HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-21, Page 1Clubbing Rates As moue), The Niguel bas clubbing acreage - manta with all the ked ing pertat/eals and can give its subscribers re- duend retire on their reading matter for the coming year. Please Renew Early XTY•THIRD YIAR-Na - GODERICH, THURSDAY. DECEMBER ..1. 1 1411 Summima tilP CANADA A SIS MONTHS' COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Compiled trout Government report shoe lug int pease* in Deposits and Assets -a tribute to careful and conservative management. DEPOSITS. )deginniog of Bank's Year. May . ..54,491,638 63 June .. 4,606,481 .12 July ... 4,634,306 26 August .-f.. 4.722,668.22 f' ieptembrt........ 4,792,310 28 October. e......... 6,096,297.63 ASSETS. Beginning of Bank's Year. May .... ...... 18,782,232.29 June .. ... . 6,861 ,1 00.40 July 7,022,990.33 August ...... 7, 1 72,988.60 September 7,270,643.14 October. .... 7, 707.370. 1 2 OCOERICH MARKETS. Tisu eoaT, Dec. rbt Fall wrest, per ew tp fa to p o 8.5 tlpr4� wheat per bash. r gt m SO Nys per bush t W to final ebea,. per beta ... 0 51 to Oato Pee e 35 to Peas. per ho -b 0 its to Barley. per busk t 70 to llotwattigehritr toa• 0D to n eer, but n ew. patent. � eewt t t Si w Ilan per taa 25 00 to mune par Me S 00 to Hay. per tee, sew 12 )e to Straw. ..• 600 to Wood. oar lee4. 5 eD to Butter, par lb LI to Cheese, per b - ,.o 0 IS toEms, freak. pe[ deb s 3) to A pokes. per bbl 250 to Pot taoes, par boshsl.... 0 05 to Cetus. aeStsy to gees, per Cwt4 to to Cattle, exports per met 5 Sn to .. .. 6 0 o S per to Tallow. per lb t 4 wat to to Molinari 7 Cl 25to 0 35 0.4) 1 45 u 11 Ib M 275 6m ss 6s If 00 1300 800 5 M • w NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUsrlee.. JUDICIAL NOTICE TO Tri E CREDITORS OF THE DOTY ENGINE WORK COMPANY. LIMITED. IM THE MATTER OY THx DoTY ENGINE Woeuts I OMPANY. LIMITED. AND IN TRE MATTER or THE WINDING UP A/T. !WINO CaareiR IN Or THE RsY/aaD BY%TUTR= Or CANADA. nt(rt AND AMENDNM(: ACTA Pursuant to the winding up order made by the Hyth Court of Justice In the matter of The Doty Engine Work, Company. flatted. gad dated the ho day et Decsolber. A. H. 1911 the n M creditors of the save -mimed Company and all 3 31 others baying claims against the said Can- n 6s paey. having G bead oISce in the town of 3 on Oodericb, in the county of Huron. aro to reed 5 75 by post prepaid. to Prondfoot. Hays A Kil- o 00 lora. solicitor,. for the liquidator of the said 4 51) Company, at their adieu. Vudericb. Ontario. (r their t'hri.tian nod surnames. addressee and 7 55 deacnpiions. full particulars of their claims. 2p and the nature and the masa of the securi- ties. if any. held by them. and the specified values of such securities; or in default thereof they wil be oeremsoee(ly excluded from the beoedt of the said winding up order. The uni.ndgnied will. on the Yard day of December. (til. at eleven o'clock to the fore - soon, at hr chamber. In the town of Ooderith. bear the report of the liquidator upon the said staters. sae Ns al pari he attend. Dated at Goderich. this 13th day of Decem- ber, 1. D. 1101. OD & iriiai "IL Lr st ooderich LIVERY, CAB and 'BUS OFFICE Open day and night. 