HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 1614f TuuasDAT, DScrfaingn 14, 1911
:•stud this to its w ith ten cents.
and receive by return wail ten
beautiful Christmas and New
Year's lex tcards. This is merely
an advertising offer to interest
you in tau goods.
Post Card Supply Co.
Derr. x
tui Queen St. East TORONTO
four uams is ]
Add reeds..
A Valuable Assistant.
At the Winter Frit at Guelph is
given information along all lines of
live stock production anti crop cultiva-
tion that is valuable to any farmer I
who desires to keep up-to-date. The
Weekly Sun cf Dec. 19 will contain a
carefully prepared and easily under-
stood summary of the chief points
brought out et the next fair.
If you are engaged in any branch of •
farmuig with a view to making money, '
you will find The Weekly Hun a most
valuable V9siPtant. Do not miss the
issue of December 19.
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the most to-
`tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidessys.
The slightest disordsriatke
kidneys brings about a
corresponding Qtseam is
the reproductive ar�aaa
Dodd's Kidney Pillo, by flue
storing the k i neys to their
perfect condition, present
and care those fearful to
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girl, wore -mut
mothers, suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
All Ready for
Imported Papeteries
in d.'iota boxes suitable for ('iii1stluau gifts tontaining C'rane's
c •lel.',t,cd Linen Leven Note Paper and Ens elopes, tonging in price
from 2.x• up to $2,51i.
Copyright Books
A full stock of all the new Books worth refitting. including "
Wionint; cf Barletta \\'oath•" $l.at1 het ; '• 1l1ery Carey. CAE:
"The Singer of the Kootenay,"$1.10; "Life Everlasting" by Marie
Corelli. $1.111; "Kennedy Square" by author of '• Peter. $1.10
"Thet case' of Richard Mi•ynelt." $1.19; "The Common Law
('haulhete, S1.10. and dozens of others.
Books for Young People
Chou,• Si tar, Boys' Own 51.111, Girls' Own t'1.90, Chatterbox talc
Buster Stosvn tiff'. Foxy Grandpa 50c. beeides'a full stock of Toy
Picture Books slinging In price from tic up. Linen Toy Rooks front
Tic up to 61.5(1.
Leather Goods
In Ki.: r;mitt,• including Hand Bags from $1.111 up lu $10.0t►;
Travelling Cases from 51.:141 up.
Brass and Copper Goods
Imported Brass Goods, Bronze and Copper Goods. Ste-rliug Silver
and English Plate, Imported Cut (class. English Chinn, Royal Crown
Derby. Minton, Coalport, also two special stock patterns in Limoges
French China, at.d plain white cud gold.
Fountain Pens
The celebrated \Vatennan's 1,1, -al' Fountain Pens : $2.:10, 83rd),
at 00, $5.o(. and $8.(l .
The Reurex Fountain Pen : solid gold point. full size. special $1.2.1
and $1.:111.
Christmas Post -Cards
Togs. Seals. etc , ranging in price from lc sip. r
The Coio;<iia1 Book Store
GNU. POIt7'ER, Prior.
.,,. I -. 1. ,drs ic:h
Lucknow ggist Discharged et De-
cember Semmes.
The December sessions of the
Count) Court opened at the court.
house on Tuesday afternoon of Ilia
week. The only criminal case on the
docket was that against J. (carnet
Armstrong. the Luckuoer druggist,
who was charged with criminal negli-
gence in dispensing drugs, resulting.
es was alleged, in the death of Mies
Margaret Murray, of Detroit, about
sixteen months ago. The case was
placed in the hands of the grand jury
on Tuesday afternoon and when the
court spaced at 2 o'clock on Wednes-
day afternoon the jury came into
oourt with "no bill" as their present-
ment in the case, Armstrong was then
called into court and discharged by
His Honor Judge Holt.
There were ten civil cases on the
docket and three of these were jury
cases. Only one was tried, that of
Oudmore vs. Cooper. This was tan ac-
tion entered as lbj result of a dispute
over the electing of an hotel in Hen -
sail. The jury returned ac erdkt for the
defendant and His Honor Judge Holt
directed that judgment be entered dia-
1 missing the action with costs.
Some of the non -jury cases are to be
tried on Friday.
Candidata Lining Up for Some of the
The statute provides that when the
last Monday in December is Christmas
Day Municipal nominations shall be
held on the previous Friday. Thus
Ft iday, the end inst.. will he munici-
pal nomination day in Ontario.
In Goderich the nominations will he
held in the town hall commencing at
7:311 p. in.
In this issue of The Signal Mayor
Cameron states his position in regard
to the mayoralty- for 1912. Reeve
Reid has declared himself a clndidste
fur the office.
Deputy- Reeve Munuinge expects to
step up to the reeveship. hut Council-
lor Robert Elliott will give the people
a chance to vote for him instead.
Councillor Clark will ,.aspire to the
deputy-veeveship, and as yet no op-
ponent is in eight.
