HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-1-4, Page 11
Road the Signal's
tang list on page a
select your r e a ,
ratter for the year
dhe leading publicatl,
et reduced rates.
Y)71TYAlr(►t1R'I'H yaks -No. Gist
Cif 1A
The man who has binned th habit of waving and has
available funds is in a Ilr).iti,m I •,car,, OPPORTUNITY
half nay. 41.00 °pets a savinc, w. • •tat.
HMA.) UFFiu`. ('okxER KING
Goderich Branch,
A'y(1' 11 t
SITREfi'I's, Tow l\Tit.
A' Porter, Manager
T.eaaoar. Jan. W.\\ I Al, M B STI NG. -W EH T
Spring *hest
hall wheat, ter bash . ilii auto ti a 6.; -, tit I'..)\ tAGRICULTI.TRAL SO('IKTY.
, per bush.. .. n to to M i_
Rye. per b u.t. .. , , . owe - -
Hsu L sheet, per bub u 3'. to .. 1', Alal'-u: ,n;i
per t,.n.b.: 4111 to .. 1•• feel', limbo*
Peas. per hash u OS to 1 •, 'it 4 U • 4... 1.
Barley, per bust o :u to a ", at 4 rl4 I.*
Seeeertsa.gs, per ton L W to yrs ow. attenten.rW
}lour. remail). pr.r est 2 a) to 2 :.. reQmwted.
1eu per tont, per cal 3 ty la3 (44 JOHN ?:.'L(
fetor,+, per too 18 roto 2,t p•
HalStraa* too, new............. 2: de to 13 to
II 111 to 13
s 00 to a (sr
nowt. per load , .... • . • 6 on to 5 Su
Charm, per 'L 1 to s *1per lb s IS to e M
Egg'. fore. tar dos.. - 4 A. to n Y
Apple... per bbl 2 ye to 3 .1.
Potatoes, per bu' ..I. . u111 to . net
t atticoeata'y a goer. pair cwt. t W to 3 el
t-at1le. expert, per cwt ......... S in to S 73
ffegs. d 1aJ to s a
Sheep. ser cwt ...... . • 4 to to 4 Jul
1 allow, per Ib id to to
thides. k�...0 17WIo 7 S
•.•.•..d >b to yrs
10 0 0. The •.., •,W't
Iter, per lb
STARbiiek dwelling with ail modern
eons 'Mower on lit- Dn11 ld'. street, we. of
V.oWrfs emit. Apety to W. R ROBERTSON.
corset. east side Io4g,4a ogre..
le entracte of wad ; some lane fruit trees
and small frult•. Terme to wit purchaser.
AkplY nos IM. firth. 8al0ord. 54-2t
1 es. Ila•ld's sweat. sear 1M Square. Apgar
to A. 8. CH1tYITAL
storey Cambria mad.
b has.... ioswdiatehouse on
poseor ee era be
uvea. THOS. RATE&I P1-1 mo
J: lot w Elgin •s save, Gode ieh. belonaiag
to Mr*. ]Irani 111vrsy • otlhred for sale.' Once
1.0let the lot on Mansth reserved. Apply at
double hoer on Wst street. Madera
ooaveeieaose.sen DecefMllher
erY d. reels J. B. HA 8. Bt Patrick's
sole orb rent, ea Nelms aad Newgate
mama: will be old ata bargain sad on easy
Leona Apply to F. J. PRID AM.
acme of land. part of lot No. I. eoaoessioo
a( Colborne : all seeded down. Dunn. drained,
and in a sent -car state of csltivti..n. Must
be .old : owner rennet from active, work.
Terms. pert ore, and . good mortgage for
l,slsaoe. Apply to .1NTBONY ALLEN, Dun-
1op Y.O. 3 m
1.• 1W( 1J acres oo Ibe 7ti concretion and
fifty acres opposite 0o the SIM ooaer.alr.n of Cot
borne. Will be sold separately or together.
On the hundred scree is a storyand-a-half
brick home. with brick kitchen attached. s
eood bank barn. nearly new. and large shed
Both forma are well fenced and are In Oft
rads order. Hundred acres all serried down
mufti ten acres. Well watered byspring
creek . good spring well at barn. }sigt miles
from Ooderieh ; three mile from Auburn; two
d .m
and mile. from McCaw C. K R.stt-
tlus. tine of the gnat tarm honor in the
towoeh�iyg,,. For terms apply to ANDREW
JOHNSTON. (hake P. 0. gti(f
and dentf*l woosny at the corner of Cameron
Y RaA1aa eir�evete, formers known as the A.
nigh townlots.M fur wale. It eootalss
ted with the cbotos.t
hilts of all ktniW There w two brick
homers. each of t wo stories. one bunt only lea
year...d Um other in ant.claw repels. Beta
• havethe modernoonvenlenreo, and alto-
(Werke Will be sold a a• rsileonmoet nble
terns.. Apply to P. J. RYAN.O*dw.c4,
Open day and night.