'Buses meet all trains. Particular attention given to calls from Titivate residences. Telephone No. 50. THE RED BARN south Street Goderich, Ont. Fiaw•=.1 Ealy TO DISCUSS` LOCAL OPTION Rev. Canon Greene OF TORONTO i r---- ---- Ex - Mayor Mason I OF BOWMANViLLE will address tl e last meeting of the campaign in Victoria Opera House on THURSDAY EVENING. 1 NATURAL MINERAL WATERS Why boll year drinking Water S you can have apure Minerall) delivered at your oor In one, two and ree.gallon Jago I We also carry a full 1 line d Mama Water In splits and Pints. Ye Old-taahlotied Ginger Beer In Pinto and quaffs, imported dry Ginger Ale in splits and pints. 9eltar Water. Club Soda, Cola Cola. etc. All goods made from pure mineral water. JODERiCA MiNERAL WATER CO. Pone 991 {`w DECEMBER 28TH EVERYBODY WELCOME s a ORDINARY COMMON SENSE SAYS ABOLISH THE BOOZE Any practice, no matter how harmful, that has become established is more or less difficult to dislodge. A multitude of arguments are used to bolster it up. Arguments galore were used against the abolition of slavery. But a sense of humanity overrode those arguments and. wiped slavery out.. And humanity and common sense are sweeping away the liquor business. A business that does so much injury has no right to exist. Any oommunity that uses the ordinary common sense of the average man, and that has the chance to get rid of the booze business, will not hesitate to do so. The wages of many of its workers will no longer be squandered, but spent on the necessaries and comforts of life. Moll will not be degraded and ruined, and homes will be protected from the poverty and misery caused by driak. Goderich is bound to grow with the development of the Went and of New Ontario. The harm done by boose will incrsaes in greater proportion than the pepslstics. Now is the time to clean it out. All that is seeded is that the people should make up their minds to use the present opportunity and secure loon) option. Doses of other towns are glad they have abolished the liquor as." _.. _. ... _.. a. ,.w PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. All accounts due tar undersigned most be paid on or before January 1st. 191i. or they will be handed In for collection. 60.41 J. Jr. ORR. NOTICE. AU accountt due the i4ute of the late Wm Les mud be paid on or before aaturda •. De amber 25th or they will be handed In for eirBooddon. i lease pay now and rase coos. MATILDA 1 . LICE. 18-14 Executrix. BYLAW NO. 16 OF 1911, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OODERICH. A BYLAW TO PROHI Rrr THE BALE R r RETAJ I Or SPIRrit!OUR, FERMENTED OR OTHER MAN- S FACTURED LIQUORS IN TRE M Uri ICIPAI.ITt Or THE Tawe or OoDEHICM. THE MUNICIPAL COCiatlit Or THE CORPORA- TION Or THE SOWN Or (IODltal(•H 1IERENT ENACTS AS rO1.LoWN:- 1.-The vale by retail of spirituous. fermented or other manufanrcled liquor- to every tav0-n. Inn or oe her hoose or place of public entertain• meet within the municipality of the town of Goderich 4 and shall be prohibited. and the sale thereof. except by wholesale, in every shop or place witoiu the said municipality other than • house of publi- eotertaluntent is and shall be likewise prohibited. 2. -TAM bylaw shall come into force and take effect, w trona the ntst day of May next after the final passing thereof. 