The Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 15THE SIGNAL : (,u[)ERICH I INTAH[ ( )
iMUI*DA1, DKr gtingx 14, 191I 11
44441. 4/ . 4 40 41v +99.1 F 44 O. .9igity 4+4efi`*St* THE MARKETS.
Liverpool and Chkare Wheat Mow
Cleve Lower -Live Stock --
Latest Quetatiens.
CHICAGO. Dec. 1L -BI. recelptr
northwest, both tides of the Interea-
tionai nue, *sorted pressure to -day
os the market tor wheal Largely a
a result the close was $-$c ts I}*
under Saturday might. Coro *hewed •
net toss nit S -Se to 1-2c, sad oats s
decline of 1-4e to 1-k. At the sad ei
the day hos products were down M
to He to 13 .Ic,
The Liverpool market closed --
blahr 10 raid low than yeletii
s •at std fid toee a1sl%1%�dbelower sae sem
i to Pest *obber. Antwerp ito k see.
Winnipeg Options.
Oleos Op. Web. I. •
� The News of the. District
44,4,4,4, 086.45616***** 46 + *456;544f 4"ff' 41 4040 446445 44464464a 4646
Tv tenor. Dee. 12th.
Rirto AmeOcialet rf,-Th. Qodaebl
Towtasblp R113a Asoriat ole wW bold
• meeting la the usual plass es Tues-
day. December_ 1$. to 4Mowa arrange-
ments for building a new range. and
,.leo to decide aloud the sup enamel'.
MorrDAT, D.•e. 11th.
News Noris. -Yee., t.t
Myth. is the guest of her sister. Mos.
Wm. Baldwin Ernest Sherwnod
is home from the West fur a bhect
t ia... , ..bliss ?army is preparing
he children flee a Christmas enter-
, inmost In S. L No. 10 Thomas
Faris is boss. from the We.t
We are rimmed to bear that David
Ferris, who has been seriously M. is
improvise Mr. and Mrs. 0. W.
Jane visited hies& at Port Albnt
t his week.
A Prafil•M. investment.
An investment that guarantees good
returns is a )'ear's subscription to Tb.
Family Herald and Weekly Star of
MontreaL The Family Herald and
Weekly 810r for a whole year and the
beautiful ll picture "Home Again" all for
one dollar be the very bast dollar's
worth that cast be had. The picture
'Some Aeaia" is certainly a beauty.
Numb value leas never before been of-
fered in Canada . The P*slslly Herold
and Weekly Star is a meet wonderful
combiteation. It appeals to all oilames,
en agea sad biers Pleasure and pro-
fit to ever! boom 1t moieties.
TQBrDAT. Dee. 5th.
Loceto.--Misses Mary and Sara Me -
1..O, vet °hires" re retitle, at their
home hereJim McDonald arrived
from the Went last week in mead a
couple ref Isnnths at his veld bnme here
We air sorry to report the 111-
ress of A1ex. McLean. his many friend
here Antes for hie *needy recovery
Mee Lets Carrot. of Wore W*
..-annah, is rt present the guest of
Mr•, Mike Hogan Mr. and atrr-
Win Baldwin r.f TLne•s, awl Mrs. Dun-
t ar of Westfield. viblted at (emboles
..n Monday Mfr awl Mex. James
McDonald visited friends in Kinlos. week Bernard Ready. of
etr+atheeir rialt."i at the home of hie
tether Wm. Hogan. last week.
TUESDAY. Dec. 12.
SCHOOL REPORT.-R.ttort of S. 8.
? o.10. Ashfield: Claw" TV -Rae Alton.
John Brett, Tom Little. Wilfred Dren-
nan, Mary Downey. Ch*rlee Sher
wr.od. Elmer Farri.h. Fred Jnhnstnn.
lours Johnston, Hello. Osird. Clews
I IT. Senior - Lineae Drennan. C1a.s
111. Junior-Witfrrl fl'I/wtghtin, Joe
Howler. Jim Little. Bert Johnston,
l erne Farriob, Jaren SentL Class IL-
An.anda Scott, Sidney Ferguson. Mar-
jory John•tnn. B...I. Reed. Claw I.
Senior -Franca• Re'nh•rdt. Leonard
O'Loughlin. Cecil Mullin. Clean T.
Junior -Tillie Sherwood, Orate Sand-
e. -.on, Maisie Mullin. Rtthv Johnston,
Violet Drennan, Harold Ferguson.
