HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-21, Page 6• THURSDAY. DFa'sIitYR 21, 1911
District News.
THcrtaDA V, Dec. 21st.
C ONNELL-TATi,oa. - The wedding
of Miss Pearl Taylor, second daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of this
place, to John Connell, of Gait, took
place quietly on Wednesday morning.
Rev. W. Conway performed the cere-
mony at tl o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents. Only a few relatives
and intimate friends were present.
The bride was becomingly attired iu
grey silk and her travelling suit was
of navy blue with bat to match. Be-
fore going to their new home at Galt
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell are having a
honeymoon trip to Detroit and Tor-
onto. The hest wishes of the bride's
many friends hero accompany them.
THUMSDAY, Dec. 21st.
THE NOMINATION/. -The municipal
nomination meeting takes place at
Hobuesville on Friday. There is some
prospect of an interesting contest..
Reeve Sturdy, it is understood, will
seek re etre, ion, and Jas. Cox and J.
W. Yeo also have their eyes on the
reeve's chair. Some new blood is ex-
pected to appear in the election ot
councillors -but we shall know more
about it after nomination day.
number from this township were at
the winter fair at Guelph ilat week
and report an interesting and profit-
able time. Isaac Salkeld. Robt.
Andrews, Chas. Whitely, H. Lam-
prey,Graham Salkeld and Thos.
Salkld were among lb :Ise who at-
you a merry Christmas and a happy New
. W. T, RIDDELL. Auburn.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 20th.
Miss Armstrong, of Brussels, was
visiting Mends here for a few days
last week.
.-eary services will he held in the
Auburn Baptist church next Sunday
The pastor. Rev. Mr. Wylie, of Clio.
ton, will preach at 3 p. in. and 7 p. m.
and a quartette from Clinton will ting
at each service. On Monday evening.
Christmas n[ght, a supper and enter-
tainment will be held in the church.
Adtirwsee will he Mesa by Rev.
Messrs. Kann and Millar. ef Anhnrn.
Small, of Blyth, and Pollock, of Goide-
rich. The program will also include
music by the choir of the Blyth Pres-
byterian church and readings by Miss
G. Levy, of Colborne. Admission 2.5c.
W. T. Riddell shipped a carload of
potatoes on Tuesday.
John Jackson. of Stratford Normal,
i. home for the Chi istmas vacation.
The young ladies of the village to
the number of about twenty-five held
a "miscellaneous shower" on Tuesday
evening atthe home of Mrs. Beadle in
honor of the approaching marriage of
her niece, Miss Elva Stoneham. The
bride -elect received many dainty and
useful presents.
A mission -study class has born
, formed among the members of the Ep-
worth League for the study of the
hook "Sunrise in the 'Sunrise King-
TUESDAY, Dec. 19th.
M.tmrLAND Cowl881om NOTES. -
Miss L. Clark was the guest of Miss
Jessie Oke on Sunday George
Bean is spending a few weeks with his
brother-in-law, Wni. Stevens
Wedding hells will soon be ringing c.n
the "Westland .....Mn.sBelcher, of
Ooderich. is visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Forden, this week Mr. and
Mrs. 1). Ashton are guestmet the h Mme
of Joshua%Allin thi+ week..The
Maitland concession members of
Bethel church a ent •a social evening
at the home of Stephen Butt on Mon-
day of this week 'tl User is
building an addition to his house on
'the Wise property. He had the stone
fremdetion erected last week, aoh
which,. owing to the favorable
weather, was acoryuplished without
difficulty Daniel Mchwans has
purchased another term, commonly
known as the Allin property. The
purchase price wee in ,the neighbor-
eighborhood of $5,009. With this new addi-
tion Than will now have a fine farm of
nearly three hundred actes W.
B. Forster had a furnace installed in
his new house last week.
TOWNSHIP COUNCIt..- The statutory
meeting of Colborne council was held
on December 15th. MI the members
present : Reeve Kernigban in the
chair. The principal business of the
council was passing the large number
of a,rounte, which will appear in the
yearly statement on Friday, nomina- 1
tion day. On motion of Councillor
Young, seconded by Councillor Mc-
Larty, the nomination will be held on
Friday, the 2'1n+1, in the township hall
at 1 o'clock p. In.. and the election, if
necessary, will he held on Monday. the
lit day or January, 1012, at the usual
polling places. The clerk was in-
structed to notify the secretary of the
Ontario West Shore Railway that
they are trespassing on the public
highway in this township of Colborne.