2. -The vole of the electors of the said town o4Ooderiet shsII be taken on tMe bylaw by the deputy tuning ofHoen hereinafter named on Monday, the first day et Jaren 112, coo amine at the hnur of nine o'elee a the fore- seea gad continuing until five uclock in the afternoon of the tame day at the undermese Mtplaces : ., sub -division Na 1, at Tbompron's wood shopby John H. Edward. deputy re tnroing omoer. Pullingsubdivisioo No. 2, at Win. Sharma,', repair shop. Kant or et, by (liana, Bates. depu: y rationing ode er. PeII nfsubdivi,ioa Na; at the Town Hall. l1•4watd C. Belcher. deputy nituruing Polling rub -division No. 4. at Stothers' woad shop. by Huron A. Tslord, deputy returning nicer. Polling sub -dirt -ion No. 5. at Mn., Walton's More, wise street. by (leo. C. Black. deputy returning ofdeer. 6. Polling _ Wiet steet, byH. No. deputy return - in` raker. Pbrie.., 6 ~Ddleoald'uMcKn a 7, deputy twit °Moor. y y. nemesia 4. --On Saturday. the :fib day of December. 1281. at the council chambers in the said town or Ooderieb, at the hour of tee o'clock to the arenas. the Moyer of tie .aid corporal len shall appoint in writing. sensed by htmself, sw. =rotes ee .stand et the anal ss eaag up of the rotes by the Clerk. •tet one Pena to attend at each polling plate on behalf of the anon. tot aced to snit desirous or promot- Ing this bylaw and a lite number on behalf of the persons int.•rested in and desiron- of oppm- lag the pawing of this bylaw. S-Tbe Clerk of the said municipal council of the town of Uoderich shall attend at hi+ *Moe in the:Town Hall at ten uclock in the forenoon on the wooed day of January. 111t to sum up the number of Twee for and against the bylaw Dated at the council chambers at the town of Goderich the 17th day of November, A. D. 1911. M. 0. CAMERON, L. L KNOX. Mayor. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been taken Into consideration, and which will be neatly passed by the council of the municipal- ity it,, the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto as provided by the Liquor License Act and amlindmeet- theretoo atter one month from the first publication hereof to The Signal newspaper. the date of which trot oublicatttn wee the seventh day of December. 1911. and that the votes of the Weston. of the mid municipality will be taken thereon on the day and the hours and at the places therein axed. L. L. KNOX. I t▪ -° I 8131 ROBT. ELLIOTT. CARD Or TEAM 17 CARD - OF TRAN1Rif4.-WE WltiH to take tab opportunity of expressing our sincere appreet•Uun of the sindaee+ and assts - tones shown ae wben our home recently was destroyed iy Ore end also iof thanking the em ptoyee• of the Wheel flit. factory fur their du na Lion of . puree of mime MK. AM D 1!6118. LOUIS Mc ttI ANN EL1iterr. WANTED. `VAN rED. - TW'ENT'Y -FIVE 1' COMM OFCORDW'H'D. Ter duce will be termived by the undersigned i I up to the last day of December. 1911. fur twenty-five cards et owdwo d, foot feet bog. The wood mast b. geed croon body wood. split and piled n the bgaaw.l yard before the dud day of March next. The lowest or any tender not neceseardy accepted: W'. LANK. <'le. k. Dated. Deceglber Ash. 19i I 82-2t SITUATIONS b ACANT. WA.\'IED-MAW t•tlli GENERAL homework. Merit furorda reference... App y to Mho. UKU. i Riad. The Manse, Colborne street._.'