Eddie Jehn•ton. Pei mere Chas- Al-
bert Alton, Stephen Reinhardt. Pres-
ent every day -Rae Alton, Wilfred
Drennan. Toni Tittle. Mary Downey,
Flmer•P•rrish, Lizzie Drennan. Lorne
Fer•riah, Jean Scott; Amanda Scott,
Sidney Ferguson's. Arne nee ',attend -
'ince for November. W. '.1. FARltgv.
TPne*DAT. Dec. 12th.
(1H1118rXAS THUR.-A Christmas
tree celebration will he held in the
Kintail iehool-house on the evening I
of Iiriday, December ± A good pro-
gram is being prepared. Doors, open
at 7:39. Admission 15c.
POLmcst MEETINGS. -Two public
nleetioo. were held here last week in
connection with the el. elven cam-
paign. On Wednewli.v 'evening the
Conservatives had their meeting.
which was addreetwwl b) the l'•nserva-
tive candidate, A. H. Mnsgr eve. and
til*yor Spotton, of Wineham. The
Liberals had their mese. ing nn Satur-
day. W. Lane and W. H. Robertson.
of °oderith. J. N. McKenzie and R. G.
MacLennan. of Asbflel.l. were the
peak err.
*note. REPORT. -Following is the
report of 8. 8. No. 3, Ashfield. for the
month of November. Nampa are in
order of met it. Those marked •
missed one or more examinations :
T'. -Anna MacKenzie*. Liszie
leer Hamel Hamel West•. Mr. iV.--Elmer
West. Hugh MacKenzie. Karl Mae -
Donald•. Jr. iV.-Hosie MacKen-
zie. BeeneiCS Dreenen, Idel °Tiffin,
trews MaeDnwafde. Eddie Wallace.
Jr. iii. -Hall Ms6cKerzie, Willie John -
teem. Alberta Beckett. Willie Mac-
terme d•. 8r. DL -Lottie MacKessie.
Isabel MacDonald'. Jr. I1.-$hely
Drennan. WHIM Benjamin'. Pt. IL -
Mary Matellree. Richard Went. Jobs
1larhowoM. Sr. Pt. D -John Mac-
Kay, Lily Mae[anste. Jr. Pt. 1. -
Bolo MaeDosakl, Ahs. Meetosaid.
Noah er on rep X Averse attend
name Suet MrtttaiT. heeler.
Sa's•tis SM Used Olins EM, r
add They Cured bier Rbseem le m.
ilatasb•tes. Ont, December Iltb.-
(9 sc4sl1-1Cntbea-lssele ewer the tim-
y that eared bey beakaehe and Hum -
matinee. from whir* the bad warm,
tor toneless years, Mrs Mary A. Oso*
to t
shrew recommending netters
ILSs to all her neighbor" aid
'1 had ohne eati.e so bad that
e.snesiun s I wowed alt up merle eq
sight," Mrs. tient states.
'11 firm Duettist T would try the
dfaslor. M.t hisshity� 1 denid.d to fly
i)rrdd'e 1S tinea 1°111• first. Ares bet
of Drxite. T .aney f ill. vitriol rww. and
Metal n.aj to it y the do etnr at all
"1 feed Omit 1 rondd gnarsate* hostel's
4idney tepee to asryneo ej$*h►g is t
Do Pulpa tike Christmas Af ter Ail T
In the December Woman's Home
len, Sophie Kerr Underwood.
we* an article sn(Ued "A Cbriste
mos." takes up the point that
of late yeses it has become a sort of
habit to .peak of Cbristmes as an ob-
ligatory and taspaasive ceremony -a
tax upon our time asst strong' It and
beck atom elate. Tbs author made a
careful Investigation and she brines in
an intrr.-eting verdict. Following le a
brief extract :
Wheu first I put on the gum shoes
and lit the dark lantern that every
simort-pure investigator car'r'ies. I di-
rteeed my stealthy steps to the side of
a nior, nice girl who works for her dv-
tag at eighteen dollars a week. and
pays her timid at borne, and buys bee
ow n clothes, just like dozens of other
girls you and I know. 8be has a
father, a mother, two sisters, a
brother. a sweetheart, and a dozen or
more girl friends. And she perfectly
*deers Chris• uses !
"She eaves one dollar a week all the
yeae as her ('brietm•s-present fund.
