The Signal, 1912-1-4, Page 5FHB SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
Tavlutrowv, JLnu*aT 4, on •
The Public health Lot d Ontario
tee all dandy= attending
tillfoolrN Dr. Hat-
4f{ in his
{b { d4tAeot. I01.Mille
4▪ ee/at sf Trott►
:Irt teetim$ of the Board of Tiede
a,wooing is scheduled as
iiiip hkttthowpil l! t»
and a$ eseetbets will be st
a for tai.Aof subjeste gee to come tip for
ty to tate part.
' The officers for the ensuing term ot
Rebekah LLoodd /ee were iostali d on
Tuesday evening by P. N. O. Mrs,
Vlore Reid. They are as follows : N.
tS.. Mrs. Thoma ; V. G., Mrs. Martin;
tzecardlngesecret ry, Kate J. Gundry ;
ilktaeetal tweeter'', Nina Tait ; treas-
urer. E. Gibson ; I. G.. Irene Sault..
Now ter the Town Hockey League.
♦ meeting of those interested in
Ittoek.y will be held in the Y. M. C. A.
MOW 00 Monday evening next, at 8
o'clock, to oonsider the formation of •
town league. There la some talk of
having teams representing the differ-
ent churches as in the harebell league
c last summer, and representatives of
Egress sod other organizations are
asked to be prevent.
O. W. B. Sonde Oefaultsd.
The town has been called upon this
week to pay as instalment of interest
on the guaranteed bonds of the On -
torte West Shore Railway. Anotber
'piece of news of interest ha the sante
connection is that the Sterling Bank
hal Wired a writ against J. W. Moyes,
president of the 0 W. S. Railway, for
$13,000 said to be owing to the Bank.
News from Ohina.
Word reached Goderich batt week
of the safe at rival st Shanghai of Mie
Olive Turner and on Wednesday of
this week • cahlsgram ws received in
Totontc stating that Mies Wellwood
sister of Mr. J. H. Tigerf had psedpassedChungking and would probably reach
Shanghai in the Nurse of s few days.
Mie Turner will remain In Shanghai
indefinitely and Mie Well wood will
probably come home at once on fur-
Donations to Hospital.
Alexandra hospital wishes to ac-
knowledge gratefully the following
donations : Two barrels apples. D. F.
Hamliuk ; flowery, G 0 O. Stewart ;
books. Upper Canada Tract Society ;
turkey, a Friend ; fruit cake, D. J.
Curry ; fruit, Mrs. Jam. Clark ; fruit.
Mrs. (Ur.) Clark ; turkey, A Friend •
oysters. A Friend ; plum pudding, A
Vriend ; fruit and bread, Mrs. Treth-
ewev ; oranges, Mee. Castle : apple's,
A Friend: goose. Dr. Whitely: chicken.
Wm. Naftel.
A. 0. U. W. Officers.
'--Following are the officers of Maple
Leaf Lodge, No. Sal. A. 0. U. W.. for
1912: Part master workman. 1. Belk-
eld: roaster workman, H. F. Mot ris;
foreman. H. Horton ; overseer, W.
Good ; reel): der, G. Woods ; financier,
W. R. Robertson: treasurer. E. R.
Watson ; guide. T. Hawkins ; inside
watchman, J. C. Laithwaite ; outside
watchman, Leonard McDonald; rep-
resentative to Grand Lodge, W.
Good ; alternate representative to
Grand Lodge. W. R. Robertson : trus-
tee, J. C. Iwithwaite.
Goderich Loses the First.
The hockey season opened in Gode-
rich on New Year's night. when the
Seitforth and Goderich clubs met fur
the tltet game to be played by the
testas, in group No. 7 of Lbe 0. H. A..
inlet mediate series. The Seaforth
club won by the store of tJ to 2, but
the result is not sur -prising when it is
000sidered that tae Ooderich boys
had their fist practice of the season
that morning. i). Reid. of Seaforth,
was the referee. The following was
the Zine -up of the respective teams :
Goderich--Goal, C7hapman ; point.
Mel cot : cover. Sheffield ; rover.
Wiggins: centre, Giroux; left, 'fhomp
son; right. Stanway.