P. W. MCDolvaon, Clerk.
WEUNIraDAT, Dec. 'Jflth.
MeetviPAL RLCCrIONs. -The nom-
ination meeting on Friday afternoon
will no doubt be as Interesting as sim-
ilar event.. in the peat.. It is reported
that several new men are thinking of
coming out for municipal honors.
Some whose names we have heard
mentioned are Samuel Bisset, John J.
Robertson, Isaac Hetherington. Hugh
Hill, John Parrish and Chas. Robert-
son. All the present mnoeilors, It is
understood. will he in the field for re-
election. For the reeveship J. N.
Kernighan, the present Reeve, may
be opposed by the old warhorse,
Richard Jewell, and John Dustow is
mentioned as another possible candi-
NoTes. -A large quantity of hay is
being shipped from McOaw station.
McGee of Stratford is the shipper and
be is paying $11 a ton Last Fri-
day was the last day f.or paying taxes
and Collector Ferguson took in a large
amount that day at the township hall.
LL -Col. Varooe cettended the
winter fair at duelph last week
Mrs. Olds. of the fit concession, is in
very poor health, we regret to state
..The trustees of S. S. No. N have
engaged Miss Lams Walter as teacher
for the coming term. T. H. Elliott, of
doderich, has been in charge of the
school since last midsummer ....Mr. g
and Mrs. P. Courtney, of Amberlev,
announce the engagement of their t
daughter, Elizabeth, to William T.
Sallow., of this township. The wed- 1
ding is to take place quietly next
week. -
<tene's Metherliness Net Concentrat-
ed en Her Own Children.
While Italy's Queen -tae tall, girl-
ish -appearing Elena -shines iq smite
t is noted for her charitywork and
takes not a little interest in all kinds
of healthful sport, it is as a mother
that she holds first rank in the heart
of her loyal and loving subjects. Sh
declares emphatically that her ha pi
est hours are those spent among he
ohlldren. es soon as her drat simple
meal of rolls and noses is finished
the morning she goes to their nurser
lea. When they were much younger
it was her great del ht to give than
their minimal bath.,but now she
merelypresides over their
t breakfast
tand Pesrad romps with The uctif
7 go out.
drsn's rooms are furntahed with the
utmost simplicity, designed to gi
maximum of light and air and a mini-
mum of duatooataining draperies and
carpets. In the playroom iganpansive
toys may be seen, dolls soldiers, qe
gine* and the ordinary playthings den?
to every child.
Queen Elena has earned the title of
the "Babies' Queen" in Itly through
her love of all children. Sines bar
marriage she h•* established many
children's hospitals and creches and
Rome that hardly • p sy he does not visit onasses when she e o
the Institutions. She has also ca
• revival of the leoe-making Industry
byestablishing schools where Italian
ris are taught.
No royal mother spends so much
ime with her children during the day
se she does sad she studies them De-
ere anything else. For their Saks,
pplain but substantial meal is pro-
vided in the middle of the day, so
that they may shame it with their par-
DUNGANNON. eats ild
the . u h jeot of much care with her
„ chef . 'ry morning alter breakfast.
Prim, -ems Yolanda, the eldest dattgh-
, ter, is tie beautyof the family. She
is exactly like er mother now and
gives promise of growing up into an
equally beautiful woman. She has the
same thick,"dark soft hair, a lovely
complexion and expressive eyes. Like
here mother, too, she dislikes formali-
ties. To be "dressed up" is pain and
grief to her; but to have on a plain
overall and to be able to rush about
the garden with some of her favorite
animal+ is pure
s the ohofoe of the menu is
ll Lucknow, he• eeaed vidpne must
pilots and will henceforth wive hi. entire
attention to the home oe7ce. Lneknow. waste
be will be found every day. All modern meth -
In Dungannon for The Surma feat the Port •
anon sums and Stationery Store. where
orders will 1.0 rewired for antemelotione. sod
vert aing and lob work. and receipt. will he
elven for amounts oald for the same.
THURRDsv, Dec. 21st.
Jack Roberts, of the Sterling Bank,
Fort Erie, iv home for Christmas.
Mrs. N. Whyard is spending the
Christmas season with her relatives at
Miss Ida Whyerd spent several clays
in des e,lsh visiting her sister, Mrs.