_- eft, SS1STANT MATRON WANTED LI. AT THEHOU5E••IRKFCOE IN THE COUNTY or HURON. Applications can be made at ones, either ner- sooaliy or by lett. r. to Jean Torrance. itwpef or; Clinton P. O. The appointment will be permanent. sad • good salary w111 be paid to a capable woos.. W. LANE. lerk (bated his.. 18.h. 11114L H -IS tIIODERICH TRIEtiRAPHY ✓ SCHOOL v 1 will [earl) telegraphy day and night in the basement of the public Mosey. Persons wish- ing to leafs will pietaae nail w me or the Itbtarraa. A. S MAMMON. South street. BOY WANTED. -Must' BE 1! MEar lutetltgeot sod index iew. Apply at TtleitiO sae ure0S. WANTED , - WLML. TO LEARN ty[rE. ewer s.ettiag. eet THE SIGNAL OFFIC_ `TEACHER WANTED. -EXPERI- ENCED teacher for a S. No. 1, t:olborme township ; duties to commence 'at the first of January. 1912.Eta e. Apply to F. W. McDOSAOS. • Carlow P.O.9i2t WANTED AT ONCE. -A MAN with aim experience in horticulture in lehdle our trade in Gedmic'h. Spleodld open- ing sad permanent poetise for the right pan y. Write ter fall p•rtheaylm and Mate aspen - mom. mem. T T of 4 WELLINGTON, umunwy- TEACHER WANTED FOR 9. S. Na 4, Colima. Duties to °cameos January 2, leftreie ta•sber�ppnre ferr.d- r- flts.is ser. • Meader. �a tl0.d v1.2lA ELECTION CARDS. TO THE ELECTORS OF GODE- RICH. LADIES AND OEN1'LK REN. -1 have decided to stand at the .coke els bona. for the olden of Reeve for the year 191r, and I take this means of soliciting your influence and .opport in my behalf. I have bat five years' experience In the want it. two of them as Deputy Reeve, and I trust that my record has been such is. to warrant your continued ounadenoe In me. Yours faithfully. H. C. Mi. NNIN08. 17I10 RICH.THE BLEOTORS OF OODE- - LADIES AND OcNTERSIID,-I have nerved during the yea- 1911 In your town council and pprolaorr to that for several years, have Mees at the uty Reeve. and as such A drt 'r. mot at the 0nf the time ea tyyc ouncil I have derided to offer myself for the positior of Reeve fur 1912. and now solicit your Tote and influent e. I think I can claim fairly that I have been faithful and diligent to my efforts en your behalf and I appeal with ooeftdeuoe ter a re- newal of your support My Interests and excissas are such qualify me for this important position and Ioet promise you toy best Oriole for our common otters enlisIn the town's Interest& pc as to TOWN OF OODERi('H, BYLAW NO. 19 OF 1911. To TARE THE VOTE Or THE RATEPATERR Or TME TOWN Or tioDRRICH ENTITLED TO Tut ON MONEY RTT.AWS, ON A QUESTION TO RR SUBMITTED winterize THE RAID RATTPAYERS ARE IN FAVOR Or A SUPPLY Or ELECTRIC POWER FROM THE HYDRO- ELECTRIC POWER COM a !WON Or ONTARIO. Whereas the monirip.l council of the cor potation of the town of (ioderlch deems it advisable to submit to the ratepayer, of the said town of OOdertch entitled to vote on money bylaw+ a question as to whether the said rwtepsyer, are In favor of a supply of power n ofOntario. from the HTdro-Eleotrlc Power Commla Therefore the council of the corporation of for town of Ooderich enacts as follows: I. - - That the following question be submitted to the ratepayers of the municipal norporstlen of the town et Goderich emitted to vote on may bylaws . ANE TOo IN ►ATOM or oeTAINtso FROM TUE Hemet ► 'write. POWER Cow wbeelow OF ONTARIO A SUPPLY