department. If you
are at all interested in Furs it would pay
you to see what we have. Every piece of Fur
that leaves the store carries with it our unquali-
fied guarantee as to quality and we are ready
to stand behind every garment we offer. In
order to reduce the stock to the vanishing point
if possible before the end of the month every
piece of Fur in the store has been remarked.
We are bound to clear them out if prices will do
it, and offer you buying chances that come but
seldom. Our January Sale prices are the low-
est fat guaranteed finalities we have ever offered
the customers of this store. A splendid assort-
ment of all the fashionable Furs now in stock
and values really remarkable.
alrIa' Sweaters 95c
Carle' win Beeateel,
sines So at st: to
wives year* of ale, good
quality. Very special foe
January Sale, each 9fl�.,
only.. a77�vl1..
35c Jabotflb% 2Sc
Three delft only new side
pleated and side Jebote, had -
a -damn designs -new, cast y
cad attracuve neckwear.
Special for January
Sale, each
White Cotton
in Short Lengths
Fine white Ooetou, sett up
in short I.ugtha tor Jauuary
selling. Cotton suitable for
many purposes. A guud op-
portunity Lo get your spring
supply at sale prices. AQc
5 - yard length.
Fine quality white Potton,
full one yard wide, soft,
round, even thread, a .iso -
did sewing cotton. This
Cotton i,i put up in 5 -yard
lengths at per end Otic. The
same quality In 10 -yard
lengths, per esti itic.
5 Yards Very Fine
Cotton 63c
This is an extra floe Cot-
ton, full yard wide, cambric
Huish. It. is a quality that
we can recommend fur line
underwear. etc. Special for
January Kale in 5 - yard
lengths at per end 63c
The same quality in lar.
yard lengths at per end
Fine Bleached
Table Damask 95c
Three designs in tine
bleached Table Damask fur
January selling. Imported
oireet from the British
makers- Handsome pattered.
in good quality damask.
Extra arterial for January
Sal:, per yard only 95c
Sateen Skirts $1.19
. Ladies' Underskirts, made
from good quality black sa-
teen, lintel iu top of ruffle
with warm flannelette, nice-
ly trimmed with frills and
ruffle. cut to fit snugly for
for the prevailing elyle of
dress- a special purchase,
not on sale befor' . Special
for January Sale
at only . $1.19
t AS
January Sale Prices on Ladies' Jackets
January Sale prices on Ladies' Jackets will spell
"dollars saved" for those who buy. Every coat
must find a new owner before the season is over. Still
a splendid assortment of new and stylisb garments
to dolour choosing from. Come and let us show
you what the January Sale means for you in this
department. Here are two or three samples :
A Fur Coat for $19.50
Astrachan and Electric Seal goats, 24 to 2$ inches long. lined
throughout with good quality sat' garments that aro eomfort-
able and will give good wear. 8p tial for January $19 GL1
Sale each only.... .. ea�/1
Handsome Caracule Coats $17.00
Six only handsome black Caracule Coate, full length. lined
with good quality silk or sateen., military of shawl collar, every
ga rnent tins season's make and .tyle. These are perfect and
handsome garments and extremely durable. and will stand any
amount of rough usage. regular $20, $88.50 and $25
January Sale at each only $17.00
Caracule Coats with Collar of Western Sabie
Ladies' black Caracule Goat.. sizes 34. 36 and 38. serol
large collar sod revers of high-grade western sable, coats
have a good appearance anti -will stand no end of hard wear.
Regular $87.60. January Sale we have three to sell
at each LQs�7a/
Ladies' Coats $7.75
Fifteen only ladies' winter Jackets full length, plain slack or
fancy tweeds, a clsanin` up of various lints that told up to
$15.01. For January Bale we bays Ottawa to .ell at $ay•.7
your choice for
Handsome Black Coats at Reduced Prices
Biz or eight ladies fine blsek Casts, just the thing if you ars
looking for soseething in a teas gond black e'et. Made from extra.
quality imported K.r.ey and cut in the season's heat styles
tents we cco
an recommend. all greatly reduced for January se1fl g
Special Prices on Children's Coats
(ybildren'm and mires fine heaver end tweed Meters. Wass for
phis from 5 to 11 years of ace, many styles le navies, reds. "ream
and fancy tweeds. All at very .pecixl prices for this great January
Ladies' Umbrellas $2.45
Six only ladies' extra high - grade
Umbrellas. Handles of natural wood
with sterling silver and gold plated
mountings. Tops of high-grade Gloria
silk that will not turn green or cut.
Strong frame but light weight. A pert
of a special purchase at a very low price.
Regular pnce
3.23 to $ . very
Ru $ perfect. would
y you to tihaiosaow for Beit spiv.
Sale, of the$2.45