As Councillors Wallace and Vanat-
ter intend to retire from the council,
there will„be room for some new as-
pirants. Several citizens are men-
tioned as possible candidate., or as
men who would make good council-
lors. Among these are H. U. Dunlop,
R. 11. Cott, ex -Councillor 0. H. Hum-
ber, W. T. Fellow, R. J. &legew. F. E.
Bingham, H. J. Morris. J. J. Moser,
Geo. Porter, A. D. McLean. H. J. A.
M+c:Ewan, I►r. L. M. Mabee, ie. H.
Martin. Joseph Kidd, J. C. Martin.
an i probably others. The citizens
should prevail upon stitne of these
gentlemen to let their names go before
the electors.
Alex. C`bra stars terns as water and
light coinmi.sionet expires this year.
Wanted Immediately
Swart, capable roan, on good salary or
commission. to sell our well-known special-
ties in fruit and ornamental tree, in ►our
courtly. We pay seem -dreg to ability. and
desire the beet mat. procurable.
600 Acres
of fruit trees from which to fill 1 ustbmerri
requirements. Our salesmen are absolutely
sure to supply reliable, satisfactory stock.
E,,tablished. over 31 years, Write •
Sake Manager.
Pelham Nursery Co ,
Toronto.Oate 0,
N. It. --To custom',-! if ourreprese.ua
lives have not called. write for catalogue
and price.
e $2.00chlNispmasPFOR YOUent $2.00 I
We are putting forth great efforts to make this Christmas week the greatest , I
of any -previous Christnfas week in our history', so We intend making it interesting
•I for all our old customers and -as many new ones who may favor us with their
trade, by giving every one who pun hast. goods to the amount of twelve dollars
and presents the coupon found in this space, Two, !Sollars in Cash. Bring the
coupon, with you and it will be worth a two dollar bill. Doesn't two dollars look I
good -10 anti ?--then clime here, buy twelve dollars worth of goods -pay the cash
for them and we will bite you hack 52.00.
Our stock is large in all lines of MENI'S CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS
aid it will be easy to make your selections from the following lines:
Gloves .
Farcy Hose
Coliar Cases
Fancy Vests
Bath Gowns
Smoking Jackets
Fur Collars
Fur Caps
Fur Lined Gloves
Throws away crutches alter
"slay Father Morliscy's No. 7.
6OlrHAHPTON, N B. Oct. 15. Idle.
•'1 bad suffered with Rheumatism for
fifteen years - soraetimas so badly I had
to use crutches -aad could get nothing
to trete me I sew your No. T Tablets
advertised and decided t0 give them •
trial. I procured a box. and In a very
abort time 1 got relief. sad by the time
I bad taken ave boxes the Rheumatism
bad all left me. Atter it months It re-
turned -1 got another boa. and now 1
am free from Rheumatism. I can con-
eelerntlously recommend your remedy to
all sufferers from Rheumatism. Your
No. T Tablets are great - worth their
weight in gold,"
Charles It Croekhlte.
General Merchant.
The above prescription is not a -Cure-
Alr or so-called patent medicine. Dr.
Morrisey prescribed It for e1 years. and
It cured thousands after other doc'ors
Price. sec per box at your dealers.
or Father Mori racy Medicine Co.
Limited. Montreal- Mot
Piano Pla3ing
Pupils prepared for
Toronto Conservatory
of Music Examina-
Studio over
Thomson's Music Store,
The Square, Goderich.
MoxnAT, Dee. Iltb.
Naws surra. -A. W. C. Hardist
went to Guelph todayto attend is
fat stock show and ato exhibit a
nine-tuontbe-old calf whish weighs 1,-
O60 lbs ... Miss Grace Wightauan
and her brother Karl are spending a
tew days visiting tuWorts at Guelph.
Mise Rena Gordon, of Lucknow,
paid a short visit to bet relative& here
this week Mies Ada McClinton,
of Goderich, spent the past week with
tier many friends lo this vicinity
Mr. Fowler, of Gnderich, visited
friends bete on 8uoday last .. John
Buchanan returned home on Salle -
(day- lest from the Rest, where be
I spent the past nine or ten months
He purposes returning to the West in
the spring, baring engaged with one
Iof the Western farmers for the coin-
ing summer.The young people of
this section purpose giving a first-class
concert, consisting of dialogu es. reci-
tations and music of various kinds, in
the schoolhouse of S. B. No. 8 on the
evening of December B)th, in aid of
the Sick Children'. Hospital. Toronto.
Admission to concert, 10c.
Boxed (Arietmes Choc.dates, front
lOc. to $I,(10, Hick's drug store.