'Hume meet ail trains. Particular
attention given to cane front
private resideonee. Telephone
No 60.
Mouth Street Onderiob. Ont.
Why Wilma letelkisizerrea
ess ham
qi. AIM too
awe- - f..+� weer.
eons t,c1 ll INNEALL WAVIER ops
meeting of lie West Horoo
ty w Ill be held in the town
eeturday. Jan uary :lkh. 1912
to receive auditor* report
for ci.uing year. A ful
Amos aud nth.•,.. iutaro.ted U
Administrator's Notice to Creditors- l'roud
foot, Han A Killoran . 1
Executors' Notice to (-`editors--Proodfoot.
Hays & Killoran .. .. ... .
Annual Meeting-Oodorlcb Township Tele-
phone .system ... . ........ ... 1
Annual Meeting-- West Wawanorb Mutual
Fire Insurance Co .. 1
House to Rent -W. R. Robertson
Medical Card -Drs. Tr.ylor & Taylort
Readers -E. tt. Wigle .. 7
Card of Thanks -Jas. Uh4abobe 1
Scarf Pin Lost- The Signal 1
A School M the Highest aryls --Blest; brat -
neem College 2
yard of Thank- Melver Family 1
Annual ]lectins -West Huron Agl eletural
BoclMy _...... 1
CardofThank.-Samuel Bisset l
January Clearance Sale -N. C. 1'argeron. e
Great Slaughter Sale -W. ('. Prldham.. 7
Wimer Resort.. -G,T.K .. .. 2
Reader-Q.T.It. . 2
Clearing Sale -ST-. Acheron & `too 1
House for Sale -Wm. Potts .. 1
itoua1 Meet its g - ('olbor, a Telephone Sy
eu, vi
Bog Bargains McLean Hr.r. 7
A Full Stork -!)owning & MaeVtnt. 4
Card of Th.nk. 11. a Munuing.:, 1
(Mint -The Gatlin Inst nate It
Stationery Wants for 1912 -Gen. Porter s
• Ment Sults-M. Robin.:. ..... ... 4
Annual Meeting - Dungannon lgr4csatural
Society.... ..... .... .. . .... 1
A New Year's Itemottiou-W . !It. Pinder.. . t
Annual Stock.;.aking Sale - Hill.,'. Bestet
Weatherwaz Hr,aben.' Quartette- Y)l.0-A. 5
Grooerie•-i3 tordy & ('a .. ',
January Sale -Hodgen. Bros. e
1t. Secy, -Trema
Its C.U. an
uwv Mc
w Lr treat g
la the 1 .A n ga;
the art ... cat.
sootier •tete„.,
elsetiao cal three
for rhe ...d and
int of the members of the
Fire I ,.ursnce r on)pan)-
Friday. Joao. ry nth. 1912,
Seaforth. at I o'clock p m.•
1 meeting is to receive the
and auditor* report, the
'rector.. and other business
minim d,rdr 0, Jalfare of the ('ompany. The
mini i, vent ,.are John B.. McLean. Wm.
eligible for reelection,lm Mrgwrn, who are
JC/BN 1 • M, LL.tht• THOka. E. HAYS,
O leaden, de n, Seoretart
� ee,,.•tsel meeting' of the share-
holders "1'ee y..anic Temple .tosoolauoe of
Gudi icn. 1-imi4.•d. will be held in tie room-
ta) rooms cat Mutated Lodge No. 1.2..1., F. and
A. M., t..t*trw•. op Monday. January lith,
1912. at tluelect ;•. p„ for the election of dir-
ectors for 'h01n,ing year and the traovaottoo
of say ether Ltemeet that may properly, be
brought b,•forr It. teeeuog.
tit YC L l'ARSOI4o, Sec. -Treat..
1 hhe Wast Weas ci
Co. will be held in Mutual Fire InsuranceA,ilco!-
tfae_ Wngwnnoo iric
total 414il on wed
January.1'42. at 1
pose of recrii log
atueaseat. the f to to sant Auditors' re-
Met.. rad of elseteelhree Direct ors, and con-
.Iderlog Ml,er u.atue tbs... may ,-orae before
t he meetiat
The retiring Directors are J. H. Rieke
James Glrvin end Timothy Gnaln, ell.bf whom
are eligible fur ti.elsrtioo.
For the cuuveniasm of polleyy•-bolders the
directors Moe de del that pre Immo ruay be
Paid and earls ram::ed'at any branch onion
of the 'zombi g Riot. .1. the Royal Hank in
('liwton, t4. Moises Bank in I.ucknow. the
Traders' Slant 1., litubey. and the flank of
Hamilton in ott,.ghea.
RI it Seeman Preeldent
rueaUaa w the eb eriber• at the Oolerk-h
.4 o nabip 'Telepyhm.e em will be Mid in
Holmen Hall. Holmes, le. on )'rW►y. January
I:h4 at IJD o'.:o.•k pal to receisc the report
of the ('ommteumee and to transact such
homers or 04.422 be broken before them. 0.