H. Turner.
Mrs. Bolding, of Mount Forest, is
visiting at her father's, Wm. Thomp-
son's, in the village.
Mowers. Powell. of Blvth, and Pick.
ett. of Montreal, were here Last week
winding up the hnsiness of the River
Valley creamery for the season.
Miss Pauline Berger. who has been
in charge of Chas. Elliott's millinery
department. during the past sea'eon,
left today fpr her home et Milveric+n.
Jos. A, Mallnngh atterded the winter
fair at duelnh last week and is enthu-
siastic in his description of the event.
as a great educator along >sgricul-
tural line,.
Goon FOR (OtuieAN! - The tes ent poli -
Heal contest in Month Bruce wait of
espe^lel interest to the people of this
section, as George Anderson. the vie.
tot ions Llheral candidate, was
brought up in this vicinity. flee is a
brother of Fwd. Anderson, who lives on
the Anderson homestead north of the
NEW PRINCIPAL. -pled Ward, who
has heen the prireiped of Dtmgannon
public school during the term now
closing leaves this week for his home
near Mitchell. Re has resigned his
position here. and Fred Rose, of Am-
herlev. is engaged to succeed hint.
taking char s;e aftl+r New Year's. Mr.
Ward made many friends during his
short stay here and we are sorry to
lose hire,
eiptl affairs are rather quiet this year.
it is exttected that. Reeve another.. of
Ashfield, and Reeve Bailie, of West
Wawannah, with their respective
cctineila, will he returned he acclama-
tion, Reeve !Bothers is in line for the
wardensbip of the county for 1912.
and if ire gets it the county council
will have a very capable and affable ,
presiding omeer.
great event of the season in the Rifle '
Association -the competition for the
Dominion of Canada salver -was com-
pleted yesterday, and Harry Bellamy
takes the silverware. The finish was
an exciting one, Bellamy. Ralph
Disler (who has made a wonderful
record for so young a marksman) and
Wm. Watson all hitting it up at a
great rate. At the 21X1 -yard range
some f.ne work was done by the three
enders. Out of a possible loci they
made snares as follows :
H. Bellamy 32 32 32 - 96
Ralph Disher 20 91 g4 - p;
Win. Wale to 31 32 32 - - Ilei
The total sr -tree in the competition
for tbc• leading contestants were:
Harry Bellamy .. 1F2
Ralph Disher 377
Wm. Watson ... :175
J. McGee, .. 961
J. Johnson - 389
Dr, Bine
... 167
T. G. Allen 349
C. Elliott :Bp
B. Simpson 344
Did You Ever Think of This?
Did you evei, hearApRt cit id -dan-
gerous to open your motriing mail at
the breakfast table? According to a
Berlin scientist. Prof. Kron, it is
dangerous -very. Prof. Kron has
succeeded in tracing several cases of
contagion to the old custom of wait-
ing until you sit down at the break-
fast table before opening and going
through your morning mail. He call-
attention to the fact that the average
man and"wonman goes down to break-
fast with hands and face scrupulously
clean. teeth scrubbed and throat gar.
gled. in that condition he is pre-
pared to eat n'fthout danger of swal-
lowing more disease. germs than may
have possibly escaped the watchful
attentions of the cook. But instead
of doing that he handles letters and
papers which have passed through
many hands before reaching his own.
Between bites he opens envelopes
and wrappers and in doing so un-
thinkingly. paves the way for the
absorption of all kinds of germs
which may or may not do him a great
deal of harm.
1 Remarkable Bamboo Bridge.
In Java the government engineers
have recently constructed a road
bridge more than 100 feet long, with
a central span of ovirr 60 feet, entirely
of bamboo. The roadbed is composed
of bamboo matting, which will be
covered with a layer of dry earth. In
profile the bridge resembles a steel
structure, but all the members are
bamboo rods. It is estimated that
such a bridge should be good for 10
or 16 years. There are two kinds of
bamboo used in building and cabinet,
making in the east, one having solid
and the other hollers= plld.
men In Japaneseattltd
smaller than the bellow, burt roth be-
long to the same species. In the con-
struction of bamboo houses no nails
are used. The parts are bound to-
gether with lashings formed from the
bark of the bamboo itself.
How Dame Bouchard Pound • Cure
for Her Heart Disease in Dedd's
Kidney Pills.