WELL 1111Y1111 MR
Restored to Health by V inol
Rev. D. Schneider, who Is a well
known minister In Rice Lake, t31'ia,
"I had a very severe stomach trou-
ble last year from which 1 was kept
In bed three months. I had engegsa
the services of a doctor, but to •, r
avail. I then read of Vinol and des,
mined to try a bottle. Before it um;
used up I was out of bed, and four
bottles male me a well m:. t. Vino! is
a splendid medicine, end I can glad!,
recommend it."
Prominent men from all over the
country do not hesitate to endorse
this wondeful tonic.
For twelve years Vinci has been
sold on the "money back" plan, and
•vary year strengthens its popularity
and proves by continued testi that It
win do what we claim for it.
Soldand gu seaweed In Goderich M
H. C. Dunt ip.
The rliahle place to procure fresh Christmas cigars at Hick's.
oysters is Blackstone's, Viet street, A.nt%Claus. seHist k•lone's distil:..
'phone 240. 1 of Christmas r •:&Rise Ira..; Sr. up.
Special Values in I
Coon Coats $65, $70
Dog Coats $20
Alaska Beaver $22
Natural Wombat $25
Fur Lined Coats, good
Beaver shell, Muskrat '
lining, Otter Collar
Suits and Overcoats
Including the fatuous 20th Century Brand
PRICE $10 TO $25
sole agent tor
20ttb C.ntury Ciothing
Good for Two Dollars
On $15 duals Punishes.
-aT _;_
Walter C. Pridham's
cures. O.a- 1$ts• tr. !lssti
HE time for Christmas joys and
the cheerful giving , of gifts to
those whom you consider friends
has again arrived, and if you do not
accept of the ,opportunity within the
few days left the opportunity may be
lost to you forever. Only 7 more shop-
ping days left and then the joyous
feasts, exchanging of gifts, Santa
Claus and general rejoicing. Who is
it that would nit join in and share the
happiness of the occasion ?
Now stop and think, make out a list of who you
think you \till be receiving gifts from, besides the ones
you are going to send something to -then come to this
store and from the enormous assortment you should be
able to supply all your wants.
Here are a
ANtr .SIbS2S
The r. n ' i,' f(i',fs tt.>m....25 .o 50:
AV1' irk Bag.. So toy;•
• Sill. i • , red Coat ilangery at
i:.Isag at..._i5cto$1.Co
A si;i< n.i tatil covered Trecur
dr , t'xtra,oafs, :it ..3Sto 50:
A pair r'f cors'. tial Slippers orb's , Sok-
A box (,( j'fiti'frg+, assoited s
A fan.-.% fain Cus!i ;n 35
!:,last: "arc Isncv Belts at: .19 to
A Veil '11 1 ark's long in si'j•arate
box . 15;
A set of lir', $7.541 t a u: t 500
A pail o: ks. GAkve. $t.cotn $t.zc
A gold is, tits:it i.n fat►, t oxl5c to St .at
A pair rliwtiarante•d C,.ft Links at So
A silk fotl►f'in Lsni Tie . +. Sa
fancy and it.t.n l-Iin4kt?thirfe in
tine c•t' and often S to 2S.
Fan.•y C `IlA . .. ..25 to 75t
few suggestions which may
A neck Muffler at 25c
A leather Hand Bag from 39c to $2.00
A -sweater Coat $t.5o to $2.50
A wool Blanket from$2.98 to $4.85
Comfortefs from $1.45 to $2.00
Bed Spreads from 89c to $1.5o
[.;tryst flannelette Blankets at... $1.39
Will Towels 25 to 5oc
Linen Table Covers... $t.00 to $t.So
Talk Napkins at Sc
La of ies fancy Houseshppe r s 75c to Sr 00
A pair of kid (;loves at $t.00 to $1.25
A pair of gold Cuff Links at Stx
Newest' in Neck Ties in fancy
boxes 25 to 50 -
Colored borders silk Handker,hifes 35.
Excelda Handkerchiefs at toc
Pair of fancy Sox
Pair or Suspenders 25 to yoc
A coat Seeater 75c to $2 so
Fancy stripe Sh;rts soc to Poo
P1n H,.useslepi•ers 75( to sit 25
some :
A Suit- of tine wool Underwear
$2.00 4o $;.00
A suit of serviceable tweed Clothes
for boys at $4.50
for men at 4Io.00
A pure wool diagonal stripe serge
Suit for men spec,al xalue...$to.00
Our special all wool serge Suits in
blacks and blues, latest fixings
at $15.00
A black heaver or melton Over-
coat at o.00
Men's fur lined Coats, sur co ars,
special at $ tft.00
We have hundreds of suitable gifts
t' "ich are all out on tables marked in
lain Egires. For the convenience of
our customers the store will be open
every evening till Xmas. Our advice
is shop as soon as you can, and as
ranch as you can at our store. Walk
right in and feel at home. Look
around whether you buy or not. We
like to see you all In here. After
which we wish you WI a miry Merry
Xmas. Store Open eoery evening
from - to
STOP?. 0:'" v et'6N"k
N. L. Cameron