Seafortb-coal, Case ; point, Plapt ;
cover. Hutchison ; rover, Reeve
centre. Jones ; rig5t, Reid ; left, Dun -
?be pleasure of those who witnessed
the game was marred by the conduct
of one of the players, and the manage -
Anent announce that no rough play -
will he tolerated in the remaining
games of the reeler. Hockey is too
good a game to be spoiled by unruly
Mime Janet Mac Vsnnel, M. A.. who
last year held a position on the teach-
ing .teff of Goderich Collegiate instl-
tste, was married st her home st St.
Mars on Saturday, December :40,
to Charles Edgar Bowden. of Toronto.
The ceremony was perforsed by Rev -
Robert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Bow-
den will reside at 40 Farnham avenue.
A wedding of much interest to
many Goderleb people was that of
Miss Mahal& Caroline (May) Allan,
only daugbter of A. McD. Alien, form-
erly of Goderieh, to Thomas Morrison
Maroon. the eveot taking place at the
r.pidence of the bride's aunt, Mr.
Robert Jsening.. 2118 Rvelyn aven
?Pronto os December 27. Iieue.
v. D. T.
la Me .troll was the officiating
clergyman. The bride was until a
few year. ago it well-known Uoderkh
girl. sod the grooso M timeliest son of
the late Judge Maros. d Ooderich.
Their triesdm is Oederieb wWl the
• young couple abstsdast joy and pros-
perity.Os ednesday eveslme of last week
.)flirt Olive Ratite i* idlest ds
tet et Mr. cad are. W. IL Deets of
tlttebe\ cad arbeef t*........ 111s1s
S to.... 1S ealliteried%toFr it ;lflalt7
listhewst• d Wel 'Me. y
Prod Davie este tbtaglitare sod
Norval cad T. M. Davie. of tows. were
WS lb. wedding.
Acether weddleg of Interest to
Oade'blh Mreo*M was that of Mime
A. IlwTaoQs erased deweh4sr d
T M. , and greed.
D. ft
pima wt Oehl fry ea the
vac -
R. T. of T. Off.csrs.
At the last meeting of Kursk• Conn-
ell. No. 1013, H. T. of T., the toUpwiug
officals were elected ; the
lar, J. T. Newell ; pest cnuudl /r, W.
J. MoCresth ; vies councillor. Mies
Templeton ; chaplain, Mise Standish ;
recording secretary and prow es.
porter, lies. Mae. E. Young; finest -
cis! secretary. Mrs. Wm. MoCreath ;
treseurer, Chas. E. Youog; auditors,
J. K Tont and J. T. Newell : beral3.
Alfred J. Armstrong ; guard, Victor
N ell; sostinel, J. E. Walters; oe-
g 4 iso, Jae. J. T. Newell.
The Leics Mrs. Tom.
There died at lxmtee m
nirht Mary Ann Kernkk. edict-Oriente
Iota James Tom, and mother of In-
spnotor J. E. Tom, of Ooderich. Mrs.
Tom bad been an invalid for over four
yeas, having been stricken with par-
alysis In November, 1917. Sbe was
feitbfully attended during her long
Iciness by twu daughters, Miss Tom
and Miss Mary Tom, who resided with
their parents. Mr. Tom died to April
of lust year. The subject o1 this no-
tice was born in Cornwall, England,
in 1884. She cause with her parents
to Durham ceuuty. Ontario, in 1846
and with bet imaNrod settled is Ls-
boroe township in 1853, where they
resided for thirty yeas, until they be-
came residents of Exeter. Mrs. Tom
was a member of James street Metho-
dist church, Exeter, for many years
sod bee children are very grateful to
Rue. Richard Hobbs. who visited her
so faithfully during her illness. in
addition to the son ami two daugh-
ters mentioned above. two other sons
and a daughter are living. They
are George H. Tom, of Vancouver ;
Prank W. font. of Toledo, Ohio. and
Mrs. (Dr ) Sweet, of Exeter.
An -Old Resident Gone.
The pismire( of Norman McLeod at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Platt,
in Detroit, on Wednesday, December
20. remover one who for thirty-eight
years had been a well-known and
much respected resident of Goderich.