or CLIKTRH' POWERt L -That the vote of W said ratepayer. shall be taken es this geeetioe at the same hour., ng the same day, at We mme pladee and by the same &anew neternlag s Meer. sa far the e lation ler theo.anlclual council for 1912. pin limbed to Mae fell= worrp+pnevylaw bon tl he days Ood.r•ldg�, ea he that 14t.h land 91st d .f Do.amber. MIL sad a copy of this bylaw e lan be portal at at tear et the mopublic 4. -On the 20th day of INN'emher, 1911. at the eeeetdleiember co East street In the town of at In a clerk In the forenoon. the Mayer ern le writing aimed by him .pontnt Iwo paee.e to anted at the anal summing up d vas= by the (lark .t this corporation 4m. to .heed wet, pe9ing place on ththe ewes et the s d question asci d o e els thee. mid a l of tae suedbehal In ra.ldrrattva, W •Mks member en behalf of Isepleasee la0ereeted lead dedneue et the twewowl�lvte0ept the said euSMa the ae ieueadve ▪ ♦='ffe lessee day of Ja.eat7, tett at the 0a�1�Me/aesd sshb*.bs at la n dash s. .. r Ell a tea fw tib woof.[ uP hr ria �t,�yp������ of the senate eg sow towssl lb. a:>emative and is the sew �M:ga aasaai :.d w..t.e Sir let day of stkar ML M. G. CAMERON. sese nese tttltl4q L W E NUE. Mew I - FOR SAIai OR TO RENT ER SALE. -A ONE AND -A -HALF ames trees souse on Cambria road. Hiroo Immediate pore .Ion can be strew Hod. BATLB. 81-1 mo LVOR BALM. -THE MIDUrE AND ✓ lot on Elgin avenue.OsSNfch, belonging to Mus. MaeOTlllvny Is ram" ter arta Price: l'1‘111.1 Pal: the lot on thg arerta rw:ned. Apply at fIK StON.11. OFFiCE,OMmieh. HOUSK TO RENT. -PORTION OF double house on Wet street. Modern oonvent ene•.e. Posse's -Ion given December 19nd. A poly J. It 11.5 W KINE, St. Patrick's street. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR sale or to rent, so Nam and Newest.* streets; will be sold at • b.og un and on may terms. Apply to F. J. Ph IDU AM. i AND FOR SALM:.-SIXTY-ONE 14 acres of land, part of lot No. I. mem don a, Colborne : ell seed. d darwa, Moan. drained, and In • arstclas, state of cub avail..n. Maid be sold; owner reUrle& Loin ac.h. work. firms, part mob, and • geedt6[am for i dawn. Apply of ANTIK* T LU KE DOR- L"ARN/R FOR SALE -ONE RCN - 1 1 MOW acres on the 7th ema.elon and any acres opposite on the WA anemias et i d - borne. Will be hold eepsiately et tamales, On the hundred sera. is • •tery eek a -lase brick home. with bidet klbehea atiasand, a good tank barn. nearly new. and large ease Both fame sr* well (Neer. sad an Is Sr oleo order Hundred some all seeded dews foment ten scree WWI watered by creek • good spring well at tar.. Ei/ht W hien ho°amine ' titres maw teem As, ; toe marshal( e les Jsdtaw t;. P. It eta Oen. .Mrs ofw� the faren a tea OHNirDIE Oath P.1i1 Jtownship. u DtEw ens L1Ok MAi K -THAT VINE RIS1- F denn�tist peeperw at the sessee�efr (?mow att.= ape. le fteejw . A. trgk s at ail ttitmMeaa..1 pt•rl �o see et1-`paemr yyRuubustvvt..M .soh of peered.. Tem srma. Mn aedwsasaa _iesdalw�►t aatt k.sneer s be �t w•awakia .raffia I. P. . HYA11. SM.... . Met elft. A New Taw. HotfTC t The winter tore to tilt Dios Bee` fri=zuzwraria„;716,,, swtes the Weave M ■ ItN et a seen ( e, to 7 eatietak ripens on Ewla•a•n 7 h pePsisr wile■=m jn• •red wid�a�swE��0� Deer awe. A eat shave y irrveMere mailed free to all dimitieg • iirelselege beelines. nr eharthend adreeti n ► .r D endier.