W . POTTER 0eo'etan. 81-11
1SG of the -ubrribers of the Colborne
Telephone System wilt ebaid in the township
ball. Curlew. en Thursday. Ja.aary Illi 1911.
at 2 o'clock p m: F H WALTER.". Some
ta_7_ It_
1 11I.7iTINl. OF THE
Dungannon .iericaltetal Society will be
held in the Agreeul:u•al Hall. Dungannon. on
Friday. January rah: at 1 *cluck p. m.
WM. BA1LI4: R. \I. IL.ta'AIN.
81-2._ Pre:, Secretary
y. the 17th day of
. m.. for the per.
ering tb- financial
1) %I 1513Th
La iiiia•iTOtt,
IN THE MATTxa ,114 },-T.Tt- or WILLIAM
ri.r)TT Crrx.c ,rEsoe me TOWN nr
GODttIIrCH. iv TIM 1704:NTT or
Star or. VENTL.JIAN,
I,1. 1A•mt•.
Notice 1. hereby 1i'1' e!rr-uant to the
statute. of Ontario in the' 1..palf. that ell per-
sons ha,•Inir claim- Male' •re retate of the
atria William hunt• `lark who died al or
about the 1i1 day .1 December. .44. 0. 1911.
whether as creditor- or as calming to be en
titled to any sham •.r meteor Megan as one of
the next of 1.1x. ate hereby required. on or
before the 13th day ..f February, A. D. 191.2, to
wend by poet. prompt. or delver to James C,
Boger, Oederlob 13:0 . theadninistrator of the
said svtats, their a tutee's and enrnames,
addresses and deserni on•. tut aert4culars In
writing oftheir Milani. tie statement of (heir
accounts. end If creditors the mature of the
eeourlty. Many. held by t►em.
And sotloe le hereby skeins -Is that after the
mid lath dry of 4'ebroa. r. A. D. 1912. the mid
dmloie rater will distribute fila amens of the
maid estate onion( Use pet' Ir• .1tlued thereto,
having regard only l0 the rms of which
notice shall thea have been and that
the administrator will not •e Iesponaible for
tie seer.• ce any part ' 1 ,• reof •o any
person or
psnon• of whose calm. not,, e -henot have
beset received hefoa the : me of each diatribe
A. st.d Mat . God~ieh• this 1rd .1►) of January.
tlellauaa fur the aid Administrator.
tv INC Marren ea Tor gel4.l. or fluent
HnteTaar, 4T. Trtr ow v Ile Got,.
94 .sx Tis *TT'O'RV4 ,r.
Y.fTrJwgg, t•, / .carp.
NOW* le haeby M. en. par�-.net he the
Statutes IK O.tst s r taw MOW?. that all Der-
= 1aT1�g_llflrss weals.' the notate oft e
sew7th Mae
nee. was t rd .s w abet tM
sr b dal Ocatw, s< It. rot ars t2.
sr beam the lath de•r ef Febrasey. flet
or Ohre,'
J1, sirs, •:odsrie k tk, the
Sel�taad Gleets.
monitors sad*+a off the tem -
tall ~ ttl1* 06e re f▪ gels
ye shale sf the mmenti, if Ear.
�twe Awa stab Ir. a dire
i e
wEi M: ww
Finder will be suitably rewarded upon
may ing rants at THE SIGNAL
1i!! Physicians and Surg=eon+, °Mpoe--North
street, next Signal (Maoe. Residence Cale-
dool• Terrade. ALEX. TAYLOR. M. R. A.
housework. Mast tarnish references.
Appy to MRS. GEO. E. ROBS. The Manse.
Colborne street. •• 82-tf
t Apply at THE 8IGNA1.
with rome ezperienoe to bOfticulture to
Mr.die our trade in lioderieb. Sp.erdid open-
ing and, permanent po.itton for the right party.
Write for full .partieulan. and state experi-
ence. STONE & N HLLINGTON, Nurser). -
men, Toronto. BIl3t
of the Into Utmcl McIver take this oppor-
tunity of 'h .king their many friend, ,Ld
neighbors fee the as -ounce given mid the
sympathy oho -n them during their recent
bere.vemsnl, a..d also to thank Rev. Mr. Rus..
for his consoling worda dunog their hour of
1. RICH.
LAD1111 AMU Gzaro.cMKN,-Permit me to
expre as my appreciation of t he vote of confi-
dence which you gave me on New Year's Da).
A. Heave for 1912 1 trust I shall be able to give
good service W the town.
!-our.. faithfully.
L imps.
LA0411 AND GCNTI.1MEN.-i wish to tha:,k
you sincerely for for spleodid vote which you
gate me on Monday, re-elerting me to the
council of our town- bip for 1912. 1 will do my
best to merit your eonndeore by gig lug failh-
Sul attention to the tuwre.Np'. affair,. daring
'the year.
Yours very truly.
Bowe E.