Mr. McLeod had been ill for only twc
weeks, but for the past three year he
bad suffered a gradual decline in
heeltb. He was born in Scotland
eighty-three yeas ago and resided
there until the year 1878. Along with
his wife and family be came toCanada
and located at Goderich. He sailed on
the Great Lakes for a number of years
and then until a few years ago he wits
employed about the harbor. He was
en active old gentleman and es -en
when age began to have a telling effect
on his oonetitutioo and forbade his
pureuiug active work be disliked being
without something to employ his time.
Hs had been. with his daughter in
Detroit eines last Thanksgiving. The
body was brought to Goderich on Fri-
day and the funeral on Saturday took
place from the home of deceseed's
daughter. Mee. W. H. Babb, Rt. Pat
rick's street, to Maitland cemetery
Rev. Geo. E. Ross conducted the ser
vices at the house and graveside. The
pallbearers were Daniel Mcleod, John
Murray, John Nicholson and Alex.
McLean. Besides his widow, who re-
sides with her daughter, Mrs. Babb, in
Goderich, Mr. McLeod Is survived by
a family of two sons sod three daugb-
tes : Donald, of town ; Malcolm, a
sailor on the (ii eat Lakes : Mrs. Reuach
and Mrs. Platt, of Detroit, and Mrs.
W. H. Babb, of Godericb.
Death of Mrs. C. G. Newton.
The sudden death of Mr.. 1'. V.
Newton, which occurred on Wednes-
dayevening ot last week, is deeply
reretted by the whale community.
Mrs. Newton had been in poor health
for some time, but it was not thought
that she was in actions danger. A
failure of the heart carried her off so
quickly and peacefully that those
with her in the house bad absolutely
no warning. Mrs. Newton (formerly
Miss Mary Sophia Gordon) was a
daughter of the late Daniel Gordon.
Her mother sorvives, in very feeble
health, and those brothers and twu
sisters abet are living. The brotbers
are William J. Gorden, of Iowa.
Marshall P. Gordon, of Victoria,
and J. Lynn Gordon, of Kam-
loops. B. ('., and the sisters are Mrs.
(Rev.) (i. F. Salton, of Mooeejaw, and
Mrs. McLachlan, of Toronto. Ao-
other brother, Jacsee^ D., died only a
few weeks ago at Victoria, B. C.
Jars. McLachlan was here attending
upon her mother and Mn. Salton
arrived on New Year's 'Day, not
knowing of her sister's death. The
funeral took place on Sunday to Mait-
land cemetery, Rev. Alfred Brown
and Rev. 1)r. Medd conducting the
services, and the pallbearqeers being E.
Downing, A. M. Robertson, W. Hern,
R. C. Hays, R. J. Mefaw and J. H.
l;olhorde. Mrs. Newton will be
greatly missed by a wide circle of
friends, bort in the home of which obs
was the centre the Tome is irreparable,
and the bereaved husband and only
child, Master Gerald, bave the deep-
est sympathy of the community.
Christmas Entertainment.
The annual Christman tree enter-
tainment, an event that is always
looked forward to with $ great deal of
interest by the membets of Knox
church Sunday school, attracted the
usual amount of attention this year.
and the lecture room was packed with
interested spectators let Thursday
night. The program, which was a
varied but excellent one, consisted of
a fancy flag drill, 1►dramatized solo,
sword swinging, instrumental duets,
son's, dialogues and almost every-
thing --including Manta Claus -which
gess to make a first-class program
for • Christmas entertainmsut. Sev-
eral of the numbers on the program
were intended is s short two -set
drama, entitled " Rditter Christmas."
The story enacted waa that of •
trawely in a stockbroker's borne from
which the eldest hoer. Edith, was
stolen bye st
years pa
DM no trace of bee le found, whore
the •' Dong ooupb" &side to eelebtsN
their emageh ertifoe the agefret sons
roomette' imk1!P• hi&.rewires
ipeelnd d In wher Sot ef rieete is s pool
Riff wbo wakes her Maw b selling
pe s•
The r
Mabee- assfe is a
Jon as t ..