__- L LEM. The anneal show of the Ewes PIA itlMMry As asw.io. will is befit be jgdiat eii•eseeu tlatabet (fait trf alas -..e-_ - 1 aria . naL 1 Renew' Your Subscription to THE S1ONAL an.t get one of the pretty 1912 Calendars. - Do It Now THE SIGNAL PRINTtNU Co.. IAds, PvaucwRfs the Signal Knishes all its readers a bright anb happy Christmas SOUTH HURON. Following sl•e Ih•• oA1�• al figures of the Provin rel lee i II in S..uth Huron, B. Miller i(' u servative) being el- eted ••jib .. mai ri ' t 279 over E. Zel er (Libe at). no. 11118 figures also are given : CS RO RN E. 1908 Lib ('On. No. 1 45 101 91 No. 2 6:3 61 54 No. 3 35 PO 1113 No. 4 71) 51 49 21- 3 322 2111 Majority 119 110 EXETER. No. 1 28 119 87 Net. 2 29 (10 85 No. 3 39 58 52 N.). 4 42 74 38 1911 Con. Lib. 1.38 259 Majority 121 STEPHEN. No. 1 211 89 e8 21 No. 2 15 47 46 lb No. 3 31 79 80 81 No. 4 48 82 87 45 No. 5 37 46 No. 8 49 69 No. 7 el 48 No. 8 23 00 No; 9 54 83 9:311 561 547 323 Mejority 7.23 2222 HAY. 44 31 24 47 21) 21) 104 9:+ 59 64 18 35 52 28 211 58 64 56 25 29 27 62 16 12 448 - 291 268 Majority 166 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Z7 108 44 tt3 31 69 :4117 54 43 2) 149 41 42 74 51 33 57 58 21) 8;3 4_3 " No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 41 45 109 91 48 56 29 -48 485 21)7 No. 1 29 68 84 3) No. 2 24 61 55 Zit No. 3 38 71 65 38 No. 4 11 59 58 No. 5 23 60 60 No. 8 18 35 34 143 - 341 324 Majority 198 184 TUCKERSMITH. No. 1 63 29 3'1 No. 2 67 99 38 No. 3 47 16 No. 4 60 16 No, 6 63 31) No. 6 64 26 3(x3 - 156 Majority 207 11 34 21 180 it i 49 14 47 20 64 :12 (i7 26 61 1011 366 193 HAYFiELD. No. 1 213. 148 93 Majority (122 e8 HENSALI.. No. 1 91 102 Majority e STANLEY. No. 1 60 20 No. 2 59 311 No. 3 ffi 94 No. 4 18 50 No. 6 71 42 ?21 241 Maj.•eity 24 23 106 81 24 .3 20 89 47 33 22'1 6 RECAPITULATION' Cori. Lies. Tttekereroitb 207 B• entity 21 Goder0ch t, -t. 198 Hay 166 14teph. n LL'1 1?atlelrT)e 1611 Bay9.14 ref Meow 11 a Exeter 121 744 9115 Rilt+e►'o N s t Met 48 50 26 18 7:1 21'. ('on. 1.,ib. 196 161 2117 222 ft, fls 24 10N 1161 4(r2 MK 1179 Deafness Cermet be Cured ar t.,arellea este. ea teas reset the way to mire 4e,4e ��om1t,M ed .t .z cols gas Ige a•1 eemMlr. ka �•s~.sud •e i lie W{aee mower Nolo. rt yw on hew tar tele r mamma a�legjgt1.��sod :bee b is ��py tw . asses is artz .eedlnem. tartar frr hs d.. a 9reeet t =Via 47416484 r` ei 4 ea Z.atarrfa thit' ae car ass a ter w re he.ut0a oma lamra9r eeutr•t4 ro 7. J. MITT & OD., 7111ade. o. 1 F` luta tar .wstl..Ysa. Set 110E r (Rtrtueeaa oeefeetions, bleateaseidleeetiete. eats arra traits. at Miateleift Watt <R6+M • NORTH HURON. The official returns of the Provincial election in North Huron give A. H. Musgrove (Conservative) a laravrity of 287 over W. H. Kerr (Liberal). Following are the li•otrea, along with those for the election of 1908 : WINGHAM. 1908 1911 Lib. 00n. Lib. Con. No.1 35 84 No 2 32 59 38 30 No. 3 41 81 53 79 N0. 80 138 11888 No.5 - 17 64 1W 337 201 .337 Majority 149 135 ASHFIELD. No.1 38 78. 