Lamm. *en OKNTLEME4,-1 desire to take
chi. opportunity of ezpre.,ring my hearty •p -
predation of the splendid support given me at
tbe poll. last Monday. I feel mu -t deeply my
responsibility as ycnr representative at the
council board and it will be my alum to loos
after the ratepayers' Intereats, float, last and
lours respectfully.
Albert Stevenson will .01l by public auction
at lot 1. Lake road west. Colborne Ione mile
from dlrppsrdtoni, on
commencing at 1 o'clock .here :
One mate, by Sidney. eight year•• Old : 1
beavy mare, In foal to W. L Fergesoo'. horse :
1 mineral purpose horse. eleven years old :
1 general pit -pus horse ; 1 now. six years old,
due to calve in April : 1 cow, eight years old,
doe to calve In March - 1 yesrllor heifer ; 2
heifer tala-e.: 2.leer deiv , : 1 Deering binder,
nearly naw ; 1 Deering mower nearly new ;
1 Yasse7-flans. drill ; 1 Frost d Wood disc
'cultivator ; 1 Frost A Wood Ba}- rooks : 1 hay
and nook net ; I new sober ; 1 F1nry
Ns 21 ; 1 Wllkin..w, plow, No. 11 ; 1 neer,
twin plow, No. a : 1 net of Iron harrows ; 1 eat
of 4,dlgpl8 coxing, 1 farm wagon ; 1 lop
brassy ' 1 PesUsnd muter : 1 buggy pole 1
ggraahvel inox : 1 double harness , 1 Est plow
Itarms.� ; 1 sit dagle berme 1 wheelbarrow :
w1.4Matert oe1okyokees eMias. forks, .hover.
sus 1 Permits oharn. No. 3: Ta hen.: I pato
of��Is.oeR'ss, 1� �tmrkey hen.
ia"Mytb/rtR must be dimmed of. s aha prep-
i4chbr rested hi. farm.
1 WRMA. All .ams of min and oder. MJ.E:
ever that o=wnt hit snort a credit will be
rums en hnt.bing approved. Fret nor. A
at of 4 per emit smooth' oBnwed ter
east on mein amount*.
1 mrtieewew
ti s
tM els t R,le1, the
seed e.ecMsn w ince tetmlrf of the
Meq thtfsi w�M
.geesla��vj w't^"d. "ru tb..
Mewe er ayusf � n eat
Ar sir
.i'raeste���M ,..m .Msol
t ser ve
bare � sere
O*t.L .4rs3'd .ief el Alms!.
ittle7oe lithe aid eseeM fes
The Weatherwn= Brnthens Qtiar•
tette le composed
of four hrintbers-all
natural m from their infancy.
AR 1•ev(ber fine unions acrd years of
prenti.c, tike remelt ha horn one of et -
collect harson.Air a musical otitis,
voieA Maw a decided family blend."
after heari.et restarted. •Their
Munnings beats Elliott for Reeveship
---Hospital Bylaw Defeated-Elec-'
tors Vote Two to One for Hydro-
electric Power -The Vo,e m De-
The greatest interest in the polling
in (Jodericb on New !-ears Day
centred around the local option bylaw.
A very large vote was polled. both
sides being well orp,nizrd. At. in
1909, when the question was first' sub-
mitted, the result tars vete close, hut
the bylaw waif again defeated In
1999 the Supp irters of the hylaw were
eight votes behind the necessary three-
fifths: this time they were nineteen
voles behind. "
The vote by bub -divisions viae is
follows, the 11*141 vote also being given
ter comparison :
Local Option Bylaw.
191'2. 1909.
For. Agst, For. Ag.t.
No 1 1114 tri 108 . r1•r
2 Sat 81 85 21.`4
3 91 414 92 58
4 123 -55 108 57
b Ifi 52 trG 48
t; hal )C4 91 O8
7 52 47 58 41
ata ' 449 11110 ' 413
Number required to carry hylaw-In
1912, f145 ; in 11814. 0f11i
1'be ad%°caters of the local option
bylaw, although distour-aged, are not
inclined to give up the fight and are
discussing various plans of accomplish-
ing their object, wholly or in part,
without waiting for another vote on
the bylaw three years hence.
a ne Keeveship.
The town council war, completed by
the election of H. C. Munnings as
reeve, with a majority of 52 over
Robert Elliott, The vote wee :-
Elliott. Munnings.
No. 1 97 85
2 Ali t43
3 85
4 tri
5 85
- 113
520 572
Majority for Munniogs-52.
The other members of the council
having been elected by acclamation.
the council of 1912 is as follows :
Major -Chas. A. Reid.
Reeve -B. C. Jluonings.
Depute Reeve -W. F. ('lark.
Counealk.n-W. B. Graham, ('has.
H. Humber, W. E. Kelly, J. C. Leith-
waite, W. T. Fellow, J. W.-Vanatter.
It is noted as somewhat remarkable
that Revers of the nine members of the
council are menthes,; or adherents of
North street Methodist church,
Hospital and Hydroelectric.