Shea memorandum of tales
and =recces, and notes whether
her mother earlobe wants anew sided
bowl or_ bsr sister admirers extravagant-
ly the rhinestone barrette of her dear-
est friend. Theo, at °bristle*'. she
has the delight of giving to those
whom else loves best the things they
really want. Sometimes she baa to
deny herself a bit to do it, but I could
not tell that she found it a hardship.
And she liked the gay shops and the
crowded streets and the tying up of
her Christmas parq•M and even the
gifts she reorived !
"Nest I investigated a man, a middle-
aged. oomtnoeplac., rather bad-tem-
pered. not particulary neat and tie
very masculine man. If anyone could
have no sentiment for giving and gai-
ety and holiday betaking, it must be he.
Believe me, be was secretly cutting
down bis cigar expendtture in order to
May for his wife *'wonderful bot, framed
photograph of the 'Sistine Madonna'
which she had loostcoveted. Did batlike
to do It? Did itmakeebristmaa a happy
time for him that he could do some-
thing beautiful for the one be loved
beet in the world ? Answer there
questions for yourself."
Cold sole.., chapped hands, ulcers
and winter erzeine are c .cnmon
troubles just now. and for all these
Zam-Buk will be found the surest and
quickest remedy. Sometimes cold
sores arise from chilblains on the toes
or lingers, and io theformer case, where
colored socks are worn, there is a den-
ser of blood -poisoning from the dye.
Zam-Buk being so powerfully antisep-
tic removes the danger as soon as ap-
plied and quickly beats.
Mr. W. J. Halliday, of Ash drove,
Ont., says : ' I bad my little finger
frozen. and it cracked at the flrst joint
causing a bad sore. which discharged
freely and would not seal. The pain
was very bad, and the whole of my
hand became swollen and in bad shape.
"A friend advised me to try Zam-
Buk , and i Poen found that Z•ni-Buk
was altogether different to arty prepar-
ation I had ever tried. In • very short
time it healed the sore."
Miss Lillie May. of Stoney Creek,
Ont.. says: "A few we•ke since, sev-
eral nasty, disfiguring cold sores sud-
denly broke nut on my lips, which b' -
came much swollen. Seeing my eon-
dition, a friend advised me to try Zeno
Bilk end leave all other preparations
aside. This 1 didi, and was much
pleased. after a few applications of
thin balm. to see every Pore healed."
Zein-Buk will also be found a sure
cure for eczema, blood -poison, vat icose
sores, piles, scalp sores. ringworm, in-
flamed patehe., babies' eruptions and
chapped plaree, rut•, burns. bruises
and skin injuries generally. All drug-
gists and stores sell at 50c. box. or post
free from Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto, upo i
receipt of price. Refuse harmful imi-
tations and substitutes.
Use also Zam-Risk Soap, 25c. tablet.
Best for baby's tender skin
Library for the Blind.
Last spring it was announced that
the Canadian Free Library for the
Blind, then at Markham, Ont., was to
be removed to Toronto. The removal
has ince taken place, and the O. F. L.
B. now cocoa_p quarters at 106 Ann-
ette 1' -est-. oronto, Oot.
The Canadi&n Free Library for the
Blind is attemptingto reach and bene-
fit all the blind oCanada, het is is
encountering serious obstacles in the
realisation of this hope from the diet -
catty io seeming names and addresses
of those without sight, from the ne-
cessity of canvassing for funds to de-
fray the expenses of maintenance.
The heard of management therefore
requests all readers of this journal
who aro acquainted with blind persons
not now enjoying the benefits of the
library to send in such names and a(J-
ctr.sses to the secretary, 8. O. Swift.
R. A., 8 Washingtno avenue, Toronto.
Ont. 1t also teaks. a direct appeal to
tbe generous Canadian public to con-
tribute. at this joyous newton. stoma
mail portion of the wealth with which
it has Moen blessed during the peat
soak.. All enntributions should 'Ole sent
to time treasurer, Ii W. Hermon, 87
Ilalmuto street. Toronto, OnL
It is the desire of the O. F. L B. to
isb • printing rtm.ut feewp�pps. sg]hadian
bats in .mboussd type ter the nee of
the Qswedles blind. There is at pres-
ent Ole .hob ..tablt.keet in Canada.
wItb the result that °mdian liter*
time Y prsetkally memiliable to our
deletiem Thirty the enod
donate are p.getired to ..fres a srAi-
.lest income 10 maks Shoplee loadbls.