90 72 No.2 4:3 71 38 03 No.3 46 64 39 49 No.4 25 59 28 62 No.5 (14 25 56 27 No. 6 79 11 64 19 No. 7 81 -18 62 17 378 :118 323 309 Majority 60 14 WEST WAWANOSH. No.l 53 63 48 No.2 87 52 13 No.3 28 66 25 No.4 (10 40 51 No.5 0 32 51 57 58 39 37 27 286 - 242 233 216 Majority 16 8 EAST WAWANOSH. No.I 67 42 38 26 No.2 58 73 53 8:3 No.3 - 39 39 54 42 No.4 60 31 49 27 No. 5 38 80 - 244 185 232 178 Majority ,9 ryt BLYTH. No.1 49 56 50 45 No.2 46 42 43 36 90 - 98 983 81 Majority ] 3 12 MORRIS. No.1 63 32 59 26 No.2 48 42 53 44 No. 3 46 49 88 47 No. 4 47 43 49 45 No.5 53 61 52 59 No.8 68 75 57 61 325 - 302 308 282 Majority 23 213 WROXETER. - No.1 61 35 54 31 Majority 26 23 TURNBERRY. No.1 74 76 48 )i!4 No.2 72 72 (Ci 72 No.3 53 52 48 54 No.4 57 41 52 44 Lib - 211 211 268 Majority 15 47 HOW ICK. No. 1 a 47 9:3 49 811 No. 2 55 81 31 8:• No.3 49 13) 45 115 No. 4 06 119 (t3 102 No. 5 tet (ti 72 61 No. 6,,' 64 119 50 61) :i51 537 313 518 Majority 188 206 Summary of Jlajoritiee. 111(4 1911 Lib. Con. L';•. Con. Ashfield tit 14 West Wawanosh 16 8 East Wawanoah 59 Blyth 3 Winghsm let 136 Morris 2( Wroxeter 26 Tnrnbetry 15 47 Howick 1111 2116 54 12 2; 11113 3M 121 :398 Majority 171 867 7 C. P. R. Christmas Spsc.al. The 0. P. R. will run a speci'l resin from Toronto to Oodericb on themen- Der lid, leaving Toronto at 4:15 p. m.. in addition to the regular that leaves as 4:30 p. m. Notify your friends. Special Offer. Rind The Iondon Advertiser, the beet wistropolitan paper in Western Ontario tains last market quo- te' lone and all general and local news worth printing. Spacial Offer. -!}end 121 few The Lon- don Daily Advertiser for fourteen months in advisee*. This offer Mon be accepted before January 1st. 1912. These (ailirigtial Schools. . What do they mean by th.t Ir asked the old chap from the eewesr lot. "Hilly Line* 'drools! Who le Rllly Lingle. anyway 1' The papers are fall of that sort of talk and re biassed if 1 can make It out. Litt Wb don't they tell tis wise (illy biassed is r THE HOSPITAL BYLAW. The Signal wishes to - say a word es- pecially in behalf of the hospital by- law to b9 voted on at the coming municipal elections. Alexandra hos- pital has proved keel( an institution of great benefit to the town and dis- trict, and no person now would desire that the town should be without such • place for the skilled treatment of the sick or injured. The present building, however. is not adequate for the growing demands made upon the hospital, and it. baa been considered advisable to secure the old M. C. Cam- eron property as a site for a new and up-to-date and larger hospital. The present hospital building on South street would .never be anything but an old building, unsuited to hospital purposes, no,mat'er how much money might be spent upon it. it would be folly to make any further expendi• ture upon it. The proposal in con- nectioa with the Cameron building is to teat- out the whole interior, retain- ing the present walls, which are as good es new. an.t making practically a new building. The advice of a Cor - onto architect has been secured, and his report is entirely in favor of the proposed plan. The property can be secured for hospital purposes at:ia very low figure, and as it 'is in every way a desirable site it would be a good investment tot the town to make. The hospital has cost the people of Goderich some money ; but we do not think they begrudge it in the least, and if they vote the 515,1109 re- quired to carry