The bylaw authorizing a grant of
815.00) for the proposed new hospital
building was defeated with an adverse
majority of 41. On the , ostion sub-
mitted. "Are you in favor of obtaining
front the Hydro -electric Power Com- t
mission of Ontario a supply of electric a
power?" 449 voted ,Yes" and i
"No." The vote in detail on these
two questions was es follows :
Hospital Grant. Hydro -electric, led
For. Against. Yes. No.
No. l 42 71 [J4. 41 It:
2 51 43 113 '2A o
3 43 41 (lei 19 w
4 59 5,4 55 53 in
5 til 28 118 18 a
Ii 47 75 97 ,ill ri
24 51 :39 29 e
3:111 Al; 4411 223 M
Unjorit v- '41 224
Fatal Accident to Former Goderich
Resident at Paris.
noon at 2::10 o'clock t4Maitlaod ceme-
Mi-. 8tableker is survived by
wife, who was at Bright with tri*
when the fatality occurred. The
had been residents of Oadericb ft
about eighteen years. and until three
years ego the deceased had been i
the employ of the Goderich Organ Co
as organ tuner. He went
lVoaedeWck a (ew mouths age
• Editor of The Signal, Called to Account
tor Article in Last Week's Issue
Repeats Hie Statement, Which le
Corroborated by the 'Town Solici-
engage in similar Wolk at an organ
factory in that town.
.40 inquest into the death is being
held at Paris.
Two New Men, S. Bisset and I. Heth-
erington, in Colborne Council.
After another warm fight in Col-
borne township J. N. Yernighan is
again elected Reeve. with a majority
of 53 over Richard Jewell. The cotm-
rill..r•s elected are Samuel Bisset,
James Ch.wholtn. Isaac Hetherington
and Andrew Halliday. The last -
mimed tied with W. F. Young. and
1(eturning Officer McDonagh gave cis
casting vote for Mr. Halliday, declar-
ing him elected.
Samuel B,saet, who headed the poll,
is a new man in the council, altbou
an old and well-known resident of t�
tuwnshir. He took a Rood vote i
every ward. isreac Hetherington els(
comes in for the 111at time. Ile is
young man with a record to make
and his friends confidently expect i
to he a goof one. Metiers. Chisholm
and Halliday were -members of las
year's colt° 111.
Messrs. Young and McL.rty, mem
hers of last year'a council, were de
feated. There is some talk to the
effect that Mr. Young will ask for a
The vote hy polling. subdivisions
was as follows :
- 1 2 3 4 Total
K ERN IOHAN 91 23 X90 45-249
Jewell 35 115 80 36-198
Ma'ority for Kernighan-r53.
1 2 3 4 Total
Bisear 53 79 72 52 268
CHISHOLM :t2 70 41 83 212
HIRTHERI$oror 23 5t3 71 47 199
HALLIDAY 90 18 72 14 197
Young 83 21 82 31 197
McL3rty 78-• 13 7u 10 109
Wilson 39 5 58 15 117
First four elected.
By cleans of posters distributed
about town last Saturday, it was am
pounced that a meeting would be bold
that eveoiug 1. the town ball ••to give
the editor of The Signal ibe o r.
rarity to prove whet be bas stated in
this week's Woe of that paper regard-
ing the bydro-electric power bylaw,
and to show that be haw acted in the
best interests of the lows." The
brave gentlemen who were respons-
ible for the posters forgot to sin their
mien names to it, and en were neglectful
of the cowmun courtesy of notifying
the editor of The signal that his pres-
ence was desired at such a meeting.
e However, he heard of the meeting and
n was on band.
' Mayor -elect %cid was chai.man and
a about a buudredcitizens were present.
• Dr. Holme, spoke in criticism of the
t Si'gnal's article, and was followed by
Wm. Campbell, oho read a newe-
t paper report of a 'speech on hydro-
electric power. •
Town Solicitor Garrow was asked
to give his opinion on the question at
issue, and his etwtemeot was to the
same effect as t hat of The Signal -
namely, that a favorable vote on the
question submitted to the elector',
would give the town council power to
mate a bindiog contract. He was not
quite cute whether it would i.e Drees -
eery to submit a bylaw later on to
authorize the issue a debeutnres; but
in any ca -e this would not affect the
validity of the contraet•
•, Mr. Robertson then spoke and justi-
fied the publishing of by article, first,
however, paying his respects to the
people who assumed the role of news-
paper censors. He declared that be
considered it his duty to pass on to
the ratepayers the lnfarmation which
he bad gained as to the state of the
law respecting the Hydro -electric
Commission *94 to warn them
against taking trHepin abs dark. He
bad only a few days before received
the Information upon which he based
the article in The Signal, and though
it was the eleventh boor he thought it
was better that the voters should even
then know the troth. He urged that
the ratepayers should keep the wetter
in their own hands and not give the
council the power of making a binding
contract. The Signal had been a
pioneer iu the agitation for the devel-
opment of Maitland River power; but
there Tags no guarantee that this vote
would give us Maitland power: the
Maitland River scheme might he
dropped and the towp be paddled with
a contract for Niagara power which it
could not dispose of.