he J.dlk rb
tate bet ememied lb drawn oorate WHIM wMesa s w the s:
esslrlbetes toewhite Vee
bee prepared me t'S e/" the twealerrs
entertainment, and the last number
1s announced as • .on from the
ripely girl. She *isms a piece which
proves very feather res Alice's "moth-
er," whu rushes into the loom to
inquire aazlcntely of Alice wbo the
iteg ' is. On being tied that it is
Edith. her "huaban4 walks 16, hallo
just Mtn -sod frost hie trip, lei'
esamigation of • laeket
Edith's neck eoaltems the suspicions
of his "wife" that she is their lows -gosh
daughter. Seats Oleos le thee Com-
munieeted with by Ntepsoor. He le
reached by '• enrolees cad atter prov-
ing to br very inquisitive as to the
welfare of a number of Ws friends in
the Sunday school and cougr'egaton
he announces be will rea_h Koos
church in • few moments. After the
Christmas tree is wheeled into the
room Banta brains out of the fire-
place sod proceed' at owes to mike
both old and. young bay .>trjtb the
gifts which he bar fo! : Each
pupil in the school received a box of
candy, while several presents were on
the tree tur at lest three ladies who
tailed to respond when their carnes
were called. Little Miss Maxine Bur-
dett. took the leading part in the
drama as "Alice," and did it In a
manner that won` warm approval
from the audience. Mie Agates
Saunders took well as " Edith." The
characters of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Dal rtnple were taken by Mie Lottie
McCreath and Athol llcQuat rie. To
Mr. Alex. Saunders is due no small
amount of credit for the suoeeme of the
entertainment. He was unsparing in
his efforts, and his arrangement of the
st fixtures and setting wthe
subjectwas of much favorable comment:
Rev. G. E. Ross, pastor of the church,
was chairman of the evening.
Now that the Milder* are the ladles
hare time tar hems work, la tailed to
the yarrow of enteriat mad
laaareID tem
Nies ooM waa r thl.. J set the klad tomato
m fellow . Ysel we/ ' ..p.ctane Ube b dad he
garments from ham's tattering emporium.
For outordoore. business office or drawing -
room. Pridbam's made-to-order clothing is the
be to to had.
Renew your subscription and get a
There will he is tweeting in the
schoolhouse of all the ladies of 8L
George's church congregation nett
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Every member of Knox church Sun-
day school is requested to be present
next Sunday afternoon eo as to hear
an annooncement of considerable im-
portance ea all the scboles.
In Knox church next Sunday morn-
ing Rev. Geo, E. Ross will hive a dis-
course on 'The Open Door." In the
eveuing bis theme edit be "Watch-
man ! What of the Night?"
The Misses Donogb left this week
OD a el. weeks' visit to St. Augustine,
Florida. During their abeence their
millinety- establishment will be in
charge of competent hands.
'"*Tbe Ministerial Association will
hold its regular meeting on Monday,
January 8th, in the Baptist church, at +
10 a. w. Rev. Geo. E. Hoes will ad-
dress the meeting.
A meeting of the ladies' auxiliary of
the Y. M. C. A. will be held at the !
home of Miss Robertson, Victoria'
street. on Saturday, January 8th, at 4
o'clock. A good attendance is re-
The West -et. rink is now open every
afternoon and evening for skating,
and ie being well patronized by lovers
of the great winter sport. The
admission ie tri^ for gentleman and
lady ; 15c. for single tickets.
The question of rural mail delivery
is agitating the people of Goderich
township. With mail delivery and
the telephone service, there will be
nothing wrong with Goderich town-
ship except lea politics.
The pastor, Rev J. Pollock, will oc-
cupy the pulpit at both services in the
Baptist church next Sunday. The
lord's table will be spread at the close
of the morning service. The young
people's meeting is held every Monday
evening at 8 o'clock.
in Victoria street church, Rev. Dr.
Medd is annonnced to preach a ser-
mon nett Sunday forenoon upon the
question : "Are we doing all we can
for the child in the home and in rte
secular schools?" in the evening a
New Year's sermon is promised.
On Sunday evening, Jarnary 14tb,
the Young People's Society of the
Baptist ehunch will celebrate its first
anniversary. The entire service will
he taken by the young people.)
Everybody is invited to be present.
At North street Methodist church
nett Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred
Brown, will conduct the services.
Morning subject: "A New Year's
Message : evening : " I'nder the Juni-
per Tree." A cordial welcome to all.
A special service for children was
held In 8t. George's church last Sun-
da afternoon, wben the rector, Rev.
J. B. Fotheringham. gave an *perm
priate address. In the evening Rev. J.