Lem then • thoswad of this seas -at (e
dpeewee is the treasury .I the
O . L R The libeer y asks the
(laa*dMn people W. C riaMs a to
help It to realise this pith so worthy
ed aeshttsar'e
Ae EiSeisive'Amery
-Tee," swirl the literary mem with •
"style is • flee thin( for a writer
to I Mt whetsjiy wile'. got It too.
M ail itte, plfe lower y."-a..p..'e
re IM Welker et The Mesa/
DRAB 81a, -The ultra-Protssta*ti
who were so full of glee after the 8ep-
temher electioo, and were eongratu•
lacing themselves and the country at
large that they had helped to defeat
Sir Wilfrid on a000unt of his being
"too French," must, be eomewbat
staggered now when they view the
fabrication they have reared at Ot-
tawa in the Borden Cabinet. Sir Wil-
frid and others warned them what
would result if Mr. Borden was Iso-
' o.ssful, but it was hoped that Mr.
Borden, who had a maty without
tbe help of the Natktoal eta, would be
strong enough to withstand the pres-
sure of Mr. Boum.... But let us see.
Mr. Savigny was oboes° of all the new
members to wooed the address. This
man's "heart grout." whenever he
seri a British man-of-war in tbe
Quebec harbor. Mr. Blondin is made
Deputy Speaker, assistant to Dr.
Sproule :11 This is the neem who
claimed it was necessary to hore holes
in the British flag in order to get free-
doru. Mj Monk is taken into the
Cabinet and given one of the most im-
pcxtant portfolios, that of Public
Works ; he is also Mr. Borden s first '
lieutenant. This man left the party
last summer, as be refused to
have anything to do with any kind of ,
navy, either Borden's or Sir Wilfrid's
schemes. The Toronto News read this
man out of the party gladly at that
time. Mr. Mantel is given the Inland
Reveuue Department and Mr. Pelle-
tier- the Postof ce. Neither of these
men has any marked ability, but they
were the best Mr. Bourses& could sug-
gest out of his Nationalist following in
abs House. All these men are Nation-
alists, Ultrasuontanes, Castor s.
"Scratch a Nationalist and you have a
Castor," Now, why did Mr. Borden '
go out of his way to give the chief
seats in the synagogue to these Nee
tionalists, when he had sufficient ma-
jority in the House without them!
Immediately after the election Yr. '
Bourses& claimed be was ince t-'
of Mr. Borden. Own Mr. en now 1
gay the same of Bourasse? Who aro'
three Netiotalista and what aro their
aims ? Theyare led by • Monsieur '
Bourses& wo was formerly a Liberal
member of Parliament, but is not now
a member, and who disagreed with
Sir Wilfrid heesuse Bir Wilfrid re- I
tuned to establish separate schools in
the West or to force the French lan-
guage on these new Provinces. He
first left the party because the Liberal
Government assisted the Canadian
young men to join the British army in
the South African war. These men
aim to establish a French-Canadian
state on the •bores of the St. Law-
rence. They um to do tbe same on the
shores of the Saskatchewan and As-
niulboine and in the Eastern States
cities where so many French -Cana'
diens are employed. They aim to
keep the French language as the legal
language in an public and legal mat-
ters, and the Freoch-Canadian church
supreme in all things material and
sptntniL These are the men our
ultra -Protestants of Huron county
have beeped to place in power at Ot-
tawa. Sir Wilfrid was too French for
Ontario, while down in Wright
county these Nationalists issued a cir-
cular offering a 91.000 reward to any
one who would show ode thing that
Sir Wilfrid had ever done for either
the Roman Citbolic church or the
French language. Sir James Whit-
ney threw the whole force of hie per-
sonal influence and of his Govern-
ment to assist to elect these sten. is
it reasonable, therefore, that he will do
anything towards abolishing bilingual
schools in Ontario?
Westfield, Dec. J.
Facts About indigestion and Its Rale
That Should Interest You.
Although indigestion rad dyspep-
sia are so prevalent. mat people do
not thoroughly understand their cause
and cure- There ie no reason why
most people should not eat anything
they desire -if they will only chew
it carefully and thoroughly. Many
actually starve themselves iuto sick-
ness through fear eeting every
good-looking, good smelting, a n d
good -tasting food, because it does not
agree with theta.
111e best thing *do is to fit your-
self to digest any good food.