Mr. Robertson's statement met with
a good deal of sympathy from the
audience, and the speeches which fol-
lowed, while in favor of the hydro-
electric project. contained little of
criticism of The Signal's article. At
the close of the me*.. ng Mayor -elect
Reid stated from the platform that so
far as his influence wuuld go no con-
tract would be made without the ap-
proval of the ratepayer•. If Mr.
Iteid's view prevails with the council,
and say proposed contract is submit-
ted to vote of the ratepayers, this is
all The Signal wants
He Had Eczema Twenty-5ve Years aad
Doctors Said "No Cure." -Yet Zam-
Btlk Has Worked Complete Cure.
This is the experience of a man of
high reputation, widely known in
Montreal, and whose case can readily
be investigated. Mr. T. M. Marsh,
the gentleman referred to, lives at 101
Delorimier avenue, Montreal, and has
lived there for years. For twenty-
five years he hag; had eczema on his
hands and wrists. The disease first
started in red blotches, which itched,
and when scratched became painful.
Bad sores followed, wbich discharged,
and the discharge spread the disease
until his hands were one raw, painful
mass of sores. This state of affairs
continued for twenty.five years !
In that time four eminent medical
men tried to cure him anti each gave
up the case as hopeless Naturally,
Mr. Marsh tried remedies of all Kinds,
but he, also, at last gave it up. For
wo yearn he had to wear gloves day
nd night, so terrible was the pain and
aching when the air pot to the sores.
Theo came 7,am-Bok ! He tried it.
ust as he had tried hundreds of retr-
ies before. But he soon found out
hat Zam-Buk was dilTerent. Within
few weeks there were distinct signs
f benefit, and a little perseverance
ith this great herbal halm resulted
what he had given up all hope of -
complete cute! And the cure We
o temporary cure. It was perrnan-
nt. He was cured nearly four year..
o. Interviewed the other day, Mr.
arch said : "Tbe core which 'l.,m-
Buk worked has been atmolutele per-
manent. F't-om the day that i was
cured to the present moment 1 have
hid no tears of eczema and l feel .toe
it will never return."
fi you suffer from any skin tron!ae,
cut out this article, war itt' across it the
name of this paper and rued it, with
one cent stamp to pay return portage,
to Zion -Hub ('+t., Toronto. We will
forward von hy return a free trial box
of Znm-1#uk. All dinggists and atoms'
.ell this famous retnedy, 50c. box. or
three for 111.25. Refire hatlnful sub -
The announcement Of the untimely
death of F. L- Stahleker by being
struck at Pettis station by the engine
drawing Ibemecon.l vection 1.1 Pewees
Ni. 15. running from Toronto to
London, came as a great shock to this
fro ' y when the news reached
heti. early Wednesdey morning. The
story of the accident we. given to
The 3 goal by su eye -witness of the
[eagerly. A largeninnherof rraeellt'.
vete seated in the Pari+ 1te inn on
Tuesday evening about 8:311 Wel 'ek.
wailing for train comsctiiins to
different points, and when a.otmne
announced thet a train 1111. cording a
genes e l rush was made for the plat -
form from which the people expe-•s.-1
to baked the train. it proved so Is•
the sr•
eund arc( i011 of the " Flyer,"
which does nor step at Poria. On
account of his crippled condition,
Mr. Stahleker was linable to move
as gnickly ae nt h.rwi,.e he might have
when he wag een••ned of the danger.
End when the train air, ck him h •
west stend.ng lietween the rails. He
was carried on the engine for .h .111
fifteen feet and bis body was then
Lopped off nn to the platform neer
where the crowd was standing. From
the betttord nodi( ion of the brsdy when
essiaiu.d mhor;ly 'afterwards death
'vide -rile was in-tantan•nu,,. The
night .:i. tit a1 the cation on seeing
Htahleker In hie perilous condition
endeavored In tas..-tue bis. bot hi•
attempt rvweslt.d In hes enw►aini.•g
a awoken arm.
The bid was bmsight .o (i(edgske
qid »sue a [.
hOPS ens Thortday morning and arranges
stn he In O.derieh ebit ta Friday.y.Iw take are from
for rho funeral to
Ivy Iib. M the v. Y. o. A. saurus. I take tube. s, d.eesa Fritro lata fuer
dersne. *Ma wow Friday •
Death of Daniel McIver.