.Iotsluietes. t'hicionlimi CO., flue.,
Iv..ceseh r 1St h-aSpec ial).-Because her
little girl had found a cure for her kid-
ney diaeresis in Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dame
Jos. Honeherl of this village contented
they might help the backache and
heart trouble from which she has suf-
fered for an long. The i e•ult is
given in her own words :
"Yes," Dame Bouchard says, "I an
happy to tell you Dodd's Kidney Pills
hove made me well. They completely
awed asr little girl of kidney disease,
se1ma&upmymind totry them for
soy beekarhe and heart troutde. I
have teres twelve holes, sod feel sure
they ire completely cured ons."
heart trouble and backache ate
Aimed from diseased kidneyy..a Dodd'a+
Kidney Pill, always can die•ared kid-
eeys III
Int is Ontrag'a law fresh fruit and
tbye a gum ala the Mame set
See Lawrence About It.
The Grand Trunk Railway is offer-
ing low rates for Christmas and New
Year travellers. Tickets at single fare
for the round trip will be sold Decem-
ber Zi to :Z. good to return up to
December 211: and elect ik'cember :Into
January I. good to return up to
January 2. Tickets at fare and one-
third will he good going D,.cemher 21
to Januar! 1 : return limit January 3.
Call at the down -town °Rive for your
ticket and s is. delay at the station.
F. F. LaweRNCR,
Town Agent. G.T.R.
A Correction.
A mote to rhe Signal h out St. Helen.
says :
In The S,gn.l of two week. are in
the Hnlvrc, .1 neva it wild that Mew
Wet. !twits -r was ill Mrs Win.
Switeer is Is the West and is quite
wet, ahill basal been In Hnlyrnod
ter two Teem Please nttrreet is next
In the Land of Contraries.
Old women, not young, are the idols
of Chinese society.
Elderly men fly kites and play ball.
while the children look quietly on.
The very highest ambition of a
Chinaman is to have a handsome
ooflin and a costly funeral. Men wear
long skirts and carry fans. Women
wear short jackets and otrey canes.
ac -
=stance When a Chinaman meet,• an ac-
ahakea Wes own hands
w • frla d • Chinaman
ribs 'boulders with him.
If a Chinaman desires • visitor to
dine with him he does not ask hies
to do se, but if he should not ward
him he says: "Won't yogi sty and
diner The visitor then knows that
he is not wanted.
Rapes o4 Human Halt.
In north Japan is asessrmotss tam
pie. the timbers of which woe
from the mwntaine and pot
with ropes made from tb•
women of the pa!/flnN,
tresses. which were
an edict, two ropes vers!
Inches in eirorratermee i Seel
to length. while ibm Asir was14
taches in clroaalerence rill B,
Deb Diary.
Mrs. Dart---14ts h�sla e iei
begging me to a >�a1 1!�
the world, bet I ain't.
Mrs 11pdat - Wby aotr
Kra •1wayj get ditty when
I travelto a aisle.
Psdtels Other Leg.
Luria Girl --Year papa has only gas
ens leg. hasn't het
Venwee's Utile Girl -Yes
Little Girl -Where Y iso ether one/
veeerea'• liitlt• Qfeb-gaol► dime.
e o
.Yam ayfam,,M.. .er.
dif �rs�r�ww. zone�•er�wsears�
taw. fwmWwea 3 •
itl la amid is j'i '�iuw
ALL Davaaor 3
Cresesse Anti -
Threat Tibiae'
bat Me Unwed threea
MONDAY. Dec. Ilth.
Our community received • shock on
Sunday, December 3rd, on learning
I that death bad claimed Elise
' Jane Treleaven, relict of the late
Joseph Kilpatrick. The deceased lady
was in her sixty-fourth year and of late
months had had very indifferent
health, but death came suddenly and
unexpectedly, and it is with sorrow
that we chronicle the decease of one
who was a genuinely womanly char-
acte+•, an excellent mother and home-
maker and a large -heated neighbor.
By bet- demise Blake's Methodist
church loses • trusted member who
during a long connection therewith
always proved hermit' faithful and
earnest. Her husband predeceased her
nearly seventeen years, but a family
of eight mourn the loss of a devoted
mother. Sem. J. Kilpatrick, with whom
the deceased had lived in the old home
on the 8th conepsion of Ashfield, is
the only one of the family left at home.
but the scattered members were all
able to be present for the funeral. It
was a sorrowful home -coming for all,
and accentuated by the fact that the
family bad been planning and prepar-
ing for a reunion of its members dur-
ing the coming Christmas season.