alt the new project we believe they will never regret it. Give the cause of humanity a lift on New Year's Day by voting for n larger and a better hospital. CHRISTMAS MEATS. Legg & Son. The Christmas showing male by the new firm of Legg & Son (successor* to McLean Brow.) at the East street meat market is indicative of the choice line of meats which always will be handled it this store. Metiers. Legg & Son take particular, pains in securing the youngest animals and in the dis- play of the festive season the most particular chef may secure excellent cuts of beef, veal. Limb or pork. An abundance of well-fed poultry also is included in the exhibit. Smoked meats and corned beef and pickled pork are prepared by the firm them- selves in the very best style. The whole display is one which should attract favorable attention. W. T. Murney. . The Christmas display of meats and poultry at W. T. Murney'a is the best that can be purcha-ed. The exhibits consist of a three -year -old heifer, weighing about 1,835 Ins., raised by R. Snowden, Stanley; three two-year-old heifers, weighing about 1,45010•s. each; and raised by W. O. Durst, Colborne township ; one two-year-old steer, raised by John Clark, of Colborne one two -yeas -old steer and a two-year- old heifer, raised by Connor $row., West Wawanosh • two Polled Angus •' beeters," raised by W. Finnigan. Ashfield township. In baby beef three very fine epecunens are exhibited. They were purchased from A. Elcoat, of Brucefleld, and their aggregate weight was 2.630 lbs. Two others, weighing 1,800 lbs., were purchased from Jos. Waebi:rgton. In lambs, Mr. Murney secured some choice ones from a flock of over seven, yof "grain - fed." Ten choice porkers were pur- chased from Mr. Sand-rsnn, of Ashfield, and fifty eight fancy d oared poultry, raised by Mr. Raps .n of tumnlerhill, make • displ y which must he seen to he appreciated. Thee. Morrow. Thos. Morrow's butcher shop on the west side of Sq.sare c twain.' a first- class display of meats amidst an 'tithe tic arrn•Ig•ms'nt of evergreens and other decorations. The display in- cludee six choice cattle fed by Andrew Halliday, of ('.(borne; a Polled Aogos calf five months old, weighing (il0 lb.. fed by William Sterling, Lake shore road. Colborne ; a Durham a sif, nine weeks old, weighing 300 lb.. fed on John Graham's fano. 0. Iboe nr ; mix crow -bred Ibsen bottle, weighing 196 lbs., each f.d by J. Nwenn, Auburn; ten I.eirester Limbs, wei king 136 lb.., fed by Mr. Kinshore t4 West Wawa - nosh ; seven pigs, fourteen weeks old. weighing l'45 lbs. each. fed by R chard Moore. Onlb orne ; two Doge, fed by Colin i)evine, (inderiele and six chorea lambs weighing 910 lbs.. fed by teas Tahh, of Colborne. A splendid selao- lion of all kinds of poultry-tuurkeye, geese, dtrrk', and chickens -dao is la - eluded in the exhibit. BORN. Pelmet DOR Is Ueier4eft. ea D ab, td. se Me. and Mea A J. Oat. aveeae, a aaa. 01E0. CI.A1Nb1 erre �flaare, •sad 111 yese.DwOier et tymblaLe of tn.wwbipp g.a ar yiara WIgzrost►N Is Miaewp.n. M es M.adr.p. D.eeaefberrhfelut..sa�`P. Rgtt■ am tfrwwlseet Costs, w6 14eiage HAenERareneve.-- If yen want Godsrtea'e lost hutrdkevnhisf .dates go to Colborn.'• Orseeploto Ora (:twist/Dee dinner with one of kstoria's lee meant Woke. ane 5161