After a brief hut painful illness,
Daniel McIver, for fifteen years cap-
tain of the Government to "Sir
John," passed away at the family
residence, St. Patrick's street, on
Saturday, December 24rd. Mr. Mc-
Iver Wad not been well for two or
three weeks and about ten days before
his death he came home from Hamil-
ton, where be was stalk/Deed. in spite
of the best of care be mad away as
above stated, the catlsbrif death being
an inward growth. Moe .leceased was
sixty-six years of ego .n(1 was a re.
live of Cane Breton. Wh n be was
about ten years of age he rams to
Ooderich with his parent.., the late
Mr. and Mrs. Murdoed Melveeg. H.
followed the vocation of • sailor prac-
tically all his life Goderich contiouin
to be his home. Hisaurvising tinnily
consists of Miss Mary and Norman, M
own ; Mrs. Ella '')�or,mp.cn and Mrs.
W. E. Rates. both.Xf Cleveland, and
Mra. Will C'usingB,un, of Midland.
The daughter sit home, Mies Mary. hen
been ill for Lbs last four months and
t present is in a milted condition.
Neil McIver. of town, and Norman, of
Cockburn isla*, are brothers, tied
Mrs. Neil Meljay, of Colborne, and
Mrs. John Ysr['ea�y. of Theeeslon, are
sisters of the steed. A11 the fami-
ly were present for the funeral which
ink plans on Tuesday &Etelnoom,
)ens/shoo Seth. . to Maine'std eieos.lery.
Rev. (leo. K. Ross en.oueted the aew
ices at the bow and graveside cad
he pa Ilh..reee wen Cape Murdoch
MacDonald. Ospt. John MacDonald,
Cep.. Dan. MacKay. Copt. Wm Rods.
inion. Capt Ysleolm MorDneeald smd
John Mecism.. The enevowing
family have the ay=patby 01 the see
ore a communise in their tessble sad
Tec',DAY. Jan. 2nd.
BRIEho•.-.-i)une, Caninbell, who had
spent the summer near Gramm, Alta,
has ni i ivpd at hie b in this local-
ity. Dan. Came' on. of Detroit, a
who dun ing the season of navigation I
sails the (brat Likes in the capacity
of chief engineer is visiting at present
at the parental b Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Sandy arid baby arrived
bone last Thursday after spending i
Chrietma.wiehf.irrntlain ih-trTit It
Dune. of Ashfield and Dan. of Hem- i
lock City are now reading the Book of
L•mentatieni... . Neil McKenzie, •
131h conaesion, is 'omen hitt unwell i t
at ferment. Was it too mach turkey,
Neil? . Ilan C. McKenzie, of lie
trait, i• spending Christmas at the
p+lvn al home. Mies Mary Mc
Kertxi.. of Mattlt Rte. Marie, was visit-
ing last weep at the homes of John V
Y.K.axie, IJtb eonoeesio., and John be* sermerwt.
11eHee, •.f the aide road Mos
lobs (lasplerll, of Hamilton.:. •trot%►
Ittit al bus mother'., Yrs. F. MrI 41 .
s IJ' •.
Mra Wan I lolvin, a w ell-ksa wan peke
reetde.t of Wissha.n, and a . 4$,e �
Culross toeraehlp, died et filobmhte a I oat
her daughter in Winch,' rye Trees - ;eye ��
day. I4ee.abrr Nth *h. tree errant Vs.
Ars nail
• Rte IHMid MOM t1aMs If
ilir1wi4r11► total
V • w ti+l a1. j�r�'t
six years of ars
bis constitution weenied to be
ally undermined. and Justine tbl. 1..t
few months a gradual weakening woe
noticed in his condition. Hiked bees
about town the day previous to 1b1e
deatb, ro that the call came quits end -
daily ou Sunday morning sboua 10
o'clock. Mr. Elliott was a native 01
Goderich township, being a son of
Mr. and Mel). Win, !Elliott, of the 4th
ooece.slo..' He farmed io Goderi eh
township foe a thee, nut about four-
teen years ago took up his residence
in lioderleb. Besides bis wife mad
one daug�Cbter, he is survived byfrom.
sisters, Miss Jane Elliott. of t eh.
and 11rw, Kltllcker, of Denver, Color-
ado. The funeral took place nn Thum.
day afternoon, Deellmber nth. to
Maitland cemetery,Rev. J. 8.
Fotheuingbae. teetered' Et, Qeuswafe
church, conducted the services and
the pallbearer, were Martin Knight`.
Oeo, Yours binL, Ales. Young Jae-
WUsou, D. B. MacKay and 8. Shear
down. Among the Rural tributes well
a beautiful wreath from the Jacket's
(eatery, where She deceased bad beats
employed recently. and a Unsay
pillow. The bereaved bays the ayga-
pathy of the community is their los..
Masonic Installation,
An annual event of special interest t0
the Ma.osic fraternity of Ooderieb aua
vicinity is the joint initials Moat of of-
ficer. of Maitland L..dge, Goderich.
a'l, and of Morning.tar Lodge, Darlow.
No, 390. The oe/'saioe tt}js year was
marked byy the attendance 'tit the
rooms of MJUaod Lodge 41$ 1114*,
evening of a large number of the local'
Marione and of the Carlow brethren.