8. Carrie, If Detroit, Assisted in the
Mrs. Jame 0rummtett., et tows, .d MI.
& res ainmett Tomo epos the t1oM.
day scam with eemervltM 1CMk
Here's for a B! January Clearance
With every department included.
Pr•nflte will not he considered now se
these lines are slated for an early
Few detail, will be given but you
can judge by these prices and come
Fist -Lot of trimmed hate, values
from $2.50 to tea. January clearing at I
Second lot -hissed bate, some
values from $A.50 up, now clearing at
Third lot includes choke of any hat !
in the store, inci,ading anyfor or fur-
trimed velours and plush ; while they
last • t each $2 OR.
Fourteen ladies' suits, values from
$10 to $14, January clearing, eseb
Five only ladle.' Imitation fur -lined
coats witb fur rollers. Regular $
Ovaries peke. $14.06.
Mrs's for -lined overeats with mar
wot ollara, dowel', at only $12.116.
sae re's suite. Jesuitry
Pee $6
• pore ' sweaters, regale'
WWI) -M.&dVj. 4gL ua tat
Y tI
aryie r.s, a,.oa of Mr.
sl ae
Pert Arthur,
wA1.1.tL rill,47ip -At learn
AIa >t
v. eta-.!•-1iof I •
whew- iell e Atthe t)somber manse.
J. tl jDtel. a• e>.r awry flay Stewart, , 1 Luck
mw, to teary Ward, of W a,.
011.1.111111endt Laalsew. "u Leoembet Ie.
Jain Mist scud o Team ands urontba
Ktal?. 4 a, December tatty M1m
c h411,1t , w.alele.e=oftkt a at Pastwtk weds beem
see* el the SAY
T. R. 10eM • 41 memj
..Va"Mti. clever
mac wee
in""~s Alsado' cad H.r .t.t.r.
herr. ,epr.e ,« IlLaslr, were
their daushtars. Ma
d airs.1
avtd Sproul. a few date
then -
Take What Pill ?
Why, a Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pill,
of course. Good for all kind, of
pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervousness, Rheu-
matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pain',
Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia,
Backache, Stomachache, Period-
ical Pains of women, and for
pain in any part ot, the body.
9 have used Dr. Miles' 'medicines for
over to years and find them excellent. I
keep Dr. Miles' Antl-Pala Pills in the
house all the time cad coded not clunk
of taking a journey without them, no
matter how abort • distance Ian going.
I canna praise than esougd"
63 High St, Pse csok, N.H. '
At W eraq/ida is dere ea
We are ageots tor tuts popular
heat i .tt umen t and cal ry a cum vitae
sto,;k of
and all the latest
Walter 8e Harrison
9re'bbeller and Optician
On the Square Goderrch
FOR 1912
Blank Books. -A full stock of
Blank Books, from an ordinary
10c Blotter to a tboucand-page
A very wood Blank Book, ruled
either minute, ledger or joar nal.
Special NW.
Centime Shams Pale.. -Cow -
plate with index, cover and
punob, price $1.00. The same
File without pinion, 75c. Board
and Arch, 50c.
Shannon Binding Cases.-Coui-
piste with index $11.00 per dozen.
Without index, $2.75 per dozen.
Sold singly with index, 30c each,
or 4 for $1.o0. Without index,
2"x each.
Canadian A1.dana,e for 1012,
price 80c.
The Colonial IHk Store
'Phone 100 tioderich
will appear on the Y. M. 4.'. A.
(',ouree in
ASA A., let Tenor
LLOYD 0., Basso
LESTER F., Baritone and
WM. T.. Tenor and Reader
Charming Vocalists
'Reter•taioing Readers
Delightful Trumpeters
They present avarlet] program
of very high order; singing,
readings, trumpet - playing, pro-
viding a most enjoyable even-
Reserved Seats 50c
Plan at H. T. Edward.'. Open
to subscribers, Wednesday, Jan.
17th, at 9 s. m. ; to the public,
Thursday, .fan. 18th.
