HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-4, Page 7FHE SIGNAL : GOi)ERiCH. ONTARIO THUa5EDAv, JatioasT 4, MS The Nevis of the District 3 14444444.5.454445 .454..5444544 4 454.4.+44444. GOOER ICH TOWNSHIP. •rbaspee, Jae. Sod. RC•Hcx,L RYWtaT. -The follow'sj are the results of the Christmas examina- tions at S. S. No. 6. Ooderieb town- •hlp : Mr. I V. --George Ross, McKee F $000er - Ethel 1[ellwain, Harvey McCloskey.Rd Jr. IV. -die fSowerby, Waren cClut kay, Hugh Davidson. Willie BUkitt. Sr. III. -leek leer', Petri Amy, Ella fiowerby. Jr. 111. - Allan Ross. Ernest Bell, L'usie t3owerhy, Mary Elliott. Sr. II. --Reggie elowerby, Gos• Ion On, Willie Pearson. Jr. IL -Alice Falconer. Beale David- son. Dorothy Bichso, easy WUson Mary Steep, Victor Roes, Allan Brin- ley. Pt. 11. -Allan Mohan. Victor lP'*bsasr, Charlie Bell. Pt. I. A --Alice aMreby, Edgar Amy, Harvey Fuller, Fuller. t t. 1. II -Minnie .Woe. Irma Bell. Haruld BeII. . ELL1ore Teacher. WESTFIELD. TUESDAY, Jan. 'lard. Newt Norgs.-Mise Belva Camp- bell left for Toronto today to attend Normal School thate Mies Ikea Phalen, of Chicago. visited at the home of Mr. and Ctrs. John Redmon i a few days last week.... .8chuol re- opens tomo' tow with Haywood Red- mond again in charge. Excellent work has been done in the school during the past term, and we are pleased to have e ewe teacher for the resent yeer. tis e P ,Mies Maine., of Blyth. is spending,' few days with her aunt, Mrs. R. Buch- anan.... Will Buchanan, of the Wing - ham high school, was bone fon the vacation Stanley Buchanan, of Mount Forestspent a few days last week under the parental roof James McClinton, of Goderich. spent the holidays with friend. bere Thomas Robins in, of North Dakota, is visiting his hvothes Archie. It is ten years since he was home last, and his many friends are pleased to see him again Tyndal Ritchie, froru near Teeswater, visite 1 at A. Robi- son's latelyi DUNLOP. WEDNEaOAT, Jan. 3rd. MR. QUAID'S ILLNEgb"- Robett Quaid, who has been in a very low state of health for the last few weeks, is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Quaid, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Quaid, of the same place, ate spending their Christmas at the homestead. Miss Fanny, his second daughter, also is at faowe for the bolidays. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH (1001C - MUCH ?-We are sorry to bear I bet local option hes been again detested in Goderich. We had hoped better things of the old town. While both Colborne and Goderich township have bad the wisdom to de away with the liquor curse. and seem quite able to exist without a single hotel. the people of Godericb (some of them at least) seem to think they cannot do witht.ut at bast eight licensed hotels. Surely . mething is wrong somewhere. Tan MUNICIPAL. ELECTIONS. -Well, the elect ions we over for another year the old council are in again with tbe exception of Mr. Young and Mr. WcLrrty, M r. Sam. Bisset a n Mr. Is tit, Hetherington taking their places. James Chisholm came out head of the poll in his own ward. Mr. John NVilion, though left at home this year, has distinguished himself hy writing up the history of the 0.W.8. Railway in 0 rather unique poem in last week's issue of The Star. and we will look with interest for more fr the same pen. BR1sPa.-Mins Jean Clutton has tee urne.l to her dot les in Carthage Miss Ruth /Shaw has returned to the 'rstford Normal School Hume 'luttoo, of Lei -burn, and William Young, jr., of Loyal, with two young lady compani .ns, took in the opening watch of the titdericb Hockey Club n New Vear'e night. They report a r -e tune .. Edward /thaw, Hari y and • Williams attended the union tee- .eeting at Zion church on Wednes- ay of last week. The nigbt was very tornty hut a large turnout is reported. ....John Linklatet is spending Christ- mas and New Year's with bis daughter. Mrs. Ruston, near Stratford,.... . iso Gladys Stewirt, of Goderich at New Year's at horse ohn D. Farrieh just now is wearing smile that wait tub off. BENMILLER. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 3rJ. PERSONALS. -MT. and Mot. Arthur Meade' and little son, of Detroit, spent a few days this week visiting Mr. tedel's wothsr and sister. returning tbeir home on Wednesday Miss eta Malloy, of Macklin, Sask., visiting at the home of her uncle, WiUism Straugban. Her brother, •Mon Malloy, arrived here last week roes the West Miss Carmichael. f Tuckenwitb, is visiting at the • of Amos Fisher Jaoob spent the holiday week visiting rentsat Leamington Harvey Sylvia Hallman, Harol ere. Victor Newell and Elwyn have returned to Goderich for i er term at the 0.C.1. Judging the report of the nicest axarnina- they are very creditably uphold - good Dante wade by Bewwiller b in the pact Miss Nellie hon returned to Torontoyeeter- atter spelling a very pleasant thee old home here. face Norma-Rev,'S. flavideir preached witty acoeptabli M Bs.mmller Metbodipt churn' Monday morning. Hs purposes for home this week. Mr. has made nosey friends daring his *bort visit end will be sb., welcomed by all if he ever +}� for a visit h the future moi•• n will preach to the ynuog of ,no, the eMenit In Beamiller Ms, ojeet•• r yveFa this::: win r. 'iThe1 p o, le of Zion meant (Godes kb t trwneblp l pre - ere their pgator Ric. A . W. n, with •gbi lead of orfs as • �pasta it was • very hiss peelisfor their ktethwemly ST. AUGU$TINE. 1 AUBURN WEDNESDAY, Jan. 3rd. Balers. W. P. Brophy, who bar been ettenditg oollkeggee in Milwaukee. is swain* bis hol aye at bis home hero... Quite • number of young ppeeoople four thee vicinity attended the belt at Kiotail aro New Year's night. A gang of men with Wes. 11c- Entoerb as foreman are engaged cutting loges for A. Johnston in the bush wblch bepct based from Mr. WOO/v. Uw of gmt the stormy day there was n ,t a very large crowd at Mn. B. Redmond's funeral, wbiob took place to tbe R. C. cemetery bare last Thurs- day morning. Rev. Father Dean con- ducted the funeral service in the church and at therave At a meeting held by the Farmers' Club a abort time ago. Joseph Boyle was elected oresldeot. Riven CLUB Ovetcsas.-The Rifle Club held its annual meeting in the hall here last Tbureda evening. After the business of the club was all nettled the following officers were tip - pointed for the year 1912; Captain. Robert McAllister ; secretary, Duvid McAllister; treasurer, Gus ISinaban • committee, ['rich Thompson and Wnt. Sylibs. WEST WAWANOSH. FRIDAY, Dec. loth. COUNCIL Mer'iiNo.-Council met according to statute. Members all meant; Reeve Bailie in the their. Minutes of lest meeting read and mooed on motion of Messrs. Wilson and Watsoo. Treasurer's .tatement showed balance on hand of f..519.21. Filed oo motion of Messrs. Watson and Murray. Moved by Mesas. Mur- ray and Aitcbeson tbat Thos. Yow.g be paid for putting in culvert on con- ceselon 5. Andrew Glatigow waited on council, re refund on dog tae, but no action was taken on motion of Messrs. Watson and Wilson. John Wileo4 waited oo council re dasiaises to bis property caused hy water, but no action was taken, on motion of Murray and Wilson. The collector was given an extension of time until February 1st, 1912, on motion of Messrs Watson and Wilson. On 'notion of Messrs. Wilson and Wataou a hylaw was pawed appointing deputy retut-n- ing officers. poll clerks and polling booths for the municipal elections. The following accounts were ordered paid. on motion of Messrs. Murray and Aitcheaop : Geo. Bradford, refund on statute labor. $1 00; Samuel Cooke, gravel account. $7 ; Thos. Youop. put- ting in culvert, $..00; John Parks grading and putting in culvert on con. cession 4 and 3, $ L60; W. J. Parks, work on E. B., $45.(M); John Wilson. gravel account, $14.40; Board of Health, members' and officers' fees, 834.00: tteasurrr of Ashfield, boun- dary work, leen 40 : Geo. Deustedt, nails for E. B., 70..: Thos. McPbee. gravelling 00 concession 1, 8'28.70 ; David M.Allister. repairing road on concession d, 83,00: Joe Boyle, re- fund on statute labor. $4.00 ; H. Anderson, tented on statute labor and gifted erc.,unt, 84.50: John Durnin, gravelling and grading and repairing culvert un concession 9. $29.00 ; John Cameron, caretaking and wending gap, $1.2.25 ; Geo. Hamden', grevrlling on 8. B., $15.2) ; Thos. Shields, intimating on S. B., 11.15; Let. H. K. Miller, spikes. 50c. ; John Mills, refund on dog tax. 11 it) ; 8. Scott, gravel account. $4.110 ; W. J. Thompson, ,alary and , postage. $35.lMt : Thos. Allen, inburarice on hall, Sl (1) ; J. M. Roberts. grant to Abiriculttttel Society, Dungannon, $lo.u0 ; 1). Lawrenee, grant to Ag- ricultural Society. Lucknow. 810.1) ; J. E. Mallnugb, court accomntodatinr, $20.00 : Wm. Bailie, salary. 8'11.00 ; Wm- Watson, ..lary. $45.00; W. A. Wilson, salary, $4:100 : Jas. Ailche- snn, salary, $45.00. D. B. Murray. 