Thechildren living atedistaoceare Rev.
Richard T. and Miss Agnes. of Brown
City, Mich ; Mrs. E. Hanson (Anna)
of East Tawas, Mich. ; Rev. I. W., of
Northwood, Ont., and John, Will, and
Worthy, of Henley-, Seek. Besides
the family, eight brother's -Sam. and
RobL Treleaven, of Ashtteld ; Rev.
Rich. J., of Toronto: Wm. J., Bert and
Welter Treleaven, of the West; Alex.
of Ripley, and T. L, of Lucknow-
mourn the loss of a loved sister. The
funeral took piece froin the old family
residence en Friday, December 8th,
and was one of the largest ou record,
denoting the high esteem in which
deceased was held by her many friends
and acquaintances. Thesis sons were
pall -bearers and burial services were
conducted by Rey. S. Jefferson, pastor
of $hake's church. The genuine sym-
pathy of this community and of an ex-
tended circle of relatives and friends
goes out to the bereaved ones, who
have the assurasce that "blessed are
they who die in the Lord."
is a Warning That the Kidneys Are Sick
A had back turns every twenty-foul-
wenty-fourhours in cite dull round of pain and
misery --you are lame in the morning.
nagged all day by a dull, throbbing
backache. can't test in the evening or
sleep well at
• night. It hurts
to bend over,
straiphten ,+p,
get up from a
chair. or lift
even a light
weight. Any
sudden twist,
turn or awk-
ward move -
went sends a
teasing twinge
of pain through the weak spot.
Booth's Kidney Pills reach the weak
r spot, the kidneys apd quickly restore
ikidney health and comfort. They are
guaranteed. All dealers and drimgiriere,
&k., or postpaid from The R. T. Booth
;Co., Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont. Send for free
1 box which will be gladly Gent on appli-
cation. Meld and guaranteed in (bide-
, tieh by E. R. Wigle.
See tat The Weekly Sun. the one
paper that fights the farmer's battles,
is among those you subscribe for. It
gives its readers the unvarnished
facts, not the biased opinions of poli -
Oral leaders expressed for party pur-
poses. it can help you in your busi-
Come to the store where
you can select your Christ-
ina' Gifts in a short time.
See our tables of :>r. liar. lac.
20c,25cin toys, gam- do IIs of
all kind.. chins, post raid
albums, drums. violins.
mouth organ,, child's tea
sets in china and white
granite, beads end neck-
laceo of all kind..
In Dry Goods
Handkerchief.. belle. collars
jabots. knitted kimono.
Moto' veils and scarfs and
other article- t" humerou.
to Went Vett.
‘ppeentfces wanted lot
New MI6 Patter os in
stock. lee ejsC�.
Uoroer Beet f street ..,i,mars+
fur customers
anb friends Evermbere
Me sena %aeon's Greetings
,71qd take great pleasure In heartily wishing
then) a jWKerry Christmas aqd a very Prosper-
ous antlt i(appy flew year.
J. F. CoEbore
Anything wanted for the
Ohmistnlas dinner can be
procured - here without
delay. Everything fresh
and of first-class quality.
New Fruits, Nuts, Etc.
,71 Xerry ehristmas
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers ('the Square
Keep Your Q4rnst runs Buying at Your land at
Men's Overcoats
,M.17's SuIts,—A fine selection of men's Winter
Suits. Reduced price at $5.49
Baby's Sweaters.—Baby's Sweaters, all shades
and sizes ; regular $1.coo to $1.25, for 69c
Caps.—Men's Winter Caps with a fur lining at 29c
500 lbs. Sweet Butter.
We will pay the highest price.
ROBINS South Side Square
Ines at lowest. prices
m-1'10 you_know of any otherarticleas suitable foi a Christmas Gift
as a nice piece of Furniture chosen from our carefully selected
stock? Consider the following list and you will find exactly
what you are looking for.
Rockers Book Cases China Cabinets
Arm Chairs Writing Desks Parlor Cabinets
Fancy Chairs Sectional Bookcases Music Cabinets
Parlor Tables Buffets Dressers
Library Tables Sideboards
Extension Tables Combinations
Dressing Tables
Which for tone, quality, durability and appearance stands supreme in the
Piano world today. If you are considering the purchase of a musical instrouse t
it will be to your own interest to call on us.
Muir & Hohmeler