Do not sap the springs of life by sseeet d the lemma mesheslase, by .Bowieg
tits soeumulatio• of poises* in the sye5ee. Al imitation of's seatbod el
restoring waste of tissue sod impoverishment of the blood sad nervous strength is
to take se alterative glycerin vitriol (without alcohol) of Golder Seal and Oregon
grape root, Rloodroot, Stone and Mandrake root witb Cherrybark. Over 40 years
see Dr. Pierce gave to the public this remedy, whiob he called Dr. Pierre's 0e4ee.
bledio.1 Discovery. He fogad it would bele the blood is taking up the proper d.-
tmests from food, help the liver 1010 saivity, thereby throwing sat the p.issss from
the blood and vitalisi.g the whole systems. well es allaying and eootkise • seed&
No one ever takes cold unless coastipated, or exhausted, yid hatieg wiry we
esti mal-.utritios,whieb is atte.dsd with imp.vsrieked bleed
sad eshewtioe of serve force. Th. " Distevey" is as a-
round tosie which restores tome to the bleed, norm sod
heat by imitsti.4 Nature's methods of restoring lessee
of tissue, sad feedi.g the nerves, heart and lanes as deb
red blood.
" 1 suffered from pais aider av right 'shedder Wade atm • req
saves mesh," writes las. W. DIAL of Now aek
.1 .
4. tt. C.. ss ,
I . Y. 55[11*. N. T. Bad fee dlslwr t Areas tall
sae err &sae mM 1 Aad olbees mil 1 a.r.
M homes -smasies. Immo bedrt 4..Puree' °WWI
se rt tee
-ed WOO a 1M -sloes-. ••• 4111•blViiresiftZ=1 w inseeass te
• Worn
alhad t es to I by Iia ielesi t . m mg
eselthisrY 0 w y sM mslst bettlm Is Y mai we
term DeusNinaend
We wish all sur numerous
friends and customers a
Happy a n d Prosperous
New Year.
F. J. Butland
Druggist, Goderlch
The Store That PMwwea."
Union dank of Canada
Psld•aipC.p - - $ 4,766.000
14sm4 W tf.MM
ulM Decub - 3.300,000
Te4si Maeb. io•••>, - - 10,000.000
Load a, England Ottlee,
i1.ilevesdhseedle Street, E. C.
A asoma el dam Peak bas bees established 1• Leedom, laagl•ad,
ss 1Ns. es. 7lseaarsdI X04, *.C, mime %,.am. et Credit and Drafta
pus_& n s mod the Dmtksd $M/ae, do be
A Ylise► bees it prettily far the eetwesdesee e/ ter
awe wham it le codes, Is milli* their ai may be
CerrMm desee seMA
"a". am." :II. w. AiN 1
M. C. HA/1►iTll
-flit. Ameie4ss4-Mat.stie..
The Name on The Sole
The "INVICTUS" name and trade-
mark on the sole means a great deal to
any shoe -buyer.
It means footwear that will stand up
under every test for fit, style and wear.
It therefore means more for your
money, as well as for your feet and for F'
your sense of pride as to appearance.
Behind that trade -mark is the assur-
ance of an honest -made shoe --the shoe
you should always buy.
Wm. Sharman
The Square Ooderich
20 Per Cent. Discount
The Howell Hardware Co., Limited
• The Best Place to Buy hardware
Wholesale Manufacturing Furrier
Just around the corner of Montreal st.
This is no January or red ticket sale, but a real sale,
where high class Furs are selling at prices that astonish the
shrewdest buyers. It is not that we like to sell these beaut-
iful Furs at under manufacturing cost. We have decided to
clear this beautiful stock of Furs, which will be a harvest to
those who are wise enough to purchase here. Following are a
few of the many bargains which await you:
\Iink Pillow 'Muff, rel; $30,
going :at $15.
Mink Throw Ties, ref; 11120 00,
clearing at $10.00.
One Ermine Set., ley;. $1:10 00,
going for $75.00.
Seal Seta, reg. $,0, for $221.
Alaska Sable Stoles, reg $40,
for $90.
Belgium 1.y01 Sete, sale pi "-.•
Mink Marmot, Sete, %Mar 120.
for $10
(trey Lamb Sete, regular $13
for 17.50.
White Thihet Set, reg. 120,
for $ 10.00.
Clearings in Dry Goode, Boots
and ghees.
Men'• Suits demritug at $4.94.
Men's Overcoat', clearing v
114 to 17.50.
Hoye' Overcoats rlearisu! V
14 00.
\ies's Pant. Ails
Men'" Wool Shirts, for 660.