816.00 ; clerk, salary and postage. ; Dan Donovan, pulling in cul- vert, 115.00. Cornell then ailiourned. W. G. MCCnoeTIE. Clerk pro tem. Take advaolag. of The Sigoil's clubbing rates for 1912, and *ave money on your newspapers and magazines, ARE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP? It Has Been Proved That Microbes Cause Baldness. Professor Unna of Hamburg Ger- many, and Dr. Sabourand, theleeding i French dermatologist. discoveted that ' a microt,e causes baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply verified through rusearsh experiment carded an under the observation of eminent scientists. This microbe lodges In the Sebum, which is the loathed hair toil, and when permitted to Sourish it destroys the hair follicles and in time the pores entirely clefs, sod the scalp gradually takes on a shiny appearance. When this hap- pens there is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. We have a remedy which will, we honestly believe. remove dandruf, ex- terminate the microbe, promote good citcnlation in the scalp and %round We Bair root•, tigiten and reviWjge the hair toots, died overcome beldame. so bug as then is tiny lite left in tee hair root.. We beck up thle statement with Our own personal guarantee 'bat this rem- edy called Reza!' "98- Hoer Tonic will be supplied free of an eost to the user 1f it fails to do it. we astir It will frequently help to ratore grey and faded bMr to Its original color, Ing loof color bas been soused Assess' Bele e heti, aertEtrs�Yg�jis bit ea semis d j Muse noses o llk aides 111 esaidegirs hair root, follicle and eta otsg aedlaetive, nog a oatmeal flow of rli•»t throughout )be bale We exact iso et.ase --we simply ask lyre zatlHair Toms a thorn li sedN not sstisAetl tell se sad weWan. the otoRef_f owt�� its Piraki skies, prices MP creta g 1.00. R member you ran retain K in (4odr r(eb oat at our store -The Rees!!Rt(xe. H. C. Ilheolop, south side of Rquirw TUgsOAT. Jan. 2nd. I'HIMENTATlON. - Mr.: &DO Mrs. Thos. Mtrrenwggban. of Auburn. enter- tained a number of their reloads and neighbors on Tueaday evening, De- cember Nth, in tumor of their son and bp1y bride, Mr. rod Mrs. W. W. $trangban. The evening was very pleasantly spent in games, dancing sad music. After luncheon was served. Mr. and , Mrs. W. W. Strauugghen were presented with two beautiful oak rockers and a baodsomse clock. The address accompanying the piesentetioa was read by Norman Mutob, obs presentation Icing made by Oliver Lawson and Geo. Snell, jr. Although taken completely by sur- pHss Mr. t3traugban responded in a neat little speech, tbanking the friends on behalf of himself sod wife for their beautiful and useful gift,. Among those present from a distance were O. M. Stratrghan, of Victoria, B. C. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mayhew. of Tbatueaville ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Ben- nett, of Woodstock, Ont., and Mr. and Mr,. C. W. Williams and little son, of Holmesville. The guests dispersed to their homes about o a. m. after sing- ing "For They Are Jolly Good Fel- lows' and wishing the bride and groom long lite and prosperity. HYxsvKAt: - -On Monday, December 25th. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pfeffer was the scene.of a very hippy event when their eldest daughter, Myrtle, was united io marriage to William J. Hopkinson, Tavistock, Rev. U. G. Hallman officiating. As the wedding match was being played by Miss V-romelda Pfeffer, the bridal :.ouple entered the beautifully decorated par- lor, unattended, the bride being given away by her father. Aft et theceremony all present did envie justice to a 8a a bantam for ! Title S000 paled Scale with every up-to-date int meat, for *sly You will t,•ve money day you order as YLBIER Wagon & Stock Three -Wheel SCALE Government Certificate of absolute accuracy goer+ FREE with every Aylmer Scale. even at the bargain price of $25. "We the freight" and warrant you satisfac- tion or refund your money. This Seals 1. most solidly constructed. with Jessup tool steel bearings throughout; has big wheels, roomy platform, kept In place by FOUR checks (Instead of the usual two), stout steel fender on platform to pro- test the beam. and a fifth lever to minimise etra/n on the blas. Will lest it lifetime and weigh accurately up to one ton, even If It stands on uneven ground. easy to move from place to place, and tint -class to every particular Remember only SZ.00, freight pall to your nearest station and Government Corti - Scale c.f accur.cy free. Oft In your order early far prompt aettv.ry. This special offer gives you the chance to own an absolutely modern stale, built of the very beet material. You need this scale to weigh whatever you buy or sell. You can have it to test in any way you like. Send it back and get your money back if it isn't all and more than we say ft is. AY L M ER t�0. Aylier, ht. & SCALE Ltd., sumptuous wedding dinner. The happy young couple left by the after- noon twain at Auburn for Toronto and other 'points. The bride's travelling suit was of hrown broadcloth with bet to match. The high estimation of the bride and groom witi .h•two by the Kitts. which were both numerous and costly. 