The newly appointed and elected of-
ficers of both lodges reeeived their
charges from P. fid. D. G. M. - George
Malcolm, of Stratford. His scanner
of conducting the inatsllatioo cere-
mony was bi bly appreciated, and en.
joyed by Mahan, gathering. lm ■d•
di' ion to members of the two lodges
ntentlo1ed the gathering included
visiting b etbtlen from Sauk t. Ste. Marie,
Owen Sound. Beapeler, Victoria Har-
bor. Detroit, Stratford, Cayuga. Tor-
onto. Brantford and Newcastle -on -
Tyne. At the conclusion of the lodge
work the company adjourned to the
banquet root, where an enjoyable
time was spent in partakleg of the
good things provided. Dr. Turnbull.
wade a capable toast master and the
let of toasts proposed Nought forth
eeponees in song from Myenrs. Par-
sons alxi Sturdy and vspe�ecches from
severelbtbets. •'Bte11dy ' Robertson also
was there and kept the a u)panj in
ontimtow Sts .,of .Mnyghtsr wtfb ilia
usual "grist" of joker. The folldwing
were the of ccs, installed :
Marrugo Yoru.rrruras
A. C. Dunlop p «
K c. Sob 114.1iLase .
K. I* 4.. Hu B.W. Dr,
Dr. A. (. Hunter J. W.
eget Hm
R.I. Meaaw Chaplain
R, G. Reyooids Treasurer John Mhos'
J. Sttalton Sooretary J. A. 8. i arras
l Taeontt
• J. Rutland Tar.. 14 ?. P
W. T. Millar J.D. oongWnt
O.0. MPaaeraY�faossr D.C.LGGEpp• &y rte
D. J. Hyslop 8 8, Vatirata
L b DoberTy J.S.
A. Roy Adana Organb.t J. R. Retlte,4ngtor
Rev, Father T. Ford, a Both well, le vfidting
his nixie, Jos, C. Orilla.
Mier Anna Bell, of Peaforth. is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. flushes Brock street,
Homan Observer Mrs. Ellis wad daughter,
Mas Mattis, are vl.klas fn 0oderim4.
Mr. .d Mn. PtM 8,lrb,00ko.poet Christmas,
at the former'a old home .t Hepe mutt.
Rollout McLaren, of fort Rama, spent the
New Tears
N bt$daye with ielsitven c town.
P. Hitatiltos, walled
der,holidaJ. C. rtes, ddirr aai t Clueless.
Mies Mabel Austin, who 4. reechoed et
Steveosvllle. vested her home at Metall dor
lug the bol)laya
Mr. and Mra A. T, Edwards and Master
Harry spent Ne ,Tear's Dar at Mr. Edwards'
okl borne at 1.saaN,
Mew. Roti sad �s ltehlln, of Toronto
*pent New Year's with 1helr g adpu•eat.S
Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Beeth strut,~
H. J M D. D. 0. M., rlefted the A. O. U.
W. ledges at (' Atten hresday eget W a at -
do. Mary. tonight en a similar erread-
Ya. Lizzie Lacey has returned to he: il=l
at Stteweri. attar..pecoin a the vacation wlt8
her pataeb, 1tr. and ]Mow John Lanni
Mr. and Mrs- Herry Heat h..e tete=.lei
from Ripley. bavlyl agent Cbreettsee ski
their relative., litre Poulton sed tautly.
Robert Reid. of Brentford. spent New Year's
with his parents Mr. .nd Mr* David Rete.
Elgin avenue. a lammed to Braetfcrd as
the Ind.
Mir McKenzie, of Br.n4os who le In attend -
asa al 8t- Ma�ryt'e with
be ate, Throat" ,
.peaatng u.s holidays wuh bet
m. iwae.
Mr. and Met. f'. A. Fairbairs hare returned
to Winnipeg after several werb resit with
Mrs. Folrbeiro'a parrot., Mr. .ed plea. Join
Graham, Haran reed.
Harry D. Sacl.o.o. of Red Derr. Alp., terms to
town • few days set week. ate wool to Lea.
don oto }tat urday bet will be b taws seals be.
tore returning te the Wan.
Rlplu Kepner. Argas McAsMy, of 0ese-
rtoh. endued at bill Mese ft the eh
the. week y. R4� and for tb.lr
chi• week
were le RRAmain Itlies
Holiday Visitors in Ttsule.
Mime. rloreees sad (Ohre Mesa st T
Rev..1 K .ed MM Cards of Meek
Harry Hillier. of Tomato
w. (', CwttM a 3tratasrd les lseer
Arthur whltety. el Tarawa
C. W. reel, of Bents
J. L. A. fiendl le/. et 1esat to
lssl(4'edea. et (lass . Bei ne fry, imp.
J. 1. (-semr. at litelmLOoasss,
Prat t ipnirsa. of f>r.tsa
Bream Ilsswatt,l Mlb,rvd�wi.
Oahe= beilresa. 4 T
Brent or
cwt t.rr
faa a tcrr eHaft, taingele
- o