We betjeve we can relieve Dyspep-
sia. We are so oonadent of this tact
that we guarantee and promise to
supply the medicine free of all cost to
every one who will use it, who im not
perfectly eatiened with the results
which tt produces. We exact no
promises. and put no one coder any
obligation whatever. Surely. nothing
could to fairer. We are located right
here and our reputation should be
sufficient ae.ur-ance of the genuine -
now of our offer.
Wewant every one ti nulled with
indigestion or dyspepsia is any foam
to roree to our store sad buy a box
of Retail Dyspepsia Tablet.. Tek•
them home and give them a reaaonat le
trial. according to directions. Them,
if not sstieB.d. mime to is abed get
your money back. They are very
Pleasant to take : tbey to soothe
the irritable stomach In serengtbea
sed invigorate the eige.tive organs,
and to promote • Maltby and natural
Morel action. thus Mediae to pewter,
sad healthy digestion and assimila-
A Mn package cif Resell Dyspepsia
Teatime furnishes ili days' t,'est neva.
1e osisary cases, this is sufficient to
proles s cess Is more (Arnot•
sem. a Myer teemenreat, of mama
is assemery, med depends epos
severity of t roes anis
pima, we have atop larges tdsee which
541 fne !low and SI.M. Remember
yen eme obtain Resell R.medies h
this romerioeity eddy at veer store
The Rowel R f1 Dunlop.
B atts side er1 fkosars
Fountain peon .from a dollar wad
aWier rap, Be ref ''° shsasaesai.Welk Golorkb. Ow-
Rooth Side of Square, °oderich
Kap (rte).Seis
soe. .06 a a
oI�day (sow) Ill
Toronto Orale. MlsrbsL
wheat, tali. meso'
MO,tor reed
whose melee . •*
Baden. bushel. ... s•
Buckwheat, evaded
Termite Defy Weald.
More tete • 0111
srseamery. rola- tor, dairy. lb.# • IM
ttsr. creamery, seeds
Chown. now. Ib 9
Honey, astracbE lb
ease new -lel ld 0 a
Montreal Oreille and Produce.
MONTREAL Dee. 1L-Businems >r
await quiet utitoba M the Primwbest ever Wd In s�e
case* ',Pim 111A te tee Mw.r. The maids
domam bar oars sad sats continues tally
steady prism Teo meal demead
for flour was hefty, tout the *sport trade
is sew vary stow .ad the prices Ma=
away baba miners* views. 1a mW
an active bueessss 1. Ort
firm and butter strong with • rem de-
mand. Eggs are active tad firm Barn1-
lI.dfor has declined vac is SLIM per
baisompound eke per ie..
while abattoir beim 105.•b
minced Se pcwt. bogs have i4-
var eb
corn -Americas No. 2 yellow, Bo.
Oats--tl.nadlan western. No. 2vet y
.aleft; Na 2, ili4c to Rc; extra No. 1 reek
etc to Mae; No. 2 local whits, 57e; Nw
d local white. Me; Ne. 4 local white, Me.
Buckwheat -No. 2, Ile to vee.
Barley -Manitoba teed, vac; making, No
to 51.
Hay -No. '2, per ton, car lot., 811 to
Cheese -Finest westerns, 14•4c to 14ye;
t:aest eastern... lk to 1414c.
Butter -Choicest creamery..)%c to wee:
seconds, Mc to 30c.
Eggs -Fresh, etc; selected, Mc to See;
No. 1 stock. Be to Sc.
Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 51.5 to
lioe*-Dressed, abattoir killed, 85.i to
Nes, country. mu to MI.
l 4
Union Steck Yards.
TORONTO, Dec. 11.-Receipte of
live stock at the Union Stock Yards
were M3 cars, comprising 3492 cattle,
2078 huge, 3166 sheep and lambs, 63
calves and 213 horses.
E. L. Woodward bought 145 export
ateera, U75 to lie lie. each, at 14.15 to
14m per cwt.
Xmas cattle sold from 56 to V. good.
7S to 16; medium. 15.21 to 16.70: common,
60 to 16.15: cows, 13 to 15.:E, canner*,
11.75 to CCs.
Milkers and Springers.
Milken and springers sold at steady
prices at 140 to Iia each.
Veal Calves.
Veal calves'sold from M to 58 per cwt
Sheep and Lambe.