1. your Ithel merle' 1912? White Pine Keep W• le Syrup ofV hit g Y P and Tar oo hand and cure all coughs in shortest possible time; targe ,bottle for 25c. Include in your New Year teeselu- tion that you will always get your freak oysters and delicious its erean), in bulk or fancy bricks, and pure buwe-nude candy at Beecte' oNR's. They're tbe best. 'Phone 240. GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE Clothing Furs JANUARY 6th 15 DAYS JANUARY 20th t VERYONE knows this season has been poor for heavy goods on account of so much mild weather, therefore our stock of Overcoats and Furs is much larger than it ought to be, so for fifteen days, commencing Saturday, Jan. 6th, we intent' having a big Sacrifice Sale to clear out all these lines. We quote no bogus prices, t herefore will not beable to give the apparent great reductions you have been used to read about, but we do intend giving such values that will pay you well to take advantage of this Great Slaughter Sale. Colne at the beginning and get -the best choice and share in the greatest bargains. Read every item -it certainly ought to interest shrewd buyers. MEN'S OVERCOATS In fancy brown and grey tweeds and cheviots, some w ith velvet collars, others the conversable or Cossack collar, sizes 35 to 42. Regular Slo.00 Overcoats 12.00 It50 15 •00 48.00 16.75 8.00 8.95 10.7; ;.2; BOYS' OVERCOATS In grey stripe and plain black Over.J)ats, sizes 28 to 33. Regular 16.00 for $4.25 ,. 7.5o " 5.5o CHILDS' FANCY OVERCOATS Ages 4 to 6 years. Regular $4.5o for $2.95 5.00 3.45 so MEN'S SUITS To clear away below cost. Some are single breasted, others double breasted. Reg- ular $lo.00 to Si 5.0o clearing at 16.95, reg- ular $16.00 to $18.00 clearing at $7.5o. 20 BOYS' SUITS AT $].so 20 or more, single breasted, three piece Suits, sizes 28 to 33. Regular $4.50 to $6.00 clearing at $2.50. SALE OF TROUSERS 11.5o T rousgrS for $1.10 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.5o .. ., 1.65 ., . 1.98 " " 2.10 265 F U R COATS We are very anxious to clear out all our Fur', Coats, so come along expecting $big bargains. QIECOON COATS Good heavy fur, splendid linings. Reg- ular 165.0o for $52.5o. BLACK DOG COATS Just two left, we were selling this line at $ao.00 special, our sacrifice price is $16.50. NATURAL WOMBAT Only two. Regular $28 for 121.50. F,UR LINED COATS Muskrat lining, good Canadian Otter Col- lar, English Beaver Shell. Regular $50.00 for $39.50• FUR COLLARS Marmot Fur Collars. Regular 15.00 for 13.35. VESTS Two Fancy knit Woollen Vests. Regular $5.0o for 11.98. Corduroy Vests, in brown and; fawn. liegular $3.0o for 11.98. We have a lot of other lines too numerous t mention, but we promise you a great sav- g on many lines. SALE FOR 15 DAYS JAN. 6th to 20th Walter C. Pridham East side of Square .11.11111.111MMMOMODIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMINI1111111111111 Big DARGAINS now may be obtained at our sale of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats We also have a good line of Boys' Sweater Coats which we will clear at Greatly Reduced Prices McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors The Square Goderich 1iijIj!r c)�American allle( SOLE AGENT FOR GODERICH Hockey Boots Prepare for skating by purchasing a pair of our Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots --the only kind to properly support the ankle. All sizes for ladies, men and boys. REPAIRING W. H E R N 'Phone 226, the Square t '1' dr" • r #4r • HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES ARE THE PRIDE AND] DELIGHTVF THOUSANDS OF HOUSEWIVES. LET US HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY]jOF1Est- PLAINING TO YOU SOME:OFaTH MANY EXCELLENT REASONS WHY. C 11 . n 'Phones: Store 22 ---House 112 PLUMBING HEATINfl HARDWARE ri=IC= 111111