Sheep sold from :3 to $3.76 with • fat
at 84, Iambs, at 15 to 15.16.
flogs, fedeand watered, sol. .t 11.45 pr
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL, Dec. 11. -At the Montreal
Stock Yards, West Etiad Market, the re-
ceipts of live stock for the week ending
Dec. 1, were 12N cattle, 1160 *beep and
iambs. 2400 hop and 1.0 calves. The sup-
ply on the market titbit morning for sale
were 150 cattle, 000 sheep and lamb,
1100 hogs and 145 calves.
Altho the supply of cattle was larger
Oen a week ago by 2N to 160 bead, yet
a stronger feeling prevailed in the market
and prices for butchers' stock showed an
advance of !Sc per cwt. This was at-
tributed to the scarcity of really choles
steers ad heifers, there ebing none on
the market. There was a good enquiry
and KM to KU per cwt. could have been
easily realised for the same, as 16.15 to 11
was wirl for gool cattle and the supply
of this grade was none too plentiful.
Common and Inferior Rock was abun-
dant ar.d prices for such were easier, with
the demand limited, owing to the unfavor-
able weather prevailing for this season of
the year and the fact that canners ars
well eurplted tor the present.
Then were • few very good bulls on the
market, which weighed tram 1645 to 1610
lbs., and they sold for 14.76 to 11 and
lighter ones of good quality brought N.71
to I.50. A feature of the trade was the
demand from Quebec, which bought sev-
eral carloads of cows and bulli, sus
at 54.10 to KA per cwt. The troth
of buyers was fairly large and, conslder-
trtg the unseasonable weather a very fair
trade wee done.
A strong feeling continues to prevail es
the market for hogs and prices sloe•
this day week show a further advance et
to to Ice per cwt., on account of the
small supplies coming forward, ter whlakas4
the demand 15 good from Wherehigher prices are anticipated 1t the
future. flake of selected Ion were
at 1s.a to B.IM per cwt., weighed eft t
ears, sad heavy tat and sows sold ter
1i pee cwt. las..
Then was to important change 4a tee
osndltfon of the market for sheep of
lamiltoast ofhthesodeatl*aedl being
duetand tieo4
botcher* for supplies and the baler 04*
1t receipts Calves of good to NNW/
quality were very scare.. for whbh 1�4�55er'e
is sennbwable eseulry and good •risco
would be Bald tar the OWN.
oawaaAistsmtcle. 1.0•10•55, wnetlsA
taea. K*0N
B• 1 1ewM
e.b. *- 01.1•1114111
rsiak w te 10.11111sep. mem aseMem
fill ee led Mmes. ILle se le teleim
a.. t».es 1. Lea Oster • w p
East SAM Odds lifieetell.
eslyp hell llisad. tial es
Melee es t. bas Mt1Mr; eea•men tea
t to~
sees sod spelegene to
r�ijaselfl �irjt r �
AB; Mm.etas* es -s M
■: WI is �IMt
awl selhast.
k amus eels appetite
gids illipastioq fills the
veins with rich ra
blood •
After heloses or baa
of weight from any
cause, it brings strength
and flesh quicker than
anything else.
• ..� J)uriibiiit
014.0- 01•11
• i
.2(¢a l
Mompae, December 4th.
(leo. McCraner, M. P , Saskatoon,
spent Monday with bis aunt, Mrs. Ew
Quite a number from here attended I, Sole
the fowl supper at Varna on Monday
The young people of Trinity church
are busy preparing for their entertain-
ment to be given in the town ball,
about New Year's tiwe.
A FINK PROORAts.--Theconcert in the
town hall on tit. Aodrew's night, under
the auspices of the Lalie, Aid of St.
Andrew's church, was fairly well at-
tended and was a splendid entertain-
ment. The program consisted of solo.
by Mrs. McQ uiie, of tic.fortb, recita-
tions by Mills Rance, of Clinton, and
solos, whistling and vocal, by Mr. Rate
tenbnry, of Clintpn. This wsa the
first appegranre of these entertainers
before a Beyheld audience, but all who
had the plessors of bearing them this
time hoped soon to have another op-
portunity, as everyone was delighted
with their ability. The local talent
assisting also was good. Robt.
Bayley and Rev. A. Macfarlane,
'.oloist.-i, Alio; Rouatt eyed Dr. timith,
pianists, and the church choir were all
at their best and altogether made up
one of the best programs that have been
given here for some time.
Odd Signs.
in a barber shop window : -During
alterations patrons will lie shaved in
the back."
Sign in a Tremont street store :
"Erni), y hozee--suitable for Christmas
gift.. "
in the tailor's shop : "%Ve dye
for others, why not let us dye for
you r
in the clothing store : "These pants
will look tetter on your legs than on
our bands."
A .dlveratnith hae a place next door
to a restaurant. The former having
put in a placard, "Jewellery of alt
kinds plated," the restaurant keeper
followed with this: "Oysters and Little
Neck clams plated." -Boston Tran-
ToseDAy, Dec. lab
DEATH of a Enulose RewtoENT.-
Tbe following is from the Stratford
Beacon a December 4 : The death of
Michael John I1etcher, a former resi-
dent of Rlan.hard townebip, took
plane at hie daughter's home in De -
Willa. the deceased tieing aged eiRhty-
ens years and seven months. When
he was shout thirty yearn of age be
married Harsh Ft, iaabeth ('ampbelI. of
Derliegton township. They toweled
is Blaa.haed for •boot twelve yearo
and thea they moved to Huron town-
ie*p, Rewe essoty. They bad eirbt
children, tire lbw* .lief when young.
H r wife hi rn eighteen years
He toured from active life about
ysaer ago, gums to Breath h l'ol-
smb4a where he Lived for six years
with his dangbe r, Mrs. W. B. McFar-
Moe. isle them cam• emit and spent
ble remaining ]saes with bin daughter,
Met. hinge N. Hobbit. of Devisee.
where be died. His remain. were in-
terred he the Ledialsb cemetery. near
beeknow. He ieavee to molten his
hese ewe sees and four dauhte r.
Thomas and John, and )yrs. W H.
Ilsowa, et Vaaeonver: Mr*. W B.
f ar:/�Bes of (lraabrook, Mn.1
. J. M
aoibb*s• *tad Mra Dollar. of t.owdoe
is nowhere more essential than in a stove - an
article one does not expect to purchase
every year.
Moffat Stoves -4.4 Ranges
Made of Nem Iron Only. Has the Finest Castings,
the most attractive Ornamentation.
and is made on purpose to eedure under all coatdatioos of use.
EveryMuffdt Range is sold with • signed Guarantee
that noise all it says.
THE MOFFAT STOVE C3 leidjt sit,
Agent in Goderich
Childen Often � Need a laxative --but you cannot be the
ren •artful what you give theta. Hoak
purgatives `lure tie bowels and path tale way for
evomant latieloag nlaka. The new
N A D does the k meet
elf ywithout irritatingboarish
or causing any dteoomfort. ' The children like them for they tads
lees needy. One of the most popular of the NA -DRU -CO preparations,
gas, a tea- 11 rote druggist has not ret acted tam. seed 264. and w erne na0 assn. Rt
Rriasal Deng .ad CLr_ical Casyaq d r....- Lhottd. . - alstelseaL
The greatest lend of Christmas present -
the greatest Christmas present of its kind, the
Edison Phonograph
a gift for ALL the family, a gift for ALL
the year, and for ALL the years to come
rlrwk d the merry dost is thrown away en tribe. at Chea ma- time-- the candy
teat i. mates, the toys that art broken. the Christmas cards that are wierdy
glanced at turd threw* away. Whet have you to sheer for last year's Chestier?
Now Ohio! of the Edson Pbnuetraapb-- the Lift of a lifetime, that brines to
every mesbet of yew tsaily all of the very kind of entertainment r•t l preten-
ses merely lora sty Of i TOSS, but foe always. That's whet wtaket the Flaw*
the greeted kind el [Rs T1s Mimebriev
e. pro ythe four firadvantage.midiwye. a steed erhe in a sound repro ing iestrwmeet, and nimbi ye.
baa lied only in the F.disnn--overtly the right trohrwe of sound for yew Mnwt {{
the agphb...pwAsring-pone, which does amt scratch er wear the ret meds awe
Is•eehseverwlm d amen; Arettel Records, whichy twice
Meg es e recess, rendering each tempnsi•ion completely. as
delive, the
oako sadyour ewe need, la ye.o am heaae,ytrt se trey to We e
obs need In oar bheauy. That's who i abea the Upson Phonograph
els greased Ba el w bled.
dealws a rhe assert a*e assse►
ii.e,na. .., v,aena" 111110�w�,+w. 1M is ehie Aver
Grease. N. 1..1.11. el A.
.tap-sesemelbse ass el dem Pl ma/ghs std Besw+ore t.. Med e